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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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4 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

This time around Liam was there for Hope, but I wondered if Liam's past waffling behavior played a factor in Hope's decision. 

I mean, it seems like a slam dunk, easiest thing in the world to connect the dots and go with for any half-competent writing staff, right? Ten years ago after the Aggie secret came out and Bridget learned that Nick knew and even talked to Brooke about it before her, she said, verbatim, "This is Katie all over again!" And that's how good serial shows with years-long history should work so as to not insult our audience's intelligence.

I mean, they actually did make references to that part of their history when Liam referred to being a mess himself back during Cabo and Tom hissing in Hope's ear about how undependable he has been, but it would've been nice to see Hope put a voice to that way earlier on before ThomAss came into the picture. Besides also giving her a lot of agency, it would've given Liam a much needed wake-up call about having to do better this time around.

4 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

What is the point of Ridge and Flo?

What is the point of everyone except Douglas, Beth and Loading Dock Guy? xD

But really, why do I need to see this nastiness on my screen? Why is Shauna around?

I saw a spoiler about Quinn supposedly promising Shauna that she'll get Flo back together with Wyatt, but running interference on his love life is not something Shauna has to be around for to push along.

And speaking of that, I'm pissed that we're still apparently back to this garbage. Wasn't she supposedly learned her lesson for good after Captive Cabin? Yeah yeah, I know no one is allowed to really change and grow, but there has to be something else she could be a part of....like the story about why she supposedly left Vegas in a hurry and told no one.

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18 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I mean, it seems like a slam dunk, easiest thing in the world to connect the dots and go with for any half-competent writing staff, right?

It was, but once again the writers had the characters pointlessly meandering around instead of addressing their issues.  Hope could have simply pointed out to Liam that he left Steffy because she had sex with Bill, but he decided to return to Steffy.  Then he changed his mind because he believed Steffy was still sleeping with Bill, and proposed to Hope.  However, once Wyatt told Liam the truth, Liam decided to return to Steffy again.  Then when Hope found out she was pregnant, Steffy proposed to Hope for Liam.  Plenty of reasons for Hope to have doubts about the status of her marriage to Liam once she believed Beth was dead.  The writers couldn't be bothered with any of that though.  They had to waste months with the trio of boring idiots having the same stupid conversation over and over again.

As if this SL wasn't bad enough, Bell and the writers decided to keep Flo around.  Now Flo will eat up air time because she's a Logan, and Sally will get put on the back burner.  Sally is a more interesting character, she's the only Spectra left on canvas, and the actress who plays her is good, but that won't matter to Bell and the writers.

Edited by TigerLynx
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On 9/14/2019 at 12:45 PM, TigerLynx said:

Bell Law bears no resemblance to real law, but Liam and Hope getting custody of Douglas would be a long shot.

First, Thomas has to be proved an unfit parent.  However, that's not all.  Thomas could be put on a plan which would allow him to retain custody or regain custody of Douglas if he completes therapy, proves to the court, etc., that he is now a fit parent.

Then if all of Thomas parental rights were severed, there are still several other people who would have a better claim for custody than Liam and Hope.  Even with Karen's backing there is no guarantee that Liam and Hope would be granted custody.

If the judge met these people, he would probably tell Karen she could have custody of Douglas if she agreed to never let Douglas anywhere near the Forresters, Logans, or other Spencers ever again.

I personally agree with all of your statements. However, you forgot the most important part...Hope & Liam are/will be married! Douglas would be raised with 2 married, heterosexual parents! What more could a kid want? It's the most important thing in the world for a child to be raised by 2 married people of opposite genders. No child could flourish & become a contributing member of society unless s/he lives under 1 roof, with both married, straight parents. Bonus, these 2 actually love each other & are committed. Douglas hit the lottery! No judge would deny them adopting him, since they're married/will remarry & all.

**I'm not sure if they've officially called the latest Lope annulment void, on the basis of false info, since Hope did give birth to Beth, who is alive, but even if she has to annul her marriage to Thomas, the latest Lope marriage is coming soon.**

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I have decided that Ridge should be drunk all the time from now on because drunk Ridge is the most I've enjoyed him in the history of EVER.

And what's left of me after Trailer Trash Cooter was finished off with @RuntheTableapropos description of Ridge's Shar-pei torso. 

So will what happens in Danny's room stay in Danny's room?


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2 hours ago, nkotb said:

I personally agree with all of your statements. However, you forgot the most important part...Hope & Liam are/will be married! Douglas would be raised with 2 married, heterosexual parents! What more could a kid want? It's the most important thing in the world for a child to be raised by 2 married people of opposite genders. No child could flourish & become a contributing member of society unless s/he lives under 1 roof, with both married, straight parents. Bonus, these 2 actually love each other & are committed. Douglas hit the lottery! No judge would deny them adopting him, since they're married/will remarry & all.

**I'm not sure if they've officially called the latest Lope annulment void, on the basis of false info, since Hope did give birth to Beth, who is alive, but even if she has to annul her marriage to Thomas, the latest Lope marriage is coming soon.**

In the world of B&B, heteronormality is king above any and all other considerations (such as the fact that Lope have been separated as many times as Bridge have at this point and they're barely even in their 30s), but CA and NYC skew liberal, so Karen and Dani would have the strongest claim for Douglas. I hope so, considering he's the only grandson they will ever have and the fact that they're...you know....sane.

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By eating sausage and bacon, Ridge is topping off his greaseball tank.  

Shanna is an opportunist and I’m all for Shanna working her abilities on Ridge.  Brooke will find out that Ridge and Shanna spending the night together.  Bet the farm on it  

Of course Eric is defending Ridge and Lurch.  I especially didn’t like it when Eric was talking about Raggedy and referred  to her as your daughter.  To me, that’s a sign of being dismissive.  I never ever refer to my step-daughter other than my daughter.  Eric defends Ridge who defends Lurch so the Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree which doesn’t fall far from the tree.  

I don’t think that this has been mentioned before but Stuffy better put a railing on that back patio area, where Lurch “fell off”, and a gate on the path down to the beach as soon as possible before Kelly hurts herself. 

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7 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I have decided that Ridge should be drunk all the time from now on because drunk Ridge is the most I've enjoyed him in the history of EVER.

And what's left of me after Trailer Trash Cooter was finished off with @RuntheTableapropos description of Ridge's Shar-pei torso. 

So will what happens in Danny's room stay in Danny's room?


Ridge lifting up the bed covers to check to see that he had no pants on and the look on his face when he saw that was hi-larious. Although he took to her feeding him sausage and bacon a little too easily.

Shauna was having a little too much fun with Ridge but I’m glad she’s not as low as her buddy Quinn. Honestly, I liked Ridana. I could go for them being friends and it baffling everyone.

Eric, you had a point that Hope made bad decisions and I even was with him about fathers/sons, but Brooke had to know if Eric can make excuses for Quinn then he sure as hell wouldn’t denounce his grandson. I think the show sees Eric as the show’s moral center who espouses forgiveness instead of judgement very much like a traditional matriarch would but also will tell it like it is to those who are too high on their horse.

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Whoa, Eric was looking kinda rough to me. What's up with the Grizzly Adams in a designer sports jacket look? Meanwhile, lol, why was Brooke walking with such an exaggerated thigh gap? She almost looked bowlegged IMO.

Ditto comments upthread, I think Eric made a good point about Hope needing to own her bad decisions--at least the ones she made that weren't manipulated by Thomas. I'm also thinking Brooke and Katie need to own not recognizing Hope's PPD and insisting she get professional help. They failed her and now Brooke wants to blame it all on Tommy Choo-Choo. There's plenty of blame to go around though Tom certainly gets a big chunk of it.

So was Ridge low-key moving Shauna into the Potential Sidepiece slot? She sure seemed to be auditioning for it.

Eric pointedly mentioned the guest house on his property. I'm betting Thomas (and perhaps his hungover daddy as well) will end up there. Brooke has probably already tossed Thomas' stuff out on lawn. 😊

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B-O-R-I-N-G episode and obviously one to lay groundwork.

Shauna needs to get over being butthurt that Brooke was "rude" to her. What did she expect? It was w-a-a-y too soon to show up unannounced to plead Flo's case to Brooke. And read the friggin' room. The moment Brooke opened the door, it was obvious that she was very upset and in no mood for any visitors period. At least Sludge shot Shauna down the umpteenth time she tried to whine and bad-mouth Brooke.

Eric did have a good point that Hope made bad decisions and needs to accept some responsibility (which she is). It pains me to slightly defend Thomas and Sludge, but they can also argue that Thomas was acting out of grief. In a way, Hope was being semi-dishonest to Douglas by marrying his father and pretending to be a happy family. As we've all pointed out, she could have served as a maternal figure to Douglas (look what she's doing right now) without making such a life-altering and "permanent" (ha! ha! ha!) move as marriage. Letting somebody grieve unnecessarily is also a terrible thing. Two rights don't make a wrong. At least Hope is trying to do something about her situation by seeking an annulment.

Thomas, OTOH, is apparently doing nothing. Now I do disagree with Eric's stance that "fatherly bonding and healing" is going to help Thomas. Yes, parental support (where the HELL is Lippy anyway?) will help, but that boy needs a very long stint of professional counseling. Preferably as in-patient a long, long away from Douglas, Hope, Beth, Hauxdi, et al. And ... please don't tell me that we're going to hear the old "Dad abandoned us for Brooke," saw as the catalyst for all of Thomas' misdeeds. Brooke did not and has currently not caused any of that psychotic asshole's problems.

I stand firm that Brooke does not needs to allow Thomas to move back into her house. Eric's guesthouse would be perfect. I also thought Sludge was scoping out that above-bar bedroom for the same purpose, then it occurred to me that it might become the new love nest for Shauna and him.  I want for him to finally out and out and cheat on Brooke, so she will kick his slimy ass out once and for all. AFAIK, Ridge never cheated while married to either Brooke or Taylor. No better time to start than right now!

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Of course Eric is defending Ridge and Lurch. 

You know, Eric is the most inconsistent character in a sea of inconsistent characters. I never know how he's gonna react in any given situation.

But it's disappointing he's siding with those two losers on this. I'll be sitting at a table for one to say that Hope's sins don't come anywhere near the level of what Thomas has done by facilitating the baby lie and letting Emma die. Even if the show refuses to call Hope's PPD what it is, she certainly wasn't entirely in her right mind, and I refuse to accept this as just a run-of-the-mill Lope breakup due to their infamous miscommunication issues. But hey, if that's what he feels like, Eric can let ThomAss stay in his house after Brooke puts him and Sludge out on the street. 🙂

1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

I want for him to finally out and out and cheat on Brooke

But he's done that and she still took him back, so.........


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Eric, I usually like you but you were full of shit, Chief. 

Didn’t need to see Ridge in boxer briefs. 

Shauna’s creepy. And in what world would a bar have spare room above like for an Air B N B (?) and just let a bartender decide random people can use it for whimsy and let a passing out drunk person up there with a stranger? And Shauna just used the restaurant kitchen? Hello food safety laws and shrink? Like 20 laws have been broken here by this plot point, but okay. Bikini Beach always struck me as a cabana style bar w maybe light bites or rout or even prefab crap for happy hour or dineso so interesting they’d have bacon sausage eggs. 

I’m still amazed that Hope and Liam or Steffy weren’t even consulted on Thomas & Flo’s walking deals and that a mere detective negotiated it with a tertiary practical bystander. This show is getting weird and barely hides it’s phoning it in. 

KKL has done a good job showing her anger and conflict lately. She is making the best of her material. 

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When I have a hangover, the last thing I want to see or smell is eggs. But really, how handy is Shauna? And thoughtful too!

And Ridge, who doesn't "like" Shauna, just couldn't help himself. Smiling and grinning and actually thanking Shauna for "helping" him. I am not sure that is what she is doing there ole buddy, but whatever. 

How will Brooke find out? I don't think Shauna did anything to Ridge, or with Ridge, other than that smarmy kiss. I don't think she took any photos like her good friend Quinn did of Bill. No, I think Shauna is going to let this play out organically, as she knows it will. Brooke will find out through some innocent comment, and the fact that Ridge didn't tell her will give her cause for concern. And she will go on the attack with Shauna, looking like an angry fishwife, and Ridge will be defending Shauna, further inflaming Brooke. Of course, none of that theory holds up if Ridge tells all, but somehow I don't see that happening. 

I am trying to understand exactly what Eric was saying to Brooke. Was it like "boys will be boys", and us boys have to forgive each other our sins because we are boys? What? And I really absolutely can't with blaming the fucking victim. Yes, Hope made many bad choices, but those choices were coming from a foggy, confused mind, and a grieving heart. Thomas made many bad choices also, but they came from a devious mind and a black heart. So no, Thomas doesn't get a pass because he is a boy, and Ridge doesn't get a pass for yelling at and berating his wife and treating her like his own personal punching bag, because he is a Dick, who knows his son is very dangerous, but won't except it. 

I believe that is the same bar that Sly Donovan owned back there in the nineties. He lived upstairs in that apartment, and got into a romance with Macy. He eventually became a dark character, who was plying Macy with booze in order to keep Thorne disgusted, and Macy with him. I think he was involved with Jessica Forrester too, and he was also the one who was breaking into the beach house that Wyatt now owns, but was inhabited by the newly undead Taylor back then, after Stephanie bought it for her when Ridge chose to stay with Brooke. 

So, the total comeuppance for baby napping, human trafficking, and fraud in Bell LA is a few days in jail, and two firings from jobs. Wow. It is a small wonder everyone isn't a criminal on Show. 

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Eric can take several seats.

He's married to a woman that, at minimum, kidnapped and raped an amnesiac, unable to give his consent, Liam, who had a potentially life-threatening head injury to boot, purposefully shoved Deacon off of a cliff, and held/threatened Liam at sword point. Whether she killed the owner of the HFTF diamond is irrelevant (well, not really) because any of the other things are enough that she should have been locked up long ago.

But he gave her a pass for all of that, even though it wasn't his to give, and gave her and Ridge a pass (despite that moving "you're no longer my son" speech to Ridge) for their affair.

So he's a dolt at best...and, considering Bridget's retconned, off-camera conception, with the very real possibility that Bridget is a product of rape, especially because Brooke did NOT remember that night at all and Eric's response was to laugh and indicate they were both drunk, at worst, he's a rapist just like his son and grandson.

I love JMc and I love seeing him still onscreen and that colors my view of Eric at times, but as much as I enjoy seeing him, if he's going to be trotted out to spew misogynist bullshit like "boys will be boys," hard pass to all of that. Go back in the closet with the mothballs and Julius and Viv. 

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26 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

but as much as I enjoy seeing him, if he's going to be trotted out to spew misogynist bullshit like "boys will be boys," hard pass to all of that. Go back in the closet with the mothballs and Julius and Viv. 

Well said. Those scenes with Brooke were all kind of weird; it was as if they were seriously back peddling on the Brooke/Eric connection and friendship. It felt more like father confessor and a small child "There, there now. Ridge loves you, he will be home soon, so don't worry. He is a boy and probably just needed to drink it off. You were arguing about his son, and well, we fathers must protect our sons." I guess with that warped logic, that mothers shouldn't protect their daughters? But Eric did say that girl children add "sweetness" or something to life. I think I might have forgotten some of his words, cause my eyes were rollin hard, and it felt like two boulders in there, so I didn't really hear Eric too clearly after that. 

Also precious, and enlightening, was how he was saying that family has to make it all better. Did you do that for Stephanie after she kicked you in the nuts? Hows about when she faked that heart attack? Pushed Jackie over the railing? Covered for Thorne after he shot Ridge? Lied about Stephen Logan being sick? Besides, you are asking your entitled, chauvinistic son, to help his deranged, sociopathic one? That is some rich sauce there! I hope they get Douglas out of this fucked up "boy's" club while he is still young, and the best Forrester male to ever have the name.

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I think Eric was trying to say parents will stand by their children even when they are selfish arrogant jerks who commit crimes.  Eric has put up with a lot from some of his other children as well, not just Ridge.  I don't think Bridget or Kristen tried to hurt Eric, but along with Ridge screwing Eric's wives, Thorne, Ridge, and Rick have all tried to hurt FC when they didn't get what they wanted.

I somewhat agree with Eric about Hope making bad choices and needing to take responsibility for her decisions, however, that applies to everyone else on the show to.  That is one of the main problems with all the SLs.  There is never any real consequences or fall out.

Eric was also, for years, the person who tried to rein in Stephanie when she was on the warpath, interfering in their children's lives, etc.  I believe he's now been cast in that role when it comes to other characters, but it doesn't have the same resonance because they aren't Stephanie/Susan Flanary.

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Wow. Could someone hit that snotty, delusional Shauna upside the head with a 2x4? Who the hell does she think she is to criticize the Logans after all she and her nasty spawn have done to them? Can’t wait to hear what a tall tale she’ll spin about the “night she spent with Ridge Forrester”.

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When Rick was twelve years old, he shot a man in cold blood, almost killing him.  As an adult, he threw, not only the first punch, but pretty much every punch, in his assault on an old man (Ridge), then followed that up with a deadly chokehold.  He also shot at same old man (Ridge) and his (Rick's) wife in the office. 

At the very least, Brooke should sympathize with having a disturbed son.  At best, she should take several seats because her parenting skills are obviously nothing to write home about.

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28 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

When Rick was twelve years old, he shot a man in cold blood, almost killing him.  As an adult, he threw, not only the first punch, but pretty much every punch, in his assault on an old man (Ridge), then followed that up with a deadly chokehold.  He also shot at same old man (Ridge) and his (Rick's) wife in the office. 

At the very least, Brooke should sympathize with having a disturbed son.  At best, she should take several seats because her parenting skills are obviously nothing to write home about.

But that's the thing.  If anyone knows what happens when you don't hold your children accountable for their criminal behaviour, it's Brooke.  And being a bad parent doesn't mean that you can't recognize bad parenting when somebody else does it.  Brooke might be being hypocritical right now, but who the hell isn't on this show?  And human trafficking is a VERY serious crime.  If Hauxdilox and her mother hadn't been so thirsty, who the hell knows where Beth would have ended up and in what circumstances. 

Whatever happened 20 or 30 years ago doesn't mean that Brooke isn't allowed to speak up to protect her daughter and grand-daughter NOW.

And if Brooke isn't the expert on bad parenting, then Eric Forrester sure as shit is.  He stood by and watched his wife create the monster that he now calls 'son', when he isn't disowning him for trying to fuck his wife.  Eric Forrester has seen the damage that enabling your child's criminal behaviour can do. Maybe he doesn't care because the Taytots are really Marone spawn.

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Another day, another browbeating of Flo by a person that really shouldn’t be throwing stones.  Now let’s see that self righteous Katie rip Lurch a new ass hole.  He’s the one who’s really coming between Brooke and Ridge.  Hey Katie, are you including Lurch when you said everyone involved in this ugly scheme should pay?  Too bad Flo doesn’t know how much Katie has abused her fathers heart.  

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I don't recall Katie being involved in anything approaching human trafficking. Flo knowingly signed forged documents. She posed as the birth mother of a child without finding out where it came from. She took $50k. And she spent half a year covering up her crimes. Lying to her new found family who embraced her while she was stabbing them all in the back. Every single person in LA who wasn't part of the conspiracy to cover up what Flo and Wayne Shady did has every right to go over there and read her the riot act for it. 

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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Whatever happened 20 or 30 years ago doesn't mean that Brooke isn't allowed to speak up to protect her daughter and grand-daughter NOW.

QFT. By that logic, no one would ever be allowed to say anything, ever. Brooke shouldn't go around calling people tramps, no, but she can be mad on behalf of her family.

48 minutes ago, jenrising said:

I don't recall Katie being involved in anything approaching human trafficking

I'm no fan of Katie's buttinsky routine, but she's gotten her karmic payback in spades for banging Nick at death's door, much of it before Bill was ever a factor in her life. Oh, she faked a heart attack to stop Bridge from getting married, I'll pull out the violins for that /sarcasm

52 minutes ago, jenrising said:

Every single person in LA who wasn't part of the conspiracy to cover up what Flo and Wayne Shady did has every right to go over there and read her the riot act for it. 

I'm about ready to get that tattooed onto my forehead. Absolutely this.

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If only Katie had devoted the level of energy she used with Flo today to helping her niece when Hope was in the dire throes of PPD. Too little, too late, Katie. IMO anyway.

Flo doesn't have a job so how is she paying for that apartment now? Whatever, lol at Flo throwing Ridge under the bus at the first opportunity.

Heh, bet Danny didn't realize he was running a no-tell motel. You'd think he'd be concerned about the potential liability if an assault or something else illegal happens in that room.

"Passing out a little  bit?" Is that like being a little bit pregnant, Ridge? 😒

The arrogance and self-entitlement of Shauna and Flo is unbelievable.

Shauna must be doing well at whatever her job is back in LV. That was not an inexpensive bucket bag she was carrying, plus she's apparently paying for domiciles in both LA and LV. Bet a rich sugar daddy would help though. 🤔

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The buck ends with Flo and Fuckingham IMO. They should have fought harder to make her get help, but there's only so much to be done when someone won't go and the bar for involuntary in-patient treatment is high, and rightfully so to prevent things like what happened in One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest from happening.

Hope wouldn't have needed the therapy if Flo had had any kind of scruples to speak up after meeting Hope. Or not participating in the first place. Drag on, Katie.

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I think the story Flo told Wyatt and Quinn was her mom was in public relations in LV. Could have fooled me with how money grubbing and desperate Flo and Shauna have acted since hitting LA and how socially inept Shauna is. 

Also they forgot the plot point that was hinted at that Flo had a sorta flirty or hooking up when in town past with Dr Buckingham and the whole time they were in cahoots and living in that apartment it was a one bedroom. Now it’s reconned Flo was pining for Wyatt all these years and barely knew Buckingham. 

Katie is a true buttinsky and never misses an opportunity to point out wrong doings. Don’t get me wrong Flo deserves to be read for filth, but Katie didn’t have one tenth the energy or interest in this matter or helping Hope until it she could righteously thunderlord over some mistake maker female. 

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7 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Flo doesn't have a job so how is she paying for that apartment now?

Since we never saw Flo shopping on Rodeo Drive, I'm guessing she's using that 50K for the apartment/expenses.

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I will preface my remarks by saying...I'm not watching anymore.  The aftermath of Hope and Liam finding out the truth about Beth, yes I was all ABOUT that.  But once Brooke do si do'd  Tommy Choo-Choo   over the cliff (put up a damn FENCE Steffy, you've got an almost toddler in the house!) I was out again.  I have no interest in the Undeserved Redemption Tour.

 I can't understand why Dr Lipps isn't there squawking at and about the evil Logans tryna kill her sweet BABY!  Plus, she needs to provide some explanation for her damn actions in this fiasco. What if someone mentions that they've been trying to get ahold of Doc, but no one has seen or heard from her in weeks.  Through some investigating, the last place her phone was pinging was !!! Dr Windsor Castle's flat!!!! (cue ominous music) she went to visit him just before the Beth secret came to light.  Once Dr Shady realized the heat was on, he kidnapped and is holding the Doc to keep her from telling her very thirsty side of the story.  Because she is the one he did the deal with, she is the one who handed over the cash he asked for.  She is the one who heard and "believed" his lie about the baby's parentage. So now Ridge and ...someone...need to go to Londontown and find that pecking hen.  And Brad Carlton can kill Nazi art thieves with his thighs in the catacombs...or whatever...you get my drift.

In all seriousness though, are the writers zapped with cattle prods if they give us good story for a while?  And then forced to turn out nonsensical dreck until the Overlords aren't paying attention...then we get something poignant and interesting for a few days until the cycle starts again? 

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Since we never saw Flo shopping on Rodeo Drive, I'm guessing she's using that 50K for the apartment/expenses.

I thought she made a point of giving the money back to Dr. Carnaby Street after she found out who Phoebe really was. Did I imagine that?

If Shauna is supposed to be in "public relations" in LV, I guess that means she's probably either a hooker/escort or an exotic dancer. On the low end. But she must be socking away money because she manages to be in LA trying to stage manage Flo's life instead of back in LV doing whatever her job is. Plus, at one point before the Beth reveal she was going to be living at Eric & Quinn's so whatever her profession is, it must be portable. 🙄

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I don't recall Flo giving so much as a penny back to Reese, or donating it, or mentioning how she got rid of the tainted cash to better someone else. To the best of my knowledge, she's living off of it, which, also to the best of my knowledge, no one knows about. She didn't just help a friend, she got a pretty generous gift from it. I know a lot of people who don't make $50,000 a year. It's me, I'm a lot of people. I don't live in LA, which I know is much more expensive than where we live, & I'm sure her jumpsuits aren't cheap. But, she always fails to disclose that she's currently, most likely, living off of the benefits of her "mistake", when she's groveling for forgiveness.

As much as I can't stand to look at the once-beautiful Taylor, her absence is glaring in this story. She should be held accountable for human trafficking, for raising Tommy Choo-Choo, & for being in such a hurry to get Liam back together with Steffy that she wrote a check for a baby. I get that there's a salary issue, or whatever, with HT, but honestly, I mean this as nicely as possible, she makes me uncomfortable to watch. I used to covet her beauty, & I always thought Brooke was no match for her, beauty-wise. Now, I genuinely get uncomfortable when she's on-screen, because she just looks inhuman. It wouldn't be too hard to recast her, especially if it's not a long-term contract, because it's ridiculous that she hasn't been seen in the aftermath at all, when she was one of the players who set the whole thing in motion. If nothing else, we deserve a Brooke/Taylor showdown that doesn't involve cake. 

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But if Flo had the $50K why did she take the job bartending at Bikini Bar? Then not long afterward she met Hope and went to work at FC once her Logan status was revealed. It was at that point she started dressing "better." Then she moved in with Wyatt and he definitely wasn't charging her rent. If she still had the money she could've hired an attorney when she got arrested. I don't recall anyone mentioning her bank account had been seized.

I'm still thinking Flo doesn't have the money anymore but the show keeps it vague and has her continually enjoying other people's benevolence. Either she'll have to get another job soon or get another rich boyfriend.

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So let me get this straight.  After a months long human trafficking story that swallowed the whole show and sent many long-term viewers (including myself) running, the only characters that are going to pay are the BLACK characters?  One character paid with her life. 

These characters are peripheral on their best day and I won't be shedding any tears to see them gone for good.  But I'm very upset about the fact that Flo and Shauna not only get to roam all over LA, waltzing into people's houses, throwing shade anywhere they feel like throwing it and getting on with their lives, they won't even see the INSIDE of a courtroom.  What about that $50,000, Flo?  Isn't there a law against profiting from an illegal act?  And does Det. Sanchez have enough clout to settle FEDERAL as well as state charges?

Don't get me started on the sexual predator, child abuser, KILLER?  It seems that Brooke Logan handed out the only justice the people of California are going to get as far as Tommy Choo-Choo is concerned.  Instead of people lining up to tell her to GET OVER IT, the mayor should be giving her the keys to the city.  At least BROOKE struck a blow for law and order, which is more than the police are doing.

I feel like I've been completely bamboozled.  I really thought that the wrapping up of the Beth story was an opportunity for Bell to correct some of the mistakes he's made over the years.  To FINALLY end Bridge once and for all.  They don't love each other.  They barely like each other.  It's painful to see TK and KKL in scenes together.  KKL is a pro and she's acting her ass off but TK isn't even bothering any more.  The best scenes between the two of them are when Brooke and Ridge are at each other's throats; THAT I believe.  And then $Bill walks in and Brooke lights up.

I absolutely agree with @nkotb.  I can't look at HT either.  It's horrible to see how she's mutilated herself.  But why does HT have a lock on the character of Taylor?  If they can recast Ridge Forrester, they sure as shit can recast Taylor.  It makes no fucking sense that Taylor wouldn't be ALL OVER this story.  She would have been all up in Brooke's business accusing her of trying to kill her Taytot, when she wasn't at Hauxdilox' bemoaning the loss of the family she dropped $250K for.  Taylor needs to be here and if HT won't play ball, Bell should consider himself lucky and start holding auditions.

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Badley needs to dial up Colleen Zenk because she could play the hell outa Taylor and even though she is older than HT and KKL, she looks just as young, if not younger (than HT especially) and regardless of age, she is still smokin' hot.


Edited by CountryGirl
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If Rick was back on canvas shooting people in the back, Brooke would defend him.  It's what these people do.  They never grow, they never change, they never accept responsibility for what they do, and they are all ready to criticize someone else at the first opportunity.  It's one of the reasons these SLs keep falling flat.

Another problem is there is no real payoff.  I know Liam, Hope, Steffy, etc., got to snark a little at Flo and Thomas, but that doesn't even begin to make up for the months of Zoe, Flo, and Xander arguing and doing nothing.

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1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

feel like I've been completely bamboozled.  I really thought that the wrapping up of the Beth story was an opportunity for Bell to correct some of the mistakes he's made over the years

Heh. How many times has Bradly Bell pulled the football from under us before? We thought Brooke was going to get some lasting happiness with Thorne but they weren't even allowed to be married for six months before she woke up in love with Ridge our of the blue and giving birth to Hope less than a year later.

After Taylor's return from the dead, I've come to accept that we're pretty much going to be saddled with Bridge forever.

Liam went the entire season dedicated to one woman unwaveringly, so I guess that's a W for the fans.

1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

So let me get this straight.  After a months long human trafficking story that swallowed the whole show and sent many long-term viewers (including myself) running, the only characters that are going to pay are the BLACK characters?  One character paid with her life. 

Yep, and it's just so damn tone-deaf at the actual best reading. Like, I haven't lost a moment of sleep since Emma left off the show but she was the only one of these idiots who didn't cave to pressure  or make up some excuse about why they needed to keep the secret. Zoe is trash all the way around, but Xander actually felt some shame for what he was doing.

Meanwhile Thomas is whining about his upbringing and Flo thinks she can go get Wyatt back and neither of those two give the other three any thoughts. Thomas isn't even pushing for Zoe and Xander to get their jobs back when he will almost certainly keep his.

1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

I absolutely agree with @nkotb.  I can't look at HT either.  It's horrible to see how she's mutilated herself.  But why does HT have a lock on the character of Taylor?  If they can recast Ridge Forrester, they sure as shit can recast Taylor.

This. 90 percent of her appeal were her looks and ten percent was the writing that was strong enough to compensate for a complete absence of talent. She has none of that now.

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I hope Bikini Bar Brother blackmails Ridge.  It doesn't matter that Ridge didn't fuck her (and thank God we got spared THAT).  He spent the night with her and Ridge obviously doesn't want that getting around.  It would be nice if at least ONE Black character gets over on this fucking show.  He just needs to start taking Uber.  He doesn't want to be driving when the Taytots are on the road.

Is that all Ridge needs to do to be anointed King of the World?  Let a human trafficker off scot-free to cover for his killer kiddie?  Ridge is loving all the attention he's getting from Shauna.  Ronnnnnnn Moss wouldn't have given trash like that a second glance.  My, how the mighty have fallen. 

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So let me get this straight.  After a months long human trafficking story that swallowed the whole show and sent many long-term viewers (including myself) running, the only characters that are going to pay are the BLACK characters?  One character paid with her life. 

Yep, and for a minute it looked like Thomas was going to bump off Xander too. I believe someone got to Bradley/the writers and explained how it would be a horrific look for Thomas to kill/be implicated in the deaths of two Black characters. No daytime soap would get away with that and CBS would've caught PR hell. As it is I think someone realized that there's still a problem since Thomas and Flo will for the most part escape punishment even though they were two of the three main wrong-doers in this mess. That's probably why spoilers say


Zoe and Xander will be returning to lobby for reinstatement to their former FC jobs. Ridge will have some 'splainin' to do.

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OMG!  What the hell was that?  That was quite possibly one of the worst episodes of B&B I have ever seen.

What is with this nonsense about what a great attractive wonderful charming guy Ridge is?  Seriously?  In the early days of RM's Ridge, attractive and charming would have applied, but Ridge was not a good guy even then.  Have the writers taken a good look at the fat, out of shape, needs a shower and shave, physical and mental bully that is currently Ridge?  Are they fucking blind?

Shana and Flo are trash.  The one ironic thing that could come out of this is karma for Brooke.  Back during the never ending Ridge/Taylor/Brooke triangle (who would have thought then that another triangle would come along that I hated more?), Brooke made Taylor believe Ridge had had sex with Brooke when he was engaged to Taylor, and Taylor broke things off with Ridge.  Unfortunately, the writers won't remember that, and it will be some idiotic nonsense from Shana about how Brooke doesn't deserve Ridge, Shana would be so much better for Ridge.  {face palm}  Way to aim lower than you already are Shana.

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Now I'm even more hesitant to watch today's episode than I already was., what with the Shauna tongue-bathing of Ridge already locked and loaded.

But thanks for the warning @TigerLynx.

As if that wasn't vomit-inducing enough, Ridge's cannoodling with Brooke on the couch and asking her, "What do you want to do?" with him gesturing with his head towards the stairs and wiggling his male Sharpie caterpillar brows in a way he clearly thought was suggestive and sexy.

Thankfully, Brooke did not take the bait...yet. Probably she could smell the scent of Shauna breakfast, among other things, surrounding him. The only thing missing were the flies.


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Colleen’s Taylor would play the hell out of her fights with KKL’s Brooke and I can see he with Bill, Ridge, and Eric. She can handle Quinn and Pam and play the recovering alcoholic, mentally unbalanced woman, protective mother, and coolly logical hypocritical psychiatrist. If CZ doesn’t want to to LA long term, gift her a short term contract and a three to six month contract to give us a good wrap up of Taylor up to a point until a long term solution can be found.

I’ll be the cheese that stands alone in that I’m finding Shauna amusing, her and Ridge’s relationship having potential and didn’t mind Shauna telling Katie to step off. Katie can say all she wants about her feelings about Flo, but it’s a step too far saying what Storm would feel. The Logans have a nasty habit of thinking they all need to get their licks in on women who hurt their family when really they need to mind their business. It’s how ToD 2.0 began with Hope feeling the need to go to Steffy’s house and gloat about how Bill dumped her that this is what happens when you mess with the Logans when it wasn’t any of her business. Katie has a better leg to stand on since Flo is her family and she carries Storm’s heart but I honestly think while he’d be be horrified, he’d so be protecting Flo tooth and nail and fighting for her like Ridge fight for Thomas. He’d be a bit appalled that his sisters were hanging up on Flo hard core but probably wouldn’t say it.

And Katie doesn’t own L.A. and I’m glad Flo told her she wasn’t leaving. 

Sometimes I get Stephanie’s bile inducing rage against the Logan women. They too much sometimes. 

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Shanna told Flo that she and Ridge slept together but slept is the optimum word. 

Yes, Carter, Ridge is a man among men. Yes, Shanna, Ridge is just yummy as the grease from cooking bacon. 

Did Brooke sort of give Lurch a pass. Did she forget that Lurch’s obsession with Raggedy started long before he found out about PhoBeth. 

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I couldn't believe Carter today.  All that bullshit about what a GREAT man Ridge Forrester was came very close to Step N' Fetchit territory for me, especially when Carter probably knows better than most what a piece of shit Ridge is.  The only thing I can think of is that minstrel show was gratitude that the Forresters haven't kicked his incompetent ass to the curb after yet ANOTHER legal fuck-up on his part.  I guess the Forresters need him around in case someone wants to get married. 

I don't blame Katie for reading Flo for filth.  Flo should experience a little discomfort for helping sell a child LIKE FURNITURE, if only to justify the endless martyr routine she's inflicting on anybody who'll listen.  Katie is a sanctimonious bitch but what she said to Flo was the absolute truth. Flo and her mother are absolute gutter trash and I totally understand why the Logan family would want to put their lowlife behinds back to Vegas.

Denise Richards is rapidly working my nerves with her 'acting'.  There's just so much eye-rolling I can bear.  I get the feeling that Denise, with all her bad-mouthing of the Logans, is supposed to mollify the anti-Logan contingent in the audience who might be upset that Brooke didn't get sent to the chair for defending her daughter.

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Was Danny the Tyson Beckford wannabe wearing a kilt? And was that a fake braid headband Flo was wearing?

Carter and Danny's gushy convo about Ridge made me want to introduce my head to the sidewalk. Repeatedly and forcefully.

Shauna is so trashy, trash looks her and says, "Aw hail nah." She sounded like a 12-year old bragging about she slept in the same bed with a boy! And they didn't even do anything! And she kissed him like he was Sleeping Beauty, only in reverse! Next she be writing "Mrs. Shauna Forrester" over and over in her Trapper Keeper.

Brooke, you do realize Ridge is going to move Thomas back into your house, don't you? He knows seeking forgiveness afterward will be easier than getting permission beforehand. You'll need to get a restraining order against Tommy Choo-Choo.

Shauna said she wasn't going to tell anyone about her slumber party with Ridge but I bet she'll blab to Quinn. Something tells me Quinn won't take the news well.

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