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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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8 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

No, the character was deemed bisexual, kind of like Mariah on Y&R. She and Bianca didn't get together until shortly before the show was cancelled and when she was being played by a different actress. The "Babe is Love" -era actress had some unusual clout that most viewers never understood, and her version of the character likely would've never been Bianca's romantic partner. IIRC, none of Bianca's partners were "gold star" lesbians; they had all been with men before they got with Bianca. Even AMC wouldn't fully commit.

The actress who played Bianca's sister had an amazing chemistry with TK (she was quite younger) and I bet attempts have been made to get her on B&B. She seems to avoid doing any west coast work though. Her husband owns bars in NYC and she has a young child.

You’re thinking of Marissa (Babe’s fraternal twin) and actually she and Bianca began fell in love and moved in before the network cancelled AMC and were married in the internet reboot/fast forward. They had great chemistry. And it was fucked up to have an out young lesbian on daytime violently raped by a older man for revenge. Processed that after a lot of depression then looked forward to her daughter the blessing in this darkness, then have it stolen by her “best friend.” It’s kinda a travesty AMC is gone besides this fucked up story it was one of the only soaps that always showed middle class and the villains and heroes failing. David Canary was the best soap actor in history. 

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3 hours ago, jenrising said:

It's so cruel and he's just going along with it and wistfully looking at that stalker picture Steffy keeps on the wall. I can already see the waffle cooking. "Look at this happy place with my baby and her pet baby. It's much better than the sad place where my wife mourns our dead child."

I was kind of hoping that this would have Liam and Hope stronger after going through all of this but now I want her to dump him for hiding this from her. 

Of course, Liam is going to waffle again.  He never really made a decision in the first place.  Steffy pulled an "I choose me" (which at least was honest - Steffy does like to put herself first), and Liam went along with it.  Now Liam will play the sad sack victim because he is and always has been a selfish pathetic loser.  However, once again, Liam couldn't keep getting away with this crap if Steffy and Hope weren't dumb enough to put up with it.

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That? Was awful. Flo's line about them being babies, how are they going to bond was the highlight, but she's still evil for going to Steffy's instead of the cops.

However, my fantasy is that when she comes back and Liam is there he says something about his wife Hope, and she puts two and two together.  I've feel like her insisting on knowing the mother's name is important.

Of course, "putting it together" and "doing the right thing" are not necessarily the same thing.

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You’re thinking of Marissa (Babe’s fraternal twin)

Oy, you're right. Thanks for the correction.


So is Dr. Wayne Shady now going to ghost Flo by taking the money and running? What about the other $200K?

It looks like he is indeed going to leave--for a while anyway--but who knows about the the rest of the money. Taylor/Steffy can just Venmo it to him I guess. 😉 He still owes the loan sharks so unless he thinks he can take the $50K and gamble to earn the rest, it seems odd that he's not worried about getting the other $200K. FFS, a down payment on a human being. What world is this?

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This. I know Taylor isn’t exactly “with it” these days but a down payment on a baby? And accepting that they’ll handle the paper work later with some random friend out of state? This is a human being, not a sketchy used Mustang being bought off Craigslist. Shame on her and Stuffy. 

And she didn’t get red flags when Dr Shady said right after taking her money he had an immediate job transfer far away? 🤔🤔🤦🏻‍♀️ 

With the cheek implants and fillers she looks like Handsome Squidward. 

What kind of bank let’s someone withdraw 50 grand at once without filling out a form or a wait? Most don’t really allow that stuff because of money laundering and tax evasion in purchases or under the table labor payment. 

I liked the clown and white dog 😩❤️ I wish I could have seen the whole talent show! 

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I thought the same thing about taking that much cash out of the bank. I didn't think that was something that you could just walk into a bank and walk out with in a few minutes.

I also don't understand why Dr. Shady is going to run away immediately without getting the rest of the money.



I saw some spoiler stills from next week and it shows Taylor showing a briefcase full of cash to Sludge.

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I don't think taking $50K out of the bank at once is the problem. Taking it out in cash is the problem. The average bank probably can't handle that without some advanced notice. Transactions over a certain dollar amount will be reported to the feds regardless and Taylor likely was advised of that or already knew it and didn't care. But if future investigators are ever looking into the human trafficking going on here, they'll take a gander at her bank records and wonder what the huge cash withdrawals were all about and be curious about the timing. She's an idiot.

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People have been buying babies for decades probably longer.  It's just not as ham fisted as Brad Bell is writing this SL to be.  In other words, not everyone involved in the transaction is as fucking stupid as all these people are.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Transactions over a certain dollar amount will be reported to the feds regardless

$10,000 to be specific.

I know that because I had a customer of mine buy a $23,000 car all in cash. Said customer also was "in between" addresses when I asked him where to send the plates and registration, but on the last day of the month, I sure as fuck wasn't looking any further down that rabbit hole.

Shady business is also the reason why we no longer have tender above $100 denominations and any bill $500 or more still in circulation has to be destroyed.

14 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Of course, Liam is going to waffle again.  He never really made a decision in the first place. 

And this is why for all that he isn't The Worst Person(tm) (That distinction was, is, and will forever in the foreseeable future be Ridge the Oaf), I just cannot ever cheer Liam. I knew the boy wasn't right in the head when he just walked away from Ivy.

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The viewing public is being set up for the ongoing saga of 'How Dare Hope, (that LOGAN bitch) keep Steffy Forrester (Marone) Away From What She Wants, Chapter 479:  Even If It's Hope's Own Child.

Hauxdilox is going to 'fall in love' with little Beth and we're going to witness the spectacle of a woman having to fight for her kidnapped child while her husband dithers in between her and the two killers who purchased his child.  Hope will be on her own (as usual) because Brooke won't dare stand up to her husband while he bullies and browbeats Hope for having the audacity to want her own child.

The only possible ally for Hope is Thorne.  He might be willing to stand up for Hope when he remembers that the Marrone women deprived him of not only his wife but his child as well.

I don't believe in violence but I would pay good folding money to see Hope smack Hauxdilox across her slatternly chops and read that hateful cow for filth.  Hope has NEVER had the opportunity to tell Hauxdi all about herself.  She's always been the 'nice girl'.  Well, her baby is on the line now.

Usually when a kidnapped child is discovered, police cars race the child to its parents, sirens and lights blaring, followed by a tearful joyous reunion.  I have a feeling that Hope is going to find herself in a courtroom fighting for the right to be the mother to her own stolen child, while the two Marrone killers whine that they paid $250,000 for Beth/Phoebe and Kelly 'really likes having a sister/slave'.

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What does Hunter Tylo see when she looks in the mirror?   For me, it’s almost painful knowing how those cheeks are stretched beyond normal tolerance.  But then, she reminds me of the chipmunk who’s taken residence on my patio, when he’s stuffing his cheeks with acorns.  Chippy is cute, but humans are not supposed to look like that. 

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33 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

The viewing public is being set up for the ongoing saga of 'How Dare Hope, (that LOGAN bitch) keep Steffy Forrester (Marone) Away From What She Wants, Chapter 479:  Even If It's Hope's Own Child.

This is exactly where it's going. How dare Hope when Steffy is the greatest strongest most wonderful woman of all time. And she can't be blamed for letting her mom buy her a pet/child from a random stranger with no paperwork and an anonymous contact. Clearly the best thing for everyone is that Beth grow up sleeping in a dog bed at the foot of her owner/sister Kelly's bed.

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51 minutes ago, jenrising said:

This is exactly where it's going. How dare Hope when Steffy is the greatest strongest most wonderful woman of all time. And she can't be blamed for letting her mom buy her a pet/child from a random stranger with no paperwork and an anonymous contact. Clearly the best thing for everyone is that Beth grow up sleeping in a dog bed at the foot of her owner/sister Kelly's bed.

I've said it over and over again but I still don't understand how a character like Hauxdilox became the leading lady of B&B.  She is a nasty, hateful piece of work.  Her decades-long obsession with Liam makes no sense at all, especially since it started with a head-injury.  The only thing Hauxdi and Liam have in common is fucking.  I should say 'had' because we all know that Liam's not the kind of guy to be able to get the image of his wife taking his father for a ride out of his head. 

That's why Hauxdi is so determined to collect as many babies as she can in as short a period as possible.  She knows Liam wants to be a father, so she thinks that this is the way to reel him back in.  It's not as if Hauxdilox wants to be a mommy; she doesn't even care for the child she gave birth to.

Liam and Hauxdilox have absolutely nothing in common.  They don't want the same things out of the life, they don't have the same values or beliefs.  Wyatt was a much better match for Hauxdilox.  He had a fashion background and he adored her.  They would have been a real power couple but Bell is as obsessed with Liam/Steffy as Hauxdilox.

This story line has shown the viewing audience what AN is capable of and the character Hope has won a lot of new fans.  Bell will be making a huge mistake if he throws Hope under the bus AGAIN, especially while she's mourning for her child.  He seems to think that the audience is clamouring for Liam/Steffy Part XXXVI.  He's wrong. 

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13 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I've said it over and over again but I still don't understand how a character like Hauxdilox became the leading lady of B&B. 

I really don't either. Characters like her were usually the supports to the heroines once upon a time. Hell, Steffy was the second string back when it was the Hope Show and people were bemoaning how she could never catch a break a decade ago! Famous last words.

If TIIC want us to buy her as a heroine, then she either needed to really begin to own her shitty behavior and change (Like ATWT's Katie Peretti eventually did) or do what Y&R did with Lauren and create an even bigger, badder nemesis for us to hate more than Steffy. I wasn't old enough for the Lauren/Sheila story but I do know Lauren Fenmore was a shitty piece of work in the 80s who wore her privilege as easily as her fur coats and I'll bet the Sheila story and getting her baby stolen didn't hurt audience perception.

13 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Wyatt was a much better match for Hauxdilox.  He had a fashion background and he adored her. 

Wyatt deserves to have a woman's full attention and to not be a tool or a prop that he eventually would have been even without Liam in the picture. Because Steffy Forrester only cares about Steffy. I'm glad he got with Sally and I hope they get more to do than just screw in bed. And I'd like Steffy to have someone way away from the Spencer gene pool.

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As much as I've wanted to slap Ridge, Liam, Taylor, Brooke, Steffy and Hope at different times, the main problem is Brad Bell's obsession with triangles that never die.

The interesting thing about Lauren, Tracey, Danny on Y&R was that neither Lauren or Tracey ended up with Danny.  All three characters moved onto other people.

If the show wanted to do something different, Steffy would find out the truth about Phoebe/Beth, and return the baby to Hope.

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Hope will be on her own (as usual) because Brooke won't dare stand up to her husband while he bullies and browbeats Hope for having the audacity to want her own child.

This is what I'm most curious about: how Brooke will react. I can't see her being okay with Steffy and Taylor raising a Logan child and think she'll do everything in her power to help Hope get her baby back, including calling a divorce lawyer if Ridge does anything to prevent it (and she finds out). The linchpin in this whole mess will probably be Liam. I suspect he'll fall on the "let's not take Beth from the only family she's known and from her big sister" side of the equation.

I think Hope will likely dump Liam if he does anything but help her get their baby back. What an interesting custody battle would then ensue, especially if by that time Liam has returned to Steffy and their partially purloined "family." And all this is assuming Hope and Brooke don't simply tell Steffy and Taylor that they're going to jail for being parties to a kidnapping unless they hand over the child. Even if they claim they had no idea the baby was stolen from Hope, once they do find out and don't immediately take steps to return her, then they're willingly committing a major crime. Taylor's already on borrowed time because of shooting Bill so she might fall in line just to save herself.

Oy, maybe Brad Bell does know what he's doing because this could get way juicy.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

The interesting thing about Lauren, Tracey, Danny on Y&R was that neither Lauren or Tracey ended up with Danny.  All three characters moved onto other people.

Do you mean Brad, by chance? I thought the fight over him was mostly between Christine and a then entirely-clearly-a-villain-and-not-the-sexiest-thing-to-sexay Phyllis.

But still, I agree with the point. I know every soap has That Couple(tm) that has been off-and-on since before I was born but there's not one single one of these pairings still in existence that hasn't burned through most of the fandom's good will. Bell had the right idea not to go with the supercouple route the P&G shows and ABC did, and I wonder had he lived lover if Bridge would've went kaput long ago.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

And all this is assuming Hope and Brooke don't simply tell Steffy and Taylor that they're going to jail for being parties to a kidnapping unless they hand over the child. Even if they claim they had no idea the baby was stolen from Hope, once they do find out and don't immediately take steps to return her, then they're willingly committing a major crime. Taylor's already on borrowed time because of shooting Bill so she might fall in line just to save herself.

Not necessarily, there have been people who adopted children that didn't know they were taken from their parents illegally, and the biological parents had to go to court to try to assert their rights.  The adoptive parents didn't go to prison.

I would love for Taylor to remind Brooke about Jack.  Brooke didn't want Nick or Jack, she just didn't want Taylor to have them.

Erica Kane on AMC did know from the beginning that Sonya/Madeline was really Maria and Edmunds baby, and she eventually returned her, but she still went to prison anyway because she was sort of the original kidnapper.  However, Babe on AMC took Bianca's baby, knew it was Bianca's baby, and got a free pass.

3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Do you mean Brad, by chance? I thought the fight over him was mostly between Christine and a then entirely-clearly-a-villain-and-not-the-sexiest-thing-to-sexay Phyllis.

But still, I agree with the point. I know every soap has That Couple(tm) that has been off-and-on since before I was born but there's not one single one of these pairings still in existence that hasn't burned through most of the fandom's good will. Bell had the right idea not to go with the supercouple route the P&G shows and ABC did, and I wonder had he lived lover if Bridge would've went kaput long ago.

No, originally both Tracey and Lauren had a thing for Danny.  Danny was in love with Patti, but Patti (pre-psycho a long time ago Patti) married Jack.  Jack only married Patti so John would make him president of Jabot, and constantly cheated on her.  Patti shot Jack, and eventually divorced him.  During that time, Danny was briefly engaged to Lauren, but not because he asked her to marry him.  Tracey had started dating one of her professors at college (Tim).  Lauren broke off her and Danny's engagement because she knew Danny was about to dump her, and Lauren moved onto Paul (she also had sex with Jack a few times).  Danny and Patti were considering getting back together when Tracey discovered Tim in bed with someone else when she was going to tell him she was pregnant.  Danny married Tracey, Tracey and Patti got in a fight, Tracey lost the baby, Patti left town, Danny and Tracey divorced.  Eventually, Brad and Christine entered the picture.

Edited by TigerLynx
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On 1/27/2019 at 1:13 PM, TigerLynx said:


I would love for Taylor to remind Brooke about Jack.  Brooke didn't want Nick or Jack, she just didn't want Taylor to have them.

I'll be the first person to say Brooke acted like an entirely gross buttinski and of all the crimes, real or imagined, that Taylor pins on Brooke this is the one that Brooke certainly ruined most for having throwing her eggs as bait in the first place....much like Steffy used Our Little Girl Kelly as bait with Liam.

But that said, someone had most of the 2007-08 season on YouTube that I made the mistake of watching while sober. And even for how godawful the show has become since, that plot did not age well. If anything, Taylor was queued up at 13 out of ten from the minute she found out, even before Brooke got involved. And in the end, Taylor still ended up giving the baby too Brooke because the boyfriend she dumped two days later Rick complained that he cried too much--again, after Brooke had took herself out the picture.

If not for the tragedy porn this Hope story has turned into, that would easily rank as the worst custody story B&B has ever done. And thank God KKL put her foot down on using a baby to reunite a couple that needed to be put down like a rabid dog.

@TigerLynxhanks for the history! Somehow, I thought Brad had become the pool boy when the Abbot's were teenagers. I'm still mad Brad was killed off, but with the shitshow that's become, Don Diamont dodged a bullet not having to play second fiddle  to Buttbiscuit and Nick and Cane. 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Not necessarily, there have been people who adopted children that didn't know they were taken from their parents illegally, and the biological parents had to go to court to try to assert their rights.  The adoptive parents didn't go to prison.

But those people probably went through otherwise legal processes, no? What Taylor and Steffy are doing is basically buying a baby out of someone's car trunk. They know it's shady and they're willfully ignoring that so they can avoid all the usual red tape. Doing it as a literal cash transaction makes it look even more questionable.

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On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2019 at 6:22 PM, mightysparrow said:

The only possible ally for Hope is Thorne.  He might be willing to stand up for Hope when he remembers that the Marrone women deprived him of not only his wife but his child as well.

or Bill, he does want to get into Brooke's good graces...

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God, I just can't watch this. I tried, and tuned in for a week or so, but it leaves me feeling dirty and oddly guilty. 

I really don't understand why this is effecting me so profoundly; I have watched many horrible, gut wrenching SLs on soaps over the years, but they have not left me with so much distaste and dissatisfaction. I think part of it might be AN, who I believe is doing a bang up job of depicting a grieving parent. Something in her performance is so raw, you can feel how fragile her mental state is. And fucking Liam is just "Oh, it's ok it Steffy want's to get Kelly a new toy". The actual fuck? Kelly is an infant! She isn't gonna know shit. And as an infant, she needs her mother's undivided attention. How can any of these fools think this is ok? And when Hope goes over the edge, Liam will put on his sad sack look and be all like "I was just thinking about Kelly's future", because without a pet sister she will suffer some kind of mental trauma. 

Then there is the whole legality thing. Here, take my fifty thousand and raise me two. Seriously? Paying a deposit for a human being? How can Taylor and Steffy not see the wrongness of this? They don't know Flo at all, and they are taking everything she says at face value. They stand there like two bobble headed, slack jawed idiots, who say they want a sister for Kelly, but really want to stick it to Hope; co-signing every lie that drops out of Flo's mouth. They just take her word that the father doesn't want anything to do with the baby? And do absolutely no due diligence on Flo herself. They are nearly salivating in their desire to sign on the dotted line, and prove who the "real" woman is, the one who not only gave Liam a daughter, but is now going to grow their little family. Hope just couldn't get that job done, so Steffy and Taylor will. 

I also wonder about the wrap up of this cesspool of shit. Will Dr. Whatthefuckever face charges? Of course I want the Marone Gang to get their due, but that other Mo Fo? He needs to pay too. He is the wicked one that put a dead baby in Hope's arms and told her that was her daughter. And Taylor should pay a much higher price than Steffy. Taylor knows Dr. W is involved and Steffy doesn't. Taylor knows that Dr. W was at that clinic, and now he just happens upon a woman with a newborn? Why didn't he mention this line of work to Taylor earlier? Why did he want Taylor to keep his name out of it. I hope Brooke puts on her running shoes and gets over to Dt. Sanchez's office pretty damn quick. And I hope she blows that Marone bitch's world to smithereens. Nice time is over because Taylor is a fucking idiot and just too stupid to live. 

I will keep up on the board and will decide when, and if, I can start watching again. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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50 minutes ago, jenrising said:

Bill being Hope's champion? Surely that would mean the end of days is upon us.

He frigging owes her.

And because I'm positive Liam will pull some fuckboi shit, I hope Bill puts a foot up his ass for suggesting the baby remains with Steffy.

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Aw, isn't this just the perfect picture of a happy family?


Except the "daddy" here is married to someone else - the same someone who is grieving over the loss of their daughter. 

Remember? Your wife, Liam? Ass...hole.


This clueless chucklefuck is holding that daughter in his arms while her black market purchaser looks on. I mean, isn't Hauxdi just so gosh darn helpful? Lose your baby daughter in one of the worst ways possible?

No problem - she'll (I mean, her attempted murderess mother) will just up and buy one.

So wipe away those tears, Liam. She's got an insta-replacement for Beth.

Well, fuck you, Hauxdi, and your chipmunk-faced mother, too.

And Liam, you can fuck off, too.

I mean, just listen to him:

Liam: "It's like she belongs here. It's like she belongs to you and to Kelly, and... maybe even to me. Steffy, thank you, thank you for bringing this child into our lives."


As if that wasn't bad enough, I remembered how I saw him looking at that godawful portrait.

This fucking show...

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam: "It's like she belongs here. It's like she belongs to you and to Kelly, and... maybe even to me. Steffy, thank you, thank you for bringing this child into our lives."

This is just so wrong on every level in the universe times a million.

Thank you Steffy???!! She didn't f'ing give birth to this baby you moron. She is BUYING her FFS. ...and she belongs to your wife Hope (remember her? the woman who actually gave birth to this child & can't stop crying because her heart is broken)...and sadly you too.

Sorry SC, but man, seeing that stupid family picture, I wanted to kick Liam in the nads so hard he'd make it to Mars w/out a rocket.

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I really don't understand why this is effecting me so profoundly; I have watched many horrible, gut wrenching SLs on soaps over the years, but they have not left me with so much distaste and dissatisfaction. I think part of it might be AN, who I believe is doing a bang up job of depicting a grieving parent. Something in her performance is so raw, you can feel how fragile her mental state is.

You know I think you're right and this is what gets me too. AN's performance and the writing for her is giving such real grief that all this nonsense going on around her is even more sickening than it would be normally. 

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23 minutes ago, jenrising said:

I -really don't understand why this is effecting me so profoundly; I have watched many horrible, gut wrenching SLs on soaps over the years, but they have not left me with so much distaste and dissatisfaction.


23 minutes ago, jenrising said:

You know I think you're right and this is what gets me too. AN's performance and the writing for her is giving such real grief that all this nonsense going on around her is even more sickening than it would be normally. 


I agree with you both. AN is really amazing in this sl. Her despair opposite Steffy's nonchalance in bringing another life into her family -which is ridiculously easy for her to do...with no real thought beyond the idea that she wants it..well, it's not easy to keep watching.

Edited by RedRockRosie
trying to be slightly more comprehensible :)
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My mother watches soaps differently than me. She doesn’t think too deeply about it and accepts whatever narrative the show presents wholeheartedly, even if others find it off-putting. Victor pushes a woman out of an ambulance on Y&R and is still a noble family man? Sure. Brooke and Ridge are destiny? You bet. Now Bill and Brooke are destiny? Cool. She doesn’t analyze and pick stuff apart and is quite loyal to her shows. That’s not a bad thing at all. I wish I could stop analyzing stuff constantly sometimes. 

All that is to say, it was quite shocking to me when she not only stopped watching B&B, she took it off her DVR as well. The hateful baby switch story pissed her off as soon as she saw it starting to unfold. The whole thing makes her skin crawl. I mean, she thought Abby and EJ on Days were hot, so it takes a lot to turn her stomach. I am almost in awe that Bell could go far enough to get my mom to quit his show cold turkey. 👍🏻

Someone needs to invent a slingshot that can fire projectiles into the sun. Liam needs to be the first passenger on that ride. 

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Liam's lingering look at the Steam portrait wasn't lost on me, either.

My mom watched soaps that same say, NinjaPenguins.  She watched ATWT and GL steadfastly. (For some reason, she had an aversion to YR and B&B ... ?) She was very loyal to the "good" characters and hated the "bad" guys. She took everything at face value, which I found amusing. She LOVED Nancy and Bob Hughes and Reva (?) on GH. Likewise, she hated James Stenbeck, Barbara Ryan and Alan Spaulding.

I am not going to quit watching just because I don't care that much and know that things are going to turn out the way we expect down the road.  I hope to see some nuggets of good acting here and there, but otherwise, it is like a trainwreck that I can't turn away from.  I think that the (mostly) bad acting and lack of technical research/detail bug me more than the actual story. (That's not judgment on AN, who I think is knocking her daily scenes out of the part and how difficult that must be.)

That said, the overall poor taste of the current baby switch/adoption story is really grating me more than anything. The timing is horrible, especially in the face of what's been going on in the current political climate.  I am just gobsmacked by how Brad Bell either is too lazy, or too uninspired or too afraid to step out of his comfort zone to write anything new and innovative.  The lack of authenticity in 2019 is just mind-boggling.

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1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Someone needs to invent a slingshot that can fire projectiles into the sun. Liam needs to be the first passenger on that ride.

Big Mood.

How can someone be this stupid and still function? How can he not at least suspect this to be manipulation on Steffy's part?

I remember that period after Brooke divorced Thorne and before she got with Deacon when she was trying to seduce Ridge again and was being nice to the Taytots and Taylor rightfully flipped her shit. This is exactly the same passive aggressive play that Brooke was infamous for and drove me up a fucking wall watching, but at least she was called out and dragged for it. Steffy just gets a free damn pass.

And not even Steffy has gotten so many passes as Liam has, who just continues to be led by the nose by everyone in his life. He's never once chosen Hope or Steffy: he's defaulted to whoever was there. Even in the one instance where his righteous anger would have been justified against Quinn for what she did to him, he came off as mewling and whining and waiting for her to screw up so he cod play hero. If anyone has that clip of Eric dragging Liam for being a waffle, please let me know cuz I can't seem to find that.

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I missed the last few minutes of the show today, did I miss anything? When I tapped-out, Steffy had just told Liam that it was fine if he stayed to meet the birth mom. I'm hoping that Liam will casually mention to Flo his wife, Hope, & how they just lost their daughter. Make Mama Flo uncomfortable if she starts piecing it together. 

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1 hour ago, jenrising said:

Welp. I decided to watch live today until Steffy said to Liam, "That baby you're holding, technically she's my daughter but she belongs to you too."

I'm done.

Fucking heifer. So Kelly wasn't enough of a hook, she's adding a line to the mix to reel Liam right back in. All that's missing is a sinker.

And all this dialogue about how this new baby is "Kelly's sister" or "Liam's daughter" is just such a slap in the face to parents the world over who have lost a child.

It also continues to make me equal parts stabby and sick that all of these strangers have gotten to hold and love on Beth and her poor mother is being told to put the only tangible proof she has of Beth's existence (the sonogram picture) away. 

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It looks like Maya has recycled her clothes and she is wearing that fuggly brown dress once again. Speaking of fuggly, the gruesome threesome not only are dressed like shit but they sound that way also.  "Grate" writing, they were going to have that thug accost Zoey when there are a bunch of witnesses around.  Wow,no call back, I guess Chuck Barris gave them the gong.  

Stuffy has now used Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe to replace Cha Cha Cha.  Down payment and Liam doesn't even question it.  Liam Liam Liam, could you just please eat shit and die.  Buying a sister, for Kelly, is sooo much more important than your wife's well being.  It's quite obvious that Liam has chosen sided. 

Saint Stuffy, no task to great no hardship to tuff to handle.  

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All I heard while I could stand to listen, was "oooh,Kelly's baby sister" ...a "sister to Kelly"..."this baby was meant to be Kelly's sister", "I want this "experience for Kelly"....what about the experience for THIS child you are bringing into your home & family? How will this child feel knowing she wasn't wanted for herself but to be the magic sister for Kelly's total childhood experience package?

Liam saying "I better go"- I thought aww, you're worried about Hope, but no, he just didn't want to upset "birth mother" Flo. KMN

All that bs praise that Liam was heaping on Steffy made me so angry. What is wrong with these people that they can't see Steffy for the selfish manipulator she truly is? Calling her "a generous soul that opens her home to a poor unfortunate child in need"? Are you F'ing kidding me??! She is buying a baby cause she couldn't get her hands on your child because she "died".

I think the only reason I still watch tidbits here & there is to see if Steffy ever gets the crap end of the stick & to see Hope be reunited with Beth. I hope Steffy gets Liam at this point. Hope deserves better & should get custody and move  to Paris & take Beth with her. (Steffy can always just buy another baby,right?)


Does anyone care about the intern girls in the sparkly outfits? I have yet not to FF all that stuff. Seriously who are they & why should we care? Done with Doc Shady Brady too.  This gambling debts/babyselling storyline is so beyond offensive.

Edited by RedRockRosie
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I don't blame Steffy for Liam.  Steffy doesn't know Phoebe/Beth is Hope's child.  Steffy adopted a baby.  Liam is the waffling loser who, if he had wanted to, could have re-married Steffy, and been with Steffy and Kelly all this time.  Instead, Liam (can't really say chose - because it's Liam), but he did marry Hope so he needs to be there for his wife.  Although, Hope would be better off without Liam.  But when has that ever mattered to a woman on this show?

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Heh, little Beth looking up at Liam like, "Seriously? You married this bimbo more than once? I want my real mommy!"

Please Pam, nobody "needs" to talk to your psycho self. Especially someone in the throes of actual grief and not agonizing over something stupid like where you get to have your wedding.

Doesn't Doesn't Dollar Store Baby have a name? Besides the one Steffy is presuming to give her, that is. Wonder what Flo calls her, Baby Pay Off Reese's Debt, or Baby My Boyfriend's a Human Trafficker But I Don't Care?

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49 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

 Steffy adopted a baby. 

Hauxdilox BOUGHT a baby.  Adoption means that you actually give a damn about the child whose life you're changing.  Baby Beth/Phoebe is an accessory for Kelly, a tool to reel Liam back because Hauxdi's catbag isn't good enough anymore.

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In my head I'm skipping right to the "hand off" with the blubbering mother and grandmother (swollen and puffy not including their own facial enhancements with Brooke watching Hope lovingly take Phoebeth into her arms.  

Passing out free halos for the party.


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15 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Hauxdilox BOUGHT a baby.  Adoption means that you actually give a damn about the child whose life you're changing.  Baby Beth/Phoebe is an accessory for Kelly, a tool to reel Liam back because Hauxdi's catbag isn't good enough anymore.

Steffy already had Kelly.  If Liam's child with Steffy wasn't enough for Liam, why would another child Steffy adopted bring Liam running.  If Liam really loved Hope, Steffy wouldn't be able to interfere.  Steffy was planning on adopting before Hope's baby "died."

2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Taylor bought the baby.


2 hours ago, jenrising said:

Well she only put down a deposit with no paperwork but they have the baby, so I guess it's like rent to own.


1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

Only people as tacky as Hauxdilox and her Pistol Packin' Mama would get a baby on layaway.

Sadly, this is something that happens all the time.  Only the baby brokers "sell" the baby to several couples, take their money, and leave the couples with nothing.  There is actually a good story to be told here, but Brad Bell won't do it.

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29 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

Steffy already had Kelly.  If Liam's child with Steffy wasn't enough for Liam, why would another child Steffy adopted bring Liam running.  If Liam really loved Hope, Steffy wouldn't be able to interfere.  Steffy was planning on adopting before Hope's baby "died."



Sadly, this is something that happens all the time.  Only the baby brokers "sell" the baby to several couples, take their money, and leave the couples with nothing.  There is actually a good story to be told here, but Brad Bell won't do it.

Hauxdi had MENTIONED adopting a child before Hope went into labour, but she went into warp speed the second she returned home from Beth's memorial.  Hauxdi and her mother saw a chance and jumped at it.  Nobody knows better than Hauxdilox how easy Liam is to manipulate; she's been doing it for YEARS.  She used her first pregnancy to drag Liam away from Hope.  Hauxdi also knows that little Kelly, as cute as she is, wasn't enough to get Liam to drop Hope and forget his father's dick in his wife's vagina.  But Liam is vulnerable now and he's a guy who likes a quicker fix.  He might buy Hauxdilox and her killer mother's theory of the best way to get over losing a baby is to replace it with another.

Bell is going to have to decide how many top-tier characters he's willing to sacrifice for Hauxdilox.   Lots of second-stringers have fallen to keep that skank front and centre but he's playing a risky game here.  There are a lot of B&B fans who are ambivalent about Liam.  He's not known as the Waffle-King for nothing.  But SC and AN have created something very special with their work in the losing Beth story line.  How are people going to feel if he turns his back on his grieving wife to go back to the nasty sleazy pit that is the beach house inhabited by Hauxdilox and her Picasso painting of a mother?  We have a woman who has killed one cousin, tried to kill another AND fucked his father.  And then we have her mother (a killer in her own right), who hasn't fucked his father, just tried to kill him.  There aren't enough babies on earth to make that place fit for humans to live.  It doesn't MATTER that Phoebe really is his daughter.  It won't matter if Hope becomes a raving lunatic who holds a gun to his head and demands he go fuck Hauxdilox.  We saw the scene where they wept over their baby's corpse (even if it wasn't REALLY Beth).  How is Liam going to come out of that as anything other than the worst human being on earth?  It won't have any effect on Hauxdi's image.  She's one of the vilest creatures in soaps and STILL manages to have a fanbase who will jump on anybody who says any different.

And how evil is Hope going to have to be to justify Liam's departure?  She's going to have to kill that cute puppy and hold Kelly, NotPhoebe and Will at gun point (a really BIG gun too), while foaming at the mouth and speaking in satanic verse. 

So is Bell REALLY going to throw both Liam AND Hope under the bus, throw away the amazing work SC and AN have done for the sake of Hauxdilox and JMW?  What's she got on him?

Edited by mightysparrow
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When I was adopted in 1961 it was a whole redneck-no-agencies-involved kind of situation.  I was the illegitimate daughter of my adoptive family's step-daughter born in a tiny little town in PA.  My bio mom was looking around for someone to adopt me and decided upon my adoptive family because my adoptive parents lived in a house owned by my adoptive grandmother that "looked like a castle", acc. to my bio mom (I never met her but had some communication with her through letters.  Sadly, she passed many years ago,).  It was never explained to me how it happened but I think the whole deal was arranged in a lawyer's office.  Was there money exchanged?  Somehow, my bio mom, who came from a very impoverished family, was able to attend business school in another state and from there became a legal secretary....something that probably wouldn't have happened given her circumstances.  All kinds of strange.

Still, even with all of the strange, there was a lawyer involved and all the parties agreed to the "transaction".  To think that my adoptive parents were smarter than Taylor and Steffy makes me laugh out loud!

Something else that made me laugh out loud?  Whoever upthread referred to Phoebe as Steffy's "pet baby".  Too funny!

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18 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

Does anyone care about the intern girls in the sparkly outfits?

I hope they never sing that song again, I couldn't get "I should have zigged...but instead I zagged..." out of my head!

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If Liam really loved Hope, why would Steffy adopting a baby matter?  Liam could be happy for Steffy and Kelly, sad about his and Hope's baby being dead, but that doesn't mean he should run to Steffy.  Also, what is it with these people thinking a child guarantees a happy marriage.  They've proved the opposite.  Stephanie tricked Eric into marrying her with a child that wasn't his.  She continued to have more children in order to hang onto Eric, and at different times told both Taylor and Brooke to have more children to make sure their marriage lasted.  Eric was miserable, spent years cheating on Stephanie, and left her to marry another woman how many times?  Brooke thought Bridget being Ridge's daughter would get him to leave Taylor to be with her, it didn't happen.  Taylor and Ridge had three children, and Ridge has been married to how many other people since then?  Wasn't RJ supposedly the baby Brooke and Ridge wanted for years?  Didn't Ridge throw a hissy fit about Thomas never being able to find out that he was the father of Caroline's baby and not Ridge because Ridge and Caroline's marriage couldn't survive the truth.  Where is Jack?  The baby Taylor wanted so badly with Nick, the baby Brooke threw her eggs in Nick's face to have just to interfere in Nick and Taylor's relationship, only to go running back to Ridge once Nick and Taylor were no longer together.

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