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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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12 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

That being said I felt recently when looking at her body of work on daytime Heather Tom has the ability and presence of a prime time actor. It's a shame she's not on Scandal, Criminal Minds, or Greys Anatomy cuz I think she'd thrive.

Eh, maybe she just likes the scheduling of daytime TV? The one perk of the job is if you need time off, you can be written out the show and pursue other projects, as Ronn Moss often did for his music. Especially now that she has a son of her own.

outside of daytime, I've only ever seen her on a short lived TV show called The Wedding Belles where she and her sister Nichole Tom played a pair of twins in a reoccurring role (or would have been, cuz the show was quickly canceled).

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34 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Eh, maybe she just likes the scheduling of daytime TV?

Yeah, that was a reason Justin Hartley took the Y&R gig was so he could be in one place with a set schedule so he could be with his daughter. Of course, he was hard core hitting auditions for LA based primetime shows and once he got This is Us was out ASAP.

HT was on Lucifer last season and I believe directed a movie for Lifetime so that's why she was MIA after the Batie implosion towards the end of the summer. 

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On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 4:05 PM, Anna Yolei said:

I liked Steffy buying a fucking clue, and I wonder if this will be the next conflict? Not with fighting Quinn, but Ridge to secure her own legacy.

For a second there it looked like Steffy was realizing Ridge had made another tactical error, watching Quinn save Forrester Creations bacon by modeling the showstopper. The accolades from the buyers over an FC fashion show she and Ridge went out of their way to not be involved; the compliments were galling because they ended with how Quinn showcased Ridge's gowns and her "new" jewelry pass concept.

But Steffy got over her chagrin somewhat by pointing out to Ridge that their showstopper stunt could have been a financial and PR disaster for FC -- Ridge grudgingly acknowledges, "Yeah, yeah ..."  

They're both bent that Quinn had avoided their deliberate attempts at ruining her short tenure at FC and in spite of their efforts, Quinn is thriving and bringing in sales, expanding FC brand and reputation, and didn't fall for their lame hijinks.


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I feel that Ridge and Steffy will be eating Crow for Thanksgiving instead of Turkey. 

Wow Nicole, how much Zende hurt ME. That's very dismissive.  For very young adults, they act like they are older than dirt who have trouble putting two words together in less than 2 seconds. 

Since when does a receptionist take orders?  You would think that FC would have a sales department taking orders. I guess with every order you get a dozen lemon bars

Loved Quinn's outfit when she came home to Eric. That's the way a Forester should look.  One would think Quinn is in her 20's while Steffy is in her 40's. 

For me, Ivy and Wyatt ?? today. No sparks though; just friendly conversation. 

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Fuck you, Ridge. You and that Harper Valley Hooker-looking daughter of yours can go kick rocks until your cloven hooves bleed. I hate Steffy.

HT is a good actress, but her chemistry with Eric is father/daughter at best. If the 'writers', who hate to let us have nice things, use Lemonhead to drive a wedge in Queric, I might quit this fakakta show for good.

Edited by bittersweet4149
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Steffy looked like she needed a good shower and several shampoos of that greasy head. That hair would have looked horrible with the show stopper. Was it a heads-up that she wouldn't wear the show stopper? Pun intended.

I loved Quinn wanting Eric's approval/approbation. Why did he keep frowning and scowling at her? He should have rushed to grab her in his arms and congratulate her! Geez Louise. I could write a better show in my sleep. Quinn was amazing all the way through the show - give the woman some credit!

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Yes. Quinn looked amazing.  I can't wait to look up and see where she got that stunning outfit.

ITA. Why was Eric acting so distant and cagey when Qunn got home?  I know Eric likes to try to pull one's leg, but that wasn't a good time to try it.  Why be upset about the show-stopper? Who care who wore it in the long run? However, I'm glad that he insisted that Quinn tell him what went down.

Ha! Ha! Ha!  I loved watching Steffy's face start to melt a little when the European buyers were singing high praises to Quinn and the jewelry pass.  At least, from a business perspective, Steffy is starting to sort of grudgingly admit that maybe Quinn is doing a good job and they would at least be halfway cooperative and stop fighting her at every move.

Yes. Steffy looked awful with that hair and makeup and British rocker zoot suit.  I suspect maybe there was a lot of product in her hair in anticipation of styling it in an updo to go with the showstopper.  At least I hope that's the case. Otherwise, I have no idea why she'd go to a fashion show with wet, greasy hair like that.

OK. What did viewers do to get the Quinn/Liam romance killed? I'd happily do that to avoid Karic and Quidge.  It couldn't have been any more obvious today.

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2 hours ago, grisgris said:

What did viewers do to get the Quinn/Liam romance killed? I'

Complained about the rapey overtones of that story, along with the Thomas /Caroline crap?

TIIC squandered that opportunity, and I never want that shit revisited. Not even to keep Quinn away from Ridge N. Titled.

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sigh... I've given up griping (mostly) about how incestuous this show is but I'll never like it. I do dread Ridge and Quinn but there's no denying that they are a good match.  It just would have been nice if TIIC would have realized that before they put her with Eric.  

And Katie and Eric would be so, so wrong.  I don't mind a May/December romance but no. No, no, no, no.

Free Sasha! Seriously, this girl lights up the screen with the right partners. (Ones not named Nicole or Zende.)

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Mon. 11/14 recap:

Quinn and Ridge are still basking in the applause. 

They continue to get the cutesy banter lines:

Ridge: You're proud of yourself, aren't you?

Quinn: Well, it's your design. You pulled it from the show. I just wanted the whole world to see it.

Ridge: Yeah, you're full of it.

Quinn: I love you, too, Ridge. Now smile for our guests.

Ivy and Wyatt are ecstatic while Puffy is her usual peachy self: "Never ceases to amaze. I'll give her that. But we don't know anything until we see orders. And the buyers seemed confused about the jewelry pass. They're applauding because of my father's designs." She really is a heinous bitch, isn't she?

Eric and Katie dish about the fashion show and comments about how wonderful Quinn looks in the showstopper. She certainly did make a dress that looked like it was made of cocktail napkins work.

Sasha is on a high after her first fashion show but it's completely wasted on Zzzende, who is still whining about Nicole. 

Sasha, who clearly ain't too proud to beg, asks Zende: "Where does all of this leave you and me?" Oh, Sasha.

The buyers have left the show room and Quinn is in a celebratory mood. Ridge is none too happy to hear how she "saved his bacon." She totally saved his nasty, greasy bacon.

He continues to whine as does his pruneface daughter about how nobody understood the jewelry pass, they didn't like it and and and...

Pam, who shouldn't be allowed to lead anyone anywhere ever, brings in some of the buyers, and they tell Ridge his lines were "inspiring as usual." Ridge laps up that praise but the buyer isn't finished. Not by a long shot.

"Quinn, such beautiful jewelry. I've never seen it highlighted in a major fashion show like you did." And there it is...let the face cracking begin.

Quinn: "You liked it?"

Buyer: "Liked it?" Quinn looks at him, so innocent and hopeful in this moment. "You can expect a very substantial order, my dear."



Puffy looks like she's about to be sick. She never looked better.

Quinn tells the two male buyers that if she weren't already blissfully married, she'd kiss them both, then says, to hell with it and kisses them anyway. Absolutely adorable.

Pam ushers them out with an "Okie dokie, time to wrap this up." Okie-dokie? Kill me now. 

Sasha, who really needs to give it up and move on, tells Zende she's not pressuring him. Only for Zende to shatter her barely bandaged together heart into a million tiny pieces when he tells her "I can't think about anyone else or anything right now but Nicole, how much I've hurt her." Girl, we tried to tell you and I have to believe Sasha knew this all along but I guess if nothing else, Zende is being honest with her. He's still a dick though.

Katie acknowledges that while she was skeptical of Quinn, she's "willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt." Since when??? She remarks that maybe Quinn has changed and that she's certainly made Eric smile. That's right so keep your mittens OFF! But this is Katie who has pretty much gone after every man Brooke has ever been with. 

Katie decides it's time for her leave (hell yes, it is) and then we have this exchange. 

Katie: "The last couple months haven't been easy, and  I'm so thankful for my son, but this was nice. I get lonely.


Eric: "Well, you're never alone. I'll always be there for you, Katie Logan. Don't you forget that." This is some kind of bullshit. Since when were these two EVER close? Because of course, now that we have a couple worth rooting for, TPTB have to fuck it up. Apparently, we can't ever have nice things.

The orders for the new line, including Quinn's jewelry pieces, are pouring in. 

Steffy: "How does Quinn manage to do this? Like, she always pulls a rabbit out of the hat." Because she is awesome and amazing and you suck.

An excited Quinn arrives home to look for Eric.

Eric is very cagey about his reaction to her first fashion show success and...he's seriously pissing me off. 

Steffy, in a moment of clarity I never thought she'd have: "Dad, look, I know you're thinking about the family and Forrester, but I got to admit, what Quinn did, wearing the showstopper, she really saved us." I'm sure this line of thought won't last and she'll go back to her pouty infantile self momentarily.

Wyatt, ever his mother's champion: "My mother wore that showstopper for Eric. She risked everything to come through for her husband today. And I know I fought against them for a very long time, but after today... I'm even more of a believer in my mom and Eric." Way to go, Wyatt. You might as well have tolled the death knoll for these two.

Eric continues to have a non-reaction and we can see Quinn's excitement fizzle. 

Finally, after a million years and me screaming at the TV "say something, I'm giving up on you," Eric finally stops with the so-not-funny teasing and tells her "I love you. And I loved the show. It was sensational. I'm so proud of you." 

About damn time, mister!

He tells her to come upstairs and that they have much to celebrate.

Quinn wants to check her phone (for orders) but tells him she'll be right up.

She looks down and that's when she sees the two champagne flutes on the coffee table, one of them bearing the traces of hot pink lipstick. First of all, nice continuity show. Katie was wearing all-wrong red lipstick that made her look like Faye Dunaway channeling Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest. Second, fuck you, show. 

They probably aren't even going to bother with Quidge but just have Quinn go batshit over Katie, who appears every inch trying to worm her way into Eric's life because she can. And it's just so ridiculous because Katie and Eric were never close, hell, they haven't had a scene together in HOW long? So we have this trumped-up plot contrivance of Katie needing Eric to get Will into the "right" school (and $ Bill couldn't do that???) and them hanging out and sending Quinn's Spidey-senses into overdrive. And why wouldn't Eric have mentioned Katie, who's young enough to be his daughter, stopping by to humor an old man? Although to be fair to Eric, I'm sure he didn't think a thing of it. He appears to only have eyes for Quinn but Quinn, used to being used and discarded by men, will question and we all know that's never, ever a good thing where Quinn is concerned. 

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23 hours ago, CountryGirl said:



10 hours ago, tessaray said:

sigh... I've given up griping (mostly) about how incestuous this show is but I'll never like it. I do dread Ridge and Quinn but there's no denying that they are a good match.  It just would have been nice if TIIC would have realized that before they put her with Eric.  


RS has been the picture of the creative jewelry artist; eclectically dressed and beautifully groomed, with a tight athletic figure. The mental picture of RS being mauled by the dumpy, wrinkled, and ungroomed dad-bod TK is sporting is the waste of a beautiful woman on a slob.

I would prefer a SL where Ridge playing his last hand as the wasted Lothario, romances Quinn to destroy her marriage to Eric, and she smells his desperation and turns the tables on him. She tells Eric, and Ridge is caught with his pants around his ankles by Eric.   

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Mmm. I sensed something weird in Eric yesterday. I know he likes to be dramatic and pulling legs, but what if he's worried about her liking the power too much? That cagey behaviour and the look on his face was strange.

Ridge and Quinn is going to be a thing, or Quinn's going to go off her rocker because of Katie. These stupid writers will probably do a hybrid of both. Quinn will probably walk in or overhear something--via the Partially Open Door, and it will go down from there. I don't sense romantic vibes between Katie and Eric, so I don't get why Quinn is jealous or why she's going to call Katie today/this week. Ironically, I would've rooted for Quinn and Ridge because you know it would have made Puffy's face crack even more. Her being livid would've made more sense in that context than being upset with her granddaddy dearest dating her husband's mum. She would've been her stepmum if Ridge had married her, and you know that would've driven a wedge in between them. It was interesting that Puffy is finally seeing the light and admitting that Quinn is at least a decent businesswoman. 

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Quinn's the new heroine of the show so she may get her ire up about Katie and we'll be led to believe she's going to go nuts but since Eric is supposed to be the defining love of her life, instead of it making her go off the deep end, it'll probably break her and show everyone, i.e., the Forresters that 'she's a real girl' and has emotions and they -especially Ridge - will see her in a while new light. This is the true test for 'new' Quinn - not that she got the man, but that she's in danger of losing him and how does she react to that? 

Doubt Eric/Katie will be a long term thing, it's just something to test Quinn; the real triangle is going to be Quinn and Ridge falling for each other while she's married to Eric and Ridge once again in the position of stealing a woman from a family member.

Ridge will be the rebound/pick up the pieces guy for Quinn as they unite to make Forrester Creations a force again and fall in love in the course of it all.

I'll even dare say that either Ridge or Steffy will utter the words 'Eric, treated her horribly.'

They spent WAY too much time in turning Quinn around and compromised way too many characters to prop her up for them to throw her out. She sparks with Eric and Ridge and Bill.  The show's heavily invested in her; she was their leading lady for half of 2016 and will be their leading lady for the next year or two at least unless they stumble upon a hot pairing for Katie or Brooke. 

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1 hour ago, Cupid Stunt said:

RS has been the picture of the creative jewelry artist; eclectically dressed and beautifully groomed, with a tight athletic figure. The mental picture of RS being mauled by the dumpy, wrinkled, and ungroomed dad-bod TK is sporting is the waste of a beautiful woman on a slob.

I would prefer a SL where Ridge playing his last hand as the wasted Lothario, romances Quinn to destroy her marriage to Eric, and she smells his desperation and turns the tables on him. She tells Eric, and Ridge is caught with his pants around his ankles by Eric.   

I wasn't thinking quite so much in the physical sense.  For such a tiny woman, the force of her personality makes her seem every bit Ridge's equal, if not superior.  With Eric she is sparkly, yes and I love them together but there's no denying that Quinn doesn't seem suited for fairy princess treatment, at least not for long. 

This show is shortsighted if they do pair Quinn and Ridge for real though.  It will ruin her and they need her more than they need him, IMO.  The character of Ridge seems as much of a drag on the canvas as Zende and Liam are. 

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1 hour ago, LittleIggy said:

Oh, great. They couldn't keep Quinn from going down Cray-cray Avenue for very long, could they?

I know. That was short. Why is she so freaking jealous? He's taking her side over every member of his family, so I don't get why she's so freaking insecure. It's really sad as hell. This is not going to end well at all. And Steffy will be able to say I told you so.

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Is Quinn right to be a little jealous?  I would imagine that it's more paranoia than jealousy. Quinn knows of the continuing assault on breaking up her and Eric and this could be another battle she might have to fight. In essence, a plan C in Ridges play book or maybe even Katie's own plan A.  Now, possibly moving on the same block, I would imagine Katie would be up to something. Why would a single woman with a small child need a mansion?  So it's close to the school and he can have a few friends over?  Big deal.  Katie doesn't have a job and the money she got from Bill won't last forever. Even her child support would not even be close to what the monthly upkeep would be.  Rick why don't you buy the house yourself instead of living with mommy.  

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40 minutes ago, politichick said:

I know. That was short. Why is she so freaking jealous? He's taking her side over every member of his family, so I don't get why she's so freaking insecure. It's really sad as hell. This is not going to end well at all. And Steffy will be able to say I told you so.

I imagine it's most of the reasons Katie remains stuck in sophomore year of high school mentally. A more talented show would have addressed this insecurity much sooner in their relationship or explore how difficult it is to push aside such baggage. 

As written now, I agree it makes no frigging sense. Giving power of attorney to you is not a thing a man does when he's looking to leave.

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The real Quinn is coming out---no more Ms Goody Two Shoes to get Eric into her bed.  I can't understand why she's so freaking upset that Katie was there, but again, I can't see any reason why the writers had her at the mansion in the first place.  What, she can't get her kid into a school by herself?  It's just dumb to inject her into this story.  BUT, is Quinn going to go ape-shit bozo every time Eric talks to a woman?  Is he not going to be allowed to fit his designs on the models because, God forbid, he's going to be touching him?   This jealousy BS is going to suck, big time, so Katie better not become a next door neighbor because Whacko Quinn will be pulling all kinds of shit stirring.  

Edited by KLovestoShop
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Okay writers--here's the warning from many of your viewers. Do NOT go here with Quinn, Eric and Katie. We were just relaxing and enjoying this show. Don't screw it up now. Just when you've drawn us back in to a great story line, you're going to mess with it and us?! DO NOT DO THIS! You'll lose a lot of viewers who have hung in with you for too many sad years hoping it would eventually get a tad better. That phone call between Quinn and Katie was so very unnecessary! Regroup and rewrite. 

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Queric is the pairing that has kept me tuning in so of course TPTB are going to almost immediately fuck them up and I'm just so pissed off right now that I don't even want to recap what was one of the shittiest episodes ever.

But I will anyway.

Tues. 11/15 recap:

First, what is with the recent little opening scene (or tease as I'm sure TPTB are calling it) where we have a couple being all cutesy or sexy or whatever? We've seen it with Rick/Maya, Nicole/Zende, Puffy/Waffles. It's gimmicky and stupid and makes no sense with the rest of the show.

Today, it was Rumple (TM RuntheTable) and Brooke. 


Ridge shows up to "tempt"Brooke. Thankfully, it's with ice cream but there's enough innuendo there to make a million ladies drop their panties, but it's TK's greasy, unctuous, douchebag Ridge saying these suggestive lines so everyone's panties will stay on, Brooke's included, thank you very much.

They share a pint of ice cream. Ridge pretends Brooke has something on her face as an excuse to put his greasy paw on her cheek and it's so very gag-worthy.

Instead of being thrilled for the company that the fashion show, jewelry line and all, were a smash, they grouse about Quinn and speculate as to how long their marriage will last. There's also barely any mention of Bill, who continues to be proven right in his actions of leaving Brooke at the altar and holding off on marrying her. She still doesn't get the damn point and I kind of hate her right now.

But I'll save my real hate for her little shit-stirrer sister, Katie. Do I think Katie has any real interest in Eric? Probably not, but if she can stir the pot and piss 
Quinn off (a woman who had exactly zero to do with Katie or her marriage), so much the better. Plus, there is a part of me that thinks being the new Forrester matriarch would suit Katie just fine because she'd have something over Brooke. Again. Nevermind the Beric ship has sailed long ago. 

I mean, just look at this bitch's face (and see, she WAS wearing red lipstick, not hot pink). Yes, I am a stickler for details.


Anywho, Rick and Katie, who suddenly remember they're related to each other, are poring over listings for a new house for Katie and Will and wouldn't you just know? There's a house RIGHT NEXT DOOR to Eric's. Why it's positively providential?

Rick insists they drive over to take a look at it, he was friends with the kid who lived there, and really show? That is just some cheap-ass, lazy writing right there. Plot contrivance at its not-so-finest.

Quinn is fixated on the lipstick stain on the champagne flute and all that's missing is the old-timey villain music and a mustache for Quinn to twirl. She finally goes upstairs and Eric remarks she was downstairs far too long. He doesn't know the half of it. He wants to reiterate his praise of her, but all Quinn wants to know is whose lipstick is on that glass and so help me God, it better not be anywhere else. Eric finally tells her that Katie was there and watched the show with him. I'm surprised little cartoon puffs of smoke aren't coming out of Quinn's ears.

Eric reassures her that Katie's an old friend (again, since when?) and he would have much rather spent the day with her. Quinn appears to be somewhat mollified by that and tells Eric she trusts him completely. But you know whom she doesn't trust? Katie. And honestly, I don't blame her. 

I mean I'm a pretty secure in my marriage woman, but if I had some woman asking my husband for favors, dropping by to personally thank him, and continuing to drop by to hang out when I'm not around, I don't know that I'd be comfortable for that. And of course I trust my husband just as Quinn trusts Eric but it wouldn't sit right with me. Because the bottom line is, if said woman isn't a friend to my marriage, then she doesn't need to be friends with me or my husband. And I'd be hard-pressed to say that Katie is a friend to the Queric marriage.

Because of this little exchange (Quinn has gone back downstairs and doesn't waste any time dialing up good ol' Katie):

Quinn: "Hi, Katie. This is Quinn Forrester." The Forrester likely unnecessary but Quinn is on the warpath.

Katie: "Hi, Quinn." I so want to wipe the smirk on her face.

Quinn: "I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time."

Katie: "No.  I saw the fashion show today. It was wonderful." And why not mention how wonderful Quinn was?

Quinn: "Thank you. I heard that you watched it with Eric."

Katie: "Yes, I did. I think Eric was very pleased at how it all turned out."

Quinn: "Yes. So was I. And I am really glad that Eric had company to watch the show. But, um... I don't really think it was appropriate." I don't think it was either. I'm sorry, I don't.

Katie: "I'm sorry. Excuse me?" Do not act like you are fucking new here, Katie. And I can guarantee that if the situation was reversed and she was still married to Bill and another woman had been doing what she was doing, she'd be mad as hell.

Quinn: "Well, you coming by and entertaining my husband when you knew his wife would be away." Don't try and bullshit Quinn, Katie.

Katie: "Uh, Quinn, I really hope you don't think that..."

Quinn: "No, no, no. Don't think I'm taking it in any wrong way. Eric told me about getting Will into that fancy school, and I'm really glad everything worked out for you. But I'm just saying next time let me know that you're gonna come by. I'd like to be here. You know, we can all hang out together. I like you, Katie. I've -- I've always admired you." Let's not get carried away, Quinn.

Katie: "Thanks, Quinn. That's awfully nice of you to say that." Just the snarky bitchy tone of her voice. I so detest her.  "Listen, Eric and I have known each other for many, many years. I don't think you need to be concerned about our friendship." Oh no, you do not say that to the wife. Ever. If Quinn is uncomfortable with this friendship, she's the wife, she's the priority. Full stop.

Quinn: "Oh, I am not concerned." Well, of course she is.  "It just doesn't look good, you know, you coming by when you know I'm not gonna be here." And again, I agree with that.

Katie: "I really think you've got this all wrong. There's no reason to feel insecure." That's rich, coming from the poster child of insecurity and low-self-esteem and living-in-my-sister's-shadow and boo-hooing about it to anyone who will listen.

Quinn: "Oh, that's not the way I feel. I feel very secure about my marriage. I'd just like a heads up next time." Katie, this is your cue to ensure there isn't a next time. 

Katie: "Okay, then. If I overstepped, I apologize." That was the most fake-ass, insincere apology ever.

Quinn: "Thank you, Katie. I'm glad we understand each other. Bye-bye." So Katie, you have been put on notice, but I'm sure this will just fuel her fire to stir up even more shit than she already has. 

Quinn says exactly what I would have after hanging up the phone. "Bitch!" 

Bitch is exactly right. She needs to get a job, get a hobby, get a life of her own. But no, she's content to be a bottom-feeder, swimming around for whatever crumbs she can find. If the crumbs she finds don't belong to her, so much the difference.

But we all know Katie has inherited St Taylor's teflon coating so we all know this is likely to end with Quinn on the outside, looking in (or inside a padded cell).

God, I hate this show!

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37 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Katie: "I really think you've got this all wrong. There's no reason to feel insecure." That's rich, coming from the poster child of insecurity and low-self-esteem and living-in-my-sister's-shadow and boo-hooing about it to anyone who will listen.

I seriously snorted when Katie had the gall to go with "no reason to feel insecure."  Bitch, please.  Insecure is your default setting.  

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Bitch is exactly right. She needs to get a job, get a hobby, get a life of her own. But no, she's content to be a bottom-feeder, swimming around for whatever crumbs she can find. If the crumbs she finds don't belong to her, so much the difference.

Yep. For years I gave her a pass for the Nick thing (his ass was of sound mind and body and given everything that happened with Brooke three years earlier, should've damn well known better), but in retrospect that boink is even more cruel than I originally thought it to be, given all the time and effort she spent cheerleading for Bridget to take his sorry ass back. And let's not forget the over the top shrieking and melodramatics that led her o getting shot in the first damn place.

And what about Donna, who has made it obviously that she was open to getting back with Eric? She's on the outs with Brooke--rightfully so, even if I can't support her smugness about it--but Donna hasn't done anything to her.

I just can't even.

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This is what I didn't like about Quinn 2.0 (or is it 3.0?) at first - suddenly she's all sunshine and rainbows without any real development.  So watching yesterday, I'm not sure if this is the real Quinn resurfacing or if it's all been a con or this is just bad 1950's romance writing striking again.

If they screw up Queric, I'll probably go back to recording and deleting the show unwatched.  There's nothing else here I care about.      

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Well, if nothing else, Show certainly has me perplexed. This is twice they have randomly inserted Katie into matters that don't involve her. She was the mouthpiece that spread the word about Douglas, and now she is messing with Eric and Quinn? I just don't get it. What does Katie stand to gain by fucking up Eric's happiness? She must have an agenda, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. I mean, showing up in workout gear? Then popping in with a bottle of wholly inappropriate champagne, and hot red lipstick, looking like she was about to go out clubbing? And since when does she and Rick have any type of Aunt/Nephew relationship? I have this feeling they really don't know what to do with Katie, and are testing different avenues they could take her down. I hate all of them so far; they have only served to highlight what a contentious little pit viper she is. All I have to say is girlfriend better watch her step if she wants to fuck with Quinn, because Quinn isn't Brooke, and won't be begging Katie for forgiveness as she engages in left eye crying. 

At first I think Quinn was jealous, until she found out it was Katie. I don't think she is worried about Katie coming after Eric. What I think is Quinn believes this is some sort of attack from the flanks, with Katie leading the charge. And Katie's remark about Quinn feeling insecure was not only nasty, but served to fuel Quinn's fire as well. Quinn probably thinks Ridge and Brooke sought out Katie's help, and staged this offensive to take place while Quinn was busy with the fashion show, and Ridge's and Steffy's mutiny. No doubt, Quinn see's it as an all out effort with Katie now in the mix. 

I just can't buy the jealousy thing. Quinn has never struck me as the jealous type, but then again, if this is her first turn at true love, she may be acting like a high school girl dealing with her first boyfriend. 

And in walks Rumple's, replete with smiles, innuendo, and a pint of Brooke's favorite ice cream. WHAT IS YOUR DEAL MAN? Were you not just flirting with Quinn on the runway? AND WHAT IS YOUR DEAL BROOKE? I am mad at you right now. Why do you keep entertaining Rumple's every whim? I wish you would just go on and do it ok? We all know that the GC is on preheat, so just go on and do it. Bill won't care, cause Bill has already bought his clue, and knows you are never going to be his wife. So just go the fuck on and have sex with Ridge, or marry him or do whatever, because I am past caring. And when the worthless fuck finds out he is Douglas's bio dad, or when he jumps Quinn's bones to piss off Eric, or just because he can, and he kicks you to the curb because he is once again done with you? I won't shed a tear for you. I won't yell at Rumple's and fight your battles for you anymore. You had your perfect chance at happiness, with a man who completes you and respects you and loves you and only you. But just like history and your destiny, you put Ridge first, and that is entirely on you.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I agree that Quinn likely does see this as yet another attack on her and considering the stunts Rumple and Puffy have pulled thus far with the POA, the coup attempt, the blatant disrespect at every turn, and, most recently, the attempts to sabotage the fashion show and the very company they are supposed to defend with everything they have, all in the name of petty jealousy and spite, it's no wonder she is reacting this way. 

While we didn't see Ridge, Puffy, et al dangle Katie in front of Eric directly, I have to wonder if Rick's cheerleading of her being Eric's next door neighbor wasn't doing exactly that. There are a million other houses Katie could buy, why this one? And I don't buy for a second it's just because it's a house Rick spent a lot of time at growing up (which is also questionable since he didn't grow up on Eric's street).

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I just can't buy the jealousy thing. Quinn has never struck me as the jealous type, but then again, if this is her first turn at true love, she may be acting like a high school girl dealing with her first boyfriend. 

Except it isn't.  TIIC may want us to forget Deaquinn but I haven't. They tried this with her and Liam and even apart from Captive Cabin it wouldn't have worked there, either.

Between this stuff with Katie, the recent Bridge reconstruction and Liam's long stretches off the show even after his official paternity leave, it does feel like B&B is going through some of the same transitional pains that Y&R is this month.

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Sure Brooke play down the fashion show while it was a complete success. Keep it in the family Rick, you prick, than buy it yourself. Brooke, how can you have two loves of your life?  Did you die and come back to life?  

I give TBTB credit where credit is due by trying to make the home, next to the Forrester Estate, not look like one.  But, to me, it looked like a beach house in Malibu more than a home in Beverly Hills.  In any case, that home, because of the neighborhood, would have to be near 5 mil.

Please don't let Katie interfere with Eric and Quinn.  Quinn is being overly cautious but I don't blame her. 

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Aren't there enough beach houses in B&B? There's the original one being now occupied by Wyatt, and then Liam's cliff house...do we need a third one? Why not redesign Taylor's long forgotten house...slap a new coat of paint, redesign the stairs and presto.

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Well, if nothing else, Show certainly has me perplexed. This is twice they have randomly inserted Katie into matters that don't involve her. She was the mouthpiece that spread the word about Douglas, and now she is messing with Eric and Quinn? I just don't get it. What does Katie stand to gain by fucking up Eric's happiness? She must have an agenda, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. I mean, showing up in workout gear? Then popping in with a bottle of wholly inappropriate champagne, and hot red lipstick, looking like she was about to go out clubbing? And since when does she and Rick have any type of Aunt/Nephew relationship? I have this feeling they really don't know what to do with Katie, and are testing different avenues they could take her down. I hate all of them so far; they have only served to highlight what a contentious little pit viper she is. All I have to say is girlfriend better watch her step if she wants to fuck with Quinn, because Quinn isn't Brooke, and won't be begging Katie for forgiveness as she engages in left eye crying. 

I think she really is the new Taylor.  Sticking her nose in everywhere, and now she'll apparently copy Taylor's entering into a "consolation" relationship with Eric because she can't keep any of her generation of men interested for long.  

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8 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Well, if nothing else, Show certainly has me perplexed. This is twice they have randomly inserted Katie into matters that don't involve her. She was the mouthpiece that spread the word about Douglas, and now she is messing with Eric and Quinn? I just don't get it. What does Katie stand to gain by fucking up Eric's happiness? She must have an agenda, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. I mean, showing up in workout gear? Then popping in with a bottle of wholly inappropriate champagne, and hot red lipstick, looking like she was about to go out clubbing? And since when does she and Rick have any type of Aunt/Nephew relationship? I have this feeling they really don't know what to do with Katie, and are testing different avenues they could take her down. I hate all of them so far; they have only served to highlight what a contentious little pit viper she is. All I have to say is girlfriend better watch her step if she wants to fuck with Quinn, because Quinn isn't Brooke, and won't be begging Katie for forgiveness as she engages in left eye crying. 

4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I think she really is the new Taylor. Sticking her nose in everywhere, and now she'll apparently copy Taylor's entering into a "consolation" relationship with Eric because she can't keep any of her generation of men interested for long.  


In the same way Taylor was a spoiler? Absolutely! 

By just showing up, she could cast a pall on whatever romance was in full swing, waiting for an anvil drop. Katie, like Taylor, is a Jonah -- Bad tidings and worse possible luck for those she says she has nothing but the best of intentions.

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Was Taylor a spoiler like that, though? The only time I remember her actively spoiling anyone's relationship was when she encouraged Ridge to get between Brooke and Thorne. Unless there was something prior to 1999 I'm missing. Oh, and the Brill 1.0 stuff, but that would've come to a head with or without her anyway.

Speaking of Brill, fuck Brooke. How many good men has she let Ridge ruin for her? Between Grant, Thorne and Nick and now Bill, who is far from perfect but at least he's been blatant about where his loyalties are.

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KKL .. Brooke, I have loved you more than my luggage since I first laid eyes on you catering at that Forrester mansion party late 80's, all wide eyed and dazzled by them+ Ridge, girl PLEEZE, Move on, you got money,. Leave LA for an extended trip of self -discovery PLEEZE girl, anything but this mess!

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Reading up on Katie's history, I've discovered that she has been the turd in the punch bowel for quite a long time sticking her nose in many times where it didn't belong. What i can't seem to find is if the Logan family had money or were they just in the right place at the right time ala the Avant sisters?  Can some B&B historian help me understand the Logan sisters' perigee.  

One other thing that is bothering me and that why is Hope a Logan when her father is Deacon Sharpe?  He would of had to be on her birth certificate, as her father,  because he did signed over his parental rights to Nick Marone when he was married to Brooke and than later to Ridge Forrester when Brooke lost custody of Hope and RJ.   Am o being to logical?  Please help.  

Edited by Waldo13
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@Waldo13, I suppose you could say that the Avant family is the Logan family 2.0.  Like Maya with Nicole, once Brooke got her foot in the door, it paved the way for Donna and later, Katie to follow suit. I know that Donna just showed up one day and said she'd been working as a waitress in San Francisco. (I don't remember about Katie.) There was always a miraculous job ready and waiting at FC (regardless of the sibling's skill set) and the rest was history!

I am SOoooooo disappointed in Brooke. Why was she sitting in the kitchen spooning ice cream with Rumple anyway? Not to mention letting him get too close for comfort. She should have sent him and his melty ice cream packing immediately.  They could have discussed the fashion show via a phone call. Then she had the gall to sit and tell Bill less than 24 hours later that he was the love of her life and wanted to marry him, but after she said that Ridge used to be. Wow! Nothing like feeling like second place. And I still think her BS logic about not throwing Ridge out of the wedding ASAP was "he's RJ's father ... used to be my destiny ... had to hear him out ... " I think she deserved to be left at the altar.

If I had been Bill, I would have been finally fed up with her waffling and non-answers and walked out for good.  Certainly not take Slouchy for an extended joyride. Talk about rude! I would have slapped him silly for his disrespectful treatment of Bill.  (Regardless if how you feel, he's a guest in your home.) Brooke's tepid, "Manners," didn't cut it.

I will add that in those kitchen scenes, TK did look like he was enjoying the scene with KKL. He had an expression in his eyes, more like he was having fun, (not love and passion) but it was a start. Usually, he looks at her with amused indifference and impatience.

I don't know what to think about Katie.  I agree. She and Eric were never that close.  I think she's still hurting/reeling from the divorce and loss to Brooke and has found a soft shoulder to cry on. From her experience of having him as a BIL, I'm sure she knows how Eric is a sucker for tears and emotional basket cases.  I can see this becoming a habit of her just "dropping in" to pour her heart out to a sympathetic audience (sans Quinn.) Then it will build from there. SMH. A better scenario would be for her to heed Quinn's advice and drop by with both Forresters were home. She could get to know Quinn and build a friendship/business alliance with her.  Sadly. Won't happen.

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6 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Reading up on Katie's history, I've discovered that she has been the turd in the punch bowel for quite a long time sticking her nose in many times where it didn't belong. What i can't seem to find is if the Logan family had money or were they just in the right place at the right time ala the Avant sisters?  Can some B&B historian help me understand the Logan sisters' perigee.  

One other thing that is bothering me and that why is Hope a Logan when her father is Deacon Sharpe?  He would of had to be on her birth certificate, as her father,  because he did signed over his parental rights to Nick Marone when he was married to Brooke and than later to Ridge Forrester when Brooke lost custody of Hope and RJ.   Am o being to logical?  Please help.  

Basically, what grisgris said. By the time Brooke was divorcing Eric, all the rest of the Logans had been written out and her becoming CEO was a way for her to stay in the Forrester orbit. 

When Hope was SORASed it was revealed that she didn't know that Deacon was her father. But I don't know why she wasn't a Forrester if Ridge had adopted her, either.

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Thank you grisgris and Anna greatly appreciated. I kind of got the feeling that the Logan sisters were not born with a silver spoon in their mouths. As I posted before, champagne and caviar are mind altering drugs causing you not to remember from whence you came. 

ETA:  Come to think of it, only Ridge and Rick were born entitled ass holes and Steffy and Thomas were born spoiled brats. 

Edited by Waldo13
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OMG!  Even at 47, RS can rock your sox off. No Botox needed.  I would be surprised if JMW looks half as good at 47. 

Rick and Katie only see boundaries when it comes to themselves. Of course they see nothing wrong with just "thanking" Eric. Just a few short months ago wasn't it Katie who was all bent out of shape when Brooke was not respecting her marriage. How a man like Eric could be with a woman like Quinn?  Really Katie, really!  How could a woman like you wind up with a man like Bill. It's the champagne and caviar effect reiterated. 

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After the non wedding because of Ridge (and the fact that Brooke was entertaining Ridge when she should have been walking down the isle) why is Brooke once again/still giving Ridge any encouragement? Tell him no, close the door in his face, and ignore him unless it has to do with their son Slumpy.

It's always mixed signals with Brooke, and then she is shocked when it blows up in her face. Again. 

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Think about it this way, Katie is the only Logan sister Eric hasn't boffed, so he's a bit behind.  Only a brave man screws every sister in a family.  Wait a while and Rick might make his way through the Avant ladies.  

I really don't want to see Rick with Katie or Eric with Katie or Quinn with Greaseball.  This freaking show just has far too many incestuous-like relationships.  In a few years, every man will have slept with all their sisters-in-law, sisters will have done their father-in-law, and on and on.  But one thing we can count on is that Puffy will flop between brothers. 

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Considering last week's election, I don't want to see even a fictional rich guy bloviating about how much he loves money. Geeze, I was expecting Bill to start rubbing that stack of currency on his crotch! I wish RJ had asked him if he had stocked a supply of Just For Men (in Shoe Polish Black) and chest wax in his bunker.

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What a boring waste of a show today. Yes. I thought the scene of Bill's "Survival Room" was in extremely poor taste and made him look like an extreme greedy asshole. WHY would he subject RJ to that? Not the best way to make a good impression and build a positive relationship with your maybe-stepson.

So, now Rumple is all of a sudden visiting Stephanie's grave? Why did her refer to her by her first name? I guess that was better than Mottthurrrrr .... but still.  So Stephanie is playing yenta from the grave? I thought Brooke got in some pretty good digs there as well as questioning him on his intention and sincerity.  What a piss-poor campaign that reeks of desperation. Not desperation to win Brooke's hand, mind you, but just to beat Bill.

KKL must be sick to death of playing Brooke as this waffling doormat.  If she seriously wants to marry Bill, then for fuck's sake, MARRY him. Tell Ridge to get lost and Slouchy and him can go pitch a tent somewhere under the pier where Maya used to hang out.  This entertaining Ridge's random pulled-out-of-his-ass whims and hanging on his every word is pissing me off no end.  I could kind of read it on KKL's face today during their scenes in the kitchen. She looked exasperated and not just in character.

I wish that Katie's real estate deal would fall through. The thing with Quinn is, Katie poses no threat to her unless Quinn makes it so.  Maybe it would work better if Quinn told Eric that she'd prefer it if he not socialize with Katie during Quinn's absence. That seems like a simple enough request and one that Eric can honor. Once he is back and re-seated at FC, it should not longer be an issue as the opportunities for interaction with Katie should dwindle. There is really no reason for Katie to show up at FC, especially since her relationship with Brooke is still so tenuous.

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Wed. 11/16 recap:

Brooke opens, then closes her fridge to find Bill standing there. He tells her he wants closure.

And any time I hear the word "closure," I  can only think of this:


The fact that $ Bill is there at all should speak volumes to Brooke because $ Bill doesn't beg anyone. Which is Brooke's cue to rip out his heart a little more by telling him Ridge stopped by the night before.

Bill: "Not that long ago, you assured me you were done with him."

Brooke: "I know."

Bill: "So is that relationship over? Or is this one, Brooke?" It's a great question and really, Brooke needs to shit or get off the pot here.

But Brooke is still whining about being "dumped" at the altar. Brooke, you don't have a leg to stand on.

Bill: "It's because I could see that Ridge was still on your mind. Look, if it was anyone else, I would have dumped them and moved on by now, and you know that. But I'm here. And that should tell you something." It absolutely should tell her something but she just doesn't get it. Bill is much more patient than I would be but I've had a lot longer to deal with Brooke's shenanigans.

Brooke: "Okay. And I appreciate that. And I'm sorry to disappoint you. I know I let you down. I should have told Ridge to leave the minute he walked through that door."

Bill: "Why didn't you?"

Brooke: "I've told you before that you're the love of my life. But Ridge used to be the love of my life, and I have a son with him, so I thought I would hear him out." Hear him out some other day, after you're married, if you must, although why she should pay Ridge the time of day, I'll never know. 

They are still discussing things when Slouchey walks in. They should insert a "waa-waa" sound effect to give us more warning. 

Brooke has the wonderful (awful) idea to have Bill and Slouchey hang out together, clearly thinking these two are going to bond. Good luck with that. The two reluctantly agree.

Quinn is at FC, basking in some continued praise, including, apparently fan mail, which it pains Pam (good) to give to her.

Wyatt tells Quinn how proud he is of her. 

Quinn tells Wyatt her concerns about Katie, mainly that she doesn't like having a single woman alone in her house with her husband.

Wyatt: "Mom, stop. You're being paranoid."

Quinn: "Oh. I'm thinking that people are out to get me? Yeah, why would I ever think that?" Why, indeed.

Wyatt: "So what? You think Ridge somehow put her up to it? No! Eric loves you. He's not out to get you. And he also has many long-standing relationships, and the worst possible mistake you could make right now is to shut them all down one by one." He does have a point...Quinn is the one who has some ground to make up, given her past, while Katie will always be given the benefit of the doubt because of Stormy's heart.

Quinn: "I know, I know. I hate that he's at odds with his family because of me."

Wyatt: "So trust him. Just like he trusts you." It's not about her trusting Eric.

Quinn: "I do. I do, but his family and -- and Katie just dropping by, I mean, you know... I would be foolish not to be on alert. And before you say anything, I am not jealous, I'm not insecure. I think I'm being smart." I would agree with this.

Katie and Rick are touring the next door to Eric house with Amy the realtor. Amy, BTW, is DD's real-life wife, Cindy. And who else should drop by but Eric. Does he do that with all the neighbors?

Katie seems to really like the house and Eric jokes about removing the privacy hedge between the two properties. I'm sure Quinn will be just thrilled with that.

Rick leaves to pick up Lizzie. She and Eric discuss the phone call with Quinn and, surprisingly, Katie remarks that the conversation was "fine" and that "I guess some women aren't too keen to have other women spend time with their husbands, so... I don't want Quinn as an enemy, especially if she's living right next door." Um, I think that's most women, Katie, including your hypocritical ass.

Katie looks around one last time at the house and says she really thinks it could be "perfect."

And then we get this masterful scene:

"I want to thank you for your support and your friendship. You've helped me see something that I've been having a hard time seeing. I feel like I'm this girl who walks around with this, like, embarrassed smile on her face because I'm the woman who lost her husband to her sister. Again. And my other ex is fighting over her, too, and I have to put on a happy face and try not to burst into tears.  Every time somebody asks me how I'm doing, like this.  I feel like people go through low times in their lives, and this... This might be a low time for me, but it doesn't have to be, and you're helping me see that. I can let Bill be Bill and Brooke be Brooke and we can all get along because they are who they are and they love me... the best way they can. I'm free. I can raise my -- my son the way I want to. I can live my life the way I want to. I'm free in every respect that matters. I can do this. I can buy this house. I can live my life the way I want to. I can send my son to a great school, thanks to you. I can live next door to a friend who's happy to see me. Thank you for getting me out of this echo chamber in my head. I can do this." 



And wow, just wow...turning on the waterworks and stroking Eric's ego and having her sole reason for being able to go on with her life tied to his presence in her life. 

Even if Katie isn't interested in Eric - now - it would seem she's keeping her options open, so Quinn had better remain on high alert.

Edited by CountryGirl
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