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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I knew it, he didn't sign the license. 

Ridge's being a fool, acting over Quinn like RJ is over Bill. What does he expect Eric to do when he wakes up? Say "OK, I won't marry Quinn again."

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I had a chance to catch up on the last few episodes and to steal the opening line from A Tale of Two Cities, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Emphasis on worst, but I'll start with the best...

Quinn and Eric going through with the ceremony and her gorgeous portrait replacing that of the hag. It just brightens up the room, doesn't it? Not to mention the portrait moving and shaking and falling onto the floor? Cheesy as hell.

All of Eric's family who were not named Ridge-Pen or Puffy realizing what horrible little brats they had been and seeking to make amends. A little late, guys, but better late than never.

While Eric's collapse and hospitalization are certainly the worst, they brought out the wife lioness in Quinn and no one has ever given Puffy the dressing-down she deserves the way Quinn can.

Like this exchange:

Steffy: If you cared about my grandfather, you would have left him. (She gave him an out, bitch, so STFU).

Quinn: You know more about love than anybody, don't you? You've been in and out of it more times than I have. (Hahahahahahahah - zing! You'll get no arguments from anyone, ever, here, Quinn).

Steffy: You manipulated him. (Is he a helpless child? Wow, she really does think he belongs in the corner of some ratty old nursing home, wearing Depends and eating lime jello).

Quinn: [Laughing] Oh, that line. That line is getting so tired. Yeah. You're right. I cut corners with a lot of people. I did a lot of horrible things. But that was so long ago. I don't even remember that woman anymore. But you? You refuse to forget it. So while I'm bringing laughter, happiness, and love into your grandfather's life and world, you -- you're ignoring him and you're focusing on my past. He made you, Steffy. He made you and ridge and rick and Thomas. He made all of you and gave you a safe place to grow and thrive. And how do you repay him? This man who brought so much goodness into your life? You shut him out of your life. Completely. He so believed that you would all come to your senses. He wouldn't even think about it any other way because he loved you so much. And he believes that you love him. (These self-centered assholes don't know the meaning of the word "love.")

Quinn: [her voice breaks] An empty room. We were married... in an empty room. Your grandfather's heart was broken. None of you there. A part of him died that day. He never felt so betrayed by his family in his entire life. (They literally broke his heart).

Steffy: [Sighs] (When faced with logic, sighing is always a good response. /sarcasm)

Quinn: And god knows I may not be a saint. But what you and your family did to your grandfather that day was cruel and insensitive and wrong. [Sobbing] And god help us, if he leaves me today... you're the one who caused it. Not me. If I become a widow the day after my wedding -- you know what? No! I'm not! I'm not letting you take him away from me! (Preeeeeeaaaacchhh...)

And best of all, Eric momentarily coming to and asking for - wait for it - Quinn.

Not Ridge-Pen, not Puffy, not any of his other children or grandson Thomas or wacky Pam or her stupid lemon bars, but Quinn. That should speak volumes but not for this tone-deaf audience.

Finally, at long last, Brooke arrives at the hospital and we have a nice walk down memory lane and even though I was never a fan of Beric as a romantic couple, I've always loved their friendship and my goodness, they were so gorgeous back in the day (still are). I liked how Brooke simply stood there and let Quinn speak (what a novel idea) and didn't sigh or look disgusted but looked every inch as if she was taking Quinn's measure and seeing her a bit different than how Ridge-Pen has painted her. She didn't argue one iota with her and I think there was a very big reason why they showed the flashbacks - to show just how much Brooke cares - and has always cared - for Eric and perhaps it's wishful thinking, but I am hoping these scenes are setting up for Brooke to side with Eric and Quinn.

A gal can dream.

Now for the worst of times, besides the family betrayal, including Wyatt being the biggest pussy on the planet for siding with the wife who is already gone but for the ink drying on the divorce papers. Although I think I saw a glimmer of him seeing the light where Queric is concerned. I wish he would wake up where his lying, cheating wife is concerned (and yes, continuing to go to your ex with your problems and letting him hug you and console you...cheating in my book). 

Then you have Ridge-Pen putting his hands not once, not twice, but three times on Quinn. I wish Quinn had gone all Daenerys Targaryen on his rancid ass:


Where was Wyatt during all of this? Oh, that's right, bending over and kissing his wife's ass. As usual. 

Oh and of course they didn't sign the license because we never, ever, ever see that on this show.  I cannot roll my eyes hard enough. We literally just saw the was it legal or not nonsense with Wyatt/Steffy. This is beyond ridiculous that as meticulous as Eric is, he wouldn't have ensured they signed those papers before he went over to FC to read his brats and their offspring the riot act. 


And it's about to get worse because while Eric did do as I suspected and gave Quinn his POA (yay!), Ridge-Pen snags the papers and is out to destroy them before anyone else finds out.

And again, who died and made Ridge-Pen king of anything except the unwashed and unkempt? He has zero right to throw Quinn out of Eric's house because it's Eric's motherfucking house, asshole!

As much as RM could bug with his OTT performances, I would give anything if he returned and exposed TK's Ridge-Pen as a fraud. Scarves and all. Because I am full-on hate-watching TK's Ridge-Pen now. It's honestly a toss-up between him, Puffy, and Pricktor Newman for most vile character (with ButtBiscuit NeverBilly Abbot in the mix, too). RM's Ridge would never in a million years have behaved this way, but once again, it's painfully obvious TK couldn't give a shit about the history of the character and his goal (and TPTB's goal) is to complete destroy Ridge Forrester. One of the core 4 characters. 

Absolutely unbelievable. 

The only thing that is keeping me tuning in right now is the thought that Ridge-Pen is headed for a major fall. Helicopter not necessary but certainly welcome.

Edited by CountryGirl
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...OTOH, Brooke is back too, and not a minute too soon. And despite their own differences, she didn't jump in with the bashing. When Brooke isn't stealing someone's man, she is really a tolerable character.

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Finally, at long last, Brooke arrives at the hospital and we have a nice walk down memory lane and even though I was never a fan of Beric as a romantic couple, I've always loved their friendship and my goodness, they were so gorgeous back in the day (still are). I liked how Brooke simply stood there and let Quinn speak (what a novel idea) and didn't sigh or look disgusted but looked every inch as if she was taking Quinn's measure and seeing her a bit different than how Ridge-Pen has painted her. She didn't argue one iota with her and I think there was a very big reason why they showed the flashbacks - to show just how much Brooke cares - and has always cared - for Eric and perhaps it's wishful thinking, but I am hoping these scenes are setting up for Brooke to side with Eric and Quinn.

A gal can dream.

You're not the only one dreaming.  Brooke is finally back, and it's great to see her bedside visit develop so organically.  This is one of those instances where I don't mind the flahsbacks, as they were used quite effectively here.  It's refreshing that history didn't have to be rewritten to make Brooke's visit work.  Brooke and Eric couldn't make it as a couple, they always shared a special bond.  I would love nothing more than to see that human oil slick, Ridge-Pen's greasy head explode.  I despise him, and his yippy little dog, Stuffy, too.

So, by tossing Quinn out of the mansion, does this mean Ridge-Pen has managed to resolve his housing problem also?

As for that fall that I am desperately hoping for, it appears that we couldn't be rid of this vermin even though he fell into the ocean from a helicopter.  I imagine that the those governments have expended millions of dollars trying to clean up that oil spill.  Just let Ridge-Pen's fall be an epic one that will last more than a day or sweeps period.

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40 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

So, by tossing Quinn out of the mansion, does this mean Ridge-Pen has managed to resolve his housing problem also?

Wouldn't surprise me.

"Calling all Forrester-adjacent freeloaders! Open House at the mansion! First dibs on the Master Suite!"

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So funny ^

Now that Carter has shown Ridge and Steffy the new Power of Attorney Eric signed, expect Ridge to demand Carter destroy it or do it himself. It's one thing to commit a felony to protect your own interests, but it's will quite another to put a lawyer's license to practice law in jeopardy to commit or be party to a felony.

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If the Logan part (Brooke, Eric, Bridget, Maya, Nicole & throw in Zende, since he's attached to Nicole) of Eric's family is smart, they'll buddy-up to Quinn, or at least be civil, because if/when Eric awakes, Quinn is going to tell him how she was treated. Plus, just yesterday in show time, they were all feeling so guilty for hurting him, how do they think treating his wife like shit while he's basically comatose is going to make him feel? They're smarter than this. I'd think Maya, especially, would be at least somewhat accepting of Quinn, all things considered. 

I know this is mean, but why is Liam/SC still on the canvas? Today, he basically sat at the big table in Eric's office & maybe said 4 words. Find him a storyline, or find him an exit storyline. This cast is too big right now, anyway.

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16 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I'd think Maya, especially, would be at least somewhat accepting of Quinn, all things considered. 

Maya Avant is the least self aware and most hypocritical character in the entire show.  Including Steffy.

I haven't forgotten her waking up in love with Rick's money and status and deciding his life with Caroline should be hers because reasons. And all this while carrying the secret of being trans.

ETA: agreed about Liam. To borrow from 4Chan terminology, the guy is the very definition of a "beta cuck" bottom feeder with no spine. 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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@Anna Yolei, I completely agree that Maya is self-involved, but when they showed the office-coven of her, Pam, Zende & Wyatt (maybe someone else? I can't remember.), she waxed poetic about how Eric accepted her & her crazy family & she expressed her guilt over hurting him by not going to the wedding. Whether they like it or not, they all know that Eric legit loves Quinn, it just would've been nice if she'd been the voice of acceptance & tolerance, at the very least with her husband & sister. Rick was such a little bitch telling Quinn to ask the doctor for updates on Eric when all of them were sitting right there. 

This show just has no grey characters, they are all either vanilla (Liam) or just irredeemably wretched (Ridge lately, Steffy always). When the current heroine of the show is a kidnapper/rapist/attempted murderer/potential murderer, & that's behavior in the very, very, very recent past, & she's the only rootable character, that's an issue.

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9 minutes ago, nkotb said:

When the current heroine of the show is a kidnapper/rapist/attempted murderer/potential murderer, & that's behavior in the very, very, very recent past, & she's the only rootable character, that's an issue.

I remember busting up when Quinn was telling Steffy about how she'd been changed and her past was so long ago. I guess March is a long time ago to these idiot writers.

Indeed, Quinn's redemption is working only because the Forrester brats come off as power hungry misery brats who are afraid of losing their inheritance. But she's done nothing to earn this happy ending they're trying to sell, RS and McCook's talent notwithstanding.

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I could enjoy this show a lot more if I thought Ridge and Puffy were going to end up face-first in the dirt.  But I have no faith in Brad Bell to deliver a satisfying resolution. 

At this point Ridge has surpassed his buzz-coifed, brooch-wearing, pantsuit-sporting mother in his ability to manipulate people.  He's more like one of those horrible cult leaders, who is somehow able to convince people to put their morals and self-interest aside to serve him.  It was bad enough that he and his stupid daughter browbeat the entire family into abandoning a man who has done nothing but support them, even when they did horrible things.  And that they're selfishness and obstinance caused Eric to have a brain bleed.  Now they're going to top it all off by getting a lawyer to go against his professional obligations (not to mention endangering the next 50 or 60 years of his earnings potential) and the express written wishes of Eric to do what they want?  Does Carter really think his good buddy Ridge will continue to pay him a six-figure salary when he gets disbarred?  So stupid.

I know there are a lot of people out there who don't want to think for themselves and are easily led, but this is ridiculous.  None of the people at Forrester have a single brain cell between the lot of them.

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As much as RM could bug with his OTT performances, I would give anything if he returned and exposed TK's Ridge-Pen as a fraud. Scarves and all. Because I am full-on hate-watching TK's Ridge-Pen now. It's honestly a toss-up between him, Puffy, and Pricktor Newman for most vile character (with ButtBiscuit NeverBilly Abbot in the mix, too). RM's Ridge would never in a million years have behaved this way, but once again, it's painfully obvious TK couldn't give a shit about the history of the character and his goal (and TPTB's goal) is to complete destroy Ridge Forrester. One of the core 4 characters. 


At the risk of sounding like a TK apologist, he doesn't write the script - he just says the words that are handed to him.  I really don't think he's got it out for Ridge Forrester. He is probably confused as hell about what his motivations are supposed to be in playing the scenes.  I would be.

KKL looks beautiful in royal blue.

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8 minutes ago, maisie said:

At the risk of sounding like a TK apologist, he doesn't write the script - he just says the words that are handed to him.  I really don't think he's got it out for Ridge Forrester. He is probably confused as hell about what his motivations are supposed to be in playing the scenes.  I would be.

KKL looks beautiful in royal blue.

True, he doesn't write the script but I recall when TK took on the role that he boasted about how he had zero intention of learning anything about Ridge's quarter of a century + backstory and that he wanted to make Ridge his own.

Well, he's done that and not for the better.

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That's irresponsible IMO to come into any long time role and not bother to learn a damn thing about the character's history. For all the well deserved hate Ridge has gotten over the years, there was a reason he resonated with fans in spite of that for the better part of two decades. He got a very generous deal that worked around him visiting his family (often during inopportune times in the story), so learning the history was the least he could've done.

And if there's any truth at all about Brad Bell's falling out with Moss influencing the writing, then he can go fuck off, too. 

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What a friggin lame excuse for the marriage certificate not being signed. It was an emotional day. BS. It was the priest's moral obligation to have the marriage certificate signed and filed. 

Now is Carter also going to turn his back on his moral obligation for Ridge and Steffy by holding that it's Quinn who has the POA?  I wouldn't put it past TBTB to have Carter draw up a new POA with Ridge forging Eric's signature or even Ridge saying he has it and everyone takes his word for it.  

I hope Quinn does look into her legal rights and put those pompous asses in their place. 

Maya and Nicole just STFU and if you have to be there, stand in the corner showing your condescending bitch faces.  

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Quinn pointed out to Ridge that she lived in the house before they were married.  She should absolutely call the police on Ridge.

Ridge is one of the most despicable misogynistic and hateful characters now. Why oh why are the others listening to him?

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I was so glad to see that Carter gave Ridge the POA naming Quinn. Now if he turns around and agrees to hide it and show the one Eric signed giving Ridge POA- he should be disbarred forthwith and run out of town by Quinn. She was very sweet to Eric today but she seemed to have a plan up her sleeve that the rest of his despicable family is not going to like at all. Go Quinn!!

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I hate how soaps mangle legal storylines! Carter needs to decide who his client is. I assume he is employed by FC and is on the corporate payroll. In that case, he shouldn't be doing private legal work for Ridge. Furthermore, if he decided to go along and break ethical rules by doing so, he should have had Eric bring his personal attorney to the meeting about the POA. BTW, who changed the POA to say Quinn instead of Pig Pen? It didn't look as if someone had just used Liquid Paper on it. And didn't Carter say it was notarized?

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Still think we're headed for an Eric buys the farm climax with Ridge having to deal with the death of a parent since he bailed when Stephanie passed away because he couldn't handle it. Added karma that Ridge made Eric's last days so difficult although I put the responsibility for Eric's health on Eric. He was the one who decided to confront his family, rounded them up, and allowed himself to get agitated. All he had to do was marry Quinn, they go on their honeymoon and he send them a 'Glad you aren't here' picture postcard of him and Quinn naked on a beach in Fiji attached to a copy of his updated will that disowned all of them except Bridget with Eric's company left to Bridget, Logan, Brooke, Donna, and Quinn. That's how you tell people &$() you!

As for Liam, dude's been back 2 days, hasn't said more than a handful of sentences and people are still riding him, LOL. Had he come in hard bustin' Wyatt's balls, rolled up to the hospital to get in Quinn's face, and was offering his place for Steffy to crash complete with foot rubs and back massages and giving his two cents on the situation to everyone -which really isn't any of his business- people would've been up in arms. The man can't win! ;)

But seriously his absence and return should've been a springboard to jump him in a new direction. Have him have gone off working on his Spencer Gives Back Initiative and he returns home with actual successful and has a new honey on his arm who eats tofu, performs free surgery to children in a third world country, and poops rainbows and glitter. Bill is happy Liam seems to have moved on until he meets her and realizes that she comes from a family that is his sworn enemy. And could possibly be another of Bill's long lost illegit children. Dun dun dun....

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Still think we're headed for an Eric buys the farm climax with Ridge having to deal with the death of a parent since he bailed when Stephanie passed away because he couldn't handle it. Added karma that Ridge made Eric's last days so difficult although I put the responsibility for Eric's health on Eric.

I don't think Brad Bell is dumb enough to kill off Eric, but if he is then I'll turn the channel and be done with this show forever.  First, because I love JMC and don't want to see him mistreated.  Second, because I know exactly how Ridge will deal with it.  He'll take no responsibility for his actions and will instead make clumsy allusions to dementia and insist that Quinn made him act the way he did.  The character has become utterly repulsive.  When he sat down next to Quinn today and used his body to intimidate her out of the chair?  Disgusting. 

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6 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I don't think Brad Bell is dumb enough to kill off Eric, but if he is then I'll turn the channel and be done with this show forever.  First, because I love JMC and don't want to see him mistreated.  Second, because I know exactly how Ridge will deal with it.  He'll take no responsibility for his actions and will instead make clumsy allusions to dementia and insist that Quinn made him act the way he did.  The character has become utterly repulsive.  When he sat down next to Quinn today and used his body to intimidate her out of the chair?  Disgusting. 

If Brad Bell wants to hammer the final nail of rating's death into his show's coffin, that's exactly what he'll do.  I would not watch a show with Ridge-Pen as the male lead.  I just don't think he's going to kill off Eric.  If he did, then what? Watching a daily pissing match between Rick and R-P about who's going to be CEO of FC today would get old real fast. I hope out little hope that this show (or any daytime soaps) will be around long enough for the JV crew to spawn a next generation of SLs.

Ha! Ha! She probably couldn't get away fast enough because of the foul odor he emits. That must violate California air quality standards.

I don't have much more to add to what others have said about Ridge-Pen, Quinn, Steffy and Carter.  Maya seems to be the type to conveniently forget her past and past misdeeds, but is willing to mention her past (transgender, not homewrecker) when it will work to her advantage.

I was very disappointed because I expected more of a reaction out of Ridge when he read Eric's POA.  And Steffy, is she only capable of permanent bitch face and same flat manner of speaking? I expected her to convey more excitement and hope over the possibility of the marriage being invalid. Nope. Don't bother to answer that!

Ridge just doesn't know when to stop. He took away all of Quinn's jewelry which I assume were gifts from Eric. However, he has no right to search and inventory her personal precious gemstones and metals that she uses in her business as a means of livelihood. (Which she could very well have to temporarily rely on.)

When Quinn was talking to Brooke yesterday (during the flashbacks) I didn't notice any hint of compassion from Brooke. To me, she seemed like she was a captive audience and was keeping mute simply because she didn't want to get drawn into the battle. She was fairly rude and dismissive to Quinn today in the hospital room with the "he's not a possession" remark.

Watching Zende recapping the football and baseball games to Eric was painful.

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1 hour ago, SweePea59 said:

Hopefully Brad Bell knows what a HUGE mistake they made at Y&R when they killed off John Abbot, (the warm and loving patriarch), and he doesn't make that mistake on this show.

The John Abbott thing IIRC had more to do with the internal politics of the studio at the time or something to that effect. That along with Cassie Newman, who was killed off within a few months of him gathered much of the fandom's ire.

That said, given John McCook's age, it's something TPTB will inevitably need to plan for. I assume his health is good, but he may decide he wants to enjoy retirement. Hopefully  Bell and company have learnef from the departures of Flannery and RM back-to-back and the scrambling that took place to fill that gap. I don't mind if they want to write him out, but at least let Eric have some happiness with Quinn first.

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

True, he doesn't write the script but I recall when TK took on the role that he boasted about how he had zero intention of learning anything about Ridge's quarter of a century + backstory and that he wanted to make Ridge his own.

Well, he's done that and not for the better.

That explains a lot. He's playing the role like Shrek, minus the warmth and charm.

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I haven't watched the last 2 episodes yet.  I need to see where this is going before I either catch up or tune out. I would be okay with a well written Eric dying story but not this...  I'm worried that they are just giving us a tiny taste of a very sweet romance for a month or so and then taking it away to usher JMc out and destroy Quinn at the same time.  Not that the character is innocent or anything, just the rest are so repulsive I can't help but be #teamquinn all the way. 

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25 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

That said, given John McCook's age, it's something TPTB will inevitably need to plan for. I assume his health is good, but he may decide he wants to enjoy retirement. Hopefully  Bell and company have learnef from the departures of Flannery and RM back-to-back and the scrambling that took place to fill that gap. I don't mind if they want to write him out, but at least let Eric have some happiness with Quinn first.

Agreed. Yeah, I'm not thinking that if Eric dies that it's TPTB rushing him out the door but JMcC wanting to leave. And while fans aren't liking Eric fighting with his family and this story JMcC is loving it and tweeting his love for arena and the story everyday so from his POV it's been great.

Not trying to be a Debbie Downer I just am always trying to think about where a story can go and all this is speculation but I can totally see them having it that Eric will appear to recover and go home, a family cease fire commences and he and Quinn will settle down to enjoy the holidays as a married couple, but he'll know that his time is drawing to an end and he will start making up with everyone so the gut punch of his dying is even worse. Stephanie died in December, TPTB might think it poetic he die on/near the anniversary of her death to 'join' her.

He and Quinn get their few weeks of happiness and then he dies. Then Quinn launches into full on vengeful widow mode against the family for stealing her future with Eric and tells them 'Eric is not here to protect you anymore!' 

And then it's really on.

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3 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

Hopefully Brad Bell knows what a HUGE mistake they made at Y&R when they killed off John Abbot, (the warm and loving patriarch), and he doesn't make that mistake on this show.

Amen! I was about to post the same thing. 

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

Agreed. Yeah, I'm not thinking that if Eric dies that it's TPTB rushing him out the door but JMcC wanting to leave. And while fans aren't liking Eric fighting with his family and this story JMcC is loving it and tweeting his love for arena and the story everyday so from his POV it's been great.

Not trying to be a Debbie Downer I just am always trying to think about where a story can go and all this is speculation but I can totally see them having it that Eric will appear to recover and go home, a family cease fire commences and he and Quinn will settle down to enjoy the holidays as a married couple, but he'll know that his time is drawing to an end and he will start making up with everyone so the gut punch of his dying is even worse. Stephanie died in December, TPTB might think it poetic he die on/near the anniversary of her death to 'join' her.

He and Quinn get their few weeks of happiness and then he dies. Then Quinn launches into full on vengeful widow mode against the family for stealing her future with Eric and tells them 'Eric is not here to protect you anymore!' 

And then it's really on.

Assuming a JMc departure is in the works, that may explain why CBS was pushing that survey a few weeks ago. Hell, even so, the show needs a top to bottom retooling anyway, and giving Eric this swan song is a ms good an excuse as any.

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When you get to be 70 years old, it isn't negativity but inevitability.  Better the show gives JMc a great exit story than to just have him recur once or twice a year (at least if that's what the actor wants).  

Editing to add:  I love older actors on soaps. Anna Lee on GH, Frances Reid on DAYS (as mentioned below), Phil Carey on OLTL.  I only mean inevitable in the sense that either the actor will want to retire or the show needs a plan in place just in case.  

Personally I hope Eric and Quinn have many happy years sticking it to their ungrateful offspring.

Edited by tessaray
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While it's true, JMc may want to slow down now that he's in his 70s, he certainly doesn't have to. I'm reminded of the late/great Frances Reid aka Alice Horton on DOOL. She played on the show into her mid-90s and was still in fairly active storyline well into her 80s.

I refuse to believe this is his swan song - if anything, I'm hoping it's taking the advice many of us, myself included, posted on their call for feedback site, stating we wanted to see our vets, who can carry the show on their pinky fingers, front and center. And I'm sure we also said we were sick of seeing Puffy eat the show and while she has still been on, it's not the extent it was even a month ago (thankfully!)

Of course, this could all change on a dime tomorrow but for now, I'm choosing to think positively.

Now, moving on to yesterday's show...

Once again, my blood is boiling as Ridge-Pen tries to oust Quinn from a home she was living in before they married. Again, what gives him the right to not only kick her out but to take all of her jewelry/supplies? How in the hell would he know what was her's, what was previous work product from Quinn Artisan, or what was FC? And again, he doesn't run FC so he has ZERO say. 

I wish Quinn had called the police to shut this moving nonsense down but good.

Zende...please don't try to emote. Ever. It's painful to see you try to feel...something... And Nicole, no one cares what you have to say either. If we have to see an Avant at the hospital, please let it be Sasha, who I have missed greatly these past few weeks. I would think she would be there to support Thomas and, I had hoped, to set him straight on turning his back on someone who was always there for him.

Ridge, reducing Eric to a horny old goat. What an ass! And even if that's all he was (which shows how little Ridge thinks of Eric), it's his right and if he wants to marry one of his bed partners, that's HIS business.

Steffy, bitching that they better not take Quinn's stuff to Wyatt's. Heifer, you don't even live there anymore yourself so what business is it of yours? But with an entitled, I'm the King of the World, Daddy, it's no surprise she behaves this way. 

Maya, with her snarky comment to Quinn, upon her return to Eric's bedside, of being his wife for only a couple of days. Girl please, you weren't even married to Rick and within 5 seconds of moving into the FE, you were playing lady of the manor. So, STFU!

Brooke's comment about Eric not being a possession was a little surprising but I'm not going to read that much into it, especially with the anti-Quinn campaign in her ear 24/7. I care more about what she said a little later.

Her "She's upset. We all are." and insisting to Rick that yes, Quinn IS family. It is going to be very interesting to see how Brooke handles things because I think I see just a teeny hint of the tide turning there. Of all people, Brooke knows what it's like to be hated by the Forresters (and yes, Quinn has done despicable things but what did she ever do to any of the Forresters - directly - to be on the receiving end of such vitriol? I'll wait and don't bring up Liam because he's not a Forrester and when he had not one, not two, but three chances - minimum - to put Quinn away, he chose not to do it). And Hope doesn't count either, at least not where Brooke is concerned, because she forgave Bill for what he did, so she can't hold Quinn to a different standard. 

The Forresters have nothing...except their own paranoia about not getting their hefty slice of FC pie. 

I think seeing how much Quinn truly cares for Eric is having an effect on Brooke's view of things and as previously stated, she knows what it is to be in Quinn's shoes. She also loves Eric and wants him to be happy. 

So as suspected (and hoped for by me), Quinn has Eric's POA but of course, Ridge is going to do everything in his power to thwart that, even jeopardizing Carter's career in the process. Carter, please be more than a beefcake cigar store Indian here and do the right thing. Ridge-Pen isn't worth losing your law license. 

Quinn's final words: And I promise to cherish and protect you. That's exactly what I'm gonna do. Even from your own family if I have to.

They, namely Puffy and Ridge-Pen, should have left this alone - they have awakened the lioness in Quinn and I hope she gets them but good.

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On 10/4/2016 at 8:46 AM, CountryGirl said:

Oh and of course they didn't sign the license because we never, ever, ever see that on this show.  I cannot roll my eyes hard enough. 

Someone needs to remind this show that plot twists are no longer twists when the same thing is done all the damn time.  The real twist here would be if it was discovered the license was signed.

I said it before & I'll say it again...what priest/minister/judge/ship's captain/anybody else who can legally perform a wedding ceremony would do so without the damn license???

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19 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I could enjoy this show a lot more if I thought Ridge and Puffy were going to end up face-first in the dirt.  But I have no faith in Brad Bell to deliver a satisfying resolution. 

At this point Ridge has surpassed his buzz-coifed, brooch-wearing, pantsuit-sporting mother in his ability to manipulate people.  He's more like one of those horrible cult leaders, who is somehow able to convince people to put their morals and self-interest aside to serve him.  It was bad enough that he and his stupid daughter browbeat the entire family into abandoning a man who has done nothing but support them, even when they did horrible things.  And that they're selfishness and obstinance caused Eric to have a brain bleed.  Now they're going to top it all off by getting a lawyer to go against his professional obligations (not to mention endangering the next 50 or 60 years of his earnings potential) and the express written wishes of Eric to do what they want?  Does Carter really think his good buddy Ridge will continue to pay him a six-figure salary when he gets disbarred?  So stupid.

I know there are a lot of people out there who don't want to think for themselves and are easily led, but this is ridiculous.  None of the people at Forrester have a single brain cell between the lot of them.

I'm right there with you, Kitty Redstone.  I want Ridge-Pen and Stuffy hit so hard that they won't see anything again.  Ever.  But, Brad Bell has always seen Ridge as some kind of hero who has to win, no matter what.  He can even rape his brothers' women but it isn't really "rape-rape."  Nope!  It's just a part of a love story and how dare Ridge-Pen's brothers (and the fans) squawk about it.

I'm also trying to remember exactly when and how Ridge-Pen and Carter became buddies.  I always assumed that Ridge-Pen had no male friends especially since every male is penned as a potential romantic rival of his.  Why would Carter be willing to risk his bar license for this unkempt clown?  But, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he did just that.  Look at how medical and mental health professionals and their licenses have been treated on this show.  For years, we have seen psychiatrists sleep with patients and/or "counsel" family members or others when they have an interest in the outcome.  I also remember Jonathan, the Forresters' personal and business attorney, who wasn't above doing some shady things on their behalf.  And, how can I forget Steve, the Forrester family's lawyer during the BeLieF storyline, who gained Brooke's confidence by posing as a masseuse?  At least that mess had an exceedingly satisfying outcome when Red-Suit Brooke took over the company.

Nope!  I just don't trust Brad to do this storyline justice.  I'm already bracing myself for it.  Even if Ridge-Pen and Stuffy got the comeuppance they so richly deserve, Quinn will mess it up and they will feel vindicated and crow, "We told you so!"  That's just how Brad and his team of hacks roll.

15 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

Hopefully Brad Bell knows what a HUGE mistake they made at Y&R when they killed off John Abbot, (the warm and loving patriarch), and he doesn't make that mistake on this show.

I also hope that Brad remembers that the suits at Y&R publicly acknowledged that they made that mistake.  He should also remember how they belatedly tried to "fix it" by bringing John back as a ghost, which pissed the fans off even more.  Killing John Abbott off just to promote Glo-Ho and the rest of the Fisher-Baldwin Crime Family was a bitter pill to swallow.  Hopefully, Brad won't make the same mistake by trying to recycle that mess for this show.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

 Quinn has done despicable things but what did she ever do to any of the Forresters - directly - to be on the receiving end of such vitriol? I'll wait and don't bring up Liam because he's not a Forrester and when he had not one, not two, but three chances - minimum - to put Quinn away, he chose not to do it). And Hope doesn't count either, at least not where Brooke is concerned, because she forgave Bill for what he did, so she can't hold Quinn to a different standard. 

The only Forrester involvement I remember was that she threatened Aly (but I don't think Aly told anybody in her family), and of course Ivy, who ironically is the only one who is ok with her!

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I had forgotten about Aly...(sad). If she were alive, I could absolutely see her having a legitimate issue but unfortunately, she's gone and none of the ass-clowns, even if they did know, would give two figs about Quinn's interactions with Aly. Not even Thorne, who took up with her mother's killer several times. So that leaves her out.

And to your point, the only other Forrester who has a reel beef with Quinn is Ivy, who is letting bygones be bygones. And LOL that Steffy would ever even stop to care about Quinn dumping Ivy in the Seine when she's tried to kill Ivy herself. 

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 The thing that I can't get out of my mind is when Steffy was rummaging around Eric's desk and said his desk was never this messy it was always neat and organized ( not her exact words) .  Ridge kept throwing around in earlier episodes that Eric wasn't thinking with a clear mind or something like that.  Do you think they will try to play this stroke into something else?

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37 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

And to your point, the only other Forrester who has a reel beef with Quinn is Ivy, who is letting bygones be bygones. And LOL that Steffy would ever even stop to care about Quinn dumping Ivy in the Seine when she's tried to kill Ivy herself

Twice!!! :)

30 minutes ago, Blondie said:

 The thing that I can't get out of my mind is when Steffy was rummaging around Eric's desk and said his desk was never this messy it was always neat and organized ( not her exact words) .  Ridge kept throwing around in earlier episodes that Eric wasn't thinking with a clear mind or something like that.  Do you think they will try to play this stroke into something else?

Wouldn't surprise me.

This reminds me...why was Eric's marriage license in his office???

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I refuse to believe this is his swan song - if anything, I'm hoping it's taking the advice many of us, myself included, posted on their call for feedback site, stating we wanted to see our vets, who can carry the show on their pinky fingers, front and center.

B&B's shuffling of vets to the backburner is a relatively new thing. Ten years ago, there *was* no youth scene. Phoebe was the only teenager, stuck with the long haired version of Rick as her primary love interest, and Bridget was in a triangle with Brooke and the crusty old salt Nick. Most of the show's focused was on Stephanie/Brooke/Ridge/Taylor. 

And that is cool, but the effects of such an exclusion of new blood became glaringly apparent in the 2010s when the writers were forced to write for Hope and Steffy once SF told them of her impending retirement and the only thing they could give them was more Brooke/Taylor retreads. If you're planning on a soap opera that's supposed to last as long as typical American soaps have, that's something you've got to plan for. I've banged on about the lost opportunities of Hope's conception that got lip service, and even her reunion with Deacon had more to do with Liam than actually reuniting with Deacon.

That's the beauty of soaps. You can let a story rest for a few months or even years and revisit it later on. I don't mind a gradual rotation of new and old characters (key word: gradual), because that's how the show will last.

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2 hours ago, Blondie said:

 The thing that I can't get out of my mind is when Steffy was rummaging around Eric's desk and said his desk was never this messy it was always neat and organized ( not her exact words) .  Ridge kept throwing around in earlier episodes that Eric wasn't thinking with a clear mind or something like that.  Do you think they will try to play this stroke into something else?

I don't think so. Ridge and Steffy were just grasping at straws to try to justify their interfering in a grown man's business like it's impossible for Eric to care for Quinn unless he's losing it.

I'm no Quinn fan, but what they're doing is totally wrong and now illegal. You'd think that given the fact that Eric was so angry with the way they treated Quinn his brain exploded and he gave her power of attorney that they'd cool it, but no. They're now making it even worse.

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I like Linsey Godfrey, but my gosh, she has a lot of acting tics.  They aren't always on display but they sure were today!  I wonder if that's what she falls back on when it's not clear where the character and story are going.

So again Ridge implies that Eric has demetia.  It's so disrespectful.  He has no concern for Eric's health; only for Eric's power.  Ridge's ability to discount what his father wants - and get what he wants - is really astounding.  If he and his snarling daughter don't end up on the outside looking in, along with a fired and perhaps newly disbarred Carter, then there will have been no point to this story.  I'll stick with the show for a little longer to see if these two greedy creatures have an epic fall, but will be out if it looks like Ridge and Puffy are going to win again.  It's just not how I want to spend 30 minutes of my day.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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I love LG & Caroline, but until she returned & beelined for Thomas (I know, it was so "Douglas" could see him), I'd really started to enjoy him, especially him with Sasha. As soon as I saw Thomas & Caroline together with Douglas, I thought of Douglas' conception & how icky that made Thomas to me. I also hated that Sasha was sort of relegated to being an interloper because Caroline is back. I wish they'd built the Sasha/Thomas romance a little more in LGs absence.

Mrs. Arnold really sold Pam's grief today, especially when she said that Eric is her only family now that her mother & Stephanie are gone. I know the f-ing lemon bars, tm JMcC, but she's really good when she's given the material.

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