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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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While the recast may give TPTB some new avenues to explore, make no mistake, Ridge was always the favorite son of both Stephanie and Eric.  I've watched this show from the beginning and, in the ensuing decades, Ridge could do no (ok, maybe a little) wrong.  He sleeps with his brother's wife, he sleeps with his father's wife?  Well, that's just Ridge!  Maybe the reaction wasn't that casual, but there were no long-term repercussions.  Thorne was the second son, in every sense of the word, both professionally and emotionally.  And Rick was an afterthought.

Ridge was always #1 with Brooke too.  She never felt anything with Eric that came close to her feelings for Ridge.  Sure, she and Eric have a comfortable relationship (that she uses to manipulate him every chance she gets) but it was always Ridge, first and foremost.  With TK now impersonating Ridge, maybe they'll take Brooke in a different direction.

Re:  Darla's floating head, I think we may be seeing the head only as the actress may not be as camera-ready as she would like.  I don't think she's worked in a while so maybe she doesn't feel comfortable being fully onscreen?  It works, though.  Makes Aly seem bananas.

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So Brooke was happy without a man for, what, five or six hours?  And did she forget exactly who was brushing her hair while she talked about Ridge disrespecting Hope?  Sheesh, what Ridge did will never hold a candle to the way Bill disrespected Hope.

Why does Oliver keep pursuing young women who are "waiting", HFTF-style?  I hope he doesn't show up at the Renaissance fair and accidentally have sex with Pam!

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What a letdown today! I feel so deflated. Bill gently brushing Brooke's hair after all that stomping around made me laugh, though.

I think what has really lit my wick though is Ridge's attitude toward Brooke taking up with Bill Spencer "the despicable human being", but not feeling that way about Katie, who did a whole lot more that "take up" with Bill

Yes, but don't forget that Katie is the paragon of virtue and decency here, whereas Brooke and Bill have clearly given into their carnal desires like two basic animals. Katie needed to be saved from Bill, who did nothing but hurt her - and with her sister, no less! And now that she's with Ridge she won't have to worry about any more (figurative) broken hearts, because Ridge is committed to her and only her and has her best interests in mind and will protect her from scandal, et cetera, ad nauseum.

For me, the fact that the Kridge relationship is built on mutual emotional distress serves only to reinforce the familial nature of their previous relationship with each other and in turn sours the romance and passion that TPTB are attempting to show between the two characters. Katie's insecurities and constant whinging about being in so much pain, teamed with Ridge's reassurance and protectiveness of Katie and his relationship with her, highlight the older-brother/younger-sister thing above any grand love affair that they think they've got going. 

While the recast may give TPTB some new avenues to explore, make no mistake, Ridge was always the favorite son of both Stephanie and Eric

True, and I think the reason for Ridge being the #1 son of Eric's is because Eric sees much of himself in Ridge, or perhaps even wants to see himself in Ridge. There's a great scene between Ronn Moss & John McCook around the time of the Taboo/boinkberry storyline, when Ridge asks Eric to be his best man at his wedding to Taylor, wherein Ridge expressed his hurt and anger over Brooke & Thomas only to have Eric remind him that in some ways history was repeating itself - Eric tells Ridge that a son is "a younger, better version of yourself" and as a father "you take great glee in every accomplishment he makes as if it was one of yours, and it one of yours because he is a part of you", but also that "he's just another man who wants what you have", so be wary. It's possible that Eric has resigned himself to living his life through Ridge if he's trying to play matchmaker between Ridge & Brooke both for them personally as well as for the company's sake, but having only seen about five minutes of Eric this year it's hard to tell what his motivations really are. (If anything - I always overthink this stupid show.)

Have a little class, ladies!

School's out!

I hope he doesn't show up at the Renaissance fair and accidentally have sex with Pam!

Oh no you didn't! I wonder if Medieval night was a nod to Game of Thrones...?

Edited by St3phForrester
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Oliver does seem to have a type.  Hopefully he's not playing her for a fool, because even though Aly is weird and creepy I like them together. 

I have negelcted to say how impressed I've been with Kim Matula. This beautiful girl who has no sex appeal, can sure bring the ice.

Agree about the ice, but I think the sex appeal problem might lie largely with her adult partners (Oliver doesn't count, IMO).  Liam is an asexual doofus, Thomas is a handsome but asexual block of wood, and Wyatt is an asexual, slightly more disturbed doofus.  Now if Hope were paired with a true bad boy character, perhaps a hot young cell mate of her daddy's who happens to follow Deacon to town (HINT, HINT), and she still can't bring any heat ... then, yeah. 


Ridge is already pulling the RJ card? For goodness sakes, what does he think Bill is going to do to the boy? At the end of the day, Bill may be a rotten person, but he has never done one thing to any of his kids to suggest he would want to hurt RJ. I was so annoyed with Katie's lame, "Bill isn't a complete monster", as a sort of defense for him in regards to kids. Katie knows how Bill has changed, she also knows that Will weighed heavily on him during what transpired between them. But of course she isn't going to offer that knowledge up to Ridge; she wants Ridge to maintain his low opinion of Bill, and by extension his low opinion of Brooke and their relationship. Katie just doesn't get it, her and Ridge's romance is going to be much harder for the families to accept than Brooke and Bill. I think most everyone sees the grossness in Ridge banging what has essentially been his kid sister her whole life; I would also suspect they know what Katie and Bill's relationship is founded and built on. Katie may be right wanting to live in a cocoon. And did this twit really say that she is has scandal armor or something like that because of being Brooke's sister and Bill's soon to be ex-wife? Bitch! Of course there was no scandal when you let yourself get impregnated by your niece's man. And what was with this stuff about not understanding why Eric would do this to her because he has always liked her. He does like you idiot, but he sees the insantiy of what you and Ridge are doing.

I don't think I am happy about Brooke calling Katie. What was that about? Did she think Katie was going to be jealous? Or was she trying to prove the point that she has moved on, so her job at FC's is not about being near Ridge? Just very odd, and the look on her face at the end? I am nervous now that this is the same ole same ole, and Bill is going to be Brooke's latest throw away romance in the name of Bridge.

As I was watching Ally and Oliver today, I was seeing visions of Bridget and Deacon.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Bill may be a rotten person, but he has never done one thing to any of his kids to suggest he would want to hurt RJ.

I wonder, as I am prone to do at such an hour, how a child raised by Bill Spencer Jr would turn out - Liam and Wyatt were raised in Bill-less, fatherless environments and they both meet Bill as grown men with their own personalities and motivations. Do we suppose that Will Spencer III (IV?) and/or RJ as adults have a ruthless, cutthroat, hedonistic outlook on life if raised by such a paternal figure? TK's NuRidge and RM's OldRidge both have those qualities about them, some more than others depending on the performer. And Bill was RJ's uncle until recently, although arguably if RJ has spent most of his time out of the country in a boarding school then that leaves little opportunity for Bill to influence (or corrupt, take your pick) RJ. 

And didn't Bill Jr supposedly grow up outside of Bill Sr's orbit? All I've seen of Jim Storm's Bill Spencer is the very early episodes where he spends most of his time hectoring Original Recipe Caroline and spitting vitriol about Ridge, and some clips with him trying his luck with Stephanie, so I don't know much about his business acumen to compare him to Don Diamont's Bill Spencer. Really, Will & RJ should count their blessings to have two fathers instead of none!

I keep forgetting to comment about how everyone's throwing around the word scandal as if this is the one to break the camel's back - the worry surely is misplaced here. If anything, the media (or should I say, Spencer Publications, according to Katie) would be rolling their eyes. Ridge leaving Brooke for her younger sister? Please. The CEO of Forrester Creations stranded butt-nekkid on a window ledge, now that's a scandal. 

Edited by St3phForrester
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I don't think I am happy about Brooke calling Katie. What was that about? Did she think Katie was going to be jealous? Or was she trying to prove the point that she has moved on, so her job at FC's is not about being near Ridge? Just very odd, and the look on her face at the end? I am nervous now that this is the same ole same ole, and Bill is going to be Brooke's latest throw away romance in the name of Bridge.

ITA. It seemed more rubbing Katie's nose in it vs what I would have liked: for Brooke to say that she wanted to set Katie's mind at ease since Katie seemed so unhappy earlier, that Brooke was not pursuing Ridge because she was happily with Bill.

But yeah, sorry folks but while I will be enjoying Brooke/Bill, I will be waiting -- with dread and sorrow -- for the inevitable return to Brooke/Ridge. Kudos to Brad if he can actually end that relationship but I have too many years of dashed hopes to ever believe it possible.


And Bill was RJ's uncle until recently

which made it very odd to me that RJ called Bill "Mr Spencer" when he walked in on Brooke/Bill that day.


As I was watching Ally and Oliver today, I was seeing visions of Bridget and Deacon.

You're not the only one...although Oliver doesn't seem anywhere near as skeevy and manipulative as Deacon, more bemused/intrigued by Aly's "innocence" and kind of "hmmmm" about the possibilities of advantage there.

Edited by annsterg
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My favorite line today was Brooke telling Katie that if she has everything she wants, then why is she so angry.  And I know it was juvenile, but I enjoyed the hell out of Bill telling Ridge like it is.  I am so fed up with hearing about poor virtuous heartbroken Katie, so Bill telling some truths about that hypocrite was very satisfying to me.

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Yep. And Bill strutting into FC today to have a pissing match with Ridge and bash his ex-wife? Just gross. These four people are behaving in ways that are giving me hives. Can't they just be happy with each other and forget about the other two? Why the need for all of the nasty visits and phonecalls? Not enjoying this quadrangle of adults behaving like pre-teens at all.

ITA. All four of them were behaving badly...but I'd say Bill and Katie were the worst, because they actively sought out their "rival" to start stirring up shit. Interesting that Bill and Katie were more alike today than not. Really hated Katie barging into Brooke's bedroom AGAIN to harangue her....just a little bit more than I hated Bill harassing Ridge in his workplace.

So...again, I still don't understand the custody agreement regarding RJ, because it seems like Ridge has all the control there and makes all the decisions? I would love it if RJ balked at accepting the new arrangements; I have to think that's why they bothered to cast the role instead of leaving him invisibly in boarding school, to have RJ cause problems for his parents.

I'd love to see that big piece of ice back on Brooke's finger, and have her just wear it and not mention it at all. You know it would drive Katie and Ridge crazy, especially Katie...her insecurities would start up about Ridge not proposing to HER.

Eric is going to wig out when he finds out Brooke is back with Bill.

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Well, the gloves are off now! As much as I agree with what Bill had to say, I just didn't like those scenes. It made Bill look really bad, and Ridge the better person. Even so, Bill told some long overdue truths, not the least of which is Ridge finally getting the brass ring by having had all the Logan sisters. I like it that Ridge wasn't taking Bill seriously about Katie's tantrums, and ultimatums, her inability to deal with issues, and her desire to restrict her better halfs activities. Dollars to donuts, the first time Katie misinterprets something she is told, or overhears, or sees, she is going to be ranting to Brooke that she can have Ridge and that they belong together, and blah, blah, blah. Then she will take off, and will be MIA for weeks, or she will have another heart scare.

Katie needs to watch herself; her unrelenting bitterness, and shrewish behavior will eventually have an adverse effect. Katie is so out of her element here; she is simply not in Brooke's league. When you consider the women Brooke has done battle with over the years, and generally come out the victor; Stephanie, Taylor, Macy, Ashley, Sally, Sheila, Morgan, even little Kimberly, and then you consider Katie? Humph! Little sis better watch her step. When Brooke finds out that Katie is trying to direct and interfere with RJ's life? Brooke knows that Katie is more than willing to play the "best for the children" card, and that she is not above using their kids as weapons. I don't think we have heard what the official arrangement is between Brooke and Ridge regarding RJ, but if Brooke has custody, I don't see that being taken away. Of course, Ridge could plead the case that he doesn't want "Bill Spencer the Despicable Human Being" near his son, or that Brooke slept with her brother-in-law. That could backfire though considering he disappeared for a year, came home and was on the verge of marrying one sister, before going to bed with another sister the next day. What I think is going to happen is Ridge is going to somehow be involved with Deacon's return. And if I abhor him now, I will truely detest him then, because that will not only effect Brooke, but Hope, Eric, Rick, and Donna. And it rightfully should effect Katie, but it appears her loyalties have changed.

Did Thorne fly in to pay his troubled daughter a one hour visit? WTF?

Edited by RuntheTable
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...Ridge finally getting the brass ring by having had all the Logan sisters.

I've watched this show from the beginning, but with many breaks along the way, so I may have missed this.  Was Ridge ever with Donna?

They are all behaving badly, but Katie is coming across as the most unlikable (to me anyway).  How can she decide where RJ is going to live?  He's old enough to choose for himself, or at least ask what living arrangements he'd prefer.

There was a short period of time when Ridge and Donna were dating. I think that's when she took over as the lead model for Brooke's Bedroom. To my knowledge, I don't think the two of them ever slept together. If so, it was off camera.  Others?  Please correct me if I am wrong.

What possessed Hope to show up at Liam's house today? Couldn't she just have easily have picked up the phone and quizzed Liam about where $Bill spent the night?  Not that it's any of their business.

Katie seems to be already lowering the boom on Ridge by suggesting that he and RJ move in with Will and her. This will be interesting to see if her behavior changes with Ridge than it was towards Bill. 

The Brooke and Bill pairing has never really worked for me because of all the terrible things that Bill has done to Hope. Plus, I don't feel the sexual heat between the two characters. When Brooke is with Bill, KKL seems to play the conflict instead of the desire.

On a shallow note, KKL needs a makeover. Her hair has thinned, so the length and the color no longer flatter her.  Don't get me wrong. I love, love, love KKL and Brooke, but her look needs some updating.

There was a short period of time when Ridge and Donna were dating. I think that's when she took over as the lead model for Brooke's Bedroom. To my knowledge, I don't think the two of them ever slept together. If so, it was off camera.  Others?  Please correct me if I am wrong.

Ridge and Donna weren't dating but there was a flirtation and a lot of kissing during the time that Brooke was married to Nick. Ridge wanted Brooke back and was trying to make Brooke jealous but actually considering moving on with Donna if he didn't get Brooke back. Shortly thereafter, Brooke returned to Ridge after Nick slept with Bridget and a resultant pregnancy scare.

Speaking of Bridget, what depth the character could add to the Brooke/Katie/Ridge/Bill quadrangle! After all, Katie slept with Bridget's husband and got pregnant which ended Bridget's second marriage to Nick. Before that, Ridge almost had an affair with Bridget after he found out about Brooke and Deacon's affair while Deacon was married Bridget. Someone needs to break the bubble of nobility in which Ridge and Katie place themselves.

Forget the Shallow Bus, I'm on the midnight train to Shallowsville with today's episode, and especially with that scene at the end between Bill & Ridge (is that a haircut I spy on TK? It's not much, but it's a start). I don't know what it was about him holding those pins in his mouth but I liked it. And the rolled-up shirt sleeves, don't forget the rolled-up shirt sleeves! Such a shame TPTB dropped the "Bill thinks Ridge is gay" story like a hot spud, it would have been fun watching Bill writhe with revulsion as Ridge fakes a flirt here and there to get him to piss off. Loved KKL's little "What do you care?" spit at Katie, and LOVED Don Diamont's "Rumour has it that you like po-ems" line delivery - I know I say this every time but the actors do something else with a Patrick Mulcahey script, all his lines are sharper, sassier - it's like it's a different show (well, almost).

I was proud of her when she told Eric that she didn't need a man and was going to focus on her career, and then she went home and let Bill basically badger and bully her back into that relationship.

"Bully" being the key word here - I didn't see Brooke so much decide that she wanted Bill as she submitted to him and his stomping around about how he can't wait any longer to be with her. If it was Brooke explicitly saying that a relationship with Bill will nicely complement her new businesswoman aspirations, in a kind of the-new-woman-can-have-it-all type scenario, then sure, why not jump back on the Stallion? Sex and intimacy is, after all, part of a healthy lifestyle! But instead we saw Brooke essentially crumbling under the weight of her own mouth, and it wasn't pretty - it was all a bit too "I'm going on a diet after this Big Mac" for mine (and we all know how that plays out).

Eric is going to wig out when he finds out Brooke is back with Bill.

Yeah, in about six months' time when someone figures he might as well be let in on what's happening around him.

Also - Hope's handbag...!!!

Edited by St3phForrester
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I forgot to mention, I wanted to smack Hope when she told Liam she has to be around to keep Brooke in line.  Just who the hell does she think she is? My wish list for Hope begins & ends with her deciding she wants to go to college, and since she's so perfect she gets into Harvard (since they would of course be oh so impressed with her "message") and lives a perfect little life on the East Coast, NEVER to return to LA. 

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Confirming: No, Ridge never actually slept with Donna. My skin still crawls at Donna's dialogue along the lines of "let me be your Logan now."

It finally became clear to me yesterday (I am a little slow, apparently) what bugs so much about Katie: it's the constant, non-stop use of sarcasm, accompanied by that tight, fake smile as she delivers the lines. HATE IT.

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It finally became clear to me yesterday (I am a little slow, apparently) what bugs so much about Katie: it's the constant, non-stop use of sarcasm, accompanied by that tight, fake smile as she delivers the lines. HATE IT.

This...and this is why I don't think Heather Tom is the be-all of soap acting.  I've never seen her on any other shows, but I feel like she's just Victoria Newman going by the name Katie Logan.

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...And did I hear Bill right when he told Ridge that Katie "will always be MY Katie!"? WTF!

He kind of explained that he meant she's his Katie in that her current personality is the way it is because he molded it & made her into what she is. Gives me a Frankenstein's monster vibe :)

Edited by ByTor


Ridge and Donna weren't dating but there was a flirtation and a lot of kissing during the time that Brooke was married to Nick.

Speaking of kissing, since there seemed to be three couples into it yesterday, I find that Brooke comes off as being the expert in kissing because if you will notice, when she is with Bill at least, she takes the lead. Don't know about nuRidge yet, since his nose is all over her face. But then she has kissed most every man on the show..right?


glad Ridge pointed out that Bill was talking trash about the mother of his son

...not that Ridge wasn't indulging in a bit of that himself, with his "Brooke can't stand to be alone" schtick. It may be true....just as what Bill was saying about Katie was true....but it doesn't mean it wasn't unseemly of Ridge as well.

Bottom line right now is: I hate Ridge more than I think Bill is a bully/jerk so ...Team Bill in any Bill vs Ridge fight.

And ...with Ridge and his "Bill is an awful person!" refrain...please don't make me re-iterate all the things Ridge has done that make him JUST AS AWFUL as Bill and more so IMO...I sure wish someone on the show would start listing all the crappy, illegal, violent, deceptive, cruel things RIDGE has done, for his entire adult life. And I truly do not put it past Ridge at all to -- shades of Venice -- pretend to want Brooke back just to screw up the Bill relationship, maybe even with Katie's participation.


He kind of explained that he meant she's his Katie in that her current personality is the way it is because he molded it & made her into what she is. Gives me a Frankenstein's monster vibe :)

It's pretty accurate though. Just compare how Katie used to dress and wear her hair pre-Bill -- kind of preppy/schoolgirl and frumpy. Compare how she acted -- sort of downtrodden and wall-flowery. Being with Bill, being "chosen" by Bill (as icky as that sounds) changed her life, her confidence level, the way she dresses, and acts. She still has the self-righteous thing going that she always had though.

Edited by annsterg

Disappointed in today's show, in that we didn't see the response from the end of yesterday's show -- Brooke's question to Katie: "You have everything you want. Why are you so angry?"

Oh NOES! Princess Hope might be with child. Aly will have a meltdown for sure if it's true.

And Bill, Bill, Bill. You would think he doesn't know the soap law: "It's not that you did X; it's that you LIED about it." and didn't he already deal poorly with blackmail once, with Steffy? FFS, you would think he would learn. Well, let's see what Quinn wants.

I was hoping that Bill would give Brooke his 12.5% of FC as a gift...but wonder if Quinn is going to ask for them for herself/Wyatt?

Edited by annsterg

...not that Ridge wasn't indulging in a bit of that himself, with his "Brooke can't stand to be alone" schtick. It may be true....just as what Bill was saying about Katie was true....but it doesn't mean it wasn't unseemly of Ridge as well.


Oh, I think Ridge has engaged in a steady stream of Brooke bashing since his return; this is also a new element of the Ridge character. Historically, Ridge has defended Brooke for whatever crime she was supposed to have committed; I can hear Ronn Moss growling as clear as day "Oh Mother!". Even with Taylor he defended Brooke, so this new bent of Ridge's to malign her is jarring to say the least. Not only is he cutting her character to shreds, he is doing it gleefully. When I listen to Ridge and Katie bash Brooke I feel like I am watching to teenage girls ragging on a classmate.

I was hoping that Bill would give Brooke his 12.5% of FC as a gift...but wonder if Quinn is going to ask for them for herself/Wyatt?


OMG! I hadn't even thought of this. I had read spoilers that she was going to ask Bill for somethiing to maintain her silence, but I was thinking it was going to be something about getting Brooke to be QA's champion at FC's, or keeping Liam away from Hope. I never considered Bill's 12.5%. And that would be just like Quinn, she is many things, but I think ambitious is tops on that list. She would walk barefoot on broken glass to get a piece of FC's.

Reno Sofer looked absolutely smashing today.

Liam and Bill! These two could carry the show on their own. The expressions on Liam's face after Quinn arrived had me laughing out loud.

I am surprised Hope and Wyatt haven't been using some sort of protection. If you don't want to wind up pregnant; that is not the most logical choice. Of course Hope may just be late, but I would hope this is a wake up call about the realities of having sex.

You mean there isn't a medieval version of "Pose" (or the title I originally thought it was - "Pussy pussy pussy")?


That made me snort like a pig.


Oh NOES! Princess Hope might be with child. Aly will have a meltdown for sure if it's true.

Wyatt might have a meltdown, too!  As into Hope as he is, I doubt fatherhood is even on his radar.  He seems to like good times and spontaneous road trips.  It will be interesting to see how he reacts.


I was hoping that Bill would give Brooke his 12.5% of FC as a gift...but wonder if Quinn is going to ask for them for herself/Wyatt?

That's a great theory!  They seem to have dialed Quinn's crazy back a bit just as they did with Aly.

Thanks to all for clearing up my Ridge/Donna confusion!

Liam and Bill! These two could carry the show on their own. The expressions on Liam's face after Quinn arrived had me laughing out loud.

I am surprised Hope and Wyatt haven't been using some sort of protection. If you don't want to wind up pregnant; that is not the most logical choice. Of course Hope may just be late, but I would hope this is a wake up call about the realities of having sex.

Some of my favorite scenes the last few years have been with Liam and Bill-  I loved the scene where Bill went off on Liam about manning up after that failed wedding where Liam showed up hungover with the neck tattoo, and I also loved the random scene more recently where Bill was sitting on the couch trying to put together a horse animation video for Brooke. Liam has the perfect "WTF?" reactions to Bill. They just have some great chemistry.

I'm not surprised about the pregnancy scare. I don't think anyone on this show uses protection. It seems like any relationship that goes for an extended amount of time (1-2 months) with good sex ends up having a pregnancy scare to bring them back to earth.


Oh, I think Ridge has engaged in a steady stream of Brooke bashing since his return; this is also a new element of the Ridge character. Historically, Ridge has defended Brooke for whatever crime she was supposed to have committed; I can hear Ronn Moss growling as clear as day "Oh Mother!". Even with Taylor he defended Brooke, so this new bent of Ridge's to malign her is jarring to say the least.

The problem is that Brooke has committed numerous "sins" and was never really held accountable for any duration.  She had sex with Oliver thinking he was Ridge? After two days, Ridge's attitude was "Oh, Logan" like she's Lucille Ball or something.  She had sex, in a public place, mere feet away from kids she was chaperoning! Even without the whole "I-can't-tell-the-difference-between-a-20-year-old-and-the-50-year-old-I've-had-sex-with-for-decades" thing, that's just horrific judgement. Now, with the $Bill situation, FRidge is chastising her for something that happened while he was away, that speaks to Brooke's character, sure, but really shouldn't hurt him the way it seems to.  He should have held her accountable for all those historical misdeeds, but his response here is disproportionate.

And I'll add there's no way, not even in soapland, she should ever, ever, have been forgiven for sleeping with her daughter's husband.  Luke raped Laura, they subsequently became the biggest soap couple in history, and 30 years later, there are times he still has to deal with the fallout from that night.  But Brooke sleeps with Deacon and Eric asks his own daughter to forgive Brooke?  Really?  If that's not a crime that speaks to Brooke's character and judgement, I don't know what is.

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And I'll add there's no way, not even in soapland, she should ever, ever, have been forgiven for sleeping with her daughter's husband.  Luke raped Laura, they subsequently became the biggest soap couple in history, and 30 years later, there are times he still has to deal with the fallout from that night.  But Brooke sleeps with Deacon and Eric asks his own daughter to forgive Brooke?  Really?  If that's not a crime that speaks to Brooke's character and judgement, I don't know what is.

Brooke did a terrible thing to Bridget, but it wasn't a crime.

Given all the ACTUAL criminal acts that Stephanie and Ridge have gotten away with and been forgiven for, Brooke being forgiven for Deacon isn't high on my list of "I can't believe...." soap acts.

Seriously. And what was with stopping by Liam's FIRST, when she was clearly distracted and letting him know that? The Brooke/Bill news was IMO just an excuse. And that she didn't tell Liam to leave at FC? That does not bode well for Wyatt, IMO. Does Hope feel "safer" with Liam than with Wyatt?

I was surprised that Quinn's "wish"/blackmail was so relatively (heh) benign...but I still cannot grasp why Bill has never asked for a DNA paternity test on Wyatt to begin with.

Interesting preview with

Brooke all in white and Katie all in black....


Edited by annsterg
  • Love 2

And I'll add there's no way, not even in soapland, she should ever, ever, have been forgiven for sleeping with her daughter's husband….   But Brooke sleeps with Deacon and Eric asks his own daughter to forgive Brooke?  Really?  If that's not a crime that speaks to Brooke's character and judgement, I don't know what is.

I remember reading somewhere that Brad Bell regretted writing Brooke's affair with Deacon and Hope's conception as it did irreparable harm to the character of Brooke. 

I will say that KKL and Sean Kanan had a chemistry that damn near melted my television. 

I have been reading that Deacon will be somehow involved with Quinn. I hope that is not the case.

B&B couples in which neither character is a member of the core Forrester/Logan family do not work on the show i.e.  Taylor/Nick, Taylor/Whip, Nick/Agnes.

Edited by ariesman3
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Seriously. And what was with stopping by Liam's FIRST, when she was clearly distracted and letting him know that? The Brooke/Bill news was IMO just an excuse.


I was wondering about this as well; it really wasn't her news to tell, but Bill's. What I got from that was Hope was scared, and confused, and went to someone who made her feel safe. If I were Wyatt, I would be very, very concerned. It apparently skipped his attention that Hope went to see Liam before coming to him. Even if he buys the story about Hope wanting to tell Liam about Bill and Brooke; he is Bill's son too, and he is also the son that is currentlly in a relationship with Hope. So why didn't she go to Wyatt first? Why go to Liam at all? She could just as easily called or texted him.

I know it is ridiculous to keep hoping, but Brooke's words to Rick today picked my spirits up a lot. I was glad to hear Rick reinforce what Brooke was saying. More than that, I am beyond exciting that so far everyone seems ok with B/B. Hope wasn't overjoyed, but she was also distracted. Something tells me that after Ridge's performance in the office the other day, which really was an attack on her and Rick, coupled with him leaving Brooke for Katie the day after his aborted wedding, will go a long way into changing Hope's feelings about B/B. Eric is going to be upset, but not because it's Bill, it could be anyone; Eric is convinced that Brooke and Ridge belong together. I remain shocked that he was willing to barter FC's in an effort to reunite them. But I don't believe for one minute that Eric will be raving mad about it or anything; he knows that Brooke had pretty strong feelings for Bill, and all he has ever wanted for Brooke was for her to be happy. She looked pretty darn happy to me today. If everyone excepts B/B, Katie will be in a perpetual state of sour lemon lips.

Color me shocked with Quinn's request. If she is on the up and up, I will have no choice but to be impressed. She could be playing at something here though; Wyatt becoming an offical Spencer might be benefical down the road. I still think (hope) those papers are going to come into play. There is a reason Katie made Liam VP out of the blue like that too. I also believe they are letting any chance of a Q/B relationship die because spoilers say,

Quinn and Deacon join forces to stir up trouble.

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On the Wishful Recasts thread, there seems to be a consensus that Thorsten Kaye is not working in the role of Ridge. I believe the problem with the TK recast is that the character's story has not been written well.

First, the absence of Taylor, Thomas, Steffy, Stephanie, and Thorne has made the character seem unattached instead of a central B&B character that Ridge has always been. There have been too few scenes with Eric. Steffy's return featured scenes with Eric, Quinn, and Liam and none with her father. The first scenes with Brooke- the rose petals in the waterfall, the epic SLAP- were tremendous. But since then, TK has infused his scenes with KKL with a disdain and coldness that seem very out-of-character.

Romance is central to soap operas and a good coupling is a proven way to make a recast work. But, the relationship with Katie has happened too quickly for the viewers to invest in it. This is a shame because TK and Heather Tom have good chemistry. Instead, the most interesting parts of this story has been the sibling conflict between Brooke and Katie instead of Ridge's romance with Katie. The story would have worked better if Ridge had returned only to find Brooke with Bill and Ridge turned to Katie after unsuccessfully trying to win Brooke back. 

Perhaps, showing Ridge at work, or backstage at a couture Forrester Fashion show will help the character gel. I hope TK will get some scenes with Hunter Tylo soon. TK is a great actor and has the qualities of an ideal leading man for a soap opera. However, the writing is missing too many beats to make this recast work. 

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He should have held her accountable for all those historical misdeeds, but his response here is disproportionate.

And I'll add there's no way, not even in soapland, she should ever, ever, have been forgiven for sleeping with her daughter's husband.

I agree.  Brooke's affair with Deacon may not have been a crime, but it was far far worse than being involved with Bill when they were both, for all purposes, single.  (I know Bill wasn't divorced at the time, but Katie insisted the marriage was over.)  That this is the one act that Ridge finds completely unforgivable does seem odd.

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Guys I can't tell you how buzzed I am for next week -

my long-awaited Eric & Katie scene is finally here! More arguments! And the return of Karenoline!

As much as this "Is Hope Pregnant?" story is a little tiresome, I am enjoying Kim Matula's performance and how she's playing the stress about the possibility of being pregnant at a time when one's not ready for that kind of commitment and responsibility. I'm willing to believe, as far as protection is concerned, that Hope's on the Pill and that it's possible she thinks it could have failed either through non-absorption (e.g. stress-related) or mistiming (remember she did cross time zones recently with travelling to Paris), and in this situation I know from experience that your mind will always put 2 and 2 together to get 5 and that the worry drives you mad - I felt a little ill watching Hope freaking out like that. So kudos to KM. Although it's always distracting to hear people say "I'm late", because I can't help but think of Frau in Austin Powers - "No, Dr Evil, I mean - I'm laaaaate."

Quinn & Wyatt / RS & DB were good fun yesterday, they do the lighthearted comedic stuff well. Same with Bill & Liam / DD & SC - whoever was selling tickets to the Bill & Liam Show the other day, I'd like two please!

ETA: Trying to post some spoilers but for some reason the tag is dicking around with me, so apologies if anyone's read anything they didn't want to read!

Try again:

With Caroline upsetting Brooke's plans (??? colour me intrigued), Katie takes steps to keep Spencer Publications moving forward, putting herself in conflict with Bill. Katie turns her frustration on Brooke, accusing her of still having feelings for Ridge. Brooke confides in Rick about her plans to get Bill's company back. After eavesdropping on Brooke and Hope's private conversation, Quinn warns Wyatt that he has cause for concern. Liam presents Hope with an ultimatum. Hope has a surprise waiting when she arrives at Liam's place for dinner. Maya is concerned that Oliver is taking advantage of Aly and confronts him about it, but Carter doesn't agree with her position. The Forrester board is shocked when Oliver suggests that Aly would be the perfect woman to carry on a family tradition. (Aly's Bedroom???) Maya is determined to protect Aly, but it could cost her. Eric opens up to Donna about the situation with Katie and Ridge. Ridge is thrilled to be reunited by Taylor, and is surprised when she reveals the reason she returned. COMING: A proposal of marriage is made. (definitely Brooke & Bill)

Edited by St3phForrester
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Brooke's affair with Deacon may not have been a crime, but it was far far worse than being involved with Bill when they were both, for all purposes, single.  (I know Bill wasn't divorced at the time, but Katie insisted the marriage was over.)  That this is the one act that Ridge finds completely unforgivable does seem odd.

Not the ONE act.  It has taken him a year to get over her text to Deacon to stay away.  Or rather, LYNG about it.  Ridge is pretty rigid these days when it comes to Brooke's right or wrong.  Well, wrong.    

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