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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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2 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

STFU Puffy! Quinn didn't put a gun to your head and make you marry Wyatt. For some unfathomable reason, you couldn't take time to deal with your feelings. Instead you marry Liam's brother. Your choice. Nobody else's.

As with Hope, Quinn didn't make her marry Wyatt. To think about it, it was actually Liam's fault both times. Liam didn't go to Paris, with Hope, because he had a hissy fit that Wyatt gave her the HFTF Diamond and he had a hissy fit and decided not to confront Steffy why she was in bed with Wyatt. 


Steffy ft is as dumb as Summer on Y&R. Why the Fuck does she give two shits about the look in his eye when she didn't give two shits about how he felt when she left to go to Paris.  He didn't give two shits about her feelings when he married Ivy or was going to marry Hope either time.  The bottom line is that for all Liam has, he is still a very jealous and has his father's controll issues. If I said this once, I'll say it again, jealousy is not a sign of love, it's a sign of ownership. 


I was was surprised by Bill and Ridge being the voice of reason to their children but Bill was more so. 


Why dodn't Liam detain Quinn and call the police. I we going to find Liam actually has feelings for Quinn. I think B&B is becoming The Waffle House. 

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That was a powerful scene with RS and SC. I forget that he can be a really decent actor when paired with the right co-stars and handed good material. When Liam had Quinn's head pushed against the mirror, I didn't know if he was going to kiss her or snap her neck in two. I kept expecting for Quinn to blurt out that she'd rot in prison with "ADAM'S CHILD!"

Then I wondered that given Liam's shaky mental state combined with the major emotional wallop he'd just taken from Steffy, if his mind would snap and he'd go off with Quinn after all.

Should be some good TV tomorrow. That is, unless the writers pull a fast one and we're stuck with the other ToD instead.

Caroline and $Bill were right in that diamonds are a girl's best friend. Those tattoos were ugly. Caroline's quip yesterday about Katie's ragged red love ribbon was hilarious!

So Liam and Steffy's "stolen" precious memories that bind them together for eternity consist of running through a sprinkler, crashing a sand volleyball game, splashing in some random creek in Aspen and riding on a crotch rocket. I tell ya, those are real Hallmark moments.

When Ridge and Steffy were having the "torn between two lovers" conversation, I was hoping that Ridge would make some acknowledgement about having been in the same shoes -- more than once.

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3 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

STFU Puffy! Quinn didn't put a gun to your head and make you marry Wyatt.

Thank you! 


My only other comment for today...SC cannot act his way out of a paper bag.  His yelling at Quinn looked more like a toddler wanting a second juice box than someone who was confronting his kidnapper. 

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:


When Ridge and Steffy were having the "torn between two lovers" conversation, I was hoping that Ridge would make some acknowledgement about having been in the same shoes -- more than once.

This more than anything is what I miss about soaps in general. Especially with some of the longer running shows like ATWT, you'd get parents and grandparents being the voice of wisdom with the younger crowd. 

You'd think with all of Ridge's history that such a scene would write itself. I mean, the staff wasn't afraid to bring up Phoebe when he and Rick were at odds last year and it worked.

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Wonder if the writers are twisted enough to have Liam pretend to be involved with Quinn to try to get Steffy to leave Wyatt? Or maybe he wouldn't even have to pretend; as the saying goes, there's a thin line between love and hate.

I sincerely hope Quinn isn't pregnant. The poor child, to be born from a mother who's almost completely divorced from reality, and also to be the product of rape.

Steffy is such a silly princess. She just loves being the center of romantic drama, especially if she helps create it.

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8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

STFU Puffy! Quinn didn't put a gun to your head and make you marry Wyatt. For some unfathomable reason, you couldn't take time to deal with your feelings. Instead you marry Liam's brother. Your choice. Nobody else's.

Steffy just gave herself permission to question everything about her relationship and marriage with Wyatt. By putting that statement out there, with no discouraging words from an outside source, she has started walking away from Wyatt.

When she finds out Liam and Quinn's first meeting didn't involve calling the police or him throttling Quinn, Steffy will be running to protect him from her mother-in-law and sexual competitor.

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Yup. Steffy will "honor her marriage" right up until she finds out Liam had a conversation with another woman. Then she'll be back to cha-cha-ugh all day long, frozen-faced squint-acting her way between two men.

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I didn't know whether Liam was going to strangle Quinn or kiss her, culminating in some hate sex up against the wall. SC's best acting is done when he's angry,

As sick as their relationship is, I don't think it's done, not by a longshot, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather see them deal with each other, now that Liam is in the know and that he actually does have feelings for her. Because for the first time in a long time, since the pre-Wyatt days with Hope, Liam has someone who is totally devoted to him, not torn between him and his brother. Sick and twisted as it is, that is going to resonate with him, I think.

OMG at Ridge, the original waffle king, giving Steffy romantic advice and taking a page from his own history by telling her to stick with her vows just as he stuck with that lying hypocrite Taylor for far too many years when it was obvious Brooke was always going to be "it" for him (until Caroline anyway).

Speaking of Caroline, I also LOL at Caroline's snarking on the red ribbon of twu wuv. Ridge should have put a real ring on it, maybe then Katie wouldn't be determined to out his lying ass. 

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12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

This more than anything is what I miss about soaps in general. Especially with some of the longer running shows like ATWT, you'd get parents and grandparents being the voice of wisdom with the younger crowd. 

You'd think with all of Ridge's history that such a scene would write itself. I mean, the staff wasn't afraid to bring up Phoebe when he and Rick were at odds last year and it worked.

Testify, Anna.  Sure, we do get some generally vague references from Ridge about what I suspect the show considers the more important aspect of the story--Steffy being torn between two men, circumstances notwithstanding--and that's not a bad thing, but c'mon.  He, or Steffy herself for that matter, could mention Taylor's last return from the dead and the conflict that arose from that.  Or he could mention Morgan DeWitt (then again, hell, Ridge mentioning Morgan at this point almost needs to be done to Liam himself--that'd be borderline season pass stuff).  But noooo, he's conveniently dealing with his own drama...so the show can keep the crazy somehow contained?  I don't even know.

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 Liam has someone who is totally devoted to him, not torn between him and his brother. Sick and twisted as it is, that is going to resonate with him, I think.

  Quinn is obsessed to me.  She has been obsessed with Liam in some way for as long as I watched but it has just gone from two ends of the spectrum.  She has gone from thinking this man has denied her son everything to her thinking the guy is the love of her life.  She is delusional because she feels like this man has changed her but we saw what that change included - nearly killing the man she supposedly cared about at one point.  The only thing different about her is her wardrobe.  Quinn is out to lunch to me and if Liam feels anything but pity and anger towards her I'm just not going to be able to buy it. 

IMO, Quinn is incapable of love.  She had two people who cared about her - insanity and all - Deacon and her son.  And look what they got out of it.  She nearly killed Deacon (who is still being a fool by being by her side) and Wyatt who she has gone from being all about him getting what he wants/deserves to not even caring about him speaking to her and being willing to walk away from him.

I don't know what the game plan is with Liam and Quinn but I'll never buy any kind of love story with them.

Edited by ch1
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1 hour ago, Bill C. said:

Testify, Anna.  Sure, we do get some generally vague references from Ridge about what I suspect the show considers the more important aspect of the story--Steffy being torn between two men, circumstances notwithstanding--and that's not a bad thing, but c'mon.  He, or Steffy herself for that matter, could mention Taylor's last return from the dead and the conflict that arose from that.  Or he could mention Morgan DeWitt (then again, hell, Ridge mentioning Morgan at this point almost needs to be done to Liam himself--that'd be borderline season pass stuff).  But noooo, he's conveniently dealing with his own drama...so the show can keep the crazy somehow contained?  I don't even know.

Oh, man. I didn't even think about Taylor but that would've been an excellent point too. Steffy was alive to remember that. 

Ugh, I hate when shows like this miss very obvious opportunities to connect to its past, particularly since said past was the cornerstone of the entire fucking show for decades until Flannery's retirement and Ronn Moss's departure forced the shift in narrative.

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I'm not saying I'll buy a love story either, but I think that's where it's headed, sad to say.

I'm wondering if it's our punishment for shaking our fists at the never-ending triangles where Liam is concerned. Lord knows, I was sick of the merry-go-round with Hope/Liam/Steffy, then Hope/Liam/Ivy/Wyatt, then Ivy/Liam/Steffy/Wyatt, then Liam/Steffy/Wyatt, but I sure as heck didn't want to see Liam kidnapped and raped and now Stockholm Syndrome-d into believing Quinn is capable of love.

She's capable of acting the part and I think she loves this alter-ego of Eve with all her sweetness and light. I'm sure it's who she has convinced herself she'd be except for her childhood demons (which, BTW, the 10-second scene we saw did nothing to shed light on). 

But I'll bet $1,000,000 internet bucks that Quinn's got Liam's bun in her oven and he'll be in her orbit no matter what. 

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Nicole is funny "you built a strong modelling resume for yourself now move back to the mid west." Yes because fashion models really are in strong demand there. 

I'm glad Sasha stopped covering for Julian.

Edited by Artsda
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1 minute ago, Artsda said:

Nicole is funny "you built a strong modelling resume for yourself now move back to the mid west." Yes because fashion models really are in strong demand there. 

I'm glad Sasha stopped covering for Julian.

Ain't that the truth! Suck on that, Sister Nicole.

It made me ill listening to the sAvant's agree that Sasha needed to walk on and leave Los Angeles because Nicole is gonna' squeeze back into her Party of Bad Dancing pants once the baby is born.

So far nothing Nicole thought that would happen during the surrogacy has taken place. She feelz all the pregnancy feelz. Zende told her didn't want her to go through the surrogacy, he had to break it off with her because it's Nicole and Rick's child and he couldn't deal. Nicole (Maya and Rick, too) act as if having the baby will be without emotional repercussions. Wrong again, Nicole.

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Today just pissed me off to no end. Rick, Maya, Nicole, and Julius just STFU!!!  Nicole, who the hell invited you to LA and Maya couldn't get rid of you fast enough. Maya, at least Zenda broke up with Nicole before pursuing Sasha. You pursued Rick while he was still married.  Forgot about the steam room didn't you Maya?  Rick, whinny about Ridge not being at FC but how much time has attending to Nicole's needs took you away from FC?  


Maya's little sister has learned from the best on how to keep your shit from stinking and being all judgemental.  Well Nicole, your shit certainly stinks and Sasha rubbed it all in your face.  Now Sasha, is about to rub it in all their faces. You go girl. 

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6 hours ago, OhioSongbird said:

Oh Waldo....nobody is dumber than Summer.  Gal needs a crib note to breathe......

Your 100% correct. It was suppose to be almost as dumb as Summer.  

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Your 100% correct. It was suppose to be almost as dumb as Summer.  

Seconded. Steffy has demonstrated capacity for business savvy  (or what passes for that now). That's more than I can say for Dummer.

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First time I've had a chance to watch in weeks and I get an Avants and Soulverine episode? Ugh. Although I can't think of any SL that's more worthy of tuning in. Maybe the Adam n Eve saga, just for the EWWWW that is slathered all over all of them. 

I enjoyed watching Sasha FINALLY vent her spleen all over Nicole. But it's too late in the pregnancy for a good faint to mean a TOCK.  Where's that room backstage at Forrester with all that exposed wiring? It's about time for a good old fashioned electrocution. Maybe someone's weave could catch on fire. 


For clarity, I only want nicole electocuted. The baby can survive after emergency c section. And maybe have superpowers.  Or Sasha can catch a few thousand volts, with only Nicole knowing her secret.And While Mama Long Legs is in a coma Nicole can give Papa A the Squint Eye the whole time. 

Edited by smartyshorts
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24 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Hey, Zende. Pregnant women can DANCE, too! You go, Nicole and bust out those dance moves, sister.

I was working a used car tent sale last weekend and saw a lady who had to have been at least six months along show up on a racing bicycle, not to mention all the ones I see on YT videos running and doing kettle bell exercises and even lifting weights.

Pregnant women are not the delicate flowers people think they are, especially if you had a healthy lifestyle before hand. I hardly think dancing is on the list of things that will set a woman into preterm labor.

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I thought Sasha's thirst for her father's love/acceptance actually came through better in this episode than usual, buuut it was complicated by her again declaring that Soulverine loves her--which loops to the question of how the hell he and Nicole suddenly got close again-ish in something like a week, and offscreen at that (along with Nicole's bowling and pottery classes?!?) unless I missed something.  What the hell, show.  Not even Nicole sticking up her pretty little nose at Sasha and "asking" her to GTFO mitigated that at all.  Worse, they then went ahead and crashed to weekend on Sasha saying she was Nicole's sister, which just immediately made me think it was a swerve and that on Monday she'll say that she's always thought of Vanessa Williams-chibi as her sister and barf.  For this story, I'm still just holding on for the bomb to drop and for Vivienne to epic bitchslap her husband.

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8 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Today just pissed me off to no end. Rick, Maya, Nicole, and Julius just STFU!!!  Nicole, who the hell invited you to LA and Maya couldn't get rid of you fast enough. Maya, at least Zenda broke up with Nicole before pursuing Sasha. You pursued Rick while he was still married.  Forgot about the steam room didn't you Maya?  Rick, whinny about Ridge not being at FC but how much time has attending to Nicole's needs took you away from FC?  


Maya's little sister has learned from the best on how to keep your shit from stinking and being all judgemental.  Well Nicole, your shit certainly stinks and Sasha rubbed it all in your face.  Now Sasha, is about to rub it in all their faces. You go girl. 

Amen! Nicole came to LA to hitch onto the Forrester gravy train by blackmailing her sister. I wanted to slap that sanctimonious belly rubber when she was telling Sasha to leave LA. Who died and made her sheriff? I was so happy when Sasha spilled the beans. Can't wait to see Daddy Avant do his Ralph Kramden "hamina-hamina" impression when confronted with the truth.

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I don't know what the game plan is with Liam and Quinn but I'll never buy any kind of love story with them

What about Patch & Kayla? Luke & Laura? It's been known to happen on the soaps very successfully.

Plus I find it interesting that many posters on this forum (before it became a real storyline) were actually discussing the possibility of Liam & Quinn getting together. Then when the writers actually made it a storyline, those same posters now hate it.  You can't have it both ways, folks!

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8 hours ago, MsTree said:

What about Patch & Kayla? Luke & Laura? It's been known to happen on the soaps very successfully.

Plus I find it interesting that many posters on this forum (before it became a real storyline) were actually discussing the possibility of Liam & Quinn getting together. Then when the writers actually made it a storyline, those same posters now hate it.  You can't have it both ways, folks!

With all respect, I doubt those rooting for Liam/Quinn had wanted it to come about from what basically amounts to kidnap and rape. There were so many other routes to do this. Have 'em get plastered from their breakups and go home with one another. All of the same drama could've happened without ruining the viability of Quinn's character or torturing Liam.

Much like with Brooke and her attack, no one wanted Liam to go to that extreme, no matter how much of a loathsome waffle he is. 

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9 hours ago, MsTree said:

What about Patch & Kayla? Luke & Laura? It's been known to happen on the soaps very successfully.

Plus I find it interesting that many posters on this forum (before it became a real storyline) were actually discussing the possibility of Liam & Quinn getting together. Then when the writers actually made it a storyline, those same posters now hate it.  You can't have it both ways, folks!

I never wanted Liam and Quinn together.  I  actually liked Quinn with Deacon.

I can't comment on the other couples because I wasn't watching then but I do know I hate the names Luke and Laura because writers have made it into a get out of jail card to make couples as gross as possible.  Rapey couples hold no interest to me.

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13 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

coo to the baby "I'm your MOMMY. And that's your AUNTIE Nicole."

Um, what's wrong with that? Maya will be the baby's mom, and Nicole the baby's aunt (unless Nicole changes her mind).

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11 hours ago, MsTree said:

What about Patch & Kayla? Luke & Laura? It's been known to happen on the soaps very successfully.

Plus I find it interesting that many posters on this forum (before it became a real storyline) were actually discussing the possibility of Liam & Quinn getting together. Then when the writers actually made it a storyline, those same posters now hate it.  You can't have it both ways, folks!


2 hours ago, ch1 said:

I never wanted Liam and Quinn together.  I  actually liked Quinn with Deacon.

I can't comment on the other couples because I wasn't watching then but I do know I hate the names Luke and Laura because writers have made it into a get out of jail card to make couples as gross as possible.  Rapey couples hold no interest to me.

I've always been dubious of hatesexxytimes or any other sexxytimes between Quinn and Liam. How a waffling dimwit like Liam could forget Quinn threatening to run him through with a specially made sword stretches even Soap credulity. It took repeated concussions, amnesia, and a kidnapping to an enchanted cabin in the woods for Liam to reach out and touch Quinn's comely person and black heart.

Did Liamnesiac's love and affection change Quinn in some profound way? It's possible, and I'm not discounting the power of love, even if it's source is from an Eggo. Quinn went to him and prostrated herself in apology, willing to be arrested if that was what Liam chose.

Did Quinn's ministrations with his concussion, her response to Liamnesiac's neediness and sexual healing (Liam made the first move on Quinn and she could have refused) change Liam in some profound way? It's possible ... Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome, maybe it's genuine love, maybe his brain is still scrambled from the concussions, maybe he hasn't caught up with the time and history he lost living with Quinn -- That Liam didn't throttle Quinn when he was in a drunken rage or have her arrested ... I think there's much more behind his restraint with Quinn than what we've been shown. 



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2 hours ago, jenrising said:

Um, what's wrong with that? Maya will be the baby's mom, and Nicole the baby's aunt (unless Nicole changes her mind).

Nicole will always be the baby's mother. This young, immature woman will be expected to pretend to be her firstborn child's aunt every single day. This is why this whole setup is a recipe for disaster. 

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3 hours ago, jenrising said:

Um, what's wrong with that? Maya will be the baby's mom, and Nicole the baby's aunt (unless Nicole changes her mind).

Nothing is wrong with that. It's what Nicole signed up to do. I think they have all grossly underestimated how this will effect Nicole, at least that would be good and soapy. 

@Cupid Stunt This show stretches soap credulity far enough for it to be unrecognizable with the insistence on incestuous hook ups. A woman having hate-sex with her son's brother is par for the course no matter what she has done. It's all "bygones" or none of these folks would be speaking to each other.  IMO. 

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Ugh, why would Nicole want Zende back after the way he disrespected her by screwing her (former) best friend practically right in front of her? And if he does dump Sasha to return to her then that makes him a double d-bag in my eyes because then it would be even more clear that he's just been using Sasha while Nicole's been out of commission.

I liked the dress Sasha was modeling. Would've been even better if she'd worn some bold jewelry to set it off.

Does Mr Avant still not have a job? You'd think in LA there'd be plenty of work as a chauffeur.

I'd love it if Sasha turned up pregnant by Zende. However, she might not want to give up her fabulous career as a high fashion model. RME.

The Avants are hilarious. "This town's not big enough for the five of us. You gotta go, Sasha." Then Rick jumps in and says he'll recommend her to FC International. So now Sasha has to leave the country? And why do none of them put any blame on Zende for being such a dog? Oh yeah, because they don't want to risk having Nicole lose her chance at marrying her own Forrester. It's the Avant's family investment plan, apparently.

23 hours ago, smartyshorts said:

Maybe someone's weave could catch on fire.

Yikes, that would be probably be a five-alarmer, just for Sasha alone.

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Zende actually isn't as much of a dog as some of these men. Yeah, they were frenemies, but he wasn't aware that they were siblings. (*cough* Puffles, Chicken, and Waffles.) He broke it off before he moved on. He wasn't like Puffles who had to take another man's ring off to replace it and didn't have enough sense to figure out that something was wrong. I can't blame him for not being able to handle this situation. He tried, and it was too weird. Not to mention, I'm sure Rick and Maya probably controlled what she did.

Side note: What pregnant woman can't dance or continue living her life? I routinely flew from Melbourne to the States up until 34/35 or so weeks. I did almost everything I did before I was expecting. I made slight adjustments, but I was still active and full of life. I guess she thought she'd dance the bump off.

With Zende it's like, "My girlfriend is giving birth to her first child who will be raised as her niece/nephew and my cousin.". If I was pregnant by my boyfriend's uncle and planning on giving away my firstborn to him and his wife, I can't say I'd expect him to be completely comfortable. He's been the only realistic one in this whole thing. I do wish they would've written more angst into the storyline. "Oooh. I'm giving them this beautiful gift [a child], and then, I can get my man back and get back to my life." Rightttttt because pregnancy doesn't change you at all. Hormones aren't a thing. Attachment isn't a thing. Oh no, it won't be hard seeing this child every single day and fighting that natural inclination. I bet she'll be on the hook for nursing or at least providing the milk. *Cue Thomas and Douglas* He doesn't suspect anything at all, and even he feels some type of inexplicable connection to that little guy. 

Sasha has every right to be there, and Nicole has become increasingly annoying with her daily whining and bemoaning. I hope Zende doesn't take her back. Lord knows he looks happier with Sasha. I'm glad she spilled the tea yesterday and told her that they're sisters. Hopefully, she won't backtrack and say something else.

Edited by AussieBabe
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Ohhhh..... when I made the comment: "Hey Zende. Pregnant women can dance, too."  I was being sarcastic about him acting like (at the very beginning) that their (non-existent) sex life would have to be put on hold because Nicole was pregnant. Yeah. I know that pregnant women do all sort of stuff they'd usually do and in this day and age, so should Zende!

Sorry for the confusion.

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23 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Ohhhh..... when I made the comment: "Hey Zende. Pregnant women can dance, too."  I was being sarcastic about him acting like (at the very beginning) that their (non-existent) sex life would have to be put on hold because Nicole was pregnant. Yeah. I know that pregnant women do all sort of stuff they'd usually do and in this day and age, so should Zende!

Sorry for the confusion.

No confusion. :) I totally understood your sarcasm, and it was appreciated!

I was talking about how she stopped dancing and held the faux bump like the baby was going to fall out because she was dancing! I laughed because she just stopped and looked like, "Oh gosh. This might harm the bub." Hey writers. Expectant mummies don't live in bubbles. Last time I checked, a baby won't just fall out because a woman continues to be active and IDK? Moves. Being active is good and helps with labour. These writers are the worst! I saw a woman dancing while in labour because it helped keep her mind off the pain.

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

The Avants are hilarious. "This town's not big enough for the five of us. You gotta go, Sasha." Then Rick jumps in and says he'll recommend her to FC International. So now Sasha has to leave the country?

Can you imagine what the work environment must be like at FC International?  They send everyone there who's some kind of problem or embarrassment.  

2 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

No confusion. :) I totally understood your sarcasm, and it was appreciated!

I was talking about how she stopped dancing and held the faux bump like the baby was going to fall out because she was dancing! I laughed because she just stopped and looked like, "Oh gosh. This might harm the bub." Hey writers. Expectant mummies don't live in bubbles. Last time I checked, a baby won't just fall out because a woman continues to be active and IDK? Moves. Being active is good and helps with labour. These writers are the worst! I saw a woman dancing while in labour because it helped keep her mind off the pain.

I wonder if it's supposed to be indicative of how completely unaware Nicole was (and still is) as to what she was signing on for.  Like she's so immature and ill-prepared for this whole situation that she doesn't even fully understand what's going on with her body and what is and isn't dangerous to a pregnancy.  

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On April 30, 2016 at 2:48 AM, MsTree said:

What about Patch & Kayla? Luke & Laura? It's been known to happen on the soaps very successfully.

Plus I find it interesting that many posters on this forum (before it became a real storyline) were actually discussing the possibility of Liam & Quinn getting together. Then when the writers actually made it a storyline, those same posters now hate it.  You can't have it both ways, folks!

Rapey couples gross me out. I wanted Liam and Quinn to have smoldering hate sex, not watch Quinn transform into a sappy, twu lurve-obsessed idiot who takes advantage of a man with a serious brain injury. 

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I'm with you NP.  Never got the appeal of L&L (love GF but never liked TG...all the dude knows to do is chew scenery and try to tank scenes.  Sidenote....thank God he was gone before MSt showed up on GH.  Can you imagine those two in a scene?!  I would seriously pull a Jerry Lee Lewis/Elvis and shoot my TV).

I love RS  and she's rockin' the acting but damn...even she can't sell this story.  I like SC (maybe 'cause he looks a lot like my brother) and he can bring it doing the angry as someone posted earlier.  Don't care for him in schmoopy mode.  Still pisses me off they split her and Deacon (I love SK)....they would have been a superb devious duo fucking with the Spencers and Forresters

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Plus I find it interesting that many posters on this forum (before it became a real storyline) were actually discussing the possibility of Liam & Quinn getting together. Then when the writers actually made it a storyline, those same posters now hate it.  You can't have it both ways, folks!

I wouldn't have minded hate sex with those two. And yes I hate the current storyline. Because it wasn't hate sex or maybe those two coming to an understanding then bonding. Nope - instead Quinn raped Liam who was suffering from a brain injury.

The writers didn't make it a storyline that requires thought, consideration and time. This is just exploitative crap. 'How can we get these two together in the quickest dumbest way ever?' 'Rape!'

I can think of many many ways to have gotten those two together without involving rape. And I don't get paid for those ideas like the idiots in charge of this show.

What I find interesting is that you can't seem to see the difference.


What about Patch & Kayla?

Patch never raped Kayla so I'm not sure why this couple is referenced along side Luke and Laura. Jack raped Kayla.

Edited by hypnotoad
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Yeah, WTHQuil didn't quite turn out the way I wanted--and I'm one of the folks who does think RS and SC have a certain chemistry together.  They

  • blew up Quinn and Deacon's relationship offscreen for it;
  • gave a pretty token effort to tell (not show, her childhood flashback notwithstanding) that Quinn broke up with Deacon because she was tired of her "type" and perhaps looking for someone different;
  • moved Quinn further into overt crazypants territory (not as big a deal overall, but still);
  • shamelessly used it as a crutch for their real agenda--advancing the Triangle of Doom and giving Wyatt a chance to really indulge his thirst (okay, this was probably unavoidable);
  • and they are sortakinda wrecking Deacon short-term with it, if perhaps by accident (Deacon wanting to save Quinn from herself, good; Deacon being as much of a sucker about it as he's been and admittedly complicit in her grand lie, bad).

And all that's discounting the sex, or circumstances thereof.  Amnesia caused by miscellaneous head trauma isn't medication or booze, show...no matter how hard you tried to spin it for a minute.

I do wonder, however, if Quinn could have had some sort of black-market doctor visit Liam at her cabin as a mitigating factor for some of the fuckery...made it seem like Liam wasn't as incapacitated as it seemed...?

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I think Deacon has been thrown under the bus completely for this story.  Besides being complicit in Quinn's crimes, I think one of the things that bugs me is to build Liam up to Quinn they have to shit on Deacon.  Every time they have Quinn talking about Liam seeing her kindness, beauty blah blah blah, they are crapping on Deacon.  You would think Deacon was a prick to her and even though they got 5 minutes of screen time I never saw Deacon treat Quinn bad.  IMO he has been better to her than she has been to him and that was before the cliff.  And now he sits and waits for her while she begs Liam to be with her.    Seriously what did SK do to deserve this mess?  He was brought back for this?

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On April 30, 2016 at 5:51 PM, thewhiteowl said:

Nothing is wrong with that. It's what Nicole signed up to do. I think they have all grossly underestimated how this will effect Nicole, at least that would be good and soapy. 

Nicole only thinks she knows what she signed up for. She was emotionally manipulated into being the surrogate by Maya. The whole point of my original post was that Maya, who we know is selfish, will be totally insensitive to her sister's plight and will sashay around playing "Mommy" in front of Nicole.

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Honestly, I haven't seen any on-screen indication that Nicole is having any emotional* maternal attachment toward the baby. She acts like it's just an impediment to her "twu luv" with Zende. I know soap rules say she won't be able to "give up" the baby, but that's not what they're showing so far.

So while Maya annoys me, I hate Rick, and I think they pressured Nicole into this situation, I can't (as yet) call them insensitive to Nicole's feelings* on the matter.

*Of course, RE is basically a blank slate who never displays any feelings or emotions, so who knows what she's supposed to be showing us. 

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34 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

The whole point of my original post was that Maya, who we know is selfish, will be totally insensitive to her sister's plight and will sashay around playing "Mommy" in front of Nicole.

...which may actually be the one reason why Nicole's pregnancy would be a tick rather than a tock.  And, by B&B standards, it's a whopper of a reason.  (EDIT: though, while RE seems to at least have found some facial expressions for Nicole's steady-state, the thought of her trying to do anguished "I can't do it!  I'm getting my baby back!" is almost frighteningly hilarious.)

Edited by Bill C.
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On ‎4‎/‎30‎/‎2016 at 4:51 PM, thewhiteowl said:


@Cupid Stunt This show stretches soap credulity far enough for it to be unrecognizable with the insistence on incestuous hook ups. A woman having hate-sex with her son's brother is par for the course no matter what she has done. It's all "bygones" or none of these folks would be speaking to each other.  IMO. 

In Bill Bell and Brad Bell's Los Angeles, there are fewer than 25 people in the whole of the city. Being a resident of Los Angeles, I find that puzzling.  Riding the Incest Marry-Go-Round has always been a disgusting and disturbing hallmark of B&B, and I hail from a small rural community where there aren't that many mating prospects around ... Well, there are, as long as you're not finicky about who plows your lady garden.

The only person I knew that remarried into the same family -- Her husband died of cancer and she married his brother 2 years later. As far as rural WTD? merry mix ups, the less I know about that the better.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
Still a nincompoop
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