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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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So his 2 children who one is a doctor don't go with Eric to the hospital, but Brooke can? Instead Bridget is telling everyone to stay but had no problem letting her mother go?  

Thorne and Bridget should have gone with Ridge not Brooke.

Steffy - "tell him"

Brooke - "tell us what? 

Steffy didn't say them.   

Finn wants to give a transplant of what?  

I actually think Ridge did the right choice based on Eric's own behavior.  He made no attempt to get tests, no attempts to go the hospital, to go try and save himself.  Why would Ridge think he'd suddenly want to fight? 

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I don’t understand Bridgette telling everyone to stay away from the hospital. As someone that has lost both parents to illness, I personally think it’s important for anyone that wants to be at a loved one’s beside to be there. Just because there is a bunch of family sitting in waiting rooms or in a hospital room doesn’t mean they will be pestering doctors and nurses for info. 
of course this is a soap opera so normal behavior doesn’t apply.

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I have always heard, read, and personally experienced, that you can tell a lot about a person's character by how they treat service people. I am broadening the category here to include medical personnel.

How Ridge has consistently treated doctors, nurses, and law enforcement speaks volumes. I shudder to think how he treats waitstaff and retail employees. 🫢

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I’ve made life and death decisions two times in my life and they weren’t easy but like Ridge, I capitulated to what they wanted and not what I wanted.  If Eric had a heath care proxy, it would be quite customary to have a living will drawn up at the same time. In a living, Eric would have expressed his desire to what he wants to happen if he’s incapacitated.  Either written or orally, Eric expresses, to Ridge, what he wants him to do.  Yes Peppermint take it from me, pulling the plug is an act of love.  


OK, if Ridge wanted to keep Eric alive with an experimental procedure, who would perform the necessary treatment?  Finn?  Is he a skilled surgeon?  I don’t think so?  Even if he could or find another doctor to do it, it’s experimental and Finn or another doctor would not only need the hospital executive board approval to make sure he’s a candidate for this procedure.  One other thing is that Finn said a trans plant would be necessary. Of course a transplant of what and if the transplant is available. Given Eric’s age he wouldn’t be high on a viable organ donation, but there could be a family member to give a living donation.  Of course I’m speculating not knowing the specifics of Eric’s malady. 

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Just when I think I couldn't despise Ridge any more than I already do ... THIS!

He needs a heaping dose of STFU. I was appalled by the way he spoke to Donna and even more so when Brooke just stood there like the obedient Stepford wife she's become and edged closer to Ridge. Not one ounce of support or comfort for her devastated sister.  I am glad Brooke finally came around a bit at the end to Donna's side, but still ... 

Being somebody's adult son who lives away from the family home versus a partner who is with the dying person/parent 24/7 during the darkest days, well, there's no comparison. 

I hope some legal loophole comes to light regarding Eric's POA that invalidates it and removes Ridge from that role. Did we ever see him actually sign the document? 




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Eric expressed those wishes when he thought there was no possible treatment.  He may have wanted to try this procedure had he been aware of it.  So why not just go ahead with it?  In the worst case scenario, they would be right where they are now needing to make the same decisions, but they would know they exhausted all possibilities.

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I wonder if I would feel more if Ron Moss was still playing this role, I know we’ve discussed his wooden acting, but given his longevity on the show and the fact that we’ve seen the  stages of his relationship with Eric it may have hit a bit more than with TK. 

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7 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Eric expressed those wishes when he thought there was no possible treatment.  He may have wanted to try this procedure had he been aware of it.  So why not just go ahead with it?  In the worst case scenario, they would be right where they are now needing to make the same decisions, but they would know they exhausted all possibilities.

He made no attempt to get tests for treatment.  There were scenes where they asked him to go for tests to see if they can help and he was against tests and going the hospital. He was at peace with dying. He wanted no part of anything medical.  

Donna needs to shut up, she's not doing anything for Eric.  This is the same Eric who collapsed and refused 911, said no hospital, no hospital stay, etc.. now Donna does not get to say anything about how Eric would want this. 

Ridge is right.  

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Why would Eric give Ridge medical power of attorney and not Donna? 

Having asked that question I will also say that I have been in Ridge's position with my own father. Having to make that decision is horrible. My dad did not have the options that are on the table for Eric, but I don't know if it would have changed things. I guess my feelings are, there is no harm in trying, and if you end up in the same place you are no worse off. And you can move on knowing you did everything you could. 

10 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

He needs a heaping dose of STFU. I was appalled by the way he spoke to Donna and even more so when Brooke just stood there like the obedient Stepford wife she's become and edged closer to Ridge. Not one ounce of support or comfort for her devastated sister.  I am glad Brooke finally came around a bit at the end to Donna's side, but still ... 

Being somebody's adult son who lives away from the family home versus a partner who is with the dying person/parent 24/7 during the darkest days, well, there's no comparison. 

I couldn't agree more. This whole Eric dying SL has been more about Ridge than Eric. I actually feel bad for Thorne, who is Eric's oldest bio son, but wasn't even a consideration, and is not even allowed to go to hospital. 

13 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

I’m loving the Thomas/Hope interactions around this story. It’s shows how they’ve progressed.

Me too. Hope does seem to be turning that corner. I never thought I could support them, but they just look so good together, and have such chemistry, it is hard to root against them. 

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10 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

I wonder if I would feel more if Ron Moss was still playing this role, I know we’ve discussed his wooden acting, but given his longevity on the show and the fact that we’ve seen the  stages of his relationship with Eric it may have hit a bit more than with TK. 

All I know and remember is that Ron's Ridge LOVED and RESPECTED Eric. I doubt he'd be the raging ARSEHOLE Thorsten Kaye is playing.

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TK is a horrific recast.  Not even close to the Ridge Forrester we saw for decades.  He growls every line and is just so impatient and brusque.  Even yesterday, when he finally shouted at Donna to make clear to her this was hard for him?  Would've landed so much better if he didn't shout every other line.  Modulate, TK.  Modulate.

But also.  Ridge is right.  He's fulfilling his dad's wishes.  And of course Donna wouldn't have his medical POA because she's not a constant in his life.  Ridge is and always has been.  Would be nice, though, if Ridge sympathized with Donna's pain but proceeded to comply with his dad's wishes nevertheless.

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So, they were just going to shut off his life support without his other family members saying goodbye. 😒 Thorne and Bridget should have been called to the hospital. I cannot stand Ridge. He doesn't think of his siblings at all. Just Ridge is the only child of Eric's. 

Like others have said TK does not play Ridge sympathetic at all. Just growly and yelling. 

Brooke, way to make your goodbye all about Ridge and not the children you share with Eric. 🙄

JG is an awful actress. 

The only blessing this story has is zero Liam involvement. 

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6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

All I know and remember is that Ron's Ridge LOVED and RESPECTED Eric. I doubt he'd be the raging ARSEHOLE Thorsten Kaye is playing.

He definitely would not. Even when he was jealous of Eric for having Brooke (in no small part thanks to Stephanie whispering in his ear about it), he hated himself for it. Even the one time he called Mossimo "father" was during a heated moment when he was telling him to leave and wanted nothing to do with him and he was ashamed of doing it for how he hurt Eric, who was there.

OG Ridge was a blowhard and selfish but when the sot was truly hitting the fan, he could make a passable attempt at putting aside past drama to get shit done. It's probably just as well Rick's not here because Rick would probably hash out every grievance he's had against him since the day Brooke's pee test turned blue.

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11 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

it is hard to root against them. 

I find it effortless, almost like it’s an involuntary bodily function.

With the Eric situation, I can feel compassion and sympathy for Donna, Brooke, Thorne, RJ, Bridget, Zende, even Steffy. I just don’t give a tinker’s damn about Ridge. He radiates absolutely nothing to connect with. When he was telling that story about being lost in the woods as a child, it was with all the warmth of a middle manager reading HR policies aloud. Come on, man. Give us something.

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Ridge made no attempt to call the rest of the family before pulling the plug?  Not even saint RJ?  

Bridget and Thorne should have been there. Brooke gets a bedside goodbye but not her daughter? 

There's been too much Donna.  

Wow Ridge got to mention Phoebe's name.  

Edited by Artsda
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If it’s true that Eric can’t breathe on his own then he’s being kept alive by artificial means.  I still don’t understand why there is no mention of a living will where that would take president over a healthy care proxy.  A competent lawyer, such as Carter, would draw this up at the same time as Eric’s will, power of attorney, and healthcare proxy.  

Finn was virtually dead when Li took him out of the hospital to keep him alive because she couldn’t do this in the hospital.  Eric is on life support so why should we believe that the hospital would allow an experimental treatment to be performed.  🐂💩, Eric didn’t open his eyes, his eyes moved like he was dreaming which could be involuntary.  It seems like there is going to be a Christmas miracle and Eric will become vibrant and energetic after his wonderful miraculous experimental procedure. 




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8 hours ago, backhometome said:

The only blessing this story has is zero Liam involvement. 

I'm almost ready to have the little weasel back if it means less Ridge on screen.


That said, if Finn pulls a last minute hat trick to save Eric, then good luck with him ever competing with that. May as well slink off to Genoa City at that point. 🤣

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Apologies to @Waldo13 if I seemed insensitive to the fact that keeping a loved one from suffering at the end of life can be an act of kindness.

My post was a reaction to Ridge's refusal to allow ALL of Eric's children to say goodbye, and refusal to even entertain the possibility of saving his life. Just a quick harsh decision to pull the plug. 

Wondering if Eric can hear all the discussions ?? Ridge demanding that no experimental life saving treatment be given, and the rest of the family begging him to allow it. Eric was accepting his death when he had been told by a doctor that there was no cure. Would he be so willing to go if he knew there was hope ?? And when he IS saved, will he disinherit Ridge ?? LOL

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

That said, if Finn pulls a last minute hat trick to save Eric, then good luck with him ever competing with that. May as well slink off to Genoa City at that point. 🤣

Seriously. As cheesy as it would be for Finn to save him with this experimental treatment, I will take it just to watch Liam have to deal with Steffy gushing about how her husband, the hero, brought her beloved grandpa back from the brink of death. 

Are the hair people just cutting a little bit more off of Hope's hair every day now? 

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At the least, Ridge could have called Thorne and Bridget and told them what was going on. As a doctor herself, maybe Bridget would have some knowledge of what Finn was talking about. Or, maybe she could have explained it a different way. 

In any event, they should have both been called to the hospital to say goodbye to their father. And Eric's other three children should have been called and told as well; don't cell phones work on safari? 

But Ridge is too busy making it all about him. 

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4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

At the least, Ridge could have called Thorne and Bridget and told them what was going on. As a doctor herself, maybe Bridget would have some knowledge of what Finn was talking about. Or, maybe she could have explained it a different way. 

In any event, they should have both been called to the hospital to say goodbye to their father. And Eric's other three children should have been called and told as well; don't cell phones work on safari? 

But Ridge is too busy making it all about him. 

I truly don't know if I could ever forgive my brother if one of our parents was about to be taken off of life support, and he didn't give me a chance to come to the hospital to say goodbye first. I was so appalled that he wasn't calling any of them about the possible treatment or about taking him off life support. 

Also, it shows who's "important" on this show that Bridget stopped Thorne, RJ, and Zende from going to the hospital, but she didn't make any real effort to stop Steffy. 

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8 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Also, it shows who's "important" on this show that Bridget stopped Thorne, RJ, and Zende from going to the hospital, but she didn't make any real effort to stop Steffy. 

Ridge, Brooke, Steffi, Finn and Eric have been A story for quite a while.  Zende, RJ and Thorne have been B story for as long as they've been on the show.

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5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

At the least, Ridge could have called Thorne and Bridget and told them what was going on. As a doctor herself, maybe Bridget would have some knowledge of what Finn was talking about. Or, maybe she could have explained it a different way. 

In any event, they should have both been called to the hospital to say goodbye to their father. And Eric's other three children should have been called and told as well; don't cell phones work on safari? 

But Ridge is too busy making it all about him. 


43 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I truly don't know if I could ever forgive my brother if one of our parents was about to be taken off of life support, and he didn't give me a chance to come to the hospital to say goodbye first. I was so appalled that he wasn't calling any of them about the possible treatment or about taking him off life support. 

Also, it shows who's "important" on this show that Bridget stopped Thorne, RJ, and Zende from going to the hospital, but she didn't make any real effort to stop Steffy. 

And unless Bell has retconned it, THORNE is Eric’s oldest and should have had the POA. Unless Eric gave it to Ridge out of misplaced guilt which makes no sense.

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So catching up. Those jellybeans…umm..how long have they been in that drawer cuz Thomas and Steffy haven’t been kids is a looooooong time…

Just saying 👀 

musty jellybeans 🤨😆

Edited by bluvelvet
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4 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:


And unless Bell has retconned it, THORNE is Eric’s oldest and should have had the POA. Unless Eric gave it to Ridge out of misplaced guilt which makes no sense.

I hate to "to be fair" to these writers at all, but Ridge is the only one of Eric's kids who has been living in town the past several years (other than the brief, best forgotten Ingo stretch a while back). I can see choosing the only one of his kids who he knows would be able to get there ASAP if an emergency arose. I think I'm just grateful that he didn't give it to Brooke and put us all through Ridge and Donna arguing with each other at her to make the decision they want. 

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Luna and Poppy look like they actually can be mother and daughter. 

I just can’t let my logical brain be high jacked by what the monkeys with a keyboard are trying to make out of this complete and utter 🐂💩 situation.  Why is Finn operating and not a specialized transplant surgeon unless a transplant is no longer required.  In explaining the procedure, it sounds more like Eric has leukemia in which your own T-Cells are usually harvest, modified, and reintroduce into your bloodstream. This procedure takes weeks and not one day unless the unknown transplant speeds up the procedure. 

As a family member it’s quite unlikely that Finn as a family member be allowed to do the surgery and especially Bridget, Eric’s daughter, wouldn’t be allowed to assist.  It’s unethical at the least and usually against hospital policy. It’s even unethical for a doctor to write a prescription for a family member. 

I very happy that there was one real thing today and that was Ridge giving them a dose of reality. Quality of life was very important to Eric. If Eric won’t be able to do what he wants to do, he would wish that they let him die and resent them for keeping him alive. Donna, didn’t you get this through your air head, that’s what Eric expressed to you as he was completing the challenge.  It’s very possible that Eric is subconsciously giving up causing these complications during surgery because he didn’t want to live as a virtual vegetable. 

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

I hate to "to be fair" to these writers at all, but Ridge is the only one of Eric's kids who has been living in town the past several years (other than the brief, best forgotten Ingo stretch a while back). I can see choosing the only one of his kids who he knows would be able to get there ASAP if an emergency arose. 


Also, Ridge and his progeny are dicks but I'm glad for the fact that apart from one entirely forgivable instance after finding out about Ridge and Quinn, Eric has never once thought of him as any less his son than any of his other children, as a mature human being should.

I'm definitely glad they didn't go the route of giving PoA to Donna because I just can't even with any more reasons for him to be a blowhard dickwad.

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Now we’re in for days of people crying in the hallway, rehashing for the 1,000th time about Eric’s “wishes”, Ridge’s “guilt” if this doesn’t work, etc, etc, etc. God spare us all.



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Thorne is the one who brings up Kristen, Felicia and Rick.  Rick whose mother and aunt stood there not caring.  They should have brought him up a long time ago. 

No wonder they all go on vacation and don't tell Ridge.

Brooke has the audacity to tell Thorne how he just got there?  Well why is that?  Then Donna is going to say he only wanted some to know, but Luna and Carter get told first. 

Nice Steffy message Zende and Thomas update.  Not RJ. Lol 

How old is Eric supposed to be? My uncle was 73 and declared too old for transplants or evasive surgeries. Eric is at an age that this would not happen. 

Edited by Artsda
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Watching this taped episode while I ate dinner....as Ridge said "Let's do it " , I had an urge to hurl my fork at the TV, thinking he meant, AGAIN "pull the plug". Dang, woman, it's a TV show, chill..

Was planning a list of HIPPA violations, familial transgressions, idiotic assumptions, and...Naw, just too, too much. Y'all have covered it already.

RE: Luna's dangling hair [she's very pretty, BTW]...My late husband was stationed in Okinawa decades ago, and a joke that the immature Airmen would play on the Okinawans was to drop something or slam a locker and scream "HABU!!" . This meant "snake" and would send the locals running for cover. Every time I see Luna's hairstyle I am reminded of reptiles hanging from her forehead. 

It is refreshing to see some diversity on the Soaps besides B/W and the invisible Mrs. Martinez. What's next ?? Could the huge number of Indian [from India ] doctors come out and join Li , Bridget & Dr Finn ?

What about an aspiring model who refuses to go onstage without her hajib ?? Forrester vs model lawsuit.  Anything besides the usual crap. 

Slinking back into my cave now....



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I am trying to figure out what the endgame (no pun intended) is for this "Eric is dying" story. We all know that Finn and Bridget will pull Eric through. 

I don't understand how this fits into the existing storylines. It has nothing to do with Sheila and Deacon or Hope and Thomas. Does this mean we will see another Deric wedding? Or, does JMC want a more prominent role again? 

At least, hopefully, this will be the big polar plunge that Liam finally needs to stop sniffing around Steffy once and for all. If Finn pulls off the miracle and Eric survives, Finn will be the extended Forrester family hero and nobody will be able to knock him off that pedestal, especially Waffleboy.

I was kinda picking up a tiny hint of possibly Poppy making a play for Eric. Especially with the hard sell RJ and Luna were giving him about all of Eric's virtues, blah, blah, blah.

I wouldn't mind seeing Ridge knocked down a peg or two or 1,000 and have Eric back running FC full time.

And when do we get to see Bill again? 

Otherwise, we have wasted a good month or so watching the same sad sack wasp trap stories every day and it will be all for naught.

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Like the little girl said in Sixth Sense; I feel much better now. 

Thank you Thorne, for reminding your brother that he is not the only child of Eric Forrester. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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17 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I hate to "to be fair" to these writers at all, but Ridge is the only one of Eric's kids who has been living in town the past several years (other than the brief, best forgotten Ingo stretch a while back). I can see choosing the only one of his kids who he knows would be able to get there ASAP if an emergency arose.

Well now, you know how petty I can be and refuse to be fair* so I will sit in my corner and continue to fume-if only because why should the child who is given medical POA HAVE to live in the same town/city/state?

*GH days re SHEBEAST/Jaysus/Robin and Mooby.

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When my father (RIP) got to the age where it was time to move to a nursing home, etc., he chose me to be his POA. I am the oldest and I live about 25 minutes away, whereas my youngest brother lived with our dad and was his daily caregiver.

This decision made no sense, as my brother was in a much better position to make healthcare decisions for Dad. The reason Dad chose me as POA was because I'm "the oldest." 🤨

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10 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I am trying to figure out what the endgame (no pun intended) is for this "Eric is dying" story. We all know that Finn and Bridget will pull Eric through. 

I'm thinking that John McCook is going to retire and they're offing him a la Stephanie/Susan Flannery? Who knows.

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6 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

I'm thinking that John McCook is going to retire and they're offing him a la Stephanie/Susan Flannery? Who knows.

I read-here or in the media thread that McCook signed a three-year deal, so he's not going anywhere, unless he's going to be playing Ghost Eric. Which, HARD PASS.

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10 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I read-here or in the media thread that McCook signed a three-year deal, so he's not going anywhere, unless he's going to be playing Ghost Eric. Which, HARD PASS.

Oh my god then we had to sit through WEEKS of this bullshit "My dad's dying/I gotta help Grampa out with his fashion show" storyline? I'm starting to hate these writers almost as I do the Y&R writers. Jesus wept.

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12 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I was kinda picking up a tiny hint of possibly Poppy making a play for Eric. Especially with the hard sell RJ and Luna were giving him about all of Eric's virtues, blah, blah, blah.

I was hoping they'd have her run into Thorne in the hall or something, and actually keep Winsor around for a while. And wouldn't Li's head just explode if her sister started dating one of the Forresters? 

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15 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I was kinda picking up a tiny hint of possibly Poppy making a play for Eric. Especially with the hard sell RJ and Luna were giving him about all of Eric's virtues, blah, blah, blah.

Nah.  Eric is too old for Poppy.  If he survives, Donna can just continue feeding him his honey.

Assuming/hoping that Poppy isn't a baddie, I'd like to see her with someone else, like $Bill, Thorne.  Maybe she could even open Deacon's eyes and he dumps Sheila and her head literally explodes.  And I do mean literally.  

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On 12/14/2023 at 12:02 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:


And unless Bell has retconned it, THORNE is Eric’s oldest and should have had the POA. Unless Eric gave it to Ridge out of misplaced guilt which makes no sense.

Eric assigned the Heat Care Proxy to Ridge. A Power of Attorney (POA) is not the same thing. If anybody should have gotten the Heathcare Proxy, is should have been Bridget. As a doctor herself, she should have been able to make decisions, for Eric, based on her medical knowledge.  That’s the real world.  But in all fairness to Ridge, he was making decisions based on conversations he had with Ridge and knew that Ridge would be the only one on strong enough to carry out his wishes.  My middle daughter, who is a doctor, has my Heathcare Proxy. Before I gave it to her we had numerous conversations about what I wanted to happen if I was incapacitated. She swore to me that she would be able to pull the plug based on her head and not her heart. With my other children they would make it into a “Weekend at Bernie’s”. 

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3 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Eric assigned the Heat Care Proxy to Ridge. A Power of Attorney (POA) is not the same thing. If anybody should have gotten the Heathcare Proxy, is should have been Bridget. As a doctor herself, she should have been able to make decisions, for Eric, based on her medical knowledge.  That’s the real world.  But in all fairness to Ridge, he was making decisions based on conversations he had with Ridge and knew that Ridge would be the only one on strong enough to carry out his wishes.  My middle daughter, who is a doctor, has my Heathcare Proxy. Before I gave it to her we had numerous conversations about what I wanted to happen if I was incapacitated. She swore to me that she would be able to pull the plug based on her head and not her heart. With my other children they would make it into a “Weekend at Bernie’s”. 

Sorry-I was skimming comments and saw POA. Still, my point still stands.

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