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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Steffy should spray her house with anti-Liam repellant and she needs to tell Finn what happened. 

Hope, I know you’re sad right how but believe me you’re better off without the waffle.  

Where’s Thomas in all this ? I still have yet to get his POV. 


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I’m still thinking this is the beginning of Steffy’s 3rd wtd story. She’s batting 1.000. 

If Liam had an iota of self-awareness, I’d feel something for him. But, he sees Hope kiss Thomas, & immediately kisses Steffy. When he blows up at Hope, he fails to tell her that he kissed Steffy minutes after the Thope kiss. Then, after telling Hope he wants a divorce, he hightails it to Steffy, & again, kisses her. If I was Steffy, I’d slap the taste outta his mouth. I figured Finn would walk in right then. 

Today’s positive…I was waiting for DB to sneak in a “shit”-bomb, past the censors. That was the longest “shhhhhhh” in tv history. 

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24 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I haven't watched today's yet. Are you telling me the damn waffle went and kissed Steffy again?  For fuck's sake, Liam. 

Sadly, & inexplicably, yes. Neither of those cheating cheaters who cheat, have offered up details about their Rome kiss to their clueless spouses. Liam may have told Wyatt, I can’t remember, but he didn’t tell Hope when he was berating her. 

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3 hours ago, nkotb said:

Sadly, & inexplicably, yes. Neither of those cheating cheaters who cheat, have offered up details about their Rome kiss to their clueless spouses. Liam may have told Wyatt, I can’t remember, but he didn’t tell Hope when he was berating her. 

I'm thinking Steffy must not have too forcefully ended the Rome kiss or ripped into him for it, or he wouldn't be going back for another one so soon. I can't stand Steffy 95% of the time, but I'm still feeling anger on her behalf about how obvious Liam is about using her and considering her his backup fuck, even when she's in another committed relationship. He may talk about how much he likes and respects her, but he does not even come close to treating her like someone he respects. And I hope Finn punches him in the throat. And I really want Hope to find out about both the Rome kiss and this one, and let's finally give her the opportunity to truly rip into him for what a waffling asshole he is. He dares lecture her about how Thomas is the one person who can break their marriage (and, yeah, I one hundred percent understand why he considers Thomas a bigger betrayal than just about any other guy), but Steffy has always been the bigger and more permanent threat. And he proves it by leaving Road Runner smoke clouds in his wake when he goes running to her every single time he has any reason (valid or not) to be upset with Hope. Hope has lived with the spectre of Steffy over their relationship ever since Steffy imprinted on Liam when she couldn't have Bill. Liam has lived with the idea of Hope having feelings for Lurch for about a week. Liam should be upset and hurt, sure. But, given his history, he should also be the one who, after a little time to lick his wounds (alone), is suggesting that they get some marriage counseling and find a way to work through this (or figure out if they're just not good for each other), because he knows he's done way worse to her more than once, so he owes her a metric shit ton of grace. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Liam had now kissed married Steffy twice also slept with her which Hope forgave.  Yet Hope is unforgivable for kissing Thomas.  

Hope needs to be done with the waffling idiot. 

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I haven't watched this mess but apparently there was one tweet where someone wrote that Liam tells Hope she's no better than Brooke?! I didn't believe there was any room under the bar for Liam to stoop down to but I won't lie, I'm far more disappointed by him apparently joining in on the Brooke bashing, if true. His sole redeeming quality is that he kept his fat trap shit on that.

3 hours ago, Artsda said:

Liam had now kissed married Steffy twice also slept with her which Hope forgave.  Yet Hope is unforgivable for kissing Thomas.  

Hope needs to be done with the waffling idiot. 

Truly. None of this will make me root for Thomas to get the girl but Hope has learned earned the right to ask for a mulligan.

If the writers had been even half as smart as the ones who wrote for Nick and Bridget in 2010, they would've just had Liam focus on the kids rather than the kiss. He would've been entirely justified in arguing on their behalf, especially for Douglas' sake. 

But as was pointed out upthread, it very much reads a lot like his ego is bruised, especially when he runs right to Steffy's without a second thought. The fact that he even considered it says everything one needs to know about how much he values either of them.

And that flakiness is exactly what Thomas has banked on from day damn one to be a menace. Granted, only Thomas is responsible for his actions but boy does Liam make his work so easy for him.

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I can't make up my mind about who the bigger arsehole is. Liam, for disrespecting Finn and his marriage to Steffy or Steffy, who did nothing to try and pull away from both kisses. Where was the slap to his face or at the very least pushing him firmly away when he tried it the first AND second time. Also, just FYI Liam, going back to an old lover/wife is NOT moving on you absolute cretin!

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What the hell Steffy? Tell Waffles to GTFO of your house. Her husband leaves for work and Liam shows up like some entitled beast in heat? All she does is look wide eyed and stupid? 
I am hating Liam right now. I do want Hope to get over the asshole waffle. I know I should hate the thought of Hope with Thomas because of all the crap he’s done to her and all his manipulation. But what actually makes me ick about him was when RJ was talking to Hope and all I could think is from RJs point of view, “my sister kissed my brother.”  

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Are Hope and Liam even legally married? I admittedly zone out a lot but the last "ceremony" I remember is when Douglas stood on a chair in the cabin and pronounced them married. It was just them and Douglas and Beth as I recall. Right after the Zoe/Thomas stalled wedding I think.

Edited by Lilac2000
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I just can't with this waffling tool/idiot. Hope needs to kick him permanently to the curb and I hope Steffy tells Finn* and he smacks Lame's teeth into the next county.

When Liam suddenly had his "flash of inspiration" and dashed out of the SP office, I think I caught the tiniest glint of a smirk on SC's face. Really? How can he play such a pathetic fool of a character and keep a straight face? 

I suppose on Monday it will be a foot race between Lope to get to Carter first to file for divorce. /eyeroll

*What would really rock is if paparazzi or even casual tourists with cell phones caught the Lame kiss in Rome and smears it all over SM. 

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33 minutes ago, Lilac2000 said:

Are Hope and Liam even legally married? I admittedly zone out a lot but the last "ceremony" I remember is when Douglas stood on a chair in the cabin and pronounced them married. It was just them and Douglas and Beth as I recall. Right after the Zoe/Thomas stalled wedding I think.

I've been wondering that, too. I remember the same thing - Douglas "marrying" them in the cabin after they all busted Thomas at his wedding to Zoe. I don't remember there every being any follow up to that "marriage" to make it legal. 

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1 hour ago, Lilac2000 said:

Are Hope and Liam even legally married? I admittedly zone out a lot but the last "ceremony" I remember is when Douglas stood on a chair in the cabin and pronounced them married. It was just them and Douglas and Beth as I recall. Right after the Zoe/Thomas stalled wedding I think.

They may have skipped any official wedding that was planned because of COVID as the failed Zomas wedding was the last major storyline wrapped up before the hiatus. But TBH, for as many weddings as they've had that were ruined by other people or their own hubris, you'd think they'd just go get it done at the justice of the peace and be done with it. 


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The only thing left that Liam can claim to as an legitimate gripe was Hope's denial up until the moment she kissed Thomas. Hope, along with everyone else, badgering Liam to get over Thomas' past actions, will never not be a shitty thing to do. But he's too much of a selfish, short sighted waffling prick to even focus on the parts he's right about. Looks like Lame Spencer is back...shittier and more unaware than ever. 

It's not surprising that Hope (against all common sense) held the L of Steffy hanging over their relationship for 10+ years, but Lame ass can't be bothered to make one dedicated attempt with Hope at ironing out Thomas'(and Steffy's) presence in their marriage once and for all. I don't know what the TIIC intentions are with Hope saying that she doesn't want to have feelings for Thomas, but that seems like a repairable direction. Moreso than Lame having Steffy perpetually in the "break in case of emergency" category, and having "regrets" or whatever the fuck. And very funny how those regrets randomly came up after getting pissed at Hope.

I said back during mannequingate, Hope would be stupid to take Lame back. She had cold hard proof that if she ever were unfaithful with Thomas, a kiss or otherwise, Liam would shamelessly go to Steffy. Not stop to think, or offer grace of any kind. That's why I said she was gonna get what's she's getting for this. Does she deserve it? Not all of it, but she really should've cut ties the last time. That was no less abhorrent(it was more)than what she's done now. She didn’t kick his cheating hypocritical ass to the curb then, and now a few years later, Hope actually fucked up & needs some fairness only to get curved for Steffy again instead. Lame Spencer isn't getting cut any more slack than he already has, but Hope has always known Liam is a fickle, trash, bastard. Or at least she should have known. 

If Steffy doesn't want Liam to kiss her or fuck up her marriage she's sure as hell taking her sweet time telling him to fuck off. She's already looking at a flimsy excuse as to why she tell didn't Finn about the Rome kiss already, and now she'll have more explaining to do as to why she let the waffler into their home & kiss her again. I know my optimism is doing a marathon here but maybe the TIIC won't pull WTD part 3 but with the writers strike it's admittedly not looking good. 

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I just got caught up on the last two episodes, and, I swear, the only person on this show I can really relate to is RJ, with his dawning horror as he realized shit must have happened between  his brother and sister. 

Taylor is just the worst, which is amazing on a show where this week's Liam exists. She was trying so damn hard to gaslight Brooke, and Brooke, thankfully, was having none of that shit. Taylor, you are the one who broke your pact. Brooke and Ridge having some level of feelings for each other isn't a violation of your pact. You knew they love each other. Your pact wasn't for Brooke to shut off her feelings, it was an agreement that you were both backing off of that seesaw and prioritizing being friends over competing for Ridge's dick. Your pact also had fuckall to do with your sociopath of a son. So stop trying to lean on that shit, especially when you knew damn well that Brooke wasn't all in on trusting Thomas and wasn't just going to magically get over what he did to her and her family. I was proud of Brooke for not letting her manipulate her with that crap. 

Now we come to Liam, that fucker. I might consider becoming a Steffy fan if, when he said that he was asking for a divorce and couldn't get past Hope kissing Thomas, Steffy would have said something like "are you sure you want to burn your marriage down over one kiss when she was able to forgive you, and me, for having sex not too long ago?"  She also should have slammed the door in his face when he opened with "I noticed Finn's car isn't in the driveway, is he gone?"  She should be fucking indignant that he thinks he can just come drop in on her home, where she lives with her husband, who has never been anything but good to Liam, despite having good reason to distrust him, and throw her marriage into jeopardy because his ego is hurting, and he expects whichever woman he isn't with to be ready and able to step in and ride his dick the minute the other one displeases him. Seriously, Steffy, have some self-respect and some respect for the husband who already managed to forgive you for this bullshit once, and kick Waffle in his tiny balls. 

Credit to Wyatt for at least trying to talk some sense into Liam. I sincerely hope he and Hope end up together and she never looks back at Liam or Thomas. 

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3 hours ago, Skarzero said:

If Steffy doesn't want Liam to kiss her or fuck up her marriage she's sure as hell taking her sweet time telling him to fuck off.

Like father, like daughter I guess. Ridge was always happy to have his solid marriage to Taylor while stringing Brooke along in the 90s. Seems to be the same old shit here.

Like, Lame is the worse of the two here but Steffy does herself no favors carrying water for this jackass. I mean really, what is she getting outta this? Hope has already been proven to be as bad as every other Logan (by B&B logic, not mine) with this Thomas shit and she claims to have moved on ages ago.

1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

just got caught up on the last two episodes, and, I swear, the only person on this show I can really relate to is RJ, with his dawning horror as he realized shit must have happened between  his brother and sister. 

If Ridge Forrester Jr had a nickel for every time a half-sibling of his dated a different half-sibling of his, he'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's strange that it's happened this many times.

Meme aside tho, this poor kid's got to have more issues than National Geographic about his effed up family doing this.

1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

Credit to Wyatt for at least trying to talk some sense into Liam. I sincerely hope he and Hope end up together and she never looks back at Liam or Thomas. 

I was never overly warm on Wyatt/Hope on its own merits (mostly because Wyatt was a bit of a self serving weasel at times), but at this point? Bring it back on. Tom-Ass and Lame both deserve no one.

Hell, let's throw it even further back and bring Oliver back on the show. Yes, he made a stupid error with Brooke, but the guy didn't waffle in wanting Hope, despite Steffy doing most of the same tricks she pulled on Liam. It's been well over a decade....he can have a second chance IMO.


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I think I'd like to see a summer of shirtless Liam hanging by the pool shooting the breeze with Wyatt and Bill.  I wouldn't be upset if he and Hope broke up, so long as he didn't try to get back with Steffy.  Let Steffy stay with Finn. 

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I can’t make sense of Liam kissing Steffy (twice). What was he trying to prove? Why did he think this was a way to fix things in his life? And why did she allow him to do that? Both times, he practically jumped on her. 

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8 hours ago, Tippi said:

I think I'd like to see a summer of shirtless Liam hanging by the pool shooting the breeze with Wyatt and Bill.  I wouldn't be upset if he and Hope broke up, so long as he didn't try to get back with Steffy.  Let Steffy stay with Finn. 

The only thing I would be mad about is Hope hooking up more with Lurch. That means that the pseudo Foresters win again and everyone else looses. Liam is an asswipe but Lurch is a manipulative fuck up who never ever has his feet held to the fire. 

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10 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Liam is an asswipe but Lurch is a manipulative fuck up who never ever has his feet held to the fire. 

I love how his family all think that everyone being mad at him for five minutes and him going to a couple therapy sessions means he's suffered, repented, and redeemed himself. 

If they really wanted to redeem the character, they should have had him really on the outs with everyone for a significant time. Have him get a job somewhere else, maybe even some manual labor.  Then have Vinny's sister (or cousin, or some other loved one) show up in town, pissed off at Thomas and looking for answers about his death. He helps her come to terms with Vinny's death and maybe even stops her from trying to get revenge on Liam and Bill. And do a slow burn love story there.  Then, legitimately falling in love helps him see that Hope and Caroline were both unhealthy obsessions, which leads to him getting some therapy and being really happy and content in his life as it is. Then he reaches out to his family, Hope, Brooke, and Liam to apologize, just because he believes he owes them the apology, not trying to regain anything. All of that should take about a year. Then, maybe you have the "HFTF is in trouble" storyline (which would be more believable after a year or more of him being away instead of them supposedly suffering when there wasn't even time for a non-Thomas line to have launched yet). 

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15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I love how his family all think that everyone being mad at him for five minutes and him going to a couple therapy sessions means he's suffered, repented, and redeemed himself. 

If they really wanted to redeem the character, they should have had him really on the outs with everyone for a significant time. Have him get a job somewhere else, maybe even some manual labor.  Then have Vinny's sister (or cousin, or some other loved one) show up in town, pissed off at Thomas and looking for answers about his death. He helps her come to terms with Vinny's death and maybe even stops her from trying to get revenge on Liam and Bill. And do a slow burn love story there.  Then, legitimately falling in love helps him see that Hope and Caroline were both unhealthy obsessions, which leads to him getting some therapy and being really happy and content in his life as it is. Then he reaches out to his family, Hope, Brooke, and Liam to apologize, just because he believes he owes them the apology, not trying to regain anything. All of that should take about a year. Then, maybe you have the "HFTF is in trouble" storyline (which would be more believable after a year or more of him being away instead of them supposedly suffering when there wasn't even time for a non-Thomas line to have launched yet). 

I mean, there’s a writer’s strike going on right now, you got plans for the next few weeks/months? I’m in for $50 to buy you a ticket to BelLA, to right some wrongs. Guarantee you what you just wrote will be 1,000,000x better than what we actually see.

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Thankfully Steffy told Liam off. Especially the part of her being in a marriage with someone who respects her👏 Which Liam has never been able to do for any woman. 

AN looks pretty with no make up.

Hope didn't seem to be embarrassed or ashamed post kiss in Rome. Only when she got caught back home. 

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Totally forgot what it felt like to like Steffy. She was great today, setting boundaries, shutting him down, & reminding him that she’s in a respectful marriage. Liam is just a waste of space, I get that he & Hope have kids, but beyond that, & his dad's money, he doesn’t bring much to the table. She should drop him & be single for a bit. AN has been really good in this storyline, I know she’s going through some stuff, personally, she’s probably working through that on-screen, because I feel it.

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19 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

If they really wanted to redeem the character, they should have had him really on the outs with everyone for a significant time.

1980s Jack Abbott remains the gold standard on how to write such a story. Jack was a callous spoiled asswipe that would make Ridge look like a Boy Scout in comparison--Ridge would never use corporate funds to woo a woman, as one example--and between Patty shooting him and John disowning him for sleeping with Jill, this dude put in Work™ to earn forgiveness.

They had already somewhat done this with Thomas a whole year before MA was hired w the previous actor. I thought there was no way in hell to salvage him after Caroline, but they did by having him leave her alone other than co-parenting and put him with other love interests. It worked so well that when TIIC turned Caroline into a nutter for him, we were all Team Thomas. In hindsight, she did Sally a favor.

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50 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

They had already somewhat done this with Thomas a whole year before MA was hired w the previous actor. I thought there was no way in hell to salvage him after Caroline, but they did by having him leave her alone other than co-parenting and put him with other love interests. It worked so well that when TIIC turned Caroline into a nutter for him, we were all Team Thomas. In hindsight, she did Sally a favor.

I was so bummed when the previous Thomas left, because he and Sally were so good.  (Of course, Sally had chemistry with literally everyone on the show). The writers trashed every single bit of that character development when they brought him back. I can't even see the Thomas that was with Sally and this Thomas as the same character. 

Also, it's always bugged me that they tried to act like his head injury was responsible for all his bad behavior, and he was just such a great guy after that was corrected.  No, the head injury was the reason for the Hopequin mess, but he had no head injury when he was abusing Douglas and planning on drugging Hope to have sex with him while going so far as to murder a young woman to keep the Beth secret. He's always been a shitty person, he just pulled the earnest good guy act after the brain surgery the same way he's pulling it now. And everyone in his life was so scared by him almost dying that they went along with it. 

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OK. Yeah a broken clock is right twice a day, so kudos to Steffy! Did we miss a slap? Liam kept rubbing his cheek, so I wondered.

So. Is that it? Steffy talked Sad Sack Waffle Boy into going back home to Hope? 

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I’ve been critical of Steffy in the past but have to compliment her for her actions today with Liam. Again, his eyes made me nuts but she said all of the right things to him. Liam wants a divorce because he saw his wife kiss Thomas? What the hell is wrong with this waffle?!

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It's really annoying that Ridge is all about Thomas giving Brooke a chance but isn't doing anything to defend his son to her.  She blames and attack him while he was giving her a chance. 


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There is an old saying that “the more things change the more they remain the same”.  I missed the last 6 episodes while being on vacation but it seems I really don’t have to catch up because, in LA, there is no change so things remain the same.  For me, it’s like 6 episodes didn’t even happen. 

Liam is still an insufferable idiot and Lurch is still a manipulative bastard. 

It’s been 6 episodes and Brooke is just finding out today that Hope kissed Lurch. In addition, Ridge doesn’t seem to know that fact either. 

Liam can’t forgive Hope for sticking his tongue down Lurched though but Hope can forgive him for sticking his wiener in Stuffy’s ****.  Beside, doesn’t Hope have to live with Liam’s obsession with Stuffy?  Isn’t Stuffy a constant reminder of Liam’s Mis-Cummings.  

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The only thing that could have made me enjoy Steffy more today would have been if, when Liam said he doesn't see how he can go forward with Thomas being in their lives, she would have said "well, if you're not sure how to do that, you can probably ask Hope for tips on how she's stayed with you despite me being in the picture."  I also would have loved for her to hit him more in the face with what Hope and Finn have forgiven the two of them for, compared to what Hope has done. "She and Finn forgave you and I for having sex and it being possible you were my baby's father. A kiss seems like a walk in the park compared to that." Credit to her, though, for repeatedly telling him to go back to his wife and family, and for making it clear that she is no longer an option for him. 

I'm guessing that part about pretending him kissing her didn't happen is going to end up coming back to bite her in the ass, though. If I had to guess, I'd put money Liam blurting it out to Hope to hurt her, and then it will snowball from there. (And he probably won't even be fully honest with her that Steffy rejected him and told him to cut it the fuck out, so the story will get around sounding like she was a fully enthusiastic participant.)  She really needs to tell Finn what happened and make it clear that she put a stop to it. 

I'm still liking RJ. I liked when he told Hope she had to spit it out herself to their mother, he wasn't going to do it for her. 

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So Steffy shut Lame ass down and we didn't have to suffer another WTD SL. Finally we catch a break from typical B&B nonsense. Bonus for Steffy being rootable for a change. All of that was still too close for comfort tho...

Nervous Never Again GIF by Awkward Daytime TV

Hope on the other hand will probably grovel at that waffling asshole's feet without knowing how ready he was to fuck Steffy again. Win some, lose some....

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6 hours ago, Artsda said:

It's really annoying that Ridge is all about Thomas giving Brooke a chance but isn't doing anything to defend his son to her.  She blames and attack him while he was giving her a chance. 


While parents should defend their kids, they also shouldn't let their brats run ramshot over their lives either. I thought the same thing when we had that hippie looking Rick that spent all of 2006 to mid-2009 blaming Ridge for everything that went wrong in his life and working every angle possible to get back at him the way Thomas does with Brooke. To this day they still have tension and not all it from his role in Phoebe's demise, which was a clear accident that he didn't spend weeks trying to cover up.

I will say that I am pretty bored of their kids coming between them as a plot point, though. At this point, I accept Steffy Thomas and very likely still Rick if and when he returns as the terrible, overgrown toddlers they all are. Bridge either gotta accept that and learn to navigate that or find other people. (They should do that regardless but I'm preaching to the choir.)


3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

The only thing that could have made me enjoy Steffy more today would have been if, when Liam said he doesn't see how he can go forward with Thomas being in their lives, she would have said "well, if you're not sure how to do that, you can probably ask Hope for tips on how she's stayed with you despite me being in the picture."

Yeah, I'd have loved this too but that would require Steffy to have an ounce of self-reflection and allow a woman to support another with nothing in return, and we can't have either of those things on this show. :(

4 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm still liking RJ. I liked when he told Hope she had to spit it out herself to their mother, he wasn't going to do it for her. 

Good for him for not letting himself be dragged into that. He is no Marie Kondo cuz he sure don't love mess, it seems 😂

I still wish TPTB did not wait this long to age RJ up because he really could've been a good middle player in the 2010s between all his half-sibs and a much needed support for Hope. The two are closer in age than Rick and Bridget were so it was always odd they waited till 2017 to age him up.

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Not much more to add, since my fellow posters summed it up beautifully. I will say that I remain in shock with how things turned out, and that I was glad to hear Steffy say she shut Liam down in Paris as well. 

Liam sure is one mopey ass. He can't forgive Hope for two kisses but was ready to hop the bones of a woman who got herself into a huff and screwed his father. Seriously, if a fucker can forgive that, they sure should be able to forgive a friggin kiss. Then, when Steffy states that she is in a loving relationship where she feels safe, this pathetic little ratman is going to start whining about how he hasn't felt that for a long, long, time. What? Didn't I just see you and Hope enjoying a romantic evening? One that you couldn't help but share with Wyatt? Furthermore, why should Hope make you feel safe? Have you ever made her feel that way? You did try during the Beth nightmare, but outside of that you have pretty much done everything to make her feel the opposite. So, I say let's level the playing field; if you cannot forgive Hope, and cannot except Thomas in her life, then how about you no longer have Steffy in yours since Steffy has been the one constant source of Hope's pain? And that goes way back before HopeQuinnGate. 

Maybe Liam will go get some counseling from the WRP, and they will end up commiserating about how badly they have both been treated. 



Edited by RuntheTable
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I know Liam apologized to Steffy for the kisses, but he looked so pissed off that she wasn't just falling into his arms. He really got pretty fucking comfortable having two women on the hook all these years, and he is not happy that Steffy didn't get with the program. 

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4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Furthermore, why should Hope make you feel safe? Have you ever made her feel that way? You did try during the Beth nightmare, but outside of that you have pretty much done everything to make her feel the opposite.

Yep, and one could argue the biggest reason Hope didn't truly believe he was sincere in his efforts of support is precisely because of the history of Liam cutting bait over far less than a true marriage ending event.

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Looks like Liam has chosen hating Thomas over loving Hope. Liam is really feeling sorry for himself for Hope hurting him far less than he has hurt her. At this point I'd like to see Liam take his hatred for Thomas and destroy himself with it. I'd like to see him become a drunk. (A real alcoholic, not whatever kind Brooke is.) I'd like to see his father lose all respect for him and kick him out, (after Liam runs to live at daddy's while he's in such a snit). I'd like to see him lose whateverthehell high paying job he has. I'd like to see him on the skids. For about two years. 

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2 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

I'd like to see his father lose all respect for him and kick him out, (after Liam runs to live at daddy's while he's in such a snit).

I'm really hoping that Bill tears him a new one when he goes running to him now. Since Bill has been in such a contemplative mood, regretting his romantic fuck ups of the past, and saying he just wants to get Katie back and have his family again, I would expect him to not react well to Liam throwing it all away over one kiss, no matter how much he doesn't like Thomas. I also want him to tear him another new one if he dares try that "guess she ended up being just like Brooke after all" line around him. 

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I am already sick of watching Hope beg for forgiveness from the knob.

Why do these people always have to drag things out. Steffy just tell Thomas what you know instead of drawing it out. 

I am surprised Brooke isn't blaming Thomas. 

RJ desperately needs to do something with his hair. Makes him look 14 yrs old. 

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Did I miss something?   It seemed Stuffy was ok with Hope kissing Lurch because she needs him?  By the way, Lurch’s designs suck the big one. 

Liam are you a man or a mouse?  Be a man and allow Hope that one indiscretion.  Then the forgiveness score will be Liam 10 Hope 1. 

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Since Steffy is being firm in her "nope, not an option" stance with Liam, I think I have some idea of what's going to happen. (All speculation on my part). Liam is going to stick to his desire for a divorce. Hope is feeling so overwhelmed with guilt that she's not going to want anything to do with Thomas, even with Liam asking for a divorce. But, now that she's given Thomas that encouragement in Rome, he's going to be convinced he really has a shot, and he's going to take the express train to creepy town again, until Hope ends up in a situation that Liam needs to rescue her from. And given that this show does nothing original these days, he'll probably get the heads up to rescue Hope from Douglas who will, once again, have overheard some of daddy's evil plans. 

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I think the endgame for the preposterous Hope/Thomas kiss is to cause some cracks in the Steffy/Finn marriage. They needed a reason for Liam to run once more to Steffy. Someone must have snapped a pic of the kiss of Steffy and Liam, which will miraculously end up in the hands of Sheila. I smell a jigsaw puzzle blackmailing in the future (which happened twice on Y&R). 

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Brooke and Ridge's nonreaction? Wow, I expected so much more from them, but no, they were like shit happens. 

Why did they do the close up when RJ was holding Hope's hand? 

Steffy needs to let it go. Making a thing out of it with Thomas will only make it a bigger thing for him. And I feel a little bad for him right here. To want something so badly and then to finely get it, only to be told that it has to stay buried and can't be continued, is tough. And he really hasn't done anything since returning to LA, so I think Steffy was being just a little bit mean. 

I refuse to watch the whiny, petulant, little ratman moaning to anyone, so I was pressing the FF'd button hard during his scenes with Wyatt. Unfortunately, I did watch Hope begging. That can stop anytime now. 

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I don't exactly remember the dynamics of kiss #2, but I think it’d be funny if Kelly was actually home when her parents were kissing, saw them, & then pulled a Douglas, & told Daddy Finn. Douglas is her bio-cousin, (& adoptive half-brother, only in BelLA), it’s in her genes. 

I’m over Hope groveling, too. She made a colossal mistake, but the score isn’t close to even, especially since Liam sought out Steffy ~ twice! ~ post-Thope kiss, & kissed her, which is a secret. Liam owes her several affairs, both physical & emotional, before she should ever, ever grovel to that nothing. 

Edited by nkotb
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Seriously, who writes this crap?  Liam whining to Stephie about Hope kissing Thomas right after he kissed her? And no one stops and says “oh yeah, that’s the same thing we just did?”  Are the viewers not supposed to realize that Liam just did the same thing? I’m confused. What are they going for? What was the point of Liam kissing Stephie in Rome? Of course now she says she put a stop to it in Rome. Did we see that?  I think whoever said upthread that their kiss in Rome is going to come back and bite them on the ass is right. Which I personally hope is true. Love to see the condescending smirk wiped off her face when dr Stephie finds out!  I feel sorry for the actor playing Liam. Everyone calls him waffle but he must have whiplash from the way they write him

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