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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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2 hours ago, lgprimes said:

Three minutes?!! THREE MINUTES.

 Damn Finn, that’s disappointing.

I have a feeling that's sadly, better than two-pump chump Liam.

Wyatt is the of-age Spencer brother with game.

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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Nevermind that this confession was coerced so it wouldn't stand up in a court of law.

I'm certainly no lawyer, but I think a prosecutor would argue that encouraging someone to confess isn't coercion.  

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Using deception to get a person to admit to a crime (which it's clear Bill has) can be considered coercion. It doesn't have to be a police or other law enforcement and they are involved behind the scenes anyway. While it's not as cut and dried as if a police office or other LEO was involved, it would still be questionable. 

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With this years (feels like years) long ruse of RoboBill  being all in on Sheila Carter, to get a coerced confession...they could've just injected her with magical truth serum weeks ago and gotten all they needed. 

I swear every time I see Samaurai Ridge having government coffees in THE Fbi stakeout room, I bust out laughing. Poor Agent Chen has to wear his FBI windbreaker all day or  no one would know or remember who he is or why he's there.

While I appreciate that there is some plan... it's an insane plan. Once they realized she was going to Romeo's(er, Deacon's ) hovel every damn day.. why not bug her phone? I could see they didn't think they could get Deacon to agree to bring down his true love. But if she is gonna blurt out murder confessions, it would more likely to happen in casual convo with "Daddy like". 

This nonsense with No! Thomas..Yes! Thomas is distasteful and disrespectful at BEST. Hope should at the very least be requiring she not have to be left alone with him AT ANY time.Liam should be in that office, bringing bagged lunches and Beth every other day if he is so concerned about what Thomas might do. Actually, Liam's presence would probably push Thomas to show his crazy hand sooner rather than later. 


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26 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Wyatt is the of-age Spencer brother with game.

I believe it!

 Every woman they’ve ever paired him with has been all smiles. I know I would like to see him on screen more frequently!

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What doctor, who works for a hospital, can basically come and go as they please?  The answer is Dr Finn.  Screw his patients, Stuffy is more important.  It must be nice to have only one patient, at a time, and no other responsibilities at the hospital. 

Ridge just STFU and stop the commentary of what Bill is supposed to do.  I guess it because you are the constant horses ass. 

Shiela Shiela Shiela, is it wise to confront Bill when he can snap his fingers and send you to jail.  About being betrayed Shiela.  What can you do?  Shoot Bill from jail. 

How convenient that there is a blanket in the Executive Office for “special” occasions. Great pillow talk in going from martial bliss right back into a conversation about Bill and Shiela. 

Edited by Waldo13
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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Using deception to get a person to admit to a crime (which it's clear Bill has) can be considered coercion. It doesn't have to be a police or other law enforcement and they are involved behind the scenes anyway. While it's not as cut and dried as if a police office or other LEO was involved, it would still be questionable. 

Oh, ok, but surely the FBI agent would know that?  And this is a soap opera.

It still doesn't seem like "coercion" since there's audio/video to show that he wasn't forcing or threatening her, but if (and that's a big "if") this ever gets to court, I'd like to see the lawyers argue it out. 

Edited by Crashcourse
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With as often as people just barge right into that office, and with their own fairly recent experience of Sheila bursting in on them when they were getting it on in their living room, I certainly hope Steffy and Finn locked that door first. 

5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I don't buy for one minute that Sheila would have insta-confessed after accepting Bill's proposal. She already seemed suspicious but then two seconds later, she's saying "yes" and confessing to two deaths, with Lance's unequivocally murder.


Nevermind that this confession was coerced so it wouldn't stand up in a court of law.

Her entire reaction since he proposed has been so weird. She just shifts from "he's trying to pull one over on me" to "he truly loves me!" and vice versa on a dime. Both in her scenes with Deacon about it last week and today's scenes with Bill. How is she this big bad evil mastermind when she keeps dropping the idea that she's being played so easily? 

3 hours ago, lgprimes said:

I believe it!

 Every woman they’ve ever paired him with has been all smiles. I know I would like to see him on screen more frequently!

I still remember when he first showed up in town and KM was playing Hope. Her Hope, at that time, always seemed so anxious about sex with Liam, but she was all in on her sexy times with Wyatt, without that anxiety. 

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I really can’t buy this hot, loving relationship between Steffy and Finn. They’re just flat to me while they go through the motions. And having sex in the office during the business day is just stupid. No thanks, writers and actors. Steffy does kind of try to sell it but Finn? Nope.

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37 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

With as often as people just barge right into that office, and with their own fairly recent experience of Sheila bursting in on them when they were getting it on in their living room, I certainly hope Steffy and Finn locked that door first. 

I’m pretty sure I saw Steffy lock the door and maybe even heard the lock click.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Steffy does kind of try to sell it but Finn? Nope.

The only time TN seems particularly strong as an actor, to me, is when he has an antagonist. He was really good in his scenes when Sheila was holding him captive, and he was good in his scenes when he was ripping Thomas a new one right after Douglas moved in with them. 

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Sheila didn't actually murder Dr. Garvin; it was an accident born from an argument, but she sure enjoyed the end result all the same. Lance Day on the other hand, was pure unmitigated murder, and now they have it all on tape and video. 

Even so, this is not the end of Sheila. There is, and never will be, an end to Sheila. She will get out of it somehow, and I fear will end up with Deacon because he is the character I have always rooted for, but Show is driven to fuck up. 

The color of Katie's blouse made her eyes sparkle like little diamonds. 

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I’m trying to remember how many times Sheila has served prison time. Was it just the once for the kidnapping and attempted shooting of Steffy? I can’t remember if she ever served time for some of her other crimes such as kidnapping baby Scotty (on Y&R) as well as holding Lauren and Sheila’s own mother hostage. For B&B she shot and “killed” Taylor, shot Brooke after holding Eric and Taylor hostage, tried to drown Stephanie. I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting. 

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From a Y&R perspective, I'm not seeing that Sheila ever served any time.

From a B&B perspective, Sheila went to jail three times (one of those being the most recent after shooting Finn and Steffy).

Sheila first went to Jail in 1998 for attempted murder (tried to drown Stephanie in a pool) and threatening to kill Thomas. She broke out of prison (shocking, I know), shot Stephanie, kidnapped baby Mary (later Erica) and leaves town.

In 2002, she returned to LA with a SORASed Mary/Erica, culminating with her shooting Brooke and "killing" Taylor. She went to prison, but escaped through the help of warden Sugar. 

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18 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I'm certainly no lawyer, but I think a prosecutor would argue that encouraging someone to confess isn't coercion.  


18 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Using deception to get a person to admit to a crime (which it's clear Bill has) can be considered coercion. It doesn't have to be a police or other law enforcement and they are involved behind the scenes anyway. While it's not as cut and dried as if a police office or other LEO was involved, it would still be questionable. 

We all know B&B is an excellent example of constitutional and legal realism in daytime drama.  😉

18 hours ago, smartyshorts said:

I swear every time I see Samaurai Ridge having government coffees in THE Fbi stakeout room, I bust out laughing. Poor Agent Chen has to wear his FBI windbreaker all day or  no one would know or remember who he is or why he's there.

Poor Chen!  Sharing a broom closet with an overweight aging Samurai!


9 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Oh, wow, guys, brilliant plan! You sure did finally defeat Sheila once & for all and she's going to jail forever and ever!

Yes!  Bee sting homicide is an automatic life sentence.  It's up there with smearing someone with honey, tying them to a chair in the woods.  Just ask Pam.

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Well, KB’s acting was even worse today than yesterday. Unfortunately, we’re not assured of her painful death after falling off of the balcony. Woe is us.

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1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

Wouldn’t the FBI be very close during Bills interrogation of Shelia? 

I guess the FBI agents haven't been shown the Tesseract portal that gets these people from work to Paris in 30 minutes or less. Why aren't there agents on standby somewhere close? 

And if you fall off the Spencer Balcony, is it mandatory you land on your back, head turned to side,  arms akimbo, legs both bent at the knee? I didn't check, but did her shoe fall off? Would've been better if she went THROUGH the glass door and then Oopsie Daisy. 

Sheila definitely escapes from whatever hospital custody she ends up in. 

And do Bill and Ridge give up Deacon's involvement? Does HE go to jail? Will Hope's distress over finding out what(who) her Dad has been doing give Thomas his opening to be tge supportive peni....er Friend?

Edited by smartyshorts
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Wouldn’t you think that the FBI would be at the ready to arrest Shiela?  Why would it take so long for the FBI to arrive?  Were they stuck in traffic?  

It’s deja vu all over again. Didn’t Caroline fall over that same balcony?  Caroline survived but will Shiela? 🤔

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10 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

From a Y&R perspective, I'm not seeing that Sheila ever served any time.

From a B&B perspective, Sheila went to jail three times (one of those being the most recent after shooting Finn and Steffy).

Sheila first went to Jail in 1998 for attempted murder (tried to drown Stephanie in a pool) and threatening to kill Thomas. She broke out of prison (shocking, I know), shot Stephanie, kidnapped baby Mary (later Erica) and leaves town.

In 2002, she returned to LA with a SORASed Mary/Erica, culminating with her shooting Brooke and "killing" Taylor. She went to prison, but escaped through the help of warden Sugar. 

The time I was thinking about was when she went to jail after the attempted shooting of Steffy in the hotel room. Steffy and Sheila got into a fight and IIRC Sheila missed and then Steffy took her down. Liam arrived shortly afterwards. I think was the infamous “Summer of Sheila”. She ended up serving the full prison term for this one. Then she came back when she got out of jail saying she was all reformed and Eric forgave her. I think that’s when she became a waitress at the restaurant then she sort of disappeared until she came back to town this time. 

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Did the FBI guys stop for a snack on the way or something? And, yeah, why wouldn't they already be close by if they were expecting this to all go down imminently?  

I just remembered today, when Sheila reminded Bill that they'd had sex, that she told Deacon a while ago (before we knew Bill was setting her up) that the sex wasn't very good. Now we know why - it was because he could barely stomach it. So, the Stallion doesn't really suck in the sack after all. 

Carter and Katie would be a good friendship, but they're a lame romantic pairing. They come across as liking each other well enough, but there is zero spark. 

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Psycho Sheila fell over a wall

Psycho Sheila took a long fall

Psycho Sheila hit the ground and went splat

Up in Heaven Dr. Garvin gave a great laugh


We are in Bell LA and in that universe no one dies from long falls; i.e. Ridge, Caroline 2.0, Hope, Bill, Thomas.....

So, no doubt Sheila will pop up like a Boss and take off in into the great unknown. That, or she will be hospitalized where Mike will somehow help her make her escape. Because Show just cannot be done with this character. 

I did think it was hilarious that Sheila thought she could take $Bill though. I mean, Lauren, Brooke, Taylor, Li are one thing, but Bill? I really wish we would have had a classic throw down like the old days:

What happens to law enforcement in LA? We all know the great ineptitude of the LA PD, at least Show's version of them, but the FBI too? Wouldn't you think they would have had at least one detail parked close by Bill's? No, it appears that all the LA FBI agents are over in Cambodia feeding the hungry. 

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13 hours ago, smartyshorts said:

And if you fall off the Spencer Balcony, is it mandatory you land on your back, head turned to side,  arms akimbo, legs both bent at the knee?

Yes, apparently, it is. Although losing a shoe is optional.

Caroline (minus a shoe):


Bill (minus a shoe):


Sheila (keeps both shoes on):


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It would've been a nice nod to the show's history if Sheila landed just like Jay Garvin did, in the same pose.

14 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Wouldn’t you think that the FBI would be at the ready to arrest Shiela?  Why would it take so long for the FBI to arrive?  Were they stuck in traffic?  

Chubby Samurai Ridge, with the multi-colored facial hair, should stick to designing dresses, he certainly doesn't know how to run an FBI operation.  He should've had agents posted nearby.

18 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Well, KB’s acting was even worse today than yesterday. Unfortunately, we’re not assured of her painful death after falling off of the balcony. Woe is us.

That was difficult to watch.

I am looking forward to Bill's reunion with his sons and Katie.  One thing about the Spencers, they have oodles of chemistry.



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4 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

Did Sheila wear the same outfit as Caroline 2.0?

The footage from Sheila's fall looks exactly the same as Caroline 2.0 (obviously a stunt double), so I think they recycled footage. And clothing. 

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35 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

The footage from Sheila's fall looks exactly the same as Caroline 2.0 (obviously a stunt double), so I think they recycled footage. And clothing. 

To me, it looked more like a dummy than a stunt double.  It also looks like they used the same footage,  from Caroline’s header off the balcony, that’s why they had very similar blue clothes. 

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What the hell?  Is Sheila really Gumby or made of silly putty?  No one survives a fall like that without a scratch.  

I just got out of the hospital after a two week stay, and the doctors are so busy they barely have time to take a pee.  Super Finn cannot get even a short time off if he’s a hospitalist.  

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How does one actually fall from multiple stories and not even get up with grass in her hair? This is so beyond ridiculous that I can’t believe even these writers had the balls to put this on television.

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Sheila’s like the cat that lands on 9 toes. I’m surprised they didn’t go as far as having her land in the Avengers power pose. Lol 

You’d think the FBI would have at least been near the entrance to the property. She shouldn’t have been able to get that far away so quickly. 

I hope Deacon does the right thing and turns Sheila in, but I don’t have high hopes. We can’t have nice things on this show. 

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Of course, Sheila will live! This is the show where Finn went from being dead in an alley, to dead in a hospital morgue, to alive in Li's apartment, to having sexxxxy times with Steffy in their living room with nary a bullet hole on that very smooth chest/torso of his!

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2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

It looks like exactly the same outfit, except the boots are a little different Caroline's were low cut, and Sheila's appear to go up over the ankle. Same heel, though. 

At least Sheila wasn't wearing those crazy socks like Caroline's.

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Deacon is definitely in on the sting, right?

Esp after the conversation with Hope, where

1.  He was sure Sheila Carter wouldn't be a problem for much longer and

2. He was hoping someday Hope would be proud of him.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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I thought the same thing, how would marrying into Bill's family and being Liam's stepmother be not a problem for Hope much longer? She'd be a married into the family issue. Lol 


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Ridge are you that stupid?  He saw Shiela fall over the balcony yet he has to ask what just happened?  

Why am I not surprised that Shiela is still alive. The only think that could kill Shiela would be  silver bullet.  I’m not surprised but the 🐂💩 that Shiela could jump up, not being hurt and able to drive away, in a car, with still no FBI in site.  Bill and Caroline fall off the balcony and both have to go to the hospital so is Shiela really made out of rubber?  By the way, where did Shiela get the keys to the car.  Warning warning Will Robinson, this does not compute.  There is an APB on the car and Shiela and the CHIPs cannot find her when the is a cop, on the highway, every couple of miles. 

Deacon now has no choice to turn Shiela in or he will loose his restaurant, his daughter, and his freedom. 



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OOOPSY! Looks like the boys forgot who they were dealing with:



Yes, how did Sheila get the keys to the car? She carried no purse with her over the ledge; I guess she just had them in her pocket, and of course the FOB didn't get damaged in the fall either. 

Bill knows where she is going; will we learn that Deacon has been in on it all along? I certainly hope so, because I want him to stay around. And I want to see the Alphabet kid return. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Sheila was already in custody Bill! and you got her out. This story is so stupid. 🙄

Why wouldn't the FBI be staking out Deacon's place already. 

Now Deacon is thinking of his daughter. 

Of course she can outrun a bunch of police officers. 🙃

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On 3/29/2023 at 7:24 AM, RuntheTable said:

We are in Bell LA and in that universe no one dies from long falls; i.e. Ridge, Caroline 2.0, Hope, Bill, Thomas.....

...Amber ...Deacon. Deacon fell off a cliff!

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Now Shiela is using Deacon. Does she need Deacon to be able to run?  Not at all.  

WTF!  Ridge go to Deacon’s and find her. Wouldn’t the police get there much faster?  

As I thought, to save his own skin, Deacon had to be in on board to take Shiela down. 

I’m sorry but it’s getting a little trite where Shiela’s concerned. Instead of putting Shiela in handcuffs, they are standing there, with their thumbs up their ass, admonishing Shiela.  Now just like Phillis, on Y&R, she’s faking some kind of illness. 

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On 3/29/2023 at 10:51 AM, Angeleyes said:

Did Sheila wear the same outfit as Caroline 2.0?

Shhhhhhhhh! Don't tell anybody.

22 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

By the way, where did Shiela get the keys to the car. 

Maybe $Bill just leaves the keys in the car. What surprised me was that $Bill said that Sheila took "the car", not her car, not my car, but "the car" as if there was only one car.

14 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Now just like Phillis, on Y&R, she’s faking some kind of illness. 

It's surprising how many comparisons that can be made in storylines on these two shows. But unlike when Phyllis collapsed and I laughed and said out loud, they don't really expect us to root for her to come to, do they? When Sheila collapsed I was surprised and said OMG, I wonder if she has internal injuries from the fall? Then they could send her to a hospital where she'd be more likely to escape. And regarding the mysterious financing the Deacon got for the restaurant, I think he must have gotten the money from $Bill. 

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24 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

I wonder if she has internal injuries from the fall? Then they could send her to a hospital where she'd be more likely to escape. 

Where her darling doctor son is working a shift.

26 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

And regarding the mysterious financing the Deacon got for the restaurant, I think he must have gotten the money from $Bill. 


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4 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Where her darling doctor son is working a shift.

And Finn is forced to save her life! Damn that hippocratic oath!

Edited by SweePea59
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