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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I am sick of victim Brooke, too. Namely that she is the only one who seems to be punished for the shit she does as well as the shit she doesn't do while others (Taylor shooting Bill, for example) get off scot-free and with their teflon skin and halos intact.

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When Eric was going through the motions with Ridge and saying how he's always cared for Taylor, blah, blah, blah. I was kind of hoping for more elaboration, such as recalling how Eric (not grandpa) was hot and heavily involved with Taylor. She simply walked out of his bedroom and everybody's life one day, clad in her pjs. 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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I adore the young actor playing Douglas. So on the one hand I am hating what Thomas is doing and how he is treating his son, and I've been a little fearful that he might really go off the rails and endanger his son, while on the other hand I am loving every Douglas scene.

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So Ridge’s response to Eric asking the obvious question (how did the insta-reunion, insta-annulment and insta-wedding come about) is him ranting and raving and outing Brooke as the CPS caller, should have been a huge giant 🚩 for Taylor but no. The deliberately obtuse world renowned psychiatrist is too busy climbing up on her high horse with hook and sinker right next to her. 

As much as I hate the idea of a Garbridge reunion, I’m salivating at the prospect of Thomass being outed by Douglas, perhaps with an assist from the Logan gals, Taylor gets the dumping she so richly deserves after happily cheating with a married man and rubbing Brooke’s face in it, and Steffy and Thomas crying like the little bitch babies they are. Bonus points if Brooke tells a groveling Ridge, “go fuck yourself” and Taylor is the one to have comfort sex with her son-in-law. Because that is a show I’d watch the hell out of. 

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Ridge Ridge Ridge you pompous ass hole.  He wants happiness for Brooke telling her that he will always love her, as he walks out the door, but he’s still going to marry Taylor.  Well maybe, if Lurch can put a sock In Douglas mouth.  Can someone please tell me how Lurch is going to keep Douglas from telling his mother the truth?  

By the look on Douglas’ face Lurch, with that dumb ass toast, has confirmed, to Douglas even more that his father is a giant dishonest manipulative schmuck. 

As much as Lurch has the sinister glare down pat, Douglas seems to have the stink eye down pat.  Give it up Douglas, you will feel much better afterwards. 

I’m not a fan of Brooke at all, but I wouldn’t wish Ridge on my worse enemy. I don’t believe in the Devil, but if I did, I wish that the Devil would make Ridge  shove a pineapple up Lurch’s ass every hour for eternity and visa versa. 

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Thomas got my boy Douglas so twisted up he was anguished rocking in a chair alone in his room! Poor kid. Then he straight up said 'nope' to going to the party. But he did look snazzy in his suit.

Ridge outing Brooke in front of everyone with Douglas looking expectantly at Thomas as Thomas pointedly ignores looking his own son in the eye was some high tension. I was wondering if Douglas was gonna actually say 'Dad, are you gonna tell them or am I?' because boy looked fed to the f up with the pressure cooker.

Justin and Carter sitting chummily with Ridge and both being Team Brooke was odd but kind of funny. Then of course they left the damn door open for Brooke to overhear and walk in. Guess they needed to keep it cracked to not let the testosterone build up, LOL.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

and Taylor is the one to have comfort sex with her son-in-law. Because that is a show I’d watch the hell out of. 

Wow, I hadn't thought of those two together, but I'd watch.  🤪 

I'd love to see Steffy's face break when she walks in on them.

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55 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

love to see Steffy's face break when she walks in on them.

Steffy could give a crap abt Finn. She's shrug her shoulders and go see if Liam is still mad enough at Hope to eff around and have another WTD pregnancy. 

I could watch Douglas give his father the guilt state down all day... but we all need this stupid storyline to come to a close...so let's go Douglas!!! Thomas isn't gonna let that kid have a foot of space or a second alone with any other adult, so he is going to have to blurt it out at the wedding. Or, play the recording. 

At this point, I'm even hoping Sheila will show up at this wedding. 

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Why were Taylor and Steffy so over-dressed for an impromptu, in-house dinner? It just unscored the absurdity of the entire situation. And I agree. That "Villain Brooke" reveal scene with Douglas staring Thomas down was very well done. Kudos to little Henry!

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

and Taylor is the one to have comfort sex with her son-in-law. Because that is a show I’d watch the hell out of. 

I really think we might get this. I think the show really wanted to go there with Brooke/Liam, but KKL and SC probably both said "hell no" to that mess. KA and TN don't have that kind of sway.  I could see the show deciding that they can still get their MIL/SIL story and it will be a huge surprise, because everyone was expecting it to be Brooke and Liam. 

Finn could think Steffy was involved in the fake CPS call or just that she's known about it and kept quiet (because he knows how obsessed she's been with getting her parents together).  Taylor is going to be pissed and hurt. If the two of them end up alone, commiserating... 

As for today's show, how does Taylor not immediately nope out of this wedding once she hears Ridge admit he left Brooke because of the CPS call?  She was so clear that she wanted Ridge to come to her because he chose her, not because he was pissed at Brooke and she was the fall back. Not only is it exactly the truth that he came to her as the fall back when he got pissed at Brooke, but he's been lying to her since the moment he set foot in Aspen, assuring her he chose her. 

I loved Douglas's "no" when Thomas tried to drag him out of there once the call came up, along with his disapproving glare at his father.  After Douglas blows the lid off this one, people in town are going to start going to him whenever there's something they can't figure out. "Hey, Douglas, do you know who the thief/kidnapper/murderer is?" He's going to be the only kid in elementary school working as a consultant for the LAPD. 

Please, please, please let Brooke tell Ridge to go fuck himself when this all blows up and he goes running back to her. 

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

 After Douglas blows the lid off this one, people in town are going to start going to him whenever there's something they can't figure out. "Hey, Douglas, do you know who the thief/kidnapper/murderer is?" He's going to be the only kid in elementary school working as a consultant for the LAPD.

Lt. Baker: "Hey, Douglas, can you tell us if Sheila Carter is really dead?"

Douglas stares intently at Lt. Baker and says slowly "Sheila is Nicholina. Nicholina is Sheila!"

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Congratulations Thomas. Your son hates you...will expose your lies... probably at the 2 blockheads wedding...and will likely fully embrace Liam as his father now...and you'll have no one to blame but yourself. Of course being a Tridge Mafia member...you'll just blame Brooke.

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I love me some Douglas, the kid who plays him is mad talented and cute as can be, but damn is it boring having a repeat of a story from at most two years ago.  Can’t the writers think of something else for that kid to do than bust his father?

 Also, I am slightly disappointed that Douglas let Thomas know he was on to him. I consider Douglas the smartest person on this show, so he should know better than to put himself in danger like that.

 Anyway, I could care less which of these two pathetic women get stuck with Ridge, so let’s wrap this up.

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The core of the problem is Ridge's reaction to "someone" calling CPS on his son. Calling in the authorities because you believe a child is in danger is not a crime; just like animals, those that care and won't tolerate the abuse of children have to be the voice for the voiceless. Making it worse is that Ridge is the only person who knows the full story, including Emma and Sheila, so he knows that Brooke is right about Thomas, but his ego will not let him acknowledge it. Watching that buffoon slay Brooke in front of the invited guests was one of the worst things I have witnessed on Show. Watching Steffy and Taylor both catching a case of the vapors as they clutched their pearls was so over the top. How dare any fucking person do something like that to my innocent brother/son! I also have to include Finn in my rant, because he has clearly been fully immobilized as a Tridge Mafia henchman. Personally, I would like them all, sans Eric and Douglas, to reconvene over at Cliff House, and the weight of their superiority and egos would cause that cliff to just break off and fall into the ocean. 

The CPS call alone would never be enough to make Brooke walk away from Ridge. When he comes running and tells her he left her based on a lie, that is all she will care about. She didn't know why he left her, and now she does, so okey dokey, we can just pick up like Ridge hasn't been living with and fucking Taylor for weeks. I don't even think finding out about Ridge conspiring with the rest of his clan about Sheila would be enough. Until Brooke learns, assimilates, and understands that love does not conquer all, and that sometimes loving someone is just not enough, she will forever be Ridge's soppy doormat. I hate Bridge, and I hate the thought of a Bridge reunion even more, at the same time, this may be the one time I will enjoy it. After all these months of watching Parent Trap, and Taylor glomming all over a married man, actively working to break up a marriage, as she simultaneously does the exact same things she accuses Brooke of doing? I think I might actually be rooting for Bridge just a little bit.

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10 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I really think we might get this. I think the show really wanted to go there with Brooke/Liam, but KKL and SC probably both said "hell no" to that mess. KA and TN don't have that kind of sway.  I could see the show deciding that they can still get their MIL/SIL story and it will be a huge surprise, because everyone was expecting it to be Brooke and Liam. 

Finn could think Steffy was involved in the fake CPS call or just that she's known about it and kept quiet (because he knows how obsessed she's been with getting her parents together).  Taylor is going to be pissed and hurt. If the two of them end up alone, commiserating... 

I am really hoping we do get Faylor or Tinn or whatever. If nothing else, so those bitches can stop putting Brooke's name in their mouth with the unpardonable sin of her sleeping with Deacon while he was married to Bridget. 

Because Bridget, whose opinion and feelings are the ONLY ones that matter, forgave her mother a very long time ago and since she has moved on, no one else has that right to say anything. Least of all the younger, trifling slattern who had to have paternity tests on both of her children inside of 3 years. Or the older, trifling slattern who thought nothing of hopping into bed with the son of her nemesis, nevermind he was the love of her only decent child's life. 

I don't think Steffy would be all that blase about Finn daring to cheat on her and she'd have to eat a heaping helping of crow where all her hand-waving of Taylor's misdeeds are concerned. And as for making a play for Liam? That dog won't hunt anymore. Liam is head over heels in love with his wife and he's not amused with Steffy's machinations regarding breaking up his wife's mother's marriage (he's never been a fan of Taylor that I can tell) and her actions with Douglas and supporting Thomas, whom he despises. 

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Finn came back from the dead for Steffy. I dont see him cheating with his MIL of all people. Or why he would care how his wife feels about Brooke.

God, shut up Donna and Katie. Eric and Carter both went from Quinn to you in no time. 

I miss Quinn 😔 one of the few that didn't kiss Brooke's butt.

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Taylor, realizing she'll always be the default choice and that the only reason Ridge ran off to Aspen all wounded bear is because he believes Brooke called CPS on his kid. 


But yet she'll go through with this farce of a wedding. What a pathetic, sad woman. 

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14 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Taylor, realizing she'll always be the default choice and that the only reason Ridge ran off to Aspen all wounded bear is because he believes Brooke called CPS on his kid. 


But yet she'll go through with this farce of a wedding. What a pathetic, sad woman. 

It's really easy to see where her brats get it from. Steffy is a professional rebound...and Thomas is a stalker who's so desperate...he'll even settle for a mannequin of the object of his obsession. 

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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I am really hoping we do get Faylor or Tinn or whatever. If nothing else, so those bitches can stop putting Brooke's name in their mouth with the unpardonable sin of her sleeping with Deacon while he was married to Bridget. 

On one hand I think Faylor/Tinn would be hot (kind of like Raylor/Tick) but on the other, Phoebe's death was due to her anger over Raylor/Tick causing her to drive recklessly so I can't see Taylor ever going down that road again by hurting her remaining daughter by sleeping with her resurrected husband who died/came back for her.

The writers have written Sinn as being so in love so as to overlook each other's flaws (mainly Finn overlooking Steffy's) and a love so deep and pure and strong it brought him back from the dead. She's allowed to cheat on him but I can't see him cheating on her; the only way I see him leaving her is if he has a terminal illness or goes nuts and is sent to jail and/or a mental hospital.

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

On one hand I think Faylor/Tinn would be hot (kind of like Raylor/Tick) but on the other, Phoebe's death was due to her anger over Raylor/Tick causing her to drive recklessly so I can't see Taylor ever going down that road again by hurting her remaining daughter by sleeping with her resurrected husband who died/came back for her.

The writers have written Sinn as being so in love so as to overlook each other's flaws (mainly Finn overlooking Steffy's) and a love so deep and pure and strong it brought him back from the dead. She's allowed to cheat on him but I can't see him cheating on her; the only way I see him leaving her is if he has a terminal illness or goes nuts and is sent to jail and/or a mental hospital.

Well, all of that can be changed with the stroke of a pen, ahem, keystroke. And we all know that happy couples = boring in BB's eyes. 

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How very contrived for Donna not being at Eric’s house to find out why Ridge broke it off with Brooke. How contrived it is for Ridge telling everyone but Brooke.  Do you actually think that Stuffy won’t confront Brooke or Hope with this information but I’m sure Stuffy won’t believe Brooke didn’t call. Once again Douglas is the sole adult in the room. 

Ridge, Lurch, and Stuffy aren’t the only thing that sucks on B&B. Now the fashion sense sucks. Stuffy dress looks more like a nightgown than a party dress and Taylor looks like a dust cover on furniture. 

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12 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I am really hoping we do get Faylor or Tinn or whatever. If nothing else, so those bitches can stop putting Brooke's name in their mouth with the unpardonable sin of her sleeping with Deacon while he was married to Bridget. 

Because Bridget, whose opinion and feelings are the ONLY ones that matter, forgave her mother a very long time ago and since she has moved on, no one else has that right to say anything. Least of all the younger, trifling slattern who had to have paternity tests on both of her children inside of 3 years. Or the older, trifling slattern who thought nothing of hopping into bed with the son of her nemesis, nevermind he was the love of her only decent child's life. 

I don't think Steffy would be all that blase about Finn daring to cheat on her and she'd have to eat a heaping helping of crow where all her hand-waving of Taylor's misdeeds are concerned. And as for making a play for Liam? That dog won't hunt anymore. Liam is head over heels in love with his wife and he's not amused with Steffy's machinations regarding breaking up his wife's mother's marriage (he's never been a fan of Taylor that I can tell) and her actions with Douglas and supporting Thomas, whom he despises. 

I also want it to put a fine point on what a shitty parent Taylor is. 

I can't help wondering if Steffy was genuinely concerned about her father's reasons for marrying her mother, or if she asked Ridge that question because she knew her mother was immediately going to have that concern, and she knew her father would, when put on the spot like that, lie his everloving ass off about how that's definitely not the reason he's marrying her. Because I don't buy that Steffy would raise doubts about the wedding she's been bulldozing them towards for months if she genuinely thought it would lead to her father admitting the truth. And then she was in a hurry to get her mom out of there, likely so she couldn't press him for any further one on one conversation on the topic. 

What I think I really want to happen here is for Taylor to stop the wedding and reject Ridge, because she knows she's just the fallback again. And then Douglas, thinking that his father's reason for keeping the truth hidden (to not disrupt grandma and grandpa's wedding) is no longer valid, lets loose with the truth. Ridge goes to Brooke and tells her what happened, and she kicks his ass to the curb, too. 

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21 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

But yet she'll go through with this farce of a wedding. What a pathetic, sad woman. 

Yes, she is, and what makes her more pathetic is that she has always blamed Brooke for her unhappiness. How many times has she married Ridge knowing his motivation for proposing was something he thought Brooke had done, or how he was trying to save his father or his mother? I would say EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 

St. Thomas to save Eric

Runway proposal, thought Brooke was having an affair with Grant

After coming back from the dead round 1, Thomas

After coming back from the dead round 2, Stephanie's faked heart attack

And now, thinking Brooke called CPS

I may have missed some, kind of get lost in all those marriages, but the theme runs the same through them all; Ridge has never organically proposed to Taylor. There has always been some other driving force, and nothing about his deep and committed love for her. And the dolt knows it! With every proposal comes the same questions. Is this really what you want? Am I really the woman you want? Are you angry with Brooke? And Taylor also knows that when Ridge gets a bug up his ass with Brooke, that his ego will not allow him to admit it, or back down from his knee jerk reactions, so he will placate her and tell her that she is the love of his life, and that he is fully committed to her. And Taylor laps it up, and revels in her false sense of security. She used to have Stephanie in her corner; someone she could express her fears to, who she knew would jump in and fight her battles for her. Taylor knew all she had to do was express some concern about Brooke, and Stephanie would go running to "talk" to Brooke and set her straight on what she was going to do, more importantly, she would set Brooke straight on what Ridge was going to do. But Taylor doesn't have that security blanket anymore, she is bare, and exposed as the desperate, needy, manipulator she has always been. Sure, she has her nasty ass daughter in her corner, but Steffy don't wear no pantsuits, and she sure doesn't have an ounce of OG Stephanie's panache. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I want Thomas outed but I don’t want it to mean a Brooke and Ridge reconciliation. Brooke and Taylor are pathetic. Taylor, if your relationship is happening because of a CPS phone call, you don’t have a relationship. Brooke, if your spouse won’t talk to you about something as serious as you making a CPS phone call, you don’t have a relationship.

Edited by Chatty Cake
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Little Henry Joseph is knocking it out of the park, but something bugs me. I know Douglas is very smart, but how would he know about "Grandpa" getting mad at "Grandma Brooke so he can marry Grandma Taylor?" Then tie that all back to the CPS call. 

That seems a bit too much of an adult, or at best, older, savvy teenager deduction for a child that age. 

I know the writing path is necessary to advance the plot and tie everything together, but Douglas' dialogue is written at inconsistent age levels. Sometimes, he seems much younger than his actual ? age, which is what? About 8?

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Taylor, why are you twirling around in a living room that isn't your own, wearing a nightie that is barely covering your crotch?

And the hand-clutching and giggling with Steffy like they are at a slumber party? 

Ridge, why are you getting ready at FC?

He left the cufflinks Taylor gave him at Brooke's and this is all very Charles and Camilla of B&B. 

When Carter is calling you on still loving Brooke, you know this wedding is all kinds of fucked-up.

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Brooke's upswept hair makes me wish she would go for a big chop like she did during the Throoke years.


Okay, I need someone to snip that extra fabric on the upper right-hand of Steffy's dress.


Douglas, a stone cold savage, sliding his phone under the pillow, and giving his father the stink-eye. 

And Taylor is still whining about Brooke. 



Katie, asking Eric the obvious question: "Why are you supporting this marriage?"

We all know he doesn't. He will always be Team Brooke. 

Carter, eavesdropping on Bill's profession of love to Brooke and don't tease me with Brill, show. I know we will never get it. Also, WTAF to Carter saying he'll just sneak in the back door and Brooke will never know. Um, that's breaking and entering, creep.

And Steffy is now bitching about Brooke. I cannot wait to see her face when she finds out Thomas faked the call. 

Taylor, a woman of "integrity and honesty?"

Please excuse me while I laugh myself silly.

Careful, Thomas, you're showing your cards by telling Ridge not to tell Brooke about the CPS call. A whole roomful of people know, including a nine-year-old, who knows more than that. He's crazy than I thought if he thinks it will stay a secret for long.

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Taylor, you look awfully cozy, lounging on the bed where you fucked Eric when Stephanie was barely cold in the grave.

Douglas is such a cutie in his tux.

Even clueless dolt Ridge senses something between Douglas and Thomas.

And then it's wiped away when (1) he easily buys Thomas' excuses when Douglas hightails back to his room and (2) when he talks about how proud he is of Thomas and the choices he made. 

Although he has the line of the day when he tells Thomas that "this day wouldn't be happening without your help." That's the understatement of the year.

Thomas looks a bit uncomfortable as Ridge pulls him into a hug and ugh, this shit is dragging on into next week. 

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On 11/16/2022 at 10:46 PM, KerleyQ said:

I really think we might get this. I think the show really wanted to go there with Brooke/Liam, but KKL and SC probably both said "hell no" to that mess. KA and TN don't have that kind of sway.  I could see the show deciding that they can still get their MIL/SIL story and it will be a huge surprise, because everyone was expecting it to be Brooke and Liam. 

Finn could think Steffy was involved in the fake CPS call or just that she's known about it and kept quiet (because he knows how obsessed she's been with getting her parents together).  Taylor is going to be pissed and hurt. If the two of them end up alone, commiserating... 

As for today's show, how does Taylor not immediately nope out of this wedding once she hears Ridge admit he left Brooke because of the CPS call?  She was so clear that she wanted Ridge to come to her because he chose her, not because he was pissed at Brooke and she was the fall back. Not only is it exactly the truth that he came to her as the fall back when he got pissed at Brooke, but he's been lying to her since the moment he set foot in Aspen, assuring her he chose her. 

I loved Douglas's "no" when Thomas tried to drag him out of there once the call came up, along with his disapproving glare at his father.  After Douglas blows the lid off this one, people in town are going to start going to him whenever there's something they can't figure out. "Hey, Douglas, do you know who the thief/kidnapper/murderer is?" He's going to be the only kid in elementary school working as a consultant for the LAPD. 

Please, please, please let Brooke tell Ridge to go fuck himself when this all blows up and he goes running back to her. 

You know what would be even more fun? Brooke decides to live up to the nastiness that Stuffy is constantly throwing in her face, and targets Finn herself. She can tell her side of the story, and get Finn all sympathetic, and then Stuffy can walk in on a make-out session, and then Brooke (red-suit version) can tell Stuffy "That's how we do it in the valley. Bye, wig


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Omg, Bill just stop already. I cannot take another scene of him confessing his undying love to Brooke. Who will always be obsessed with Ridge. Let it go. Now I dont even want Li to look in his direction again. She is far better than him. 

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Was Taylor trying to do her best impression of a Snoopy Dance or her worst impression of  a white swan. In either case: 👎👎

Carter breaking and entering is against the law but of course you will do it for your bestie Ridge.  Carter, what’s wrong with asking Brooke to get them?  

Douglas is still the smartest and most ethical of the pseudo Foresters.  Do it Douglas just do it!!  Out your father. I really want to see Stuffy’s face crack and flood Eric’s living room with Botox.  

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Katie said Ridge has a family with Brooke too? The child who cannot be named I don't think counts anymore. 

Good gawd of Taylor jumping up and down like a child to Steffy. 

Douglas the best, calling Thomas out on him only wanting him to  keep quiet. He has a phone call Hope, who is conveniently out of town.

So tired of Bill chasing Brooke when he was just after Katie. 

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What really pisses me off is how much they're teasing us with Bill and Brooke. Has the entire purpose of all of their scenes been leading up to Carter overhearing them so he can (I'm assuming) run back to Ridge and get him jealous? If I thought they had a shot at at least having a couple years together, I want Brooke and Bill, no question. But if all we're going to get is this, or maybe like five minutes of Brooke deciding to move on with him but then going back to Ridge, then what's the point of doing this to Bill's character? How are they going to sell us Bill and Li in the near future after all of this? Can they just bring back VI as the doctor (whose name escapes me) to be with Li? At least it would be a pairing where neither person is truly hung up on some other person as the love of their life. Li is no Taylor. She's not going to be all giddy to be someone's consolation prize. (Side note: I'm assuming that Li and Taylor are supposed to be around the same age. Could there be a bigger difference between these two doctors? Li is a strong intelligent woman who knows her worth. Taylor is Giggles McShoulderblades, twirling around Eric's living room like a high school girl who just got a call from her crush, as she prepares to marry the guy who's like "well, the woman I really want pissed me off, so I guess this one will do.")

You've got to love how all of the Forresters recognize that something is up with Douglas, but none of them give a single fuck enough to actually take him aside and talk to him or to think it's odd how dismissive of it all Thomas is being. It's been two days of him acting really quiet and withdrawn, and nobody is talking to him beyond pushing him to get excited about the wedding?  After all the talk at dinner last night about the CPS call, Ridge sees him all down like this, and he doesn't pull him aside to check in and make sure he's OK? All so desperate to drag that kid away from his mother, but now that they have him, he's just another trophy on the shelf. A score over the evil Logans. 

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22 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Brooke's upswept hair makes me wish she would go for a big chop like she did during the Throoke years.

Indeed! One of her best looks eva!



15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

What really pisses me off is how much they're teasing us with Bill and Brooke. Has the entire purpose of all of their scenes been leading up to Carter overhearing them so he can (I'm assuming) run back to Ridge and get him jealous? If I thought they had a shot at at least having a couple years together, I want Brooke and Bill, no question. But if all we're going to get is this, or maybe like five minutes of Brooke deciding to move on with him but then going back to Ridge, then what's the point of doing this to Bill's character?

Yes to all of this. There is no doubt that Carter will relay what he overheard to Ridge, who will instantly get a Bill boner. I wouldn't even put it past him to go running over to Brooke's to mark his territory, just minutes before his nuptials are about to start. The sad thing about all of it is that Bill is so on point. He can see how terrible Ridge treats Brooke, and how she allows it because she is so caught up in destiny. Of course, other's see it too, but they are also caught up in destiny, and feel that because Brooke and Ridge "love each other", they can all excuse and explain away Ridge's actions. 

If I thought there was any chance of a lasting romance between Bill and Brooke I would be on board. But Bill will just be another Bridge casualty. He will be used to get Ridge jealous, and Ridge will send Brooke mixed messages, leading her to believe they could still have a future, and Brooke will dump Bill real fast and in a hurry. It has happened time and again over the years. So, in essence, they don't give a flying fig about Bill's character; it is all about Bridge and keeping a long since dead relationship going. 

15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

You've got to love how all of the Forresters recognize that something is up with Douglas, but none of them give a single fuck enough to actually take him aside and talk to him or to think it's odd how dismissive of it all Thomas is being. It's been two days of him acting really quiet and withdrawn, and nobody is talking to him beyond pushing him to get excited about the wedding?  After all the talk at dinner last night about the CPS call, Ridge sees him all down like this, and he doesn't pull him aside to check in and make sure he's OK? All so desperate to drag that kid away from his mother, but now that they have him, he's just another trophy on the shelf. A score over the evil Logans. 

And a big, fat, hell yes to all of this! Douglas mentions that he wants to spend more time with his father, and it sends everyone into a feeding frenzy. Suddenly, Douglas's welfare is a stake. All the "Forrester's" must gang up and save him from his fate. He no longer wants to live with the family he has known for years. We must rescue him and bring him to live at his great grandfather's house so he can be with the father who loves him. Yeah, and within one day Douglas was a forgotten trophy.

These idiots see a happy well adjusted child, and think he is in need of an intervention, but when they see him withdrawn and depressed, they plaster on their fake Forrester smiles, and tell him to buck up and be happy. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I’d love to see KKL cut that stringy hair. She did it a few years ago and looked 10 years younger. I don’t know why every woman on every show on tv has that long, barrel curled, parted down the center hair. 

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I think Carter being there to hear the declaration for Bill is probably more about Katie than Ridge. Maybe Ridge later but for now I think it's Katie/Carter push along. 

I really hope when all this is out Brooke shows Ridge the door and I don't like her.  Lol Thomas did the act, but Ridge choices & reaction is all on him. 

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4 hours ago, Artsda said:

I think Carter being there to hear the declaration for Bill is probably more about Katie than Ridge. Maybe Ridge later but for now I think it's Katie/Carter push along. 

That's exactly what I got from that scene. So will Katie and Carter get more story? Or will they just become a happy couple in the background? And what about $Bill? When is he going to get a meaty love story? I don't think for a second that anything is going to happen with him and Brooke. I floved them as a couple but their last breakup was the last straw for me. I can't allow myself to go down that road again.

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9 hours ago, Artsda said:

I think Carter being there to hear the declaration for Bill is probably more about Katie than Ridge. Maybe Ridge later but for now I think it's Katie/Carter push along. 

Well damn, this didn't even cross my mind, but it makes absolute sense. I think I have been so beat over the head with Brooke/Ridge/Taylor, and of course knowing Ridge's history of jealousy, that I never even considered a different angle. 

I like this one much, much better. 

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7 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I’d love to see KKL cut that stringy hair. She did it a few years ago and looked 10 years younger. I don’t know why every woman on every show on tv has that long, barrel curled, parted down the center hair. 

I read an article a couple years ago about this. It was some combination of it filming well and being an easier style to maintain continuity with, because you don't notice as easily if a strand or two is out of place (like you do with straight styles). 

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