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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

They are really destroying this character. I mean, when she is begging Quinn to design for her FFS. 

The Quinn that stalked her during her first pregnancy and being the indirect cause of her losing that child?

The Quinn that kidnapped her baby daddy, held him hostage in a cabin, brainwashed and raped him?

That Quinn?

Hope and this writing can go stuff itself.

6 hours ago, nkotb said:

It's pretty indicative of how exciting the show is when the day after a new episode airs, we have less than 10 comments about the episode. We need a good murder, or a spicy affair (the last one I recall wasn't even to the sex part, but it was Ridge & Quinn), to liven things up. #ClinkBoom

Well once upon a time Thomas was ripe for a murderin' (still is) but I think they'll have him actually get Hope into bed consensually first which may drive Liam or Brooke to finally plug him.

Bring back Rick and Maya so we can get resolution to that with Rick also cozying up to Steffy so he can piss off Thomas and Ridge.

Or bring back lil Deacon all grown up with Amber.  He comes to bond with Hope and protect his baby sister by letting Thomas know that Sharpe's don't play.  Amber can be for Wyatt or back with Rick if they brought him back; she also would have tween Rosie in tow for Donna and Justin to have story with.


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In just a few minutes, you came up with all kinds of storyline possibilities, @TobinAlbers.

Another is to bring back Deacon himself.

I mean, just look at this interaction:



SK and HT had a little somethin' somethin' in just 30 seconds of interaction and milked every moment with SK doing his best smolder/flirt and HT playing perfectly the "I'm supposed to be disgusted, it's DEACON, but damn if he doesn't twist my knickers."

We could have had storyline gold with these two. Katie falling for the reformed (but not lost his edge) bad boy. Deacon falling for a totally not his usual type straightlaced Katie. Brooke and Bill would have been aghast at their former significant others falling for each other. Hope would have her daddy back and there's no way in hell Deacon wouldn't have sniffed out the truth about Beth long before it came out on the show. 


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How can these morons think it is fine for Hope and Thomas to work together?? I don't get this show. No one goes to prison or pays for their horrible crimes. Hope wants to co-parent with the evil sick guy who made her think her baby was dead. Ugh. Maybe I am just over this show.

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Am I wrong, or wasn't Hope's plan all along to get Thomas to agree to co-parenting, then take him to court for full custody? I swear, that was the plan, but now, she seems to want to actually co-parent. 

That face you make when the co-CEO of a high-powered fashion house has had makeup plastered on her turtleneck for days on end...

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Hope has been wearing that boho kimono for two weeks now. AYFKMWTS Show?

Am I supposed to feel sorry for Zoe since Tom is using her to make Hope jealous? Meh, not so much. She knows what he's all about because for some reason he's already spilled a lot of his guts to her. I see no win here for her other than getting her job at FC back.

The nerve of Ridge and Eric to decide Hope needs to forgive Thomas and work with him. Arrogant, sexist bastids. IMO Hope is entitled to her feelings and her boundaries. This fashion show competition is some bovine excrement, AFAIC. Make the contest between Sally and Thomas instead.

I think Brooke needs to tell Eric and Ridge that if they can't afford to fund HFTF, they should let her buy out the rights to the line. Then she should get $Bill to back a new HFTF line either under the Spencer umbrella or as an independent entity. To me, FC seems like a hostile work environment for Hope now. She will always be on the defensive because they will always support Steffy and Thomas over her no matter what they do to hurt her.

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3 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

Note to Hope: You're rich you do not need to work at FC.

I rember the good ol' days when defections to Spectra or Jackie M and the FC boutique when Nick owned the main FC rights were a thing, and most of the time, no one even had any other reason than petty ego as the reason they fucked off to a new place.

Back when Maya had that web series, I was hoping that maybe this would be a new branch idea for the show, but...no. 😞

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I really felt for Hope when she was beseeching Stuffy to not rehire Zoe.  Her desperation...and disbelief that everyone else wanted to give Zoe a second chance...felt very real.

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So now Zoe is supposed to be a wide-eyed naif, easily falling for Tommy's ruse? Sure.

I think we might have to send in a hostage negotiator for Hope, Steffy, and Brooke's outfits. They've been wearing those tired schmattas for two calendar weeks now.

Oh please, Hope can't fire the son/grandson/brother of the owners of FC. I guess she meant fire Tommy as the designer for HFTF. But even then, the Forresters could then choose to dump the line. Hope is walking herself right into another disaster.

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For months and months Raggedy was all Beth Beth Beth and in a little over a month it’s HFTF HFTF HFTF.  Raggedy is like the child who gets Christmas toys, plays with them for a few days, and than it’s on to wanting new toys.  


Was that look on Raggedy face disgust or jealousy as she saw Zoey kissing Lurch. 


Working with people I really disliked became a skill I developed over many many years of work.  Raggedy, I can assume, will be able to do this in a couple of months especially when HFTF wins. 

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18 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Working with people I really disliked became a skill I developed over many many years of work.  Raggedy, I can assume, will be able to do this in a couple of months especially when HFTF wins. 

Have you even met Hope Logan?! 😉


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I think there's a lot of air between working with someone you strongly dislike versus someone who's been actively doing things to undermine, manipulate, and endanger the lives of you, your child, and your husband.

Of course, Hope voluntarily put herself in Thomas' permanent orbit by insisting on adopting Douglas. However, that situation probably could've been handled without her having much direct contact with Thomas. Agreeing to work with him on HFTF is next-level idiocy IMO. She's pretty much giving him permission to keep coming at her. And for what? A fashion line that is basically her vanity project. She won't starve or become homeless if HFTF doesn't continue. Yeesh, Hope again manages to be her own worst enemy.

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Day 19 of the outfits that wouldn't die.

I think this might be the longest day in B&B history.

I realize that Ridge wearing the same clothes for weeks at a time is probably a common occurrence, but it really stands out when it's other characters. 

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So Ridge hasn't filed the divorce papers. He's still holding them over Brooke's head while also keeping Shauna locked and loaded. Seems to me Brooke should tell him to stuff those papers where the sun don't shine. Or file them herself. 😒

All this dreadful talk from Liam and Brooke about what Thomas might do to Hope. Is it foreshadowing? If so, let's get on with it. Thomas lurking behind doors and pulling those dastardly villain faces is getting comical to me.

Hope called HFTF her life's work. If that's true IMO she's had a pathetic life. What a shame for the child of a multimillionaire to think her life depends on a fashion show. Meanwhile, there are probably people not far from FC who are jobless, homeless, and unsure where their next meal is coming from. Gee, maybe Hope can send them HFTF scarves. 😑

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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19 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hope called HFTF her life's work. If that's true IMO she's had a pathetic life.

Also, what about her...ummm...CHILD?  You know, the one she thought was dead?  I"m not saying she shouldn't ever want to work again, but she could at least take some months off to spend some quality time with Beth and Liam.  It's not like she can't afford it. 


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Is anyone else in favor of gathering all of the clothing worn by all of these people and burning them in the parking lot of FC?  Just how long can ONE day last in soapdom? And how many times can all of these people say the SAME DAMN THING? I’ve said this before but B&B is the absolute worst at this repetition. I remember the good old days when soaps moved along at a much faster pace although it probably seemed to us viewers that they were moving slowly. I am also not a fan of this Zoe/Tomass nonsense. I have a hard time watching this young woman “acting”. And now today it appears that Tom was lurking outside of the constantly opened door (!) listening to Zoe and Steffy. Oh, please. Really, writers? Try having an imagination for a change.

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3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hope called HFTF her life's work. If that's true IMO she's had a pathetic life. What a shame for the child of a multimillionaire to think her life depends on a fashion show.

Said it once, will say it again - Hope and Liam should've united to form their own fashion/lifestyle brand that was independent of Forrester and Spencer that would let them spread their wings and make something that was theirs and creating a legacy for Beth. Both Hope and Liam have (or had) the same outsider status with their 'family businesses' where they didn't exactly fit in either because they were an adopted Forrester or in Liam's case his ethic didn't align with Bill's vision of Spencer.  A nice change of pace would've been Hope and Liam taking what they both learned from their times at Forrester and Spencer and pooling it into their own thing for a while.  Hope needs a designer? Have her swallow some crow and approach Sally or better yet, Hope interviews a young new designer that allows for a new character to be brought in.  Or have the designer be Bridget in her triumphant return and who has some heat with either Wyatt or Bill to give Sally/Flo and/or Katie heartburn.

Of course later the brand would be bought by either Spencer or Forrester but in the meantime it'd be a nice breakaway from the other two businesses. Hope could invest in herself and tell Thomas and Forrester to fuck off, she'll forge her own path and Liam could tell Bill that while they were rebuilding bridges, he's happy to leave Spencer pub to Bill, Wyatt, and Will as Liam needs to build something for himself. 

I have no idea what to make of Thomas or what the show wants me to make of him. My only thought about him today was that in another version of this show, I could see him and Quinn enjoying evil sexytimes and scheming to take over Forrester and destroy Liam's life.  Thomas seems like the morally flexible son partners in crime of means and high standing that Quinn has always wanted. 😆


Edited by TobinAlbers
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21 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

Day 19 of the outfits that wouldn't die.

For real?! 🤣

20 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hope called HFTF her life's work. If that's true IMO she's had a pathetic life.

To be fair, it's at least more of a career and branding than most characters on soaps have these days. I watched Days of our Lives a few years ago when Eileen Davidson was reprising her role there as Salem's equivalent to Sheila Carter and in four months I don't think her character's boytoy Brady ever mentioned having a job at all.

But I agree with the above poster that she could have her own legacy (and arguably, there's been a metric fuck ton of times where this could have and should have happened, namely when Aly became of age and inherited the Spectra brand from her grandmother Sally,since IIRC saw fit to pull up that brand anyway six month after killer her off). Why fight at FC for a place with a company where her stepdad hates her, her stepsister will jump her man and Thomas?

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Well finally Raggedy has taken off that schmatta robe type thing and moved on to a schmatta scarf.  


Raggedy you’re turning green over the thought Lurch has moved on with Zoey.  


Lurch sounds very unhinged.  He speaks more like a robot preprogrammed to say the right thing without emotion or feelings.  The Terminator has more of a personality than Lurch.  For that matter Lurch has more personality than Lurch.  




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It's a holiday miracle! Hope changed clothes! Brooke and Steffy too!

Watching Thomas kiss Zoe makes my skin crawl. He knows Zoe is in with Steffy on something, and he knows he's just using her to make Hope jealous.

Yeah no, I don't think Hope is entitled to grill Zoe about what's going on between her and Thomas. I liked the way Zoe handled it but I also think she should've told Hope it was none of her business.

Wow, Thomas could sell time shares on Jupiter. He really can turn on the charm and the fake sincerity.

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Just looking at Tomass makes my skin crawl but at least they’ve all changed their stinky clothes. Why does Hope insist on wearing kimonos or those stupid skinny “scarves” all of the time? I know she’s the originator of HFTF although she doesn’t actually design the clothes (?) but that doesn’t mean that she can’t dress like a real human being. What exactly is her role in HFTF?

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Raggedly, say what you want about Lurch and worrying about his obsession with you but why are you wearing a dress, you don’t usually wear with part of your boobs showing. There is absolutely no reason to have to wear anything more than your usual unflattering schmattas. 


Neither Sally’s or Lurch’s design was earth shattering. Just run of the mill outfits worthy of a TJ Max’s rack. 


Yes Brooke, its more about you. As much as I hate to say it, Lurch is about 25% responsible  for destroying your marriage. You and Ridge are responsible for the other 75%. 


I don’t care how much they pretend, Lurch and Stuffy are NOT Forester blood. You don’t get Forester by osmosis. I’m starting to believe more and more two things. The 1st is that Raggedy is going to give in to Lurch and the second is that Raggedy cares less about Beth than HFTF and Douglas. 



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Whenever Thomas says anything to Hope now--especially when there's an audience--all I hear is "I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!"

Sally's hair! She is so gorgeous. (I'm thinking she might want to ease up on the lip plumping though. She doesn't need that stuff.)

Hope's model Carmen is stunning. She resembles a younger Alicia Minshew, formerly of All My Children.

Douglas has a new hairstyle and I'm not sure I like it. I think his original look was cuter. And ugh, I'm still creeped out by his calling Hope and Thomas his "Mommy and Daddy." Legally it's correct but it feels manipulative to me. I hate seeing Douglas as being like his daddy in that way.

Those flashbacks really highlighted why Hope is so foolish. Has she forgotten how Thomas beat up Liam and intended to kidnap her? There should be no coming back from that, not even for Douglas. Hope's biological child should be her first priority, IMO, and she should keep herself safe for Beth. (Wonder if Hope has a weakened bonding to Beth since she missed out on most of the first year of Beth's life? It could be related to the PPD that was never treated.)

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Am I losing my mind or has this show decided to ignore Christmas this year? You know, no trees, no gifts, no sappy memories of Christmas past, no cookies or laden dinner tables? Oh. Okay then

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Am I losing my mind or has this show decided to ignore Christmas this year? You know, no trees, no gifts, no sappy memories of Christmas past, no cookies or laden dinner tables? Oh. Okay then

After this last year,who the hell will want to play nice around the Forrester table? Liam sure ain't gonna break bread with Thomas. Hell, not even the prospect of coming between Lope has been enough to get Steffy onboard with forgiving Choo-Choo. And Ridge is hateful towards Brooke refusing to forgive his psychotic son the way he refused to forgive Rick. Bill and Quinn and Eric....who are they?

Honestly, a make-nice Christmas episode would be an insult to our collective intelligence, and I'm glad we were spared that for one day.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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19 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

After this last year,who the hell will want to play nice around the Forrester table? Liam sure ain't gonna break bread with Thomas. Hell, not even the prospect of coming between Lope has been enough to get Steffy onboard with forgiving Choo-Choo. And Ridge is hateful towards Brooke refusing to forgive his psychotic son the way he refused to forgive Rick. Bill and Quinn and Eric....who are they?

Honestly, a make-nice Christmas episode would be an insult to our collective intelligence, and I'm glad we were spared that for one day.

Well, you do a make a good point!

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"Classy beats 'in your face' every time." Hmm, guess Steffy didn't get the memo because most of her wardrobe is anything but classy and elegant to me. She might as well have Open For Business tattooed on her forehead.

Oh please, Hope. Asking someone like Tom to swear to tell the truth is like asking a lamp to carry on a conversation. Not gonna happen unless you choose to believe lamps can talk.

Wonder if Zoe knows Thomas is planning to run all the bases on their first official date? Presumptuous much? But the guy hasn't gotten any since he came back to town, has he? Oy. Hope she ate her Wheaties this morning because he might wear her out.

The men on this show are so basic. One would think rich boy Thomas could spring for a nice restaurant and hotel suite instead of a tiny charcuterie plate and sparkling wine on Eric's living room floor. 😑

I'm glad Zoe's aware that she's the consolation prize, at best. She shouldn't trust Tommy at all.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Come on Raggedy, you wanted Lurch to look at your cleavage or you wouldn’t have exposed it.  


What a coincidence that nobody is going to be home and Lurch and Zoey can have time alone, on the floor, in front of the fireplace.  


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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Not only that, there was no big Thanksgiving episode at Eric's either. And when was the last time there was a wedding? Gah this show is so cheap now.

Come to think of it, the last wedding might have been Lope's nuptials back in the summer of 2018. Which...oof.

I can't believe there was once a time when Hope and Liam were having failed weddings on a quarterly basis and now the only reason they haven't gotten remarried us likely because the show can't afford it any longer.


4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Classy beats 'in your face' every time." Hmm, guess Steffy didn't get the memo because most of her wardrobe is anything but classy and elegant to me. 

Classy and Steffy mix as well as oil and water. She needs to GTFO with that shit.

2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

What a coincidence that nobody is going to be home and Lurch and Zoey can have time alone, on the floor, in front of the fireplace.  

With as cheap as this show's become, it's only a matter of time! 👀💀🤣

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Hope's blue dress was so, so close to pretty but that trailing length of cream-colored TP ruined the entire look. 


If I had been Annika, I would have "dropped" that on the way to the set.

But at least we were finally spared from Hauxdi's two-toned leather top. 


And show can miss me forever with Hope and her feelings about Thomas slobbering all over Zoe. They might be going for "Hope is onto him and sees right through his BS" but it comes off as jealous heifer.

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On 12/27/2019 at 6:25 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

The men on this show are so basic. One would think rich boy Thomas could spring for a nice restaurant and hotel suite instead of a tiny charcuterie plate and sparkling wine on Eric's living room floor. 😑

I'm glad Zoe's aware that she's the consolation prize, at best. She shouldn't trust Tommy at all.

Exotic locales for dates and frolicking happen when it’s time to go pick up their best show trophy at the Monte Carlo’s Television festival. The last international trip was....Australia for the Steam wedding, right?

Whats the point of Thomas/Zoe? Or rather am I supposed to care about Zoe in any of this? I think the only way to make her relevant - and I hate to say this- is if she ends up pregnant by Thomas and he’s then ‘stuck’ with her. They have to get married, Douglas has another mommy to deal with, Thomas as another kid on the way but still wants Hope so what to do....? Maybe gaslight Zoe to make her look like an unstable mother so he can take custody of the baby that he and Hope can raise together? Or as a result of seeing Thomas with Hope, Zoe loses the baby and in her grief snaps back to her original personality where she’s bringing it to Thomas and slowly turning the screws wearing the sweet mask of innocence she’s cultivated but slowly give him his comeuppance.

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Exotic locales for dates and frolicking happen when it’s time to go pick up their best show trophy at the Monte Carlo’s Television festival. The last international trip was....Australia for the Steam wedding, right?

But how hard would it be to put up a small restaurant set? And they could repurpose one of the bedroom sets for a hotel room. They must've blown several years' worth of budget on the Australian wedding and for what? That marriage didn't last a year, did it? Good grief.

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9 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

But how hard would it be to put up a small restaurant set? And they could repurpose one of the bedroom sets for a hotel room. They must've blown several years' worth of budget on the Australian wedding and for what? That marriage didn't last a year, did it? Good grief.

From what I understand, the various countries pay them to show up there. KKL had a triathelon competition in Dubai, so TPTB  arranged to have have Brill wedding #1 there.

I guess the money dried up since we haven't got a single location shot in nearly 2 years.

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On 12/27/2019 at 10:53 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Come to think of it, the last wedding might have been Lope's nuptials back in the summer of 2018. Which...oof.

I can't believe there was once a time when Hope and Liam were having failed weddings on a quarterly basis and now the only reason they haven't gotten remarried us likely because the show can't afford it any longer.


Classy and Steffy mix as well as oil and water. She needs to GTFO with that shit.

With as cheap as this show's become, it's only a matter of time! 👀💀🤣

Um, are you forgetting the most loving wedding in B&B history, Thomas & Hope, just this past summer? We were all on the edge of our seats, rushing home to watch their celebration of love. Such a great time to watch soaps. 

On 12/28/2019 at 6:43 PM, TobinAlbers said:

Exotic locales for dates and frolicking happen when it’s time to go pick up their best show trophy at the Monte Carlo’s Television festival. The last international trip was....Australia for the Steam wedding, right?

Whats the point of Thomas/Zoe? Or rather am I supposed to care about Zoe in any of this? I think the only way to make her relevant - and I hate to say this- is if she ends up pregnant by Thomas and he’s then ‘stuck’ with her. They have to get married, Douglas has another mommy to deal with, Thomas as another kid on the way but still wants Hope so what to do....? Maybe gaslight Zoe to make her look like an unstable mother so he can take custody of the baby that he and Hope can raise together? Or as a result of seeing Thomas with Hope, Zoe loses the baby and in her grief snaps back to her original personality where she’s bringing it to Thomas and slowly turning the screws wearing the sweet mask of innocence she’s cultivated but slowly give him his comeuppance.

^^Most certainly better than anything we'll see. This would actually be good to watch. 

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Um, are you forgetting the most loving wedding in B&B history, Thomas & Hope, just this past summer? We were all on the edge of our seats, rushing home to watch their celebration of love. Such a great time to watch soaps. 


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I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but I've just got to say that so little actually HAPPENS on this show. It feels like 99% of the show is the characters TALKING about things to death. So boring. The shows all do this, of course, but b&b is the worst. Why bother watching except maybe once a week? It's too bad.

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You know how some TV actors do that fish-kiss thing, where you can tell that there's no emotion, barely touching lips, & it looks faker-than-fake? Yeah, MA/Thomas doesn't do that. He's a super good TV kisser. I have talked smack about him in the past, & Thomas sucks ass, but MA is a damn good TV kisser. 

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52 minutes ago, nkotb said:

You know how some TV actors do that fish-kiss thing, where you can tell that there's no emotion, barely touching lips, & it looks faker-than-fake? Yeah, MA/Thomas doesn't do that. He's a super good TV kisser. I have talked smack about him in the past, & Thomas sucks ass, but MA is a damn good TV kisser. 

Yeah, I would definitely hate kiss him. 

Why was Hope wearing that ropey thing around her neck, and why was she wearing boots in the house?

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7 hours ago, nkotb said:

Um, are you forgetting the most loving wedding in B&B history, Thomas & Hope, just this past summer? We were all on the edge of our seats, rushing home to watch their celebration of love. Such a great time to watch soaps. 

I legit forgot, actually! 🤣

Worst wedding would still be Zzzzzzzzzzzzzende and Nicole. Even with Thope in the running for worst couple since Luke and Laura, at least there's hate watch potential. Zencole put me to sleep faster than Ambien.

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Welp, unlike with Sasha and Zende we didn’t get the pause to confirm they were engaging in safe sex sexytimes with Thomas and Zoe so....unplanned surprise pregnancy away!

Thomas momentarily pulling away to mentally close his eyes and think of England Hope to forge ahead and ‘prove’ his love for Zoe made me chuckle. Although it may also be for us to think that of all the lines he’s crossed, Thomas knew bedding Zoe under false pretenses was another bad one he was crossing- or maybe he felt he was being unfaithful to Hope 😂.

There was some interesting potential planting of several ideas -

-The idea that Zoe was being set-up for heartbreak with Brooke and Steffy paying lip service that this plan may all be a bad idea. The irony may be that when it’s all over Zoe winds up tougher than they thought and turns the tables to make Thomas the victim.

- Hope saying that Thomas and Zoe being the beginning of a new chapter. The show could be lampshading it for the audience - ‘This is an actual turning point in this story, guys. You heard it here first.’  Hopefully she’s right and that the story pivots away from her to Thomas and Zoe.

- Hope saying that Thomas is with the woman he deserves. It may come to pass that psycho Thomas IS paired with the woman he deserves -that being a woman as devious and ruthless as he is once he breaks ‘good’ Zoe and brings out OG Zoe and that she’ll make his life hell.

The two more interesting ways this thing with Zoe can end is that she ends up raining so much hell down on Thomas that it’s cathartic for the audience and he gets ‘redeemed’ or in a game recognizes game/thin line between love and hate they fall for each other even as they try to tear each other down.

If this Thomas/Zoe plot ends with her being a victim of Thomas it’s truly a waste. 


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At least Nicole and Zende loved each other. Thomas was doing a Svengali number on Hope and Hope was nearly catatonic. It was a wedding that might as well have been conducted in Hell. Like I said, WORST WEDDING EVER!

Yeah, Steffy, Hope, Brooke. Thomas is moving on all right. As cheaply as possible and through Zoe's vag like an urban reclamation project. 😐

Hope: Douglas, you're going to be spending the night here with us!
Douglas: Awesome! Why?
Liam: Yeah, why? What's Tom up to now?
Hope: Well, with any luck he'll be jackhammering Zoe until dawn.
Douglas: Cool! What's jackhammering? And who is Zoe, Mommy?
Hope and Liam: <crickets>

How is a woman who crossed an ocean and a continent to reclaim an ex-boyfriend now so gullible to the kind of game Thomas is running on her? This version of Zoe better be temporary. Grrr.

So in the waning days of 2019, fairy tale princess = cheap date. Okay then. 😒

Heh, Zoe better be ready to be grilled by Brooke about the details of her date with Tommy. Intimate details. 🍑🍆

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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16 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

How is a woman who crossed an ocean and a continent to reclaim an ex-boyfriend now so gullible to the kind of game Thomas is running on her? This version of Zoe better be temporary. Grrr.


16 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Heh, Zoe better be ready to be grilled by Brooke about the details of her date with Tommy. Intimate details. 🍑🍆

Ha! Zoe’s a proven liar, if Brooke wants the truth she’ll have the bed sheets examined and a doctor do a pelvic to confirm ‘recent activity’ like they did in the crazy ‘good (not really) olde days.’😉

If Thomas ends up marrying Zoe, an on location wedding in London (her home turf) with the honeymoon in Paris would be cool. Maybe have Xander show up as a last ditch plea to Zoe for some added drama which she ignores because she ‘loves’ Thomas.


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If Raggedy is happy that Lurch is moving on, than why does she always have a pensive look on her face when that is mentioned or she sees Lurch and Zoey together. 


Lurch is a compulsive lier and is very very good at it because he actually believes his own lies and is convinced everyone else believes his 🐂💩.  Maybe, except for Liam and Brooke.  


I got news for you Stuffy, Lurch did mention Raggedy to Zoey. 


Come on Lurch, call Zoey Raggedy as Sally called Wyatt Liam.  Come on Lurch, I know you have it in you. 






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9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

So formerly conniving and cunning Zoe is now as naive as a newborn kitten? Right.🙄🤦‍♀️

If the show plays its cards right, Zoe should be playing a con. I’d love this show hard if after she’s got that ring on her finger and is Mrs. Thomas Forrester with maybe a baby in her belly, she rings up dear old dad in prison to tell him ‘Yes, daddy. I’ve got the Forresters right where I want them. It’s time we make them pay.’ 

Why would she align with her father or want to get back at the Forresters?  Well, he is her dad and while it’s horrible he sold Beth it was to save his daughter (who, yes, his actions put in danger in the first place but still he didn’t just up and bounce to leave Zoe to her fate). Xander abandoned her and the Forresters (rightfully) fired her so that she was basically living with Vinny off his charity. Then Liam and Steffy come at her to spy on Thomas to use her for their purposes and then Thomas decides to use her for his purposes. I can see at some point Zoe secretly realizing she can begin playing this game to her advantage as a beaten doe eyed desperate for redemption so that no one sees it coming that she’s securing her future. At the very least she can jam up Thomas by getting pregnant or say she is and force his hand in marriage only to then tell him the cash out on this relationship so he can be free again for Hope is $X million dollars- enough for her to start over elsewhere. Zoe gets a little payback and a payoff. 


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