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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I'll say this from the outset.  KKL/Brooke literally lit up like a Christmas tree when that tall drink of water walked through the door.  I haven't seen that kind of unfettered joy on her face since...I don't know when.  I think it was when Brooke was in Bill's office when she had on that fabulous outfit with the coral or pink-colored slacks and gorgeous blouse with her hair up.  KKL and IR effortlessly passed the chemistry test, which is why it is so odd to me that she has none with TK.  

Thorne couldn't take his eyes off of her and forgive me for being crude, but he eye-fucked her a couple of times but he did it in such a cool way.  It was quite obvious when he and Eric embraced and he mentally sopped Brooke's ass up with a biscuit over Eric's shoulder.  That he did it in front of Ridge made it even more delicious.  As Brooke told Bill jokingly, she does love being admired and Thorne's praise of her beauty was quite lavish, which caused La Spencer to glow even more.  She was delighted to see him, and she had the girlish quality in her voice. 

La Spencer is playing it close to the vest, but I wish she had been more forceful in shutting down that piece of dog doo-doo, who insists on being stuck to her shoe.  Good Lord!  Does the fool not know when to quit?  At no time did Brooke convey that they were getting back together.  In fact, when Thorne came in, it was Sludge who was talking about spending the rest of his life with her.   When Thorne wanted to confirm if the two of them were back together, Sludge just had to rasp that they were making things right the way they should have been from the very beginning.  Brooke was a lot more polite than I would have been because I would have apologized in advance to Eric and put that fucker on blast in front of everybody because he knows the real reason they didn't get married.  Don't stand there and try to front as if Brooke chose Bill over you as some kind of social experiment because that is not what happened.

I noted with interest Eric's throw-away comment that it will take months for Bill and Brooke's divorce to be finalized.  Is that TPTB's way of hedging their bets just in case Swill ends up not being received as the "love story" they have been trying to pass off despite their Orwellian efforts to erase five years' worth of canon?

As for the Marone DNA slur, too bad; so sad.  Frankly, I loved the way Thorne stepped to Sludge, firmly telling him to cut out the "little brother" nonsense because at this point in their lives, it is condescending.  It's interesting how Sludge tried to flip this back on Thorne by making it seem as if Thorne was the one who walked through the door with a problem.  Yet, from what I saw, Sludge is the one who made it clear from the outset that he wasn't thrilled that Thorne was there.  He barely grunted when Eric suggested that Thorne come back to work at Forrester Creations.  I was also confused by the "too soon" foolery coming out of Sludge's mouth.  Really?  Coming home "too soon," compared to what exactly?  Compared to being away for approx. 18 months while one's mother and puppet master was terminally ill and transitioning?  And, excuse me while I laugh at Sludge's warning about how it's not a good idea to antagonize him.  I'm sorry, but you ain't built like that, bruh!

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

I noted with interest Eric's throw-away comment that it will take months for Bill and Brooke's divorce to be finalized.  Is that TPTB's way of hedging their bets just in case Swill ends up not being received as the "love story" they have been trying to pass off despite their Orwellian efforts to erase five years' worth of canon?

That's a very good plan. Let Bill and Thorne duke it out and let Ridge move on to a new love entirely: Rosie Palmer.

And in retrospect, that may be why Hope is returning as well so in case Swill bombs (and with this garbage ass writing, i suspect that will be sooner rather than later) and TIIC need to give Liam an out when he finds out what Steffy did before foisting him and Sally together. Not that I'm thrilled at the prospect of any triangle with Liam at the apex, but I'd rather see him conflicted between two women that are capable of showing affection and concern than pretending that Sludgette is in any way an equal to Sally.

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Recap for Monday, 11/28/2017:

G'day, mates!

We open at the Forrester mansion where Eric, Brooke, and Ridge are discussing yesterday's Thanksgiving festivities.

I'd like Brooke's white sweater more if she didn't have that apparently on trend strip of fabric around her throat. It looks like a bandage.


Eric: "This was a good Thanksgiving."

Brooke: "They always are." I supposed... if you like your turkey served with a heaping side of bullshit and WTF.

Eric: "It still fills my heart. It makes me so happy  the way you all welcomed Quinn into the family. I thank you for that." Ridge did a little more than welcome Quinn as the guesthouse bed of ill repute will attest. (which Eric still know nothing about). I predict Quidge will be revisited sometime in the near future.

Ridge: "Well, we tried the other way, and it didn't work." It still chafes, him not sealing the deal with Quinn. Don't tell me it doesn't.

Brooke: "And we know how much you love her, Eric." 

Eric: "Very happy. Makes me wonder if, um..."

Brooke: "Wonder what?"

Eric: "Well, I don't want to put either one of you on the spot, uh, but I really would like to see you happy, as happy as Quinn and I are, preferably together." Really, Eric? Are you that desperate to keep Quinn and Ridge apart that you want to foist your cretin son on a woman you supposedly love and care for?

Ridge just grins: "See, that would work for me." Shut up, Ridge.

Eric: "Now, see? And I would welcome you into the family very gladly." She's already part of the family, Eric, even without the two children you share.

Brooke just giggles and stop giggling already, asking Ridge: "Okay. Did you put him up to this? You did."

Ridge: "Absolutely not, but now that you guys are talking about it, I would very gladly spend the rest of my days with you, yes." Until the next woman comes along to turn your greasy head.

We see the front door opening and hear a throat clearing as the new Thorne Forrester enters the house.




I still miss WH and hate that he wasn't brought back but...Ingo is FINE and really looks like he could be the son of Eric and Stephanie.

Everyone's head turns his way.


Thorne is all smiles: "Surprise." My goodness, IR's blue eyes are gorgeous. The rest of him isn't too shabby either.

Brooke is thrilled to see him and is the first to greet him, hugging him effusively: "Thorne! Oh, my God! Is that really you?"


Eric is right behind her: "Hello, Son."

Brooke: "I don't believe it."


Thorne: "You don't know how good it is to see you."

Brooke is ecstatic: "I can't believe you're here."

Ridge, hanging back, grouses: "Neither can I."

Brooke giggles and I'm okay with this giggle, for this squeal of delight for this sexy-as-hell man and ITA with @RuntheTable, that his barely-there hint of an accent just works

Ridge finally comes forward: "Welcome home, little brother." Just a dick right off the bat. 

Thorne gives him a look as the brothers take each other's measure.



Eric: "Thorne, it is so good to see you."

Thorne: "It's good to see you, too, Dad."

Brooke: "We have missed you so much!"

Thorne: "Back at you." A look at Ridge, then back to Brooke: "And you look as beautiful as always." Already flirting and I LOVE it.

Brooke flirts back: "Handsome as ever."


Eric: "You're a welcome sight, Thorne."


Ridge: "So... how is Paris treating you, little brother?" He is so damn condescending and smug. And because I can be just as petty, I love it that Ingo is a full inch taller than Thorsten.


Thorne just nods as if to say, "So, this is how you wanna play this? Ok. Game on."

Thorne: "It's been good. What I needed. How are things with you?"

Ridge: "I can't complain." Except he looks like he's a heartbeat away from throwing a fit.

Eric: "So why didn't you let us know you were coming?

Thorne: "Because it's more fun to surprise you, Dad."

Eric: "Oh, you did that!"

Brooke: "We're just happy to have you back home, Thorne. Oh!" Brooke can't resist hugging him again. Get it, girl!


I won't quibble about KKL laying it on a bit thick here  because if I were her, knowing they've trashed Brill, a couple she put her heart and soul into for the past five years and for a can't act her way out of a garbage bag actress, with the likely next pairing a Garbridge redo with the chemistry-less TK...I'd be thrilled to pieces about the possibility of being paired with IR.

Because five seconds in the door and already, he and KKL have IT. I mean, we don't need to have them paired up tomorrow or anything, but I'm happy to board the Throoke train sooner rather than later.

Ha, ha, ha, look at Ridge's cracked face.


Thorne ignores Ridge's scowl and looks up at Quinn's portrait.

Eric: grins "You're admiring my beautiful wife. That's all right. I do that myself sometimes."

Thorne: "Quinn around?"

Eric: "No, no, she isn't, but she's gonna be just as happy to see you as I am."

Thorne takes note of Eric's pleased look: "You look happy, Dad.

Eric: "I wake up every morning so glad to spend another day with this beautiful woman. She's been a real gift to me, a gift I never expected. So, happy? Happy doesn't begin to describe it."

Thorne: "Well, it's good enough for me." He's so refreshing, isn't he?

Eric laughs: "Good."

Brooke: "So, how have things been with you, Thorne? How is life in Paris?"

Thorne: "Well, it's Paris, right? How bad can it be?' His grin fades, his look, reflective, his tone sad: "After Aly died, I needed time to mourn, so I threw myself into work." Finally, an Aly mention. 

Eric is empathetic: "I'm not at all surprised."

Brooke: "I know that you miss her. I do." Something tells me her heifer of a first cousin doesn't miss her one bit.

Ridge: "We all do." Sure, you do, Ridge. I never saw one hint that Ridge gave a damn about Aly. After all, she was the daughter of his "little brother" and "dingbat" Darla. 

Thorne: "There's an emptiness inside that can never be filled. But life goes on, right? Even when it's a struggle. And I've realized it's...it's time."

Ridge: "It's time for what?"

Thorne: "I'm moving back to LA."

Brooke laughs in astonishment: "Are you serious?"

Eric: "What?! I couldn't be happier! I would love that!" He is genuinely happy as is Brooke.

Ridge: "Seems a little sudden, doesn't it?" Shut it, killjoy.

Thorne quickly corrects him: "Not sudden. It's something I've been weighing. Paris is amazing. But my family's here. And I miss you guys. I miss the company. This is home." And he has just as much right to come home as you did, Ridge.

Eric:" I'd be very glad to welcome my son back. And we can use you at Forrester. Right, Ridge?"

Ridge is noncommittal: "Hmm." He really is a horse's ass.

Eric: "So, what are you gonna do? You want to move in here for a while?"

Thorne: "Dad, come on. You and Quinn need your space. I wouldn't want to intrude." 

Brooke: "So where are you gonna stay?" I know somewhere...

Thorne: "I'm not sure yet. I'll probably just get a room until I figure it out." 

Brooke: "Okay. Well, the important thing is that you're home, Thorne."

Eric brings him in for a hug.

Thorne: "I didn't mean to interrupt when I came in. Were you guys in the middle of something?"

Ridge: "Brooke was discussing how she wants to spend the rest of her life with me. Right?" King of Delusional, right here.

Thorne: "I heard you're divorcing Bill."

Brooke: "Sadly, yes."


Thorne: "So you two are back on?" Hell no!


I think Thorne has his answer.

Brooke, uncomfortable: "I just didn't want to rush anything."

Thorne practically winks at her and his brother, sizing up the room and the situation quite nicely: "Sounds like a plan."

Ridge: "Don't discourage her. It's not helping." 

Thorne: "Dare I ask what happened?"

Brooke: "Uh, unlike Eric and Quinn, Bill and I were not a perfect match." I'd hardly call Queric perfect and Brill WAS pretty close to perfection until TIIC decided to have Bill go apeshit over a stupid building.

Ridge: "And I told her that from the very beginning."

Eric: "The divorce will take a few months. Give Brooke some breathing room, will give her a chance to work things out." With whom?

Ridge: "And give her a chance to find her way home. Our home." Oh, puke.

Brooke is tired of this: "Ridge."

Ridge: "Put our family back together. RJ would be thrilled." Quit using Slouchey to bolster your case.

Eric: "And I would be, too." 

Ridge: "We'll make things right, the way they should have been from the very beginning." Can you turn back time, Ridge? Didn't think so. There is no making things right here and there never will be.

Later, the two brothers are alone in the living room and Thorne wastes no time calling Ridge out for his lukewarm reception.

Thorne: "I couldn't help but notice you weren't as enthusiastic about my homecoming as Dad and Brooke. If you have a problem, now's a good time to say so."

Ridge: "Really? And you would just get on a plane and leave?" Such an ass...

Thorne all but laughs in Ridge's smug face: "No, but at least I'd know where we stand."

Ridge: "You know where you stand. This is family. I always assumed you liked Paris. If you want to come home, of course you can. You're always welcome here, little brother." Oh, well, I'm sure he greatly appreciates Ridge giving him permission, what with him being King of the World and all.

Thorne, the teasing note in his voice is gone now: "Hey, Ridge, about the, uh, 'little brother' thing, let's drop it, okay?"


Ridge: "Are you kidding me right now?"

Thorne, serious: "No, I'm not."

Ridge: "Wow, I didn't mean to offend you. It's just -- when did you become so sensitive? What happened?" Whenever someone says they don't mean to offend, they are totally lying. 

Thorne corrects: "No, no, not sensitive. Just a grown man. You're equal. I don't need you calling me little anymore."

Ridge: "It's a term of endearment." Oh bullshit.

Thorne: "It's condescending. I mean, if you have to call me something brother, then try "half." ZING!

Ridge: "Half?"


Thorne: "Half-brother more accurately describes what I am to you."

Ridge: "Really?" Shut it with your "really," Ridge. He's always had this condescending air about him when it comes to Thorne. 

Thorne: "Yeah, well, I'm not the one walking around with Marone DNA, am I?"



Ooooohhh. This Thorne don't play.

While normally I don't like it when Ridge's paternity is thrown in his face, he's the one who constantly acts as if he's the only REAL Forrester, particularly with his brothers, and he doesn't give to have it both ways, so Thorne deserves to give that little dig. 

Ridge: "You're gonna say that to me in the house where I was raised?" It's the same house where Thorne was raised.

Thorne: "None of us should ever forget where we came from." 


Ridge: "No, absolutely not. You come in here with this big chip on your shoulder trying to antagonize me. It's a bad idea. A really bad idea... little brother." Fucker...and I wouldn't be squawking about the infinitesimall chip on Thorne's shoulder when you've got a boulder on yours. 


He is just asking to be taken down a peg or fifty.

I really don't feel like recapping the rest of the show, especially when it's such a letdown from Thorne is back, bitches!

Suffice it to say, you didn't miss much but here's a quick rundown:

- Chickenhead whining because $ Bill and Waffles made up and he feels all left out

- More Swill flashbacks

- More Hauxdi propping

- Liam practically having to drag Hauxdi to the office so he can tell Bill he's ready to go back to work (and why didn't she just say she needed to get back to work herself - duh!)

- Liam kisses Bill's ass - again


Back to Ingo...

He's in the credits already, which I love.


Love the blue silk jammies that go so well with his brilliant blue eyes.


Ooh...you can really see his chiseled chin that looks so much like JMc's. 

And congrats to Aaron D. Spears as Justin is back in the credits:


3 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Thorne couldn't take his eyes off of her and forgive me for being crude, but he eye-fucked her a couple of times but he did it in such a cool way.  It was quite obvious when he and Eric embraced and he mentally sopped Brooke's ass up with a biscuit over Eric's shoulder.  That he did it in front of Ridge made it even more delicious. 

Bravo to so much of your post but most especially the bolded. That is just too perfect.

Edited by CountryGirl
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I don't like the new Thorne at all. Don't like his smugness and his mannerisms.  He gives me more of a secret agent vibe than a fashion house executive.  

Another day Stuffy doesn't need to use the Charmin.  Liam has licked her clean.  Another day of Kaopectate for me. 

Pam Pam Pam, Shelia wants to be your friend. Good luck with that!  

What no partially open door!  Maybe he's just waiting in the wings to allow the "Still" drama to continue. 

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

I don't like the new Thorne at all. Don't like his smugness and his mannerisms.  He gives me more of a secret agent vibe than a fashion house executive.  That's okay, more for me! ;-P

Another day Stuffy doesn't need to use the Charmin.  Liam has licked her clean.  Another day of Kaopectate for me. OMG...so true...and also, ewwww...


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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Ridge: "Wow, I didn't mean to offend you. It's just -- when did you become so sensitive? What happened?"

Let's start with Ridge taking advantage of Thorne's first wife and end with Ridge'  daughter killing Aly.

3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I don't like the new Thorne at all. Don't like his smugness and his mannerisms.  He gives me more of a secret agent vibe than a fashion house executive.  

Secret agent >>>homeless bum imo.

And anyone who fucks with Ridge on the first day is okay in my book ❤ the gorgeous blue eyes are an added bonus.

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Hmmm ... another mention today by Quinn of how the Brill divorce will linger. Maybe I was mistaken but didn't one of them say that Bill was fighting the divorce? If so, WHY? Just the other day, he was eager to fly off with Hauxdi. Anyway, I must have misunderstood because that makes no sense, but then ...

Sheila is w-a-a-y off base with Pam. I thought that Pam's crazy and destructive behavior back in the day was due to a brain tumor or frontal lobe scarring or something along those lines. Also, wasn't it suggested that she's bipolar and wasn't taking her meds? (I think it was all hastily retconned to salvage the character, but ... ) Sheila is just crazy. I noticed that KB has spiffed up her appearance. She's got that serious Congresswoman hairstyle. Ha! Ha!

Speaking of hair, any bets on how long it will be before KKL is sporting the long limp stringy hair again? She has never maintained a shorter hairstyle beyond the initial cut. It looks OK; definitely thicker and healthier but I really liked her twitter photo where it was in spiral beach waves. I wish she'd start wearing it that way and ditch the matronly clothes. She needs some sass and sizzle for nuThorne. I didn't like her cream colored sweater either.  My throat automatically constricts whenever I see those neckband details that are so popular right now.

Wyatt is not only arrogant and stupid but blind as well. While he has accurate spidey-sense that something is amiss with Bill, it was right before his eyes. When Hauxdi was hugging Liam, Stevie Wonder wouldn't miss that longing look she was giving Bill. If it didn't say, "F-me," I don't know what is. I am sick of watching the Spencer men convening the Hauxdi-Heifer fan club every day and if I have to hear Liam singing her praises one more time about "reuniting the family," I will throw something at the TV. In some families, unity is not necessarily a good thing.

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2 hours ago, grisgris said:

Sheila is w-a-a-y off base with Pam. I thought that Pam's crazy and destructive behavior back in the day was due to a brain tumor or frontal lobe scarring or something along those lines. Also, wasn't it suggested that she's bipolar and wasn't taking her meds? (I think it was all hastily retconned to salvage the character, but ... ) Sheila is just crazy.

Sheila had no remorse and even less shame. Pam was never a Donna fan after her lunacy, but she never did anywhere near that level of craziness again.

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1 hour ago, tricknasty said:

WTF?!? Brooke got a haircut between yesterday and today and it's the same scene? And Thorne complimented her on it? Are the writers high? I want some of that shit they're smoking.

Not only did she get a haircut between scenes but she’s still in the same sweater. Too funny! That said, the cut does make KKL hair look a little healthier. I think they cut her hair to remind viewers that short haired Brooke was with Thorne then. Of course, that was with old Thorne. Oh! Never mind. LOL!!!!!

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Not only did she get a haircut between scenes but she’s still in the same sweater. Too funny! That said, the cut does make KKL hair look a little healthier. I think they cut her hair to remind viewers that short haired Brooke was with Thorne then. Of course, that was with old Thorne. Oh! Never mind. LOL!!!!!

From the dialogue, I got the impression Brooke got a haircut between being at Eric's house and returning to her house.  Not impossible, but unlikely.

I just read Thorne's wiki page and I a exhausted.  That guy was busy!  Question:  Was Brooke ever with WH Thorne?

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

Question:  Was Brooke ever with WH Thorne?

I believe so, because I don't remember her being with Jeff Trachta Thorne.  That Thorne was always with Macy.

It would be funny if Thorne started singing again.

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10 hours ago, bannana said:

From the dialogue, I got the impression Brooke got a haircut between being at Eric's house and returning to her house.  Not impossible, but unlikely.

I just read Thorne's wiki page and I a exhausted.  That guy was busy!  Question:  Was Brooke ever with WH Thorne?

She sure was.  It was reported back then that WH approached Bradley about being paired with KKL.  I vaguely recall Bradley doing an interview where he told Brooke fans not to worry because she would be getting a "new man real soon!"  Imagine my shock and anger when it turned out to be Thorne; I desperately wanted the character to move beyond the Forrester gene pool for dates.  Plus, Thorne was with Macy at the time, whom Stephanie all of sudden claimed she loved "like a daughter."

I was dragged kicking and screaming but ended up supporting the pairing.  KKL had a pixie haircut at that time, and it definitely worked for the storyline.  It was also one of the few times that Brooke looked at Ridge with a jaded eye.  It was also one of the few times that Ridge and Taylor didn't need Brooke as a part of their storylines to generate interest.  Instead, they were mired in the Morgan DeWitt muck, which was roundly panned by critics because it made Taylor look like a fool and Ridge was declared the "dumbest man in daytime" according to one soap rag.  Meanwhile, Throoke's star rose and they were getting all the positive press in spite of the dubious way in which the relationship began.  Here are a couple of pics of them before they were ruined to prop Ridge as the great love of Brooke's life after the Morgan mess proved to be a just that--a mess and a ratings disaster. The first picture is a playful publicity still, and the other is from their wedding:





Edited by MulletorHater
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Recap for Tuesday, 11/28/17:

We open at Brooke's house where she's sporting a shorter 'do and while I wish KKL would change up the color a bit, the shorter hair looks SOOO much better.

Thorne thinks, so, too, telling her "I like the cut."

Brooke smiles, running her fingers through her shorter locks: "Oh thanks...my girl had an opening and I just wanted to change things up a bit." I'm guessing a few hours have passed since she left Eric's so she could have easily gotten a haircut in that amount of time, especially since it was just a chop, not any crazy layers, much less color and/or highlights.

Thorne, eyeing her: "Yeah...that's really good."

She laughs, telling him he doesn't have to butter her up as he's welcome to stay at her place as long as he needs to. Oh really? Does Ridge know? I can't wait to see his head explode when he finds out.

Thorne assures her he'll find another place soon and Brooke clearly doesn't want him to rush off, telling him, "I'm just so glad you're here!"

Thorne: "It's time. I miss this crazy city."

Brooke: "And our crazy family." Ha!

Thorne smirks: "How could I not?"

Brooke turns serious then: "I heard you and Ridge getting into it earlier. I hope there's no tension there." Come on, Brooke...tension has existed between B&B's version of Cain and Abel since day one.

Thorne confides that it rubs him the wrong way when Ridge calls him "little brother." Even more so, when he's told him - repeatedly - to knock it off because it's long since ceased being a term of endearment. It's the equivalent of "Ricky boy." 

Thorne sits on the couch, reflecting: "It was funny when we were kids. It's not so funny anymore." 

Brooke looks at him, seeing a new side to her former husband.

Thorne: "Honestly, I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this but Ridge's attitude is part of the reason I stayed away."

Brooke comes over to sit beside him: "Like when he calls you 'little brother?' Thorne...I had no idea that bothered you so much. "

It's not the words, but what they represent: Ridge the Precious Firstborn, Ridge the Golden Teflon Boy, lording it over Thorne and treating him like less than with a heaping helping of aiding and abetting by their parents. This goes all the way back to Ridge taking advantage of Thorne's then-wife Caroline I in Thorne and Caroline's bed (and I would call it worse than "taking advantage" and never gave a shit about the Caroline knew/wanted it retconn BS). It doesn't get any lower than that.

Thorne scoffs: "Well, it's his way of putting me in my place...to remind me that he's the leader of this company and this family." Yep...

Brooke is skeptical: "Are you sure it's not just a term of endearment?" I am side-eyeing you, Brooke.

Thorne: "I'm not so sure about that, not at all. Ridge is the oldest...it's natural to want to mess with your younger sisters." He turns sarcastic: "Apparently, it's something you never grow out of. " Well, Ridge has obviously never grown up in the first place. 

Brooke: "Ridge can be a little rough around the edges, but that's what makes him so irresistible." OMG. Put down the wacky tobacky, Brooke.

Thorne almost throws up in his mouth: "Is that what it is?" I love the sarcasm. "Well, he is charming, I'll give him that and ambitious, but I have to admit, I did get all the good lucks." He shrugs, like "what can I do?" and it's adorable. Yes, you did clean up in the looks department, honey. And it's not to say TK isn't handsome but I like my men to look like they've bathed more than once in a while.

Brooke tries for diplomacy: "You both are very handsome."


Thorne: "It's amazing how different we are, considering we're half brothers."

Brooke: "Yeah, you're really nothing alike." Thank goodness for that. "But you're both incredible men."

Thorne: "Thanks...I will try to be patient with him, okay?" Why? "I'm not perfect either. But Ridge has been given a lot. He's got it all. The run of the company. Dad's affection." A pointed look at Brooke. "Your love." He sighs. "And maybe he deserves it, I don't know...I just hope he appreciates you, Brooke."

I think they both know he doesn't.

Never has.

Never will.

Thorne moves over to the stairs: "I'm not here to complain about my brother. I don't want anymore conflict between us."

Brooke crosses toward him: "I'm sure he doesn't want that either." Riiiight. So long as Thorne licks Ridge's boots, he'll do just fine.

Thorne: "It would be nice if we could see eye to eye for a change. You know Dad's getting older. He wants peace between us. I want that, too."

Brooke: "You're both grown and both matured." Well, one of them has. 

Thorne: "Well, we've always gotten along when we're on separate continents. It's when you put us in the same room together, that's the problem."

Brooke chides him: "Thorne! You guys are brothers. I know you care about each other. Why can't you just be friends?" Because it's not so simple. 

Thorne: "I would like to bring the family together." Guess he didn't get the memo that his niece, Hauxdiloxs, already accomplished that. "It seems like there's been a lot of turmoil lately." 

Brooke sighs: "More than usual." 

Thorne: "You know...no one ever told me why you and Ridge broke up. You had the wedding planned in Australia. Why didn't that happen?"

Brooke, clearly uncomfortable, doesn't answer.

Thorne: "You and my brother were supposed to get married in Sydney. What happened?"

Brooke flashes back to catching Ridge and Quinn kissing on the beach and I think it's very telling that TPTB are flashing back to that. I continue to have the sense that Quidge will resurface.

Thorne, who knows her all too well: "He cheat on you? Was there someone else?" Brooke still doesn't answer but she doesn't have to. The truth is written all over her. "Of course, there's always another woman with my brother." 

Brooke: "Thorne...I know you're looking out for me and I appreciate the concern...really, I do. I just...I don't want to talk about it."

Thorne isn't going to let it go that easily: "So, I'm right...he betrayed you...right before the wedding." He looks at Brooke's stricken face and closed off body language. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know you don't want to talk about it, but if you ever do, I'm here for you. Okay?" 

One of the things I have always loved about Brooke and Thorne is how they were friends (and one-time partners in crime) first, years before things turned romantic and were able to resume that friendship after Ridge and Mommy Dearest helped rip them apart.

There is a saying, how is two old lovers are able to remain friends - one reason, they never truly loved each other in the first place. The second, they love each other still. I think it's the latter for these two.

Brooke can't resist smiling at those words: "Thank you. It's good to have you home."

He smiles back and the chemistry is just leaping off the screen.

Elsewhere, Ridge and Quinn are working together at FC.

Quinn's hair is the antithesis of the granny bun she sported for Thanksgiving, all loose and soft.

They talk about the holiday and how nice it was, Sheila-free.

Ridge blathers on about reuniting with Brooke and putting their family back together. Gag...

Ridge shares that Quinn is back and Quinn assumes (correctly) that Eric is thrilled.

She immediately senses Ridge is less than enthused (how well she knows him) and Ridge is quick to assure her he's not worried about his little brother (there's that insult again). 

He goes right back to the "getting Brooke back" schtick and insists no one is going to get in their way. 

It's pretty clear that someone will and my money is on it being Thorne or Quinn or both.

Over at Il Giardino, Pam is sitting down at her table.

Those of you waiting with baited breath to see if Sheila was really, truly gone, well, you can exhale now because she's still there, waitressing away.

I do like KB's softer look and the highlights in her hair are really pretty.

Pam is at first startled and suspicious, as she should be, but she can't entirely disagree with Sheila's concerns about Quinn and her loyalty to Eric. Neither can I, considering how cozy those two looked in the office.

Pam shares that she's going to visit her sister's grave but it's typically a solo event. Sheila offers to go with her which is less weird than I would have thought.

Sheila tries to forge a bond with her offer as well as with the fact that Pam did some shenanigans in her day (we flash back to the honey/bear incident with Donna). But I agree that there was a medical reason for Pam's actions. No such excuse for Sheila. 

Sheila surprises Pam when she asks if they can be friends.


Pam, who I suspect has few friends given her upbringing, seems to give it serious consideration.

See, this is what I wish they had done with KB/Sheila if they had to have her return. A softer, subtler approach where we kept guessing as to whether or not she had changed or see her struggling to change...anything but the catfights with Quinn or the Mateo nonsense, not to mention the portrait from hell.

We end at SP and I am not up for another round of ANY, much less ALL, of the following:

- Swill flashbacks

- Swill eyefucking

- Liam being a dumbass

- Wyatt being a bitch baby with his incessasnt whining about "Daddy and Bubby are getting awong and I don't wike it!"

- More Hauxdi fawning and asslicking.

- And still more eyefucking from this bitch right here. 


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Excellent recap, as always, CountryGirl!

I think that KKL's haircut suits her perfectly; her hair actually looks fuller and healthier.

I remember protesting that IR's nu-Thorne was a consolation prize to Brooke/Brill fans.  Huh!  Boy, did my tune change when I saw that promo!  How could that be a consolation prize?  I am loving Brooke and Thorne's interactions so far.  However, I think the spoiler the show runners used was a little misleading.  From what I saw, it didn't take much for Thorne to figure out what happened on his own.  Brooke was way too effusive in her praise of Sludge, but was quite circumspect in revealing the reason they didn't get married in Australia.  This is one of those instances where the use of a flashback actually works.  It's a stark reminder (one the writers want us to forget) as to real reason Brooke didn't marry Sludge.  Strange because a few weeks ago when Brooke read Bill's ass for filth after he revealed his role in the Spectra-gate scandal, the dialogue suggested that she had a perfect life planned (with whom?!) but she chose to marry Bill instead.  But, we knew that was a lie from the pit of hell so it was nice that TPTB stopped trying to gaslight us for 5 minutes even if it was to advance Brooke and Thorne's conversation.  I love that Thorne made it clear that he knows how his brother operates when it comes to dogging Brooke out and not much needed to be said on that score.

I'm disgusted that fucking Sheila is still around.  Good grief!  Talk about beating a dead horse!  And, speaking of beating dead horses, how many more honors and tongue baths must that unsanitary ho-bag receive?  It's quite obvious that she is being set up to look like the "victim," who "wanted" to tell the truth but was "forced" to keep quiet because Big Bad Bill manipulated her into doing it.  Whatever, show!  The stallion and his slag have been playing this game for weeks now so don't try to clean it up just because people refuse to hold their noises and accept the stench wafting through their TV screens.

Don't get me started on that ridiculous conversation between Sludge and his former side piece.  That it was taking place at virtually the same time as Brooke and Thorne were discussing why GarBridge didn't remarry made it simply revolting for me.  Why is Quinn, of all people, playing the latest GarBridge pimp now?  It's like these two motherfuckers don't get it; GarBridge didn't get married because of YOU TWO!  Damn.  Maybe someone needs to sky write it or place in on several billboards around L.A.

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

It was also one of the few times that Ridge and Taylor didn't need Brooke as a part of their storylines to generate interest. 

I got into the show right around this magical time in B&B history, and having no knowledge of Taylor's hypocrisy or the BTS crap from HT that led to them being allowed to stay together so long helped my enjoyment of Tridge a lot. 

I wished it didn't require an actor mandate or the fear of backlash at having more than one LGBT couple on the show to allow characters to stay together long enough to have some investment as a pair.

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Just now, CountryGirl said:

OMG...Thorne is designing and under the name "Aly's Fashions."

I could not love him more. ??????????

More in my recap tomorrow.

Maybe TPTB heard the ire of the fandom that blotting Aly from the show was a HUGE mistake.

Ridge and Quinn still circling each other like it's no big deal and 'innocently' hanging out (but not really) is why Brooke should've punched Ridge in the balls when he had the gall to answer Thorne's questioning if they're back together with 'Oh, yeah.'


Why couldn't RJ have seen that shit? Then he'd realize his dad sucks as far as being a husband to his mom.

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Why couldn't RJ have seen that shit? Then he'd realize his dad sucks as far as being a husband to his mom.

I don't understand how hardly any of the legacy children give their parents any grief for all the shit they grew up around. Didn't this used yo be a staple in teen stories? Apart from Rick  (who by then was waaaay too old to be as involved in Brooke's lovelife as he was), all the kids line up to worship their parents' great love. Aly is the only one who can boast such a claim, and mostly because TIIC had to gut someone to pay Jack Wagner's salary.

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Who the hell wears a long sleeve turtleneck in LA.  I guess Thorne Givenchy does.  Oh Thorne, your sooo talented.  Give me a brake.  Partially open door makes an appearance for Quinn and Ridge but, of course, would not show up for Stuffy and Bill.  Is Shelia the harbinger for screwing with Eric and Quinn once again.  
It's always the kiss of death when couples profess how much they love each other and pledge loyalty. 

Charlie actually had a moment of clarity when he told Pam that Shelia's ulterior motive to to be Eric's wife. 

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It seems to me that the new Thorne is working hard to overcome his Australian accent. He seems hesitant before speaking but at some point, it may become more natural for him. I hated that stupid sweater with the neck halter that Brooke wore but love, love her new hair cut!! It’s modern and fresh and attractive on her. Apparently, her extensions flew over to Nikki’s hair on Y&R. BLECH.

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Way to tease Thorne sowing his Forrester oats, show! So basically we know that Thorne wasn't a monk. Got it.

No way should  Ivy just bop on in Ridge's office and see Quinn and Ridge and she just gushes 'Hey guys! What's up?' They had an affair! Ivy was a big finger wagger at them! She should always be suspicious.

Love that Ridge was sweatin Thorne finding out about him and Quinn AND telling that Brooke was hesitant about telling him. She's still protecting Ridge's ass but I get it- the brothers have enough conflict and she doesn't want to become a bone for them to fight over.

My prediction on where this Wyatt hissy fit is going- he keeps digging and finds out about the Still affair and then either blackmails Bill into making him #1 son or arranges for Liam to find out without any blowback on him and go ballistic on Bill so that they're on the outs and Wyatt is back in as the rebound son only this time it's permanent.  He hopes.

It sets up conflict for him and Katie if she finds out: he maliciously hurt his father and brother for his own gain because of his daddy issues and inferiority complex.

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As much as I like Ingo, from what I remember of previous Thorne's no matter who played him, Thorne was always second to Ridge.  Maybe since RM is no longer playing Ridge, Thorne will get a different SL, but Ingo doesn't seem like Thorne to me.

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59 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:


As much as I like Ingo, from what I remember of previous Thorne's no matter who played him, Thorne was always second to Ridge.  Maybe since RM is no longer playing Ridge, Thorne will get a different SL, but Ingo doesn't seem like Thorne to me.


Unlike most of the character revisions in recent history, this change has a logical progression. The man lost his only child and even before that, he'd spent his entire life being overlooked by his parents--first for Ridge, then later Rick  (to be fair, Rick never had an axe to grind with Thorne...he just never thought about him on his revenge campaigns.)

A shift in Chill!Thorne Forrester has been long overdue IMO. And frankly, while Rick is generally not wrong about Sludge, his methods of going against him often involve collateral damage  or are as bad as anything Ridge himself has done. It made it hard to root for him, especially with the last actor in the role. So I welcome someone reading Ridge for filth whose hands are largely clean.

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8 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Unlike most of the character revisions in recent history, this change has a logical progression. The man lost his only child and even before that, he'd spent his entire life being overlooked by his parents--first for Ridge, then later Rick  (to be fair, Rick never had an axe to grind with Thorne...he just never thought about him on his revenge campaigns.)

A shift in Chill!Thorne Forrester has been long overdue IMO. And frankly, while Rick is generally not wrong about Sludge, his methods of going against him often involve collateral damage  or are as bad as anything Ridge himself has done. It made it hard to root for him, especially with the last actor in the role. So I welcome someone reading Ridge for filth whose hands are largely clean.

I've always detested Ridge, but in the past when Thorne would call Ridge out on his crap, even though he was right, Thorne always lost to Ridge.  I don't want to see that again.

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Thank you, CountryGirl, for the spot-on recap and to everybody else for all of the delicious snark!

I also kind of threw a side-eye at Thorne becoming an overnight success as a designer. I remember the "old" Thorne, specifically during his tenure running Spectra, briefly tried his hand at designing and it was a disaster. Ridge insisted that Thomas receive a formal education in design theory even though he showed obvious talent ... However, OTOH, we have Bridget and Zende who obvious possess some latent skill to turn then into the next Stella McCartney and Alexander McQueen. At least Thorne gave a nod to getting some proper training and mentoring.

What would have made more sense and maintained continuity was if, when he was rattling off the names of other designers, that he said they had collaborated with him. Maybe Thorne's idea and the designers' actual ... designs.  That could have set up some good SLs with Thorne wanting to take his line completely in-house at FC and battling Sludge about resuming the design lead. Sludge could give Thorne grief, which would be the perfect time for Thorne to tell Sludge to get f-ed and go directly to Spectra. That could have set up some heated battles and housed Ally's line where (IMO) it should be -- at Spectra.

We need a good business SL for a change, reminiscent of BeLieF. (The saga of Spectra/Spencer/Skye didn't cut it.) Instead, it looks like we might be headed for Quidge Redux (which I wouldn't completely balk at .... ) They make a far sexier, complex and interesting illicit coupling than Swill ... by far. And/or ToD 9,000 with Sludge/Brooke/Thorne. Ugh ...

So far, nuThorne ticks all of the boxes for me: Looks, charm, integrity (e.g. Ally Designs), backbone, and he's getting under Sludge's skin like nobody's business. KKL practically salivates when she's in the room with him, so that's all good. I can't wait for them to start up a sizzling romance, but ITA with everybody else. Let this develop slowly. If I see some type of Christmas Eve insta-engagement, I"m gonna be very unhappy.

I have no idea what direction they are heading with Sheila. Eric is probably going to do something foolish like allow Sheila to go to the house (unescorted) to reclaim her fugly portrait. Of course, she will: A) Have another nasty encounter with Quinn and one of them will end up injured for Eric to rescue OR B) She will walk in on Quinn and Sludge engaged in some type of flirtatious yet harmless banter and be back off to the races to discredit Quinn.  I don't object to having KB/Sheila around IF her role were written in a manner that made more sense and was consistent with the character trying to better herself. Charlie was 100% correct (even a broken clock is correct two times a day) in that Sheila is hell-bent on becoming Mrs. Eric Forrester again. The fact that Sheila would prey on Pam's previous mental illness and brain tumor to "guilt" her into accepting Sheila as a reformed potential friend/confidante, leaves a bad taste in my mouth, but that is more from Sheila's playbook then some of her latest stunts.

Which leads me to ... Wouldn't running for a Congressional seat in 2018 be a full-time job? I don't know how far in advance the show is filmed but I'd think that would consume all of KB's time. I don't live in California, so I know nothing about the district she seeks to represent. Even if it is supposedly a slam-dunk for her, NEVER assume ... look what happened last November ... 

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7 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Which leads me to ... Wouldn't running for a Congressional seat in 2018 be a full-time job? I don't know how far in advance the show is filmed but I'd think that would consume all of KB's time. I don't live in California, so I know nothing about the district she seeks to represent. Even if it is supposedly a slam-dunk for her, NEVER assume ... look what happened last November ... 

I think KB's run for Congress makes it a problem for CBS.  Networks need to give equal time to all the candidates.  In this case they would be paying KB to appear on their network.  CBS will need to give free time to all of her fellow candidates.  It could cost the network a lot of money.

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Sheila's unwelcome presence aside, I can't even begin to convey what a pleasure it is to actually watch an ENTIRE episode without fast-forwarding or holding my nose to cover up the stench that wafts through the TV screen whenever the Swill mess is on.  Even better?  No STUFFY!  Excuse me while I do my Aunt Esther holy dance:  Hallelujah!  AMEN!  Oh, Glory!


I continue to be impressed by what I've seen so far of Brooke and Thorne's interactions.  Hopefully, it will continue in this vein--as a deep and abiding friendship that's spanned the course of several years.  I mentioned elsewhere that it almost seems as if there are separate writing teams:  The Orwellian one that is charged with selling Swill as the love story of the 21st century, and the other one that is charged with trying to use the show's canon even if they have to expand on it.  Brooke and Thorne's friendship has had its ups and downs, particularly when they fell in love and decided to get married but for the most part, the friendship remained intact.  On a show where history is routinely rewritten now, along with people's motivations, I'm just grateful that the writers are slowing their roll quite a bit with this one.  Admittedly, it is going to take some time for me to see IR as Thorne, and I found myself briefly wishing yesterday that he had been cast as someone different like a new designer.  But, I imagine that accepting IR in this role will come over time--just as it took me a while to accept JT and then WH as Thorne. 

And, how's this for irony?  There are some Swill/Stuffy shippers who are complaining about Thorne's supposed insta-mix turn as a couture designer.  Yet, nary a word is said about the fact that his niece is the CEO of a company with no executive experience or anything else to recommend her other than the name on her birth certificate and some other shady mess.  Let's not even talk about the fact that she's hardly ever at work anymore and even when she's there, we're hard-pressed to figure out what she does.  While Brooke didn't have any executive experience either, I would challenge anyone to look at the clips from the BeLieF storyline to see exactly why and how she ended up taking over the company.  It was some of the best writing I've ever seen from this show and it was a clinic on what happens when you fuck with people's money.  I thought Thorne explained what happened in a way that made sense.  I don't see this like the Zende situation.  Remember Zende--a photographer--became a couture designer literally overnight with no training, supervision or inspiration.  All he had was a chip on his shoulder and a serious whine game.  Thorne did explain that he had extensive training while he was away and explained the inspiration for creating Aly Fashions.  Someone apparently did their homework because a lot of the major couture designers have seen their sales decline in recent years and smaller, lesser known designers are having their work featured in magazines and are dressing people, from celebrities to First Ladies.

Based on what I saw last night, if I were DD, I would be extremely worried especially if the writers ever intend for him to work with KKL again.  As I said yesterday, it turns out that IR isn't some mere consolation prize.  He was brought on to play a core character in a core family that's been featured since day one.  He comes with a large fanbase, who will tune in just to watch him in all his fineness.  He's already featured in the show's opening credits (looking yummy in blue jammies!) and is paired opposite one of the leading ladies.   IR has also bought in early--unlike his counterpart, TK.  KKL and IR's scenes so far have been effortless and their chemistry leaps from the screen, taking in this skeptic--who is still mourning the demise of Brill.

I was disturbed though by the way Brooke still has a tendency to minimize whatever Sludge does.  Why?!  No, boo--it wasn't just some "silly" kiss.  It was a goodbye kiss.  If a couple is kissing one another goodbye that means that they had to have something more serious going in the first place.  Of course, she has no way of knowing that this wasn't just some mere emotional affair.  Even after they all returned from Australia, Quidge were rolling around on the bed in that now-funky lust shack a/k/a Eric's guesthouse.  Sometimes people are forced to see the truth for themselves even when they try not to.  Even if what Brooke saw yesterday was entirely innocent, Sludge is who and what he is.  He simply can't keep his hands off the merchandise, no matter who it belongs to. Brooke knows it and rightly called him out in Australia on the way he interacts with women.  It's a game to him and he enjoys the chase.  She's like the show's Dr. Bellows (I Dream of Jeannie), who sees all this crazy mess with her own eyes, but the folks who need to see it--like RJ--are conveniently never around.  Just once, I would like that slouchy brat to see for himself why his mother stepped away and it had nothing to do with "Spencer getting in her head."

Does anyone find it odd that Ivy--Eric's niece--was not present for Thanksgiving dinner, but was on hand to gush about Quinn's latest designs and to give the side eye to Quidge?  That young woman is being totally wasted and it's criminal!  So, I guess if JMW is not onscreen, AB gets to fulfill the requirements of her SAG card?

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Recap for Wednesday, 11/29/2017:

We open at Brooke's place and she and her new houseguest, Thorne, are drinking tea.

Brooke asks after his new habit and he says it's something he picked up in Europe.

Brooke teases: "Oh, yeah? Anything else you pick up in Europe? Or should I say, anybody else?"

Thorne laughs: "Well, I am a Forrester. Nothing like my brother, but.." He realizes what he said. "Sorry."

Brooke shrugs it off: "Don't be silly."

Thorne: "Look, I know you don't want to talk about the reasons you and Ridge didn't get married in Australia. It's because of something he did. And knowing my brother, it involved another woman. It just upsets me that he can't appreciate what an incredible person you are and that he always has to turn to another woman." And I'm sure he's thinking of how Ridge can turn to another woman, but heaven forbid, Brooke do the same, with him included.

Talk turns to designing and Thorne concedes that Ridge is a talented designer.

Brooke: "He has the gene. He gets it from his father." Um, what? This is definitely a case of nurture vs nature.

Thorne corrects: "Well, he's not my father's biological son, brooke, so I don't know where he gets it from. But he is talented. I'll give him that."

Brooke: "Oh, okay. So out of you kids, then, who gets Eric's talents, would it be Felicia?" For one.

Thorne: "Let me show you something." He produces some gorgeous sketches.

Brooke is impressed as she pores over them.


Brooke: "Who did these? You?"

Thorne is equal parts proud and uncertain second-best, waiting for her approval: "What do you think?"

Brooke: "They're beautiful, Thorne." From what I can see of them, I would agree and every inch as gorgeous as anything Eric or Ridge has designed.


She asks how long he's been at this.

Thorne: "Awhile." His grin fades. "I started just after Aly died."

Brooke: "I'm sorry. To lose a daughter..."

Thorne: "Yeah, I was a mess for a while, but I'm okay."

Brooke, gently: "I did call."

Thorne: "I was off the grid. I didn't take anyone's calls or return texts. Until one day I ran into Pierre Montbaun."

Brooke: "The designer?"

Thorne: "Yeah. Of course, I tried to avoid him like I was avoiding everyone else, but he insisted, so we talked."

Brooke: "He lost a son a few years back." 

Thorne: "Yeah. He said his work was the only thing that got him through. Some of his best designs came from that period, so I thought, 'what the hell. Give it a shot.' Better than feeling sorry for myself, right?"

Brooke sighs, giving him a look that says he knows better than that: "I just never knew you had this kind of talent."

Thorne: "Well, neither did I. But I had help. I studied. I took classes. It certainly doesn't hurt that Europe has some of the best designers. Felicio, Langer. They  all took me under their wing, encouraged me. I'll never forget what they did for me."

Brooke: "I am so happy for you." She giggles that lovely giggle of her's and it's infectious and Thorne can't help but smile. "This is quite the surprise."


Thorne: "Well, I have another one. Have you heard of Aly's Fashion?

Brooke thinks for a moment: "Is that that small label that's getting all the buzz in Europe right now? Are you saying..."

Thorne: "It's my label."

Brooke: "What?!"


Thorne smiles wide, enjoying surprising her: "The Aly line is mine. But I want to keep it under wraps. I don't want anyone else to know."


Brooke: "I am speechless right now. Okay, wait, so you're a designer, and you have a new label that's in the marketplace, and it's selling!"


Pretty damn incredible and it's amazing what Thorne can do away from his eldest brother's long shadow.

Thorne: "It's always been a dream to design. In a way, my daughter inspired me to do this, to take a chance. Anyway, that's why I'm back in LA - to share my dream with you and the rest of the family."


Brooke is touched: "I am so honored to be the first to know. I'm so proud of you, Thorne. Really, I'm so proud of you."


She gives him a big hug.

Thorne: "Thank you so much." He finally feels like he's home again.


Brooke: "You are certainly full of wonderful surprises. Just wait until Ridge and Eric see your work."

Thorne: "I'm looking forward to their opinions. I mean, I would love to work with both of them."

Brooke: "Yeah, I can imagine." I can imagine, too. Eric will be impressed true to character, Ridge will shit all over them.

Thorne: "You know, it's always been a dream of mine to be on the team."


Brooke: "Oh, you are a part of the team, Thorne." Sure, down in the basement.

Thorne: "Yeah, I was a logistics guy. It's different when you're a designer, especially in this family."

Brooke: "Yeah, I guess. So, I'm assuming you're gonna be the one to break the news?"

Thorne: "Absolutely."

Brooke: "Okay. You better do it quickly 'cause I won't be able to contain this excitement." Ha!

Thorne: "Okay. There's something different about you."

Brooke fluffs her hair: "My new hairdo? No? Well, I have been through a lot since I saw you."

Thorne circles back around with laser focus: "And it started with Sydney. Come on, Brooke. What happened there? You were supposed to marry Ridge."

Brooke: "Uh... it was silly, Thorne, really." It was anything BUT silly.

Thorne wrinkles his brow: "Silly?"

Brooke: "Yeah. It was a silly kiss." She again flashes back to seeing Ridge and Quinn kiss on the beach, recalling the practiced way he held her and kissed her, signaling immediately this was not their first kiss.

Thorne: "It ended your relationship, then you married Spencer. Sounds like there's a lot more to it than 'a silly kiss.'"

Brooke sighs, clearly uncomfortable and telling Thorne he's right that it goes far deeper.

Thorne: "I know you don't want to talk about this, but I'm concerned."

Brooke: "And I appreciate that. It was wrong, but it's over. And I don't want you to get on your brother about this. What's done is done. It's in the past, and we're moving forward. It was just one of those things." She put away her hurt and moved on with Bill. Which is not to say Bill was a rebound as she realized the truth about her and Ridge and moved on with who I thought was the true love of her life, but seeing their 30 year history for the awfulness it was wrecked her and still does. Because not only did she have to finally face some hard truths about Ridge, she had to face them about herself and ask herself "why." Why did she continue to take him back? Why did she continue to let him hurt her and her children? He has the lion's share of the blame but she's no victim. She peeled back a lot of layers of onion that day in Sydney but she still has a long way to go.

Thorne: "Another one of those things. When you're hurting, my brother is usually the cause."

Brooke: "You are starting a new career and I don't want you to get distracted about this."

Thorne: "You're not a distraction."

Brooke: "Well, I will be if you obsess over this. Come on, Thorne. I know you. Just let it go. That's what I'm gonna be doing."

Thorne: "Just a kiss, huh?"

Brooke: "Just a kiss." And more kisses and more petting and some rolling around on the guesthouse bed.

Thorne: "Well... that kiss must have been with someone pretty upsetting for you to call off the wedding." That's an understatement.

Brooke, feeling like she's on quicksand now, backs away: "I'm gonna go. And you are gonna make yourself comfortable. See you later."

Thorne, watching her go, "Okay."

I am loving IR as Thorne. For those who don't...it's been THREE DAYS. 1, 2, 3...give him a chance.  But if not, I've said before, no sweat, more for me.

But seriously, I love this Thorne's newfound backbone and lack of tolerance for Ridge's BS, his obvious caring for Brooke, those gorgeous blue eyes, and yes, that red turtleneck. 

I'd love to see him in a suit, too, or swim trunks or...nothing at all (ahem). But back to the turtleneck...I'm just saying that I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers is all. I mean, he could eat whatever he wanted...all day long. ???

Elsewhere, Pam and Charlie have lunch in the design office and Charlie practically chokes on his turkey sandwich when Pam shares her run-in with Sheila. 

He's worried when Pam shares Sheila's reaching to her and trying to change, not buying this new act for a moment. 

Pam counters everyone deserves a second chance. Um...not everyone.

Over at Il Giardino, Eric wraps up a lunch meeting with Carter and lingers to enjoy his coffee.

Sheila comes over to his table and he's obviously surprised to see her.


They rehash the Mateo nonsense and Sheila refuses to apologize, saying she had to make sure Quinn was worthy of him.

She asks after her portrait because OF COURSE SHE DOES. At least she admits her embarrassment at asking and assumes he and/or Quinn burned it already. Eric admits it's in the hall closet and she actually has the temerity to ask for it back. 

Eric takes her to task again for the Mateo stunt and she has to concede Quinn passed that test.

But as we'll soon see, there's a far bigger (and very familiar) temptation lurking for the current Mrs. Eric Forrester.

We cut back to FC where Ridge and Quinn are discussing her latest jewelry collection.

RS looks especially gorgeous today. 


Ridge, admiring one of her necklaces as she stands before the mirror, touching her for no apparent reasons whatsoever: "Wow."


Quinn: "Hmm." Fond memories of his hands on you, Quinn?

Ridge, grinning: "I'm inspired." He practically whispers this in her oh-so-eager ears.


Quinn: "I inspired you? That's a compliment." Right back to teasing...


Ridge: "I could design a dress just around that."

Quinn: "Really?"


Ridge: "Mm-hmm." He practically licks his lips as he looks her up and down.


Quinn: "Huh."

Ivy comes in then, carrying a tray of jewelry: "Quinn. Oh, uh, sorry to interrupt."


My first thought is, "IVY! I have missed your gorgeous face so much!" My second thought is "what's to interrupt?" Oh...just some out and out flirting and eyefucking.

Quinn, flustered: "No, no, you weren't interrupting anything. What's up?"

Ivy: "Quinn, I just wanted to say that these pieces you were working on yesterday...amazing." Ivy, this is embarrassing. Your radar is better than this.

Ridge: "They are indeed."

Ivy: 'Mm-hmm."

Quinn: "Would you say they are inspiring?"


They are not even trying to HIDE it. 

Ridge: "Oh, come on. I meant what I said."


AB is all, "I just read whatpaltry lines I'm given and go with it."

Quinn: "Thank you."


Quinn places one of her pieces around Ivy's neck.


Ridge: "It's beautiful."

Ivy looks in the mirror: "Quinn, I just -- God, I love this piece." WFT with the fan-girling? Plus, it's just okay...nothing I'd buy or anything.

Quinn: "You do it justice." She can afford to be magnanimous to her little minion.

Ivy: "Oh, why, thank you." She admires it some more in the mirror then glances at Ridge: "Hey, is it true that Thorne is home?"

That wipes the stupid grin off Ridge's face as he grouses: "It's true."

Ivy smiles, missing his scowl: "Oh. Your dad must be very glad. He loves it when all the Forresters are back in town. I mean, you must be happy, too."


Ridge, sarcastic: "Oh, I am happy."

Ivy heads out a few moments later leaving them alone.

Ridge: "You did some great work here, lady."

Quinn: "Oh, come on. You're just saying that."

Ridge: "Just take a compliment, would you?"

Quinn laughs and this is just so inappropriate, especially considering they almost destroyed Quinn's marriage to Eric with their cheating before. They're once again dangerously close to shitting where they eat and live.

Ridge holds up another necklace: "Try this one on."

Quinn: "Okay." She puts the necklace on.

Ridge, coming closer: "Let's see it."

Quinn: "Mm-hmm." She looks very pleased with herself.

Ridge: "All right, so how did this happen?" Meaning the collection.

Quinn: "I don't know. Maybe knowing that Sheila was out of the picture helped. For good this time." And that you got off basically scot-free after having an affair with your own son-in-law because of it.

Ridge: "It would help me, too, if this is what happens when you're in that kind of space. Wow." He's not just talking about the jewelry and they both know it.

Quinn: "Do you really see a difference?" Fishing for ego-strokes, as usual. She has learned nothing and neither has he. They do still have chemistry as much as it irks me to say that.

Ridge: "In your work? Yes, absolutely. And I hope it's something more positive than just Sheila not being around anymore."

Quinn: "I mean, life has been really good with Eric." Which is all the more reason for them to stop what they're doing this very moment.

Ridge: "Must have been really good."

Quinn: "Yeah."

Ridge looks from the necklace to her face: "This is....it's fantastic. It makes your eyes sparkle." That they do and RS has beautiful eyes.

Quinn: "Really? I hadn't noticed that." Fishing, fishing, fishing.

Ridge: "It's stunning."

Quinn: "Thank you."

Ridge: "Thank you. I meant what I said. I could design a dress around this piece. You could wear the two of them together, I think." Oh, she's his new muse now?

Quinn finally senses things are getting out of hand: "Or you could design it for someone." I'm thinking she means Brooke (even though deep down, she's thrilled to think of him being inspired by her). 

Ridge: "Someone. Yeah, of course, someone. But whoever wears it is gonna sparkle. This is your finest collection ever." He is really troweling on the compliments.

Quinn: "My finest collection ever?"

Ridge: "No question."

Quinn: "Wow. I live for words like that from you." OMG...what is she DOING?

Ridge: "Well, it's well-deserved." 

Quinn: "Yes, of course, if you weren't CEO that would just probably fall on deaf ears."

Ridge: It's all about the title with you, isn't it?

Quinn: "Oh, no, you could be an intern and I would still love to hear that from you." The emphasis on "from YOU." They are precariously close to right back where they started, but that's happens when affairs are rug-swept. She tries to swing the conversation back to safer topics: "So, Thorne. Is he here to stay?"

Ridge: "I don't know. I think he might be." He gives her a long look: "I don't want him to know about us."

Quinn reads his meaning immediately: "I understand." At his scowl, she adds: "I don't think you have to worry. Thorne isn't gonna hear about what happened between us from me. And I doubt your father's gonna tell him, either." Brooke may or may not, but I think Thorne is savvy enough to figure it out, all on his own. He's always had Ridge's number.

Ridge: "I just want it to be behind us, you know?" Well, with the way they're acting, it's clearly not behind them. It's right there, in the room thick with the sexual tension between them.

Quinn: "Well, it is behind us. Eric forgave you. It's over." Is it? I don't think so.

Ridge: "Yeah. Thorne has a way of just..." Getting under your skin? Good!

Quinn: "Oh, come on. I don't think you should be worrying about this. Nobody's even talking about it anymore." That doesn't mean they don't think about it. Brooke clearly is and if Eric isn't (and I think he does, we just haven't seen it), well, he's so relieved at having her back, his family back, that he didn't really give himself all that much time to really process. 

Ridge: "That's what I'm hoping. I want a future with Brooke. I really do." 


Quinn: "I know you do. I want that for you, too. I have to say, I'm really glad we kept this friendship." You CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT be friends with your former affair partner.

Ridge: "Hmm. The way we started out, it's surprising we have anything at all."

Quinn: "I hated you."

Ridge: "I hated you more."

They are a heartbeat away from sweeping her designs to the floor and going it at it on the conference room table.

Quinn: "Ohh. But I'm so grateful that we're here now." Grateful my ass.

Ridge: "So am I. I don't have a friend like you." Face meet palm.

Quinn: "See, I don't have any friends like you, either. I don't really have any friends at all, so..."

Ridge: "Hmm."

Quinn: "I don't want to give this up." Classic cake eater right here.


Ridge: "Me neither." He's got a seat next to her in the bakery.

Quinn: "The good news is, we don't have to."

Ridge: "Because you have Dad." For now and clearly, Eric was no obstacle to their affair before.

Quinn: "Yeah. And you have Brooke. Or you will someday. And nothing's ever gonna happen between us again." Do I detect a wistful tone in her voice. Yeah, I think so.

Ridge: "It's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." He's too busy touching her under the guise of fiddling with the necklace (just like he did the day Katie Kravitz spotted them through our MVP character, Partially Open Door). 

And in a mirror to that scene, the door is, once again, partially open.


Only this time it's Brooke peeking in from the other side.


I, along with many others, called Swill fucking before Thanksgiving and was spot-on.

My money is on Ridge, at minimum, kissing Quinnie Claus before Santa comes down the chimney on Christmas Eve.

And I'm hoping Brooke is kissing Thorney Claus underneath the mistletoe.

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1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

I think KB's run for Congress makes it a problem for CBS.  Networks need to give equal time to all the candidates.  In this case they would be paying KB to appear on their network.  CBS will need to give free time to all of her fellow candidates.  It could cost the network a lot of money.

I doubt this will be a problem, she's not on the network campaigning, she's doing her job as an actress.  

1 hour ago, grisgris said:

I remember the "old" Thorne, specifically during his tenure running Spectra, briefly tried his hand at designing and it was a disaster.

I guess I'm remembering incorrectly, I could have sworn Thorne was an insta-hit as a designer, even winning one of those lame fashion showdowns.

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6 minutes ago, ByTor said:
1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

I think KB's run for Congress makes it a problem for CBS.  Networks need to give equal time to all the candidates.  In this case they would be paying KB to appear on their network.  CBS will need to give free time to all of her fellow candidates.  It could cost the network a lot of money.

I doubt this will be a problem, she's not on the network campaigning, she's doing her job as an actress.

I know what you are saying but I think it can be argued that just having her face on tv gives her free exposure.  When Ronald Reagan ran for office, tv stations did not air his movies for that reason.   

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8 minutes ago, movingtargetgal said:

I know what you are saying but I think it can be argued that just having her face on tv gives her free exposure

Her annoying stint as Sheila, though, may actually hurt her chances! :D

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11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Thorne is an insta-designer, too. Wow. Yawn. The new actor is a hottie, but, for me, he isn’t Thorne. I’ll miss Winsor Harmon.

I don't have a problem with Thorne dipping his hand in designing.  I always thought it was odd that out of Stephanie's 4 surviving children, Thorne was the only one who never tried to design.  Ridge, Kristen & Felicia all were designers.  Perhaps Thorne never felt he would be good enough compared to Ridge, and decided not to even bother trying, but to stay in his lane in the basement.

However, the story that's being presented to us on Thorne designing is this:

  • He was grief stricken over losing his only child (who dreamed of being a designer)
  • He connected with a designer in Paris who also lost a child & that person told him he worked his grief out by designing
  • Thorne decided to work his grief out by designing and found that he was good at it, too
  • He decided to put his designs to the test by starting "Aly's Fashions"


The impression I got from Thorne/Brooke's conversation is that Thorne got advice & counsel from other designers in Paris & THEN started up a small indy label.  Thorne wasn't like Zende, who whipped out a sketchbook one day and expected his designs to be on the Forrester Runway right away (however, it did make sense for Zende to want to design since both of his parents are designers).

Where I predict this story is heading is Thorne will reveal his new design talent to Eric & Ridge. Eric will be impressed & delighted but Ridge will dis Thorne & his designs and tell him to stay in the basement.

Thorne will get pissed and end up bringing Aly's Fashions over to Spectra.


Ingo Rademacher is the 4th actor to play Thorne.  Each Thorne actor has brought something new to the character:

Clayton Norcross' Thorne was the stereotypical Beverly Hills preppy rich boy

Jeff Trachta's Thorne brought a kinder, gentler aspect to the character (although Thorne was never mean to begin with).  This was the Thorne that was paired up with Macy, who tried to help Deveney Dixon. He was the Thorne who recording albums with Macy.  He had his own thing going on outside of the Forresters.

Winsor Harmon's Thorne was Basement Thorne, always overlooked, always passed over, always crapped on.

Now let's see what Ingo Rademacher's Thorne will do.  I think this Thorne will be a more formidable challenger to both Bill and Ridge.


It would've been nice if someone had mentioned "Aly's Fashions" before Thorne showed up.  Like maybe Nicole showed up for Forrester Thanksgiving & Maya asks about her dress and Nicole says "Oh, there's this hot label in Paris called 'Aly's Fashions'."

Or if Steffy or somebody at Forrester noticed a new label coming on the scene called "Aly's Fashions" that might be a competitor for "Hope for the Future" (if that line even still exists).

Or if Bill or somebody at Spencer wanted to do a story on this mysterious new label taking Europe by storm called "Aly's Fashions," but nobody knew who was behind it.

Special points given to Thorne if it's revealed that HOPE was his partner in Aly's Fashions.

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Thorne historically ran the BTS side of the company. I don't ever remember him designing much, even while at Spectra...although I *think* he did during that period when Stephanie was running the company and she had Taylor of all people on board to bring dignity and whatnot to the company....and it was every bit as disastrous as it sounds.

40 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Where I predict this story is heading is Thorne will reveal his new design talent to Eric & Ridge. Eric will be impressed & delighted but Ridge will dis Thorne & his designs and tell him to stay in the basement.

Thorne will get pissed and end up bringing Aly's Fashions over to Spectra.

I think so, too. Spectra needs that guidance and Sally needs someone to learn from who she won't hook up with later.

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Brookes new haircut +

Ally’s Designs +

Thorne +

Brooke glowing like a beacon

= happy, happy, joy, joy


Usually I give the hard side eye to our “insta-designers”, but I am ok with this. The show has made some effort to ground Thorne’s new found talent by saying he was lost after losing Ally and ran into a designer who recently lost his son, and that conversation gave Thorne the impetus to try something new. I especially like how they emphasized he had taken classes and studied with some other designers. And at the end of the day he is Eric’s biological son, and we all know Eric is the King of designing. But most of all I like that it will stick Ridge where it will really hurt. The one thing Ridge has always had over Thorne was his designing talent. Oh, that and the fact that he was Mutheeeerr’s favorite. So, if Thorne can now compete with Ridge on a competitive level in the workplace, and he can secure a relationship with Brooke, that would be a major tweak to Ridge’s perfect life.


@grisgris, you are so correct that Ally’s Designs should be housed at Spectra. That would set up some real fashion/business SLs, with some meat and muscle, instead of the cake war we have had between Steffy and Sally.


I will confess that I like Quinn and Ridge as friends. Us long term viewers know that friends, be they woman/woman or man/woman, are a rarity on Show, so I can get behind this. At the same time, there is still that little somethin, somethin, between Ridge and Quinn that makes their friendship seem like so much more. TK had some exciting chemistry with LG, but what he has with RS is much, much deeper. As much as I love Eric/Quinn, I still think I would be ok with R/Q. So, did they let Brooke see R/Q’s interaction to convince her there is absolutely no future for Bridge? If so; GOOD. I will sacrifice E/Q if it means a permanent end to the threadbare, tired, overdone, worn out, dismal and unexciting Bridge.


Besides, I am seriously starting to question Eric’s sanity, or at the very least, his mental state. After what just happened with Sheila, after she once again tried to mess with his life, coming back to LA and reeking havoc, fighting with his wife, faking concussions, threatening James, setting up seductions by Head Groundskeepers, lying, manipulating and various other offences; Eric is going to chat with her? What the actual fuck? And wasn’t it supposed to be the Summer of Sheila? Heads up Show, it is now December, which means it is Winter. Just saying.


And now Pam is in the fray? So, so done with Sheila. Just. Let. It. Go. Show. Put a fork in it already.


Waaaaayatt? Big freaking baby!



I have felt for some time that our Wyatt was going to be the spoiler in this mess with S/L/B. There has to be a reason his relationship with Katie has not be outed yet, but I have no idea how it will all play out. @TobinAlbers had some really good thoughts on this, and I agree that Wyatt is going to somehow maneuver this situation to his advantage, and will be jockeying for #1 son status because of it.


Ah, poor, poor, pitiful little Steffy. She can’t do this, she betrayed her husband, and it is killing her! Well, there is a way around that girlie, and it is called NOT FUCKING YOUR FATHER-IN-LAW.  And Bill? O.M.G.! Did he actually have the temerity to say he was trying to make things right? Trying to make amends with Liam? Again I ask; what the actual fuck? Maybe it is an LA thing, but where I come from, when you are trying to make amends with someone the last thing you would do is screw their spouse. And compounding that shit with his statement about how it wasn’t ugly it was beautiful. Really? My hurl bucket says different $Bill. I don’t know how much more of this nonsense I can bear. Steffy is not a victim, unless it is of her own superiority complex. No, Steffy is a fucking heaux of the first order.


On 11/29/2017 at 0:34 AM, bannana said:

Question:  Was Brooke ever with WH Thorne?

Indeed she was! Probably my favorite pairing for Brooke.

Here is my favorite pic of them:


And so it began




And my most fav thing eva!





Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, drivethroo said:


Ingo Rademacher is the 4th actor to play Thorne.  Each Thorne actor has brought something new to the character:

Clayton Norcross' Thorne was the stereotypical Beverly Hills preppy rich boy

Jeff Trachta's Thorne brought a kinder, gentler aspect to the character (although Thorne was never mean to begin with).  This was the Thorne that was paired up with Macy, who tried to help Deveney Dixon. He was the Thorne who recording albums with Macy.  He had his own thing going on outside of the Forresters.

Winsor Harmon's Thorne was Basement Thorne, always overlooked, always passed over, always crapped on.

Now let's see what Ingo Rademacher's Thorne will do.  I think this Thorne will be a more formidable challenger to both Bill and Ridge.

WH was also the first Thorne to really compete with RM's Ridge in the looks department.  Clayton Norcross was always a bit doughy and Jeff Trachta was . . . tall.

With IR in the role, Thorne is now actually better-looking (and more charming) than Ridge.

YMMV, of course.

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1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

Special points given to Thorne if it's revealed that HOPE was his partner in Aly's Fashions.

Ohhhh I LIKE this!!!

1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Waaaaayatt? Big freaking baby!



Please don't give the B&B intern lurkers any ideas for Wyatt & Katie's next role playing adventure!

24 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

YMMV, of course.

Mine varies, I thought Clayton Norcross was the most gorgeous specimen ever on this show :)

Edited by ByTor
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Um, 50-Cent Bill, the definition of "beautiful" lovemaking is NOT having your bed warmer waking up next to you and reacting as if she woke up in the wrong guy's bed after a night of smoking crack and cooking meth.  Yet, Stallion, that's exactly what your slippery slag did.  Bitch couldn't wait to wipe your stench off of her carcass and go running home to her huzzbend--YOUR SON!  Not only that, we still don't know if your precious slag washed her behind before she renewed her vows to YOUR SON.  P-U!  But, if that's the experience you call "beautiful," have at it.

So, yeah, bruh.  Keep trying to have it both ways because I've yet to figure out how "reuniting our family" translates into spreading one's legs or unzipping one's pants and having a sleazy ONS.  That this occurred after weeks of plotting how to destroy YOUR SON by any means necessary doesn't compute for you, does it?

And, no, Stuffy.  You're still the same vacuous, soulless, trifling troll ho-bag that once stole someone's wedding ring to blackmail your taken man.  Nothing has changed where you are concerned.  But, I can see the excuses coming a mile away:

1)  Booo hooo hooo!!  I honestly thought our marriage was overrrr!

2)  What was I supposed to do?  You promised to love me FOREVER!

3)  Even though I spent weeks rubbing your father's thigh and pumping his, um, ego--I didn't mean for any of this to happen.  Please believe me!

4)  It meant NOTHING!

5)  Yes!  Yes!  I fucked him!  Yes, I did that!  Okay?  I own it!  But, if you're going to let one little fuck come between OUR love, then there is something really wrong happening here, baby!

6)  How could I possibly tell you that our baby had a 50/50 chance of being born with horns and a tail?  I swear--I DIDN'T KNOW!!

7)  But, you kissed my arch nemesis--TWICE!  How could you do that to meeeeee!

8)  I made a mistake and I've regretted it everyday since then--especially calling out Bill's name during coitus!  I swear it won't happen again!

9)  Damn--what do you want me to say?  It was just a few kisses and a couple of humps, aiight?  To tell you the truth, I don't even remember how it happened!

10)  This is all Brooke's fault!  That's right--I SAID it!  If she was HALF the woman I am and had supported Bill when he really needed it, he wouldn't have been blinded and thought I was more beautiful than she.  And, no, I'm NOT giving him the antidote to cure his blindness and temporary insanity!

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Bill can spin ??faster than a centrifuge.  He goes from you can't tell Liam because it will end your marriage to professing his love and they should be together.  I find it funny that a kiss kept Brooke from marring Ridge but there is a chance that a bucking bronco ride might keep Stuffy married to Liam. 

TIIC are now having Coco, Darlita, and Sally, doing their impression of Charmin. 

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4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Bill can spin ??faster than a centrifuge.  He goes from you can't tell Liam because it will end your marriage to professing his love and they should be together.  I find it funny that a kiss kept Brooke from marring Ridge but there is a chance that a bucking bronco ride might keep Stuffy married to Liam. 

He's not the only one spinning cow poop.

Steffy , if she's sincere about wanting to stay with Liam, has no business being around Bill ev-er except for family gatherings. Liam's a big boy and can go to work without her escorting him.

There is no need for her to see Bill unless she wants to and I think subconsciously she wants Bill to wear her down and make her believe in them having a future and the thing she doesn't want to admit is - she wants that future. She's realizing that she loves Liam but she LOVES Bill and that everything she convinced herself about her relationship with Liam is not truly IT for her if Bill is an option- and now he is. And she wants to go to there but she doesn't want to be that person and trample all over Liam because she does care for him.

But Bill -Liam's own father- is making the argument that they belong together and a part of her feels that, too. But they can't do that to Liam...could they? What kind of people would they be if they did this to Liam after his sincere remorse and belief that they're a family again? 

And yet Bill doesn't back down and Steffy doesn't want him to. She keeps finding herself available fir him to whisper in her ear, tell her things that she wants to hear even as she feels like a crappy hypocrite.

And the moment she agrees to say 'fuck it, I want to be with Bill' no matter what she'll find out she's pregnant. 

Liam is getting doubleback karma in that just as he finally wore down Hope to leave Wyatt she found out she was pregnant and stayed with him AND even though Steffy was married to Wyatt, Liam wore her down about their destiny seashells bullshit and she left Wyatt for him. Liam has become the Wyatt to Bill's cranked up to eleven warped Liam with all his shady in love ways coming back to chomp his ass- hard.

You think we've seen too much weepy Steffy now? Just wait. Pregnant weepy torn between two men Steffy is around the corner.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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I SOOO badly wanted Liam to ask Steffy "Hey, why do I hear a saxophone every time you have a far off look on your face?"

It's a shame Darlita is a tertiary character, the actress who plays her is SO pretty, she needs more to do.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I SOOO badly wanted Liam to ask Steffy "Hey, why do I hear a saxophone every time you have a far off look on your face?"

It's a shame Darlita is a tertiary character, the actress who plays her is SO pretty, she needs more to do.

Actually, I think she's hearing the call of the wild. Bill is her "Stallion", Liam is her lap dog. Stuffy wants to sow some wild oats but needs to know that she's large and in charge. 


I agree, Darlita is adorable and a much better actress than Stuffy. To think of it, the partially open door is a better actor and can show more emotions than Stuffy. 

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I miss tertiary characters. Not ones who get shoved in a corner after being shoved in our faces like Maya and Nicole, but ones who don't get to be the focus often but do a LOT with the support roles they're given. Ones like original Darla or Saul.

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