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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Probably not, I'm sure she'll still be "quirky" like Sally Sr.  

Truth be told, I'm going to go sit at a table by myself.  As much as I like the idea of something different than their never-ending triangles, I am not thrilled with this Spectra story at all.  I couldn't stand the original Sally (the character, Darlene Conley was perfectly fine) & was so happy when the Spectras went away, that the emergence of "new" Spectras is making me feel like not watching.  This Sally is already on my nerves, and the "ain't she quirky and cute" background music when she's on doesn't help.  

*Seeing myself out* :)

Edited by ByTor
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5 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

You mean you didn't like the character but you liked the actor, right ByTor?

Yep! I think she did an excellent job and portrayed Sally exactly how she was supposed to, I just couldn't ever warm up to the character.  I also saw her as baby-stealer Rose on The Young and the Restless, and she was really good (and scary!) in that role.

ETA: Disclaimer...I did like Sally in her scenes with Stephanie.  There was one in particular where for some reason Sally went to the Forrester mansion for Christmas Eve, her interactions with Stephanie were a lot of fun.

Edited by ByTor
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26 minutes ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Original Sally didn't dress in a mishmash of unmatched loud clothing, her outfits were colourful but nothing like this as I recall!

Me, neither. They were a contrast to the pastels that were popular at the time, but they did match as well as any fashion from the 80s could.

I hope they let Sally Jr's own personality sooner rather than later, because coasting on the cribbing from Sally Sr. is only gonna take this so far, lack of endless triangles or not. So far, Courtney Hope is doing a good job with what she's been given to work with and probably could handle molding this brand new character in a manner befitting to the spirit of original Spectra and being her own unique character.

I was wondering who Shirley would or should interact with first and realized she and Pam could hit it off pretty well. Ally Mills deserves more than just to be the gossiping aunt who pumps out lemon bars....especially with Katie usurping her on the Nosy Parker game.

And while I have nothing against Darlita, I realized they could have easily gotten Felisha Cooper/Sasha to fill that role of assistant/model. A story of her being too sad to be around Zende and Nicole, while gag worthy, would be an easy enough excuse for her to jump ship with her friend Thomas once he invites her to model for them. Now we've gotten an establish character who isn't a Forrester involved (much like Clarke Garrison, who was on Show over a year before the Spectras appeared and whose role as Stephanie's gigolo has run its course); bonus points for being a potential triangle where we can care about at least one of the parties involved and no creepy ass rapeyness.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I agree. I think Sally looks like a hot mess right now. I suspect that where the stylists are going is that once Thomas gets on board at SF, she's going to get a makeover and he'll dress her in his designs and she'll be the knockout that we all know is lying under all of that futzy stuff.  (Kind of like what they did when Ivy returned and Quinn turned her into Steffy lite.  That was so stupid because we all knew what Ivy looked like already and to have her show up with the Trump-ish hued skin and fried fugly ombre bob and frumpy clothes was an insult to us watching at home! Sally is like a covered up blank slate!)

The "bones" are there with Sally. The hair (with some polishing) and makeup would work with the right clothes OR the clothes (sans those hideous faux furs) would work with the right cut/color and makeup.  Together is just a big NO. And who wears heavy fake fur in L.A. during the daytime? The only times I remember Sally I being overly flamboyant was when she was going out somewhere or for one of her fashion shows.  That was also during the real 1980s. As DC got older (and sadly, her health started declining) Sally usually wore jewel-toned jersey floor-length caftans with some type of showy brooch at the cleavage.  The big hair remained the same, though!

Anyway, Brooke is a dumb blonde idiot to believe Ridge and Quinn for one nanosecond. It seems like she's having to try harder and harder to convince Bill (and herself) that she belongs with Ridge. And where did Slouchy conveniently disappear to?  I thought he's be front and center reveling in this contrived mess he set into motion with his whining and overall obnoxiousness. He needs to be there for the wake of the shit-storm he stirred up.

I also am not tracking with where Ridge and Quinn are headed. I think that they are both confused beings right now. Quinn definitely is sending off vibes that she wants more of whatever she thinks Ridge can deliver. Him, I'm not so sure about. I've never seen Ridge Forrester be one to offer purely platonic friendship to any woman he's ever crossed paths with.  We also know what neither his father's nor his son's wives are off-limits.

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What's up with Ivy?  Doesn't she have body issues?  Than why is she wearing a dress with a plunging neckline?  Is it for Liam?  Ivy could be covered from head to toe and be 10X more attractive than Steffy.   I guess Ivy knew Liam would be at FC because he's always there. 

Thomas Thomas Thomas, how do I loath thee, let me count the ways.  He's 20 something and he's paid his dues over and over again and he's worked his entire life for his opportunity to be CEO. He's worked harder to rape Caroline and to seduce Ivy than to be the CEO. 

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I have to agree that I don't mind funky hair or clothing, but both is a bit much. 

I have a feeling we'll see Sally go through some different looks (and OTP Sally-isms) before TPTB let her settle in (or should that be, settle down?)

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

Yep! I think she did an excellent job and portrayed Sally exactly how she was supposed to, I just couldn't ever warm up to the character.  I also saw her as baby-stealer Rose on The Young and the Restless, and she was really good (and scary!) in that role.

ETA: Disclaimer...I did like Sally in her scenes with Stephanie.  There was one in particular where for some reason Sally went to the Forrester mansion for Christmas Eve, her interactions with Stephanie were a lot of fun.

She was pure evil as Rose but I had (have) a very large soft spot for her as Sally.

I loved when she and Stephanie got shitfaced and she gave Steph a disastrous but hilarious cut, ushering out the wig SF had been wearing and introducing her own silver hair.

ETA: A pic...the look on their faces.


Edited by CountryGirl
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5 hours ago, grisgris said:

And where did Slouchy conveniently disappear to?  I thought he's be front and center reveling in this contrived mess he set into motion with his whining and overall obnoxiousness. He needs to be there for the wake of the shit-storm he stirred up.

RJ isn't responsible for his mother's stupid decision making any more than I'd blame the Taytots for pushing their mom back to the Muelltor.  He may have some romantic idea about his parents, but Brooke has been discarded enough times to know better. She could've bought him an S-class Benz or M Series and he'd be too busy turning PCH into the Daytona raceway to care, like any normal kid born in Beverly Hills.

The kid was just not compelling, so I'd be just as glad if he stays gone until they figure out just what the hell they want to do with this kid. Unless they build a whole new teen scene around him,  there's no place for RJ and at 16, he's just way too young to be mixing it up with his much older siblings ranging from mid-20s Hope to Rick, who has to be pushing forty or close to it by now. They had this same problem with Phoebe who was this island with only Rick being closest in age to her and he was way, WAY too old to be macking on this barely legal girl.

 They really should have aged RJ up when Hope was.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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5 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Original Sally didn't dress in a mishmash of unmatched loud clothing, her outfits were colourful but nothing like this as I recall!  Nor did she wear her hair WWII style with the sausage rolls, GMAB...she had me thinking she was a clone at hello bucko!  LOL. Stop trying so hard.

I hope too that things will tone down eventually.

That hair was just scary...even back in the WWII days I'm pretty sure it didn't look that OTT.

Nice to have a nod to history, but I'm not feeling this sl yet...at all. (Don't try so hard you guys...you don't have to hit us over the head with every detail.)

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I think this character could be interesting and add some new life to this tired show. However, the crazy clothes, the crazy hairdos, the loud talking and arm waving and over the top acting have already begun to wear on my nerves. If you have the guts and determination to make a success of a business, you don't need to act like a loud mouthed maniac. Just prove yourself through your hard work and good designs. You've not showed us any of that so far. If I encountered someone like this, I back way the hell up.

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Hey, ByTor, pull up a seat for me at your table. I also didn't care for the Spectra gang.  I had tremendous respect for Darlene Conley, so Sally was tolerable for me. She was so talented that she got me to actually care about them but it was mostly for the OTT comic relief. I liked Clark and Macy the best. DC and SF were a force to be reckoned with (sorry to borrow that overused description of Sally) when they were in scenes together -- from the drunken haircut to Macy's funeral -- and everything in-between.  It was really difficult for me to watch at the very end when DC's health was obviously very poor (she was in a wheelchair) and Sally had to resort to doing Pam's/*Donna's* (eyeroll) job at FC because she was so broke. That's why this ongoing yarn about Sally cavorting all over the Caribbean with Fabio or whomever for years on end, makes no sense.

I was also happy when Darla finally got to emerge from being a cartoon character ditzy blonde to being Thorne's level-headed and devoted wife but another senseless tragedy sacrifice to pay other actors' higher salary demands.

I caught another shout-out today when Ivy was describing Brooke and Ridge as "Bridge." (Although I prefer their new name of Gar-Bridge.) Why on earth does Ivy GAF where Steam gets married (again?)  I think I'd recommend the LA JoP office for both marriages and good riddance.  I hope that Gar-Bridge winds up registering with that city clerk who has the huge crush on $Bill.

Thomas needs to stop whining and sulking. He is even less qualified than Steffy to be CEO of anything.  I really don't understand at all where he's coming from because Thomas has never shown any interest in the managerial operations of FC.  Until just now, his MO was to get accepted to being part of the design team and work with Eric and Ridge. I think this is just contrivance to send him over to the Spectra team pronto. To her credit, Steffy was telling the truth when she said she started from the ground up at FC. At her insistence, she started working in the mailroom alongside Mushmouth then somehow moved to PR. I guess if she had to prepare shareholder reports and other financial communications, then she'd at least have a secondhand knowledge of the company's operations. Still, that is a stretch to deem her qualified.

I was just loving Brooke's makeup today. That lipstick was beautiful on her as well as the smoky plum/brown eyeshadows. But then, the whole thing was marred by that awful hair. In looking at it from the back, I think KKL's had some extensions put in because even when it's loaded with product and curled within an inch of its life, her hair never looks that full. The color is just horrible.

I also am happy to see that Steffy has ditched the Slutty CEO uniform of black mini-dresses with some type of metal or leather embellishments. Her structured blazers and tailored pants suit her well.

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23 minutes ago, grisgris said:

I was also happy when Darla finally got to emerge from being a cartoon character ditzy blonde to being Thorne's level-headed and devoted wife but another senseless tragedy sacrifice to pay other actors' higher salary demands.

That pissed me off. At the time, I liked Nick even less than I care for Sludge, and they made the absolute wrong choice in sacrificing her for Jack Wagner (who himself was dumped with even less ceremony once his demands got too much and there were no more Logans after Donna for Nick to bang).

23 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Why on earth does Ivy GAF where Steam gets married (again?)  I think I'd recommend the LA JoP office for both marriages and good riddance. 

Because even for her brief trip into Nick N. Sane territory, Ivy is still a classier and more confident woman than Steffy ever will be.

But that aside, Liam would be better off going to Vegas. I hear some chapels have some sweet BOGO deals! ;)

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Recap for Tues. 2/7/17

We open with my favorite twosome, Brooke and Bill, in her kitchen.

Bill: "Did I tell you how glad I am you're finally home? You know, better, yet, how about I show you?" Bill can show me...anytime.

Brooke: "Oh, Bill!"

Bill: "Oh, you're worried about the poser getting jealous?"

Brooke: "The poseur, as you call him, happens to be my fiancé." In name only.

Bill: "Mm, not for long. He's gonna do something to disillusion you, as always. And once that happens... that'll be that."  He's already done it, she just doesn't realize it yet.

Thomas is pouting in Steffy's office, up to and including outwardly not giving a tinker's damn about being in Steam Wedding 3.0. His reaction? "Whatever."

Steffy, clearly expecting to be worshiped at all times, is annoyed: "What do you mean 'whatever?' Thomas, you should be happy for Liam and me. This is a great time for our family."

Thomas: "It's a great time for you and dad.

Ivy and Liam are in Rick's office. She is as gracious and lovely as always (and looking smokin' hot in that dress) as she congratulates Liam. I think Liam thinks so, too, the way he just lights up around her. Why oh why couldn't TPTB realize what a lightening in a bottle pairing they had with these two?  She should be awarded sainthood, though, the way she has to listen to him go on and on and ON about his upcoming wedding to Puffy. She suggests they get married in Australia and Liam is actually considering it.

Wisely, Ivy confides, "Well, if you want it to happen, don't tell Steffy that her Cousin Ivy came up with this idea." Because, you know, she might get shoved into an electric panel or something.

Steffy calls Thomas out: "It's the co-CEO thing, isn't it?"


She does a little whining herself, telling him: "You're still upset about Granddad's decision, and it's affecting everything else, including being in my wedding." All that's missing is her stomping her foot. I can't decide who's being the bigger child here.

Thomas: "I didn't say that. I still want this happily ever after for you and Liam." Happily ever for a few months maybe.

Steffy: "Oh, it IS about me being co-CEO of Forrester." Did she honestly expect him to be thrilled that he got passed over for his younger sister?

Thomas: "I'm not undercutting you, Steff. But you were appointed to the top slot by Quinn."

Steffy: "I was appointed by our Grandfather, Thomas." With much encouragement from his wife.

Sensing an opening to unload, Thomas lets Steffy have it, with both barrels - "By his wife, who is trying to get you back together with her son. She needed an ally, somebody that she could sway over to her side, and apparently it worked. And especially looking at Dad, saying how much he was thankful for her to stand up for him with granddad. And this whole CEO thing? Dad's been CEO before. He's had a proven track record."

Steffy: "Okay, so you're saying I'm not qualified."

Thomas: "Your words, not mine." Buurrrnnn...

Brooke serves Bill some coffee, black just like he likes it. They talk about her visit with Hope, who apparently is still single. She tells Bill she has a confession to make. I'm hoping it's that she's come to her senses.

Brooke: "I know I said I went out of town to visit Hope, and I did. But I also wanted to get away and clear my head, just really figure out what it is that I want out of life, what I want out of my future." Bill looks intrigued and so am I because I would love nothing more than for Brooke to realize Bill is the only man for her and dump Ridge BEFORE the Quinnanigans come to light.

Thomas and Steffy debate resumes and he harps on his fashion background while she highlights her business experience, which included working her way up from the bottom. She trots out the old chestnut of getting the company back from Bill but Thomas reminds her that was eons ago. Steffy argues about social media and he cautions it could blow over. He wants to stick to the tried and true, which = fashion.

He sums the situation up: "Design is the backbone of fashion. And this designer's getting screwed by Granddad, by Quinn, and now my own father."

Liam mentions that Ridge and Brooke will be getting remarried, too, and they laugh about the possibility of a double wedding. 

Ivy says she has the perfect location - the Sydney Harbor Bridge. 

Liam: "Why is that the perfect location?"

Ivy: "Brooke and Ridge - I merged their names together."

Liam: "Oh, 'Bridge?' Bridge! Right." He's quick on the uptake, that one, but ugh...GarBridge is more like it. Liam worries that if they opt for a double wedding,  it will be a gut punch to Bill. I think Bill will be fine because something tells me this wedding ain't gonna happen. A Brill one just might.

Brooke tells Bill she needed some time to reflect on her life and her future.

Bill: "I'm supposed to be your future."

Brooke: "Didn't work out that way." It still could.

Bill: "You're not married to Forrester yet. And maybe you don't want to be. That's what the doubt's about."

Brooke: "I never said I was having doubts." Yes, you just did!

Bill: "Well, isn't that what the soul searching amounts to?"

Brooke, falters, her eyes filling with tears: "I'll never forget what we shared, Bill,the closeness." The honesty, the equal partnership, the loving each other because of, not in spite of.

Bill: "The love."

Brooke: "Some of my best moments in my life were shared with you. It's not easy for me to just move on from that." If Ridge were the right choice and the true love of her life, it should be pretty easy, I would think, so why so many tears, Brooke?

Bill: "Well, that should tell you something, don't you think?" It should be screaming the truth at her.

Brooke: "In the past, I've followed my heart at the expense of hurting the people that I loved. So I just need to know that I'm getting it right. I need to know that in my heart and in my head that it's right. So, that's why I needed to go away, do some self-analysis. I just want to make sure that this commitment I make is something I want for the rest of my life." If it's the right thing, you know it, in your heart, in your soul, in your gut, when you're lying awake in bed at night...it should be as clear as any truth you've ever known.

Steffy tries to defuse the situation with Thomas but he's having none of it, calling himself "invisible" and that he should start up his own company. Steffy looks shocked and wants to know where this is coming from.

He reveals his run-ins with Sally and how she's trying to bring back Spectra Fashions. Steffy can't quite believe it.

They are interrupted by Pam who is giddy about the prospect of showing them Sally's press conference to announce exactly that and I am really irritated that they show her fumbling to unveil the SF banner. Not cool, show. I want Spectra back, but not where they are a joke or a punchline. Sally looks frazzled. Steffy thinks it's hysterical and I'd like to see Sally slap the taste out of her mouth.

Ivy wants to know if Bill is still holding out hope for a reunion with Brooke.

Liam: "Okay. You know the part in the wedding ceremony when the minister says, 'is there anybody who has a reason why these two should not be married?'"

Ivy: "Oh, boy."

Liam: "Yeah. I can picture my old man standing up with a list of a hundred reasons why Brooke shouldn't marry Ridge and should marry him instead." He doesn't need a hundred. A blind man in a snowstorm can see Ridge is all wrong for Brooke.

Ivy: "Well, that's not gonna go down very well with Ridge. Look, maybe you're underestimating your dad. Maybe he'll take the higher road and he'll admit that he and Brooke just aren't met to be."

Liam, shakes his head, "You will never hear those words coming out of my father's mouth. Trust me. My dad is not giving up on Brooke."

Bill, looking directly into Brooke's eyes (which are even more gorgeous than usual - I love her makeup, so much so, I can almost forget about the hair). You know, I get it, Brooke. I do. The time away to gain perspective makes all kinds of sense, especially with everything happening so fast. You know, one day, you're about to marry me, and the next thing you know, Forrester puts an engagement ring on your finger."

Brooke just sighs and stares at him.

Bill: "It's like being on an emotional roller coaster."

Brooke: "Exactly. That's exactly how it felt."

Bill: "Yeah. Well, now that you've been away, how do you feel?" He sees the answer is not what she wants to give him, not what she wants to give to herself, but the answer all the same. "Still committing to Forrester."

Brooke: "I know that's not what you're hoping to hear."

Bill: "No. No, it's not. But it doesn't mean I'm giving up on us. I'm not. There's no wedding band on your finger. I realize that you have, again, bought in to Forrester's promises of commitment, the same promises he made a thousand times before and has broken a thousand times before. I would do anything to spare you from living that again. Just say the word and I will."

SAY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steffy, dismissive as always, "Well, the apple doesn't fall far from that tree. Sally Spectra 2.0, a disaster like her aunt." Sally was NEVER a disaster, not even when she fell into the drink." I cannot wait for this bitch to eat a big heaping helping of crow.

Thomas: "Come on, Steff. Give her a break. She's fighting for her place in the fashion world. That's not an easy thing to do."

Steffy: "Just like you're fighting for your place at our family's company?" Apparently, he's supposed to bend down and lick her boots?

Thomas: "Wow. Nice. Yeah, Steff. I should be CEO. I have paid my dues over and over again." Neither of you should be CEO because neither of you have paid any dues.

Steffy: "I have worked my way from the bottom up. I know every aspect of this company's operation. Yeah, I don't design pretty dresses, but that doesn't-" That's professional CEO material right there, folks. 

Thomas: "See, right there. That's it. You don't get it." And she doesn't.

Steffy: "No, I get -- I get that you feel like you're being unfairly passed over." Again, neither deserves CEO so neither deserves to be pissed but for her to expect him to be okay, let alone happy about this, is ridiculous.

Thomas: "No, no. What's unfair is that you were given a-a job, the CEO position as bait to win you over. It had nothing to do with your experience or what you could offer the company. You got a job that I've been working my entire life towards. And I'm just supposed to sit back and be okay with it." And to ensure she's not still having illusions about uniting the family, he tells her this: "The family's falling apart." A house divided and all that.

Steffy: "Thomas, can you-" What? Kiss your ass?

Thomas cuts her off,  "Done" and walks out the door.

Ivy tells Liam that she knows his father, but even he can't control everything. 

Liam: "Oh, yeah? Well, don't tell him that. 'Cause not when it comes to Brooke. She's everything to him, ivy. And that's why I wouldn't bet against my dad. Brooke may just end up with him after all." From his lips to TPTB's ears.

Brooke, full on tears (yes, kids, multiple tears, not just the single tear of woe), tells Bill (their hands clasped) that she understands why he hates Ridge's guts (ok, so those were my words but same difference).

And DD is just amazing in this monologue:

"You know, honestly, I need to take some responsibility, too, for what happened. I blamed Ridge, and I still blame Ridge, but I never should have let him get to me, not on our wedding day. I mean, there you were, standing before me, looking so beautiful, ready to be my wife, and that's all that should have mattered, not some desperate, pathetic attempt by Forrester to take you away from me. (AMEN!) But I stopped the wedding, and that was a mistake -- the worst mistake of my life. I never should have left you at the altar. It wasn't your fault. You didn't invite Ridge there. My damn ego and my pride went into overdrive. And I lost you. Well, I'm not gonna lose you for the rest of my life. Because you are my life. I love you, Brooke. I will never stop loving you, and I don't think you'll ever stop loving me. And that's not my ego talking. That's my heart. It's what I know. It's what I believe. And I think you believe it, too. So, say yes. Say yes, Brooke. Say you'll come back to me."

This is as real and raw as $ Bill gets. For him to humble himself and swallow his pride and admit his share in the blame (even though it should rest squarely on Ridge and Brooke's shoulders) is everything. That alone should prove to Brooke that he is the right man for her. The only man for her. How Brooke is restraining from throwing herself across that countertop at him, I will never know. Because I know I'd be in his arms in a heartbeat and Ridge and destiny and Slouchey and doing the right thing for everyone else can go hang.

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Steffy and Thomas are both way off base, but I don't care; I could watch them bicker all day. I can absolutely buy into them as siblings, so I find their throw downs completely real and totally entertaining.

So, Fauxdilok's wants to poke fun at, and belittle Sally? Freaking snobbish little witch; I have no doubt if Sally is a success that she will be sending out her minions to kidnap the Spectra gang:


Beautiful, lovely Ivy, shouldn't be so nice to the Waffle. He hurt her in the worst way. I wish they would let her and Wyatt be deliriously happy, and that doesn't necessarily mean as a couple. They could each branch out and find new loves. I would love to see them both happily ensconced in new relationships that are actual relationships and not someone using them as a standby. All the while watching Liam and Fauxdi' implode. And this not only surprises me, but gives me hope:


I wish more than anything that Wyatt could get past that worthless heaux. I just hate her so much, and she absolutely smashed Wyatt to pieces. 

When you are happy and content with your choices, there is no need to run away and reflect. Brooke not only has done that, she has come home and doesn't look the least bit happy or excited about her upcoming nuptials. She didn't even ask Ridge if he was ready to do the deed, because it appears Brooke won't have a say in when it happens. And Ridge hasn't spared one thought for his fiance while she was away. He hasn't been thinking about and planning their wedding. He has been focused on two things; the CEO job and Quinn. And now she is face to face with the man who truly loves her. 

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

This is as real and raw as $ Bill gets. For him to humble himself and swallow his pride and admit his share in the blame (even though it should rest squarely on Ridge and Brooke's shoulders) is everything. That alone should prove to Brooke that he is the right man for her. The only man for her. How Brooke is restraining from throwing herself across that countertop at him, I will never know. Because I know I'd be in his arms in a heartbeat and Ridge and destiny and Slouchey and doing the right thing for everyone else can go hang.

100% this! How can Brooke look at this proud man, who has never laid himself so bare, and not fall into his waiting arms? When has Ridge ever talked to her with such passion and from the heart? Bill hasn't even looked at another woman since being with Brooke, he has remained steadfast in his love and adoration of her, but she still chooses to be with Ridge. Just so confounding. 

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I have to wonder why Brooke cares about "doing the right thing" now...I mean, the damage to Katie is done and Bill is bending over backwards like his name is Gabby Douglas to get her back after that BS at the wedding. 

Siding with Thomas over Steffy is like deciding which movie in the Star Wars prequels is the least bad, but he's right that she got the position for one reason and one reason only. The same reason Hope was gifted with her own fashion line, which Steffy  (and Taylor more specifically)  shit a brick over, because of evil Logans destroying the family.

OTOH, I gotta shut him down on that CEO must be designers rubbish because Thorne definitely put his dues in on the operations side and Brooke knew fuck all about business OR  fashion when she ran FC in the 90s. But again, this plot just does NOT work because neither one is anywhere closed to being qualified and just come off as the spoiled trust fund entitlement brats that Taylor encouraged them to be. 

2 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Steffy and Thomas are both way off base, but I don't care; I could watch them bicker all day. I can absolutely buy into them as siblings, so I find their throw downs completely real and totally entertaining.

Maybe we'll get a scene of Ghost Phoebe coming to them in a dream the way Caroline and Taylor did to Ridge and get them to reunite eventually. Makes me pissed they deep sixed the character and that the two sisters got exactly one scene together as adults.

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49 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Does Sally get dressed in the dark before or after she snorts a couple of lines of coke?

That's what I want to know. And I saw bits from today's show when it was airing live and I am not happy. That scene she caused at the restaurant was unnecessary and tacky as fuck. Why can't they make her a serious designer who will one day be a force to be reckoned with? And why do she and her aunt wear all of that fur? I'm happy they're bringing back Spectra but woefully disappointed that it has so far been a farce. And it would also have been nice if young Saul was more than a mere slip of a man, and actually a man who could woo Ivy.

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Sally is the antithesis of Steffy and a spray of Fabreze to wash the air of the stale same old same old. Sally is a little obnoxious but I admire her confidence.  Picking a food fight, with Steffy, was fantastic publicity beside being a real hoot.  I don't know if Thomas laughing was in the original script or spontaneous but I glad he found it as funny as I did. 

Bill is ready and willing to wait, for Brooke, because he knows Ridge's history with her. I'm  pretty sure Wyatt, even though he doesn't express it, is waiting for Liam to fuck up as usual.  

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The idiots in charge actually did something smart. By making Steffy hate nuSally, they've assured I am 100% team Spectra.

Also, I think this show is best when they manage some good group silliness (not Pam and Charlie's tired shtick). 

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1 hour ago, politichick said:

Why can't they make her a serious designer who will one day be a force to be reckoned with?

I'm giving the show the benefit of the doubt on this one....maybe we'll see that evolution down the road? Assuming Thomas sets up shop with them, he's got the grooming as Ridge's son to bring in the style and class to elevate Spectra 2.0 from the cheap knockoff the original was.

Like Jen, overall I'm enjoying the return to some genuine fun on this show. I genuinely can't remember the last time I've seen Steffy laugh over anything; the mean girl context aside, it actually sounded like genuine emoting out of JMW, the likes of which I haven't seen since she was going after Bill.

1 hour ago, politichick said:

And it would also have been nice if young Saul was more than a mere slip of a man, and actually a man who could woo Ivy.

I actually don't think he's half bad looking. A nice contrast to all the beards everyone is now rocking. Plus, ya never know how a young man will mature; I never knew Don Diamont was so skinny back in his early Y&R days, for example ;)

After the success Queric turned out to be, I'm willing to give anything new a shot. 

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Color me cranky, but I felt that whole scene today with Steffy/Sally was so contrived and unwarranted and unfunny.  I hate the music that plays whenever we are supposed to remind ourselves that something amusing just happened. Everyone in these scenes seems to be trying too hard, and it's obvious.

NuSally is very pretty, but she is obnoxious as hell, grating, and bratty.  Her overuse of the word "bucko" is supposed to be cute, but it was overused the second time she said it.

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12 minutes ago, maisie said:

NuSally is very pretty, but she is obnoxious as hell, grating, and bratty.  Her overuse of the word "bucko" is supposed to be cute, but it was overused the second time she said it.

I can't argue this one. We're in for at least another six weeks of this until someone clues the writers in to tone it way, way down unfortunately.

14 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Oh those days, when Jill Abbott would be staring lustfully at Brad Carlton and his weedwacker.


Maria Bell was a fool to kill him off, butY&R's lost was quiet literally our gain. It's too bad Bradtoria wasn't explored before Heather Tom left.

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8 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

When you are happy and content with your choices, there is no need to run away and reflect. Brooke not only has done that, she has come home and doesn't look the least bit happy or excited about her upcoming nuptials. She didn't even ask Ridge if he was ready to do the deed, because it appears Brooke won't have a say in when it happens. And Ridge hasn't spared one thought for his fiance while she was away. He hasn't been thinking about and planning their wedding. He has been focused on two things; the CEO job and Quinn. And now she is face to face with the man who truly loves her. 

When Brooke was going to marry $Bill for wedding #3, she entertained Ridge and his emotional/manipulative/personal appeals to dump $Bill to the moment she was going to walk down the aisle. This is a habitual issue with Triangle Romances; the out-of-favor love interest remains in contact with the person they are trying to convince to choose them, while the in-favor love interest sputters and fumes and complains about the out-of-favor lover skulking around and acting as the spoiler. $Bill blew his top that Brooke would allow Ridge to interfere with their wedding, and that she was paying attention to Ridge's pleas. In my mind $Bill had every reason to stop wedding #3. Brooke showed no respect to the occasion or $Bill.

In this case the players have been reversed, and Brooke is keeping the ever-ready $Bill in the batter's box in case everything falls apart with Ridge. She is entertaining $Bill and his emotional/manipulative/personal appeals to dump Ridge, promising her the sun moon stars, taking on the failure of wedding #3 and blaming his pride. The clincher was Brooke's Perfect Single Tear™ clinging to bottom lid, unshed.

Of course, Brooke isn't held to account or bears any responsibility for her part in ruining wedding #3, and why should she? Brooke has no volition of her own. Brooke is a sex object to be pursued, passed back and forth, to be eventually won by Ridge and/or $Bill. She's the prize Ridge and $Bill battle over.


This is as real and raw as $ Bill gets. For him to humble himself and swallow his pride and admit his share in the blame (even though it should rest squarely on Ridge and Brooke's shoulders) is everything. That alone should prove to Brooke that he is the right man for her. The only man for her. How Brooke is restraining from throwing herself across that countertop at him, I will never know. Because I know I'd be in his arms in a heartbeat and Ridge and destiny and Slouchey and doing the right thing for everyone else can go hang.

8 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

100% this! How can Brooke look at this proud man, who has never laid himself so bare, and not fall into his waiting arms? When has Ridge ever talked to her with such passion and from the heart? Bill hasn't even looked at another woman since being with Brooke, he has remained steadfast in his love and adoration of her, but she still chooses to be with Ridge. Just so confounding. 


$Bill may or may not be sincere; the spiel sounds familiar because it got Brooke engaged to $Bill for wedding #3.  And that goes for Ridge's entreaties to Brooke as well; it's all very familiar and repetitive. For $Brill fangirls this emotional petition is everything and an open vodka bar. It was the same just a few weeks ago for Bridge fangirls when he slipped that fugly ring on her finger -- Big Wazoo and DESTINY! come true!

The anvils have been dropping since Ridge open his mouth to propose. Ridge has been persistently dishonest and untrustworthy since the recast, so he and Brooke are as good a done. $Brill fangirls don't have to wait much longer for The Greatest Love!



When did two multi-millionaires develop such hideous taste in engagement rings? If some rich schmo proposed and handed me a box with a tacky wrap cocktail ring in it, we would be making a beeline to Harry Winston's for an ice rink befitting my position as the betrothed of a Forrester/Spencer scion.

In close-ups, Brooke's makeup has been flat and heavy since her return.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Hey, Steff! Stevie Nicks called and wants her dress back. BTW, what was she wearing anyway? I saw cleavage in a Wonder Bra, flowy sleeves, cold shoulder, capelet and a mullet skirt with sheer panels. Nothing, I mean nothing could rival that get-up Sally was wearing. Please don't tell us that's an example of her design skilz. So far, her clothes have shown up on WornonTV.com, so some designers out there have some pretty outside-the-box taste.

I'm with the group that thinks the Sally redux has taken it too far.  While I agree that the show definitely needed a shot in the arm, the way the Spectra crew is being portrayed is coming off too much like cartoon characters. The actress playing Sally needs to delete her videos of old B&B episodes of DC and make the character her own. It's been obvious since she uttered her first line that the young lady has acting chops, so she should be trusted to run with it.

For me, I think that Bill should stop groveling and cut Brooke loose.  After what she pulled at the wedding, she deserved to be left at the altar. She should have never permitted Sludge to enter her dressing room, not to mention sit on the bed, listen to him and even remotely entertain his grandiose lies promises. She chose Ridge and while it was understandable and acceptable for Bill to make a few noble attempts to sway her decision (after all he IS Dollah-Bill) he needs to give it up. I also wouldn't be so generous and quit to welcome her back with open arms immediately upon being disillusioned and dumped by Ridge ... yet again.

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

Hey, Steff! Stevie Nicks called and wants her dress back. BTW, what was she wearing anyway? I saw cleavage in a Wonder Bra, flowy sleeves, cold shoulder, capelet and a mullet skirt with sheer panels.

Yeah, there's not much good to say about the Nicholas dress; split sleeves, boob- and crotch-tacular. The B&B styling didn't save it from being a trend tragedy.





 Nothing, I mean nothing could rival that get-up Sally was wearing. Please don't tell us that's an example of her design skilz. So far, her clothes have shown up on WornonTV.com, so some designers out there have some pretty outside-the-box taste.

Sally2's Karen Millen dress is very on point for spring fashion; black/white stripes, high-waisted retro-fit, bodice and collar treatment. Wearing the dress over a floral blouse with open sleeves put her OTT as her arms windmilled tiramisu through the air.



Hearing Thomas giggling as Steffy howled was squicky.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Thomas laughing at the cake dropping and then Steffy at the end was pretty funny. 

I kind of hope Wyatt goes to Spectra too. Hate he went back to Bill who supports the Waffler being with his other son's wife. Wyatt will always be lower on the pole just like Thomas, so go to Spectra. 

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That was mean. And rude. And funny. If Sally had been coming from a malicious place I think I would be put out, but since it was all about getting some attention for her start up fashion house, I am ok with it. The fact that Fauxdilok's was the recipient makes it a lot easier for me, cause girlfriend has done much worse in the name of FC's. Now, Fauxdi' might have to send her dress out for cleaning, but I think some stained haute couture pales in comparison to messing with a marriage. I have to admit, for a minute there I was wondering if we were gonna have some soft porn the way Sally was rubbing that cake and water on Fauxdilok's breast, but I digress. Thomas was the best part for me, stuffing that cake in his mouth and laughing. I can't remember when I have heard this much laughter and gaiety on Show. Maybe it is over the top, but I don't care, because it is so much better than "We waz robbed!", or "We were manwipulated!", or "I should be CEO!", or "They are Evil Logan's!", or "He isn't a Forrester, he is a Marone!" I could go on and on with the repetitive cycle of phrases we have been getting for years, so anything different is fresh, at least for this viewer. 

So, Bill was the buyer? Hmmmm........somehow I feel that doesn't bode well for Sally. Now, if this was just a verbal agreement with nothing in writing, then legally Bill has no leg to stand on. But when has Bill ever concerned himself with legalities? I fear he may come after Sally the way he did Maya way back when she was just dating Rick. He was trying to have her put back in jail for having contact with her ex, after setting the whole thing up. He could certainly use his power and influence to put a wrinkle in any success Spectra might eventually achieve. 

Oh Wyatt, don't you realize it will be just as hard to work with your brother? Seeing Steffy is one thing, but seeing Liam every morning, knowing he just left Steffy's bed, and watching him go home to her every night? And don't think he won't be talking about her nonstop in the office. I agree with the comments that Wyatt should move on from all of it. 

I think Saul is adorable, and really does resemble his namesake. I would let him measure me for a dress anytime. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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12 hours ago, ByaNose said:

What's up with Mick Cain and his scarves? Did he not know he was taping these shows and is covering up a hickey? They aren't even fashionable scarves. They are ugly winter wool scarves.

Definitely not RM-approved.

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LOL about CJ's scarves. If he shows up next time in a poncho, then we'll know he's protesting TK!

When I heard that Bill was the buyer of the Spectra building, my first thought was maybe he was going to become a silent partner/investor. That would be an ideal way to stick it to Ridge. It would then pave a natural segue for Rick, Thomas and Wyatt to defect from FC. (As a bonus, STFU Bambi Doe-Eyes would be stuck as FC since she's the *cough* lead model.)  Those three would slot nicely into CEO, head designer and director of marketing/PR. (Sally could be president/owner, or whatever bogus title would be befitting. I think she'd be a natural working with Wyatt in promotions/social media.) It would be too much to ask for Sasha to return as lead runway/fit model.

I actually wouldn't mind seeing a triangle of Thomas/Sally/Wyatt. At least it would be more interesting as the actors are better. I know most people hate Thomas, but I think when that actor is in scenes with more skilled/experienced performers, he can rise to the occasion. He seemed better in his scenes with TK.  I hate to advocate another ToD, but I am just resigned to the fact that that's really all BB knows how to (and wants to) write.

I swear that black Fleetwood Mac dress look considerably longer on Steffy. I believe that JMW is fairly tall, but maybe not so much as the print model from WornonTV.com. Sorry, but I still hate the b/w striped dress, even without the garish blouse underneath it.  I was wondering if the leaf/vine print was a shout-out to the Pantone color of the year. LOL!

At least Sally's wacky wardrobe keeps us guessing until the next day's episode! LOL!  As we also do with Puffy's hair.

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Recap for Wed. 2/8/17:

Wyatt is in Steffy's office, showing her all the hits on her postings on his iPad. Steffy looks impressed.

Wyatt: "Oh, look. Post about our divorce. Won't be reading the comments on that one." But what if they say things like "you dodged a bullet, Wyatt?" or "Call me?"

Steffy: "Look, it doesn't matter what they say. You're a great husband. And look, you're really important to me." Sure, he is.

Wyatt tells her he feels the same way, but he can't be this close to her every day. He'll put on a brave front for the wedding, he'll support her and Liam, but (and her eyes get great big here), he tells "I think my time at Forrester is done. I'm submitting my resignation." Steffy can't believe and really, heifer?

Thomas is outside Steffy's office, seeking to barge right in but Pam won't let him as Madam CEO has a very busy schedule. I'll bet.

We cut to CJ in a fugly winter scarf, looking decidedly uncomfortable as he's being grilled by $ Bill. So that's the buyer for the Spectra building site.

Bill: "Do I look happy to you, C.J.? This is not my happy face! I wanted that property!"

CJ: "And I was ready to sell it to you."

Bill: "And now you're backing out."

CJ, almost trembling, "Unfortunately, my cousin wants to be a fashion mogul, and I feel obligated to give her a shot."

Bill: "A shot at WHAT?"

CJ: "Getting the old locomotive running again."

Bill, scoffing, "Spectra Fashions?"

CJ: "Yes. My cousin has my mother's name, and she thinks she has her head for fashion, too."

Bill: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So your cousin's name is?"

CJ: "Sally Spectra."

Speaking of Sally, she's giving some loan officer what for on the phone. Saul interrupts to complain about the sewing machines, telling her he can't make a whole collection with one working machine.

Sally: "You are on team Spectra now, Saul. We do what needs to be done. Show a little initiative, would you? You, too, Grams. We have six months to turn these designs into piles of cash, or this old building has a date with the wrecking ball."

Bill eyes the footage of Sally's relaunch, asking CJ if this is a joke? CJ assures him Spectra isn't going to make a comeback and that in six months, he can do whatever he wants with the building. Bill warns CJ better be right and that he doesn't want to break a deal with him once, let alone twice. CJ looks like he's about to pee his pants.

I will go against the grain here by saying I think it's possible Bill could be the one to help resurrect Spectra after certain FC employees (Rick, Thomas) defect. It would be the perfect FU to Ridge after all. And if Thomas and Sally are just buddies but she turns Wyatt's head? I can dream, can't I?

Sally wants to get her designs on the runway as soon as possible, telling Saul he can use dental floss if he has to. Shirley helpfully adds they only need to make one trip down the runway.

Saul is skeptical - he loves Sally's enthusiasm but thinks it's risky. I love Saul already.

Sally is confident that when they pull this off, they'll be as well-known as Steffy Forrester.

Steffy actually has the temerity to ask Wyatt if being around her hurts this much. She's all heart, that one. Wyatt brushes off her question, claiming the tattoo removal is what hurts. He rationalizes that Nicole is doing a great job on the social media campaign. 

Wyatt: "Look, all the time we spent together, it's always gonna be special to me. You know, the photo shoot on the Stella Maris. You know, all of that stuff. I'll never forget it. It's just... it's time for me to move on." Walk away, Wyatt, and don't look back.

He exits as Thomas enters, clearly having heard everything. 

Steffy says she hates to see Wyatt go. They discuss the strong likelihood of his return to Spencer Publications.

Steffy offers Thomas an olive branch, with an invite to go to lunch as siblings.

Wyatt shows up at SP and tells Bill he resigned from FC.

Steffy asks Pam to reserve a table at Il Giardino and to clear her schedule.

Sally insists they will match FC's grandeur and that they don't need to stage huge events - they just need to go viral. She reasons that Spectras are all about self=promotion and she's going to have millions of followers. 

Saul asks how many people liked her press conference.

Sally: "14," she spats, eyeing him dangerously.

Saul: "Okay, okay, okay. Steffy Forrester had over a million likes for her boyfriend's tofu recipe." Freaks.

That's when Sally gets the brilliant idea to find out where Steffy is and show up there. Oh, this should be good.

She rings up FC and gets Pam to give her the details.

Steffy and Thomas are at the restaurant and she tries to appeal to him, sister to brother: "Thomas, we're a team. You're my brother. We're supposed to be supporting one another. You know, it really hurts me when you say you're just gonna leave the company and start your own."

Sally, Shirley, and Saul arrive at the restaurant and quickly spot Steffy and Thomas, sitting at "the best table in the joint."

Wyatt assures Bill he'll support Liam and Steffy's marriage, even going so far as to attend the wedding. 

Bill: "Good man."

Wyatt: "I just -- I can't work over at Forrester. It's too much."

Bill: "Well, I'm sure Liam would prefer it that way." Who gives a flying fuck what Liam prefers?

Wyatt, quick to agree with me, "I didn't resign 'cause of my brother's ego. I had a great thing going over at Forrester cCeations. My mother and Eric, they trusted me to do my job and..."

Bill:"Okay, well, I trust you to do your job here." A hell of a lot more than Liam, who can't be bothered to even show up.

Wyatt:"So I have your full support? That's your priority?"

Bill:"I'm not your mother. But I am proud of you, all right? In a tough situation, you made the right call."

Wyatt says staying would have been so much worse and Bill tells him not to be too hard on himself. After all, he made Steffy a star. 

Sally, Saul, and Shirley are watching Steffy, who has no idea she's being watched.

She gets an idea and tells Shirley to take out her phone and to watch and "start recording when something interesting happens."

With Shirley hiding in the background, she struts over to their table.

Sally: "You hoo! Thomas. Thomas Forrester. Wow, either it's my lucky day or you come here all the time."

Thomas: "Uh, no, just grabbing lunch with my sister."

Sally, as ballsy and brazen as her great-aunt: "The queen herself, Steffy Forrester, CEO and super influencer of fashion. (Remember how Aunt Sally used to call Stephanie "Queenie?") Enchanted, I'm sure. Ooh, you guys are having dessert. What do you recommend? I can't resist anything sweet."

Steffy: "Sally Spectra."

Sally: "That's me. Yeah, our families go way back. It's quite amazing, actually, the history that we have. Splendid, wonderful history between our families. Your Uncle Thorne was actually married to my cousin, Macy Alexander. Anyway, I'm taking over Spectra fashions. We are coming back, and we are gonna give you a run for your money."

Steffy, oh-so-smug and superior, "I know. I saw the press conference. Who's the designer?" 

Sally: "Oh, I'm doing the designs."

Steffy, disgust in her voice, "Really?"

Sally: "Yeah, they're cutting edge. No one's doing anything like it."

Steffy: "Well, um, actually, we're in the middle of something, so I would love to chat with-" Dismissive, haughty. She needs to be taken down a peg or twenty.

Sally: "Too busy to talk to a Spectra. I get it. Some things never change."

Steffy, clearly uncomfortable with someone who doesn't immediately fawn over her, "Not what this is about at all, actually."

Sally: "Uh, excuse me. Waiter? Actually, I would like some dessert, too. Is this for everybody? Ooh, I love tiramisu. Are you gonna eat this?" At Steffy's blank look, "No, probably never eaten a carb in your life." Hysterical and so true. Sally begins eating Steffy's tiramisu.

Sally: "Mmm, mmm, MMMM!"

Steffy: "What are you doing?" Like you were going to eat the dessert anyway.

Sally: "Mm, no, it's good. It's good. You should try it. Here" And drops the dessert right onto Steffy's hoochie dress. "Ooh! Oh! Oh, my God! I'm so sorry! Oh! Is that a Forrester design?" Utterly fake and insincere and I love it. "It's a little conservative and boring for my taste, but, you know, maybe it just needed a little touch of something."

Steffy: "Don't touch me." She forgets to add "peasant." Sally, relishing this moment, spreads the dessert around some more to really work it in. Thomas bursts out laughing. It's pretty awesome.

Wyatt thinks Bill has it wrong, he didn't make Steffy a star. Well, Steffy's not a star for starters. Wyatt just gave her a platform. She's a star because she's confident and tough and sexy. A woman other women want to be and men want to be with. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! He says she always attracts attention. Well, I'm sure that's true, especially today.

Sally: "Oh...what a mess. Here, let me help you." All sugary politeness.

Steffy, gritting her teeth, tries to shrug it off, telling Sally it's all right. Sally says she knows how expensive the dress must be and proceeds to pour water over her. 

Steffy: "Girl, you need to go back to your table, okay?" Oh, are someone's feathers ruffled?

Sally: "How rude. Geeze. I was just trying to help."

Steffy: "You've done enough. Thomas, get the check."

Sally, feigning disappointment, "Oh, you're leaving?"

Steffy: "Yeah, we're leaving."

Sally: "Oh, calm down, doll face. What's the matter? You afraid one of your followers are gonna see you looking less than perfect? You are nothing like your grandmother. She was all class. She would never beg for attention the way that you do."

Steffy: "Excuse me?"

Sally: "That is why you are so uptight. You can't handle a little accident."

Steffy: "That...is enough." Oh, she's clearly rattled now.

Sally: "Oh, I have had enough of you, too. No wonder your brother is so grumpy. You did not tell me that your sister was such a stuck-up, self-absorbed queen bee! You need to show a little more gratitude." Thomas is clearly amused and loving his sister getting her ass handed to her.

Steffy: "Ohh! Gratitude? YOU THREW CAKE ON ME!" Loud enough for the entire city to hear her.

Sally: "Oh, boo-hoo! It didn't hurt!"

Steffy: "Really?" A challenge in her eyes.

Sally: "Yes." Steffy decides to throw some cake herself.

Steffy, taunting, "How do you like it?"

Sally: "How dare you! This is a one-of-a-kind Spectra original!" It's original all right. If only she had left off the wild blouse underneath the gorgeous black and white dress she's wearing.

Steffy: "Oh, God, thank God there's not another. That thing is just God awful."

At that Sally starts throwing food right in Puffy's face. It is glorious. Steffy retaliates right back with Thomas yelling at them to stop (although I think we all know he's enjoying this immensely).

Steffy, enraged: "Get her out of here!"

Sally: "Take it easy, Queenie!" Queenie!!!!!11! The wait staff is pulling her away. She insists they haven't seen the last of her.

Thomas's laughter has now dissolved into the weirdest high-pitched girly giggle I've ever heard. But it's still funny as hell to see Puffy, covered in cake and water. And Shirley recorded the whole thing. I'd like footage that a million times if I could

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13 hours ago, ByaNose said:

What's up with Mick Cain and his scarves? Did he not know he was taping these shows and is covering up a hickey? They aren't even fashionable scarves. They are ugly winter wool scarves.

I had a feeling you were talking about CJ, but I googled this actor's name-- and was surprised to see he is married to the actress who played Darla! Since 2001! I absolutely love that.

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I have a soft spot in my heart for Wyatt - though I don't usually like weak-chinned guys - and I always like the Quinn-Wyatt conversations.  So here's hoping the show puts him with Sally.  He needs someone who adores him and only him.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Sally: "Oh, calm down, doll face. What's the matter? You afraid one of your followers are gonna see you looking less than perfect? You are nothing like your grandmother. She was all class. She would never beg for attention the way that you do."


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18 hours ago, maisie said:

Color me cranky, but I felt that whole scene today with Steffy/Sally was so contrived and unwarranted and unfunny.  I hate the music that plays whenever we are supposed to remind ourselves that something amusing just happened. Everyone in these scenes seems to be trying too hard, and it's obvious.

NuSally is very pretty, but she is obnoxious as hell, grating, and bratty.  Her overuse of the word "bucko" is supposed to be cute, but it was overused the second time she said it.

So much word. I have a television on my desk at work so I saw that scene but missed the rest of the episode and I just deleted it when I got home. 

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So many likes I want to give but the site won't let me.  So my .02.......

I like Sally.  She's way over the top (now) and the clothes are horrible but as someone pointed out when Thomas gets there he will design something fabulous for her and hopefully that Andrews Sisters 'do will go.  I saw the pic of the b/w dress here  and it's really nice without that hideous blouse underneath it.  Thomas cracking up at the food fight cracked me up.  Sally can throw food, insults and shade towards Steffy any day/all day.   I'm looking forward to Eric meeting Sally.  I think Quinn will like her and her spunk....and of course try to pair her with Wyatt.

Soooo.....if Thomas & Wyatt both go to Spectra will there be a triangle of W/T/S?   I'm predicting yes....and looking forward to it.

Brooke.....buy a damn clue and just go to Bill.   There is no contest.  From what I've read here Ridge always does her wrong when he sees the newest shiny object.  Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he went after Sally next. 

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So many fashion don'ts (as I mentioned, Sally's dress would have been a "do" had she left off the stupid loud blouse):




Saul is cute and adorable, cringing in the corner.

2 minutes ago, OhioSongbird said:

So many likes I want to give but the site won't let me.  So my .02.......

I like Sally.  She's way over the top (now) and the clothes are horrible but as someone pointed out when Thomas gets there he will design something fabulous for her and hopefully that Andrews Sisters 'do will go.  I saw the pic of the b/w dress here  and it's really nice without that hideous blouse underneath it.  Thomas cracking up at the food fight cracked me up.  Sally can throw food, insults and shade towards Steffy any day/all day.   I'm looking forward to Eric meeting Sally.  I think Quinn will like her and her spunk....and of course try to pair her with Wyatt.

Soooo.....if Thomas & Wyatt both go to Spectra will there be a triangle of W/T/S?   I'm predicting yes....and looking forward to it.

Brooke.....buy a damn clue and just go to Bill.   There is no contest.  From what I've read here Ridge always does her wrong when he sees the newest shiny object.  Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he went after Sally next. 

Exactly - Ridge is just like this:


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Brooke thinks it is appropriate to run over to Eric's house and tell him Katie has a crush on him? And that Katie is an option for him, if he wants to dump Quinn? I hope Quinn takes both Katie and Brooke out.

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2 hours ago, Pickles said:

Brooke thinks it is appropriate to run over to Eric's house and tell him Katie has a crush on him? And that Katie is an option for him, if he wants to dump Quinn? I hope Quinn takes both Katie and Brooke out.


I want to like Brooke, then this shit happens. This is why the Logans can't have nice things.

4 hours ago, OhioSongbird said:

From what I've read here Ridge always does her wrong when he sees the newest shiny object. 

While this blatant stepping out and covering up is a departure from typical Ridge behavior, Brooke has always been his fallback girl. He started gravitating towards Brooke after Caroline I married Thorne and then, once Brooke miscarried their baby and Caroline's marriage fell apart, Ridge left without a second thought. 

Most telling is his reactions regarding Bridget and Thomas. Ridge stayed solidly put with Taylor after finding out Brooke was having the baby he thought was his (and who was named after them both) and she let him know pretty early on in that pregnancy. Taylor OTOH let everyone think Thomas was Thorne's for months, then pulled that rubbish about skipping town with the baby if he wasn't with her...so Ridge leaves Brooke and her kids who view him as more of a father than a brother. 

I'm reminded of when my brother was surprised that his wife wanted to celebrate their anniversary when they hadn't done so in a few years and he rambles off all these reasons and events taking money away from celebrating that spanned from March to December. I tell him "That's, like, the whole bloody year!"

On an unrelated note, the baby he conceived with his mistress when the wife was on deployment just turned one, so I guess that's one more birthday cutting into anniversary plans. ? 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Wow, secret lunches with Katie and Eric.  What a surprise!  Sally looks fairly normal today.  Is the shock value over or is this just a prelude to more outlandish fashions and retro hair and makeup?  

Thank god for the partially open door or Quinn would of never found out about Katie's "little" crush on Eric.  Brooke, I'm sorry to tell you but your a little too old for coyness. Your practically pushing Katie on Eric by telling him that he has a choice between Quinn and loneliness.  Brooke looked like she filled her Depends when Quinn issued that warning. 

Steffy took the bait and will now give Sally free advertising and notoriety. Kudos Sally!  I'm just waiting for Liam to get all judgement, on Steffy and piss her off enough to postpone the wedding. 

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