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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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10 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Its ridiculous how this show has minimalized Brooke in recent years. By all accounts, KKL seems like she hasn't got a bloated ego and I've only heard of her really speaking up against one story in all of thirty years, but if I were her I'd be pretty pissed at being marginalized. 

But how many times can we be expected to watch Brooke waiver between Ridge and Bill/Thorne/Eric/Deacon/Connor/?  KKL has been front burner on a show for 25 years!  It's time to graduate to a different kind of story, no more triangles and twu luv for Brooke!  I'm all for Businesswoman Brooke in red suit or Protective Mama, but enough of the 'you're my destiny' stuff, it's not pretty when you're pushing 60.

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58 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Indeed, the boldness has returned to Show. They dug deep for some of those clips; seeing such a young Sally brought tears to my eyes and reminded me of her turn as Rose DeVille on Y&R. I stand by my earlier statement that I am willing to overlook anything if it means Spectra is back on the canvas. However they want to introduce the new cast members, and however long it takes them to find their stride, is how long I will be right there beside them cheering them on. Anything Spectra related is a thousand times better than watching Liam and Fauxdilok's cavorting around or boring Zende and Nicole whining about all they have lost. 

I want to hope the Bold has returned to B&B with reintroduction of Spectra Fashions. Darlene Conley was a Soap Goddess, the likes of which we won't see again; I adored the clips they edited to reintroduce her flamboyant character. I need TIIC to cut the talk and start showing the new Spectra clan in action. Six months is barely enough time to get a start-up on its feet, much less produce a successful fashion line from nothing. Moving the action away from Liam and Steffy congratulating each other while grinding Wyatt's bones into the carpet or Zende/Nicole boring people to death is a welcome change on Show.


Eric's monologue had me gritting my teeth. I won't deny Ridge's contributions to FC's, but Ridge is a designer not a leader. He is far too self serving and arrogant to ever really succeed in a leadership role. But what truly pisses me off is how Brooke's contributions get watered down during these power pissing matches between Ridge and Rick. Sure, Eric acknowledged Brooke, but it was almost an aside, sorta like "even Brooke has contributed", as if it is an amazing or surprising fact. My opinion is, and always has been, that Brooke was the best thing to happen to FC's. She could have gone down an entirely different path; her anger at the way she was treated over BeLief, and her hatred of Stephanie could have easily led her to make really bad choices. Brooke didn't do that though. Yeah, she pulled some stuff like kicking Stephanie to the basement, and lording it over Ridge and Eric. But she never let it go so far as to hurt the company. What she did do was think outside of the box; she was an innovator who brought new and fresh ideas to the table, and was responsible for some of FC's greatest successes. I don't see where Ridge and Rick have that type of legacy with FC's. They have both ran it, but neither of them have left a mark. 

With TK Ridge, TIIC haven't demonstrated his leadership except to lie and deflect, make royal pronouncements and order people around, deceive and betray, pimp Brooke out to gain FC stock majority, and round up the family to disenfranchise Eric of his company. I understand Eric's willingness to forgive Ridge his natural tendency to push everyone aside to reach the top of FC (Stephanie chose Ridge to lead FC over all her children with Eric), but you don't give someone that power without showing the ability to use that power prudentially. Ridge has learned no forethought since his and Eric's last quarrel about Quinn; Ridge has discovered an itch for the want of scratching of another one of Eric's wives, but that not new.

Brooke is a non-entity at Forrester Creations. Whatever she did or contributed in the past, has been shelved by TIIC. Presently she has no official position at the company. She comes and goes at leisure. Her character is involved with scenes to prop the other characters, to carry a file or tablet, to pot-stir, to fill a chair, be the female accessory in DESTINY! with Ridge, or to be acknowledged without contribution. Ridge's wishful thinking that he and Brooke would run FC together was empty dialog. There's no room for Brooke with the two-headed CEO of Ridge/Steffy, Quinn isn't going anywhere as president of FC, Eric is patriarch-emeritus and majority shareholder, and Rick and Thomas are bathing in self-pity. She plays no part in the operations of FC and hasn't for many years.

TIIC haven't indulged in SLs involving the fashion business for several years; Show has shuffled the couples, waffle, spun the wheel on Forrester Creations leadership, made transgender Maya a thing, waffle, Rape Night, WTD Douglas, wedding/divorce x 20, triangle, waffle, faux-alcoholism, Xmas eggnog, waffle, triangle, faux-alcoholism, waffle, triangle, triangle, waffle.


Brooke's hair looked ridiculous. Why can't she just trim that mess up into a nice sassy style befitting her age, and for fuck's sake, change the color! Now she has gone from yellow to white. Not flattering at all. 

So much fug.


Ridge's attempted seduction of Brooke in the other office had me wiggling around in my seat. Just NO. NO. NO. It is not working. 

Oh, Baby! ... TK grunting and snuffling, trying not to touch KKL. KKL trying to be coy and seductive with someone that doesn't want to touch her.  Sexxxytimes!

Nothing to see here ...


Put a plug in it Maya. I get annoyed with Pam, but that doesn't mean you have the right to question her. Your whiny baby husband didn't get the spot, just suck it up and deal with it. 

Maya needs to attend to Rick's bitter tears at being left behind again, and Pam needs to put a sock in it.


Thomas's expressions were hilarious. He is so gonna jump ship. 

Just practicing the acting lessons learned on the movie set when he was on hiatus.

See ya', Thomas. Take your shitty dress designs and non-existent men's line with you.


Isn't Wyatt part of the executive team now? Why wasn't he at the meeting? 

I wondered that myself.

Wyatt should have been there to prepare a press release on the creation of the FC two-headed CEO.

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5 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said:

I want to hope the Bold has returned to B&B with reintroduction of Spectra Fashions. Darlene Conley was a Soap Goddess, the likes of which we won't see again; I adored the clips they edited to reintroduce her flamboyant character. I need TIIC to cut the talk and start showing the new Spectra clan in action. Six months is barely enough time to get a start-up on its feet, much less produce a successful fashion line from nothing. Moving the action away from Liam and Steffy congratulating each other while grinding Wyatt's bones into the carpet or Zende/Nicole boring people to death is a welcome change on Show.

With TK Ridge, TIIC haven't demonstrated his leadership except to lie and deflect, make royal pronouncements and order people around, deceive and betray, pimp Brooke out to gain FC stock majority, and round up the family to disenfranchise Eric of his company. I understand Eric's willingness to forgive Ridge his natural tendency to push everyone aside to reach the top of FC (Stephanie chose Ridge to lead FC over all her children with Eric), but you don't give someone that power without showing the ability to use that power prudentially. Ridge has learned no forethought since his and Eric's last quarrel about Quinn; Ridge has discovered an itch for the want of scratching of another one of Eric's wives, but that not new.

Brooke is a non-entity at Forrester Creations. Whatever she did or contributed in the past, has been shelved by TIIC. Presently she has no official position at the company. She comes and goes at leisure. Her character is involved with scenes to prop the other characters, to carry a file or tablet, to pot-stir, to fill a chair, be the female accessory in DESTINY! with Ridge, or to be acknowledged without contribution. Ridge's wishful thinking that he and Brooke would run FC together was empty dialog. There's no room for Brooke with the two-headed CEO of Ridge/Steffy, Quinn isn't going anywhere as president of FC, Eric is patriarch-emeritus and majority shareholder, and Rick and Thomas are bathing in self-pity. She plays no part in the operations of FC and hasn't for many years.

TIIC haven't indulged in SLs involving the fashion business for several years; Show has shuffled the couples, waffle, spun the wheel on Forrester Creations leadership, made transgender Maya a thing, waffle, Rape Night, WTD Douglas, wedding/divorce x 20, triangle, waffle, faux-alcoholism, Xmas eggnog, waffle, triangle, faux-alcoholism, waffle, triangle, triangle, waffle.

So much fug.

Oh, Baby! ... TK grunting and snuffling, trying not to touch KKL. KKL trying to be coy and seductive with someone that doesn't want to touch her.  Sexxxytimes!

Nothing to see here ...

Maya needs to attend to Rick's bitter tears at being left behind again, and Pam needs to put a sock in it.

Just practicing the acting lessons learned on the movie set when he was on hiatus.

See ya', Thomas. Take your shitty dress designs and non-existent men's line with you.

I wondered that myself.

Wyatt should have been there to prepare a press release on the creation of the FC two-headed CEO.

Wyatt proabably maxed out his contract minimum and they had to sideline him. Of course, this wouldn't explain why Liam & Steffy are still there. Can't we send the 3 of them on a long cruise somewhere? They.are.on.everyday.

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14 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

It just dawned on me who the new Sally Spectra reminds me of. She's a young Melissa Gilbert.

She is Ruth Wilson's twin!  Ruth Wilson from The Affair and Luther with the red hair and larger mouth and teeth...in a good way...LOLhttps://www.google.ca/search?q=Ruth Wilson&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-ca&client=safari&ved=0ahUKEwjtk8XTzPTRAhVF6oMKHfP9ATYQ7HIIBygA&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ#imgrc=QcQPW9ZUwnlbsM:

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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Maya has been on less than a minute and already she gets a STFU plus get off my screen. They all have very lucrative jobs but they still need power.  Is Brooke the new Liam who just shows up where she doesn't belong?  All this Quinn shit  could just be easily cleared up with Quinn doing this for Eric and family unity.  But family unity has never been in the cards with all these entitled ass holes.  Why isn't Zende complaining?  He's been there a few months doesn't he think it's already his time.  Brooke and Katie two peas in a pod.  Suspicions R Us.  I'm hoping the quickly come up with that they buried the hatchet for Eric and Family. 

A Jewish tailor how apropos and the grandson of another Jewish tailor even more apropos. No shade, just saying. 

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Honestly, I think everyone is right to at least ask the question about what happened in such a short time. I mean, Ridge was the one who led the damn boycott in the first place and he along with Liam was telling Steffy not to accept the position. But now he's in power and it's cool beans? Rick at a minimum should have Spidey Senses tingling.

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I get Rick getting annoyed at being passed over but Thomas needs to shut the fuck up. He's not even at the top of his design game and has never run shit so why does he think he's entitled to be considered for CEO. I hope that both he and Rick go over to Spectra. Also agree with Maya needing a big fat dose of STFU because she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

Poor Quinn. She's feeling a little green with envy and is going to screw up her marriage if she's not careful. Ridge must have a magical tongue! 

Brooke. Why didn't she get a stylish makeover while in Europe? She looks like an old woman compared to the chic Quinn and her clothes are just the worst. It would be nice if these people actually dressed like they work in fashion. Right now only Thomas, when he bothers to be fully clothed, and Rick seem to care. 

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I've not watched in years but is Thomas a successful designer? I don't recall any notable successes. Was it that time he was played by a different actor and had the idiotic Taboo line where Brooke had to pose with him half-naked?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy eye candy as much as anybody but in the right context: not with one's stepmother or sister!

Too bad the Avants are sidelined again; I knew the African-American family wouldn't last. Can we give Rick and Maya an adoption story instead of surrogacy? 

Saul Jr definitely strikes me as gay but that may just be my wonky gaydar. I thought for sure Wyatt would be but instead he's bedded all the Forrester women in his age range.

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KKL new hairdo would have been as a good one day look but everyday....just NO! It ages her a good 10 years. I know people (and, maybe herself) got tired of the long straight (somewhat thin) hair but this isn't the answer. I mean 55 isn't that old but she needs a trim. I like nuSally. She has spunk & it's a nice change a pace to see someone else who isn't blonde.

It looks like they are trying to make Maya bad again. I guess Brad Bell got bored with nice transgendered Maya and wants to go back. The only problem is I don't care about Maya. Never have, never did & never will. 

Edited by ByaNose
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Yes. KKL needs a visit from "What Not To Wear." The long beachy waves look doesn't suit her. It's fine when they have Brooke dolled up for special occasions, but not for every day. I got to wondering if Brad Bell dictates the actresses' hair. I recall reading that Susan Flannery had to fight with him when she wanted to ditch those fugly wigs and go with her own super short silver hair  (which seemed much more fitting for Stephanie, anyway.) I also remember reading that back in 1996 (that long ago?) when KKL cut her hair into that super short pixie that BB had a cow and that's why she wore that hideous wig with the bangs during the Brooke's Bedroom reveal. Whatever the case, she needs a new hairstyle and wardrobe.  If she HAS to keep her hair long for whatever reason, at least go with an updo. Those are trendy right now for women of all ages and we've seen that she can rock it.

I also don't like Sally 2.0's wardrobe. I spent most of the time during her scenes trying to figure out WTF she was wearing.  I liked her '40s vintage hairstyle and could totally see her killing that type of dressing style, sort of like what Pam does in her retro outfits. I like the character, but it was pretty jarring to hear the term, "Bucko" coming from the mouth of a 20-something. (I know that Sally 1.0 used to call Clarke "Bucko" and "Bucky" for whatever reason, but it's not working for me in this instance.)

Please don't tell me that Quinn is jealous of Ridge and Brooke. Now she's turning into a complete fool and is going to put her marriage at serious risk. For what? From what I've seen this week, Ridge has backed off now that Brooke has returned (I still don't think he's going to marry her ... ) and he has the coveted CEO title.

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Of course, Ridge got what he wanted by seducing Quinn with his nice words & one kiss. Now, that he has the job & Brooke is back he is like WTF do I do now? He wants to jump on Quinn's bones but can't. He can tell Brooke how far he went because she'll dump his ass. He can't have Eric find out because he'll be out on his ear. It is interesting to see how it plays out because I don't think Ridge thought it would work but now he doesn't have an answer to explain it all without everyone finding out.  

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Recap for Thurs. 2/2/17:

We open with GarBridge kissing in Rick's office.

Ridge: "God, I missed you." Liar.

Brooke: "I missed you, too." If only you know what Rumple's been up to, Brooke, but as usual, you are clueless.

Ridge actually remembers to ask about Hope and Brooke tells him she's great, she's strong and independent and she's so proud of her. Ridge thinks Hope is her mother's daughter.

Brooke wants to know what's been going on while she's been away, in particular, with him and Quinn.

Ridge, nervous and twitchy, "Me and Quinn? What do you mean?" He knows there's no way Brooke can know what's really going on but he's sweating anyway.  Brooke reminds him that before she left, he had a plan to oust Quinn from FC. She's just wondering if he's had any success. Ridge, punting, tells her they are taking steps in the right direction and that's she's looking at the new co-CEO of FC. Brooke is amazed and then Ridge tells her it was Quinn's idea. 

Eric is meeting with Steffy and Quinn in the CEO office, ready to start the family meeting. He checks to ensure Steffy is okay with the changes and she says she's "cool with it" and thinks it will be fun to work with for her father. Quinn is sure they will make a fantastic team. Steffy does want to know why Quinn is doing this for Ridge though.

Just outside in the hallway, Pam is chatting with Zende about his trip and his parents. Thomas is there, too. Rick and Maya arrive and ask if they are supposed to meet with Eric and wonders if Eric said what the meeting was for. Thomas indicates in the negative but thinks he has a pretty good idea. Well, he would since he already had a preview of the big announcement.

Sally runs her hands across some forgotten fabric. CJ tells her that it's not too late to call the demolition crew and she'd be saving everyone a lot of trouble. Shirley agrees that CJ has a point but Sally passes on that.

Sally: "Why can't you guys see what i see? We are going to make this old broad shine again. She is going to be gorgeous!"

CJ: "Oh, so just because you're Sally Spectra's niece, you think you know what it takes to run a fashion house? Seriously? I'm her son. I couldn't save the company."

Shirley, laughing, "That's for sure."

Sally: "We promised Aunt Sally that we were gonna give this place another shot. And you agreed to rent it to me."

CJ, pouting, "All right, fine. Fine. Dig your own grave. You got 6 months to show a profit. Otherwise, this 'old broad' has got a date with a wrecking ball."

CJ: "Sally, I had an all-cash offer on the table before you came along. The only reason I am doing this is because you are family."

Shirley: "Sally, honey, six months is really not enough. I think we'll need at least a year turn a profit!" I agree but six months is like six years in soap time so they have to move things along.

C.J, intejecting, "What? No. Unh-unh. Unh-unh. If you guys cannot handle it, I'm calling my guy right now."

Sally: "Unh-unh! Put that phone back in your pocket, CJ! Grammy and I are ready to rock and roll. We are in it to win it. Not only are we preserving these weathered walls. We are saving the Spectra family legacy." I wouldn't count this gal out, CJ.

Rick hopes Eric has come to his senses and is going to offer him the CEO position. Of course, Maya thinks that would be nice. Pam bitches about the interns eating all her lemon bars (suck ups!). Rick wants to know who's in the CEO office and wonders if they should walk in but Pam is acting as gatekeeper and won't let anyone make any "sudden moves" until she gets the thumbs up. "No sudden moves?" She's been eating too many of her own lemon bars.

Quinn tells Steffy she thought she approved of sharing CEO with Ridge and Steffy agrees but she just can't quite wrap her head around Quinn being behind the decision. 

Quinn: "Well, obviously Ridge is more than qualified. But if I'm being honest, I really did this for Eric, to show commitment and unity and to help bring the family together." You did this for Ridge so he would keep San Francisco your dirty little secret.

Brooke's mouth is catching flies right now. She can't believe it was Quinn's idea. Ridge lies that he was shocked, too. Brooke can't understand this - she knows they hate each other. Ridge plays dumb (not a stretch) but chalks it up to Quinn wanting to be in Eric's good graces. 

Ridge: " It's important to him. And what's important to me is that I get to run this company with my daughter, and my beautiful fiancé is back in my arms. All's well that ends well." So long as he gets what he wants, who cares about anyone else...

Sally tells Grams and CJ to listen up. They are Spectras and not quitters - they never back down.

CJ admires her attitude but says she needs to come back down to earth, citing bankroll and designers. Details, schmetails. 

Sally tells him to have faith - they'll get top notch designers (Thomas, Rick....she's calling your names) but they'll need to work on the cheap. Sally tells them she has some money saved as does Shirley. She mentions Saul and their needing a Saul for the new Spectra. 

CJ: "No money, no staff, no business plan. Aunt Shirley should keep on walking if she's knows what's good for her."

Sally: "Yes, but we've got passion and determination. And that is all we need! And a little imagination."

CJ: "Hey! Great! Look out New York and Milan! Spectra Fashions is back! Whoo-hoo!" Don't be a dick, CJ.

Sally, to CJ: "Make yourself useful, would you? Take a picture of me at my new desk." Ha!

CJ: "Oh, this is gonna be interesting." Again, I will watch this all day, every day because I know it will be a million times more interesting and entertaining than Waffles and Puffy rolling around on their couch.

Everyone is assembled for the big meeting at FC and Eric thanks them for coming. Rick tells him it's good to have him back with similar chiming in from Maya. Brooke knows it was obvious he has been busy and Pam snarks, even with Quinn hovering around him. Zende knows the fall collection is phenomenal. Oh how would he know anything about it?

Eric talks about how much less stress he has now (oh, just wait) and how he has more time to design. He then makes a truly laughable comment:

Eric: "I think back on our history, we really haven't had any real conflict for a very long time."


There is this awkward shoehorning in about their only real trouble being from Sally Spectra and it was really unnecessary IMO.

There's some chit chat about Sally and how the business has folded and that the building is being torn down. Eric only mentions it because they have had this great period of calm.


Eric FINALLY gets down to business and tells them how great the company is doing because of Steffy (I doubt her 2-3 weeks as CEO has had any sort of impact). He's making some other changes though. Steffy has agreed to share the position with someone as talented as she is, someone whom he is very proud to call his son (and wouldn't it have been hilarious if Wyatt strolled in). Rick puffs up his chest and Maya grins big. But their balloon is about to be deflated as Eric announced Ridge is the new co-CEO. Waw waw wawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww....

CJ looks at a picture of his mother. He wants Sally to be sure of this. She asks if he really doesn’t think she can do this. CJ has doubts but that isn’t the only thing. It is just a little strange to say her name. Sally Spectra. I think it's great to hear that name again. Sally talks about how she's always idolized Sally and she's the reason she got into fashion. CJ says that idolizing and dreaming are different than actually doing. His mom WAS Spectra Fashions and doing it without her is risky. I would agree with that. Sally wants to hear more about the great Sally Spectra.

Rick thinks Ridge being co-CEO is ridiculous but Eric disagrees and tries to bolster him with some chatter about VP and International. Rick can't understand why he cannot get a shot...oh, the irony. Rick seems to forget he already had a shot, literally and figuratively.

Thomas whines that at least Rick got a shot. Eric talks up Ridge, which is going over like a turd in the punch bowl. To add insult to injury, he reveals that this was Quinn’s idea. Rick smells a rat because Quinn is supposed to hate Ridge's guts, but she says that her opinion has changed. Steffy was okay with the change and so was he. Eric tells them that they are all important members of the team, how grateful he is but they've long stopped listening at this point. He gives a crumb to Brooke with a throwaway line about how she is also not without her wonderful contributions. Seriously, Eric? BeLieF alone would put her heads and tails above the rest of this gang. Ridge agrees and thanks Eric and Quinn. He insists he'll do Eric proud and Brooke smiles, clearly clueless. 

CJ says his mother is "great." Yes she is. Sally references talking to her on the phone all the time, but says it's nothing like seeing her in person. CJ remarks that there's nothing like hanging out with his mother, her presence, her spirit. He thinks back to many wonderful moments from his mother's past and I'm so glad we see Sally at her finest and not the moments where she fell into Stephanie's traps. Sally calls her aunt "a living legend."

Sally: "I know how much she loves this old relic. She told me that I was her last hope. And I won't let her down." She looks very determined.

Everyone walks out of the meeting and Pam (as always with the inability to read a room) can't understand why everyone is so gloomy. She calls the chain of recent events "good news."

Maya snaps, "What's good about it?"

Pam thinks the family is coming back together. Steffy has been doing a great job as CEO and Ridge is back where he belongs. Um, he's back because he's keeping his dirty little San Francisco secret. Thomas and Rick share a look.

Thomas: "Well, I think Rick and I are probably feeling the same way, and... when it's gonna be our turn?" A quarter to never if Fauxdiloks and Rumple have their way.

Rick: "And why Quinn is suddenly supporting Ridge." At least a few folks are suspicious. Why everyone isn't is beyond me.

Eric and Quinn are alone in the CEO office and Eric remarks he didn't think it went too horribly (talk about clueless). He just wishes Rick and Thomas weren't so disappointed. I think Rick has a right to be disappointed. Thomas, not so much. 

Quinn: "They both know you love them very much. Hopefully, they know that you're doing what you think is best."

Eric: "Always so supportive, making things better." How is her kissing his son making things better, exactly?

Quinn: "You know what, I made you a promise -- you and I were gonna handle this together -- and I'm gonna keep it." Like you're keeping your vows, Quinn?

Eric: "Wow. Lucky me. You are so amazing. You surprise me every day."

Quinn: "Can't become too predictable."

Eric: "Better not. I know much you used to worry about letting me down, but that's impossible. That could never happen." He hugs and Quinn frowns. How the guilt isn't eating her alive, I'll never know.

Ridge and Brooke are kissing in another office. It's about as comfortable to watch as a certain dance at a certain inaugural ball. 

Brooke tries to be mature (for a change) and tells Ridge they can't do this here. Ridge says he's not ready to be a grown up but he better act like it though. Her head more clear, Brooke is confused, saying he led the charge against Quinn for months and NOW, she's supporting him???

Ridge plays it off as common sense, saying he's lead designer and she wants to be on his good side (why would that be?) She's still president. He then comes up with the ridiculous (and untruthful) notion that the divorce going through for Steffy and Wyatt made her give up.

Brooke: "No, there's got to be more to it for her to do an about-face like that. Ridge? Is there anything else? Anything at all that happened while I was gone?"

Ridge: "No. Nothing. Nothing at all."


Edited by CountryGirl
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I thought nothing could be worse than the lank crayon yellow locks Brooke was sporting. I was wrong. 

While I don't mind the beachy waves (because it's better than it just hanging there), the white fright look is just horrible and it ages her a good 15 years.

KKL is a gorgeous woman - they need to cut some of that hair and color it something more natural and flattering. 

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On ‎2‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 4:13 PM, Gam2 said:

No kidding. Brooke needs a complete makeover. She's so dowdy and that hair is the worst. Quinn outshines her in every category. 

The white blonde fried waves on top of the very white and black unstructured jacket completely washed her out, and not flattering at all. I wish the wardrobe department would slap Brooke in a decent bra and pair of Spanx, jewel tone body-skimming dresses and structured blazers, and stop screwing around. She looks terrible in the resort wear/casual sports wear brands B&B cater toward. 

11 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Of course, Ridge got what he wanted by seducing Quinn with his nice words & one kiss. Now, that he has the job & Brooke is back he is like WTF do I do now? He wants to jump on Quinn's bones but can't. He can tell Brooke how far he went because she'll dump his ass. He can't have Eric find out because he'll be out on his ear. It is interesting to see how it plays out because I don't think Ridge thought it would work but now he doesn't have an answer to explain it all without everyone finding out.  

As always, Ridge lands on his feet and back in the big office without having to give up anything except the good will of his family. All he has to do is dissemble the right excuse after being called out by Brooke. Brooke will want to accept Ridge's lie for the love of DESTINY! Then Katie and $Bill will join the scrum, because they want to pick up the broken pieces for themselves. Eric and Quinn will be kaput, dagnabbit!

I hate this Show!

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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I've just discovered that I have a lust list.........

It begins and ends with Katie. Katie is beautiful in every way except when the writers make her a drunk.

I also would love to have a roll in the haystack  with








I'd love to have the house Liam lives in too, or the one Eric owns, except without any paintings that might fall down because the ghost of the portrait made it fall down.  Also Steffi's motorbike would be rather nice to have as well.

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OOPSIE DAISEY! Looks like Brooke's Ridgedar is pinging on all cylinders now. So what will they say:

Quinn was so keyed up after the show she went down to the bar and got drunk and was making a spectacle of herself, forcing the hotel to call Ridge to intercede. Quinn was so grateful that she was able to put her differences with Ridge aside.

Quinn was so keyed up after the show she went down to the bar and got drunk and was flirting with the hotel staff; Ridge stepped in and got her to her room unscathed. Ridge promised not to tell Eric, and this has allowed them to form this new bond.

Quinn has been having panic attacks, and had one before the show; Ridge helped her get through it. Quinn saw a different side of Ridge, causing her to change her opinion of him.

Who is going to speak up first? Ridge is not a very good liar, and Brooke knows him better than anyone, so my money is on Quinn. Now Quinn knows how to spin a lie. She is a good story teller as well. I am also interested to see if they will protect each other, something that will only further seal their bond.

Lookey here Miss Maya, you can just shut your trap about.........well everything. You haven't been a Forrester for all that long, and frankly, you are lucky to be in the position you are. Your husband is the son of Eric Forrester and Brooke Logan. He is an executive in the family business. You are, or at least were, the family business's Lead Model. You have been accepted by all as the person you want to be. You have a new little baby that you fucking don't deserve. You have no overhead since you live with your mother-in-law in her enormous mansion. I simply cannot understand what you have to gripe about. Rick not getting the CEO job, or the dual CEO job, isn't going to effect you in anyway except for Rick's poor attitude; something you should be more than used to by now. So you just pop those bug eyes right back in your offended little head, and zip that trap up nice and tight okay?

AHHHH, isn't that noble and just so considerate of Fauxdilok's? She just doesn't want to be between Liam and Wyatt anymore. I think Wyatt cutting her loose without a fight is still stinging. Ole Fauxdilok's may be craving an Eggo, but she has been waiting for that toaster to pop up for a long time. And while she waited, she got to play the innocent victim as she stuck her broomstick up Wyatt's ass.

Good Lord, but it is becoming visceral with Brooke and Ridge. When he puts his hands on her it gives me the creepy geebies. I can't say exactly what it is, but something about them is so stomach churning. I don't find TK unattractive at all; I think he is very sexy in that Euro way, but he and KKL absolutely don't work. I felt the same way about Katie. I don't want to see him and Quinn, although something tells me I will. All the same, the two of them do work for me. I love their banter, something that isn't so easy to pull off and be convincing. And Rena Sofer is positively shining! Her wardrobe, her hair, her jewelry, her makeup; has all been top notch. It pains me to say this, but Brooke looks like a dowdy, frumpy, middle aged starlet next to Quinn. These actors know when they have something good, and those with talent will sink their teeth into it and work the material for all it's worth. Thorsten as well. I find Ridge very ambiguous; his actions say "Hey, I got what I wanted, so now I am done with you", but his fantasies don't support that. Additionally, Ridge has crossed the line with Quinn, something he hasn't done historically. I must give show credit for keeping me on my toes and for causing me to second guess everything I see in this SL.

I am loving Sally. Yeah, she has gone a little over the top here and there, but she loved her aunt, and we often emulate those we admire. Her style may not be for everyone, but I like it. A. Lot. It is so different from everyone else, and I am a sucker for eclectic dressers, particularly when they can pull it off, and I think Courtney Hope can. And now we have young Saul. I remain stoked.

Where is Ivy and why wasn't she at the meeting? She and Quinn are besties now, you would have thought Quinn would have had her there for moral support.

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I hope I'm not doing anything wrong but I found this photo from soapcentral.com with the previews for next week. I have no idea what's going on in the photo here other than I hate whatever Sally is wearing.  Also, there was nothing listed that remotely tied to this photo, so your guess is as good as mine ...

What I want to call your attention to is the blonde in the background. Is that Brooke? And if it is, it looks like she has cut her hair.  She is also wearing better clothes. The only thing that really tips me off is her posture and the way she is holding her clutch bag. That body language seems very KKL.

You be the judge!! LOL!


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Steffy needs a rival, as this last year has proven. No one buys her as Helen of Troy, and for once this won't be motivated by Liam's Goldenrod (not yet, but I don't trust Bell not to royally cock that up like he did with Quinn--knock on wood) so I'm down with it.

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On 2/1/2017 at 7:53 PM, Gam2 said:

Thanks, RuntheTable, but I haven't watched any of those shows, etc. Perhaps she just reminds me of someone I've seen before? Guess that's it. But thanks so much for your reply.

I think she looks a little like Caroline II and a little like Ann Marg-rock.

Question - Was that EDM artist Spectral X that was on Y&R last week part of the new Spectra clan?

Edited by SweePea59
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27 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

I think she looks a little like Caroline II and a little like Ann Marg-rock.

Question - Was that EDM artist Spectral X that was on Y&R last week part of the new Spectra clan?

Wait, she does look like Ann Margaret (sp?).

The EDM artist was  a real EDM artist with a completely normal name which I don't remember now, so guesting on Y/R.

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Recap for Friday, 2/3/17:

We open outside the CEO office with a decidedly pissed-off Rick, Thomas, and Maya.

Pam, who still cannot read the room, tries to figure out what's wrong, telling them they look like they made a bad batch of gravy. I wish I was making this shit up.

Maya asks Pam if she understands what's happening here and Pam does indeed, correctly stating that Ridge and Steffy are co-CEOs. So she was paying attention.

Thomas whines that other people deserve a chance. Something tells me if he ever did get to be CEO, he'd want someone else to have a chance when he's six feet under and not a second before.

Pam: "It's just a title." Stop waving the red banner in front of the bulls, Pam.

Rick/Thomas: "NO IT'S NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!"

Maya: "The CEO is the face of the company, the leader."

Quinn, choosing that moment to break up the whining, "And Eric has full confidence that Ridge and Steffy are the ones to lead." 

Bill, visiting Steffy and Liam, admires her latest e-ring. 

Liam fills in Bill on the latest news at FC, telling him Steffy will be sharing the CEO position with her father. Steffy says it's all thanks to Quinn. Bill does not look pleased.

Sally and Shirley are busy interviewing candidates. They get a few duds, a French gal who can't speak a lick of English and some stereotypically sketchy biker guy.

They have one more to see that day and apparently, his grandfather used to work at SF. Could it be?

Yes, it is! It's Saul's namesake and he is as wonderfully adorkable as his grandfather. 

Bill cannot believe the latest chain of events, barking that "they (Quinn and Ridge) HATE each other!" If anybody is going to smell something arot in the state of California, it's $ Bill. Steffy remarks that they don't seem to hate each other as much, not since their trip to San Francisco.

Brooke is questioning Ridge in Rick's office and he looks very uncomfortable. He's paying her compliments, he's looking at her as if he admires her...once again, she questions what happened while she was away. Well, get ready to be lied to some more, Brooke.

Saul tells Sally he briefly toyed with becoming an actor, but tailoring is his life. Sally wastes very little time in offering him the job, telling him: "This Sally Spectra needs a Saul Feinberg of her own. Might as well hire the guy who already has the name."

Rick, Thomas, and Maya are all clearly in no mind to talk to Quinn.

Rick: "You know, I don't know what I can do anymore to prove my worth around here. Being passed over by Steffy was humiliating enough."

Thomas: "How do you think I feel? Everybody just assumes that I want to spend my career quietly designing forever under my father's shadow."

Maya: "And, unfortunately, 'forever' is a fair estimate because Ridge and Steffy are the anointed ones, and I certainly don't see them giving up their titles easily." As much as it pains me to agree with Bambi Doe Eyes about anything, ever, she's right about that.

Thomas: "Yeah, well, maybe it's time for us to give up on Forrester." If that means, they defect to Spectra, I'm all for it. But no stealing designs when they can come up with their own - I want SF to be a legit competitor, not the joke of the fashion industry.

They exit, leaving Pam and Quinn standing there, and Pam actually tells Quinn they could have handled things better and that while she understands where Rick and Thomas are coming from, they shouldn't have gone off on her.

At Quinn's surprised look, Pam laughs, "Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I like you or anything."

Quinn smiles, telling Pam, "No, no, no...I would never think that."

Pam acknowledges what Quinn has been trying to do, bringing the family back together. Making peace with Steffy and now Ridge? She thinks they'll come around. After all if she and Ridge can kiss and makeup....

Bill tells Liam and Steffy that they need to have a HUGE engagement party...seriously? This will be wedding #3. 

Steffy insists they want to keep it low-key and Liam mentions Wyatt's feelings. Bill says there's no point in shielding Wyatt and that everyone needs to adjust. I'd say Wyatt has adjusted at this point.

Steffy: "Yeah, I just... I don't know. I've been between them for so long. I don't want to do that anymore." Oh really? I think you like the Spencer brothers fighting over you.

They soon realize that Bill's real motivation is so he can invite Brooke and talk her out of her engagement to Ridge.

Ridge tries to change course, asking Brooke if she's happy about he and Eric talking again.

Brooke: "Yes, of course! I am thrilled! But you know Quinn. You know what she does and the havoc that she creates, especially when she thinks you've let your guard down. So please don't turn your back on her ever." Oh, he won't be turning his back to her...not when he can keep his front and everything that goes along with it, pointed straight toward her.

He tells her there's nothing to worry about and hugs her. 

Sally and Shirley are starting to clean up at SF and Shirley wrinkles her nose, remarking everything is just "so 80s." The decade of my childhood...so what's not to like?

Sally: "What's old is new again. This building is gorgeous. These offices, it inspires me. The '80s are coming back, and they are coming back strong, and so is Spectra."

Shirley: "Sally Spectra, you have never designed a line before."

Sally: "I have been designing my entire life."

Shirley: "Doodling in a sketch book is not designing for a fashion house that-"

Sally: "I need you to rally right now. Get your horses into high gear! We are doing this! We are going to be LA's newest fashion house. We are hiring models, sewers."

Shirley: "Wait, wait. Have you seen the sewing machines? They're from the '80s, too!"

Sally: "Okay, so they have a little dust on them. That's all right! Because underneath the dust and the grime and the mice and the termites, we have a company, a fashion house that will take on the best of the best and will come out on top."

Sally is part Original Recipe Sally, part Scarlett O'Hara and I love her.

Steffy wants to give Bill Taylor's number. Oh hell no!

She's convinced Bill is in for disappointment where Brooke is concerned. 

Bill: "I don't need to hear it. If you're going to say that I should give up, give in to 'destiny,' don't. I am never giving up on Brooke. That will never happen." Hang in there, Bill. I think your patience and perseverance are about to pay off.

Ridge, clearly uncomfortable with Brooke, tells her he has some work to do. She understands because she always does where he is concerned, even to her own detriment. She wants to know if now, as co-CEO, he will ever have time for the bride. She tells him she doesn't want him being late tonight because they are going to celebrate him being named co-CEO.  They will celebrate with RJ (he's still around) and later, celebrate by themselves. I can't wait...

They kiss some more and they couldn't look less interested in each other. Quinn is eavesdropping and looks heartbroken. Ugh...

Rick, Maya, and Thomas are talking in an office and essentially their conversation boils down to WTF is going on with Quinn and Ridge? 

Quinn enters the office where Ridge is supposedly working. He asks if she's okay and she tells him yes but admits she saw him kissing Brooke. Ridge looks perplexed.

Thomas is back at Il Giardino and runs smack into Sally.

She teases him about stalking her and he teases back that he guesses he is. 

Thomas: "What's your name again?

Sally: "Sally. What's yours?"

Thomas: "Thomas." When they collided, she dropped her purse and he sees her wallet, driver's license clearly displayed. "Sally Spectra?"

Sally: "Yeah. Sally Spectra. You got a problem with that?" The look in his eyes tells me, not a chance.

Bill is theorizing, "Brooke's feeling this final push towards ridge, and I get it. It's what she's always done. And now with RJ back in the picture, it's understandable that she would fall into the same, old pattern. It's human nature. But when I said 'final push' -- final -- that's exactly what I meant."

Steffy: "You don't lack confidence, that's for sure."

Bill: "Why shouldn't I be confident? I mean, your father isn't exactly chock full of surprises when it comes to his treatment of Brooke. He reels her in with the false promises, tells her it's going to be different this next time they walk down the aisle, she buys into it, he puts his best foot forward for a week, maybe two, and then inevitably he screws up." 

Steffy: "That's not exactly how I see it." Then you're as idiotic as Brooke, Puffy.

Bill: "He's got a proven track record. And after -- what? -- 37, 38 attempts, I think, uh, Brooke will be done after this next time he messes up. Now, I don't know if that's gonna happen tomorrow or next week or next month, but this is what Ridge does. He gets Brooke, and then he loses her. And when he loses her for this final time, I will be there for her. And we will start our life together. Our destiny." 

Ridge calls Quinn out on spying on me, but something tells me he is secretly thrilled. 

Quinn: "No, I came here to talk to you, but there she was and there you were, and you were kissing." What is this, Sweet Valley High?

Ridge: "Well, she is my fiance."

Quinn: "Yes, I know, but she's been away. You know, she was with Hope while you and I were...I know how close you and Brooke are, how close you've always been. But you got to promise me something."

Ridge: "What? Hey. Promise you what?"

Brooke has decided to pop back by and begins to open the door.

Quinn: "You can't tell Brooke or anyone what happened in San Francisco. Can't let Brooke find out. You got to keep it between us. Promise me. Please."

At that, Brooke enters the room and looks decidedly pissed off: "Keep WHAT between you? What's going on? Ridge? Quinn? I want to know what's going on between the two of you! Tell me! NOW!"

Ridge and Quinn look like they just crapped their pants.

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On 2/5/2017 at 9:30 AM, RuntheTable said:

Good Lord, but it is becoming visceral with Brooke and Ridge. When he puts his hands on her it gives me the creepy geebies. I can't say exactly what it is, but something about them is so stomach churning. I don't find TK unattractive at all; I think he is very sexy in that Euro way, but he and KKL absolutely don't work. I felt the same way about Katie. I don't want to see him and Quinn, although something tells me I will. All the same, the two of them do work for me. I love their banter, something that isn't so easy to pull off and be convincing. And Rena Sofer is positively shining! Her wardrobe, her hair, her jewelry, her makeup; has all been top notch. It pains me to say this, but Brooke looks like a dowdy, frumpy, middle aged starlet next to Quinn. These actors know when they have something good, and those with talent will sink their teeth into it and work the material for all it's worth. Thorsten as well. I find Ridge very ambiguous; his actions say "Hey, I got what I wanted, so now I am done with you", but his fantasies don't support that. Additionally, Ridge has crossed the line with Quinn, something he hasn't done historically. I must give show credit for keeping me on my toes and for causing me to second guess everything I see in this SL.

I am loving Sally. Yeah, she has gone a little over the top here and there, but she loved her aunt, and we often emulate those we admire. Her style may not be for everyone, but I like it. A. Lot. It is so different from everyone else, and I am a sucker for eclectic dressers, particularly when they can pull it off, and I think Courtney Hope can. And now we have young Saul. I remain stoked.

Where is Ivy and why wasn't she at the meeting? She and Quinn are besties now, you would have thought Quinn would have had her there for moral support.

Totally agree about Brooke and Ridge. There is no chemistry whatsoever between those two. At All. I think he also is still attracted to Quinn and thinking about the kiss, too, but doesn't want to rock the Forrester/family boat. Quinn seems to be struggling a bit more with her attraction to Ridge and I kind of feel bad for old Eric who still believes she can absolutely fucking do no wrong.

I'm interested in this Sally, but I think she needs to get rid of the retro hair and also dress more stylishly. She doesn't have to be like the other girls and eclectic can be a good thing, but her wardrobe is kind of a mess in my view.

Why doesn't KKL demand a better wardrobe? How can she bear to work with the stunning Sofer and be content to look like a "dowdy, frumpy, middle aged starlet"? I don't even like some things that Sofer wears but she still looks a hell of a lot better than Brooke.

I predict the answer they'll give her to her burning question is that Quinn shared some of the hard times she'd experienced and that humanized her.

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I liked Brooke's jacket....hated the hair.  A woman of a certain age *ahem...me included...I don't* should not have hair better suited for a 20-30 something.  Y&R is the biggest offender IMO.  Lauren, Jill, Victoria (even tho she is on the younger side...she's so tiny her hair swallows her up) et al do not wear it well.  Embrace your age ladies.  Quinn's hair is longer, yes, but she doesn't do the Farah Fawcett side wings.  Totally passe dahlings....totally passe.

Looking forward to today to see how R&Q squirm their way out of this.

Loving the Spectra clan......this is gonna be good.  How have Shirley and Eric interacted in the past?  *newbie here*

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What are you up to Quinn?  Why is it not Quinn and Ridge?  Ridge is quick on his feet in coming up with stories to cover his ass.  One would think that he has a ton of experience in that area.  Quinn has been a deer in the headlights and for the most part has lost her backbone.  The alley cat has become a house cat. 

Oh Bill, what are you doing here she says coyly.  

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The declawing of Quinn has been at least a year in the making, beginning with Captive Cabin and declaring that human jellyfish/waffle chimera the love of her life, then becoming the punching bag for all the self righteous Forrester clan. And now this rubbish with Ridge. Just WTF.

Come to think of it, all the women seem to have lost their fire in recent years: Brooke barely said a word to Katie a few months back with the Bill crap, Maya has become the June Cleaver of BH, Caroline was just an object for Ridge and Thomas to fight over before the writers eventually bent over backwards for her kissing the latter's ass to make us forget that Rape Night happened. Hell, even Steffy--the closest thing to a bad girl on the show--has become a new Hope and less of a phantom menace  (*cue rimshot*).

If that was one thing old school B&B got very right, it was knowing how to contrast. While the Forrester family had favorites with the parents and all kinds of conflicts driven by Stephanie and Ridge, the Logans  (who even back then lack boundaries) were a clan that mostly looked out for one another. Beth Logan and Stephanie Forrester were worlds apart as matriarch or their respective families. And Sally Spectra’s gang were a horse of an entirely different color from both.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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As excited as I was to finally see an interesting, intriguing story line with Eric and Quinn, that lasted about 3 seconds. Now we have to tolerate (?) this absolute nonsense with Q and R. Do Not Do This To Us B&B. There's only so far you can push your last few viewers before we abandon you for good. And you're right on that line. Knock this shit off!

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I am surprised to find myself enjoying Thomas and Sally; I was prepared to hate them, but they are working for me. It is too soon to say where we are headed here, and I had kinda hoped that maybe Sally and Wyatt would run into each other; so I guess time will tell. Sally really is the type of character that needs to hook up with Wyatt; new to the canvas, spunky and no connection to Liam. The pickins are pretty slim for Wyatt; Nicole, Katie and Sasha, if she is still part of the show, and I think it would be worth the price of admission to watch Fauxdilok's head explode if he started dating a Spectra. Particularly after that clip with Sally throwing something on Fauxdilok's at the restaurant. But I think Show is going to drive a wedge between Fauxdilok's, Ridge and Thomas, so it makes more sense for Thomas to go there. 

What is it about Don Diamont? He absolutely brings out the best in everyone. Watching Bill and Rick was almost as good as watching Bill and Liam. Rick looked and acted like a petulant school boy as he ate his sandwich. 

Now I see why they took Brooke to that lighter shade of pale. How dumb can she be? A wedding gown and jewelry? If so, then why the worried tone in Quinn's voice and why would she say "Brooke can never know?" I think if Quinn designed jewelry for Brooke's wedding day, that Brooke would appreciate it and wear it. I can understand Brooke getting they wanted to keep it a secret, but "Brooke can never know?" She just looked so stupid in those scenes. 

I have no idea what is going on with Ridge and Quinn. I have never seen Ridge written or portrayed this way. My best guess is they are hot for each other but really don't want to go there. I believe that Quinn's feelings for Eric are real, and that she doesn't want to screw it up. Ridge has never cared if he messed up or hurt Brooke, so I am baffled by his hesitancy. And they were hugging again. How is that going to keep them from remembering? 

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Oh my god, that was some amazing stuff between TK and LS. The story-telling leaves enough on the table for there to be tons of reasons behind their characters' actions. Even fans preface talking about their couple with "whatever is going on between  Ridge and Quinn..."

That text went right to the heart of what these two characters are, and I think the actors did a phenomenal job bringing that to life. That was some seriously physiological exploration; they are being allowed to show complex sides and inner demons and play out the 'hidden affaire' which pretty much guarantees success in this genre. The people who do like it, talk about it, and the people who do send in letters and gift, and everybody wins. 

I do think its hilarious that right after his young, dip-sit son stole his much younger wife right out from under him, Ridge turns around and does the same damn thing to Eric. But since I like the idea of Sally bringing some life out of Thomas, now that TPTB apparently they decided neither Sasha nor Caroline would have the honor, I for one am glad that the awful triangle between father and son swung around to better actors who will give it their all. I would have believed Ridge if he held my shaking hands, looked me in the eye and murmured comfort. And LS is selling it as a self-destructive defense mechanism coming from her love of Eric. For her, love and fear are the same thing, so that means she has to destroy it. Thats some pretty powerful stuff right there, and I really enjoyed the scenes that brought that out to us. 

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Recap for Mon. 2/6/17 - disclaimer - it's a LONG one because there are just so many great scenes.

Quinn, all breathy exclamation, tells Brooke she didn't know she was there.

Brooke, very squinty-eyed, replies, dryly, "No, I don't imagine you did." Quinn and Ridge continue to gape at her, with Quinn standing and Ridge seated behind the desk, the better to hide his twitchy foot (well, I imagine it's tapping away under the desk). Brooke, giving me hope that she might have bought herself a clue or two after all, presses on, "Considering you don't want Ridge telling me whatever it is you're talking about. What is going on with you two? What are you hiding, Quinn?"

Bill strolls into Brooke's kitchen as if he owns the place. Rick looks up, annoyed, his sandwich prep interrupted. Bill looks smokin' as usual while Rick looks ridiculous in a purple shirt and fuschia tie. And some rag on nuSally's wardrobe.

Bill: "Wow. Perfect timing. What's for lunch?"

Rick: "What are you -- you can't just, like, walk in here whenever you feel like it."

Bill: "Sure I can. I always do." I love Bill so very, very much.

Rick: "My mother is engaged, Bill." Why he's defending said engagement, I have no idea.

Bill: "Well, that's a joke. Unfortunately, it will be on Brooke, but no worries. I'll be there to piece her back together."

Rick: "You know what I think you should do, Bill? I think you should just learn to accept it because Ridge, you know, he always gets what he wants. That includes my mother. And, uh, well... she's getting married." And there it is. This is about Ridge always getting want he wants, Rick's mother, CEO. While Rick is left with nothing but a sandwich.

Bill: "Maybe. Or maybe not. Depends how long it takes for Ridge to let her down. Because you know he will." You can set a watch by it.

Thomas is still looking back and forth between Sally's license and Sally herself.

Thomas: "This can't be right."

Sally, non-plussed, "Oh, everyone fibs about their weight." 

Thomas wants to know if she is really Sally Spectra and she answers, "That's right, bucko. Don't wear it out." You can see he's already intrigued by her. The Spectra name is the icing on the cake.

Thomas: "Well, either island life has been really good to you, or you're-"

Sally: "Macy's my cousin, married to-"

Thomas: "My uncle Thorne."

Sally: "Yes, a grand love affair that came to an unfortunately tragic end. Seems to be the case with most of the encounters between our families. So, as fascinating as I'm sure you are, it's probably best I keep my distance. I'm sure the feeling is mutual. The last thing you want is to associate with a Spectra." A nice nod to past history. The way Thomas is looking at her, I think he absolutely wants to associate with a Spectra. Particularly this one.

Bill tells Rick he heard Brooke is back from Italy, so he's here to welcome her home.

Rick, testy: "It's NOT your home."

Bill tells him it will be, that he's here for the long haul and he better get used to having him around. He wants to know when can they expect Brooke? Rick grouses he doesn't think they are expecting her at all.

Bill: "Well, you're just in a foul mood, aren't you?" See, Bill knows how to read a room.

Rick: "Oh yeah! And you're not helping..." His look when Bill takes a seat at the counter. "Oh...sure. Pop a squat. Be my guest." JY's face is priceless here.

Bill, grinning, "Thanks." He takes a big bite of sandwich. "Pretty good." I am loving the Rick and Bill show - they need to pair up DD and JY more often.

Rick warns Bill that he knows how Rick feels about him and for good reason.

Bill: "What? Oh, that Maya stuff?" Handwaving it away... "Oh, come on! Boy, do you hold a grudge! That was business, all right? This is family."

Rick, grouchily chewing, "We're NOT family."

Bill: "Well, I will be. Bro. Come on. You can't be happy about the prospect of ridge marrying Brooke, anymore than you can be happy about being passed over as CEO. AGAIN."

Rick, looking like he wants to shove what's left of his sandwich in Bill's face. "You know what, you can just -- you can stop right there because I'm not gonna discuss this with you." Of course he is. At some point.

Bill: "All right. Let's just stay focused." Rick just sighs, knowing Bill isn't going anywhere.

Bill: "Nobody knows better than you how poorly Ridge has treated your mother over the years, right? Oh, you think he's changed? People don't change. Not at this point in life. And you want what's best for your mother?"

Rick, quietly, reflectively, remembering the pain Ridge caused his mother, him, his siblings. "Yeah..." Quieter, still. "Of course."

Bill: "Well, you're looking at him." And for a glimmer of an instant, you can see Rick viewing Bill with new eyes.

Back at FC, Brooke is grilling Quinn and Ridge about them so passionately discussing keeping a secret from her. Once again, she asks, "What exactly is going on?"

Ridge thinks up a lie and he thinks it up quick, giving her some song and dance about collaborating with Quinn on some new jewelry to go with her wedding gown. Surprise!!!!!!!!

And even though Brooke should be long past her Cindy Lou Who days, she not only believes every word, she apologizes for seeming suspicious. Idiot.


Thomas wants to know why he and Sally should keep their distance from each other.

She breaks it down - "History, darling. History. Spectras and the Forresters, we're like oil and water. We just don't mix."

When he still doesn't get it, she breaks it down, like he's five. "Yeah, we don't have that glistening sheen like Steffy, glowing all over social media. (So dare I say she already doesn't like Steffy? I love her even more) We lack your casual elegance, shiny pedigree, and good breeding. That impeccable reputation. We're scrappers. We don't mind breaking a nail, getting down and dirty. Like apples to oranges, and never the twain shall meet. Whatever a twain is. Oh! Hey, I bet you'd know."

She then proceeds to do the exact opposite of fawning all over him.

Sally: "Okay, um, you're conceited, convince you're God's gift to the world. Women should fall all over you, and you've never had to work a hard day in your life. How am I doing so far?"

Thomas: "Heard it before, but please, keep going."

Sally: "Uh, I mean, don't get me wrong, right? The struggle is real. I'm sure growing up in Beverly hills, choking on your silver spoon, relying on your family name and your good looks to walk through any door you want to-"

He is enjoying this. "Back up. What was that part you just said?"

Sally: "You easily walk through doors that Spectra-"

Thomas: "No. No, no, no, no. The part about my good looks."

Sally, scoffs and restrains an eyeroll, "You're not the worst face I've ever seen."

Thomas: "That's not what you said." There is teasing in his eyes.

Sally, sighs, "Okay. All right. You know what? You don't offend my eyes, but you are NOT my type. So don't get your hopes up, bucko."

As much as I'm still hoping that Sally and Wyatt will cross paths and that we just might see Sasha pop up (for Thomas), I can't lie, there IS chemistry there and the potential for scrapping with Steffy either way.

Brooke leaves and I'm sure we just missed Ridge patting her on her blonde head and sending her on her way (her hair seems less bleached blonde today and more crayon yellow. I don't know). 

Quinn, all nervous and twitchy, tells Ridge, "That was too close. But it's okay, right?  Brooke believed you????"

Ridge wants Quinn to settle down and stop feeling guilty, but it's clear she cannot. She's trying and she's married to Eric and she loves him and they've been flirting for way too long - the shower (oh so she WAS flirting then???) and the steam room and San Francisco and WTF is wrong with her?

Ridge wants her to stop beating herself up. Everything is fine. Nothing has changed. (EVERYFUCKINGTHING HAS CHANGED!) She's still with Eric and I'm gonna get married to Brooke. Any bets on that because I'll take 'em.

Quinn: "It's not gonna happen again."

Ridge: "Exactly."

Quinn: "I just-"

Ridge: "You just need to pull yourself together. What we had, it was... it was a moment out of time. Just one kiss. That's all it was."

Quinn: "Right. Right. That's all it was. Right, Ridge?" Ridge just looks at her, likely undressing her with his eyes, even though he's already seen everything she has to offer in that department.

Bill reminds Rick that he would be married to Brooke right now if it wasn't for Ridge and RJ ganging up on her and guilt-tripping her.

Rick: "How many times have you tried to marry my mom?"

Bill: "Twice." That's nothing.

Rick, not unkindly: "And they NEVER came off. All for the SAME reason - Ridge. I mean, doesn't that tell you something, Bill?" 

Bill, acknowledging, "It does. I'm being TESTED. My love for Brooke, my patience. Which is new to me." It certainly is.

Brooke walks into the kitchen then and her happiness at seeing him is written all over her. She just glows around DD, the way she did when RM was Ridge, maybe even more. 

Brooke: "Bill." So much meaning in that one word and Brooke makes me so frustrated some times (okay, MOST of the time) but I just adore this pairing. 

Bill: "It's been too long."

Brooke: "How did you know I was back?"

Bill, his smile wide, "Oh, well, uh, actually, it's kind of a funny thing, but it's as though I felt the earth rotate on its axis just ever-so-slightly. I mean, barely noticeable. But I picked up on it. And that's how I knew you were home. Welcome back, Brooke." She just smiles back at him. Rick might as well be invisible.

Sally gives Thomas the scoop that she's bringing Spectra back (yeah!). He's skeptical, grilling her about logistics and infrastructure, whether she has designs or a designer? Things that are none of his business. Yet.

Sally proudly proclaims herself as the designer and Thomas wants to take a look at her designs.

Back in Brooke's kitchen, Rick has made himself scarce.

Bill asks about Hope and Brooke tells him she's good, that she's more mature and grounded (I'm telling you, Hope is coming back. I can feel it like Bill felt the earth rotate). 

Bill talks about other changes, namely Eric naming Ridge co-CEO.

Brooke says she's happy for him and that he deserves to be in that chair.

Bill: "Hmm. You know, that team was put together by Quinn. Does that makes sense to you?"

Brooke: "No."

Bill: "Yeah, me either. You know, I couldn't help thinking about what, um, Ridge had said to you before you left. Postponing your marriage until Quinn was out of your lives. Well, doesn't it seem like the OPPOSITE is happening? I think Ridge and Quinn are slipping into bed together." He doesn't know how close he is to the truth. Brooke laughs, nervously.

Quinn talks about how she never had so much to lose or to live up to, how much Eric's opinion means (oh really). She says she never wanted to give him any reason to question or doubt her but she just did.

Ridge tells her that no one knows (but that's ticking time bomb) so she should take it easy.

Quinn: "I'm trying. Maybe I need to figure out why this happened in the first place. So I can be better and I can be stronger moving forward." That's a step in the right direction. Figure out the why, Quinn.

Ridge: "Okay, or you could just forget about it like I did. I don't give it a moment's thought."

Quinn: "Really? I mean, I don't think about it, either. I don't. I just, I think about more like in an abstract way. You know, trying to understand my own behavior."

Ridge:" Yeah, can I ask you something? Why would you analyze something that obviously didn't mean anything to either one of us? Unless you think-"

Quinn: "No, no, no. It meant nothing to either one of us." 

Who here believes that?

Oh, no one?

You can see they don't believe it either but Ridge changes the subject to brow about how everyone loves him and Steffy running the company, no one more than him. Of course.

He thanks her again and she shakes it off, claiming she just wants to heal this amazingly fucked up family.

Quinn: "I'm happy. Eric and I are so happy. And I just don't want to screw that up." Honey, you already have.

Sally is watching Thomas' face as he peruses her designs. 

Sally: "You're looking at my designs like they hurt your feelings." Pretending she couldn't care less when it's obvious she does. 

Thomas: "Just looking. They're...........different."

Sally, cutting to the chase: ""You think they stink.

Thomas: "No! Did I say that?"

Sally: "No, you didn't have to, it was built into your condescending tone. 'They're...different.' Like they could never compare to the magic that Forresters make when pen hits paper." She snatches them up, her protective walls coming right back up.

Thomas: "So you're really doing it. You're bringing Spectra Fashion back to life."

Sally, hurt, but hiding it under false bravado, "Yep. A new day is dawning, and the sun in shining brightly. Spectra is roaring back, and the entire fashion industry is gonna stand up and take notice. So buckle up, bucko. Forrester has met their rematch."

Thomas, enjoying having gotten under her thick skin, "With these designs? Good luck." She storms off.


Definitely sparks. I can live with Tally.

Bill and Brooke are still smiling at each other. 

Bill: "So, you know, I have to say, this traveling looks, uh... it looks good on you. But you have to make me one promise: no more trips until you can take them with me."

Brooke: "You know I can't make that promise. I'm marrying Ridge." That's what her lips are saying, but everything else is saying: 


Bill: "Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen. When he breaks your heart, and that poser will, I will be right here for you, and I won't even be mad."

Brooke, laughing, "How generous of you."

Bill: "That's because you're worth it. You're special." Brooke: sighs, but lets him go on. "Your warmth, your beauty, that smile that lights up my world... Ridge doesn't appreciate you. (Never has, never will) He takes you for granted. (Always has, always will)That will never happen here. And one day soon, you're going to realize that."

Brooke: "I never doubted your feelings for me, Bill."

Bill: "Never do. Because they're REAL. And they're PERMANENT. And you're going to come back to me. And once you have, you're gonna look at me and you're gonna say, 'what took me so long?'"

Brooke just looks at him and you can see the doubt (about Ridge) in her eyes.

Quinn is still self-flagellating, telling Ridge she's always be her own worst enemy. Can't argue there.

Ridge: "You're just getting all revved up again." And he is reveling in it.

Quinn: "No, because Eric has so much faith in me! And I'm so terrified that I'm gonna let him down, that I don't deserve all of the good things that have happened in my life. And I know it, so I have to destroy it." She might be getting closer to her why.

Ridge: "Or you could just live your life. Go home to my dad and make him happy. Turns out, you're really good at that. You're the best person you can be. That's all any of us can really do. And do me a favor. This self-fulfilling prophecy that you created where everything you touch just falls apart -- that's silly. You got to let that go. You (and here he starts to falter), you are...you'll be fine. Everything's gonna be fine." 

It reminded me of this:


Quinn, nervously laughing, "Wow. You're being really understanding. And, dare I say it, supportive. And gentle. And concerned." And OMG, I'm going to barf up my dinner any moment now.

Ridge, as uncomfortable and off-foot as I've ever seen him since his mother was above ground, sighs. Loudly.

Quinn, stroking his ego some more. "Your encouragement means everything to me. Your friendship. It also means so much to me... if that's what it is, you know, because maybe you just feel sorry for me. But, hey, if that's what that is, then I'm gonna take all the support I can get."

Ridge, looking straight into her blue, blue eyes: "No......I don't feel sorry for you. AT ALL. And you don't need my support. You just believe in who you are and trust in who you are. That's enough." As much as it kills me to admit this, I saw it...a tiny sliver of something in Ridge's eyes and expressions that tells me that while there's still a plan, something has changed. His tight rein on things is slipping, the charade has gone too far. Ridge Forrester is losing control.

Quinn: "Thank you for saying that."

Ridge: "The smile is nice. But your hands shaking, that is a dead giveaway." He takes her hands in his, they are feeling each other's skin, each other's pulse. "Take a breath. (As he takes one) It's gonna be okay. I promise you. Everything's gonna be fine."

And then he's holding her in his arms again and they both look guilty but they don't let go.

For the first time, as uncomfortable as it made me, I can see something between them...and I hate them for it.

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The unexpected highlight was the Bill/Rick scenes, and thy do play well off one another. Although if Rick could hate Quinn for the one thing she "did" to Hope, he could hate Bill for the years of misery he put her through during Waffle Bowl I as well as the Maya stuff.

Still, he wasn't wrong about Ridge at all, and Rick knows it.

With all the mention of Hope, to safe to say she's coming back soon? That remark about growing up and becoming more mature seems to stick out for some reason. Which will be awesome if she decides to reunite with Wyatt or date one of Spectra's male models and tell Waffles to piss off when he and Steffy hit a roadblock.

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21 hours ago, politichick said:

I'm interested in this Sally, but I think she needs to get rid of the retro hair and also dress more stylishly.

I don't mind her clothing so far, but ugh, those kielbasi curls are horrendous.  She's a gorgeous woman, don't do that to her!  And since Sally is so pretty she should do herself a favor and stay away from electrical panels if Steffy is around.

3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Now I see why they took Brooke to that lighter shade of pale. How dumb can she be? A wedding gown and jewelry? If so, then why the worried tone in Quinn's voice and why would she say "Brooke can never know?" I think if Quinn designed jewelry for Brooke's wedding day, that Brooke would appreciate it and wear it. I can understand Brooke getting they wanted to keep it a secret, but "Brooke can never know?" She just looked so stupid in those scenes. 

Between "Brooke can never know" and Quinn being the one who's pleading, Brooke believing this lie makes her as gullible as gullible gets

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Brooke: "How did you know I was back?"

Bill, his smile wide, "Oh, well, uh, actually, it's kind of a funny thing, but it's as though I felt the earth rotate on its axis just ever-so-slightly. I mean, barely noticeable. But I picked up on it. And that's how I knew you were home. Welcome back, Brooke." She just smiles back at him. 

I wouldn't have smiled if someone said that to me, I'd probably think is was a not so subtle way to say I got fat! :)

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:




That looks like the same beer Rick and Bill were having at Brooke's.

3 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

With all the mention of Hope, to safe to say she's coming back soon? That remark about growing up and becoming more mature seems to stick out for some reason. Which will be awesome if she decides to reunite with Wyatt or date one of Spectra's male models and tell Waffles to piss off when he and Steffy hit a roadblock.

We could only wish..that would be great!

Edited by ByTor
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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

I don't mind her clothing so far, but ugh, those kielbasi curls are horrendous.  She's a gorgeous woman, don't do that to her!

I'm the opposite--the hair wouldn't bug me as much without all the loud clothing contrasts. I hope the leopard print and fur jackets disappear ASAP.

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1 minute ago, Anna Yolei said:

I'm the opposite--the hair wouldn't bug me as much without all the loud clothing contrasts. I hope the leopard print and fur jackets disappear ASAP.

Haha different strokes :)

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Original Sally didn't dress in a mishmash of unmatched loud clothing, her outfits were colourful but nothing like this as I recall!  Nor did she wear her hair WWII style with the sausage rolls, GMAB...she had me thinking she was a clone at hello bucko!  LOL. Stop trying so hard.

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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