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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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So how many weeks of Rumple giggling with like minded co conspirators are we going to have to endure? I kind of thought Liam was going to offer a rational argument for a second "Wait a minute. What did you do? Why didnt you immediately leave or go into the house? Like it or not, you're at QUINN'S home, peeping on her in her own back yard."  But, nope no logic is allowed to breathe past the sufficating nonsense being slathered on this story like shit flavored icing. Imagine if he had tried that bullshit locker room tittering with Eric " I looked right at her boobs and she didnt even try to cover herself and cry and run away? What kind of woman isnt properly terrorized by unwanted attention??" Eric would have handed him a steaming bowl of what he served to Liam the day before.

Oh look, Liam is into storming an executive meeting waving his fists around like an angry toddler! that's new, isn't it?.  (is Nicole an executive now?) When did she forgive Wyatt for using her to get at Maya's big secret ... Which ultimately did NOTHING except bring the senior Avants to town for five seconds.  But, I digress...

Oh Brooke, always keeping her options open. No,  I won't marry you but I don't object to an invasion of personal space a time or seven! 

We get it, Steffy is sexy and strong and brave and would unite warring factions in the Middle East if only they could stream her daily activities on instagram. Enough already. 


I hope everyone is enjoying a great Holiday Season!

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I was thinking for a while how much Ridge are alike. They both want woman when they can't have them. It's the thrill of the chase but once they're pray is caught, they don't know what to do with them.  Causing them both to waffle. As for Ridge he's a full stack and Liam is a short stack but a waffle by any other name is still a waffle. Where the differ is that Ridge has very high self-esteem to the point that he probably fantasizes his face on the woman and calls out his own name when he organism.  But Liam has very low self-esteem because he keeps harping that Wyatt and Quinn will be responsible for the ruination of his relationship with Steffy.  He is very intimidated by Steffy's status as CEO and IMO is doing everything he can to sabotage her. 

Wow, in Ridge's self absorbed little sanctimonious mind, Quinn is the evilest person on earth.  So Ridge is going to seduce Quinn but his exit strategy will fail. I don't think that Brooke will accept any excuse  he can muster especially with Bill in her ear.  

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I was thinking for a while how much Ridge are alike. They both want woman when they can't have them. It's the thrill of the chase but once they're pray is caught, they don't know what to do with them.  Causing them both to waffle.

Kinda-sorta. Whereas Ridge makes it clear which woman he wants with over the top gestures like the famous trip to St. Thomas, Liam is a willow in the wind, taking no urgency about his life whatsoever. This last year of banging on about Quinn is the more measurable effort I've ever seen this guy put into any of the women he's been with, and even that more closely resembled the neat little party trick my chiweenie learned of banging on his dog bowls for food instead of digging into the bag like every other dog I've owned would do.

On the other hand, Liam has not once looked back on Ivy since they split up and unlike Ridge he isn't a rapist either. So, he's got that. :/

3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

He is very intimidated by Steffy's status as CEO and IMO is doing everything he can to sabotage her. 

Come to think of it, he wasn't thrilled about Hope being the speaker for HFTF either.

Granted, her BS of using their lack of sex as a marketing gimmicks was tacky and anyone would be nonplussed about their SO making such a declaration, but this mewling bitch routine is nothing new, just new with Steffy. 

And to that end, she's always been a stopover between fights with Hope, so of course he's never bothered to know her as a person.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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5 hours ago, La di Diva said:

So it seems that Rumple is going to sex-up, seduce, and sleep with Quinn, thereby proving to Eric what a faithless, cheating slut she is.  But .. how *exactly* would Rumple's behavior be any different than Quinn's?  Wouldn't Rumple be cheating on Brooke, being a faithless slut himself? Is Brooke just supposed to forgive his cheating because he was "taking one for the team" in order to get rid of Quinn?

And what if the plan doesn't work? What if Quinn is on to Rumple's plan?  What if she strings him along and makes sure Brooke and Eric see Rumple making his move and Quinn repulsing him? And then tells B&E what Rumple has been trying to do.

It's been long established that Ridge-Pen only proposed to Brooke because he doesn't want her with Bill.  It's a pattern of behavior that has played out on our screens for decades.  Bill might as well be Eric, James, Thorne, or Nick, or whomever because the grungy one has the same tired old shit in his trick bag.  Except, now he's added a new trick, i.e. telling the foolish Brooke that the woman who made her miserable for 20+ years and facilitated her rape always "loved" her.  Lord-a-mighty!  If that is love, then no wonder Brooke's picture is in the dictionary next to the words, "Masochist" and "Damn fool."  Just because the unkempt Ridge-Pen has a new face, a now-flaccid body, greasy  hair and the mannerisms of a knuckle-dragging caveman, doesn't mean that Ridge and Stephanie's history magically disappeared.  Every time that clown spouts that B.S., I wish a large anvil would fall on him and put me out of my misery.

And, yes, he thinks he will get away with seducing Quinn and making her look like a faithless slut because it's worked out for him so many times before.  He's known for plowing his father and brothers' heifers and will even resort to sexual assault to get what he wants.  And, not once has he ever been punished for it and is actually rewarded with the undying devotion of the women he dogs out.  The only difference is this time he doesn't have his mother--his No. 1 fan--to run interference for him, to slut-shame whatever woman he messed with, or wipe up his semen spills when he goes crying on her shoulder.

So basically, Brooke had to give up a great relationship so that she could be in praise-and-worship mold yet again for Ridge-Pen when he inevitably shits on her yet again (with her permission).

And, yes, it still repulses me that that dirty, dusty, trifling creep is running around and being held up as something that every female over 15 is quivering in lust for.

Edited by MulletorHater
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Does Liam actually have a job? What does he do all day besides interrupt meeting at FC? How does he pay his bills, utilities, gas for his fancy car, clothes, food, etc? Yeah, when good old Steffy finds out he's conspired with her old dad, all hell will break loose. Cannot wait!

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At the moment I want to punch Ridge in his smug face.  And I want to punch Liam in the mouth to shut up his whining to Steffy that she's being manipulated. After the initial surprise, I think she liked the sexy CEO video.  Liam certainly is showing the difference between his non-support and Wyatt's support for Steffy's new position.

On a shallow note, Pam's hair looked good today, as she ditched the 1960s That Girl flip.

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Can any of you long time watchers tell me if the early fashion shows were actually like the one in the opening credits?  That looks like a big production, unlike the last few, that were held in a small room with 2 models and 20 guests.

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2 hours ago, MotherInLaw said:

Can any of you long time watchers tell me if the early fashion shows were actually like the one in the opening credits?  That looks like a big production, unlike the last few, that were held in a small room with 2 models and 20 guests.

They actually did look far bigger in the past.They had a higher budget for more extras and/or clothing. Or maybe more fucks to give about framing the shot so that the room didn't seem as cramped.

I dunno if you saw the last one awhile back-the one where Ridge forbade Steffy from modeling the showstopper Quinn eventually wore--but that was by an order of magnitude the best fashion show episode to air in a long time. Certainly the best one of the 2010s, and a top contender for the best one since before William Bell passed on.

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I've watched very little of B&B since the shower scene in Eric's backyard. TIIC, please don't have Ridge use himself as bait to entice Quinn to ruin her marriage to Eric -- Ridge is a slob and Quinn's a goddess -- Why would Quinn stoop so low when she has fought so hard to prove she loves Eric and return him to health? 

Shower Encounter: Ridge was the trespasser and acted inappropriately, no matter how he retells the story finding Quinn naked to Rick and Liam. Rick was creeped out Ridge would just stand there staring and scoffed at his egotism, while Liam believed Ridge's Quinn shower fantasy hook line and sinker because he's hysterical enough to believe everything Quinn is involved in is one massive plot ... most likely against him.   

Quinn wasn't hosing herself down in the middle of the street and wantonly shaking her moneymaker at passing cars, no matter how much Ridge exaggerates what he assumes were her motives. The only motives that need be analyzed are his own, and that's a very rare occurrence. Ridge imagines his sexual prowess is irresistible to all wimminsfolk, and Quinn is just another hapless moth drawn to his flaming grease fire. Ridge's evolving plot is to shake his moneymakin' over-estimated power over wimmins at Quinn, catch her up into betraying her marriage to Eric (and Ridge betraying his relationship with Eric for the 200th time). Eric will dump Quinn's trifling ass ousting her from FC and Eric's life.

I assume the Ridge and Quinn not mentioning the Shower Encounter to Brooke and Eric will cause upset and have ramifications for all of them. Eric will be hurt and suspect the worst, because Ridge has made his entire career betraying Eric through his wives, and it will appear NewQuinn is still OldQuinn-insane. And Brooke would dump Ridge and go back to $Bill ... again.

On ‎12‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 2:32 PM, politichick said:

Brooke, be careful playing Nancy Drew with your silly sister because you may be about to see something you really don't like, like Quinnsane with your man. 

So true. Katie on the loose and sexually unencumbered is a natural gas leak looking for something to blow up and burn to the ground. Ask Bridget, Nick and Ridge about encounters with Katie on the prowl; Brooke's already been burned several times (and visa versa), and is still playing along with Katie, but Brooke learns nothing from her bad or good experiences.

Brooke sort-of working with Katie to break up the Eric/Quinn marriage is all bad. Katie has nothing to lose in poking holes in the Eric/Quinn marriage; she's never held accountable for the damage she's done or has to clean up the mess left behind by her pot-stirring. Brooke's involvement gives her a ringside seat watching Ridge glom on Quinn in his attempt to break up the Eric/Quinn marriage.

Brooke continuing to keep her options open by being engaged to Ridge and entertaining $Bill attentions and predictions for their future, is no improvement on when she was engaged to $Bill and entertaining Ridge's attentions and predictions for their future. It's all come back around, again ... and again ... $Bill sniffing around, reminding Brooke that DESTINY! is a momentary interlude for Ridge, and will fail her again. Then $Bill intones he and Brooke will be together again ... You really want to do that, $Bill? Brooke is faithless and dishonest; when she dumps Ridge for you, she will use you to bring Ridge back around. Then she will use Ridge to bring you back around. Then she will use you to bring Ridge back around ... Ad infinitum.

On ‎12‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 2:47 PM, OhioSongbird said:

If Ridge had refused to give me a towel (as any true gentleman would have done) I'd have done a model spin, said "Ok...knock yourself out" and sashayed away. 

She has him right where she wants him. 

Quinn is well aware that Ridge has and will use any means necessary to ruin her marriage to Eric or get rid of her entirely. I think she's playing Ridge -- the flirty banter post-shower (particularly with Liam present) and the design collaboration. Ridge rebuffing her attentions and touch is supposed to entice her to act more overtly. I'm hoping Quinn is smarter than that and sees through Ridge's burlesque, because I very much want to watch Ridge fall flat on his face with Eric to witness it again.


The real sand in the lube is Raving Liam and His Hysterical One-Man Band -- Liam and Katie have fed each others fears about their experiences with Quinn (See Katie's video from the bushes she and Brooke assume was a threat against Liam), while Liam and Ridge have inflated Quinn bogey stories to monstrous proportions. Liam is in contact with both anti-Quinn movements. Were he to actually calm down long enough, Liam might realize having both groups work together might be more effective than two egotistical morons at-large and shooting blanks to take down Quinn.  

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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It makes me so sad to see what Liam has become because I think Scott Clifton is a good actor.   I know a lot of people really hated Hope but I thought Hope and Liam were perfect for each other.  They were young and in love and very sweet together.  The problems they had were the problems that two young, naive and relatively sheltered people have.  The one thing that Liam and Hope did have, before it all went to hell, was communication; they actually spoke to each other. 

Steffy is the worse thing that ever happened to Liam.  Hope's storyline of wanting to wait before having sex was old-fashioned but refreshing.  She was exercising her choice as a young woman and I liked that Liam respected that choice, even if it gave him a funny feeling 'down there'.  Then along comes Puffy, slinging her pussy all over the place.   Steffy/Liam was based on malice and deceit (and blue balls) from the very beginning.  Puffy didn't want Liam; she wanted to hurt Hope.  And Puffy knew that the only thing she had to land Hope's boyfriend was sex because it sure as shit wasn't her personality or mind.  I've always thought that Puffy was more Brooke's heir-apparent than Hope ever was.

Now Liam is a ghost of the person he was before.  I admire Kim Matula's decision not to return to the show because I have no doubt that Bell Jr. is offering her BOTH of his kidneys to come back.  She seems determined to make a career for herself outside of B&B.  JMW set land-speed records racing back when she failed to set the world on fire.  I have a feeling that a recast might be in the future because Hope is the only thing that might save this total clusterfuck.  Then we'll see how fast Liam will drop the Puffster.

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Methinks we'll have a replay with a twist of the Ridge/ Brooke/ 'Thorne making a sandwich' episode.

Here's how I think it should happen:

Quinn gets a horrible cold and is confined to bed by Eric and the doctor -- she's on cold meds that put her out.  Ridge sees this as the perfect opportunity to get her in a compromising position.  He enlists his trusty sidekick Liam to help,  Liam decides to add Katie as a "witness"

While Eric is at FC, Ridge gets into the house and gets into bed with the zonked out Quinn.   Liam texts Katie on Quinn's phone to come over -- mentions just come upstairs. Liam hides so he can watch the drama. Katie arrives, sees Quinn and Ridge in bed and whips out her handy dandy phone to record the moment.  Ridge meanwhile pretends not to know Katie is there.  Liam who has also recorded the moment, pretends to arrive just then, tells Katie they have to leave and off they go.

Quinn sleeps through the entire thing.  Ridge and Liam meet up later and plan for Liam to send Eric the video from an anonymous account.  Katie meanwhile feels she has to show the video to Eric and does later that afternoon.  Eric is horrified.  There is a very odd conversation with between Eric and Quinn after Katie leaves in which Eric is asking how she "slept" and was she "disturbed by anyone"  Quinn is puzzled, but says no, she had a nice nap.

Eric stews about the video for a couple of days as things get more and more tense between him and Quinn, lots of odd conversations (very Othello and Desdemona-esque).  Liam anonymously sends the video and that is the last straw for Eric.  He calls a meeting at FC.

Steffy gets the text and Liam gloats that he knows what the meeting is about.  He says he and Ridge devised a plan to get Quinn out of FC and out of their lives forever.  Steffy says "Liam what did you do!!" and Liam happily confesses every detail to Steffy's growing horror.  Capping his recitation off with the patented Liam fine whine "I did it for you Steffy.  I did it for **us** We had to get Quinn out of the company and our lives forever"

Steffy bolts from the beach house hoping she's not too late.  Eric at FC is in fine form ranting and raging about betrayal.  Quinn is trying to calm him down but he shakes her off.  He goes on and on about faithless, disloyal family members. That he's made mistakes by trusting people but no more.  He fires Wyatt and tells him to get out of the house.  He begins apologizing to Ridge for not listening to him about "certain people".  And just as Eric is about to lay into Quinn -- Steffy bursts into the office -- followed closely by Liam.

Steffy:  "Grand Dad wait!! Don't say anything more until you hear me out"

Liam;  "Steffy don't.  Don't do this. Don't do this to us. Not when we're finally getting what we want"

Steffy ignores the whining gnat and spills the whole story.  She forces Ridge to admit to what he and Liam did.  Ridge is all smug and proud of it.  Liam looks only slightly ashamed but defends doing it for the greater good.  Wyatt punches him out.

Huge verbal beat down by Eric to Ridge and Liam.  Eric throws Ridge out of the company all the while Ridge is shouting that what he did was right and maintaining evil Quinn is manipulating Eric. 

Steffy tells Liam to leave and in a rare show of compassion, hugs and apologizes to the sobbing Quinn for what Ridge and Liam did.  Steffy then turns to Wyatt and says -- "You were right  About everything. About Liam. About me, About us."

Eric, with tears in his eyes takes the sobbing Quinn in his arms and grovels saying he never should have doubted her love and loyalty.

This could take days to play out. And then with follow up episodes showing Ridge trying to justify his actions to Brooke but her having none of it and returning Stephanie's ring.  Katie might just apologize to Eric and Quinn for believing the set up,  and this could be the start of a QuKatie friendship.

Liam will got to FC to try to justify everything to Steffy, that it was all for them and their future. Then he notices her hand -- she has had the wedding band tattoo re-inked.  Wyatt walks into the office at that moment and tells Liam to leave "I need to discuss a few things with **my** wife"

Waffles takes his beady-eyed fine whine back to the beach house to mope, declaring "We Wuz Robbed!!"

For long term SL potential Ridge and Liam could team up and continue in their quest to bring down Quinn/ win back Brooke/ win back Steffy.

Edited by La di Diva
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1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

makes me so sad to see what Liam has become because I think Scott Clifton is a good actor.   I know a lot of people really hated Hope but I thought Hope and Liam were perfect for each other.  They were young and in love and very sweet together.  The problems they had were the problems that two young, naive and relatively sheltered people have.  The one thing that Liam and Hope did have, before it all went to hell, was communication; they actually spoke to each other.

I admit I did genuinely like them in the beginning. Hope understandably cpuldnt push past Oliver and the Posé boink and Liam seemed like a decent guy. The first one major non-Steffy related clink in their armor was when Hope announced in her press conference that she was waiting till marriage and it was the first he'd heard about it, IIRC.

I'd also add the reason that the ToD never worked was because of the imbalance of focus. Eventually, it became all about Steffy and Hope fighting their families' battles with Liam just there to get yelled at with no lines for weeks at a time. He's become less of a character and more of a human prop as he bounced between the two chicks at light speed.

But you hit on the nail why for all Liam's obnoxious mewling, my heart doesn't exactly break for Steffy in all of this. Their relationship ship began with him handing her the engagement ring from her stepsister two minutes after she took it off. I can't add anything else to highlight the complete flakiness of such a decision.

At least Brooke hadn't worn the showstopper dress when Ridge proposed to Taylor that one time. :/

5 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Poor  Steffy! Her only recourse to not living with Waffles is to move into her brother's crappy apartment. A million a year must not go very far anymore.

It actually doesn't in California :p

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The Steffy propping today was ridiculous.*


Probably a very UO but, fuck you Eric. Sexy CEO should live wherever she wants. 


* Spellcheck really tried to get me to change propping to pooping for some reason.

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Holy shit Batman, did I actually hear Ridge, the saintly, actually tell Liam that Quinn will eventually betray anyone who has put faith in her. Especially my dad.  Also did Ridge actually tell Quinn that she really must learn to knock?  Liam and Ridge haven't knocked on a door in like forever. Ridge should also learn not to lurk. The fact that Liam was abusive to Eric was passed over pretty quickly. 

Quinn FTW telling Ridge that he should comb his hair and there is not enough sanitizer that she would need after she ran her fingers through his hair. 

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Oh, yeah, Quinn has a plan to prove to Eric that Ridge is a snake, not to be trusted and has no further place in FC. I do believe, maybe falsely, that she does love Eric and wants a future with him. Hope I'm not disappointed but I think she'll take Ridge down. If so, YAY for Quinn. Time to shake this shit up!

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I hope you're right Gam2. I'd like nothing better than for Eric to cut Ridge outta his life for good. TK cannot play Ridge as the good guy and the writers shouldn't  even try anymore. They could've stopped peddling that crap fifteen years ago, but I digress.

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Were the writers spying here again? The only thing better was if Quinn had asked Ridge if he ever washed his hair.  But, I'll take any acknowledgement of his slovenly appearance, thank you!

I honestly thought "Sexy CEO" and putting a video on the FC website with Steffy in lingerie along with the pornish music wasn't the best idea.  FC is the brand, not Steffy.  Something like that might have worked during Brooke's tenure because she was, you know? SEXY! Plus, she was the face of eponymous bedroom line.  I've never heard of a marketing/PR department that promoted the company's CEO 24/7.  What's next? Steffy's annual well woman exam, ala Nicole in the stirrups last month? The "day in the life of" video can't be without the on-call tattoo removal doc making an office call.  (It didn't escape me when Pam mentioned something today about the older more traditional clients.)

I know that in these times, Steffy can indeed live wherever and with whomever she chooses. However, from Eric's POV, that's his name on the company and he has the right to call the shots as far as the decorum of his executives are concerned. OTOH, it is not fair to call out Steffy, when Rick and Ridge have acted in equally poor taste (if not worse) and it's been glossed over. Sexist, huh?

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Eric's meddling in Steffy life bugs me.

For that matter, his general inconsistency on this is irksome. Rick and Maya were shacked up and he says nothing to that twerp.

Rick spends half of 2015 terrorizing the family and Eric was completely MIA.

Thomas rapes Caroline, conceives a baby from that night and yet Ridge gets slammed for lying in the one thing this entire year that he was the least culpable in( although she'd have never been in such a position to be preyed upon if he'd just been open and honest. Still not even close to being an excuse for Thomas).

Hell, HOPE was shacked up with Liam while she was actively using her virginity as a marketing told for HFTF and the only person who said boo about that was Steffy.

Also, Ridge's entire history.

So yeah. The USS Propriety and Morality (DDG 666) ship has sailed, and it's deployment has been extended indefinitely.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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So, Ridge is going to seduce Quinn to prove what to Eric? Oh, right, that Quinn is not committed to him, and has fallen under Ridge's charms. This smacks of the nonsense that happened in Italy; as heinous as Ridge and the gangs actions were, on some level the whole thing did make sense. But that is because the players made sense, their histories made sense, but this? Not so much. I question how this will play out given Ridge and Quinn do not live in a bubble, and Ridge just re-pledged himself to Brooke. PFFFT!!!! Just shut my stupid mouth; when has Ridge pledging himself to Brooke really meant anything other than him saying the words. If it means regaining control of FC's, Ridge would not only forget about Bridge, he would claim ignorance of ever having rebuilt the damn thing. And what about Eric? Does Ridge envision his romancing Quinn as a way to fill up the moat of disloyalty, betrayal and hurt he has built around his father? While Ridge may think it will prove Quinn's dishonesty, I think Eric may see it another way entirely. The whole thing reeks and the fact that Liam is involved makes it all the stinkier. 

Having said that, let's examine some other possibilities. Let's say Ridge's plan backfires, and he actually falls for Quinn. I can see all kinds of trouble with that scenario. Brooke and RJ would be dumped once again. Eric would be devastated. I would lay bets that little Katie Logan Spencer would not waste one second getting up to the Forrester Manse to console Eric. Any inroads Wyatt and Steffy had made would come to a dead end. Liam would be in a perpetual state of bliss. Or, what I kind of like better, is Quinn catches on to Ridge's game and plays the fool like a fiddle. I mean really, the absolute arrogance of the man is insufferable. Running around spouting about how Quinn is hot for him, and how his magic fucking charms are pulling her away from the man she loves. And Liam stands there and absorbs it all like a thirsty little sponge. It is pathetic. And so juvenile. I would love to see Ridge actually fall for Quinn, but she is playing him, acting all agog with his mystical powers, and his charm, and his what-the-fuck-ever. In any event, it seems we have established that Ridge likes feet and ankles and that Show is reading this board. As much as it squicks me out, I think the banter between Quinn and Ridge is funny and spot on. I nearly died when she told him to go wash his hair, and he said something about cooties. Cooties? I wish Brooke had walked in on that shit. 

Oh Liam, just shut the fuck up! You have no business barging into a private meeting at a company that no longer employs you. And you certainly have no business telling the people who do work there how to run the company. I know in the real world, Steffy being CEO wouldn't even be a blip on the radar, but this is the B&B, so everything in the universe swirls around FC's and what the CEO is doing. So I am down with Wyatt's plans. Brooke was young and hot when she took over, and she used her sexuality to sell dresses. And of course Brooke's Bedroom. I say if Steffy is supposed to be this sexy tigress (!!!!!), then put the shit out there. Just like Brooke has always said; sex sells. 

I get where Eric is coming from, but he is not the right person to be talking to Steffy about shacking up with her BIL. That should actually be coming from her husband. 

I cannot believe how bad I feel for Bill. For a character I have hated much more than I have liked; my heart just shattered for him when he saw that ring on Brooke's finger. Don't wait for her Bill. And don't pine for her either. She kicked you to the curb after you did nothing but love her unconditionally. Brooke is completely lost to me now. She was finally at the crossroads of happiness and heartbreak, and she chose heartbreak. It has been all of two days and Ridge is already on the road to this:


So what does that say? To me it says everything is status quo. Ridge doesn't really want Brooke, but he doesn't want her to be with anyone else either. And he isn't considering her feelings at all with this new plan of his. 

I could see how hard KKL was trying to sell the happy during the holidays. But I ain't buying it. She and TK seem so uncomfortable together; she almost seems afraid to touch him, and picks her spots very carefully, and he seems awkward, like he doesn't know how to handle a sexy, mature woman, where he had no problems handling a young ingenue like Caroline. 

Where is Sasha, and where did she spend Christmas? I wish she and Wyatt would run into each other. Let Steffy stay with Liam; it wouldn't take a NY minute for her to bolt if she saw Wyatt getting comfy cozey with Sasha. And I think Sasha could hold her own and give Steffy a good run for her money. 

Steffy is the best of the family Eric? I am without words..........

Edited by RuntheTable
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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I get where Eric is coming from, but he is not the right person to be talking to Steffy about shacking up with her BIL. That should actually be coming from her husband. 

I actually had expected Wyatt to drag out the divorce and make the whole process a pain in the ass the way Steffy did during her first divorce from Liam. Instead, he actually does respect her choice, which is more than what she deserves.

But I'm glad she called Eric on the hypocrisy of this when neither he or Ridge ever showed such restraint.

I also caught the acknowledgement of Steam not being love at first sight with that dialogue at the end of the episode. If I wasn't convinced that someone reads this board, I am now.

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What was Ivy's purpose on the show today?  A total of a minute and a half to hear that Ridge saw Quinn naked than to run away before she could hear Quinn rebuff him.  IMO today proved to me that Quinn really wants no part of Ridge and her anguish, at the end, was more for being mad at herself for making Ridge even think that she was interested in him. I sure hope that it's not wishful thinking. 

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1 hour ago, Gudzilla said:

So excited we got to see Partially Opened Steam Room Door.

Hi Ivy !

The Steam Room came back!

Oh, man! When's the last time they've used that ol' chestnut? Brooke and Ridge used to boink like rabbits in there, and Donna got locked in there by Thorne and Felicia when they were being Sludge levels of petty.

Good times :D

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Oh, Lordy, people. What was that with Quinn at the end of today's show? Please don't disappoint all of us, girl. Stay with Eric and send Ridge packing. If the writers screw this up for us, I am...finally.....d.o.n.e.

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I wonder how Liam will react to Steffy's milion dollar plus salary. He probably say it's another plot by Quinn and not that she's worth it. If Liam was paid by the hours he works as compared to his salary, he would be a billionaire. Great approach Steffy to give Liam a mercy fuck before you tell him you are leaving. Too bad Wyatt didn't get one. 

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Sorry, don't understand "If Liam was paid by the hours he works as compared to his salary, he would be a billionaire". Does he work at all? And where? And what exactly does he do at work? How much does he earn at his "job"? 

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TK looked pretty good sans shirt. I think I read where he talks about being fat for soaps and doesn't care. TK isn't the "Adonis" that Don Diamont is but I think DD looks plastic looking. Now, Quinn is having a heart attack like a Eric? Panic Attack? Sex Attack? Too much steam attack? Also, when did the steam room move down to Thorne's old office in the basement? Was the steam room always there? Is this the same one that Quinn locked Liam in? Did I mention that TK has pretty good pecs for 50?! How many more days do we have to wait for hate sex between Ridge and Quinn?

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Sorry, don't understand "If Liam was paid by the hours he works as compared to his salary, he would be a billionaire". Does he work at all? And where? And what exactly does he do at work? How much does he earn at his "job"? 

Liam went back to Spencer Publications after he quit Forrester as VP.  I'm not sure if his father made him President or a Vice President upon his return.  The point being is that Liam maybe works an hour per week so at a seven figure salary that's what he makes per hour. Multiple that by a standard 40hr work week. OK, I exaggerated just a bit but it was a means to see that Liam spends more time berating Quinn and barging into meanings than working.  Liam is as useless than a parachute on the moon. 

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A paltry million a year salary is nothing for today's CEOs, regardless of their age and it's not like Steffy walked into some shaky start-up venture; it's a long-term well-established international company.  This girl has grown up surrounded by gazillions of dollars, so I wasn't sure if her reaction was in dismay or awe. I thought maybe Eric was purposely starting her out at "slave wages," in order to make her prove herself. But it makes me wonder how much he would have offered Rick? Or Ridge?

I love the way that couples dump each other on this show. I remember Katie poured special wine and even served hors d'oeurves before cutting off the ratty red ribbon of retaliation and returning it to Ridge. So Steffy had to sex up Liam before breaking the news that she was moving out?  And no, Waffles, she isn't leaving you, you whining priss!  "We were supposed to be together! We wuz robbed!" I honestly don't know why Eric and Wyatt are investing so much into that botched piece of Botox. I'm particularly simultaneously disappointed in and perplexed by Eric; sitting their all grandfatherly with Wyatt and having a fireside chat about reuniting the couple. Say, WHAAAT???  He really needs to stay out of it and not get Wyatt's hope up. 

Speaking of false hope, Bill needs to drop Brooke and like now! We haven't seen tomorrow's show, so maybe he showed up with the bottle of bubbly with that in mind, and he's just backing into that ... probably not. He needs to just vanish and let destiny take its course.

I did love Eric calling Liam a waffle, though. I had to watch that several times. Yes. Bell must have spies on this board.  All the more reason to leave juicy hints for SLs.  If you're reading this, stop trying so hard to make us like Steffy. It's an exercise in futility.

No, I did not think naked Ridge in the steam room look good and I'm glad that Quinn shut that shit down and no, she is not falling for you, greaseball.  How weird to just insert Ivy (of all people) into the area then disappear.  I'm trying to sort that one out. Wouldn't Ivy's loyalty be to Quinn so she would first ask Quinn about what she overheard? I can't see Ivy running to Eric or Katie or Liam with that news. I thought, actually, what Ivy overheard wasn't that damning. Quinn clearly mentioned the shower and there was nothing said to imply that Ridge had joined her in said shower.  ???

I wasn't sure what was going on with Quinn at the end of the show. I read it that she's developing some type of attraction to Ridge and she's confused and terrified.

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2 hours ago, grisgris said:

A paltry million a year salary is nothing for today's CEOs, regardless of their age and it's not like Steffy walked into some shaky start-up venture; it's a long-term well-established international company.  This girl has grown up surrounded by gazillions of dollars, so I wasn't sure if her reaction was in dismay or awe. I thought maybe Eric was purposely starting her out at "slave wages," in order to make her prove herself. But it makes me wonder how much he would have offered Rick? Or Ridge?

I love the way that couples dump each other on this show. I remember Katie poured special wine and even served hors d'oeurves before cutting off the ratty red ribbon of retaliation and returning it to Ridge. So Steffy had to sex up Liam before breaking the news that she was moving out?  And no, Waffles, she isn't leaving you, you whining priss!  "We were supposed to be together! We wuz robbed!" I honestly don't know why Eric and Wyatt are investing so much into that botched piece of Botox. I'm particularly simultaneously disappointed in and perplexed by Eric; sitting their all grandfatherly with Wyatt and having a fireside chat about reuniting the couple. Say, WHAAAT???  He really needs to stay out of it and not get Wyatt's hope up. 

Speaking of false hope, Bill needs to drop Brooke and like now! We haven't seen tomorrow's show, so maybe he showed up with the bottle of bubbly with that in mind, and he's just backing into that ... probably not. He needs to just vanish and let destiny take its course.

I did love Eric calling Liam a waffle, though. I had to watch that several times. Yes. Bell must have spies on this board.  All the more reason to leave juicy hints for SLs.  If you're reading this, stop trying so hard to make us like Steffy. It's an exercise in futility.

No, I did not think naked Ridge in the steam room look good and I'm glad that Quinn shut that shit down and no, she is not falling for you, greaseball.  How weird to just insert Ivy (of all people) into the area then disappear.  I'm trying to sort that one out. Wouldn't Ivy's loyalty be to Quinn so she would first ask Quinn about what she overheard? I can't see Ivy running to Eric or Katie or Liam with that news. I thought, actually, what Ivy overheard wasn't that damning. Quinn clearly mentioned the shower and there was nothing said to imply that Ridge had joined her in said shower.  ???

I wasn't sure what was going on with Quinn at the end of the show. I read it that she's developing some type of attraction to Ridge and she's confused and terrified.

I thought fat Ridge was awesome. Seriously, I sort of liked that he didn't have an 8 pack and wasn't trying to cover up his stomach especially when he sat down. I think TK is comfortable with his body and I appreciate his willingness to let it all hang out. LOL!!! That said, he still looks dirty. Between his real/fake tan and RS beautiful while skin TK really looks like he needs to take bath followed by a shower. Maybe, it's the tan that projects the dirty look. Anyhoo, have a good weekend y'all.

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On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 1:00 PM, LittleIggy said:

Poor  Steffy! Her only recourse to not living with Waffles is to move into her brother's crappy apartment. A million a year must not go very far anymore.

On ‎12‎/‎28‎/‎2016 at 1:05 PM, Anna Yolei said:

It actually doesn't in California :p


The class struggle in Beverly Hills is real.

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Quinn needs to march back and tell Eric what happened (we know it wont happen, because it NEVER happens) because in the end this will be the thing that would save her marriage, no misunderstandings if your husband already knows his son is up to his nasty tricks. (isn't Quinn supposed to be the nasty one?)

And Liam wouldn't he demand his  Hope/Steffie or whomever was his exwife not move in with his brother until the divorce was final, he's such a hypocrite!  I hate him now, totally!

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Snark aside, I've lived in CA my whole life...in some areas, a million will maybe buy a decent sized condo. I never realized how expensive this place was until after my tour in Japan and I actually had something in the way of a measurable savings for the first time in my life.  If I didn't entirely abhor the politics in Texas, I'd have jump ship there ages ago like nearly all my high school friends did.

Then again, it's not like Steffy pays rent anywhere and if they're like a number of the customers at my dealership who have businesses, any vehicle will be bought under FC's name anyway. But like others have said, for an established company like FC supposedly is, that's a chump change type of salary.

I still hate Steffy, but now that she doesn't share all her screen time with Waffles or taking the piss on all things Logan, I find that hate is considerably less. I liked her quieter scenes this week with Eric in spite of his hypocrisy on propriety.

Which just jarred my memory about the Nicole/Wyatt scene a couple of days ago: um, honey? One of your exes IS a Forrester that interns with you and the other one's mother is President of the company, so.....

The whole scene did seem a bit chem test-y, though. And considering how many people forgive far worse than what Wyatt did, I wouldn't mind a revisit. And thing is better than the tedium of Nicole and Prince Valium Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzende.

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11 hours ago, Cindylou said:

And Liam wouldn't he demand his  Hope/Steffie or whomever was his exwife not move in with his brother until the divorce was final, he's such a hypocrite!  I hate him now, totally!

I think at one point when Hope was dating Wyatt or split between them, Liam  was demanding she give them both equally dating time. Or something. 

He also barged into her appointment during her first pregnancy scare.

Liam is the less rapey Ridge.

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Can wardrobe please give Chickenhead pants that fit and not skin tight jeans? Made more obvious with him sticking his hands in his pockets therefore exposing his "package". Yuck!  Waffles and Chickenhead are not leading men, Show. Stop trying to make it happen. $Bill, you have enough money to buy both shoe polish for your hair AND a clue..... and please leave the Golden Cooter alone. You are so much better than this. Quinn better be having a heart attack. Better that than her heart yearning for Ridgepen. Barf! Less said about the Botox queen the better. I might be taking a break from this show for my sanity.

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Why couldn't B&B have shown a classic episode like Y&R. I actually watched Y&R to see Nikki and Victor's first marriage again. It was a hoot to watch with all the 80s big hair and fugly fashion!

Edited by LittleIggy
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Knowing our luck the "classic" episode would've been one of Liam and Hope's failed wedding attempts.

Speaking of, it's been nearly two years since Hope left, and I miss her like I miss my last Naval command (note: I don't miss my last command ?). 

ETA: in an attempt to look up any of their spectacular near misses, I cannot find even *one* of the Lope weddings...or even many scenes of them at *all* apart from Liam playing hero after Hope fell down the stairs wearing six inch stilettos in her SORASed second trimester. 

In fact everything I do find are heavily edited music videos to that pairing, and to a somewhat lesser extent the same goes for Steam. By contrast , I've seen video of varying languages and quality of all Ridge's weddings to all three of the ladies. And mind you, these were likely rips from VHS that someone kept for ages. YT was going strong five years ago, and yet....nothing.

....just putting it out there.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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2 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Why couldn't B&B have shown a classic episode like Y&R. I actually watched Y&R to see Nikki and Victor's first marriage again. It was a hoot to watch with all the 80s big hair and fugly fashion!

Is there an iconic episode they could have played considering the current cast?  (No RM, no SF, etc. - though since Stephanie is dead, I suppose they could use SF as they did with the recent Bridge scene at her grave.) 

Edited by tessaray
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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Knowing our luck the "classic" episode would've been one of Liam and Hope's failed wedding attempts.

Speaking of, it's been nearly two years since Hope left, and I miss her like I miss my last Naval command (note: I don't miss my last command ?). 

I don't miss Hope in regards to Liam or Wyatt (though I am fascinated by TPTB just dropping Steffy into her place and resuming plot as usual) but I do miss her a little when it comes to Brooke.  And if she were still on canvas we might get a Deacon reference once in awhile. 

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10 hours ago, tessaray said:

Is there an iconic episode they could have played considering the current cast?  (No RM, no SF, etc. - though since Stephanie is dead, I suppose they could use SF as they did with the recent Bridge scene at her grave.) 

The Y&R episode had lots of characters no longer on the show-- Col. Austen, the Brookes sisters, Paul's parents, etc.-- and since recasted characters like Jill and Diane. That wouldn't be a problem.

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Diane was there? God, there were so many characters at that wedding that many of them only got like two lines.

The last big wedding I can remember in recent history was Nick and Bridget's first trip down the aisle..the one Taylor crashed with her rise from the dead. One that had proper lead up and really felt like two families coming together to put aside their differences.

ETA: I watched Thursday's episode and guys...I think someone has put a boot up someone's ass about continuity. The steam room for example...the outside space looks almost identical to the last time I remember seeing that set, way back when I used to watch this TV show on an actual analog TV. And then the nod about Donna being responsible for the Sky Lounge. Whichever writer who has taken the time to get touches like that, thanks. ;)

Edited by Anna Yolei
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