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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Could the writers give Brooke a brain? And give Liam a brain? (Yeah, I know that's too much to ask). Could they give Katie a brain? Okay, now I'll stop. They all need brains. Geez.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Could the writers give Brooke a brain? And give Liam a brain? (Yeah, I know that's too much to ask). Could they give Katie a brain? Okay, now I'll stop. They all need brains. Geez.

Brooke can have the brains. The Wizard needs to give Liam a pair courage and Katie a heart.

Ridge and Rick can be the flinging monkeys..not flying monkeys...for all the shit they toss at each other.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

That took a whole two weeks, in real time, to get a ring, no?

I hope Katie's head explodes when she finds out. :)

I'm going to be so disappointed if we don't even get a moment "after that cheap ass hole just gave me a fucking string?" jealousy flitting across Katies sour face.  

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1 hour ago, SweePea59 said:

When Ridge first picked up that big gift box to give to Brooke he held it over his crotch just like it was his "dick in a box"! Too funny. Ridge would think that was a gift. Now I can't get that song out of my head.

On a,tangent to this, y'all remember his post Taylor pursuit of Brooke in '07? That Valentine's Day, he gave Brooke the tackiest ass lingerie and the only "poetry" Ridge has ever written that was every bit as crass as you'd expect from him. Brooke told him to GTFO her house with that BS.

Good times.

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3 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

When Ridge first picked up that big gift box to give to Brooke he held it over his crotch just like it was his "dick in a box"! Too funny. Ridge would think that was a gift. Now I can't get that song out of my head.

That first box was way too big for his dick! Now the ring box...

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14 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Could the writers give Brooke a brain? And give Liam a brain? (Yeah, I know that's too much to ask). Could they give Katie a brain? 

If the writers gave one brain for the 3 of them to share, it would be more than they have now.

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I was thinking all of the above. When Ridge suggestively held that box in front of his crotch, I was like, "seriously?"  And "yuck!" honestly don't think that Brooke fared much better than Katie in the token of commitment bauble. Brooke got a used ring that graced the finger of the woman who brought her decades of misery.

I see that Ridge's clean hair (now I'm thinking it was just fortunately lighting) was short-lived. It was back to the greasy disheveled mess* yesterday and I noticed that KKL was touching it rather gingerly.  It takes more than sleight of hand with gift boxes (take that either way!) to sell chemistry between those two. It was apparent from the way that Sludge awkwardly kept gripping Brooke around the waist and the forced placement of hands on shoulders, etc., and I noticed in the close-ups that KKL was having to try very hard to look at him with adoration and rapt attention/love.

RJ is a little twat, "Aw, mommy and daddy are together again. My Christmas wish came true." Group hug.  Awww ... ain't that sweet? Maybe it would be more fitting for RJ to come over and hang the first ornament on Eric's tree instead of Lizzie (or Wyatt -- loved that !) /eyeroll

*I will say that in one scene where he was seated, Ridge's light blue shirt wasn't rumpled and wrinkled but that was before her started mauling Brooke.  That's about as much as I can must up for him. Brooke's hair is so yellow and those strands appear to be the LOW-lights. (I had to watch the show online yesterday because Time Warner was having issues at recording time, so I got good close-ups.)

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14 hours ago, LittleIggy said:
18 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

When Ridge first picked up that big gift box to give to Brooke he held it over his crotch just like it was his "dick in a box"! Too funny. Ridge would think that was a gift. Now I can't get that song out of my head.

That first box was way too big for his dick! Now the ring box...

So True. Ridge can't be all that impressive in the shorts, otherwise Brooke would have nick named Ridge "Stallion" instead of Bill.  

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1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

So True. Ridge can't be all that impressive in the shorts, otherwise Brooke would have nick named Ridge "Stallion" instead of Bill.  

Maybe Ridge should be called Stallion, he is, after all, a horse's ass :)

Edited by ByTor
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Correct me if I'm wrong on any of that, but they mined the hell outta that Ridge/Caroline/Thomas storyline, only to drop it like a hot potato. Weird.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to cover this or not, but just in case...


I saw today that as of this past Monday Linsey Godfrey was on recurring.  

I think they maybe expected more people to get on board with Thomas/Caroline, but when it didn't really work they just put it on the back burner, it helped that Pierson was shooting a movie, but I think he's back now.

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We are here exactly we're meant to be. Than fade to Liam and Steffy for effect.  But forever?  

Wow!  Christmas with Steffy, Tofu Turkey, and Nat King Cole, what a blast. Throw in Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" and I'll be there.  I'm pretty good at cock blocking. 

One again, the fuckers show no respect for Eric. Don't you think that they can have some real Christmas spirit and suck it up for a couple of hours to sing some Christmas Carols with Eric. Shit, I'm Jewish and I have more Christmas spirit. 

Eric got his outdoor shower and is so excited. Now I'm waiting for Ridge or Katie or Ridge and Katie to lurk while Quinn and Eric make love in the shower. Katie will record it because she will think that Quinn is making love too aggressively and Ridge will run to Rick all giddy that he saw Eric naked.  

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1 hour ago, Gudzilla said:

$Bill although I can't deal with you a lot of the time, you're better than this.

This shit right here is exactly what I was afraid would happen the minute the spoilers for Brill 1.0 came out.


All I ask is for one guy that Brooke Logan didn't give birth to not fall completely in lurve and loses his entire personality behind her. Instead we get Sad AF Bill. Kill it with all the fire. And nuke it from orbit, just to be sure.

So who else is there for Brooke when Bridge falls apart? Wyatt, after he's moved on from Steffy's milkshake? Liam? Papa Avant? Detective Baker?  Loading Dock Guy?

Oh, who am I kidding? She'll just go back to drinking her misery away. And there will be no Stephanie, no Taylor, no horrendously bratty children, no anyone to blame except the proverbial man in the mirror.

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I've said it before & I'll say it again, I would like to see Brooke & Lt. Baker get together.  No rhyme or reason for it, I just think they'd look good together.  Plus, he'd be easy to cook for...just grill some hot dogs and he'd be happy.  Hell, maybe I want a Lt. Baker for myself :)

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Here's my prediction: All of the kids/grandkids will show up at Eric/Quinn's house for Christmas because they just can't disappoint Eric on Christmas Day. They'll be all lovey-dovey while talking about each other behind their backs like they always do. Pam and what's-his-face will have prepared way too much food that will feed everyone (because Eric doesn't have a chef and staff to do all of that) and they'll all say how glad they are to be together. Boy, I could earn a huge salary writing for this show! So predictable and boring. Please spare me the Ridge/Brooke/Bill triangle. Been done a thousand times before and still zzzzzzzzz.

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

I've said it before & I'll say it again, I would like to see Brooke & Lt. Baker get together.  No rhyme or reason for it, I just think they'd look good together.  Plus, he'd be easy to cook for...just grill some hot dogs and he'd be happy.  Hell, maybe I want a Lt. Baker for myself :)

Hell, I'd accept anything that let's Brooke get the drop on Sludge first. :p

I'd prefer bringing Dave back on myself. What with all the canceled soaps, there's a whole slew of out of work talent to pick from. 

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I wouldn't mind a Dave return either.  It would be really nice for Brooke to decide enough is enough and go with a super nice guy who doesn't come attached with insane amounts of drama.

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What's with Ridge and all the rough housing? He roughed up Brooke and RJ the other day. Was that supposed to be cute or is that how TK portrays affection? $Bill please run don't walk to the nearest exit. You deserve so much better

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I had no doubt that the ingrates would show at Eric's.  Unlike the ingrates over at Y&R, they have a slight bit more class.  

Wishing everyone a Happy Hanukkah and a Merry Christmas. For the first time in 40 years, the first candle is lit on Christmas Eve.  I take this as a sign of hope for the coming year.  ?? 

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38 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Is it just me or is Eric looking the most attractive he has in years? 

Can't comment on that. Only been watching since the triangle of doom with Hope/Waffles/Puffy. Can we please get Hope back so Puffy can have actual competition? Puffy as the center of the universe is not working for me. Apparently natural beauty Ivy isn't good enough to be a rival of Botox queen Puffy

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On Friday, December 23, 2016 at 8:33 PM, tricknasty said:

Can't comment on that. Only been watching since the triangle of doom with Hope/Waffles/Puffy. Can we please get Hope back so Puffy can have actual competition? Puffy as the center of the universe is not working for me. Apparently natural beauty Ivy isn't good enough to be a rival of Botox queen Puffy

. There aren't enough 'member berries in the South Park universe to become nostalgic for that low point in B&B history or make forget what a prissy, self centered twat Hope Logan, regardless of what a natural sociopath Stephanie Forrester II is. Steffy to her credit does her own dirty work. That WE WUZ ROBBED thing that Liam now uses on Steffy was Hope's first. Just like her engagement ring.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Ridge is such an effing liar! He didn't try not to look at Quinn as he told Liam. He was staring at her like a hungry dog staring at a piece of prime rib.

Does Liam have a job? Loser.

Nicole is bearable when she isn't around Zzzzende.

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I like that Wyatt refuses to let Steffy get away with her Waffles-style "it's Quinn's fault we got married" bullshit.  Because that is straight out of the Waffles playbook - trying to re-frame your own decisions as something that happened to you.  You decided to marry Wyatt, Steffy.  Quinn didn't force you.  Regardless of what you did or did not know about your Eggo, you made the decision to marry Wyatt, to stand in front of your family and pledge your life to him, to get a tattoo wedding ring because you wanted it to last forever.  Those were all decisions you made.  Regardless of whether you believed Waffles was done with you for good or not, if you were still that in love with him, then you should not have married anyone else.  That you did speaks only to your behavior and motivations, not anyone else's.  It's certainly not Quinn's fault that you couldn't stand on your own two feet without a man at your side for five minutes.  

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So is Ridge going to have hate sex with Quinn? He's delaying his wedding to Brooke so he can figure out what to do with Quinn? Why would it matter if he married Brooke? TK looked especially dirty today. He needs a haircut &  have the beard trimmed. Maybe, he should have joined Quinnin the shower. He's the one who needs it.

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May we finally move on from the Steffy/Wyatt/Liam deal? Please?! This is way beyond boring yet again. Oh, and Steffy, you're back to the ombré hair color? That is just NOT a good look on you. Brooke, Ridge and Bill? Ditto. Boring. The writing on this show is so awful, terrible, boring, insulting and disgusting. I've almost stopped watching but I do read these sites to catch up on the awfulness. 

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WHAaaaatttt's this with Liam just busting in and crashing a meeting at FC? Who is he to tell any of them how to do their jobs? I did see his point about how it seems undignified for the CEO of a prestigious international company plastered all over social media, which makes me doubly confused. I thought FC was first, a couture house, so inviting design ideas from the general public (who would be following millennials) is truly a BAD idea. (I don't understand the direction the company is headed, but I guess that's really not the point.) Not that Ridge would act on any of them, but still. Anyway, regardless of what message he was trying to deliver, Liam had no business there and Steffy should have asked him to leave immediately the moment he opened his mouth (seconds after he barged into the room) and interrupted and criticized Wyatt.

I would have thrown that fool out on his ass. I'm sure Quinn would have done it if she weren't trying to defer (suck up) to Steffy's authority.  It sounded like the writers grabbed a copy of "Social Media for Dummies" to write today's script with the "CRTs, SEOs, blogs, etc." Half the time, it didn't even make any sense and Nicole looked and sounded like a parrot when she recited her lines.  Also, emailing a buyer's itinerary to your secretary is hardly mind-bending CEO work. Wouldn't the guy's assistant send that directly to Pam? Why involve Steffy in details like that?

This truly makes me want to wretch. Brooke has a gorgeous billionaire who would wisk her off at a moment's notice to be married on a luxury yacht in an exotic location. Instead, she's having to beg Sludge to set a wedding date and he didn't even act interested.  I could even picture the Pigpig dirt devils whirling around his feet as he clumsily side-stepped that one.  (Also, what was with the "now you see it," extensions? I swear that in the scene with Ridge, KKL had volumizing extensions in her hair and it was curled and looked great. Suddenly, they were gone. )  Brooke Logan is an idiot.

So I guess Ridge is going to try to flatter and seduce Quinn into betraying Eric. First of all, that necklace and dress in his sketch looked terribly together. Then calling Quinn "sexy." Then pretending like she misheard him. I dunno. I don't like where I think this is headed.

Wyatt Fuller Spencer is the second idiot. Why is he begging Steffy for crumbs? Steve Wonder could see the contrast between Wyatt and Waffles. Liam is clearly trying to hold Steffy back whereas Wyatt is fully supporting her. He really needs to dump her and go pick up again with Ivy or better, strike up a conversation with Sasha and see where that heads. I guarantee that as soon as Wyatt shows serious interest in another woman, Steffy won't be so quick to get rid of that tattoo.

Did anybody catch the Christmas episode? There was one split-second scene of them playing charades and Steffy was doing a chicken dance. I guess she must have drawn "Mom" out of the selection of names. Huh?

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Liam once again talks about Steffy like she is not even in the room. To Liam, Steffy is a mindless dummy who Liam has to stick his hand up her ass so so can act and speak the way he wants. 

Now Ridge has to tell Liam that he saw Quinn naked in the privacy of her own home. It's not like she dropped her dress in the middle of the CEO office.  Ridge also likes to tell have truths. The shower is by the pool and he didn't have to come to the house that way. He also didn't tell Liam how long her was lurking, in the bushes, with his pea shooter in his hand before he confronted her.  Yes, Quinn, you did put Ridge in his place so now don't fall for his BS. But alas, I'm now wondering who's playing who. 

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23 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Liam once again talks about Steffy like she is not even in the room. To Liam, Steffy is a mindless dummy who Liam has to stick his hand up her ass so so can act and speak the way he wants. 

Had to post the his ?

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Seriously, can anyone imagine their spouse/significant other storming into their place of employment to try to boss people around like that?  Eggo continues to show absolutely no respect towards the current "love of his life."  

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So....... I'm trying to understand Rumple's "plan" to bring down Quinn.

Rumple lurks in the bushes of **Eric's** house and spies on naked Quinn.  He then confronts her, stares, oggles and drools and instead of being all oh nos she owns it, and walks away

He tells Little Ricky he saw step-mommy naked and she was flirting with him.  And the 2 of them giggle and act like 11-year old boys who found Dad's stash of Playboy.  Very mature behavior guys. Not

Rumple and his Logan are now engaged, but he won't set the date until Quinn is gone.  What if that takes years or ... never?  I don't think Rumple really wants to marry Brooke, he just doesn't want her to marry $Bill

Rumple then tells Liam, of all people, he saw Quinn naked and she was flirting with him. This flirting exists only in Rumple's fevered mind.

So it seems that Rumple is going to sex-up, seduce, and sleep with Quinn, thereby proving to Eric what a faithless, cheating slut she is.  But .. how *exactly* would Rumple's behavior be any different than Quinn's?  Wouldn't Rumple be cheating on Brooke, being a faithless slut himself? Is Brooke just supposed to forgive his cheating because he was "taking one for the team" in order to get rid of Quinn?

And what if the plan doesn't work? What if Quinn is on to Rumple's plan?  What if she strings him along and makes sure Brooke and Eric see Rumple making his move and Quinn repulsing him? And then tells B&E what Rumple has been trying to do.

And seriously how is Steffy going to react when she finds out Liam is helping Rumple with his plan -- because she will. Liam won't be able to keep his mouth shut and will gloat about how he and Rumple are taking Quinn down..  Steffy doesn't like Quinn but she loves Eric and I think she might not like people plotting to deliberately hurt him.  Is it possible she'd tell Wyatt and he would alert Quinn?

I so want this plan of Rumple's to fail and for him to lose big time.  He is too smug, conceited and self-satisfied -- so sure that he, and he alone, is the right person for FC.  He needs to learn some humility.  And to lose Brooke to $Bill -- the man who really loves her


Edited by La di Diva
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8 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

So it seems that Rumple is going to sex-up, seduce, and sleep with Quinn, thereby proving to Eric what a faithless, cheating slut she is.  But .. how *exactly* would Rumple's behavior be any different than Quinn's?  Wouldn't Rumple be cheating on Brooke, being a faithless slut himself? Is Brooke just supposed to forgive his cheating because he was "taking one for the team" in order to get rid of Quinn?

Exactly.  Sure, he'd be "proving" something about Quinn to Eric, but what would he be proving to his father about himself?  "I'll sleep with your wife and cheat on your closest friend to get my way"?  

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Rumple has proven that many times over in the past three decades.

But God, this plan sounds stupid as fuck. Like, right on par with Rick's plan to send Marcus to FC international and mack on Steffy back in the day.* Just when I think the bar for this show could not be lowered any further, Bradley Bell grabs a deep sea submarine, intent on dragging it down into the Marianas Trench.

*For those who blessedly missed this in 2008, this happened weeks before Phoebe died and Steffy saw right through this immediately. Which made their BS relationship all the more WTF worthy....doubly so for me since I was without Internet at the time and didn't catch those spoilers on my weekly trip to the library.

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