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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I absolutely loved the shot of Liam having the worlds saddest pasta dinner.  The only thing that would have made it sadder was if he said " I'm making a lasagna........... for one."

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Frustratingly, Liam's forever-alone bits in his house were probably the best part of today's episode.  Caroline at least getting enough of a spine to defend herself, Ridge, and Dougie WRT The Secret...I'll take it, but if anything I wish she'd been allowed to speak up...oh, four or five episodes ago.

OTOH, Brill...I don't hate them, or at least I don't want to...but between Brooke drinking the "Ridge, you're screwing over Rick" Kool-Aid and Bill leading her back into his and Katie's house through the patio--right before declaring that he does indeed love her and laying a smooch on her?  And the One Damn Tear rearing its glycerin head again?  And Katie wandering through the house with a bottle of booze debating whether to drink it or not?  I think Anna pegged it pretty well:

1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

This has all been done before, with better writing and higher stakes and more fucks for me to give.

If anything, the one fuck I probably have left with regard to this story is the ultimate fate of Caridge.  OTOH, we're dealing with the mother of all B&B cliches--you have a kid on this show, odds are it wasn't with the person you were married/committed to at the time--but it's also still a major May-December thing, and I do still wonder if that's something the writers plan to...rectify.

And all this shit kind of pales in the face of Quinn apparently reverting to form about Liam being a threat to her son's happiness, in the face of (oh hi) Deacon once again trying to save her from herself.  There are no damn words for how badly I want this to be a swerve...

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Color me surprise that Bill and Brooke relented and agreed to keep the secret. Well, at least for now but if Bill wakes up on the wrong side of the bed or If Rick is still not happy, all bets might be off. When Bill tells Ridge that he's a manipulator and a bully, I was hoping that Ridge would say to  him "I know you are but what am I".  Bill and Brooke can't even fathom that sticking their nose into Ridge's , Caroline's and Thomes's business they are actually doing the same thing to Ridge as they are accusing Ridge of doing.  If the truth be told in comparing Bill to Ridge, Bill rules with a titanium fist while Ridge rules with an iron fist. It's great to see the mother lioness, Caroline, bare her claws in standing up to Bill. That may have been one of the reasons he relented.  Bell is only capable of writing a few lines of dialog so he has to constantly recycle them. Today we had Bill and Brooke and yesterday we had and Liam and Steffy declaring their love almost word for word.  Before we had Hope demanding she wants nothing to do with Quinn and today we have Steffy doing the same thing.  Both times putting undo pressure on Wyatt but to also use Quinn as an excuse to get back with Liam.  Quinn being back to her Norman Bates mode, I would love for her to make a guest appearance on Y&R to cull the herd. 

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7 hours ago, ch1 said:

If they are going to go with Brill then for Chrissakes put Deacon in Katie's orbit.  I'm so over Deacon telling Quinn the same thing over and over gain.  It got old like a year ago.

Yeah, I'm thinking Deacon and Katie are happening because with her and Bill broken up, who else is on canvas to put her with? She'll either hook up with him at a bar or an AA meeting. Initially it'll be to get Bill's goat but she'll then realize that Deacon understands her in ways Bill doesn't. Then we'll get a very bitter custody battle because no way will Bill allow Katie to have Will around Deacon. And Brooke will call Katie out on her using Deacon as a way to draw Bill's attention 

Thing is I can see vulnerable Katie bringing out protective Deacon so who knows? Maybe they could be a decent so wrong it's alright couple.

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Caroline's shrieking was grating on my nerves.

That was the only part of the scene I liked.  She made it seem for a second there if Bill said the wrong thing, she might possibly flip out and slap the teeth out of his mouth.  I could really get into Caroline in this storyline if she didn't insist on being dominated by her husband/father/owner Ridge.  Just the way Ridge was holding her irked me.

How much do the writers of this show get paid?  I wonder because if you take away all the G--damn never-ending flashback montages of Liam & Steffy, Liam & whoever is daydreaming about him, Nicole & Zzzzende, etc., there's only 20 minutes of "original" dialogue a month.  Why doesn't anyone in the writer's room stand up and say "No more fucking flashback montages!   No fucking more."?

Bill and Brooke's disgusting behavior should make Katie sympathetic, but it's almost impossible.  She's just an annoying character... she's annoying drunk and she's annoying sober.

Edited by nasir jones
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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 2:06 PM, nkotb said:

Just a few things from the show today...

Now, even Ridge is calling Thomas' raping of Caroline a "misunderstanding"?? I like Ridge & I really like Ridge & Caroline together (& I really, really like that Ridge always kept it in perspective that he loves Douglas, but is disgusted at what happened to get him here), but when Ridge said "misunderstanding", I about lost my lunch. There was no misunderstanding, your son raped your wife. I understand that he may not have known the extent to which she was incapacitated, but he damn-well knew she wasn't 100% in control of herself, & he took advantage of her, & slept with her like he'd wanted to for months.



Ridge: "A night filled with booze and pills..misunderstandings and betrayal."

On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 6:35 PM, Bill C. said:

Oh, how that rated an Eyeroll of WTF.  On the one hand, it was about the sort of thing Ridge would say--and it was, for lack of a better phrase, the most tasteful description of Rape Night we've probably had in several months.  However, in light of the interview Brad Bell did a few days ago, it immediately went into the running for the most unsubtle thing the show has done so far this year.  (Its only real competition, I suppose, is--surprise, surprise--Douglas's paternity coming out.)



Between TIIC decision to claw back and down-play Rape Night, then having Caroline and now Ridge bending over backwards to humanize and coddle Thomas, by removing culpability of his sexual predation of Caroline is totally repellant.


9 hours ago, tricknasty said:

Here we go again with Brill. *Sigh* $Bill is an ass and Brooke and her thinning hair disgust me 


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We had a great scene out of a porno movie today with Bill playing grap ass with his wife's sister with the sister making love to a bottle of scotch. Oh, I only watch pornos for the articles.

The only Spencer that respects marriages is Wyatt. Wyatt just disrespects relationships.  Wyatt isn't really a chicken head, he is a Gull who has to steal relationship to survive.  

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What I liked:

Caroline: It was so nice to watch her find her voice, but it was even better watching her tell Bill and Brooke that her family was none of their business. Well, it may be a little bit of Bill’s given he is her uncle, but it was absolutely none of Brooke’s.

Wyatt: This guy always seems to be caught in the middle, but this situation goes above and beyond being untenable. So, I really appreciated his comments to Steffy about Liam being his concern, and that they would support him together. I also like that he didn’t act like a fish wife and go off the deep end over Steffy going to see Liam. Even so, I think his relationship with Steffy is doomed. Everyone better hope Wyatt doesn't end up buying a motel...........

Liam: Alone at that big table with his forlorn little bowl of penne pasta. I have eaten penne many times, but it has never caused me to reflect and flashback on past loves.

Deacon: No real reason other than I love and have missed Sean Kanan.

Katie: How erotic was it watching her make love to that bottle of booze?


What I didn’t like:

Brooke: Essentially blackmailing Ridge to get him to be nicer to Rick. Seriously? WTF doesn’t even begin to cover it. Next thing you know, Brooke will be bringing Ridge his very own diaper bag that contains all the necessary tools to properly molly coddle her snot nosed little brat.

Bill & Brooke: What exactly was the trip wire for Bill? That Katie was nosing around in Ridge’s business? That she lashed out at him and Brooke? I understand that Katie and Bill have been imploding for a long time, but what was the catalyst yesterday that drove him to declare his love and grab Brooke’s head? Why do all men wrap their hands around Brooke’s head? Just something I have always wondered about.

Deacon: As much as I was happy to see him, I am just as unhappy with his place in this SL. What is he to Quinn? Her ex? Her friend? Her enabler? Her co-conspirator? Her supporter? If he loves her, which I think he does, then how can he sit around that hotel room while she goes on her quests to win Adam back? Then, when she returns, discuss the situation with her like her brother or something? To damn bizarre.

Liam: Hey, where are all your pictures of Hope and Ivy? You know, those other two girls that were the love of your life at varying times? Oh, you probably only keep out the pictures of your latest Waffle attempt. And of course the dreaded montages again.

Quinn: I know it is not your fault that the writers can’t decide what to do with you, or who you are, but I swear if we have a return to SwordGate, I will throw a brick through my tv.


What I want:

Thomas to go see Katie to give her a piece of his mind about her big mouth, finding her distraught and drunk, and in his efforts to “help” her, they end up in bed. You know, just like Caroline. And in a few weeks, Katie finds out she is having a little Thomas or Thomasina too!

Quinn to invade Liam’s bedroom causing him to go into defensive mode. In their shuffle, Liam throws Quinn on the bed and jumps on top of her to keep her down, because he doesn’t yet know who it is. When he turns on the lights, is when Quinn turns the tables and gets Liam on the bed. And before you know it…..Wah Lah!

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

What I want:

Thomas to go see Katie to give her a piece of his mind about her big mouth, finding her distraught and drunk, and in his efforts to “help” her, they end up in bed. You know, just like Caroline. And in a few weeks, Katie finds out she is having a little Thomas or Thomasina too!

Quinn to invade Liam’s bedroom causing him to go into defensive mode. In their shuffle, Liam throws Quinn on the bed and jumps on top of her to keep her down, because he doesn’t yet know who it is. When he turns on the lights, is when Quinn turns the tables and gets Liam on the bed. And before you know it…..Wah Lah!

I say hell to the no to anything to do with Quinn and Liam hooking up, but the idea of Thomas "comforting" Katie is wonderful.

I think that Ridge still thinks that Thomas took total advantage of Caroline and her inebriated state, but he doesn't want other people to know the nasty details. Pills, booze, misunderstanding and betrayal pretty much says it all, though, and it's clear he doesn't feel betrayed by his wife.

I want to feel sorry for Katie but I absolutely cannot after the way she bulldozed her nose into Caroline's business. Payback is a bitch, Katie! Maybe she can hook up with Wyatt. At least she's not old enough to be his mother. Brooke is such a cow, though. Even if her brother in law is lusting after her, she doesn't have to give in. She has no loyalty whatsoever.

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Thing is I can see vulnerable Katie bringing out protective Deacon so who knows? Maybe they could be a decent so wrong it's alright couple.

Well if Deacon can still be protective over a woman that tried to kill him - imagine how he would be with a woman who isn't evil.


Deacon: As much as I was happy to see him, I am just as unhappy with his place in this SL. What is he to Quinn? Her ex? Her friend? Her enabler? Her co-conspirator? Her supporter? If he loves her, which I think he does, then how can he sit around that hotel room while she goes on her quests to win Adam back? Then, when she returns, discuss the situation with her like her brother or something? To damn bizarre.

I've hated Deacon's place in this story from day 1.  Its been half assed and completely nonsensical.  Its the main reason I want them to try Deacon and Katie out.  Give him something else to do.  FFS. 

And on a separate note, Crazy Quinn is roaming around free as a bird and Liam doesn't lock his door?  Or have a security system?  The stupidity of the writing to keep Quinn on this show is beyond ridiculous at this point.

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1 hour ago, politichick said:

I say hell to the no to anything to do with Quinn and Liam hooking up, but the idea of Thomas "comforting" Katie is wonderful.

Bill's head would explode if Katie went back to a Marone-Forrester again. Although a Katie and Thomas hook up could be hot. Although Katie then would be part of that Logan club of nailing a father and son. Had they gone there when Katie was getting cozy with Eric she could've hit a trifecta.

Edited to add: As far as why doesn't Liam have a security system, etc. Why hasn't BILL not only had security installed but I dunno, hire a bodyguard/driver for Liam. He still is recovering from a head injury and let's face it, Quinn's gotten the drop on Liam a number of times to the point we see he can't take care of himself. You could've had an awesome storyline with Bill hired a female bodyguard for Liam that can kick butt and who helps Liam stop being such a wuss and waffle.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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48 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

Was that the same guy who performed Thirsty and Eyebrows' wedding ceremony? 

The episode hasn't aired in my market yet, but I had heard some rumor of Chaz Bono returning. Assuming that's what happened today, I can make my own conclusion as to what that means for Wyatt and Steffy's martial status.

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I find no chemistry between Bill and Brooke. I find no chemistry between Bill and Katie either, but if I was Bill, I would choose Katie. Katie is much sexier than Brooke.  Maybe it's because I find the Brooke squint a deal breaker.  

Ivy didn't have chemistry with Liam, Wyatt nor Thomas but, with Ivy in a scene especially in a nighty, the guy was irrelevant.  I'm wondering if Steffy got Ivy fired because Ivy makes Steffy look like a hag.

Is Wyatt is that confident in his marriage with Steffy, or just can't or doesn't want to wake up and smell the roses?  I guess Wyatt may draw the line when Steffy calls out Liam's name during sex.  

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I guess I wasn't paying rapt attention to the show today (gee, wonder why?) so when I looked up and saw Liam reveal his home invader, I actually thought it was Quinn in disguise.

Wyatt is showing a lot of false bravado. If he makes even a whisper about Steffy's preoccupation with Liam, it'll be perceived as jealousy, insecurity, doesn't trust Steffy, etc. The tiniest chink in his armor would be all the opening Steffy needs to bolt and it would also prove Mommy Dearest right. He's going to keep that stiff upper lip no matter what.

Again, shame on me for doing needlepoint during this gripping drama. Were the scenes with Brooke and Bill making out and rolling around on that bed (that appeared out of nowhere) a Brill fantasy-dream sequences, Katie in a drunken hallucination or actually happening? I hesitate to think it was the latter because how stupid could they be to carry on like that literally right under Katie's nose. I saw the ending where Bill started talking to Katie in terms that were going to eventually lead to him declaring his love for Brooke and asking for either a divorce or separation but I guess I missed how he got from Point A to Point B. I am so sick of the constant flashbacks and montages that it's difficult to keep straight what's in the past and what's either suspend-your-disbelief real time or daydreams ...

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13 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Bill & Brooke: What exactly was the trip wire for Bill? That Katie was nosing around in Ridge’s business? That she lashed out at him and Brooke? I understand that Katie and Bill have been imploding for a long time, but what was the catalyst yesterday that drove him to declare his love and grab Brooke’s head?

Because Katie conceded failure and told them to get on with it. She was fed up with complying with everything $Bill wanted from her (honesty, sobriety, reasonable personal interaction, calm home atmosphere), while he was incapable of fidelity, honesty, keeping his word to her and had never let go of the idea of fucking Brooke on every flat surface he encountered.

$Bill "needs this." <gag>

Brooke can dust off that old canard and say that she was swept away by The Love of Her Life, because that's how she relinquishes all personal responsibility hunting for sex partners in her family. <yack up a hair ball -- that was a big one!>


Why do all men wrap their hands around Brooke’s head? Just something I have always wondered about.

They grab on just in case she decides to back away from another heinous sexual encounter that will lead to ruining another relationship with a family member?


Exactly how will $Bill continue his moral arbiter tour on the subject of Doug Forrester's parentage once he and Brooke make their fuck buddy status public knowledge? Leaving your wife and child to fuck her sister will be an excellent example for your sons. Will will thank you over and over and over.

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If this show continues for another 20 years, I fully expect to see Brooke sniffing around young Lizzie's man--likely, shell be attracted to a much older man a la Bridget, since her daddy has the mental capacity of a newborn--and we'll get the Lone Tear bullshit as the GC gets oiled up. Maybe by then, the hologram technology that gave us Micheal Jacksons performing for whichever music award it was will be cheap enough to use Susan Flannery's likeness to have Stephanie bitch slap Brooke one last time from beyond the grave.


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40 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Because Katie conceded failure and told them to get on with it. She was fed up with complying with everything $Bill wanted from her (honesty, sobriety, reasonable personal interaction, calm home atmosphere), while he was incapable of fidelity, honesty, keeping his word to her and had never let go of the idea of fucking Brooke on every flat surface he encountered.

$Bill "needs this." <gag>

Brooke can dust off that old canard and say that she was swept away by The Love of Her Life, because that's how she relinquishes all personal responsibility hunting for sex partners in her family. <yack up a hair ball -- that was a big one!>

They grab on just in case she decides to back away from another heinous sexual encounter that will lead to ruining another relationship with a family member?


Exactly how will $Bill continue his moral arbiter tour on the subject of Doug Forrester's parentage once he and Brooke make their fuck buddy status public knowledge? Leaving your wife and child to fuck her sister will be an excellent example for your sons. Will will thank you over and over and over.

Bill is all do what I say but don't question what I do. Oh, it must be good to be the biggest hypocritical bully on the block. I know that Bill was not married to Quinn when she got pregnant with Wyatt nor was he married to Liam's mother.  I know Bill wanted Quinn to have an abortion but was it the same with Liam's mother?  So Bill really had no right to bluster about not knowing his sons because he turned his back on both women. 

Bill hold Brooke's face when he kisses her to keep her from squinting so he can look into her eyes.  

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In Bill's defense, he never knew Liam's mother was ever even pregnant. Like Ridge, he was a playboy and she was one of his flings, even though it's been retconned after Quinn's introduction that she was some lost love of his life or whatever.

Still, I doubt even Tucker Max has as many illegitimate, long lost children as some of the men on this show. I'm honestly surprised that TPTB never went there with Eric.

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10 hours ago, tricknasty said:

Yes. What dummy turns their back on an intruder to call the police?

Someone really stupid...I know... it's Liam, the waffle.

2 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Exactly how will $Bill continue his moral arbiter tour on the subject of Doug Forrester's parentage once he and Brooke make their fuck buddy status public knowledge? Leaving your wife and child to fuck her sister will be an excellent example for your sons. Will will thank you over and over and over.

Pot. Kettle. The blackest black ever possible.

42 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Well, well, Bill the Morality Police dry-humping and playing tonsil hockey with his sister-in-law. Someone call Ridge because Will needs protecting now!

I just cannot fathom how either of these two foul beings can possibly think there is any world in which this would be remotely "ok". I cannot stand to watch this dreck for the umpteenth trillion time. I didn't care the first damn time & I care even less now.

Why doesn't Katie find hunky Det. Harding...I mean her shrink. (Is he even still on? Did we get like two scenes with him? What a waste!!)

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I don't get it, either. They had the guy that played Holden Synder from ATWT on a couple of years ago too as Steffy's Doctor and did nothing with him. Why bring in such a relatively big name as Jon Hensley on the show for what amounts to a a day player role?

but I agree the balance of men to women on this show is way off.

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8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Still, I doubt even Tucker Max has as many illegitimate, long lost children as some of the men on this show. I'm honestly surprised that TPTB never went there with Eric.

There's still time. And in the sad event that Eric passes away, will readings always bring out illegitimate kids wanting their piece of the big pie.

I just couldn't get over Bill and Brooke finding a location to declare their love that had a bed complete with billowy curtains that billowed because...air conditioning? Whose place was that?! A gatehouse on Bill and Katie's property? Who was living there to have billowy curtains for the bed?

Katie's actually got a fair number of men she could bang - Thomas, Liam (they did juxtapose his lonely dinner with her lonely drinking), Deacon and hunky shrink if they bring him back.

While I'm disgusted by their behavior, I'm intrigued to see how this coupling ripples through the show. With Katie, Bill was tempered in many ways. With Brooke who supports Bill to go for the throat, they may really prove to be a game changing power couple. She's obviously over Ridge's if she had the gall to cluck her tongue looking at him over Bill's shoulder and no so subtly threaten that Ridge better be nice to Rick or else.

I really wish when Brooke kept harping about Ridge being mean to Rick and Bill asking Katie doesn't she care about her nephew that Katie had checked them by saying 'Of course I do, but Rick is a grown ass man. If he needs him mother to fight this battle for him by tagging you in then maybe he isn't cut out to run Forrester! Maybe his running away to find himself would be the best thing for him.'

Thomas was definitely absorbing what Bill said about fathers and sons missing out when they're kept apart. They may all have an understanding for now, but the seed has been planted.

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I was someone who really like Brill the original go-round, but I'm not happy about the second go-round at all unless TPTB decide to acknowledge the fact that Brooke isn't a twenty-something anymore and the perennial changing partners schtick is finally put to bed (pun intended) once and for all. I have to admit I would be curious to see Brooke in a long-term stable relationship and how Brill is as a power couple. If Brill means we see more shades of red power suit Brooke vs crying the single tear of woe Brooke, then I could get on board.

Katie and Deacon would be all kinds of hot and I could envision them both hooking up to get revenge on public enemy #1, Bill, but truly falling for each other in the process. Deacon always did have a soft spot for the wounded birds. 

I can't get on board with Thomas and Katie and no thank you to his "comforting" yet another woman of questionable capacity. PF is trying, he really, really is, but I will never ever warm to this character after Rape Night. 

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This. Thomas has always had various shades of creep since the Drew Tyler Bell days, but Rape Night is the equivalent to How Maria Bell (daughter in law to William goddamned Bell himself, no less) completely fucked up Adam with gas lighting Ashley. Micheal Muhney did his absolute best, but he really needed a six month vacation at a minimum to retool the character as ease the fandom's memories rather that keep him in the forefront.

The same is needed for Thomas. Since TIIC unwisely killed off one of Ridge's other spawn, I doubt they'd go there again with the remaining offspring by Taylor. But he needs to be gone long enough to actually buy a reception, make Douglas Ridge's son and then move on with someone else.  

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I got caught up last night, and I have something to say.  *ahem*


Isn't that AMAZING (especially on this show)?!  I can't tell you how many times I've yelled at fictional characters to have enough self-restraint to break up before bedding someone else!  That shit was awesome!

Not as awesome: the return of Brill.  That relationship has lost most of its luster to me.  Also not awesome: Brooke's costuming and hair.  I've got severely thinning hair, I know how much it fucking sucks, but if you can no longer grow healthy hair, it may be time to cut it short again.  KKL always looked amazing in a short bob!

(Speaking of costuming and hair, please tell me Quinn losing her mind is a harbinger of a return to her fabulously goth and chunky jewelry wearing self.  Styling her like a PTA member is not working.)

The shit with Thomas is giving me a rage embolism (tm someone funny on the board).  Under no circumstances should Caroline ever have to be in a room with him, especially alone, for the rest of her life!  He raped her!  When Caroline hunches over and draws into herself, it makes me ache for her.  And Katie -- I get why she's called Hatie in some places now.  What a malignant viper.  Her deliberate destruction of Caroline (although Caroline is not her target) and manipulation of Thomas, and later Bill, into blowing up Ridge and Caroline's life have killed any good feelings I once had for her.  This is the Katie who slept with Nick -- the real Katie Logan has once again stood up.

Screw B&B!  It's given me only Caroline and Sasha to root for.

Wordy McWord to that.  Poor Sasha -- I just can't get over how awful it is that she grew up knowing every day that she was the unwanted one, the mistake, the dirty secret that he didn't love enough to acknowledge.  Her pain just guts me.

One last angry thought -- why is everyone acting like Sasha "got pregnant" by herself, putting her down *with Zende in the room*, like he's just an innocent bystander!  Are you joking?  He's as bad as my boyfriend who told my parents he never would have screwed me if I had been a virgin!  (True story)

Edited by minirth
Forgot some ranting that needed to happen
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 And Katie -- I get why she's called Hatie in some places now.  What a malignant viper.  Her deliberate destruction of Caroline (although Caroline is not her target) and manipulation of Thomas, and later Bill, into blowing up Ridge and Caroline's life have killed any good feelings I once had for her.  This is the Katie who slept with Nick -- the real Katie Logan has once again stood up.

Against my better judgement (and also boredom), I rewatched the full episodes from 2007-2008 that someone posted on YT which also happened to cover HT!Katie's early days on the show. Even before she had a thing to do with Nick, she was an irritating bitch. It says a lot about how loathsome the rest of the cast was at the time that so many people, myself included, gave her a pass for so long, even when her idiot hysterics was the reason she got shot. 

As an aside that I'll probably discuss in the retro thread eventually, 2007-08 season was the WORST season of this show that doesn't involve either Hope or Amber.  I thought nostalgia would soften the blow, but nope. Between the story of Brooke being attacked becoming another Bridge vehicle and the custody battle for Jack,  I kinda got a better appriciate on for the writers trying to go a new direction in the 2010s with a younger cast. At least I can delude myself into thinking they'll eventually outgrow their idiocy.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Does Bill have shit in his ears or does he have selective hearing like a 2yr old. Katie pours her heart out and she is very clear in her apology and her plans to move forward and Bill only hears that Katie wants him to be with Brooke. Brooke is trying to be decent, yes trying, but all Bill hears is that they should be be together.

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Assuming they put those two morons together, what would be the next thing to break them up? That rumor about a recast Hope from months ago seems to have died on the vine, and Ivy has been MIA for months, presumably to the same void in time and space that Donna, Thorne and the Marones have all disappeared to. Sasha and Nicole are too busy fighting behind black Ridge to be interested in any of the other eight million single men in LA and Maya is too preoccupied with raising a baby (and Lizzie) to stray. Plus, Steffy has no more crazy cousins that smell evil for her to fight and almost kill.

There is no more story for them, except for them to make like Bridget and Owen and move far away and live happily ever after, off my screen. Brooke and Ridge, they aren't. Hell, they ain't even that pale imitation of Bridge they tried two years ago after the TK recast.

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Welp, ladies and gents...we all know their marriage won't be valid. Wyatt is probably going to drag her down to city hall and make it legal. You know he can't let the dust settle under her feet too long. She might decide to get that tattoo removed and return to her true love. Gag. The only reason I'm rooting for that is because when he remembers why he intially dropped her, that plastic face just might crumple again. Maybe Sasha can hook up with Wyatt. His brother hasn't been with her, but Wyatt dated her sister briefly. In the sisterhood of travelling men, that makes it acceptable in Bell's world. 

At least Brooke is trying to be rational. Bill has buildup in his ears and nothing Katie said reached him. I don't feel bad for her. All the vitriol directed at Brooke and meddling in Ridge's business. Yeah, this one's on the house. 

Edited by AussieBabe
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I'm not mad at Bill for choosing to believe only selected bits of what Katie was saying. Why? Because as he said himself, he never knows what to expect with Katie anymore. How many times now has she tried to get herself back on track, apologized to Brooke and vowed to stop drinking for good? It doesn't stick. (She needs formal help and treatment. Where's the long-anticipated therapist, anyway?) How does Bill know that maybe the next morning something will set Katie off and she'll refute everything she said? I saw a fed-up frustrated husband who'd had enough. I don't blame him one bit. However, I don't think that his off-the-cuff plan of dumping Katie and running over to Brooke's house (in an hour, really?) was the right way to handle the situation.

This "psychic bond" schtick between Steffy and Liam is hilarious. The next time one or the other goes missing, they should bring in the Long Island Medium or John Edwards to see if they are dead or if any of the departed know their whereabouts.

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Wow, something that's never happened in the 30 year history of this show: someone apologized to Brooke for being unreasonably hateful. That was genuinely surprising. Even more surprising was Katie actually laying the bulk of the blame at Bill's feet where it belongs. Granted, the fact that none of this would have happened without her nosing around negates some of this, but Bill putting his own ways and needs above Katie's has been a common theme in their marriage long before Brooke was ever a factor. I also don't blame Bill for not wanting the yo-yo of not knowing which side of Katie he'll see the next day; that too has been an issue in their relationship. Hopefully, they're done for good.

Besides that, same old B&B, but I just noticed how differently rivalries are written between men and women on this show. Liam and Wyatt for example may have had their conflicts, but they are still civil towards one another. Liam didn't hesitate to warn Wyatt of the intruder, nor did Wyatt to meet him at the police station. Sasha and Nicole had their brief peace before shit flinging started up, but that's still one more moment of bonding than Hope and Steffy have ever shared despite growing up together. It's kinda why Katie's forgiveness of Brooke stood out a bit more.

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On ‎6‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 9:46 AM, AussieBabe said:

Welp, ladies and gents...we all know their marriage won't be valid. Wyatt is probably going to drag her down to city hall and make it legal. You know he can't let the dust settle under her feet too long. She might decide to get that tattoo removed and return to her true love. Gag. The only reason I'm rooting for that is because when he remembers why he intially dropped her, that plastic face just might crumple again. Maybe Sasha can hook up with Wyatt. His brother hasn't been with her, but Wyatt dated her sister briefly. In the sisterhood of travelling men, that makes it acceptable in Bell's world. 

Of course Wyatt and Steffy's marriage will be invalid. It's a set-up for Liam and Quinn to inject themselves where they aren't needed, Wyatt to flail around to distract Steffy into renewing their wedding vows and Wyatt's inevitable disappointment. Steffy might apologize to Wyatt for being fixated on Liam right now, but she gave herself permission to walk back to Liam the whole time he was absent, and living with Quinn -- Steffy retreated to compliant, desperate Wyatt the whole time she was ruminating about her history with Liam or boo hooing over his recent rejection.

I want to think TIIC will use Liam's brain injury to have him eventually remember finding Wyatt and Steffy in his bed (when he returned from his flight with Orson Bean from Australia), and drag up his reasons for originally breaking up with Steffy in the first place.


At least Brooke is trying to be rational. Bill has buildup in his ears and nothing Katie said reached him. I don't feel bad for her. All the vitriol directed at Brooke and meddling in Ridge's business. Yeah, this one's on the house. 

Do I detect storm clouds in the Garden of Shag? Poor $Bill is being clam jammed by both Logan sisters.

So much sexual tension for the lack of a Logan Brunette or Golden Cooterville to relieve it.

It is to laugh.


Yo, $Bill! Go easy with the Grecian Formula and fake-bake tanner! Your overdye technique is terrible, too heavy-handed -- More is not better in hair dye and spray tanning products -- Your collars and the public will thank you. You're a step away from Sans-A-Belt leisure suits, matching white belt and shoes, and a pinkie ring.

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1 hour ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Yo, $Bill! Go easy with the Grecian Formula and fake-bake tanner! Your overdye technique is terrible, too heavy-handed -- More is not better in hair dye and spray tanning products -- Your collars and the public will thank you. You're a step away from Sans-A-Belt leisure suits, matching white belt and shoes, and a pinkie ring.

Sonny Corinthos please take note...


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Lol! But $Bill still wears the black hair dye far better than Ronn Moss ever did (and from the most recent picture I've seen of him post B&B, he's now entirely grey) Black hair color is very difficult to reproduce and make look natural on anyone.

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On 6/9/2016 at 3:01 PM, tricknasty said:

Yes. What dummy turns their back on an intruder to call the police?

Well, he did tell him to wait RIGHT THERE when he called the police! :)

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I much preferred RM when he let his natural gray come through. 


And I'd take shoe polish hair that was clean and kempt over the messy, greasy mop on TK's head any day of the week, month, or year.

Edited by CountryGirl
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I thought that when Rev Chaz married those two idiots, it was stated that he was an old friend of Chickenhead's?


(And as an aside, doing this comedy shtick, Chaz sounds just like his dad, Sonny!)

Edited by SweePea59
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34 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

I thought that when Rev Chaz married those two idiots, it was stated that he was an old friend of Chickenhead's?


(And as an aside, doing this comedy shtick, Chaz sounds just like his dad, Sonny!)

I don't understand how him being a thief makes everyone question that marriage being valid. What does one have to do with the other. Times is hard man. Thieving might be his side job.


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Not that I hate TK, but that photo made a bit misty. I miss brunette Ken-doll Ridge.

29 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

I thought that when Rev Chaz married those two idiots, it was stated that he was an old friend of Chickenhead's?

It was! Now they're backtracking so Wyatt can get a bit more sympathy. Although he deserves to have some cold water dumped on his idea of 'his meant to be marriage'. Maybe not so fated since you got hitched by a con man, eh? Wyatt was too busy trying to secure Steffy instead of following up on the tape of Liam collapsing and Quinn taking off with him. He knew the moment he saw that tape that the repercussions of it would threaten his plans to beat Liam and 'win' Steffy so he rushed it. Now it's biting him rightfully in the butt.

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Speaking of which, does anybody besides Charlie know that Wyatt saw that tape? That needs to come out because people will wonder why the fuck he believed Quinn's lame story about Liam going to the airport. I hate how they let key things just fall by the wayside.

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On Friday, June 10, 2016 at 11:51 AM, Anna Yolei said:

This. Thomas has always had various shades of creep since the Drew Tyler Bell days, but Rape Night is the equivalent to How Maria Bell (daughter in law to William goddamned Bell himself, no less) completely fucked up Adam with gas lighting Ashley. Micheal Muhney did his absolute best, but he really needed a six month vacation at a minimum to retool the character as ease the fandom's memories rather that keep him in the forefront.

The same is needed for Thomas. Since TIIC unwisely killed off one of Ridge's other spawn, I doubt they'd go there again with the remaining offspring by Taylor. But he needs to be gone long enough to actually buy a reception, make Douglas Ridge's son and then move on with someone else.

Seriously, since I read this earlier this morning, I have been thinking about it - I definitely need to pay more attention to work and not as much to B&B! I hated the original version of Y&R's Adam when he returned. When MM took over the role, I adored Adam. That was even after the gaslighting of Ashley, stealing Sharon's baby and giving it to Ashley, then marrying Sharon. To this day, if MM returned, I'd be totally on board for him to have whatever he wanted. However, Thomas is just a horrible rapist to me. Adam was horrible, but I think the difference is that MM was so charming and he had that charisma that made me like him. Thomas, PF, is lacking that charisma on ever level. There is nothing above average about him, and I do not want him to win, and I definitely don't want him to force his victim, Caroline to be around him, nor do I want him to be around his "son". I'd love for him to move out, go work for Spencer, start dating Sasha and forget about his rape-victim and her resulting child. Maybe I could someday down the road like him, but it would take those things for me to start to make that happen.

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