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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Whoa there Nelly! Let's try and get some perspective back here. I understand that Ridge needs to remember, I even understand why he needs to make this Bill's fault, but Ridge's confused mind is making this out to be something it wasn't. There was no grand scheme, no well synchronized plan, no big masterminded plot. What there was, were two people trying to get married, when they were ambushed by a jealous ex, who proceeded to punch the groom and kidnap the bride. And this is were my problems begin. Does Ridge not realize that he broke some laws himself? Assault? Kidnapping? Commandeering a private aircraft? How about today? Requesting and combing through someone's private records? I know that was Katie's doing, but Ridge dove right in. Slander? I also have to question what authority the LAPD would have over any criminal acts committed in another country. I really do believe that if Ridge were to go to the authorities with what he has, and told them why he was in Abu Dhabi, that they would laugh him out of the building.


I don't understand why Brooke just doesn't leave her front door propped open, that would save all the folks who randomly walk inside the trouble of turning the doorknob.



Ridge's actions--just like the actions that led him to yank Brooke's ring off her finger and trot his trifling behind to the Middle East--are premeditated.  In fact, they are actually crimes.  And, how is this for the height of hypocrisy?  It will never once occur to Katie to question the moral fitness of a man who can commit these kind of criminal acts.  That's because bitch still has something to prove.  Katie vindictively denied Bill visitation even in situations where she had to work all day and he was available to take care of Will.  She squawked because Brooke and Bill were living together.  Yet, here she is with this clown and she will see nothing wrong with him being around her son.


No matter how much the writers want to change the narrative and remake nu-Ridge into AMC's Zach Slater (whom I actively despised by the time the show ended), the chain events that led to him being "cooled off" would not have happened had Ridge stayed home and minded his own business.  I believe that any sympathy that the audience could have had for this loser just went right out the window. As usual, the writers don't know when to reign it in and always have to go for the "shock and awe."  Anytime the audience ends up rooting for "the evil" Bill and Justin instead of their supposed victim, that's when your storyline is an EPIC FAIL!


Nor, does it help Ridge's cause that old Deacon riled him up (just like Quinnsane did) and has positioned himself to be in Brooke's life.  What you gon' do now, playa?

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What is Deacon's motivation? Is it just revenge against Bill? Since when has he ever given a crap about Ridge? Why was he so proud of himself for wrangling out of Allison that Bill keeps his helicopter on his yacht? Why does he immediately go running to Ridge and Katie? Did he expect them to give him some stock?

I'm pretty sure that he just wants to use this to break up Brooke and $Bill.

Edited by drtslim
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Whoever said that Ridge has become a non-entity since TK took over is spot on.  I never had a huge problem with RM, so it's not like I was aching for new blood.  Even so, RM had a presence that TK does not.  I could give a crap about this dude getting dumped out of a chopper.

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Yeah count me in the column of bagging Brooke being Deacon's goal. Plus sticking it to Bill for the Hope Liam wedding debacle as a side benefit.

He took the helicopter info to ridge and Katie first instead of Brooke for a reason.

He can't outright start hitting on Brooke but he can do his part to unravel her relationship by just happening to be in the right place at the right time with the right info. He can spark the match that leads to the Brill breakup without any guilt. Then he can be there as a shoulder for Brooke to cry on and get her into a quick rebound fling situation.

Ridge is the xfactor in that scenario though. Will a newly single Brooke be worth dumping Katie for? I doubt it personally because I've yet to see any chemistry between nuRidge and Brooke. Thus far I'm having a hard time viewing Bridge as end game.

Edited by luvlee2003
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I loved the last two shows with Olly and Ally at Medieval Times. For me, Don Diamont is now the male lead in this show. I'm glad they're giving Oliver a story at last. When Amber hijacked the limo that picked up Liam, $Bill/Justin traced the credit card back to Oliver when he was living with Amber. I don't think he ever told anyone that Amber was the driver. Oliver is trustworthy, loyal and true.

Unlike Weanie. I totally adore Oliver and IMO he and Aly r perfect together!!

Yeah, that's what Poetry Boy has managed to make Katie believe. I don't think he has any intention of ever marrying her and is mostly just using her as leverage.

But what for? I don't see what leverage she'd have that he could use. That stupid string is absolutely ridiculous. Ridge spends so much time so focused on getting Bill that he can't make time to get an actual ring. IMO if he really means to marry her, he would have done it by now but he's so engrossed in Brooke's life that he neglects Katie. What a pig!!

Brooke is a grown ass woman and can marry whomever she wants. He needs to accept it and live his own life. I'm so sick of him!!

Amen! I would pay to hear Katie say to Hardy Boy Ridge,"F**k this! None of this shit would have happened if you hadn't jetted around the world to stop a grown-ass women you say you no longer have any romantic interest in from marrying the man of her choice, a man who is no saint but isn't a criminal or a pervert. Take this shitty red ribbon and shove it, Poetry boy!"

I love it!! Too bad Katie is too stupid to ever say it. If somebody like Ridge did that to me, I'd have left his emotionality cheating ass already and told him to go to hell and be with the other woman!!

I think Deacon wants Brooke back.

If that's true I wish him luck because she totally hates him.

But why would Brooke want him? She's never given any indication at all over the years that she would ever consider getting involved with him again.

Exactly. Plus she's totally in love with Bill. IMO she'll eventually forgive him like she always does. She totally hates Deacon.

I don't think they're going to go with Brooke and Deacon. Deacon seems to be more interested in Hope this time, and maybe being a parent.

ICAM. I don't see Breacon one little bit, not to mention there r no spoilers supporting them or any sign of Brooke being in love with anybody but Bill. I only see Deacon as Brill angst.

I'm pretty sure that he just wants to use this to break up Brooke and $Bill.

Yep since that's been his goal all along. IMO BnB needs to end this crap because I for one am already sick and tired of it. It's boring me to tears!!

Whoever said that Ridge has become a non-entity since TK took over is spot on. I never had a huge problem with RM, so it's not like I was aching for new blood. Even so, RM had a presence that TK does not. I could give a crap about this dude getting dumped out of a chopper.

Ditto. Too bad it didn't kill his stupid ass!! Edited by meow
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But what for? I don't see what leverage she'd have that he could use.

Her perceived status as his fiancee and beloved is his leverage against Brooke. Brooke can't try to put him into some kind of competition with Bill because all Ridge has to say is, nuh uh, I'm engaged to and in love with this woman over here. But as soon as Brooke gets down on her knees and admits she was wrong about Bill and begs him to take her back, Ridge'll drop Katie like a hot rock. Of course the show won't have Brooke do anything like that but I think she'll at least have to be the first one to say she was wrong. Ridge's ego won't have it any other way.

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When the bleep did Ridge become a helicopter pilot? How can he "put Bill behind bars" for stuff he allegedly did in a foreign country when he has committed several criminal acts within the jurisdiction of CA? I hate Ridge.

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Her perceived status as his fiancee and beloved is his leverage against Brooke. Brooke can't try to put him into some kind of competition with Bill because all Ridge has to say is, nuh uh, I'm engaged to and in love with this woman over here. But as soon as Brooke gets down on her knees and admits she was wrong about Bill and begs him to take her back, Ridge'll drop Katie like a hot rock. Of course the show won't have Brooke do anything like that but I think she'll at least have to be the first one to say she was wrong. Ridge's ego won't have it any other way.

Brooke won't have to beg Bill to take her back because he's been the one begging her to marry him. I don't Katie's status as perceived because he is in love with her but Katie doesn't have his whole heart either. IMO Ridge is playing both women but he just needs to leave Brooke alone. She's a grown woman and can marry who she wants t and he can't do a thing about it.

When the bleep did Ridge become a helicopter pilot? How can he "put Bill behind bars" for stuff he allegedly did in a foreign country when he has committed several criminal acts within the jurisdiction of CA? I hate Ridge.

I hate him so much there r no words. Why can't he just live his own life and leave Brill's alone?!! Not to mention Ridge was the one who kidnapped Brooke and drug her away against her will. He deserved everything Bill and Justin gave him, a cool off in the ocean!!

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There he goes sucker punching someone again. Seems to be his fighting choice. He can't find the time to buy his fiance a ring because he's too busy flying half way around the world to stop his ex from re-marrying? WTF is wrong with Katie? If Bill tried that shit she would never let him hear the end of it...

Edited by tricknasty
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Brooke won't have to beg Bill to take her back because he's been the one begging her to marry him.

Sorry, I left a vague pronoun hanging up there but I meant she'll have to "beg" Ridge to take her back after she admits she was wrong about Bill. I don't think Ridge will take her back unless she's the first to say she made a mistake. I think that's the main reason he's trying so hard to put Bill out of commission.


because he is in love with her

So Katie and others believe but I don't think Ridge is actually in love with her. Agreeing to disagree...

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So Katie and others believe but I don't think Ridge is actually in love with her. Agreeing to disagree...


ITA, Joimiaroxeau.  When--not if--this mess blows up in Katie's face, she will have no one but herself to blame for accepting Ridge's impromptu proposal after she had a meltdown and was disappointed about something she considered a significant event.  From what I saw, the proposal was nothing more than a consolation prize and was made in reaction to something Brooke and/or Bill had done.  That seems to be Kringe's motivation for everything they do.  That's why I find it fascinating that they are both determined that Brooke not marry Bill.  They each need to have Brooke single, alone and broken for their own insidious reasons.


The fact that Brooke questioned the timing of the proposal made Katie that much more determined to accept it.  As for her and Deputy Dawg obsessing about how much money Bill spent on his non-wedding to Brooke, I guess Miss Thing has amnesia.  After all, didn't Bill spend a boatload of money on jewelry and that big house that she can rattle around in while watching tapes of Bill dumping her after "spycam-gate?"  In addition to not asking the pertinent question of why Ridge would jeopardize their future and risk his life to "rescue" Brooke from Bill, the other question she needs to ask:  "Why do you even CARE how much money Bill spent on Brooke?!  So what!"  Nor, can Katie ignore that Brooke isn't trying to get Ridge back, which takes most of the fun out of it for her and makes Ridge seem like less of a prize. 


Given how determined Katie has been to fight Ridge's battles for him and to run over to FC to pee on his leg, I'm actually shocked--shocked, I tell you!--that she hasn't gone to the jewelry store herself and picked out her own ring.

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You know, Tiffany's has a very pretty ring in the shape of a ribbon bow, set with diamonds.  Bet you could have them pop out the stones and replace them with rubies, Ridge.  All it would take is a phone call and money.  But, noooo.  

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Oh, for the love of Mary! Ridge's arrogance knows no bounds; does he not realize that his every attempt to thwart Bill is a criminal act? Let's see:


  1. Stealing Brooke's engagement ring
  2. Punching Bill in his office, and accosting him on his desk
  3. Punching Bill in Abu Dhabi
  4. Kidnapping Brooke in Abu Dhabi
  5. Commandeering an aircraft that is not yours
  6. Assaulting Justin in Bill's office
  7. Stealing Bill's personal records
  8. Punching Justin in the hanger locker room
  9. Stealing and piloting a private aircraft


And all of these actions have been premeditated and initiated by Ridge, while Bill has done nothing but love and want to be with Brooke. So who is the aggressor here? How do Ridge and Katie think they are better than Brooke and Bill? Granted, Katie hasn't been part and parcel of Ridge's shenanigans, but she did get her friend to steal Bill's personal information so she and Ridge could comb through them for information. And really, how stupid are these two? So what if they found something; they could never use it because they didn't go through the proper procedures of search and seizure. So what now? Is Ridge going to dump Bill in the Pacific? Since I have never known Ridge to have a pilot's license, he is putting Bill, himself and anyone else in his line of fire in danger. It just boggles the mind that Katie goes on about what Bill is capable of, but doesn't see that the one behaving badly is Ridge. She hasn't said a word about the violence, the assaults, the aggression, the threats; just like she hasn't said a word about her loving and devoted man chasing his ex-wife around the world to prevent her from marrying another man. Or that he hasn't given her a real engagement ring. Or, since his return, he hasn't said one word about this being about RJ. What right minded woman wouldn't be questioning her fiancée's motives?  There is also the little fact that Ridge has ABSOLUTELY no proof that Bill did anything. He is going on his befuddled memories. So what judge or jury in the land would hold anything against Bill here? Ridge has hounded Bill and Brooke ever since his return. He followed them to another country to stop their wedding. He had an accident, and now wants to blame Bill. I think any court would see there is a long standing agenda with Ridge in regards to Bill, and now he is jeopardizing not only himself, but Bill and other innocent people to get his revenge in a premeditated plot. Stephanie isn't here to fight your battles anymore Ridge, so who is going to cover with Lt. Baker when he comes calling? Another thing that is bugging me is all the sucker punching. Really Ridge? Be a real man and face your opponent head on. Don't wait for him to turn his back, or start walking away. Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. 


I have no doubt in my mind that Deacon wants to get back together with Brooke. I can see how he is working the angles here with Hope and now becoming BFF's with Ridge, who apparently will stop at nothing to get Bill away from Brooke. Once that is accomplished, Deacon can swoop right in like he did before to console a broken hearted Brooke. I will admit there was a time I wanted these two together, but that was a fleeting moment that happened a long time ago, and was based on the hotness that was KKL/SK. I don't feel that pull anymore, and I hate that they are going to sacrifice the most dynamic couple B&B has had in years. And here is a question for Ridge; what are you going to do if Brooke was to get back together with Deacon? How will you explain your interference in that relationship to Katie? What if Brooke doesn't get back with Deacon but turns to Eric instead? Or Thorne? Ridge would be just as adamant about any of these potential hookups, because the bottom line is, he doesn't want Brooke, but he doesn't want her to move on either. She is damaged goods now, and until she pays her proper penance he will not deign to be with her. In the old days Mommy would have handled all this dirty work for him, but those days are gone, and he has to be Brooke's inquisitioner now.


For a reason I can't peg down, I found Hope's talk with Ivy annoying as hell.


Bill and Liam! Hop-a-long indeed!

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Great post, RuntheTable! Sadly, we all know that smug bastard Ridge should be arrested, but won't be. He was flying over concrete pavement with Bill who had no seatbelt because Ridge removed it. Bill would have died if he had fallen out. How is that not pre-meditated attempted murder? What he did was far worse than anything Bill did.

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Who else but Ridge would be try to perform acrobatic maneuvers in a helicopter over a bunch of houses to get what he wants.  He had no concern at all for the people on the ground.  The dude is selfish, stupid, hypocritical ... and so fucking boring.  This show really does not need Ridge.


I love Deacon.  SK plays this type of character so well.  His little rawr at Katie when she was being catty the other day was hilarious. 

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I have no doubt in my mind that Deacon wants to get back together with Brooke. I can see how he is working the angles here with Hope and now becoming BFF's with Ridge, who apparently will stop at nothing to get Bill away from Brooke. Once that is accomplished, Deacon can swoop right in like he did before to console a broken hearted Brooke. I will admit there was a time I wanted these two together, but that was a fleeting moment that happened a long time ago, and was based on the hotness that was KKL/SK. I don't feel that pull anymore, and I hate that they are going to sacrifice the most dynamic couple B&B has had in years.

Yeah I agree that a Deacon/Brooke pairing probably won't be as hot as the OG version. But if they do hook up I doubt it'll be more than a fling. No marriages or babies, just a down and dirty "make me feel good" fling. She'll come to her senses and drop him. I think he could pull her, but theres no way he could keep her long term. He doesnt even have a job right now. lol

A big part of me hopes Brill is endgame. They just look so good together. Their chemistry is off the charts.

Does anyone here know how the soap fan world at large is taking this version of Ridge? He's just so insufferable to me (and, I'm noticing, to a lot of us here). Are there large swaths of fans that want this Ridge to get back with Brooke? He's been on canvas a while now and I'm wondering how viewer feedback is affecting his character direction. I don't get the feeling that the show is trying to get me to root for this character, but he's "Ridge" and i haven't noticed them doing any propping or attempts to make me want to root for him. Just curious...

Edited by luvlee2003
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I hate that they are going to sacrifice the most dynamic couple B&B has had in years. And here is a question for Ridge; what are you going to do if Brooke was to get back together with Deacon? How will you explain your interference in that relationship to Katie? What if Brooke doesn't get back with Deacon but turns to Eric instead? Or Thorne? Ridge would be just as adamant about any of these potential hookups, because the bottom line is, he doesn't want Brooke, but he doesn't want her to move on either. She is damaged goods now, and until she pays her proper penance he will not deign to be with her. In the old days Mommy would have handled all this dirty work for him, but those days are gone, and he has to be Brooke's inquisitioner now.



RuntheTable, your entire post is EPIC!  Like you, I also hate that the best pairing that B&B has had in years has been trashed to prop up Ridge, individually, and Kringe as a couple.  In fact, it infuriates me and I predicted this would happen the moment I found out that Ridge had been recasted.  Frankly, I'm shocked that it took this long, but it was inevitable.


It's the same old shit, just a different day.  No man can be allowed to eclipse Ridge, and I know he's not going to jail or even to Happy Land for psychiatric evaluation.  We, the audience, already knew that Bill was an arrogant asshole.  We get it.  I didn't need this particular exercise in ridiculousness to hammer that point home.  Yes, Bill should have manned up and come correct the moment he realized what happened, and he definitely shouldn't have lied to Brooke.  Yet, I'm really supposed to believe that Mensa member, Ridge--who can barely put pen to paper--has the mental capacity and physicality to perform all these criminal deeds masquerading as "heroic" feats.


And, no, he won't be going to jail.  First of all, he's a Forrester and second, he's Ridge Forrester and he doesn't do jails, thank you very much.  This is the same wimp who dumped Shane's body and "allowed" his mother to talk him into hiding out in Paris like the punk ass bitch he is while Nick took the rap.  It wasn't until Brooke talked him into returning to the States and turning himself in that he did so.  Then to add insult to injury, he defiantly declares that Nick deserved to be locked up!  But, this guy is supposed to be the moral compass by which lesser men are measured.


There simply aren't enough words in the English language to adequately convey how much I loathe Ridge.

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Great post, RuntheTable!

RuntheTable, your entire post is EPIC!



Thanks! After watching Wednesday's show I found by blood bubbling hotter than Quinn's cauldron. I can't decide what infuriates me more; Ridge feeling it is his right to commandeer Brooke's life, and be damned if laws are broken or personal space is violated; those type of rules and restrictions only apply to Bill or whoever happens to be his adversary of the moment. Or the fact that we are supposed to view Ridge as a hero instead of a Neanderthal. Or the fact that Katie sees Ridge's obnoxious behavior as acceptable, but continues to drag Bill through the mud. It is probably all three.


I was trying to envision Ronn Moss in the role as it is currently being written, and for the life of me I couldn't. We all know about Ronn's limited acting abilities, but when he wasn't prowling the room, or growling at folks, he had a certain charm and charisma. And I just can't see him performing these he-man antics; he was far too graceful, and was Ridge Forrester for heaven's sake. TK's Ridge is simply insufferable. There is nothing to like about him. He doesn't possess a tenth of the presence of RM, he is shaggy and dirty, he fell in love with Katie?????, and he is an unabashed brute. I was always able to overlook Ridge's crap in the past, well some of it anyway, because RM had been Ridge from the beginning and had solidified that role. And he had unmistakable chemistry with KKL. And he was gorgeous as a young man (I still remember ripping the wrapping off of my new Player LP! I had such a crush!). I had such high hopes for this recast, but for this viewer it has fallen flat. Whether it be the writing or the delivery; it just isn't working for me, and I find myself wishing RM would just pop up and make things right again.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Yeah I agree that a Deacon/Brooke pairing probably won't be as hot as the OG version. But if they do hook up I doubt it'll be more than a fling. No marriages or babies, just a down and dirty "make me feel good" fling. She'll come to her senses and drop him. I think he could pull her, but theres no way he could keep her long term. He doesnt even have a job right now. lol

Thing is, does Brooke ever do just flings? In fifteen years, the only time she was ever was with someone she didn't love was Oliver and the Wall Boink hijinks.

Even with Deacon, she was in love with him....until Taylor died, and Ridge the waffle was free again.

Breacon Part 2 would be the soap equivalent to Blues Brothers 2000, imo. I never bought either of them being the other's soul mate or anything more than the illicit convenient affair that it was. It's not like the two were ever friends like Brooke was with Nick and Thorne before that, and I don't see the need to torpedo Brill for sloppy seconds. But stranger things have happened.

ETA: RunTheTable, I really wished Bell had canned TK as quickly as Y&R sacked David Tom when it was clear he wasn't working out there. This guys been on the show months now (closer to a year?) and clicks with no one.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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When the bleep did Ridge become a helicopter pilot? How can he "put Bill behind bars" for stuff he allegedly did in a foreign country when he has committed several criminal acts within the jurisdiction of CA? I hate Ridge.

All I could think of when the camera showed Ridge with his cap and pilot jacket on, was Wiley Coyote in an airplane taking off with Bugs Bunny.

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Yeah I agree that a Deacon/Brooke pairing probably won't be as hot as the OG version. But if they do hook up I doubt it'll be more than a fling. No marriages or babies, just a down and dirty "make me feel good" fling. She'll come to her senses and drop him. I think he could pull her, but theres no way he could keep her long term. He doesnt even have a job right now. lol

A big part of me hopes Brill is endgame. They just look so good together. Their chemistry is off the charts.

Does anyone here know how the soap fan world at large is taking this version of Ridge? He's just so insufferable to me (and, I'm noticing, to a lot of us here). Are there large swaths of fans that want this Ridge to get back with Brooke? He's been on canvas a while now and I'm wondering how viewer feedback is affecting his character direction. I don't get the feeling that the show is trying to get me to root for this character, but he's "Ridge" and i haven't noticed them doing any propping or attempts to make me want to root for him. Just curious...


I'm crossing my fingers and toes and hoping that Breacon doesn't rear its ugly head again.  It was sinfully delicious and a guilty pleasure the first time around but still grimy to me.  It was like watching Skin-I-Max in the middle of the afternoon.  Now, it would make absolutely no sense.  Oh, wait...this is B&B I'm talking about, isn't it? Deacon comes across as delusional in his desire to "get Brooke back."  Um, dude--you didn't have a real relationship with Brooke!  There were no dates, no courting rituals, nothing.  Breacon, to me, were a series of intense sexual hookups, hot beef injections, an OOPSIE pregnancy and a cover-up marriage.  Not to mention the months of self-loathing that occurred during and after.  Brooke treated Deacon as if he was her dirty little secret.  So, I don't get the whole "get Brooke back" motivation at all.  As for Deacon not having a job or any real career aspirations, I'm sure daddy's little girl will fix her mouth to insist that someone--Brooke--hire him to work at Forrester Creations.  No matter that he has no discernible job skills that would justify his being employed there.  But, in that universe Hope lives in, Deacon is a "changed maaannnn and deserves [yet] another chance."  A chance at what exactly, I have no idea.  I still get a conman vibe from him.  Nor, is there enough brain bleach on this planet to erase the image of him having dumpster sex with the Red Menace in an alley or blackmailing Amber into bed.  It will be hilarious watching Hope trying to decide which of her "two dads" would be the better partner for Brooke since she subscribes to the ABB theory--anybody but Bill.


In answer to your question, luvlee2003, I can only speak about the people I know personally, including my boss.  She actually summed up the general consensus last Friday on the way home when she said, "I just don't get him.  He's NOT Ridge!"  No one is kidding themselves about RM's thespian abilities, but he had that aging pretty boy vibe going and he at least looked the part of a fashion designer and former playboy.  It's very telling that the writers act as if Tridge, including their children, never existed for nu-Ridge.  Did he ever have a scene with Steffy or Thomas, or at the very least, express regret about the loss of his grandchild?  Did he ever share any scenes with Taylor when she returned for Aly's storyline?  The other consensus among our group is that a Bridge repairing simply would not work with this recast.  Initially, TK and KKL showed some chemistry, but DD's presence as a romantic lead and Brill's chemistry have wiped out whatever negligible spark a reunited Brooke and Ridge had.  Nor, could our group get past nu-Ridge's unconcealed hostility and contempt toward Brooke when he returned.  RM's Ridge would have been disappointed about Brill and concerned about Katie.  And, yes, he would have taken some cheap shots at Brooke while conveniently forgetting his own forays into skankdom.  But, there was just something so unnecessarily cruel about nu-Ridge's treatment of Brooke especially toward a woman who stepped up and helped his mother transition.  That's why Brooke's masochism and need to have nu-Ridge forgive her was so difficult to take and we loved Bill voicing everything we were saying.  Plus, as much sympathy as nu-Ridge would have had for Katie, he would have never hooked up with her.


Initially, there didn't seem to be any propping, for which I was grateful.  However, I suspected ever since Ridge returned to the land of the living garbed in white that the writers were working on some kind of redemption arc for him because they realized they had taken the character too far in the douchebag department.  As usual, they went too far with the shenanigans of the last few days and the character has been solidified as an arrogant, obsessive jackass and lout.  

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Erya? Maric? Whichever way you spin it, Maya's thirst for a roll in the snow is officially off the charts. And this is coming from me, President of the Eric Forrester Lonely Hearts Club™! It's too bad Donna wasn't invited to this executive meeting, I would have enjoyed a bit of weave-snatching.


Why go to Tiffany's?  Have Ivy Forrester bang one out.  I heard she got the blowtorch and helmet for a great deal at the Quinn Artisan Jewelry Going Out of Business sale.

Sugarbaker, you crack me up.


For a reason I can't peg down, I found Hope's talk with Ivy annoying as hell.

Just a stab in the dark, but I'd say the reason was Hope.


Does anyone here know how the soap fan world at large is taking this version of Ridge? He's just so insufferable to me (and, I'm noticing, to a lot of us here). Are there large swaths of fans that want this Ridge to get back with Brooke?

From what I've seen on Twitter, most fans who like Thorsten Kaye as Ridge a) love TK anyway, and/or b) are Kridge fans. I follow a few Kridge fan accounts (for the daily TK pictures - I'm shallow and I don't care who knows it) and the sentiment that comes across is that they truly believe Katie & Ridge are star-crossed lovers who will ultimately triumph over the morally corrupt Brill. Those who are Bridge fans primarily want the return of Ronn Moss and spend most of their time posting old pictures of RM/KKL; there doesn't seem to be any voices advocating KKL with TK. But that's only a pocket of fandom - I'm really only on Twitter to stalk the actors, and I come here to discuss the show in-depth.


I was trying to envision Ronn Moss in the role as it is currently being written, and for the life of me I couldn't. We all know about Ronn's limited acting abilities, but when he wasn't prowling the room, or growling at folks, he had a certain charm and charisma. And I just can't see him performing these he-man antics; he was far too graceful, and was Ridge Forrester for heaven's sake. TK's Ridge is simply insufferable... Whether it be the writing or the delivery; it just isn't working for me, and I find myself wishing RM would just pop up and make things right again.

I do this too (try to imagine RM playing a TK scene), and in my head it's always awkward. I'd say it's a clash of motivations - TPTB want to make NuRidge exactly that, and I would imagine TK wants to play the role differently to his predecesor (which is fair enough - no one likes an imitation), but at the same time, Ridge's history and previous character traits are being ignored in favour of the new direction and it is obviously alienating fans who are not willing to completely suspend their disbelief to follow it. I enjoy watching TK and Don Diamont get agro at each other and battle it out both with words and fists (again because I'm shallow), but I do agree that it's inconsistent and the overall story suffers for it, for reasons that have been eloquently and thoroughly explained above. I doubt TPTB are going to get rid of TK in a hurry because he has brought his fans across from AMC/OLTL, or wherever it was he came from. (The gutter?)


I still remember ripping the wrapping off of my new Player LP! I had such a crush!)

RuntheTable, I'm going to see his show in Melbourne in November - I'm not really an RM fan but I didn't want to get FOMO! I promise I'll report back with all the goss. I'm hoping to get a photo but chances are if he does a photo-op he'll get swamped by crazy old ladies and I won't get a look-in.
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There he goes sucker punching someone again. Seems to be his fighting choice. He can't find the time to buy his fiance a ring because he's too busy flying half way around the world to stop his ex from re-marrying? WTF is wrong with Katie? If Bill tried that shit she would never let him hear the end of it...

You got that right!! I don't understand why Bill doesn't press charges for physical attack and now attempted murder. Smidge is no better than Bill now!! I understand him wanting the truth but attempted murder? Smidge just needs to leave Brooke the hell alone and move on with Katie. Not to mention Ridge actually took out Bill's seat belt, wow!!

Sorry, I left a vague pronoun hanging up there but I meant she'll have to "beg" Ridge to take her back after she admits she was wrong about Bill. I don't think Ridge will take her back unless she's the first to say she made a mistake. I think that's the main reason he's trying so hard to put Bill out of commission.

So Katie and others believe but I don't think Ridge is actually in love with her. Agreeing to disagree...

For one thing she doesn't want Ridge back so she won't have to beg. We don't know how it's going to go down yet either. I have a feeling she's going to forgive like she always does. Besides Ridge deserved it because he keeps sucker punching Bill and kidnapping Brooke against her will which is a crime in itself, now he's just added attempted murder. He needs to sit his ass down and go live his own life with the woman he professes to be in love with!!

ITA, Joimiaroxeau. When--not if--this mess blows up in Katie's face, she will have no one but herself to blame for accepting Ridge's impromptu proposal after she had a meltdown and was disappointed about something she considered a significant event. From what I saw, the proposal was nothing more than a consolation prize and was made in reaction to something Brooke and/or Bill had done. That seems to be Kringe's motivation for everything they do. That's why I find it fascinating that they are both determined that Brooke not marry Bill. They each need to have Brooke single, alone and broken for their own insidious reasons.

The fact that Brooke questioned the timing of the proposal made Katie that much more determined to accept it. As for her and Deputy Dawg obsessing about how much money Bill spent on his non-wedding to Brooke, I guess Miss Thing has amnesia. After all, didn't Bill spend a boatload of money on jewelry and that big house that she can rattle around in while watching tapes of Bill dumping her after "spycam-gate?" In addition to not asking the pertinent question of why Ridge would jeopardize their future and risk his life to "rescue" Brooke from Bill, the other question she needs to ask: "Why do you even CARE how much money Bill spent on Brooke?! So what!" Nor, can Katie ignore that Brooke isn't trying to get Ridge back, which takes most of the fun out of it for her and makes Ridge seem like less of a prize.

Given how determined Katie has been to fight Ridge's battles for him and to run over to FC to pee on his leg, I'm actually shocked--shocked, I tell you!--that she hasn't gone to the jewelry store herself and picked out her own ring.

LMAO, so true!! I'm also surprised she hasn't dragged him there cave woman style to get it. I doubt that she could get him away from Brooke long enough to get him to do it though. If some man was more concerned about who his ex was marrying than our life together, I'd kick his stupid ass to the curb!!

Why go to Tiffany's? Have Ivy Forrester bang one out. I heard she got the blowtorch and helmet for a great deal at the Quinn Artisan Jewelry Going Out of Business sale.


Yeah I agree that a Deacon/Brooke pairing probably won't be as hot as the OG version. But if they do hook up I doubt it'll be more than a fling. No marriages or babies, just a down and dirty "make me feel good" fling. She'll come to her senses and drop him. I think he could pull her, but theres no way he could keep her long term. He doesnt even have a job right now. lol

A big part of me hopes Brill is endgame. They just look so good together. Their chemistry is off the charts.

Does anyone here know how the soap fan world at large is taking this version of Ridge? He's just so insufferable to me (and, I'm noticing, to a lot of us here). Are there large swaths of fans that want this Ridge to get back with Brooke? He's been on canvas a while now and I'm wondering how viewer feedback is affecting his character direction. I don't get the feeling that the show is trying to get me to root for this character, but he's "Ridge" and i haven't noticed them doing any propping or attempts to make me want to root for him. Just curious...

Excellent post!! All I've read is that KKL won't work with anyone but Ronn Moss so there's no chance for her and this Ridge to get together. I'm very happy about it because I hate him. I've also been a huge Brill fan from day one because they sizzle and like u said have awesome chemistry!! IMO Deacon and Ridge r just Brill angst who I think r endgame.

Thanks! After watching Wednesday's show I found by blood bubbling hotter than Quinn's cauldron. I can't decide what infuriates me more; Ridge feeling it is his right to commandeer Brooke's life, and be damned if laws are broken or personal space is violated; those type of rules and restrictions only apply to Bill or whoever happens to be his adversary of the moment. Or the fact that we are supposed to view Ridge as a hero instead of a Neanderthal. Or the fact that Katie sees Ridge's obnoxious behavior as acceptable, but continues to drag Bill through the mud. It is probably all three.

I was trying to envision Ronn Moss in the role as it is currently being written, and for the life of me I couldn't. We all know about Ronn's limited acting abilities, but when he wasn't prowling the room, or growling at folks, he had a certain charm and charisma. And I just can't see him performing these he-man antics; he was far too graceful, and was Ridge Forrester for heaven's sake. TK's Ridge is simply insufferable. There is nothing to like about him. He doesn't possess a tenth of the presence of RM, he is shaggy and dirty, he fell in love with Katie?????, and he is an unabashed brute. I was always able to overlook Ridge's crap in the past, well some of it anyway, because RM had been Ridge from the beginning and had solidified that role. And he had unmistakable chemistry with KKL. And he was gorgeous as a young man (I still remember ripping the wrapping off of my new Player LP! I had such a crush!). I had such high hopes for this recast, but for this viewer it has fallen flat. Whether it be the writing or the delivery; it just isn't working for me, and I find myself wishing RM would just pop up and make things right again.

Again excellent post. I just want him dead at this point because I hate him so much!!

Thing is, does Brooke ever do just flings? In fifteen years, the only time she was ever was with someone she didn't love was Oliver and the Wall Boink hijinks.

Even with Deacon, she was in love with him....until Taylor died, and Ridge the waffle was free again.

Breacon Part 2 would be the soap equivalent to Blues Brothers 2000, imo. I never bought either of them being the other's soul mate or anything more than the illicit convenient affair that it was. It's not like the two were ever friends like Brooke was with Nick and Thorne before that, and I don't see the need to torpedo Brill for sloppy seconds. But stranger things have happened.

ETA: RunTheTable, I really wished Bell had canned TK as quickly as Y&R sacked David Tom when it was clear he wasn't working out there. This guys been on the show months now (closer to a year?) and clicks with no one.

ICAM. It seems like Bell is throwing him at anyone hoping he'll stick but all he is is EPIC FAIL!!

I wish someone would steal the Dope diamond which Wyatt just leaves in a messenger bag on a desk in an unlocked office.

I want Justin sucker punch Ridge's punk ass.

He sure owes him one. All Ridge does lately is punch someone. What a pig!!

I'm crossing my fingers and toes and hoping that Breacon doesn't rear its ugly head again. It was sinfully delicious and a guilty pleasure the first time around but still grimy to me. It was like watching Skin-I-Max in the middle of the afternoon. Now, it would make absolutely no sense. Oh, wait...this is B&B I'm talking about, isn't it? Deacon comes across as delusional in his desire to "get Brooke back." Um, dude--you didn't have a real relationship with Brooke! There were no dates, no courting rituals, nothing. Breacon, to me, were a series of intense sexual hookups, hot beef injections, an OOPSIE pregnancy and a cover-up marriage. Not to mention the months of self-loathing that occurred during and after. Brooke treated Deacon as if he was her dirty little secret. So, I don't get the whole "get Brooke back" motivation at all. As for Deacon not having a job or any real career aspirations, I'm sure daddy's little girl will fix her mouth to insist that someone--Brooke--hire him to work at Forrester Creations. No matter that he has no discernible job skills that would justify his being employed there. But, in that universe Hope lives in, Deacon is a "changed maaannnn and deserves [yet] another chance." A chance at what exactly, I have no idea. I still get a conman vibe from him. Nor, is there enough brain bleach on this planet to erase the image of him having dumpster sex with the Red Menace in an alley or blackmailing Amber into bed. It will be hilarious watching Hope trying to decide which of her "two dads" would be the better partner for Brooke since she subscribes to the ABB theory--anybody but Bill.

In answer to your question, luvlee2003, I can only speak about the people I know personally, including my boss. She actually summed up the general consensus last Friday on the way home when she said, "I just don't get him. He's NOT Ridge!" No one is kidding themselves about RM's thespian abilities, but he had that aging pretty boy vibe going and he at least looked the part of a fashion designer and former playboy. It's very telling that the writers act as if Tridge, including their children, never existed for nu-Ridge. Did he ever have a scene with Steffy or Thomas, or at the very least, express regret about the loss of his grandchild? Did he ever share any scenes with Taylor when she returned for Aly's storyline? The other consensus among our group is that a Bridge repairing simply would not work with this recast. Initially, TK and KKL showed some chemistry, but DD's presence as a romantic lead and Brill's chemistry have wiped out whatever negligible spark a reunited Brooke and Ridge had. Nor, could our group get past nu-Ridge's unconcealed hostility and contempt toward Brooke when he returned. RM's Ridge would have been disappointed about Brill and concerned about Katie. And, yes, he would have taken some cheap shots at Brooke while conveniently forgetting his own forays into skankdom. But, there was just something so unnecessarily cruel about nu-Ridge's treatment of Brooke especially toward a woman who stepped up and helped his mother transition. That's why Brooke's masochism and need to have nu-Ridge forgive her was so difficult to take and we loved Bill voicing everything we were saying. Plus, as much sympathy as nu-Ridge would have had for Katie, he would have never hooked up with her.

Initially, there didn't seem to be any propping, for which I was grateful. However, I suspected ever since Ridge returned to the land of the living garbed in white that the writers were working on some kind of redemption arc for him because they realized they had taken the character too far in the douchebag department. As usual, they went too far with the shenanigans of the last few days and the character has been solidified as an arrogant, obsessive jackass and lout.

I get Hope. She wants to believe that her daddy is a changed man, any young woman would. That's not hard to understand at all. I doubt she'd want him with Brooke but that's JMO.

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Erya? Maric? Whichever way you spin it, Maya's thirst for a roll in the snow is officially off the charts. And this is coming from me, President of the Eric Forrester Lonely Hearts Club™! It's too bad Donna wasn't invited to this executive meeting, I would have enjoyed a bit of weave-snatching.

Oh my gosh.  I was dead whenever Maya piped up to kiss Eric's butt (and Ivy, too, for good measure).  What made it best was cutting between Oliver's and Carter's expressions.  Only Caroline's presence would have made it better.  LG can pull some pretty spectacular faces.

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Erya? Maric? Whichever way you spin it, Maya's thirst for a roll in the snow is officially off the charts. And this is coming from me, President of the Eric Forrester Lonely Hearts Club™! It's too bad Donna wasn't invited to this executive meeting, I would have enjoyed a bit of weave-snatching.

Oh my gosh.  I was dead whenever Maya piped up to kiss Eric's butt (and Ivy, too, for good measure).  What made it best was cutting between Oliver's and Carter's expressions.  Only Caroline's presence would have made it better.  LG can pull some pretty spectacular faces.

Amen to that - LG must've gone on maternity leave at this point because Caroline would have been in that meeting too. I went back and watched the episode again and even Eric side-eyes Maya at one point - does he know there's trouble in paradise? (Probably not). If this not-too-subtle weaseling continues I hope Eric pulls her up on it and doesn't do anything stupid like get involved - when I said I would like for Eric to have a proper story of his own, this wasn't really what I meant.


Oh also, the other thing I noticed today was Ivy asking about Othello's music - is anyone else getting Mary Sue vibes from her, or is it just me? I really want to like her but if this is the direction she's going to go in I don't know if I'm going to be able to shake off my Tall Poppy Syndrome. 

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I laughed when Eric mentioned getting past all the problems (paraphrasing) he knew about at least. Myrna acted as if she was ready to blow Eric. Carter's expression was too funny. I like Othello. Didn't know he worked for FC.

I would love to see a bunch of cop cars on the tarmac, the copse ith their guns drawn and ready to arrest Ridge because Justin called 911 about a kidnapping and attempted murder, plus various other felonies.

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MOD NOTE : Hey guys when you are replying to each other can you try to shorten the quote to what you are actually replying to? And if you are just agreeing with that poster say something like "great post @MsTree! I agree!" instead of copying their entire post into your response.  It just makes it really hard to read on all the formats.

Thanks! :)

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OMG! Maya scalped Carter and turned into an ass kisser overnight. Not a good look on either of them. Since when does Othello work for Forrester? Thought he was Rick's friend who happened to be a DJ?

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You know, I can only suspend my disbelief so far, and yesterday stretched me to my max. So, we have a helicopter careening out of control, banking wildly from side to side, with a passenger clearly holding on for dear life, all over an airpark, and no one calls the authorities? In today's world? That shit warrants a firm palm up and a hearty Whateva!


I will be interested to hear Katie's spin on all this, but I will be most interested to hear if she spews the word "capable". Katie likes to go around reminding people of what Bill is "capable" of, and how he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Katie is a fool's fool, she doesn't want to point out the obvious fact that Ridge is also "capable" of anything to achieve his goal. And why is that? Because his goal is making sure Brooke stays alone; he has never been able to stomach the thought of another man usurping his position as Brooke's destiny. At the same time, he can't get past Brooke having a relationship with "Bill Spencer, the Despicable Human Being", but is AOK with the fact that Katie chose to marry him. But then, Katie was just a young girl, dealing with her first real love, and had absolutely no idea what kind of person Bill was. And of course Bill held her prisoner for the duration of their marriage, which explains why Katie never left him or filed for divorce in order to get away from that near constant abuse.  


My fervent hope, and deepest desire, is that Justin and Bill both press charges, and that Judge Judy hears the case:


Judge J: Mr. Forrester, you are accused of various personal assaults and threats, and you are also accused of stealing a private aircraft in order to get a confession out of it's owner, are those accusations true?

Ridge F: Yes your honor.

Judge J: Can you explain your motivations for these actions Mr. Forrester?

Ridge F: I had to stop Brooke from marrying Bill Spencer, "The Despicable Human Being".

Judge J: Brooke?

Ridge F: My ex-wife

Judge J: So this all relates to jealousy?

Ridge F: No your honor, I am not jealous of Bill, I am in love with Katie,  Brooke's sister now. I just don't want Brooke to be with such a terrible person. I was away in Paris for a year, and when I returned I learned they had been having an affair, and I just couldn't believe she would be with such a person.

Judge J: An affair? Who was married?

Ridge F: Bill is Katie's ex-husband

Judge J: Your new girlfriend's ex-husband?

Ridge F: That is correct your honor, but Katie is actually my fiancée

Judge J: So, your new fiancée was married to the man who you see as a "Despicable Human Being", and who you don't want around your ex-wife, but it was ok for your new fiancée to be married to him?

Ridge F: Well, there were extenuating circumstances where Katie is concerned

Judge J: I'm sorry Mr. Forrester this just doesn't make sense, and when it doesn't make sense, that tells me someone is lying. I think you are a fibber Mr. Forrester..........


I also wish Caroline had been present at the meeting; her expressions coupled with Carter and Oliver would have been comedy gold. And I am saying it now; if Eric gets involved with Maya, I am going to be sick, because that would be sick! Someone needs to get Donna on the scene stat to run interference for Eric once again.


I hate Katie. Why so surprised that Bill and Brooke are getting married? Has she forgotten they would be if Ridge hadn't interfered? All she needs to do is look at her gift wrapped ring finger to remember. And counseling Brooke on Bill? Really Katie, has it never occurred to you that maybe Bill was the way he was with you, because it was you he was with? I think Katie is eaten up with jealousy over the fact that Bill is an entirely different person with Brooke, and she hasn't had to lay the law down, and make Bill walk the line. Just another reason I don't think Katie is in love with Ridge, as much as she is in love with the idea of scoring the big prize over Brooke. I also think it is making her nuts that Brooke doesn't seem at all interested in Ridge. And that is why she doesn't want Brooke and Bill married; she doesn't want either of them to be happy. To bad for Katie that no matter what happens; whether they get married or not, Ridge will always obsess about Brooke. And Katie will continue wearing her Red Ribbon of Commitment.


All I could think of when the camera showed Ridge with his cap and pilot jacket on, was Wiley Coyote in an airplane taking off with Bugs Bunny.



The only thing missing was the Acme logo on the side of the helicopter


I would have enjoyed a bit of weave-snatching.





RuntheTable, I'm going to see his show in Melbourne in November - I'm not really an RM fan but I didn't want to get FOMO! I promise I'll report back with all the goss.



Awesome! I guess we will never hear "Baby Come Back" or "Unforgettable" on B&B again because, you know, that requires continuity.


Myrna acted as if she was ready to blow Eric.



Oh! Why am I thinking of Police Academy here?


I would love to see a bunch of cop cars on the tarmac, the copse ith their guns drawn and ready to arrest Ridge because Justin called 911 about a kidnapping and attempted murder, plus various other felonies.



Now that would be some funny shit!

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So Bill confessed all to Ridge & said he will tell Brooke.  I don't get it.  I mean, Bill certainly can do despicable things, but one of the things he won't do is lie?  He could so easily get out of it by saying that he thought Ridge was going to kill him & claim he made a fake confession out of duress.  But no, no matter what a soap character does, he/she will always tell "THE TRUTH".

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Since when does Othello work for Forrester? Thought he was Rick's friend who happened to be a DJ?

The only time I remember seeing Othello was when he popped up at the office and Rick was trying to get Maya to go out to the club with him.  Then, (like, a year later), he was hanging out in the photo studio, commenting on the fact that Oliver shaved so he could look younger and not like a perv around Aly.


He could so easily get out of it by saying that he thought Ridge was going to kill him & claim he made a fake confession out of duress.

Exactly!  I was like, "Um, you trying to dump him out of a helicopter is not going to do wonders for making Brooke believe this confession."


Why so surprised that Bill and Brooke are getting married?

She wasn't surprised.  She already knew that from talking with Deacon.  She just had to act surprised because she wasn't supposed to know.

Edited by kia112
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That shit warrants a firm palm up and a hearty Whateva!

I think it warrants fighter jets being scrambled from the nearest AFB. Why wouldn't the authorities assume that it could be a terrorist attack? Plus, Ridge was pulling that crap over a populated area. It was a disaster waiting to happen. (That series of scenes reminded me of when Y&R had septuagenarian Eric Braeden's character parachuting out a helicopter--at night, no less--into the wilds of Canada. Seriously?)


And I am saying it now; if Eric gets involved with Maya, I am going to be sick, because that would be sick! Someone needs to get Donna on the scene stat to run interference for Eric once again.

I agree that it would be silly but what would be "sick" about it? They're not related and it isn't as if Eric draws a line at getting involved with his employees or exes of his relatives. IMO it'd be funny if Maya tries to make a move on another Forrester and gets summarily smacked down. I'd rather see that than another round of "Maya is no match for the local blonde".

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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So Bill confessed all to Ridge & said he will tell Brooke.  I don't get it.  I mean, Bill certainly can do despicable things, but one of the things he won't do is lie?  He could so easily get out of it by saying that he thought Ridge was going to kill him & claim he made a fake confession out of duress.  But no, no matter what a soap character does, he/she will always tell "THE TRUTH".


That's what I couldn't figure out.  Isn't this akin to extracting a confession from someone using torture or other means that clearly wouldn't withstand scrutiny or stand up in a court of law?  It's amazing--NOT--that Bill folds like a deck of cards when facing the wrath of the Great One.  I won't even touch on the spectacle of the Great One calling Bill "Stallion."   Gee, Smidge...are we feeling a tad inadequate?  Dude, don't get pissy because you missed out on having brains above your shoulders, as well as below your waist!  


I hate Katie. Why so surprised that Bill and Brooke are getting married? Has she forgotten they would be if Ridge hadn't interfered? All she needs to do is look at her gift wrapped ring finger to remember. And counseling Brooke on Bill? Really Katie, has it never occurred to you that maybe Bill was the way he was with you, because it was you he was with? I think Katie is eaten up with jealousy over the fact that Bill is an entirely different person with Brooke, and she hasn't had to lay the law down, and make Bill walk the line. Just another reason I don't think Katie is in love with Ridge, as much as she is in love with the idea of scoring the big prize over Brooke. I also think it is making her nuts that Brooke doesn't seem at all interested in Ridge. And that is why she doesn't want Brooke and Bill married; she doesn't want either of them to be happy. To bad for Katie that no matter what happens; whether they get married or not, Ridge will always obsess about Brooke. And Katie will continue wearing her Red Ribbon of Commitment.



RuntheTable, I'm still waiting for someone to have "the talk" with Katie and tell her the unvarnished truth about how her fiance really is.  She has a lot of cheek counseling Brooke or anyone else about Bill.  She, herself, knew how Bill was when she married him and found his dark side "sexy."  Of course, she was still in the honeymoon phase when she made that observation but it's interesting to note that she would have taken Bill back in a heartbeat because he passed all of her tests. The joy on Bill's face was a sight to behold when he realized he passed the test--NOT.  If it wasn't for spycam-gate, Katie would still be prancing around as the Great and Powerful Mrs. Bill Spencer with her rules and regulations on what constitutes a great husband.  Bill still would have been complaining about being told what to do and how to do it, and being stifled from enjoying the things he enjoys.  Katie would still be a mass of insecurities and would have found a way to botch it and would have run out or pulled a Fred Sanford and grabbed her heart when she couldn't get her way.  So, she needs to take her smug self somewhere and take several seats.


This is another reason why I find it hilarious that Kringe are considered "star-crossed" lovers.  In what respect, pray tell?  Wouldn't one of the lovers in the relationship have to be giving his full time and attention to it?  Wouldn't one of those lovers have to give more than lip service to wanting to spend the rest of his life with his partner?  Also, don't star-crossed lovers typically have odds to overcome?  Lots of them?  Was this nonsense here supposed to be one of the odds Kringe had to overcome?  Never mind that it was all caused by Ridge's obsession with all things Brill.  Maybe Bradley & Co. see Kringe as a "supercouple."  They're more like a stupor couple to me, and it's only a matter of time before TK takes yet another leave of absence and Kringe is relegated to the backburner again until the next manufactured crisis.  And, for two people who claim to want a drama-free relationship, they sure do know how to bring it to someone else's.

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And I am saying it now; if Eric gets involved with Maya, I am going to be sick, because that would be sick! Someone needs to get Donna on the scene stat to run interference for Eric once again.

I agree that it would be silly but what would be "sick" about it? They're not related and it isn't as if Eric draws a line at getting involved with his employees or exes of his relatives.

I get that age is just a number and you're only as old as the woman you feel, etc. etc., but there's a limit to everything and I too would be a little unsettled with a serious Maya/Eric fling. Donna only just makes the "half your age plus seven" cut off for Eric at 45 (based off JMC's real age of 70 - Eric is older); Karla Mosely is 33. But I doubt this is a direction TPTB will seriously go in - age aside, Blind Fred can see Maya's obvious and transparent behaviour, and as dumb as Eric can be sometimes I don't think he'd be as silly to properly pursue this avenue, particularly when he's been reluctant to re-enter a relationship with Donna who actually loves him.


But I have been proven wrong in the past, so I guess buckle your seatbelts? Pun intended.


fans who like Thorsten Kaye as Ridge a) love TK anyway, and/or b) are Kridge fans

yeah.  I watched yesterday with someone who doesn't understand why I'm always rooting for $Bill instead of Ridge the Awful.  She used to watch AMC.  I guess she thinks he's still Zach.

Personally I can't hate a guy who answers a Twitter Q&A question asking who the better kisser is, KKL or Heather Tom, with "Bill". Where Thorsten Kaye lacks in a hygiene regime he makes up with a wicked sense of humour.
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For the record I like Thorsten Kaye, I admired his work on OLTL and loved him on Smash, and while my love for him knows no bounds, it is only equaled by my hate for this incarnation of Ridge Forrester.  Total miscasting and horrible writing, both character and plot driven, have made RF the most easily despised character on the show.  The only silver lining in this mess is the fact that TK is east coast based and films his scenes in chunks, that means there's a chance we won't see him for days on end, and that is a good thing.

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I like TK as well, but really wish they would have brought him on as a different character.  Either someone completely new without Forrester ties, or as Eric's nephew or second cousin or something.  Ridge is a very limited (and limiting) character.  Played by a limited actor like Ronn Moss, I guess Ridge was ok, though I was pretty tired of him before RM left the show.  Ridge is shallow, selfish, and not very bright ... and TK doesn't seem to play that very well.  Does that make him too good for the role of Ridge or not good enough?

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Yeah, when did Ridge get a chopper pilot's license?  And sorry, but there's no way the FAA would allow some crazed insane idiot fly a helicopter in the LA airspace just for the heck of it.  There are so many airports in the area, and so many police and TV news helicopters that they would force Ridge to land that sucker and charge him with violating FAA regulations. 

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MOD NOTE : Hey guys when you are replying to each other can you try to shorten the quote to what you are actually replying to? And if you are just agreeing with that poster say something like "great post @MsTree! I agree!" instead of copying their entire post into your response.  It just makes it really hard to read on all the formats.

Thanks! :)

When I am using a computer with a full size keyboard it's no problem to edit posts. Easy-peasy. But when I'm using my phone it is damn near impossible to edit the quoted portion of the post. I hope you can be understanding with posters whose technology and devices are not up to your standards. I wouldn't want to see posters driven away or not join in the conversation because they are too afraid to post.

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