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Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.

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I really want to dress up like that and jack up my hair and walk around downtown to see how people respond to me.  I can't imagine the looks on the faces of the people in this little hippy town, lol.  I'd probably get grabbed and thrown in the back of a VW bus and taken away for de-programming. 

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I really want to dress up like that and jack up my hair and walk around downtown to see how people respond to me.  I can't imagine the looks on the faces of the people in this little hippy town, lol.  I'd probably get grabbed and thrown in the back of a VW bus and taken away for de-programming. 

How fun. Maybe next halloween. I live in a little hippie town, too. Hmm....

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I've tried to find a place to buy one of those prairie dresses, but no luck.  I guess they must all be making them by hand.  Let me know if you find a place to buy one.  All I can find are goofy "modest clothes" but I want that traditional hideous shirt-dress thing.  I really don't want to have to deal with making one of my own.  I can sew crafty things but not clothes. 


ETA: my daughter and I have joked about dressing like that for Halloween for years, with her stuffing her dress to make herself look pregnant.  Since she was obviously still a young teenager and had no business being pregnant, we thought that would be a real hoot.  She is 20 now and it would be less shocking and offensive, but I am thinking the thing to do now is for us BOTH to stuff our dresses, the joke now being that I am clearly too damn old to be having a baby.  Sound good?

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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I believe these plygs were on the show with the Browns, this is them (minus one SW) back in the 80's , so dorky no modern-day hipster-nerd could even hope to aspire to this


The sweater, omg how could TWO women let him out of the house like that? but he's all smug looking, like yeah, I'm a stud in my contempo casuals zebra-print...  Fast times at plygmont  high?


and here we have some 70's hippy-cult plygs  http://mormonhair.tumblr.com/post/35309099650/alex-joseph-with-his-wives-carmen-and-judy-1975

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17 hours ago, Roslyn said:

.....um....isn't that what "sister wives" are supposed to do?  Help raise ALL the children as their own?  Huh...funny how the original three support the principle yet the late-come-along gets a "Nanny" for her children.

To be honest, I don't blame Robyn for getting a nanny.

Meri has a reputation of being mean to her sister wives' children (I think it was Christine who touched on that issue in their book). Janelle is the worker bee who had Christine watch her children while she worked/stuffed her depressed face. If the early Sister Wives seasons are anything to go by, Christine is HIGHLY jealous of Robyn.

On top of that, Robyn's children are Kody's favorites which would make the older wives even more jealous of Robyn and potentially take their anger and frustration out on the children (after all, Kody could care less about the women's feelings so it would easier for them to go after a helpless child than a grown man).

I think Robyn is smart to put the well-being of her children over the whole fake ass "sisterhood" of Sister Wives. In this, Robyn shows she is neither stupid nor wearing rose colored glasses. She sees polygamy and having sister wives for what they really are.

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If Robyn can't handle raising children then stop having them.  Most non-working mothers do not have nannies.  And I do not consider the broken down website a "job".  Besides she has older kids plus only two small ones.

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If Robyn can't handle raising children then stop having them.  Most non-working mothers do not have nannies.  And I do not consider the broken down website a "job".  Besides she has older kids plus only two small ones.

THIS!  No non-working, lazyass grifter needs a nanny. What does she do all day that takes her away from the kids?

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2 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

If Robyn can't handle raising children then stop having them.  Most non-working mothers do not have nannies.  And I do not consider the broken down website a "job".  Besides she has older kids plus only two small ones.

I don't see it as Robyn not being able to handle raising her children. Kody loves being the center of attention even in his own family. It could be that she uses nanny Mindy so that she (Robyn) can have time to spend with her man-child in order to make sure he doesn't give his favoritism to another wife, his other children, or bring in a new wife to his harem.

I could be wrong and she could just be plain lazy.

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22 minutes ago, Rainflower said:

I don't see it as Robyn not being able to handle raising her children. Kody loves being the center of attention even in his own family. It could be that she uses nanny Mindy so that she (Robyn) can have time to spend with her man-child in order to make sure he doesn't give his favoritism to another wife, his other children, or bring in a new wife to his harem.

I could be wrong and she could just be plain lazy.

Neither option eliminates the other.

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12 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

Why does Kody's manchild needs require a nanny for Robyn's children?  He has other "wives".  Go love on them for a change.  They are probably feeling neglected, but I say eww.

Maybe the nanny is for the manchild?  

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On 10/29/2016 at 4:04 AM, Rainflower said:

I think Robyn is smart to put the well-being of her children over the whole fake ass "sisterhood" of Sister Wives. In this, Robyn shows she is neither stupid nor wearing rose colored glasses. She sees polygamy and having sister wives for what they really are.

But....but....they all shoulda been together from Day One!!  I'm confused!

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On 10/30/2016 at 8:20 AM, Kohola3 said:

Auditioning for the next wife spot?


On 10/30/2016 at 9:00 AM, Jellybeans said:

In my world we call that a mistress.  :-)


Mindy is orange enough to qualify.  

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On 2/27/2016 at 3:32 PM, DakotaJustice said:

The MSWC checkout pages are NOT secure - or at least not the last time I checked.

So when you put in your payment info it's out there for hackers to pull. No encryption whatsoever and it's always been that way.

Oh. My. God. I did actually check that site out once when they first rolled it out. I noticed the lack of encryption at that time. And really the entire site needs to be encrypted because encrypting only the checkout pages is pointless. Same goes for encrypted login pages in a site where there are other unencrypted pages. If not all the site is encrypted, then an attacker can execute a man-in-the-middle attack and gain control over your session. From there, they can either masquerade as you and do whatever they want or simply monitor your traffic. (I do web development.) I actually took the time to give them feedback on their site, though I'm not sure why I did that because I knew even at that time that it's just another shitty WordPress site set up on the cheap and that they would neither listen nor have the intellectual prowess to forward the feedback to someone who would understand it. Reminded me of that Internet Treasure Chest garbage from the late 90's and early 2000's ( https://www.consumeraffairs.com/news03/treasure.html ). Anyway, I remember saying to my wife that even if they had something that interested her, I would never let her order anything from them and that I hoped no one would order from them because of the security vulnerabilities.

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So, I fell for the temptation to look at the site again. The entire site is now encrypted. So, that's a plus. I see a big notice on the left side about "free shipping if you spend $75 or more", but with this big sale on you'd have a hell of a haul to get to $75 spent. And, of course, they still aren't paying attention to little details. To wit:

"About MSWC

Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to have access to all your friend's closets? My Sisterwife's Closet is a store that will feature the very different styles and tastes of four very different women."

First of all, this doesn't tell you anything about MSWC, really. Second, "is a store" ... really? You need to tell us this is an online shopping site? Third, "that will feature" was clearly written at a time before they went live; it should have long ago been updated to be in the present tense. I know it seems nit-picky, but visitors really do pick up on little things like that and it influences how long they're willing to stay on your site. If they see a bunch of stuff they really don't like, they'll decide that the future tense is correct and leave.

And those product tags on the bottom of the page? What purpose do those really serve? There are so many of them and they are so unfocused that they aren't helpful. As for the stuff they actually sell, most of it smacks of the cheap, mass produced garbage that you saw on the Internet Treasure Chest web sites 15 years ago. I can't imagine they even have sales in the four digits, though I'm sure they've managed to crack three digits in sales just because somebody somewhere will like what they've got on offer.

Anyway, I'll stop critiquing their site and subjecting you all to it. Thanks for reading/listening! I do feel better now.

Edited by MrSmith
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2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

So, I fell for the temptation to look at the site again. The entire site is now encrypted. So, that's a plus. I see a big notice on the left side about "free shipping if you spend $75 or more", but with this big sale on you'd have a hell of a haul to get to $75 spent. And, of course, they still aren't paying attention to little details. To wit:

"About MSWC

Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to have access to all your friend's closets? My Sisterwife's Closet is a store that will feature the very different styles and tastes of four very different women."

First of all, this doesn't tell you anything about MSWC, really. Second, "is a store" ... really? You need to tell us this is an online shopping site? Third, "that will feature" was clearly written at a time before they went live; it should have long ago been updated to be in the present tense. I know it seems nit-picky, but visitors really do pick up on little things like that and it influences how long they're willing to stay on your site. If they see a bunch of stuff they really don't like, they'll decide that the future tense is correct and leave.

And those product tags on the bottom of the page? What purpose do those really serve? There are so many of them and they are so unfocused that they aren't helpful. As for the stuff they actually sell, most of it smacks of the cheap, mass produced garbage that you saw on the Internet Treasure Chest web sites 15 years ago. I can't imagine they even have sales in the four digits, though I'm sure they've managed to crack three digits in sales just because somebody somewhere will like what they've got on offer.

Anyway, I'll stop critiquing their site and subjecting you all to it. Thanks for reading/listening! I do feel better now.

If I recall, this is the updated text. The Browns have simply reached the upper limit of their collective brainpower. 

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5 hours ago, MrSmith said:

Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to have access to all your friend's closets? My Sisterwife's Closet is a store that will feature the very different styles and tastes of four very different women."

I was always a bit put off by the name of their website.  To me, "My Sisterwife's Closet" always conjured the image of a downtrodden pastel-frock clad plyg wife with her big ol' hairdo sneaking into her sisterwife's bedroom and going through her things.  Looking at her underwear and hair accessories and touching her stuff. Really creepy, lol.  Obviously I've read too many of those books about the horrors of the plyg lifestyle. 

The idea of Robyn and Meri and Janelle and Christine sifting through each other's possessions is not much more appealing. They already share A MAN, as gross as that idea is ...  you'd think they could leave each other's jewelry and scarves alone

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Their goal should have been to sell to the public and keep their plyg out of the title. They wrongly assumed their TV ratings meant business from viewers.  Then it would have been wise to get help from a designer!  Epic fail. 

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They wrongly assumed their TV ratings meant business from viewers.  Then it would have been wise to get help from a designer!  Epic fail. 

They have always had delusions of grandeur, thinking themselves to being huge stars.  TLC doesn't help by renewing this boatload of crap and encouraging the grifting.  They will be crying in their shoes once reality hits and they are pushed off the gravy train - foreclosed and back on welfare and filing bankruptcies right and left.  Any weddings after that will be in at a diner with Surfer Dude Dad performing the ceremony.





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19 hours ago, MrSmith said:

First of all, this doesn't tell you anything about MSWC, really. Second, "is a store" ... really? You need to tell us this is an online shopping site? Third, "that will feature" was clearly written at a time before they went live; it should have long ago been updated to be in the present tense. I know it seems nit-picky, but visitors really do pick up on little things like that and it influences how long they're willing to stay on your site. If they see a bunch of stuff they really don't like, they'll decide that the future tense is correct and leave.

If I see a spelling/punctuation error on a site, I immediately don't trust that site.

And honestly, why are they even bothering to try and sell Christmas ornaments from 2013 with the tag "HOT" in the upper corner?  Are they really trying to say that these suckers are flying out the door at warp speed and we'd best get ourselves to ordering?  LOLOLZ.  Come on.

If I recall, none of the other wives except Robyn thought this business would fly.  I'd love to know how much overstock they have.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

If I see a spelling/punctuation error on a site, I immediately don't trust that site.

And honestly, why are they even bothering to try and sell Christmas ornaments from 2013 with the tag "HOT" in the upper corner?  Are they really trying to say that these suckers are flying out the door at warp speed and we'd best get ourselves to ordering?  LOLOLZ.  Come on.

If I recall, none of the other wives except Robyn thought this business would fly.  I'd love to know how much overstock they have.

I'm not sure if they have a lot of overstock.  One of the primary complaints when the site finally went "live" was the length of time it took for things to be shipped.  I almost think Robyn would look at the orders, and once the sucker's customer's credit card was charged, she'd call her supplier and say, "Can you make us up another one of those "BE _________ necklaces?"  So then they'd have to wait for their lowest-bidder supplier to get around to making it, and then they'd have to wait for Mariah to be in the mood to put things in a box and ship them.

They're probably currently just trying to sell the 2013 Christmas ornaments they had on their own trees three years ago.  

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2 hours ago, wings707 said:

Their goal should have been to sell to the public and keep their plyg out of the title. They wrongly assumed their TV ratings meant business from viewers.  Then it would have been wise to get help from a designer!  Epic fail. 

I was actually discussing this with my wife yesterday while waiting for the express bus out of downtown Minneapolis. The unique items they have on that site all seem to be oriented toward polygamy. The problem with those items is that people who aren't polygamous aren't going to want them, while people who are polygamous are probably also not going to want them because they don't want to advertise. As for the rest of the stuff on the site, it's not really unique or hard to get, which means that stuff won't drive sales. On top of that, most of the stuff seems to be low quality, which means poor value for money and contributes even more to low sales.

1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

If I see a spelling/punctuation error on a site, I immediately don't trust that site.

And honestly, why are they even bothering to try and sell Christmas ornaments from 2013 with the tag "HOT" in the upper corner?  Are they really trying to say that these suckers are flying out the door at warp speed and we'd best get ourselves to ordering?  LOLOLZ.  Come on.

If I recall, none of the other wives except Robyn thought this business would fly.  I'd love to know how much overstock they have.

I hadn't looked that closely at their actual merchandise at the time. However, my wife brought this up to me during the aforementioned conversation. I think it's ridiculous that they continue to try to sell that stuff. Looking at it more closely, those things don't look like quality items anyway. I think that even if they'd only ordered one each of those ornaments, then they'd still have one of each of those ornaments in stock.

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OK. And one last criticism of their site and then I'll shut up about it (probably). If you hit a search engine and put in "my sister wifes closet" (with or without spaces, up to you and doesn't matter), their search engine optimization is all screwed up. The link text shows up as "my sisterwifes closet". Where are the capital letters? Is the lack of space between "sister" and "wife" intentional? Where's the missing apostrophe? Also, the description of the site that appears below the link is all wrong. It's not hard to set this and get the search engines to use it. And they also appear to have paid no attention whatever to the deep links that appear below their description. It's been a while since I've had to worry about SEO and so I can't recall if you can dictate to the search engines what your deep links are, but I would bet you can at least influence the search engines' choices of deep links to display.

And no, I am not surprised by the lack of attention to detail. Though, this isn't going to be entirely their fault. They probably don't know to ask about these things and whoever it is that is doing their site should know to pay attention to these things without having to be asked/told. So, as far as I'm concerned, this is a failure more on the part of their web developer than it is on the Browns.

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I hear ya, Mr Smith but my point is that an online clothing business would be a fabulous idea to support the family and a ticket out for any thoae who choose that. LOL! 

Bo Ho clothing is hot and has been for about 10 years, it is not going anywhere. Youth and baby boomer former hippies (myself) love them. Some of their clothes are on the fringe, a hideous fringe but I see it. it is a style they could get behind.  Drop the leggings, amazon has that covered. 

It takes business savvy or the money to hire someone who is so there is that. 

Their effort with SW Clost is so bad that I didn't even know it was possible to screw up a website that badly, Nevermind the clothes. There are tutorials online and spellcheck. 

Etsy is a good place to start. 

Edited by wings707
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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I'm not sure if they have a lot of overstock.  One of the primary complaints when the site finally went "live" was the length of time it took for things to be shipped.  I almost think Robyn would look at the orders, and once the sucker's customer's credit card was charged, she'd call her supplier and say, "Can you make us up another one of those "BE _________ necklaces?"  So then they'd have to wait for their lowest-bidder supplier to get around to making it, and then they'd have to wait for Mariah to be in the mood to put things in a box and ship them.  


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3 hours ago, wings707 said:

I hear ya, Mr Smith but my point is that an online clothing business would be a fabulous idea to support the family and a ticket out for any thoae who choose that. LOL! 

Bo Ho clothing is hot and has been for about 10 years, it is not going anywhere. Youth and baby boomer former hippies (myself) love them. Some of their clothes are on the fringe, a hideous fringe but I see it. it is a style they could get behind.  Drop the leggings, amazon has that covered. 

It takes business savvy or the money to hire someone who is so there is that. 

Their effort with SW Clost is so bad that I didn't even know it was possible to screw up a website that badly, Nevermind the clothes. There are tutorials online and spellcheck. 

Etsy is a good place to start. 

Maybe they do have some stuff that would sell well. I haven't looked in-depth at their offerings on their site. All I've seen is the cheap trinkets. Now, if they've got clothing that people want, that's great. I don't really want them to fail. I would actually like to see them be smart about their business and make some money. I think they should probably drop their MSWC web site and go to an online marketplace like Etsy. That remedies all the SEO and traffic-acquisition problems for them and would let them focus on the parts of their business that either they already understand or would be able to easily (comparatively speaking) learn about. You make good points and have good ideas. If only someone could convince them to listen to you. They definitely need to start making some money to prepare for the future without income from their show. I do worry about what will happen to their children when this show ends (not that it keeps me up at night or anything - just whenever I happen to think about it).

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So then they'd have to wait for their lowest-bidder supplier to get around to making it...

...and ship it from whatever third world sweatshop that made it.

3 hours ago, MrSmith said:

...this is a failure more on the part of their web developer than it is on the Browns.

You mean some high school kid that they paid fifty cents an hour to develop?   Or did they use one of those freebie templates that are out there.

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1 minute ago, Kohola3 said:

You mean some high school kid that they paid fifty cents an hour to develop?   Or did they use one of those freebie templates that are out there.

Well, I know originally their site was developed and maintained by someone in either the Bahamas or Jamaica. I took the time to look into it far enough to know that their web developers only worked 9a to 1p Atlantic Time. Pretty sure it was a Jamaican company that they hired because I remember remarking to my wife that it must be nice to live in Jamaica and only have to work according to Jamaican Time. But it might have been Bahamas or somewhere else in the Caribbean. I just know for sure it was Caribbean...

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12 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Maybe they do have some stuff that would sell well. I haven't looked in-depth at their offerings on their site. All I've seen is the cheap trinkets. Now, if they've got clothing that people want, that's great. I don't really want them to fail. I would actually like to see them be smart about their business and make some money. I think they should probably drop their MSWC web site and go to an online marketplace like Etsy. That remedies all the SEO and traffic-acquisition problems for them and would let them focus on the parts of their business that either they already understand or would be able to easily (comparatively speaking) learn about. You make good points and have good ideas. If only someone could convince them to listen to you. They definitely need to start making some money to prepare for the future without income from their show. I do worry about what will happen to their children when this show ends (not that it keeps me up at night or anything - just whenever I happen to think about it).th

They don't have clothing that anyone wants!  Not yet.  I do see a glimmer of what direction they could head given what is there, though. It would take a lot work but if motivated it could be done.  Big problem is time. Kids eat that up, and motivation is another issue.  They are doing well on what TLC gives them. Necessity being the mother of invention is not at play and you have to be hungry when starting a business. 

Start small with a few items on Etsy and see how it goes.  Change the name and make no reference to plyyg. Desert  Bo Ho, anything neutral that gives buyers an idea what they will find.  

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2 hours ago, wings707 said:

They don't have clothing that anyone wants!  Not yet.  I do see a glimmer of what direction they could head given what is there, though. It would take a lot work but if motivated it could be done.  Big problem is time. Kids eat that up, and motivation is another issue.  They are doing well on what TLC gives them. Necessity being the mother of invention is not at play and you have to be hungry when starting a business. 

Start small with a few items on Etsy and see how it goes.  Change the name and make no reference to plyyg. Desert  Bo Ho, anything neutral that gives buyers an idea what they will find.  

Christine said on the "investor" episode that if they received too much money they would get lazy.  Well that sure came to pass.  They lost interest in this a long time ago.

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7 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

I looked again. It must have been a Black Friday blowout. Now most of that junk is back to regular price. 

They gotta shred that shit for hamster bedding.

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Just now, wings707 said:

They gotta shred that shit for hamster bedding.

Quoting myself. It would get stuck on the gears. They have to burn it. It will melt so it would have to be in a barrel they can discard in the hazmat section. I am not aiming for wit here. I am serious. 

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Some of the sterling jewelry was marked down enough to be a good buy--assuming it's real silver and you could think of something to do with it. I don't need a Brown Family Tree of Life pendant because, well, it's creepy. I don't have a single person on my Christmas gift list who wants aprons, leg warmers, inspirational T shirts, patchwork handbags, Van Lady Love albums, outdated Christmas ornaments, or cheap polyg jewelry. It's a bust for me. 

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Ha...it never fails. Every time I come around the water cooler here I'm reminded to look in on MSWC, and tonight (AGAIN) my wonderful antivirus program screamed bloody murder when I tried to go there. Last time I was able to access their home page, none of the product links worked. Not a single, solitary one. Gee, I really wanted another look at that horrible purse that looked like a chunk of black garbage bag. Soap, fugly jewelry, leggings, scarves, esoteric music, and purses made of upholstery remnants--good times.

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I honestly fail to see how exactly Robyn's character is so horrible (not debating it - just want to hear it from others). What blunders has she committed that make her have the amazing title 'Stealth Bitch' ? lol 

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I don't think Robyn is any worse than the others.  They are all a hot mess. Each week, they take turns over who is the craziest, bitchiest and most miserable. 

People do feel that way because Robyn is the last wife to the party and seemed to slide right in and grab attention away from an already stressed group of women. Then the divorce for Meri and the legal marriage to Kody...has a sneaky little feeling to it. 

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