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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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Does anyone know when the new season starts?  I am curious to see if Kody ever admits that Meri was in fact unfaithful, at least emotionally. 


Admit it on the show or admit it to himself?  Because I am not really sure he is capable of either.  His ego won't allow it.  I expect he sees it more along the lines of "Meri is dumb and got taken advantage of" and it really has nothing to do with him at all.  


Whether he (or the others) will be willing to discuss the subject on the show, I don't know.  They need it to be a part of things for the sake of ratings, but the Browns always seem to opt for creating boring fake drama storylines and refusing to use the actually juicy stuff going on in their lives.  They just refuse to get real.  


I think the matter will get a brief, vague mention and then they will move onto covering Robyn's pregnancy, the birth, and the new baby and ... what's the one who is getting married?  Maddie?  Her wedding may be a storyline.


It all sounds like a giant snooze and I have the feeling I will bail out of regular watching by the third episode.  Probably tape it in and watch a marathon on some rainy day.  I hope the people here will still be able to generate some good snark.  This board is the best part of the show as far as I am concerned. 

  • Love 3

I love you.

"Dadzier " - I am dying.

I don't read Sam's blog but am enjoying the recaps and comments here. I missed one thing - are "his" "twins" identical? We have identical twin grandsons who arrived by scheduled C-section one month early. it Sam's imaginary twins are identical, I have extra bullshit to call.

Way O/T: didn't it turn out that Razing Ruth and wanderwoman were the same person?


I don't read the blog either, so I don't know if they are imaginary-identical or fictional-fraternal.   My natural Canadian politeness makes me want to google it to answer your question, but that desire is overshadowed by the stronger desire to prevent this turkey from getting .0025 cents from an ad view.


Please accept my sincere, Canadian "sooory" for that.

  • Love 5

One of the things you learn in dog training is that a dog considers ANY attention good, whether it's negative (getting disciplined or scolded for misbehaving) or positive (getting praised or petted for sitting/down/heeling) from a human perspective.  So long as you are paying attention and are focused on the animal, they see it as a reward.  They have power because they can make you react. 


I feel like Jackie is the same way.  Someone is paying attention to her, it doesn't matter if we think she is the supercoolest hacker chick that ever lived, or just a lame loser who occasionally entertains us from her flea infested, cheeto crusted, moldy couch in mom's basement. In a sense, she has power because she is performing an action that we react to.   Jackie is a very sad, lonely, defeated person who is enjoying the fact that someone is focusing on her and that makes her feel important.  If I were a kind and compassionate person, I would pity her because she truly is a damaged soul.  I'm tired of her at this point because she has not improved her game.  If anything, she's gotten worse.


Does anyone know when the new season starts?  I am curious to see if Kody ever admits that Meri was in fact unfaithful, at least emotionally.

I think Sister Wives new season runs in the Summertime? I'm not positive though, because I record it, and watch them in a binge. But I think it's in the Summertime, because I remember that why I started watching it, because everything else was in reruns.

I haven't watched the show in years, except for the catfishing episode, and I don't read JO's blog. I just follow along here and at CJ's blog. So, if you all decide to stop watching and reading, I'll have to do it myself. Do you really want to put me through that? Isn't it bad enough that I watch Teen Mom? Have a heart people.


I just finished reading the Bullshit Bookclub reviews of JO's book. It seems that JO was basing her lies on little kernels of the truth. Assuming that the last days took place like she said, with Meri telling the family and TLC in Alaska that she was thinking of taking a break, the night she returned to Utah was spent on the phone with JO looking at the stars, and the next day she called JO wanting to meet, I think it is fair to say that TLC knew and sat on the information about Sam/JO for a while.


JO said that Meri wanted Sam to nail down exactly where he wanted the relationship to go, after spending the book discussing that they were moving in together. If Sam had already told Meri that, it makes more sense that Meri said to meet her and prove he was real. I think they returned from Alaska and the production sat Meri down and said you can leave for him, because he doesn't exist, and showed her proof.


When Sam first entered the scene, we were talking about him not being real, and I think CJ pointed out that a person from TLC followed him for a moment. The people who follow Sam on Twitter were pointing out to Meri that it was a catfisher in at least June. Meri ignored an awful lot to be in this relationship, and TLC allowed her to continue with it for a story line. At the point it went to text messages, it's possible that TLC/production didn't know it was still going on, but I don't see any reason to give them that benefit of the doubt. 

  • Love 3

I think Sister Wives new season runs in the Summertime? I'm not positive though, because I record it, and watch them in a binge. But I think it's in the Summertime, because I remember that why I started watching it, because everything else was in reruns.

I think so too. It will probably be the last season unless one or more wives leaves Kody which probably won't happen but it might, might generate enough interest for a show.

  • Love 1

The latest from Sam's blog (skip if ya'll don't want to read about JO anymore; it's all good):


  • Sam's bff, boozin', gamblin' & brawlin' Lindz, apparently stopped by and stocked the fake nursery for his fake twins with 3 months worth of fake supplies. Apparently wacky Lindz was able to stay away from the casino long enough to go shopping for the twins and knows enough about babies to purchase all of the supplies necessary for 3 months. Who woulda thought?
  • 24 members of Sam's fake family and friends came over to breathe their germs all over his fake newborn twins this weekend. I thought Sam was an orphan whose fake parents got into a fake, tragic accident?
  • Sam is still not a fake foster parent, which is puzzling because one does not need to be a foster parent in order to adopt fake babies in the state of Illinois.
  • Sam is contemplating moving out of the country and raising his fake twins in either Paris or Dubai. I guess he'll have to sell his fake downtown Chicago condo and fake "lake house" in Lake Forest, or maybe he'll just keep them for when he visits the U.S.
  • Sam has three fake nannies to cope with the fake twins because he doesn't have enough "me time" ("Me time" for Sam = Yankee candle shopping, catfishing, watching Disney movies and posting inspirational quotes online, oh, and uh...pumping iron and watching football, yeah).
Edited by egilsdottir
  • Love 6

How thoughtful of Sam to think of moving the fake twins halfway around the world! Wasn't this supposed to be an open adoption? Because surely a fine humanitarian such as Sam wouldn't cut off the birth mom.

Also, It's great that all three fake nannies will be happy to uproot and go with. Probably Sam is paying them 3 million fake bucks a year. I know Humanitarian Sam would not want the fake twins to start bonding with three fake nannies, then have to get used to three new ones. Hurrah!

I wonder if JO has any idea how many diapers constitute a three-month supply for two babies. As noted upthread, I have twin grandbabies. The answer to the diaper riddle is A HELL OF A LOT. I can't believe how many we go through when we just have them on a weekend. I can see fake Lindz now, pulling up in the U-Haul. Of course, the lake house probably has a spare carriage house or something for storage.

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I've been layin' low trying to avoid posting about the Catfish specifically, but just had to share my amusement at the "forum" on the Batshit Blog.  It still has absolutely zero activity.  What happened to the hundreds of billions of fans Sam has?  It's weird.  Not one of them seems to have taken the time to post so much as a howdy-do.


Was JO thinking there would be this rush of people lining up to post there or something? People don't seem to even have an interest in bashing her.  Maybe she just underestimated the amount of work involved in faking enough activity to create the appearance of having an actual working forum.  Half a dozen characters on twitter and facebook is one thing, but I guess cooking up dozens of fake posters for her forum turned out to be a little more work than she bargained for.  


Did she just forget she set it up?   lol!   Well, whatever the reason for this breakdown, it's extremely disappointing.  Jackie has really gotten beyond sloppy and I think the clock is seriously winding down on this charade.  Time to get out the really big fork and get ready to stick it in, because this baby is almost done. 

Did we ever find out why Meri was excluded from the list of wives when Robyn had Kody's latest child? One publication went so far as to say Kody had 3 wives and was divorced from his first wife, Meri. Is she in or out? (Please let her be out of this plyg relationship even if she is living in her house.)


I think it was just shitty reporting.

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I'm bummed at the derailing of this thread; man, JO is like Bizarro Midas: everything she touches turns to shit. Anyway, now that I'm all caught up, I'm stuck on one thing: if JO came to Meri's house for the MLM thing, why didn't Meri recognize her when they met up at Disney? Did I miss part of the story?

JO was the character of Lindsey (Samuel's assistant/mother-figure) at the LIV event hosted in Meri's house and at Disney.

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I've been layin' low trying to avoid posting about the Catfish specifically, but just had to share my amusement at the "forum" on the Batshit Blog.  It still has absolutely zero activity.  What happened to the hundreds of billions of fans Sam has?  It's weird.  Not one of them seems to have taken the time to post so much as a howdy-do.


Was JO thinking there would be this rush of people lining up to post there or something? People don't seem to even have an interest in bashing her.  Maybe she just underestimated the amount of work involved in faking enough activity to create the appearance of having an actual working forum.  Half a dozen characters on twitter and facebook is one thing, but I guess cooking up dozens of fake posters for her forum turned out to be a little more work than she bargained for.  


Did she just forget she set it up?   lol!   Well, whatever the reason for this breakdown, it's extremely disappointing.  Jackie has really gotten beyond sloppy and I think the clock is seriously winding down on this charade.  Time to get out the really big fork and get ready to stick it in, because this baby is almost done. 


I think it was just shitty reporting.

You are right. She's basically toast. I stopped reading her juvenile Blog days ago when I checked her lack of comments. I just check here from time to time because I have never had an interest in the Browns or the Duggars.


Short of her getting a sex change operation or the twins getting leprosy I'm over the freak show, and maybe not even then.

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Anyway, now that I'm all caught up, I'm stuck on one thing: if JO came to Meri's house for the MLM thing, why didn't Meri recognize her when they met up at Disney? Did I miss part of the story?


Good point - I've never even considered this. Maybe a bunch of people were at the MLM event (drawn, no doubt, by the chance to mix n' mingle with powerful A-list celebrities like the Browns) and somehow Meri missed seeing JO? Though I'm not sure how that's possible...


Then again, Meri is not the sharpest crayon in the box, so I wouldn't be surprised either way.

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I think what CofCinci was explaining above is that when JO showed up at Meri's LIV event, she was masquerading as Sam's assistant "Lindsay."  There was some story about how Lindsay was working with Meri on Sam's supplement order, which I guess is that LIV crap and apparently takes a team of people to deal with.


Then when Sam bailed out on Disneyland, it was "Lindsay" who showed up to take his place.  So that is why there was no recognition issue ... Meri knew the person who showed up both times as "Lindsay," Sam's assistant.  Or co-invester.  Or negotiation consultant, depending upon what lie JO is telling on any given day.


Creepy side note: when JO showed up at Meri's LIV event, that is when she went through Meri's house surreptitiously taking those pictures that "Sam" would later post as evidence he had actually been in Meri's house.  I wonder how much sage Meri burned cleansing her house when she realized ... 

  • Love 6

I've been layin' low trying to avoid posting about the Catfish specifically, but just had to share my amusement at the "forum" on the Batshit Blog.  It still has absolutely zero activity.  What happened to the hundreds of billions of fans Sam has?  It's weird.  Not one of them seems to have taken the time to post so much as a howdy-do.


Was JO thinking there would be this rush of people lining up to post there or something? People don't seem to even have an interest in bashing her.  Maybe she just underestimated the amount of work involved in faking enough activity to create the appearance of having an actual working forum.  Half a dozen characters on twitter and facebook is one thing, but I guess cooking up dozens of fake posters for her forum turned out to be a little more work than she bargained for.  


Did she just forget she set it up?   lol!   Well, whatever the reason for this breakdown, it's extremely disappointing.  Jackie has really gotten beyond sloppy and I think the clock is seriously winding down on this charade.  Time to get out the really big fork and get ready to stick it in, because this baby is almost done. 


I think it was just shitty reporting.

I think you nailed it, CR!  I picture her, at her keyboard trying to get past her own Yankee Candle style, with its excessive and extraneous punctuation and unwarranted "lol"s. But no matter how hard she tries, everything she writes comes out sounding like it's been written by the same person -- an incredulous (????????), easily excited (!!!!!!!!) wacko, who laughs frequently at things that aren't actually funny.


If she didn't have such a mean streak I'd feel sad about that.

  • Love 5

The trolls have really stepped up their game.  Not only with the Bullshit Book Club, but also they've created several websites, as well as snatching away the domain name almostmeried.com (I'm guessing that Jackie didn't have the money to pay the domain fee to purchase the URL).  The spoof blog is beyond hilarious.  http://www.notbatmanyet.net/whos-your-daddy/

  • Love 5

The trolls have really stepped up their game.  Not only with the Bullshit Book Club, but also they've created several websites, as well as snatching away the domain name almostmeried.com (I'm guessing that Jackie didn't have the money to pay the domain fee to purchase the URL).  The spoof blog is beyond hilarious.  http://www.notbatmanyet.net/whos-your-daddy/


I'm reading the spoof blog post about Sam's trip to the Superbowl, and almost spit my iced tea at my monitor from laughing so hard. Thanks for posting!

  • Love 1

I think what CofCinci was explaining above is that when JO showed up at Meri's LIV event, she was masquerading as Sam's assistant "Lindsay." There was some story about how Lindsay was working with Meri on Sam's supplement order, which I guess is that LIV crap and apparently takes a team of people to deal with.

Then when Sam bailed out on Disneyland, it was "Lindsay" who showed up to take his place. So that is why there was no recognition issue ... Meri knew the person who showed up both times as "Lindsay," Sam's assistant. Or co-invester. Or negotiation consultant, depending upon what lie JO is telling on any given day.

Creepy side note: when JO showed up at Meri's LIV event, that is when she went through Meri's house surreptitiously taking those pictures that "Sam" would later post as evidence he had actually been in Meri's house. I wonder how much sage Meri burned cleansing her house when she realized ...

Okay, that makes more sense. Hilariously though, of all the things that should have clued Meri into 'Sam' being a fraud, to me this is the biggest: the idea that a jet-setting millionaire businessman would be interested in an MLM, the GROUND FLOOR level of such, much less. I mean, even if she did believe he was a real dude, that should have made her suspicious of his business claims at the very least.

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If you read the blog posted by "Nick OConner" regarding Overton's previous victim, Stacey - she knew JO as Lindsay too and was there at the LIV event (I suspect they might have been the only two people AT the "event" to begin with - I doubt that many people would sit through an MLM pitch even to meet the Browns and see the infamous wet bar - about a year ago Meri tweeted a LIV appearance at some restaurant in AZ or UT and apparently no one showed up) when Overton first met Meri.


Nancybeth, are you at work?  Because I can't go onto the Batslog either at work, but at home it works just fine.

  • Love 1

The trolls have really stepped up their game.  Not only with the Bullshit Book Club, but also they've created several websites, as well as snatching away the domain name almostmeried.com (I'm guessing that Jackie didn't have the money to pay the domain fee to purchase the URL).  The spoof blog is beyond hilarious.  http://www.notbatmanyet.net/whos-your-daddy/

This is priceless! THANK you so much for the link! I hope JO chokes on every word she reads.  I was so hoping Kate would do something like this, but am so happy someone did!!

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Might be too early to celebrate, but the batblog appears to be gone!!! Hallelujah !! The Twitter army and anti catfish groups appear to have JO scrambling!! I hope they keep up the good fight! Apparently JO posted photos of babies claiming they are Sam's- what kind of garbage steals someone else's babies photos?!

  • Love 5

Might be too early to celebrate, but the batblog appears to be gone!!! Hallelujah !! The Twitter army and anti catfish groups appear to have JO scrambling!! I hope they keep up the good fight! Apparently JO posted photos of babies claiming they are Sam's- what kind of garbage steals someone else's babies photos?!

JO's fake army of fake Anti-JO's didn't do anything. The domain name expired last week. JO can't afford to give GoDaddy another $19.99 to renew. If she had twenty bucks, it would still be up there.
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The millionaire with apartments all over the world and a fleet of jets uses GoDaddy for the website.  Uh-huh.


JO is probably out starting a GoFundMe site to finance reupping the domain.  I wish I had the discretionary funds to buy the damned thing and be done with this load of BS..

She most likely had to overdraft her bank account to make a few phony donations for that GoFundMe page she made for the JO/Catch the Catfisher documentary.  She can't afford a second fake crowd source at this time.

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She most likely had to overdraft her bank account to make a few phony donations for that GoFundMe page she made for the JO/Catch the Catfisher documentary. She can't afford a second fake crowd source at this time.

Is this the documentary the 'trolls' on Twitter are hyping or was it something that just happened here on the forums?

Out of all the expected ways "Sam" would meet his demise, failure to pay for the domain didn't make the list and yet that was the downfall.  It was truly fitting.

I believe it was either one of two things, or the combination thereof. The basis of her character's personality was money. Lack of money brought about its demise. Karma in action and/or poetic justice. 

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I wonder if JO locked the Twitter accounts because she got cut off from the internet for unpaid bills, too? If she manages to collect enough aluminium cans to turn in for $, she'll be back and tweeting that Sam's team of lawyers are locked in a heated battle with godaddy.com and Comcast. Total amounts disputed: $19.99/per year for godaddy account and $79.97 for the past 2 months of Comcast high speed internet that she can't afford to pay.


She must be sweating bullets without her internet access, heh.

Well "MeriBeALiar" posted is the "zero" so she still has some internet access and is posting to make sure we keep talking about it so she's not bored of the attention quite yet. Either she forgot or couldn't pay the bills and/or "Sam" will make a dramatic re- appearance on 6 months time, with the twins having both died in unspeakably tragic circumstances or the "cousin" has kidnapped them and fled the country. (Never mind that that would be international gossip because of such a rich/good looking "victim".

It's embarrassing how transparent crackfish became, she knew that we knew she knew and played it up (TM Friends) so jokes on all of us I guess. Difference is, most of us have other things going on in our lives and this is just fun downtime (as is SW in general) whereas JO seems to have spent hours a day intentionally/fantasising and unrealistically pretending to be a ultra supposed "awesome" multi millionaire when it is clear she has never had a functional human relationship of any kind.

  • Love 1

Well "MeriBeALiar" posted is the "zero" so she still has some internet access and is posting to make sure we keep talking about it so she's not bored of the attention quite yet. Either she forgot or couldn't pay the bills and/or "Sam" will make a dramatic re- appearance on 6 months time, with the twins having both died in unspeakably tragic circumstances or the "cousin" has kidnapped them and fled the country. (Never mind that that would be international gossip because of such a rich/good looking "victim".It's embarrassing how transparent crackfish became, she knew that we knew she knew and played it up (TM Friends) so jokes on all of us I guess. Difference is, most of us have other things going on in our lives and this is just fun downtime (as is SW in general) whereas JO seems to have spent hours a day intentionally/fantasising and unrealistically pretending to be a ultra supposed "awesome" multi millionaire when it is clear she has never had a functional human relationship of any kind.

And I see today's post here has disappeared.

You all are so suspicious.  Sam just forgot to pay his $19.99 to Go Daddy because he was busy preparing for his meeting with the Lifetime Movie people.  And he does have new twins, you know!  Those three nannies can't do everything.  


I'm sure when Lindsay beats back her hangover (that was quite the twitter Oscar party they had!), she will fix it all.  

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Meri is constantly tweeting cryptic crap that is obviously aimed at the Catfish.   Someone even commented to her saying it was obvious to anyone who watches the show she was NOT talking about Kody.  She seems to still be really enmeshed in the whole thing.


It's especially stupid when she posts things like this https://mobile.twitter.com/MeriBrown1/status/704341619412107264/photo/1


Six paragraphs about the power of saying "no" and denying another person the ability to control and manipulate you and force you to make them the center of your life ...  Great in theory, isn't it?   But by posting this, all Meri has really said is Dear Catfish, I still spend a great deal of time focussing on you, following everything you say, it is effecting me, and I have in no way moved on.  


She might as well have posted a picture of herself with a banana.  

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