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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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I really want to make a smart ass comment about being told I should move on, but I will refrain...and that my friends is willpower.



My comment came right before yours.  I hope it wasn't anything that I said that triggered this.  If so, it honestly wasn't my intention.  I was just sharing my opinion on how I was personally feeling.  It wasn't meant to be judgemental in any way.

I am sorry if it came across that way to anyone

Edited by chi-girl
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My comment came right before yours. I hope it wasn't anything that I said that triggered this. If so, it honestly wasn't my intention. I was just sharing my opinion on how I was personally feeling. It wasn't meant to be judgemental in any way.

I am sorry if it came across that way to anyone

No, it was the one a few before I forget who, but somone was saying basically why we care about a fake baby etc. You simply said you were done, which is your opinion and you are welcome to feel that way, you didn't basically condemn those of us reading/talking about it.

For the record I don't care either way I'm happy to talk about Meri, there just isn't really anything going on right now with her, and Batfish is pretty consistent in supplying the crazy daily... Am I giving them the attention they want? Maybe... But it consumes maybe 15-20 minutes of my day, and is free, so I don't personally care... My point being that I don't really like being told here what I should/should not care about, yes it's all fake and if I invested actual feelings then maybe it's an issue, but if I choose to mindlessly follow a character, it's really no different than following a sitcom, or other scripted tv show. And for sure whether or not I follow doesn't effect anyone else.

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 5

No, it was the one a few before I forget who, but somone was saying basically why we care about a fake baby etc. You simply said you were done, which is your opinion and you are welcome to feel that way, you didn't basically condemn those of us reading/talking about it.

For the record I don't care either way I'm happy to talk about Meri, there just isn't really anything going on right now with her, and Batfish is pretty consistent in supplying the crazy daily... Am I giving them the attention they want? Maybe... But it consumes maybe 15-20 minutes of my day, and is free, so I don't personally care... My point being that I don't really like being told here what I should/should not care about, yes it's all fake and if I invested actual feelings then maybe it's an issue, but if I choose to mindlessly follow a character, it's really no different than following a sitcom, or other scripted tv show. And for sure whether or not I follow doesn't effect anyone else.

I read Sam's Blog out of boredom. My husband works third shift and sleeps all day, and I babysit at night. Sam's blog doesn't consume my life, it's one of several webpages I read, but it is the craziest. The reason why I write about Sam's blog on here is because The show isn't on, so I can't talk about the show. On Twitter, all I usually see are inspirational quotes, there's nothing to really say about that. And I doubt if any of the Browns would post anything other than Happy Birthday or something similar. The reason I was posting what Jackie had written on Sam's Blog here was so people here wouldn't have to go there to read it. And by that I mean, if I made a comment here about something I read on the blog, and I didn't post what Jackie wrote, someone would have to read Sam's blog to understand my comment.

Why this has bothered people, I don't understand. I've seen comments directed at me like, "Bye Felcia" or "Tell me when Meri 2.0 comes out" or "of course" when I make a post. There is nothing to write about since nothing is going on. When I skimmed through past posts on this thread, other people wrote about Sam's blog, and it was fine. Now it's like people don't like it when I do. But what else is there to talk about since the show isn't on? I would love to comment about the Browns but there is nothing to comment about.

Edited by Becki
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I read Sam's Blog out of boredom. My husband works third shift and sleeps all day, and I babysit at night. Sam's blog doesn't consume my life, it's one of several webpages I read, but it is the craziest. The reason why I write about Sam's blog on here is because The show isn't on, so I can't talk about the show. On Twitter, all I usually see are inspirational quotes, there's nothing to really say about that. And I doubt if any of the Browns would post anything other than Happy Birthday or something similar. The reason I was posting what Jackie had written on Sam's Blog here was so people here wouldn't have to go there to read it. And by that I mean, if I made a comment here about something I read on the blog, and I didn't post what Jackie wrote, someone would have to read Sam's blog to understand my comment.

Why this has bothered people, I don't understand. I've seen comments directed at me like, "Bye Felcia" or "Tell me when Meri 2.0 comes out" or "of course" when I make a post. There is nothing to write about since nothing is going on. When I skimmed through past posts on this thread, other people wrote about Sam's blog, and it was fine. Now it's like people don't like it when I do. But what else is there to talk about since the show isn't on? I would love to comment about the Browns but there is nothing to comment about.

I read Sam's Blog out of boredom. My husband works third shift and sleeps all day, and I babysit at night. Sam's blog doesn't consume my life, it's one of several webpages I read, but it is the craziest. The reason why I write about Sam's blog on here is because The show isn't on, so I can't talk about the show. On Twitter, all I usually see are inspirational quotes, there's nothing to really say about that. And I doubt if any of the Browns would post anything other than Happy Birthday or something similar. The reason I was posting what Jackie had written on Sam's Blog here was so people here wouldn't have to go there to read it. And by that I mean, if I made a comment here about something I read on the blog, and I didn't post what Jackie wrote, someone would have to read Sam's blog to understand my comment.

Why this has bothered people, I don't understand. I've seen comments directed at me like, "Bye Felcia" or "Tell me when Meri 2.0 comes out" or "of course" when I make a post. There is nothing to write about since nothing is going on. When I skimmed through past posts on this thread, other people wrote about Sam's blog, and it was fine. Now it's like people don't like it when I do. But what else is there to talk about since the show isn't on? I would love to comment about the Browns but there is nothing to comment about.

I read Sam's Blog out of boredom. My husband works third shift and sleeps all day, and I babysit at night. Sam's blog doesn't consume my life, it's one of several webpages I read, but it is the craziest. The reason why I write about Sam's blog on here is because The show isn't on, so I can't talk about the show. On Twitter, all I usually see are inspirational quotes, there's nothing to really say about that. And I doubt if any of the Browns would post anything other than Happy Birthday or something similar. The reason I was posting what Jackie had written on Sam's Blog here was so people here wouldn't have to go there to read it. And by that I mean, if I made a comment here about something I read on the blog, and I didn't post what Jackie wrote, someone would have to read Sam's blog to understand my comment.

Why this has bothered people, I don't understand. I've seen comments directed at me like, "Bye Felcia" or "Tell me when Meri 2.0 comes out" or "of course" when I make a post. There is nothing to write about since nothing is going on. When I skimmed through past posts on this thread, other people wrote about Sam's blog, and it was fine. Now it's like people don't like it when I do. But what else is there to talk about since the show isn't on? I would love to comment about the Browns but there is nothing to comment about.

Becki - It sounds cool amd sophisticated to say how over one is of the batblog (or whatever...). I've seen this on other blogs...it seems to be cyclical. Someone will say it, other people like the way it sounds, and jump on the bandwagon of acting like only someone pathetic would still care about that stupid drivel. After a while, everybody's talking about it again and having some harmless fun. Repeat, repeat, .... Or, maybe the person really is over it, but I've never understood why that requires a big, public announcement. You're over it? Great! Scroll through those posts and read the ones that interest you.

In my opinion, you owe no one an explanation and shouldn't feel shamed for still reading. I have what I consider to be an awesome, full life, have an "important" job, whatever, and I check the batblog every night after I go to bed. My job is so stressful I need a little mindless distraction to relax and sleep...and Jackie provides that in spades. Don't care what anybody thinks about it, either. (-: So I say post away. (-:

ETA....I'm really sorry for quoting the referenced post 3 times. When I go to edit, it only shows it once, so not sure how to fix either. My first attempt at quoting text...a marginal success lol.

Edited by MommyToMyCats
  • Love 7

Blogger Kate has wrapped up the last installment of The Bullshit Book Club's review of Sammy's book.   It has been hysterical and I am sorry to see it come to an end.  I would literally howl with laughter at the stuff she wrote.  


Here is a link to the very first entry ... scroll down the right side to read the reviews of each chapter.  It's required reading for anyone who has found this catfish thing at all entertaining ... it is really the best thing about the whole sordid mess! 



  • Love 3

I read Sam's Blog out of boredom. My husband works third shift and sleeps all day, and I babysit at night. Sam's blog doesn't consume my life, it's one of several webpages I read, but it is the craziest. The reason why I write about Sam's blog on here is because The show isn't on, so I can't talk about the show. On Twitter, all I usually see are inspirational quotes, there's nothing to really say about that. And I doubt if any of the Browns would post anything other than Happy Birthday or something similar. The reason I was posting what Jackie had written on Sam's Blog here was so people here wouldn't have to go there to read it. And by that I mean, if I made a comment here about something I read on the blog, and I didn't post what Jackie wrote, someone would have to read Sam's blog to understand my comment.

Why this has bothered people, I don't understand. I've seen comments directed at me like, "Bye Felcia" or "Tell me when Meri 2.0 comes out" or "of course" when I make a post. There is nothing to write about since nothing is going on. When I skimmed through past posts on this thread, other people wrote about Sam's blog, and it was fine. Now it's like people don't like it when I do. But what else is there to talk about since the show isn't on? I would love to comment about the Browns but there is nothing to comment about.

I love that you report it. It means fewer clicks for her website.

  • Love 2

I really enjoyed the BSBC review posts - she deserves an award of some sort just for taking the time to slog through that drivel, because I sure as hell couldn't.

(Cut to Beavis and ButtHead trying to read the side of a tube of glue and mumbling "words...words...")

I don't discourage anyone from reading the BatBlog. Just post your observations here because I would much rather read your reactions/thoughts/criticisms without actually bothering to read the drivel there. Thank you!!!

  • Love 2

I read Sam's Blog out of boredom. My husband works third shift and sleeps all day, and I babysit at night. Sam's blog doesn't consume my life, it's one of several webpages I read, but it is the craziest. The reason why I write about Sam's blog on here is because The show isn't on, so I can't talk about the show. On Twitter, all I usually see are inspirational quotes, there's nothing to really say about that. And I doubt if any of the Browns would post anything other than Happy Birthday or something similar. The reason I was posting what Jackie had written on Sam's Blog here was so people here wouldn't have to go there to read it. And by that I mean, if I made a comment here about something I read on the blog, and I didn't post what Jackie wrote, someone would have to read Sam's blog to understand my comment.

Why this has bothered people, I don't understand. I've seen comments directed at me like, "Bye Felcia" or "Tell me when Meri 2.0 comes out" or "of course" when I make a post. There is nothing to write about since nothing is going on. When I skimmed through past posts on this thread, other people wrote about Sam's blog, and it was fine. Now it's like people don't like it when I do. But what else is there to talk about since the show isn't on? I would love to comment about the Browns but there is nothing to comment about.

Yeah that was kinda my point, I do understand it has kinda consumed the Meri thread, and I can see how that could be annoying if you were coming here to solely read about Meri or the show, but I agree I don't really see any harm in talking about batblog while the show is on hiatus and there really isn't anything to talk about, without Batblog this thread would be dead right now... We're all adults I don't like being told what is/isn't worth my time.

  • Love 1

Yeah that was kinda my point, I do understand it has kinda consumed the Meri thread, and I can see how that could be annoying if you were coming here to solely read about Meri or the show, but I agree I don't really see any harm in talking about batblog while the show is on hiatus and there really isn't anything to talk about, without Batblog this thread would be dead right now... We're all adults I don't like being told what is/isn't worth my time.


I appreciate the efforts y'all put in to keep those of us interested in the catfish incident informed--especially when catfish does or says something that's deliberately aimed at Meri (ie, the "adoption" of twins, when Meri desperately wanted more children), naming one of the fake twins after members of Meri's family, etc) - I think catfish is still tying to get Meri to come back and pay attention to him/her.


I think this behavior is reprehensible, and Meri's either smart to stay away from it, or the family and/or TLC may be closely monitoring Meri's online activity to prevent her falling prey to such evil again (or maybe Kody's such a control freak  he won't let Meri have free reign on a computer again). I'm hoping TLC has someone monitoring the batblog/forum to see if catfish makes a mistake and crosses into illegal territory so they can arrest/prosecute. Right now catfish has toyed with the legal/illegal boundaries, but if Meri stays silent, I wonder if it'll drive catfish into doing/saying something that crosses that line. If/when that time comes, I hope our catfish batblog readers here will share that news!


In the meantime, I think this catfish person's antics are keeping us interested in what's going on with Meri Brown and many of us will tune in (either to the show or to continue reading this forum) to see what's going to happen next.

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The catfishing incident is the most interesting thing that ever happened with Sister Wives, and TLC loves it! No way are they monitoring Meri's activity or the Catfisher in hopes of stopping it, because they want any kind of free advertising to keep the show relevant . The fact that this thread is 90% talk about the batblog is evidence in itself. If anyone is successful in shutting down JO, it certainly won't be TLC, or even Meri, as she is ensconced in TLC's pockets.

  • Love 5

Yeah that was kinda my point, I do understand it has kinda consumed the Meri thread, and I can see how that could be annoying if you were coming here to solely read about Meri or the show, but I agree I don't really see any harm in talking about batblog while the show is on hiatus and there really isn't anything to talk about, without Batblog this thread would be dead right now... We're all adults I don't like being told what is/isn't worth my time.

After being taken in by a catfish in the Duggar thread, there are good reasons to avoid the catfishing in this thread.

Does anyone think Meri is planning to escape the plyg compund? Or do you think she is going to stay there? I think she will eventually make her escape. I am hopeful that one or more wives will leave, starting with Meri and Janelle. Christine may be right behind.

  • Love 3


Does anyone think Meri is planning to escape the plyg compund? Or do you think she is going to stay there? I think she will eventually make her escape. I am hopeful that one or more wives will leave, starting with Meri and Janelle. Christine may be right behind.

I think they will probably all end up emotionally separating from Kody, and no longer have a physical romantic relationship with him.  I don't see any of them actually striking out on their own and moving away from the compound.  Remember when Meri first started talking about going back to school and Robyn was upset for 2 reasons.  One was that Meri would no longer be helping as much with the MSWC.  But the other reason was that Meri would be hanging out with non-family members and start building friendships with outsiders. And that would be DISASTER for the family.  Enlightenment and personal growth should always be discouraged in their eyes.  


So Meri actually stepped out on a limb and lo and behold it rotted and she landed on her ass. So I think the humiliation of admitting you are not in fact part of a happily ever after polygamous marriage plus the humiliation of having your true love be that Jackie creature will make them circle the wagons and never ever admit that their lives are anything less than wonderful. I would be shocked if any of them ever physically left the current living situation.  But Kody may end up living full time in Robyn's house while the others find hobbies or careers outside of the family. They will never admit anything though.

  • Love 3

After being taken in by a catfish in the Duggar thread, there are good reasons to avoid the catfishing in this thread.

Does anyone think Meri is planning to escape the plyg compund? Or do you think she is going to stay there? I think she will eventually make her escape. I am hopeful that one or more wives will leave, starting with Meri and Janelle. Christine may be right behind.

I'm aware of the catfish being here, and I generally ignore them... But that wasn't really what I was talking about. My point is simply that it was stated why anyone cares anymore and we should "move on"... I acknowledged that the Batfish has taken over this thread and if a mod stops the conversation I respect their authority, but in the meantime I don't see any harm in talking about it while there isn't much going on with Meri. It's kinda a grey area because it's not like the Batfish should have their own thread since they aren't "actually" a character on the show. The conversation is waning anyway so it'll probably die out soon anyway... I don't even really care that much, now it's just becoming more based on principle that I don't like being told what I should or should not be interested in.

  • Love 3

I think they will probably all end up emotionally separating from Kody, and no longer have a physical romantic relationship with him.  I don't see any of them actually striking out on their own and moving away from the compound.  Remember when Meri first started talking about going back to school and Robyn was upset for 2 reasons.  One was that Meri would no longer be helping as much with the MSWC.  But the other reason was that Meri would be hanging out with non-family members and start building friendships with outsiders. And that would be DISASTER for the family.  Enlightenment and personal growth should always be discouraged in their eyes.  


So Meri actually stepped out on a limb and lo and behold it rotted and she landed on her ass. So I think the humiliation of admitting you are not in fact part of a happily ever after polygamous marriage plus the humiliation of having your true love be that Jackie creature will make them circle the wagons and never ever admit that their lives are anything less than wonderful. I would be shocked if any of them ever physically left the current living situation.  But Kody may end up living full time in Robyn's house while the others find hobbies or careers outside of the family. They will never admit anything though.

I agree with you that the wives are afraid to leave due to humilation, etc... but can that last? It is hard to maintain a charade for years. I see a break coming "one day". When, who knows. Women do not like being ignored...

I have to message you. I never did understand what happened on the Duggar thread. I would love to know.

I don't think it is a secret. Wanderwoman fooled many of us, including me. Some of us donated money (I was one) for her fake premature baby. I got my money back thanks to help from mods.

Catfishing is not a victimless crime. I refuse to let bottom feeders prey on me again and hate to see others be "entertained" by them.

  • Love 6

wanderwoman?  I've heard the name but can't remember anything in particular about it.  Is there a forum devoted to when trolls invade the forums?  I want to read that thread.  Got sucked in by Razing Ruth on Free Jinger, although I never sent her funds, but when the truth came out it was very interesting to see all the clues come together to expose the woman behind the name.

  • Love 1

wanderwoman?  I've heard the name but can't remember anything in particular about it.  Is there a forum devoted to when trolls invade the forums?  I want to read that thread.  Got sucked in by Razing Ruth on Free Jinger, although I never sent her funds, but when the truth came out it was very interesting to see all the clues come together to expose the woman behind the name.

I don't know if all of wanderwoman's postings were hidden but they were in the Duggar Small Talk thread. It was incredible to see how supportive everyone was when they thought a forum member was having trouble.

  • Love 2

They will all leave the compound eventually. Unless this show stays on TLC for years and years, they will run out of money and have to leave. And they won't go together.

I agree with you. If Sam were real, I bet Meri would've dumped Kody, not because Sam is a pretend Millionaire, but because she wanted attention from a man period. I don't blame Meri for having an Internet affair, ( I know people won't agree with my opinion on that) I can't imagine sharing my Husband with another woman, and if Meri was raised in a polygamist household, she has known no other way of life, kind of like being brainwashed to me. I hope she dumps Kody for a man that loves only her. Also, I noticed that when Sam posted pics of Meri at Disneyland or someplace, she wasn't dressed modestly, meaning I think she just had a tank top on, with no long sleeve shirt under it. So she might be tired of Kodys rules or the religious rules regarding clothing, among other things. Since Meri has been Catfished, she might think it's a punishment from God for attempting to leave Kody, and might not leave after all. If Meri leaves Kody, I bet TLC will offer her a show, if Sisterwives still isn't on.

I like Janelle, she seems to be the smartest of the wives, business wise, from what I've read. I can picture her dumping Kody, but only after one of the other wives dumps him first, or maybe she will surprise us all, and dump him first.

I don't think Christine will leave, ever.

Robyn, on the other hand, is harder for me to figure out. She wants Kody all for herself, yet she comes off as money hungry.

So if the other wives dump Kody, she will be thrilled! Yet, if there is no more money from the show coming in if the show gets cancelled, she may leave Kody. And I would bet $100 she would go to TLC and beg for her own show if everyone leaves Kody.

I hope the wives that want to leave Kody do leave, so they can find a man that is normal.

One last thing, I've read on other sites where people make fun of her for having fever blisters, or the Herpes Virus. While it doesn't bother me that people make fun of Robyn, I do have the same exact thing, and my doctor last week told me that 50% of the population has it, so it is very easy to catch.

Edited by Becki
  • Love 2

I don't think it is a secret. Wanderwoman fooled many of us, including me. Some of us donated money (I was one) for her fake premature baby. I got my money back thanks to help from mods.

Catfishing is not a victimless crime. I refuse to let bottom feeders prey on me again and hate to see others be "entertained" by them.

Omg!! I didn't know that. I fell for that hook, line, and sinker. No pun intended. I didn't send money, but I followed the story.

Are the details posted somewhere? If it's private I certainly understand.

I'm glad you got your money back. Just wow.

Eta: when I mentioned details, . I was referring to how the lying lier that lied was caught. I saw the reference to the small talk thread.

Edited by toodles

Blogger Kate has wrapped up the last installment of The Bullshit Book Club's review of Sammy's book. It has been hysterical and I am sorry to see it come to an end. I would literally howl with laughter at the stuff she wrote.

Here is a link to the very first entry ... scroll down the right side to read the reviews of each chapter. It's required reading for anyone who has found this catfish thing at all entertaining ... it is really the best thing about the whole sordid mess!


I read Kate's review of the book and she is spot on! Everything she writes about the book is funny and true.

I had the displeasure of reading the book online for free, and it was awful.

I spent more time going through the book to re read a chapter I had already read, because things written in one chapter would contradict what was written earlier.

I think I posted on this thread that my Husband works at A major book publisher/printer/distributor. The company Prints on Demand Books, (POD is what that's called) anyone can write a book and get it published.

And there is no NextPress company, except for a defunct company named Next Press, and he couldn't find the ISBN number of the book, or a book with that Title or Author from any POD company.

I think Jackie had a few paper books printed at Kinkos, if any.

That's why I knew she was lying when people were asking for their money back when they didn't get the actual paperback.

Jackie was stating that the printer had to print them in all these other languages for foreign readers. That's not how it works. I left a comment on "Sam's" blog about why there was no ISBN number and other questions I had about the book, Jackie blocked me after that and didn't answer my comment.

Sorry I'm on a mini rant about the Publication of "Sam's" book, but my husband has been in this industry since 1991, and I know how it works.

I also think Meri isn't suing "Sam" over this book because of sheer embarrassment.

Plus Jackie doesn't have any money or assets anyway, all the judge could do is attach Jackies future earnings to be paid to Meri. (Like a Garnishment I guess) I get the feeling that Jackie gets a SSI or disability check each month, and you can't garnish those, so it's not worth it to sue her. Maybe Meri will when the sue when the show ends.

Edited by Becki
  • Love 3

I'm bored so I checked Twitter to see what the wives are tweeting. These are their latest tweets, if I'm seeing correctly.

I will save you all the time for looking for yourselves.

Kody tweeted in November about supporting the idea of a photo ID to vote. ( He just re tweeted it)

Meri tweeted a pic of a chalkboard with this written on it- (I'm going to shorten this down but it basically read) We don't raise our kids to live in a cruel world, we raise our kids to change the world.

Christine tweeted a pic of Robyn's new baby and how it was nice to hold it. ( the photo is a close up of the baby, and from the eyes up, that baby looks just like Kody in my opinion)

Janelle Tweeted a question about where people want to vacation to, and followed that up with herself stating she wants to go to Ireland, and a pic of Ireland.

Robyn tweeted a pic that read- Don't be too busy to notice what God does for you. (Or something to that effect)

I can't remember what the kids tweet, there are too many kids, and I can't remember who wrote what.

Sam is saying Lifetime wants to do a movie about her eBook. She meets with them in 2 weeks. Just in case she is actually telling the truth, I'm already looking for proper Lifetime contact info for complaints.

I've watched a thousand Lifetime movies, and they use a lot of what I call creative Liberty when they make a movie.

I would love it if Lifetime did meet "Sam" who is really Jackie, and she signs over the rights to the book, then Jackie thinks they're making a movie of the book, when instead they make a movie about Jackie, pretending to be "Sam" and everything that that has really happened. That would be awesome and I would totally watch it. lifetime can just use the same disclaimer that "Sam" used in his book.

  • Love 5

I've watched a thousand Lifetime movies, and they use a lot of what I call creative Liberty when they make a movie.

I would love it if Lifetime did meet "Sam" who is really Jackie, and she signs over the rights to the book, then Jackie thinks they're making a movie of the book, when instead they make a movie about Jackie, pretending to be "Sam" and everything that that has really happened. That would be awesome and I would totally watch it. lifetime can just use the same disclaimer that "Sam" used in his book.

That would truly be poetic justice.

Edited by BasqueGirl
  • Love 1

Omg!! I didn't know that. I fell for that hook, line, and sinker. No pun intended. I didn't send money, but I followed the story.

Are the details posted somewhere? If it's private I certainly understand.

I'm glad you got your money back. Just wow.

Eta: when I mentioned details, . I was referring to how the lying lier that lied was caught. I saw the reference to the small talk thread.

I have no idea how wanderwoman was caught. I think the mods had a big hand in catching her. I certainly did not. I do not know if the details are posted anywhere. I am sure everyone got their money back. I don't think anything is private, it's simply that I don't know anything haha.

Becki, I agree about the herpes virus. My granmother had oral herpes so everyone was exposed to it. I recall having a few "fever blisters" as a teen but have not had any since. I do not understand why there is a stigma when so many have been exposed. It is not something to be ashamed of.

Meri's catfish ordeal has gone on long enough IMO. I feel for her. In some ways it seems we are helping the catfish by talking so much about the damn catfish. I am not her fan but I do think enough is enough.

Most of us understand on some level why Meri fell for the catfish and it is sad.

Bottom line- don't like contributing to the pleasure of a catfish, whether it be "sam" or "wanderwoman".

Please, just kill off Sam in a tragic man-nursing accident and put this baby to bed. Let him be smothered by his own Baby Bro (Dadzier).

Stick a fork in this story -- it's done.

I love you.

"Dadzier " - I am dying.

I don't read Sam's blog but am enjoying the recaps and comments here. I missed one thing - are "his" "twins" identical? We have identical twin grandsons who arrived by scheduled C-section one month early. it Sam's imaginary twins are identical, I have extra bullshit to call.

Way O/T: didn't it turn out that Razing Ruth and wanderwoman were the same person?

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 1

Yes, same person.  It took me two tries and a warning on the thread to get the mods to take action on WW.  Bless an intrepid researcher she took it up and researched the heck out of it all. 


I admit I read this thread daily, but that's all the attention I'm willing to give Jackie.  It's entertainment to see what stupidity she'll commit next.  I won't go to any of her sites to give her attention.  I'm wondering just how she plans to get out of the completely unbelievable situation or maybe she thinks she can spin this out forever. 

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 4

Yes, same person.  It took me two tries and a warning on the thread to get the mods to take action on WW.  Bless an intrepid researcher she took it up and researched the heck out of it all. 


I remember that! :-) It was a very long con...and a good one. Pulled a lot of heart strings. Pfft. Thanks Absolom.

  • Love 4

Yes, same person.  It took me two tries and a warning on the thread to get the mods to take action on WW.  Bless an intrepid researcher she took it up and researched the heck out of it all. 


I admit I read this thread daily, but that's all the attention I'm willing to give Jackie.  It's entertainment to see what stupidity she'll commit next.  I won't go to any of her sites to give her attention.  I'm wondering just how she plans to get out of the completely unbelievable situation or maybe she thinks she can spin this out forever.

Thank you everyone for the info. We have the best forum gang and the best mods ever.

  • Love 4

I think the point of calling Robin out on the cold sore is the idea that she's sharing it with Kody and therefore her sister wives. Ick.

I understand what you're saying.

I got my first fever blister when I was a kid. I've had them off on and on now forever.

I don't know if Robyn knows this (She probably doesn't) but you can take a daily prescription pill for this. I've had to start taking Valcyclovir ( I know I spelled that wrong) and the medicine does work. As long as your not kissing your Husband or kissing anyone when you feel or have an outbreak, you can prevent passing it on. I've been with my husband since 1989, and thank God, he's never caught it from me. Fever Blisters actually hurt like hell. Also, Abreva, in the tiny tube thats like $20 over the counter doesn't work and was a waste of money for me. I can't even kiss my Grandaughter on the cheek this week because I have one that flared up, but the medicine knocked it out, but I still wait a week after to kiss my Grandbaby or husband.

Edited by Becki

Uh, yeah, nothing the catfish would like better than a movie about herself.

I can't even think of an actress that would take the role!

Also, the reason why I make a bunch of posts in a short time period, is because I babysit, and I only get online a few minutes at a time, usually when the baby is taking a nap, etc, or she is asleep for the night.

I know that has nothing to do with your post, but I didn't want to make another post stating that.

I can't even think of an actress that would take the role!

Also, the reason why I make a bunch of posts in a short time period, is because I babysit, and I only get online a few minutes at a time, usually when the baby is taking a nap, etc, or she is asleep for the night.

I know that has nothing to do with your post, but I didn't want to make another post stating that.

I saw on Twitter that Sham thinks Rebel Wilson should play the hambeast.

Rebel is gorgeous JO. I think Drew Carey in a wig is more your speed.

  • Love 6

I have a question before I have to log off. I'm trying to ad a profile pic from my iPad, but every pic I try is too big, but if I try to crop it, to make it smaller so it will be the correct file size, that doesn't work either. Does anyone know a way to upload and edit a pic from an iPad, or is it easier just to upload using a PC? Thanks.

I have a question before I have to log off. I'm trying to ad a profile pic from my iPad, but every pic I try is too big, but if I try to crop it, to make it smaller so it will be the correct file size, that doesn't work either. Does anyone know a way to upload and edit a pic from an iPad, or is it easier just to upload using a PC? Thanks.

I have an ipad. What I did.. was use a freebie photo editing software program to reduce file SIZE rather than cropping...I did crop out all unneccessary detail but the goal really is to reduce size of the file. If I am not mistaken I changed my profile to a gif file type since it is a smaller file type than jpg.

It has been awhile since I have updated my profile pic but I think that is what I did.

  • Love 1
We're all adults I don't like being told what is/isn't worth my time.


I don't believe that's anyone's intent.  Certainly what what does with one's time is up to the individual.


What I do think is that by endlessly reporting on JO's postings that we are encouraging her to continue the charade and feeding her warped ego.  She has hurt people .  She is evil.  Do we really want to keep validating that, in her diseased mind, she is believable, interesting, and worthy of discussion?  


Just my opinion.  I refuse to spend any more time with this disgusting situation.  I'll spend my time doing something more useful.  My choice, of course.


Off to bake for the troops instead!

  • Love 4

I have an ipad. What I did.. was use a freebie photo editing software program to reduce file SIZE rather than cropping...I did crop out all unneccessary detail but the goal really is to reduce size of the file. If I am not mistaken I changed my profile to a gif file type since it is a smaller file type than jpg.

It has been awhile since I have updated my profile pic but I think that is what I did.

Thanks! I will try that tomorrow.

I have an ipad. What I did.. was use a freebie photo editing software program to reduce file SIZE rather than cropping...I did crop out all unneccessary detail but the goal really is to reduce size of the file. If I am not mistaken I changed my profile to a gif file type since it is a smaller file type than jpg.

It has been awhile since I have updated my profile pic but I think that is what I did.

Thanks! I will try that tomorrow.

Just read the newest lies on "Sam's" blog.

So much ridiculousness, I don't know where to begin. But I think Jackie watched the Sex and The City movie part two because "Sam" describes Dubai as - New York City had sex with Los Angeles and that is what Dubai is like.

That is how Dubai was portrayed as in Sex And The City 2, at least it was to me.

I won't write anymore about it because I don't want anymore negative comments directed toward me, but if anyone wants to discuss what they read on the blog, just PM me and we can discuss it that way,instead of on here.

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What a pea brain. Why didnt JO choose to fake a storyline she knew something about, or could even research, because it is painfully obvious she has never been around a newborn baby. Calling the twins awesome is so underwhelmingly inadequate. The more she writes, the more she illuminates her ignorance, lack of a real life, and lack of imagination. I almost feel like this is a good thing, because it has become really ridiculous, and eventually, everyone will just stop reading. She is pathetic and twisted and either doesn't realize that she is a laughingstock, or doesn't care.

  • Love 2


What a pea brain. Why didnt JO choose to fake a storyline she knew something about, or could even research, because it is painfully obvious she has never been around a newborn baby. Calling the twins awesome is so underwhelmingly inadequate. The more she writes, the more she illuminates her ignorance, lack of a real life, and lack of imagination. I almost feel like this is a good thing, because it has become really ridiculous, and eventually, everyone will just stop reading. She is pathetic and twisted and either doesn't realize that she is a laughingstock, or doesn't care.


One of the things you learn in dog training is that a dog considers ANY attention good, whether it's negative (getting disciplined or scolded for misbehaving) or positive (getting praised or petted for sitting/down/heeling) from a human perspective.  So long as you are paying attention and are focused on the animal, they see it as a reward.  They have power because they can make you react. 


I feel like Jackie is the same way.  Someone is paying attention to her, it doesn't matter if we think she is the supercoolest hacker chick that ever lived, or just a lame loser who occasionally entertains us from her flea infested, cheeto crusted, moldy couch in mom's basement. In a sense, she has power because she is performing an action that we react to.   Jackie is a very sad, lonely, defeated person who is enjoying the fact that someone is focusing on her and that makes her feel important.  If I were a kind and compassionate person, I would pity her because she truly is a damaged soul.  I'm tired of her at this point because she has not improved her game.  If anything, she's gotten worse.


Does anyone know when the new season starts?  I am curious to see if Kody ever admits that Meri was in fact unfaithful, at least emotionally. 

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