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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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Heston?  What the hell kind of name is that?  Those are pretty sizeable babies for twins that came a few weeks early, aren't they?  With everything going on in his life, Sam found time to play arcade games on his website all day yesterday!


I can't wait to see him continue to churn out entries while dealing with NEWBORN TWINS.

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JO is so incredibly stupid that she can't google the average weight and length for premature twins?  These pseudo-newborns are a normal size and weight for full term singletons.  How is she going to pull off fake medical crises for them?  Better do a bit more research next time.  Looking more idiotic by the nanosecond, JO.

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Buffoon or maybe "Bat-foon" wants us to believe that the twins were born 6 hours ago.  Yet the twitter feed on the Bat Blog shows he/she's tweeting away during that time, including tweets about the R-Rated voicemails.  I'm sure those will get deleted since no one in their right mind would be tweeting about R-Rated voicemails during the birth of their twins.  Okay nevermind...I said right mind. 

Edited by chi-girl
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As the batfish twists the blade even more...


The fake-twins names are Heston William and Alexander James.  Meri's father's name was...William James Barber.  I'm sure that's a complete coincidence. Or not.


I can't find the tie in with Heston Alexander or Alexander Heston, but I'm sure someone will soon enough. 

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My guess is Charlton Heston is the epitome of a "mans man" so obviously naming a child that would convince us that Sam is truly a man and we will realize the error in out ways of thinking its JO. Maybe the ultra healthy babies are the lead in for the birth mom realizing she can keep them after all.... And Sam's soft heart will decide that is best for the babies, so it will break his heart but he will let the birth mom keep them and financially provide for them to ensure they have a bright future. I think I'm ready for my own batfish blog cranking out these scenarios.

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JO is so incredibly stupid that she can't google the average weight and length for premature twins?  These pseudo-newborns are a normal size and weight for full term singletons.  How is she going to pull off fake medical crises for them?  Better do a bit more research next time.  Looking more idiotic by the nanosecond, JO.

Agree about the birth weight. Don't most pregnant women having twins schedule a C section? Or does a doctor let a pregnant woman with twins go into labor naturally? Oh, and Sam says he knows all about how mischievous twin boys can be because he watched a lot of YouTube videos.

I also can guarantee that all the comments left on SAMs blog are written by Jackie. Someone named Ellie, thanked Sam for the pics he sent her. I'm very curious of when will will see another blog entry. Will it be in one day, two days, or a week?

Because he's going to be to busy to blog, having newborn twins and a vast business empire to run.

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Catfish has changed its intended audience. It knows no one believes in the slightest and is deliberately trying to provoke reactions by posting ever more outrageous stuff so that we talk about "batman". It takes a few clicks to learn about Catholicism, Veganism, pregnancy, twins, successful business practices (ie don't give your employees 3 days off so they can prepare for the weekend etc.

Not to mention Batcrap is such an awesome philanthropic amazing guy who gives away his money very generously and is a devout Catholic and yet......has released private pics and phone messages of a minor celeb and even claimed to have released a sex tape of same. Also Meri's reaction to "him" on the tapes make "him" sound a manipulative monster.

It would have had to have been slightly more convincing in the beginning in order to get Meri to do what she did, but JO is enjoying us posting here as seen by entirely easy to spot attempts to keep the fans flamed here.

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I agree with all of the above. And I really believe Sam is more than one person. If not, she is much better at managing time than I am. All that bleeding BS takes time. The research..even though it's not as thorough as it was, the comments, playing games on the site, sleeping, eating..bathroom time. Even if she is on welfare, that's more than a full days' BS.

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Has Sam finished his foster certification yet?

I also don't understand if this is a going to be a private adoption, why would he need to be a certified foster parent?

If you do a private adoption with a family member, do you have to be certified?

Ive known people that have signed legal guardianship over to a family member, and all they had to do was sign paperwork in front of a judge.

And Sam said in his last class, the people attending had to share why they were adopting or becoming foster parents, and people asked him if he were gay three times.

My friend said her classes had no stand up and share your reasons for becoming a foster parent.

I'm thinking Sam is confusing AA meetings he read about with foster parent classes.

I wonder if the mother will change her mind at the hospital at the last minute, and not Let Sam have the twins after all.

Also is his cousins last name Cooper? Because on the birth announcement he write their last names as Cooper.

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Oh puhlease!!!!!! Couldn't she have at least done a little bit of research on what having a baby/babies is really like?! No hospital tour, no jaundice, no mention of that first meconium diaper.... Mediocre at best! I just can't even say anything more about it.

Anyone else wonder if Meri secretly reads the Batblog and thanks her lucky stars that she extricated herself when she did? I cannot even imagine how the whole fake situation would look on Meri's side of the cul de sac!

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What is particularly sickening to me is that there are real good people out there with real stories and this monster continues to garner attention.


One of the Angels I work with (we are in a military support group that sends packages to our soldiers) and her husband were adopting a set of twins both of whom have Down Syndrome.  The twins were born prematurely yesterday.  Sadly, the little girl died this morning in her adoptive mother's arms.  Her brother is hanging on by a thread.  These are people that deserve attention and support.


I hope that there is a special place in hell for JO.

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'Lindsay' and uncle Ben (giggles) hurried to the hospital to see the "boys" and 'Lindsay' said 'Alex' is her favorite of the two.


My real, non-imaginary friend had triplets. They were a huge surprise and rocked her world because she had lucrative career and 2 other children. She ended up being a well known marathon runner in this area because she started running to deal with the stress (she refused to have nannies).


You can bet during my first visit to see those beautiful babies I picked one and said "that's my favorite"....NOT. Nobody can make this garbage up.

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So the twins were born via C-section? Yet another screw up from JO: her blog states that one twin was born at 5:05 a.m., and the other was born at 5:12 a.m. Aren't twins who are born via C-section pretty much taken out at the same time, or within like, seconds of each other? I don't know much about babies or C-sections, so maybe someone can enlighten me. Was the second twin just sort of hanging out for 7 whole minutes while the doctors dealt with the first one?


JO is just flat out DUMB.


Sam also blogs that he called wacky "Lindz", who was awake at 2 in the morning because she was boozing, gambling and probably picking fights with people at a casino in Vegas (cuz' that's just how she rolls), and she was able to hop on a plane, arriving just after the birth of the boys. Think about that. JO is a middle-aged woman who thinks the epitome of coolness is to be at a casino on the Strip on a work night, piss drunk and blowing $$$ gambling. Lord.

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If the mom's water broke, why would they do a C-section? Yet another thing that makes no sense and proves this is so clearly fake fake fake.

Kohola, that's sad...I hope the other baby makes it.

I've been a lurker here for a while, so I'm well aware of this whole story. However, my water broke and I still had to have a C-section because it turned out my pelvic arch was too narrow for a baby to pass through. So as badly spun as this bogus story is, that detail in itself is believable.

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I fully believe the twins, Sam, and the rest of the saga is fake.  That being said:


My water broke w/ both my kids and yet I had c-sections w/ both of them.  My first was presenting forehead first and due to low muscle tone wasn't able to be repositioned.  My second was born too soon after my first so I wasn't a candidate for a VBAC.  She arrived two weeks earlier than when the Dr. figured the due date was so we hadn't scheduled the C yet. 


Every birth, pregnancy, and mother is different I was one of those moms who was very active right up until I was headed to the hospital, so much so that I argued w/ my husband about whether I was even in labor and refused to quit what i was doing until my water broke and it was patently obvious the baby was coming.

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My daughter had a baby girl last May. A single baby, not twins. Sam didn't do much research on baby's being born.

Sam talks about the baby's being brought to HIS room so he can feed them donor milk.

My Grandbaby was kept in the nursery. I couldn't even go in to visit her, much less feed her. I had to just watch through the glass. The nurses would feed the baby if my daughter was asleep, with baby formula. I dont know about the donor milk. Why wouldn't they just give the babies formula? Also, wouldn't the ultrasound show that the baby was breech with the cord around its neck? My daughter was induced, and the dr did an ultrasound the day before her induction,and the morning of. The doctor said everything looked fine, no breech position, no cord around the neck.

Also when the baby did come to my daughters hospital room, only 3 people could be in the room at a time, so how did all these people get to see the baby? The breech, cord around the neck baby would have been kept in NICU for a day or so, not whisked to SAMs room a few hours later. My daughter didn't have a c section, and was kept kept at the hospital for 3 days, even though she had no complications, yet SAMs mother of twins gets to go to a hotel the next day?

Also, he got a custom batman t shirt to wear? I'd like to know where from, because any t shirt printer will not print the batman logo, because of copyright issues. I know this because my daughter in college was getting some shirts made for the school band, and one of the graphics was a copyright, and they wouldn't print the shirts without a release.

I could think of more lies Sam wrote about, but these are just a few. One question though, doesn't the mother of the babies how so many days to change her mind about signing the paper? Or she could just say she changed her mind. I've seen this happen to my friend who is a foster parent. My friend had guardianship of the baby for a year, was preparing to adopt, and the mother changed her mind so my friend didn't get to keep the baby. And this mother of the baby had even been a drug addict, and once she passed her drug tests, she got to take the baby back.

Reading that blog is like reading really bad romance fiction.  She is a crappy writer and very sloppy.


I have to ask, does it matter if the baby is breech in a c-section?  Does it matter is the cord is around the baby's neck?  The doctor has full view--wouldn't he just remove it before taking the baby out?


I'm kicking myself for being tempted to read that nonsense!

Meh. Kanye's way more interesting these days. More literate even when he's melting down, too. I've moved on.

At least he's flesh and blood.

Why people continue to talk about pretend Sam and his pretend babies...I don't know.  Who cares if a fake cord was wrapped around a fake neck while a fake Cesarean  took place? You have to be missing a great deal of brain cells to believe any of this, and I'd like to think 99% of the folks here are much smarter than that.

Vikings is back on, so I'm moving on too. :)

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At least he's flesh and blood.

Why people continue to talk about pretend Sam and his pretend babies...I don't know.  Who cares if a fake cord was wrapped around a fake neck while a fake Cesarean  took place? You have to be missing a great deal of brain cells to believe any of this, and I'd like to think 99% of the folks here are much smarter than that.

Vikings is back on, so I'm moving on too. :)

I guess people continue to talk about it because they can't believe what they're reading, and want to discuss it with other people?

Why were you interested in Sam or Jackie?

So glad you can move on. Have fun.

Kohola, that is awful- your poor friend! ( I sent you a private message)

Haha I loved the blind pig comment above!

Yes, a C section may still be performed if the waters break. As for the timing- it just depends, but 6 minutes between is pretty quick. JO will never know the joy of having a baby and the magical feeling that surrounds the parents, so her attempts to write it are pathetic. Her fantasy world is starting to bore me.

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Add me to the list of people who no longer want to participate in the bat-fishes antics.  The latest blog did me in.  He/she isn't even trying anymore.  I'm starting to feel like I'm being catfished.  Not because I believe what he/she is saying (because I don't.)  But because I was hooked enough on his/her antics to keep coming back.


I envision her sitting in her basement laughing at me, thinking that she's found a way to keep me coming back, every time I'm tempted to go check out the blog and that's enough to keep me away.


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I really want to make a smart ass comment about being told I should move on, but I will refrain...and that my friends is willpower.

There's quite a few holes and I haven't even read the blog, I'll address some but I'm only going off what I read here, so I may not understand completely what batfish said. I've been reading a lot about labor and delivery (I'm not pregnant, I have to take my nursing boards in 2 weeks), as others have said it is possible and sometimes necessary to have a c-section after the water breaks. But, a c section is considered major surgery and would not be released the next day (someone said birth mom was released to the hotel right?). I actually watched a c-section during my clinical rotation (it was ironically performed by somone who looked like Addison Shephard from greys anatomy) and they are NOT gentle at all, any time I ever thought about a c-section I just kinda imagined they made a cut, pulled the baby out and sewed it back up... I was very wrong, by the end I realized why my mom hated me because I was a c-section. It basically looked like they cut the woman open, pulled out the baby and threw a bunch of stuff that came out after (the placenta) into a box under the table... I was amazed she did it so quickly, I was like how does she know she didn't accidentally throw away this woman's liver!? All joking aside, I'm not sure how plausible the time difference between births would be, it kinda depends if the twins are identical or fraternal, if they were fraternal it would require a few extra cuts, but identical twins share a sac. I'm sure it'll get addressed in the near future though ;). Csections are usually allowed to have one person in the room (usually the dad) I'm surprised Sam didn't tell the harrowing story of how he was there and cut the cord but silly him almost cut some major organ (even though the cord is cut after it has already been cut from the mom). Wouldn't the corn being around the neck be a major emergency, whether they could see it or not imaging wouldn't show how tight it was and if it's cutting off air supply to the baby, which would have reaulted in an immediate c-section... But I'm not really sure when JO is saying they knew it was around the baby's neck.

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I, too, am done.  Have watched the real life trauma of some wonderful,caring people who were trying to give a good life to Down Syndrome twins only to lose them both - I just can't stomach one more word that JO posts.  


I don't often wish people pain but I hope JO experiences one tenth of the sadness this couple just went through.  Although someone with no conscience, ethics, or morals can't feel pain.  I refuse to feed into this insanity any longer.

I'm going to keep reading SAMs blog. Reason why? One of theese days, somehow Jackie is going to screw up, by blogging something that will finally get her caught, or busted by FBI or Police. Or maybe Sam will use someone's name inadvertently, and the person with the real name will sue.( kind of like when Casey Anthony said her babysitter was named Zeniada Gonzales, and the real Zeniada Gonzales sued) I can't wait to see Jackie get busted. It may happen a year from now, but it will eventually happen. I don't think Jackie will quit blogging as Sam even if she sees that no one is reading her blog. I like reading SAMs blog, the lies that Jackie weaves make me laugh, because she doesn't research anything she writes. So I'm in for however long Jackie writes. I enjoy books that are fiction, I'm not going to stop reading books that are fiction because someone in the world is having a real tragedy.

Edited by Becki

 One of theese days, somehow Jackie is going to screw up, by blogging something that will finally get her caught


Caught by the law or caught by the posters here?  Because most everyone here is already on to her.  She just doesn't seem willing to admit it to herself and give up.  



I don't think Jackie will quit blogging as Sam even if she sees that no one is reading her blog.


Nope, she will just bring it over here for us to read and post it under another name.  Just like she's been doing.



Let us know when Almost Meri'd 2.0 comes out.


Oh, she will.  This place is like Facebook to her.  Announcements, invitations, solicitations, fan-base building ... the occasional feeble, sarcastic jab at someone who hurts her little fee-wings.  The only things missing are f-bomb laden rants, threats to hack our accounts, or promises to get us banned like she is always swearing to do to her enemies on twitter.   But I suspect that it's coming.  Because ... badass, lol.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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I don't care if you read her blog. But this is the thread about Meri.

Anything new about her? Think she will leave Kody?



The catfish doesn't want to talk about Meri.  The catfish only wants to talk about the catfish. She can't even pretend for one single post to give a rat's ass about discussing Meri, in fact.  




I will talk about Meri.  I just looked at her twitter.  It is FILLED with images of those annoying self-affirmation sayings like ones that appear on those plaques in all the sister wive's houses.  Someone in the Duggar thread was pointing out how their houses are filled with those things, too.  


What is it with these fundie-types and their little affirmation sayings?  Doesn't the Bible provide enough proverbs and dictates for them?  They need these trite little mottos pinned up everywhere?  


It seems like if the sister wives in particular really believed or any of the ideas communicated on those little plaques and actually put them into practice in their day-to-day lives, they would all be much happier and more fulfilled than they appear to be (Meri especially, as she is clearly miserable ....but Christine seems awfully unhappy, too and Janelle is so disengaged, too ).  It's like they think if they plaster enough of those things on the walls (and on twitter) it will actually change how they feel or something.  Instead, to me, it just reminds me how they really are sad and lonely and they don't have any of those positive messages floating around in their heads at all. 

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That is a good point- the Bible is full of feel good sayings. That should be enough.

I hope she and possibly some of the other women leave Kody. I would be more interested in the show then.

I think it is very interesting that Mariah is tweeting the way she is. I do not have twitter but read her tweets elsewhere. Very interesting. I am sure she and Meri have talked!

Of course.

What's that supposed to mean? "Of Course"

I explained why I read Sam's blog, in an earlier post.

I found this site because I read Cynical jinx blog about sister wives. Thought I would post about Sam/ Jackie on this site.

Cynical Jinx usually writes about what's going on with the Brown's, which isn't much.

If anyone thinks I'm not a real person, or Jackie in disguise, just google my name, I'm on Facebook under Becki Jordan-Green,

I've been on Facebook since 2009, and all my pics and posts are real.

I'm going to keep reading SAMs blog. Reason why? One of theese days, somehow Jackie is going to screw up, by blogging something that will finally get her caught, or busted by FBI or Police. Or maybe Sam will use someone's name inadvertently, and the person with the real name will sue.( kind of like when Casey Anthony said her babysitter was named Zeniada Gonzales, and the real Zeniada Gonzales sued) I can't wait to see Jackie get busted. It may happen a year from now, but it will eventually happen. I don't think Jackie will quit blogging as Sam even if she sees that no one is reading her blog. I like reading SAMs blog, the lies that Jackie weaves make me laugh, because she doesn't research anything she writes. So I'm in for however long Jackie writes. I enjoy books that are fiction, I'm not going to stop reading books that are fiction because someone in the world is having a real tragedy.

I read fiction and write fiction. Trust me: JO's blog and twitter activity is not comparable to fiction. It's simply the blathering of a deceitful, thieving, liar who is such a loser in life that she has to invent life instead of going out and fucking LIVING  a life. Of course, YMMV.

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