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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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On 3/29/2017 at 4:25 PM, taragel said:

It won't be the same if they don't have Mindy Paige Davis Page and Tim and Hildi and Genevieve and Doug and VERN!!

speaking of Vern, he lives in Atlanta and last year we were walking on the belt line and my son said, get out of the way, here comes Vern on his bike.  He was zipping along like a bat out of h*ll with a child on the back.  

1 hour ago, lookeyloo said:

speaking of Vern, he lives in Atlanta and last year we were walking on the belt line and my son said, get out of the way, here comes Vern on his bike.  He was zipping along like a bat out of h*ll with a child on the back.  

I always loved his designs the best. But I never really watched him when he went on to do other shows. 

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Not sure if this been posted since I am trying to catch up on the Brown gossip (sounds weird, lol)...Looks like the polygamous are coming out...Another show (UK) Three Wives and One Husband on Channel 4. (Not a citizen of the UK so didn't and cannot watch :( ).


From the various articles online, looks like the husband is courting the family nanny.

Things I wonder

1. What is with the polygamous women saying it was their decision to get their husband to marry a second or more wives? The Browns women said the same thing. I don't believe for one second any woman who isn't brainwashed would be like "Hey bae, go out and get you a fine young thing so that I can have a sister wife."  I think the women say that so that the men do not look like bad to the public.

2. I wonder when Kody will be dating/marrying Robyn's babysitter.

  • LOL 1
1 hour ago, Rainflower said:

I don't believe for one second any woman who isn't brainwashed would be like "Hey bae, go out and get you a fine young thing so that I can have a sister wife." 

One of the plyg wives I knew (not born or raised in a plyg cult) said she loved being in a college sorority and loved her sorority sisters, and wanted that to continue in her marriage. And it did (he married four sorority sisters). I wanted to ask her if she didn't know she could have good, close girlfriends without sharing a man sexually. Hell, if they loved "the family" aspect so much (CHRISTINE), they could live in a commune and have a bunch of families living together.

  • Love 4
On 3/5/2017 at 10:08 PM, toodles said:

I had some time on my hands yesterday and was catching up on this thread.  I didn't mean to start a ruckus.

If they staged this whole adoption thing for teevee, that's one of the worst reality TV stunts ever.  Those kids believed it.  Their families were there too.  So everyone was in on a colossal, hurtful lie for the sake of ratings and money?

 I know it's kody Brown and TLC, but wow.  I can't even wrap my head around such an idea.  

Okay, I'm slow to this news, but I am totally appalled. I knew there had to be more to the divorce story that what they said, but to lie about an adoption and fills fake court room is just shocking to me! I am so naive.  O_O

How in the hell did Meri agree to give up her first wife status for Robyn?!!!What really happened? This changes my perspective on Meri and her whole catfish thing.

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On 4/3/2017 at 0:08 PM, lightbeam said:

Okay, I'm slow to this news, but I am totally appalled. I knew there had to be more to the divorce story that what they said, but to lie about an adoption and fills fake court room is just shocking to me! I am so naive.  O_O

How in the hell did Meri agree to give up her first wife status for Robyn?!!!What really happened? This changes my perspective on Meri and her whole catfish thing.

Rumor has it sobbin gave kody a her or me ultimatum after Meri decided to go back to school.  Sobbin was pissed about losing her mswc slave.  They needed some sort of stupid cover story for the divorce.  The discussion is in the dark wife rises thread somewhere.

Edited by toodles

I was on a road trip and went through Hildale UT/Colorado City AZ. I always keep my eyes peeled, looking for a good scoop but it's basically a wide spot in the road with unpaved streets after you leave the main highway. The housing always interests me, the HUGE homes (heh heh) sprinkled among the single family homes. Some of the huge places are obviously uninhabited; some look abandoned and rundown after being lived in and with some it's obvious that the construction was never completed and there it sits. So, eyes peeled as usual I don't know how I missed seeing a cop in Colorado City but he definitely saw me and he pulled me over. He was in an unmarked Suburban and he sat behind me for a good 10 minutes while he ran my plates. His vehicle was full of tweens (going by their size) who were bouncing around inside. Then a second officer pulled up behind him and I was like whoa, he already ran my plates and I know I'm clean, WTF? When he finally came to my window I heard "[Traffic noise] I am the Marshal here [traffic noise] do you know why I stopped you?" I said "No, sir, I do not." He said he clocked me at 64 where the speed limit was 50. I said "I am so sorry, I didn't realize that. I thought I was in a 60." (I made the mistake of using the speed info on my GPS but I didn't mention that.) He took my license to his vehicle for a few and then came back and asked for my registration and went back to his vehicle again. I figured well, shit, first moving violation ever but there goes my insurance rating anyway and I'll have to go to senior citizen traffic school. Imagine my surprise and delight when he walked back to me, re-folded my registration in thirds and placed it back in the envelope, and said to watch speed signs more carefully and that he was giving me only a verbal warning! And the kicker is, he looked just like a young Bill Paxton. I mean, it was hard not to stare at him. I did refrain from asking if people mention the resemblance. So, Marshal Paxton, thank you SO MUCH for not ticketing me!

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, suomi said:

Some of the huge places are obviously uninhabited; some look abandoned and rundown after being lived in and with some it's obvious that the construction was never completed and there it sits.

You'd be surprised how many of those houses are lived in. They don't finish construction so they don't have to pay taxes on a finished home. A few are Truly uninhabited but most have at least a few folks in them.

Congrats on escaping a ticket. It's a real speed trap through there. They know people are rubber-necking and forgetting the speedometer. I did have to laugh at the description of the Suburban with the tweens though. Typical Short Crick cop. His shirt was buttoned up to the top, including the neck and at the cuffs, right? 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, MrSmith said:

Clearly, I have to catch up on The Dark Wife Rises thread.

It's pretty interesting if you start from the beginning.  There is quite a bit of talk about the "adoption" in the Sobbin' thread as well.

ETA:  http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2015/02/02/sisterwives-exclusive-kody-meri-browns-divorce/  Here is the rag mag that debunked the divorce story.  In hindsight, it makes more sense than anything else.  Again, this is a rag mag, so take it for what it's worth.

Edited by toodles
  • Love 1

Since this is small talk and we had talked about LuLaRoe incessantly I thought I would pop in with an update from my friend that sells it.  She is already getting out of it after maybe 6 months.  It was WAY too much work, the area was WAY too saturated, and she just couldn't keep up.  She is sending most of her inventory back and she gets all but 15% back however, she has to mail it, they will not accept it if she drives it there.  She lives 2 hours from the return address but they force you to mail it (which costs hundreds in postal fees).  I guess there is also some wholesale site she can sell it on with other people hoodwinked into this venture.  She figures she will be out a couple grand if she is lucky.  

THIS is what steams me.  She like many people are just trying to get ahead and do not have the extra money to waste.  The company charges you a shit ton just to start and maintain, they don't control how many sellers per area (market research like a normal business), many getting into this business are naive, and get screwed just because they have a dream to do better.  Now one could say they could have done some of their own research before plunking down the start up fees but they sadly don't.  Anyway, one more LuLaRoe dream dashed.  

  • Love 4
On 4/3/2017 at 8:20 PM, toodles said:

Rumor has it sobbin gave kody a her or me ultimatum after Meri decided to go back to school.  Sobbin was pissed about losing her mswc slave.  They needed some sort of stupid cover story for the divorce.  The discussion is in the dark wife rises thread somewhere.

Thank you!! I wonder how the Janelle and Christine feel about all of this? I'm going to search for the thread.

12 hours ago, lettsjetts said:

I don't believe a word of that tabloid trash.  Kendra was cut off from the family a long time ago.  Meri's catfish hacked Kendra's twitter account ages ago and I am wondering if this is just Jackie selling lies under Kendra's name.  

I dunno, there were tabloid rumors abound about trouble in paradise for Brad and Angelina for years. They finally did split.

I'd love to see Robyn leave, just to shake things up a bit. I'd love to see Meri split, too. I don't see Janelle or Christine doing it though. 

On 4/4/2017 at 6:43 PM, Natalie68 said:

She is sending most of her inventory back and she gets all but 15% back however, she has to mail it, they will not accept it if she drives it there.  She lives 2 hours from the return address but they force you to mail it (which costs hundreds in postal fees).  I guess there is also some wholesale site she can sell it on with other people hoodwinked into this venture.  She figures she will be out a couple grand if she is lucky.  

What a racket. I wonder if she could sell her inventory to another consultant (or multiple consultants) if the area is so saturated and make her money back that way. There's probably rules against that too.

  • Love 1

Was listening to Brady Williams on Year of Polygamy Podcast.


It is quite interesting that he was told by one of his mother-in-laws that a very high percentage of men in Fundie Mormonism marry women who they do not love. Lots of things Brady talked about made me think of the Brown family. I also love how he says that women in Fundie Mormonism are programmed to be polygamous and therefore the idea of consent is called into question (Is it really consent if all the woman knows from birth to adulthood is polygamy?).

So TLCGO has the Robyn/Kody honeymoon episode.  The first honeymoon.  I don't know why, but I haven't watched this before.  I was farting around with my new kindle and this was one of the apps I down loaded.

Just wow.  I think this was filmed before the show aired and before the shit hit the fan.  Kody and meri were having serious problems clear back then.  They were all pissed that kody took such a long honeymoon and they were pretty open about their relationships with each other.  And they were open about their relationships with kody.  I thought there was a lot of foreshadowing.  

It's worth a look if you have some time to kill.  This way of life is just toxic.  The pain was on all of the wives' faces.  

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

I didn't know in which topic to share this--no confirmation on a new season yet but, I'll just put this right here:


@TurtlePower I just wanted say how much this warms my language-loving heart.

3 minutes ago, Jellybeans said:

I won't miss them if they are not renewed but I'll miss the snark.

You think they'll actually be gone if they aren't renewed? Oh, no, no, no! They will still be around because the entire country (and possibly much of the world) is waiting to see the flameout that happens when the TLC money dries up.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Rainflower said:

Joe Darger is looking to be a mayor!!! OMG (I couldn't stop laughing). Well, if a reality TV guy could be president of the US, I am guessing a polygamous man could be mayor.



Well, Kody is president of the HOA in the cult-de-sac.  Of course, he automatically had 5 votes out of the 10 or so needed to win the election.

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On 4/18/2017 at 5:55 PM, MissHavisham said:

About time! From my local newspaper Class Action Suit

I have to provide a LuLaRoe update.  I wore the one dress I bought from my friend and I greatly dislike it.  I think I overlooked certain aspects when trying it on since I wanted to support my friend.  The dress is the Carly and the back is longer than the front and it looks bad due to poor craftmanship.  The extra length in the back can be seen from the front and you can see the backside of the fabric and the seams (its a pattern so you can see the white backing of it, lame!).  Goodwill will be getting this dress.  

Also, on our campus we have EFY which is an LDS summer camp for kids.  I have seen LuLaRoe on parade.  MANY of the girls are rocking this.  I guess there are many moms of the younger LDS set selling this crapola.  

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Rainflower said:

Idiots. Even our ancient ancestors knew the importance of maintaining diverse bloodlines to avoid this kind of thing! There are some exceptions as always, but oftentimes cultures had large 'meet and greet' gatherings with other groups to prevent this very thing  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

Idiots. Even our ancient ancestors knew the importance of maintaining diverse bloodlines to avoid this kind of thing! There are some exceptions as always, but oftentimes cultures had large 'meet and greet' gatherings with other groups to prevent this very thing  

You are right.  Interbreeding didn't work for royal families, doesn't work for animals, and for FLDS to think they're immune from genetic aberrations like that is tragic.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, xwordfanatik said:

You are right.  Interbreeding didn't work for royal families, doesn't work for animals, and for FLDS to think they're immune from genetic aberrations like that is tragic.

While I feel bad for those who are afflicted, the upside is that these people may end up breeding themselves right out of existence. Perhaps then the scourge of polygamy will be wiped out in that area.

  • Love 5

On Escaping Polygamy last night, the family they helped escape was in the AUB sect and lived in a known plyg area ("compound") in Lehi, Utah. The guy was named Jesse and was married to two sisters and had eight children. He decided polygamy was wrong, didn't want to raise his kids in the religion but wanted to stay married to his wives. They reluctantly left with him. They didn't want to leave their parents. It was interesting to get some real-time info on the AUB that is the polar-opposite of what the Browns state on their show. Jesse was in a secret militia that is the security force for the AUB; it made me wonder if gun-happy Kody is also in that secret militia too. The "compound" is right there in Lehi and the plygs live openly, so the idea that the Browns were being persecuted and had to flee in fear is further blown apart. The folks helping the family escape were being watched and possibly watched with a laser-mounted gun scope. The wives' parents were just as paranoid and possessive as the other sect's members. It was interesting to watch and hopefully the family that escaped can start over again.

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, Galloway Cave said:

On Escaping Polygamy last night, the family they helped escape was in the AUB sect and lived in a known plyg area ("compound") in Lehi, Utah. The guy was named Jesse and was married to two sisters and had eight children. He decided polygamy was wrong, didn't want to raise his kids in the religion but wanted to stay married to his wives. They reluctantly left with him. They didn't want to leave their parents. It was interesting to get some real-time info on the AUB that is the polar-opposite of what the Browns state on their show. Jesse was in a secret militia that is the security force for the AUB; it made me wonder if gun-happy Kody is also in that secret militia too. The "compound" is right there in Lehi and the plygs live openly, so the idea that the Browns were being persecuted and had to flee in fear is further blown apart. The folks helping the family escape were being watched and possibly watched with a laser-mounted gun scope. The wives' parents were just as paranoid and possessive as the other sect's members. It was interesting to watch and hopefully the family that escaped can start over again.

I haven't watched the show, but the security force puts me in mind of Roman & Albert Grant, on Big Love.  All kinds of creepy.

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

the security force puts me in mind of Roman & Albert Grant, on Big Love.  All kinds of creepy.

The bodyguards for the three girls that help people escape were the ones who noticed the red laser first and question Jesse about it. He had completely forgotten to mention he was in the militia and they had to drag it out of him that the AUB actually had a secret security/army force to protect them. They train out in the woods with AK-47s. Kind of serious, if you ask me.

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I've said it before, but reruns are no friend to SW.  Today, it was dithering about dresses for commitment ceremony.  And writing the mission statement.  And, omg, HANGING THE LIGHTS.  Much hand wringing and teeth nashing for a party.

The Commitment ceremony itself is next.  

FF a few years. We all know what happened.  Good job Browns!!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, toodles said:

I've said it before, but reruns are no friend to SW.  Today, it was dithering about dresses for commitment ceremony.  And writing the mission statement.  And, omg, HANGING THE LIGHTS.  Much hand wringing and teeth nashing for a party.

The Commitment ceremony itself is next.  

FF a few years. We all know what happened.  Good job Browns!!

I record those for viewing on my weekend. Those are SO fun to watch, knowing what we know now!  

Amd those awful dresses. And did they have funhouse mirrors making them think they looked okay? They'd have been better off going to Ross and far less fuss. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 4
23 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

I record those for viewing on my weekend. Those are SO fun to watch, knowing what we know now!  

Amd those awful dresses. And did they have funhouse mirrors making them think they looked okay? They'd have been better off going to Ross and far less fuss. 

Well today's episodes are the investors and kody having so many parties my head is spinning.  And Robyn is like, you know, sittin' there, wanting to have another baby but CAN'T because you know, she is like SO BUSY with MSWC.  

Just speak English, Robyn.  You are too old for the Valley girl speak.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, toodles said:

Well today's episodes are the investors and kody having so many parties my head is spinning.  And Robyn is like, you know, sittin' there, wanting to have another baby but CAN'T because you know, she is like SO BUSY with MSWC.  

Just speak English, Robyn.  You are too old for the Valley girl speak.

I can't stand her, and that's but one reason.  But, I don't want to hurt her "fillins", ;)

It's a toss-up for me as to who is worse, Robyn or Meri.  Kody is worse than either of them, though.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, toodles said:

Well today's episodes are the investors and kody having so many parties my head is spinning.  And Robyn is like, you know, sittin' there, wanting to have another baby but CAN'T because you know, she is like SO BUSY with MSWC.  

Just speak English, Robyn.  You are too old for the Valley girl speak.

I don't see those episodes on my TV guide.  If you watch the investors episode, could you make note of the names of the "venture capitalists"?  I know that at least one of them (cleavage lady) is on IMDB as an actress.

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