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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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I've said this here before and I can't remember the context or when it was, but each of us decides which is our primary descriptor (among the many available to us): age, gender, race, socio-economic status, etc. My primary descriptor is "female" and most of my world view takes on that flavor before any of my other descriptors kick in. 

The BLM movement absolutely is valid but women and children have been waiting for deliverance as long as, and perhaps longer than, POC have waited. In 1971 John Lennon wrote a song about women being the n-word of the world, something that has been true since the beginning of time. 

In the US adult females and everyone under 18 are large population groups and society doesn't rise up about crimes against them to the extent that it should. All females = 51%, anyone under 18 = 24% and blacks = 13%. I wish the BLM movement much success and I hope women and children are next. 

This article got me "in a mood" today and I sorta love it that the writer's first name is Pagan.  

The Rape Kit’s Secret History

This is the story of the woman who forced the police to start treating sexual assault like a crime.


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15 minutes ago, suomi said:

I've said this here before and I can't remember the context or when it was, but each of us decides which is our primary descriptor (among the many available to us): age, gender, race, socio-economic status, etc. My primary descriptor is "female" and most of my world view takes on that flavor before any of my other descriptors kick in. 

The BLM movement absolutely is valid but women and children have been waiting for deliverance as long as, and perhaps longer than, POC have waited. In 1971 John Lennon wrote a song about women being the n-word of the world, something that has been true since the beginning of time. 

In the US adult females and everyone under 18 are large population groups and society doesn't rise up about crimes against them to the extent that it should. All females = 51%, anyone under 18 = 24% and blacks = 13%. I wish the BLM movement much success and I hope women and children are next. 

This article got me "in a mood" today and I sorta love it that the writer's first name is Pagan.  

The Rape Kit’s Secret History

This is the story of the woman who forced the police to start treating sexual assault like a crime.


I too see my self as a woman first, and as a woman who’s lived life as a black person intersectionality is a real thing. So often the voices of women have been silenced in the fight for racial equality. One of my biggest criticisms of Booker T Washington (historically) was his stance that black men had to rise first. (Barf) 

Theres a saying “X Group isn’t disgusted with the white patriarchy, just their place is it.”

Women and children don’t do so well under white patriarchy, but isn’t the ONLY way human beings have lived.

We can do better. 

related but on a lighter note- I’ve always said if I couldn’t be alive now (born at the end of the 20th century), Id want to live in a small matrilineal tribal group before the agricultural revolution, somewhere warm. But not one of those groups that decided to venture forth to Australia and Oceania, I’d be too scared! If I can’t have indoor plumbing that’s what I’d want. 

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19 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Women and children don’t do so well under white patriarchy, but isn’t the ONLY way human beings have lived.

We can do better. 

I read yesterday about Amy Acton's resignation from her position as Director of Ohio's Health Dept. Early on in the pandemic, she was widely lauded for her caring, compassionate, emotional speeches encouraging people to protect each other by wearing masks and so forth. She was a hero to Ohioans for her tireless efforts to keep them safe. I watched video of her and you could see how, by appearing vulnerable, she was able to reach people more effectively than some men in similar roles who simply said "you must wear a mask and socially distance - follow the rules." Her approach allowed people to feel like they were making the decision for themselves. 

She resigned 5 days ago, facing a backlash from people who felt she was blocking re-opening efforts and endangering Ohio's economy. She faced anti-Semitism and threats from various sources.

This is a video from late March: 

This is a video of little girls inspired by Amy: 


Edited by Teafortwo
added video

Re banishing Gone With The Wind I was one who, while shielding my child as much as possible from things I considered inappropriate, used every opportunity that arose to say "Some people do this but we don't and this is why." That is how we discussed GWTW and related topics. 

I read this recently in a national newspaper:

I am wondering if people claiming the film to be racist have even seen it. 

First of all, Mammy is the smartest character in the film. 

Second of all, did they miss the part where all the slaves ran away after the war? What is this then about the slaves being 'happy and contented' as many claim?

Third of all, yes Prissy is portrayed as simple-minded, but not more so than Aunt Pittypat. She's also only supposed to be 16.

Fourth of all, I question whether the film 'romanticizes' the old South as people claim. Perhaps it may seem so, if you don't get past the opening credits. But the characters that represent the old South (Ashley Wilkes, Melanie Hamilton, Scarlett's mother) are portrayed as either weak or doomed to die. The Wilkes family is in-bred ("The Wilkes' always marry their cousins") and unable to deal with reality. 

Further, the aristocrats are portrayed as foolish and arrogant (Rhett on the South's slim chances against the North: "All we've got is cotton, slaves and arrogance").

The film's heroes are Scarlett and Rhett, who never fit in in the old South and its "stupid honor." They represent the new South, the real hero of the movie.

Edited by suomi
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For those of us who have been wondering about this aspect of returning to normal:

The outbreak that didn’t happen: Masks credited with preventing coronavirus spread inside Missouri hair salon.

...But then a hair stylist in Springfield was diagnosed with covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, in late May, directly exposing 84 customers who had sat just inches from her face for up to 30 minutes each.

And Goddard would end up changing his thinking about masks.

The next day, a second stylist at the same Great Clips tested positive for the coronavirus. She’d worked on 56 clients.

The city faced a potentially huge outbreak, just two weeks after reopening barber shops and salons.

“Alarm bells went off,” Goddard said.

But then there were the face masks.


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I'm a recovering news junkie who's been watching old TV like Perry Mason and Barney Miller because it's a lot more satisfying than my previous choices. It's a trip to see the '50s fashions and how well-groomed everyone was on PM and an eye-opener to see how the men addressed Della Street and felt free to comment on her attractiveness. 

The writing rarely disappointed on Barney Miller and the characters were well-cast and I remember that we never made plans on Thursday night. I had forgotten how much they smoked and that one actor played two of my favorite guest characters, Jesus Christ and a werewolf who surrendered himself just prior to a full moon. 

Jack Soo/Detective Yemana was scared spitless of the werewolf they locked up for a few hours until he could be be transferred to a hospital for observation and he asked Barney if he should "put some papers down in the cage." Soo's face was priceless when the wolfman grabbed onto the bars and commenced howling. 

Wojo felt nervous and guilty about having to lock up JC, who overheard Harris on the phone making suggestive plans with an upcoming date. Awkward. JC appreciated being treated with respect and as he was being transferred for observation he offered to Wojo that "You guys are a lot nicer than last time." Wojo: "New regulations." ROFL

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Not trying to break topic but I'm usually not on this thread, was reading from many pages ago, and saw the discussions on Plantar F.  Everybody is different, but the two things that made the biggest difference for me (I have dealt w/ PF for over 20 years and know how frustrating it is) :

1) Power Step insoles.  They are extremely arched, and rigid, and I thought there is no way this is going to work - but for me they did.  You have to buy shoes with removable insoles, or way up-size your shoe for these to fit.  I can even go for a run if I use these insoles.

2) Chondroitin\Glucosamine\MSM - you can find this mixture, get a good brand.  I also take a high dosage of powdered MSM daily.

Back to your regularly scheduled topic...




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I don't have HBO either but saw the trailer for the show - it does look good.  In addition to Matthew Rhys it also has Tatiana Maslany from Orphan Black!!  I'll wait a bit but two fantastic actors from two of my all time favorite shows, might have to bite the bullet and get an HBO subscription. (also has John Lithgow, who I also love).

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2 hours ago, sharkerbaby said:

I don't have HBO either but saw the trailer for the show - it does look good.  In addition to Matthew Rhys it also has Tatiana Maslany from Orphan Black!!  I'll wait a bit but two fantastic actors from two of my all time favorite shows, might have to bite the bullet and get an HBO subscription. (also has John Lithgow, who I also love).

I got an HBO subscription just for the last season of Game of Thrones.  There was literally NOTHING interesting after GOT ended, so I finally cancelled it.  (Although I half-heartedly liked Gentleman Jack).  But definitely only half-heartedly.  If I missed an episode I didn't really care.  I have to give Amazon kudos - they have some REALLY good prime series!  You would think HBO would step up their game (other than GOT) and get some really good stuff.  It's like their entire budget goes to one series and the rest get the financial leftovers - which I can kind of understand given the huge popularity of GOT.  But once GOT ended - what happened?!??

Edit:  I forgot to say - I really enjoyed Orphan Black.  There were several scenes that shocked me (in a good way - Like the one handler who got her scarf caught in the garbage disposal and died! LOL)  I haven't seen the last season yet - did you like the ending?  Because I sure did NOT like the ending of GOT!

Edited by Kyanight
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I wonder if Covid will be the death of cash money? All the germs/drugs associated with it, it is scary to handle.

I think I may have a light case of the virus. I went out 6-11, all precautions taken, but on the 13th had a coughing attack while taking my evening vitamins. Whether I choked on a vitamin or not, I coughed all night and had rattling in my chest. I was totally scared. Coughed all the next day really rattly chest. By then I was totally freaking out! I could breath deeply but had huge times of deep coughing. Took my temp in OK range but wow energy level down to nothing. 

Something is wrong, just don't know what. My highest temp has been 100.8° two days ago, and nothing higher so don't know what to think. I will not go anywhere until everything is normal.  I do have major seasonal allergies, but it has been raining here so much I don't think it is that.  I'm just hanging in and hoping this passes and is nothing.

Edited by Gramto6
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16 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

I wonder if Covid will be the death of cash money? All the germs/drugs associated with it, it is scary to handle.

I think I may have a light case of the virus. I went out 6-11, all precautions taken, but on the 13th had a coughing attack while taking my evening vitamins. Whether I choked on a vitamin or not, I coughed all night and had rattling in my chest. I was totally scared. Coughed all the next day really rattly chest. By then I was totally freaking out! I could breath deeply but had huge times of deep coughing. Took my temp in OK range but wow energy level down to nothing. 

Something is wrong, just don't know what. My highest temp has been 100.8° two days ago, and nothing higher so don't know what to think. I will not go anywhere until everything is normal.  I do have major seasonal allergies, but it has been raining here so much I don't think it is that.  I'm just hanging in and hoping this passes and is nothing.

Oh dear!!!  Please keep us posted!

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1 hour ago, Gramto6 said:

Something is wrong, just don't know what. My highest temp has been 100.8° two days ago, and nothing higher so don't know what to think. I will not go anywhere until everything is normal. 

I hope you're okay. If you have trouble breathing or experience mental confusion, please call for help! Do you have neighbors or family who can check in with you daily (even if just by phone)?

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I wonder if Covid will be the death of cash money? All the germs/drugs associated with it, it is scary to handle.

I think I may have a light case of the virus. I went out 6-11, all precautions taken, but on the 13th had a coughing attack while taking my evening vitamins. Whether I choked on a vitamin or not, I coughed all night and had rattling in my chest. I was totally scared. Coughed all the next day really rattly chest. By then I was totally freaking out! I could breath deeply but had huge times of deep coughing. Took my temp in OK range but wow energy level down to nothing. 

Something is wrong, just don't know what. My highest temp has been 100.8° two days ago, and nothing higher so don't know what to think. I will not go anywhere until everything is normal.  I do have major seasonal allergies, but it has been raining here so much I don't think it is that.  I'm just hanging in and hoping this passes and is nothing.

Hugs.  I hope you feel better soon, so scary.  Can you call or email your primary doc to run it by him or her?  Please keep us posted.  Prayers and love being sent to you.  

Cash money.  Here in denial-land of MN/WI, cash is still used normally; we have people paying with it all day long at my work.  I worked in a bank for a million years so I know how dirty money is. Oh the stories I could tell.  And as a tiny business, our owners are not likely to say “no cash” as they need every sale.  


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A portable pulse oximeter for home is something I have seen recommended during the pandemic. It can make the decision process easier for needing to see a physician or riding it out at home. 

One thing I find disturbing as a nurse- I see so many people wearing masks improperly. Folks come out of a business and just rip off their masks with unwashed hands. It’s better to not wear one than to wear it improperly. 

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10 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I wonder if Covid will be the death of cash money? All the germs/drugs associated with it, it is scary to handle.

I think I may have a light case of the virus. I went out 6-11, all precautions taken, but on the 13th had a coughing attack while taking my evening vitamins. Whether I choked on a vitamin or not, I coughed all night and had rattling in my chest. I was totally scared. Coughed all the next day really rattly chest. By then I was totally freaking out! I could breath deeply but had huge times of deep coughing. Took my temp in OK range but wow energy level down to nothing. 

Something is wrong, just don't know what. My highest temp has been 100.8° two days ago, and nothing higher so don't know what to think. I will not go anywhere until everything is normal.  I do have major seasonal allergies, but it has been raining here so much I don't think it is that.  I'm just hanging in and hoping this passes and is nothing.

Have you ever tried Pau d'Arco tea, Gram? I brewed it for my (teenaged) son when he had mono earlier this spring. It helped to bring his low grade fever down and said he would feel markedly less weak within an hour after he drank it. Maybe a placebo effect, but his doctor did recommend it. 

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@Gramto6  I hope you feel better. Our state just mandated wearing masks in public due to a spike in cases. We also have horrific wildfires burning. I am not close to the fires, but can see them from my home on the mountain. Last week I woke up around 1 am and the smell of smoke was scary and my breathing is a lot worse due to it all in the air.  2020 has been the absolute worst for me, between losing my beloved dog, the riots & looting, the disregard for human life and being laid off.  I am seeing grocery prices jump higher and higher and my temper these days is getting short. I live on a residential street where the speed limit is 25 - yet I can count the number of cars speeding down the road at around 40. I would like to get a set of spike strips and a "how to" guide from Sean "Sticks" Larkin ( preferably in person) and slow these MF'ers down. Sorry for the rant,maybe I need a Bloody Mary or 6

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I wonder if Covid will be the death of cash money? All the germs/drugs associated with it, it is scary to handle.

I think I may have a light case of the virus. I went out 6-11, all precautions taken, but on the 13th had a coughing attack while taking my evening vitamins. Whether I choked on a vitamin or not, I coughed all night and had rattling in my chest. I was totally scared. Coughed all the next day really rattly chest. By then I was totally freaking out! I could breath deeply but had huge times of deep coughing. Took my temp in OK range but wow energy level down to nothing. 

Something is wrong, just don't know what. My highest temp has been 100.8° two days ago, and nothing higher so don't know what to think. I will not go anywhere until everything is normal.  I do have major seasonal allergies, but it has been raining here so much I don't think it is that.  I'm just hanging in and hoping this passes and is nothing.

I've always hated handling money and have used hand sanitizer for a decade. Everyone else is finally catching up to this trend. At least no one makes fun of me for being a germaphobe anymore. 

Hope you feel better and I hope it's nothing serious. That has gotta be scary--I get paranoid when I feel something's wrong, too. I have panic disorder to contend with, too, my brain tries to turn every molehill into a mountain of trouble. It takes a lot of calming exercises to keep it at bay. 

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4 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

@Gramto6  I hope you feel better. Our state just mandated wearing masks in public due to a spike in cases. We also have horrific wildfires burning. I am not close to the fires, but can see them from my home on the mountain. Last week I woke up around 1 am and the smell of smoke was scary and my breathing is a lot worse due to it all in the air.  2020 has been the absolute worst for me, between losing my beloved dog, the riots & looting, the disregard for human life and being laid off.  I am seeing grocery prices jump higher and higher and my temper these days is getting short. I live on a residential street where the speed limit is 25 - yet I can count the number of cars speeding down the road at around 40. I would like to get a set of spike strips and a "how to" guide from Sean "Sticks" Larkin ( preferably in person) and slow these MF'ers down. Sorry for the rant,maybe I need a Bloody Mary or 6

The speeders up and down my street make me crazy!  Summer arriving usually means more pissy people, with the hotter temps.  Hehe, I've never had a Bloody Mary, because of not liking tomato juice.  My late MIL was a fan of Dirty Martinis.  She wanted me to try one, and not being an olive fan, I didn't try.  Now Rum & Coke, those are yummy.  But usually I stick to wine.

Good for your state...I want our state to do that.  So many cases, and so many that don't/won't wear a mask.  Kudos to Costco for requiring them.

Scary days, for sure.  Love ya, MFM.

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18 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Edit:  I forgot to say - I really enjoyed Orphan Black.  There were several scenes that shocked me (in a good way - Like the one handler who got her scarf caught in the garbage disposal and died! LOL)  I haven't seen the last season yet - did you like the ending?  Because I sure did NOT like the ending of GOT!

Clone Club!!  We are "sestras"!  Like all the seasons the last season was a bit tangled at times, overall I enjoyed it quite a bit and the ending was satisfying.  I came out wanting more Clone Club though.  I think it's time for a re-watch; it looks like it's available on Prime so guess what I'll be starting this weekend? 😀

I know what you mean regarding the shock scenes, you'd be watching totally engaged then suddenly eyes widen, mouth drops, and your thinking "whoa, really? They really just did that!".  There also were quite a few hysterical moments scattered throughout (which often were greatly needed and appreciated) - I loved so many of Allison's antics always trying so hard to maintain her perfect housewife persona.

And Tatiana - she was unbelievable!  She made each one of those women come to life in such a magnificent manner.  They were all so very different yet so very similar - and when she acted as one sister pretending to be another sister who was pretending to be a third - spectacular acting - the mannerisms of the original showed through but so subtlety that you were gently reminded that this was pretending on top of pretending.

@laurakaye - thanks for the Jamal mention, I got sucked into many of his reaction videos, he's great.  After the 3 Carpenters videos his vid for "Devil Went Down to Georgia" came up... did you see that one?  Hilarious.  I ended up subscribing to his channel, he's done so many excellent classic songs from all sorts of genres.  Great find - thanks!

Edited by sharkerbaby
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@Kyanight you already read and reacted to my previous post but wanted to add that my assessment of the last season by saying it was "satisfying" truely doesn't give it justice but I didn't want to spoil by indicating if it was a sad, happy, depressing, horrifying, etc ending so could only come up with satisfying as a neutral yet encouraging word to use.

Edited by sharkerbaby
39 minutes ago, sharkerbaby said:

@Kyanight you already read and reacted to my previous post but wanted to add that my assessment of the last season by saying it was "satisfying" truely doesn't give it justice but I didn't want to spoil by indicating if it was a sad, happy, depressing, horrifying, etc ending so could only come up with satisfying as a neutral yet encouraging word to use.

For ME, it was the perfect word to use!  When I invest years watching a show, there is nothing worse than the show being cancelled and I don't get an ending (and we are left on a fricking cliff-hanger!) or else the show is cancelled and the writers just throw something together for the end of the series because they are starting work on a new series and they just don't care about the old one anymore.

I'm not sure if you've watched "Chuck", but it was such a fun show.  And then the writers threw a stupid curve ball in the very last episode that almost totally negated FIVE seasons.  They leave it up to the viewers as to how it REALLY ended - and OH do I hate that!  Sarah Connor Chronicles was SO good - and the ending of the second season was AWESOME - and it's cancelled.  Too bad, so sad, fans!  The networks don't give a crap about the loyalty of their viewers who stick with shows for YEARS - which is disheartening.  

So Satisfying is perfect in my book.  it means that things were wrapped up in a logical/believable conclusion and it wasn't disppointing!  😄

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7 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

@Gramto6  I hope you feel better. Our state just mandated wearing masks in public due to a spike in cases. We also have horrific wildfires burning. I am not close to the fires, but can see them from my home on the mountain. Last week I woke up around 1 am and the smell of smoke was scary and my breathing is a lot worse due to it all in the air.  2020 has been the absolute worst for me, between losing my beloved dog, the riots & looting, the disregard for human life and being laid off.  I am seeing grocery prices jump higher and higher and my temper these days is getting short. I live on a residential street where the speed limit is 25 - yet I can count the number of cars speeding down the road at around 40. I would like to get a set of spike strips and a "how to" guide from Sean "Sticks" Larkin ( preferably in person) and slow these MF'ers down. Sorry for the rant,maybe I need a Bloody Mary or 6

Where do you live?   I used to live in Lake Arrowhead CA and it was so beautiful but fires were horrendous.  

OMG Clone Club member here forever! Tatiana was amazing!! Loved that show! Sestras forever!

Thanks everyone for the good wishes. Been struggling with the coughing and lack of energy, but my temp has only gone up once to 100.8° as the highest. Breathing OK, I just seem to have to take it really easy. My steps count down from 12,000 to 15,000 to around 8,000 any more brings on lots of coughing fits. 

We've had spikes in cases since moving to phase 2. I always felt it was too soon. There have also been some community transmissions in counties around me that scare me. So far my county has none, but my pcp is in one of them and I have an appointment at the end of the month.

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14 hours ago, LydiaE said:

Have you ever tried Pau d'Arco tea, Gram? I brewed it for my (teenaged) son when he had mono earlier this spring. It helped to bring his low grade fever down and said he would feel markedly less weak within an hour after he drank it. Maybe a placebo effect, but his doctor did recommend it. 

I have actually usednthat in the past...forgot about it. I will try to find some online, I don't want to go searching locally for some. Thanks for reminding me.

7 hours ago, suomi said:

I was watching something on Lifetime tonight and saw a promo for a show called Dirty John that is doing the Betty Broderick story this season.

I don't know, man. Meredith Baxter NAILED that role in '92 so good luck, Amanda Peet. In addition to the uncanny physical resemblance MB was totally, convincingly nutz.


I totally agree that MBB nailed that role, that is the one reason why I have not started this one. I did love the 1st Dirty John and Connie was delightfully dumb in that role. Now that I have more time than I do money, I will have to watch.

@Meowwww I am in So Arizona

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10 hours ago, suomi said:

I was watching something on Lifetime tonight and saw a promo for a show called Dirty John that is doing the Betty Broderick story this season.

I don't know, man. Meredith Baxter NAILED that role in '92 so good luck, Amanda Peet. In addition to the uncanny physical resemblance MB was totally, convincingly nutz.


drat, i just meant to quote you and not copy the video.  Oh, well....

My niece wanted me to watch this so we can talk about it.   I can barely stand Amanda Peet in it.  I will say that that I enjoy seeing the fashions from the 60's thru the 80's.  I think they did a good job with that--especially the poofy shoulders from the 80's.  There are several things that the women in the show wear that I had something very similar.  In fact, Betty is wearing a jumper that is, I think, the exact pattern that I had a skirt and vest made of. 

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

That is for sure! Thanks, everyday feels a little better. Taking it really slow.

Gram, I don't mean to be pushy but please speak to your doctor.  Not to scare you, but my father was feeling better every day too until suddenly he was unable to get out of bed and well, you know the rest of that story.  So I would talk to your doctor and consider having a test taken.  I would take no chances with this myself and so I would want you to do the same.  You are too important to me to keep my mouth shut so I hope you take this in the spirit of good intentions.

  • Love 10
On 6/19/2020 at 1:45 PM, TurtlePower said:

I've always hated handling money and have used hand sanitizer for a decade. Everyone else is finally catching up to this trend. At least no one makes fun of me for being a germaphobe anymore. 

That has gotta be scary--I get paranoid when I feel something's wrong, too. I have panic disorder to contend with, too, my brain tries to turn every molehill into a mountain of trouble. It takes a lot of calming exercises to keep it at bay. 

I know, I've been practically bathing in hand sanitizer for over a decade now.  I have not run out of it in all these months that it has been scarce because I always keep it stocked at home.  I'm happy the world is finally going to be more like we are.  I avoid cash if at all possible and even credit cards when I can.  I often pay with those touchless cell phone apps, like Walmart Pay.

I didn't get a good night's sleep all last week and then I didn't eat lunch one day so the last couple of days I've been feeling lousy.  Couple this with having gone into a couple of stores and of course my imagination is running away with me making me wonder why I feel so run down.  I don't have any other symptoms, just feeling tired, run down and stressed out.  Then my friend reminded me that pretty much everyone is feeling that way these days!

Then too I was all stressed out thinking about the haircut I was scheduled to have today - which I had.  My stylist opened up the shop early just for me and it was over in 5 minutes.  I went there with wet hair and also left wet.  I wore gloves and handed her my credit card, which I then sanitized in the car.  It was GREAT to finally have a haircut (my last one was on Jan. 31), but I am still stressed out over it and of course trying my best not to worry.  We were both wearing masks.  We didn't talk much.  I caught up with her on the phone later.  I've been seeing her for 15 years!

And then of course the current events in this country have me down and stressed out too.  Everything is insane and out of control.  It's depressing and scary.  

On the good side of things, my state is way down in terms of cases, new cases and deaths.  Of course I feel just horrible for those of you in the states where cases are going up and even spiking.  Please stay safe, you guys!  


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On 6/18/2020 at 12:13 AM, suomi said:

Re banishing Gone With The Wind I was one who, while shielding my child as much as possible from things I considered inappropriate, used every opportunity that arose to say "Some people do this but we don't and this is why." That is how we discussed GWTW and related topics. 

I read this recently in a national newspaper:

I am wondering if people claiming the film to be racist have even seen it. 

First of all, Mammy is the smartest character in the film. 

Second of all, did they miss the part where all the slaves ran away after the war? What is this then about the slaves being 'happy and contented' as many claim?

Third of all, yes Prissy is portrayed as simple-minded, but not more so than Aunt Pittypat. She's also only supposed to be 16.

Fourth of all, I question whether the film 'romanticizes' the old South as people claim. Perhaps it may seem so, if you don't get past the opening credits. But the characters that represent the old South (Ashley Wilkes, Melanie Hamilton, Scarlett's mother) are portrayed as either weak or doomed to die. The Wilkes family is in-bred ("The Wilkes' always marry their cousins") and unable to deal with reality. 

Further, the aristocrats are portrayed as foolish and arrogant (Rhett on the South's slim chances against the North: "All we've got is cotton, slaves and arrogance").

The film's heroes are Scarlett and Rhett, who never fit in in the old South and its "stupid honor." They represent the new South, the real hero of the movie.

Thank you for bringing this up - My family loved the movie and when we would catch it on TV every year there would always be a big discussion about it at the dinner table.  My family framed the movie in what I consider to be a realistic way - They did not see it as a romanticism of the old South.  It was Scarlett that was pathetically trying to hang on to that old South, not the movie, which showed her evolving with the changes over time.  I think the movie was trying to show how tragic it was for the characters to lose their former way of life but how needed the change was at the same time.  So I agree with you 100%.  My mother LOVED Hattie McDaniel and always spoke so highly of her, never forgetting to mention her Oscar.  I think I remember hearing that Clark Gable insisted that she be treated as an equal and was her champion.  If the movie is framed in this way to people watching it there can be no misunderstanding of it and it won't need to be pulled from existence.  I say put in prefaces to educate people to these things instead of censuring it.  

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A very important point in both the book and the movie is that there were only two people whose approval man-of-the-world and wealthy bon vivant Rhett Butler valued: Melanie Wilkes - and Mammy. He had Melanie's approval from Day One because Melanie was a reliable judge of character and recognized that his core was good. 

He knew that Mammy disapproved of him and he knew why and he knew that her judgment of him was valid. But he intuited that he knew the way to Mammy's heart because his mammy always said she wanted a taffeta petticoat that rustled like the sound of angel's wings.

That's why he gifted Scarlett's Mammy with a red taffeta petticoat and why, after Bonnie Blue was born, he was able to say "What is that rustling noise I hear?"

Mammy rocked his world when she said "You bad" and slightly lifted the hem of her dress to show him that she was wearing it, and their mutually respectful relationship began at that moment. 

In the entire GWTW universe, Rhett recognized Mammy and Melanie as persons of quality and good character and that is why their opinions of him mattered to him. I think that message says a lot and is too often overlooked. 

(Yes, he sucked up to Mrs Merriweather and her posse and pretended that their opinions about child-rearing and his parenting mattered but that was only because he wanted wanted his daughter to be accepted by the old hens who decided who was in and who was out. He was laying groundwork for the future when "they" would decide which families made the cut, and which boys would court Bonnie when she came of age). 

I think Mammy, Melanie and Rhett are the most decent and honorable characters in GWTW and discussing them with kids/students/whoever is a good way to point out positive messages. Be this, not that. 

Edited by suomi
  • Love 4

Update on COVID from the road:

Good morning, my online polygamous family!  😘  Gee, how I've missed ya!

So, the 2nd week OTR found us running from Newark, NJ to Billings and Great Falls, Montana.  We are now solidly in June, and in the past that spelled tourist season and all of the R.V.'er shenanigans that goes along with it!  😁

During the summers we run mainly out West, and in that timeframe our universe consists of CO, WY, MT, AZ, UT, and ND and SD. The western highways bustle with campers, R.V.s, bus tours filled with Asians seeking restrooms, and UHaulers who've had too much caffeine and not enough sleep.  Then there's us, a ducking and a dodging them all.  😞

Usually at this time, the truckstops are noisy with young'uns grabbing slushies while their dads pull into foreign diesel lanes with rented  r.v.s.  The rest area picnic tables are FINALLY put to good use as families eat lunches of sammies, slaw, and chips. One group even offered us some of their lunch, once. 😊

Although we grouse a little about these vacation interruptions to our workaday world, one must admit that there's a certain lightness of being that permeates the western highways and byways in the summer, as folks head to Cheyenne Frontier Days, Yellowstone, the Tetons, Mt. Rushmore, Devils Tower, and Glacier National Park. We get to see and hear them all. Those childish voices sound alien to our trucker ears, but are a welcome respite from CBs and trucker griping that we're accustomed to.  Moms and dads are often distracted but are in happy, carefree moods as they wave or give us a slight smile and a headbob when one of their kids walk in front of our rig without looking. We smile and wave back...nice to see some family action for a change.  😛

This year is different.

As we pulled into the Rabbit Hutch, aka the Sheridan Welcome Center, I noted with sadness that the very pretty convenience store located across the street had closed permanently. No more slushies. With the exception of us and a couple other truckers, the hutch (as i call it due to the plethora of rabbits found there) was devoid of life.  No picnicers, no UHaulers, no campers or buses of Asians. Just quiet.

Well, maybe they're out running the roads! Alas, they can't be found on the highways, nor the byways. They're not at the truckstops, in diners, or clogging up our Walmart parking spots. They're not wearing Yellowstone ballcaps nor taking numerous photos or showing off Mt. Rushmore tee shirts. They can't because they're not here. The roads are ours and the fuel lines belong to us once more. They're not here.

And we miss them.  Terribly.  😥




Edited by Rabbit Hutch
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18 minutes ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

Gee, how I've missed ya!

We have missed you as well!  Glad to hear you are back on the road where you love to be.

It is going to continue to be a very different time in our lives, none that we could ever have imagined.  On the plus side, Yellowstone, Glacier, Zion, and all of our great parks will still be there for visitors.  On the minus, who knows when it will be safe to go.  But we have to keep the faith that science will win out and come through with a vaccine.

I am coming out of hiding next month for a quick trip to my sister's house in rural Indiana a 9 hour drive. I dread the thought of stopping for fuel and a bathroom break.  Of course, I will monitor things before I leave in case things get worse.

In the meantime, keep on truckin' and send us road reports! 

  • Love 11
13 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

We have missed you as well!  Glad to hear you are back on the road where you love to be.

It is going to continue to be a very different time in our lives, none that we could ever have imagined.  On the plus side, Yellowstone, Glacier, Zion, and all of our great parks will still be there for visitors.  On the minus, who knows when it will be safe to go.  But we have to keep the faith that science will win out and come through with a vaccine.

I am coming out of hiding next month for a quick trip to my sister's house in rural Indiana a 9 hour drive. I dread the thought of stopping for fuel and a bathroom break.  Of course, I will monitor things before I leave in case things get worse.

In the meantime, keep on truckin' and send us road reports! 

Thank you, hun.  I truly appreciate your kind words.  😊

Since you were a nurse I won't offer any medical advice of how to travel amongst COVID, as you're far more educated than me along those lines.  However, if I may offer some OTR advice then I'll feel that I've been of service to you. 

Please, please practice situational awareness while traveling right now.  It's more tense on the road than normal, and folks are nervy.  Others are DEFINITELY using these trying times to push their boundaries and to act out. As a matter of fact, me and DH had a small situation happen to us just the other day in a rest area.  Fortunately, all involved were truckers and the misunderstanding was cleared away without serious incident. 

Pay close attention to your surroundings. This is no time to worry about exercise; park close to the doors, use pumps closest to the doors, get fuel during daylight hours, and act, talk, and walk in a purposeful manner. Look around you and be in the moment and not on a cellphone. I even use the glass in drink display cases to watch what's going on behind me. I also carry mace.

Attempt to steer clear of big cities for refueling, restroom, and meal breaks, unless you know the area. Stop at highway truckstops, particularly Loves truckstops, if possible.  Loves are four-wheeler friendly, well lit, cameras everywhere, quite crowded, and truckers (especially female ones) pay minute attention to everybody and everything. Keep your up guard even in the restrooms. Once in an OK restroom I had a predator sizing me up as her prey, so it can happen.

If you have to pull over at night to rest a bit in a rest area then park as close to the trucker area as possible. Truckers are in and out all night long and it's safer for you to be close to our area than in a dark part of the four wheeler side. 👍

Now, on to the more positive stuff.  🙃I'm glad you've made the choice to go, Kohola, as I believe it will do you a world of good. Take your precautions with you and get on with your life as much as you can.  I'm rooting for you.  🤗  And, give us updates!

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@Rabbit Hutch thanks so much for the tips!  I plan on leaving early in the morning so I will be in familiar territory although it's light pretty early. I drive a hybrid so if I am careful and fill up before I leave I won't even need to stop for fuel. 

Great ideas on how to be watchful at any time but I do think people are pushing the boundaries right now.  I think that the McDonald's in Indiana are open inside so I can always stop there for a pit stop or food if I don't need fuel.  I normally don't even carry a purse or wallet inside, I lock it in the car and just take in enough cash to pay so I won't be as much of a target. But I will definitely look for stops in small towns instead of Indy.

Thanks!  Fingers crossed things at least stay even if not improve by next month.  Tap on wood, we are doing well in Michigan at present thanks to Big Gretch.


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23 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

Thank you, hun.  I truly appreciate your kind words.  😊

Since you were a nurse I won't offer any medical advice of how to travel amongst COVID, as you're far more educated than me along those lines.  However, if I may offer some OTR advice then I'll feel that I've been of service to you. 

Please, please practice situational awareness while traveling right now.  It's more tense on the road than normal, and folks are nervy.  Others are DEFINITELY using these trying times to push their boundaries and to act out. As a matter of fact, me and DH had a small situation happen to us just the other day in a rest area.  Fortunately, all involved were truckers and the misunderstanding was cleared away without serious incident. 

Pay close attention to your surroundings. This is no time to worry about exercise; park close to the doors, use pumps closest to the doors, get fuel during daylight hours, and act, talk, and walk in a purposeful manner. Look around you and be in the moment and not on a cellphone. I even use the glass in drink display cases to watch what's going on behind me. I also carry mace.

Attempt to steer clear of big cities for refueling, restroom, and meal breaks, unless you know the area. Stop at highway truckstops, particularly Loves truckstops, if possible.  Loves are four-wheeler friendly, well lit, cameras everywhere, quite crowded, and truckers (especially female ones) pay minute attention to everybody and everything. Keep your up guard even in the restrooms. Once in an OK restroom I had a predator sizing me up as her prey, so it can happen.

If you have to pull over at night to rest a bit in a rest area then park as close to the trucker area as possible. Truckers are in and out all night long and it's safer for you to be close to our area than in a dark part of the four wheeler side. 👍

Now, on to the more positive stuff.  🙃I'm glad you've made the choice to go, Kohola, as I believe it will do you a world of good. Take your precautions with you and get on with your life as much as you can.  I'm rooting for you.  🤗  And, give us updates!

Wow!  Thank you for the amazing advice!   Hubby and I (used to) road trip a lot.   Hopefully we will again soon. So many things in your post that I have never thought about.  

  • Love 8

Hi everyone, hope you're all well and safe.  I didn't mention it before but I had a rough Sunday because it was not only my first Father's Day since my dad died, but my 40th wedding anniversary as well.  That should have been a happy occasion but being on Father's day made it sad.  It didn't help that I posted on Facebook the last video I took of my father where he's enjoying his favorite ice cream soda at the diner in his neighborhood.  I was crying all day and received many thank yous from my Facebook friends, some of whom knew him.  I rarely post on social media, but I was glad I did this.

Hubbie and I spent Sunday together alone.  He went out and found the most beautiful filet mignon on sale at the local supermarket and we made that for dinner along with one of our favorite mixed drinks, White Russians.  I rarely drink so it was a special occasion.  I made brownie sundaes for dessert with leftover brownies from our lobster dinner from the Friday before.  That dinner turned out well too.  All the food was ready to cook and we just followed the directions to heat it up.  It was fantastic to have lobster again, and yes, it was a vinegar slaw.

I went to Target today for the first time since the first week of March.  I was actually a little on edge going there because I remembered that it was almost a year ago to the day that a deer ran into my car on the way there in the middle of a sunny afternoon on a busy road near a shopping area.  Who would ever think a deer would come out of nowhere in a place like that?  My car was damaged but not that badly and it was all cosmetic.  Hard to believe that was a year ago already.

I got lucky at Target and found the Holy Grail - a full refill sized bottle of Germ-X!  I was so excited I took three bottles off the shelf before I saw the sign saying "one to a customer".  Ugh.  Well, maybe I have an excuse to go back there one day soon to hopefully find more.  I also found Softsoap Antibacterial pump soap in the refill size.  I was able to take 3 of those, plus another Holy Grail item - Clorox sanitizing wipes!  I almost couldn't believe my eyes!  I should have gone up there sooner - It's in a town away from the "maddening crowd" so I always seem to find things there that are hard to find elsewhere.  Plus my strategy is to go to these places in the early afternoon early in the week on a weekday because they are dead quiet.  And it was.  I was the only person in every aisle all through my visit and didn't even have to wait for a self checkout.

To those of you going on road trips - you get my respect.  I admit I am wussie about that yet, but it looks like I will have to take one soon anyway.  When my husband's new limo. is available in a week or two we will have to go up to Massachusetts to get it.  That's going to be a 2 hour drive each way, so it's not an overnight trip, but it will probably involve having to use a rest room, which is my greatest fear right now.  I can avoid a lot of other things, but on a trip that long I won't be able to avoid public rest rooms.  Has anyone gone into one and can you tell me how you felt about it?

Otherwise, cases continue to go down in my state and town, and things are continuing to open cautiously.  I read that our governor is getting together with other nearby governors to discuss a possible mandatory quarantine for anyone coming to our states from certain states, especially nearby Vermont which has seen a recent dramatic rise in cases.  I would actually be for that.

On another note, one interesting thing I read is that the majority of new virus cases in those spiking states is occurring in the 18-35 age group.  Why am I not surprised?

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I have seen a bunch of roadside urinal devices on Amazon. They are molded yet flexible and soft. Some are meant to funnel into a bottle of your choice. Some have a small bag with a magic substance that will convert liquid to gel.

Easi Pee is one name that I remember. They are quite affordable, enough so that you could practice at home a few times before hitting the road.

Some are used while standing and some while sitting. Some are male or female specific, some are unisex. Sporting goods and camping supply stores sell them also.

What a wonderful world! 

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My Holy Grail item - antibacterial wipes, don't care about the brand anymore.  I haven't seen them in any store since early March.  I did manage to score a container of bleach and lots of paper towel, but it nags at me that I can't find those stupid wipes, no matter what time of day or what store I go to.

And has anyone else been out clothes shopping?  Of course the dressing rooms are all closed, making it a challenge in the first place, but I am kind of floored how sparse the selection is right now.  If you need a bra, or a bathing suit, or shorts (or all three 😒), you're really out of luck, at least where I am.  In a way it's kind of refreshing because I am going to just make do with what I have and save money in the meantime.  I think it's just the constant reminder that every time I do venture out for groceries or clothes, I know for a fact that I am not going to get everything on my list - another part of the "new normal."


  • Love 4
6 hours ago, suomi said:

I have seen a bunch of roadside urinal devices on Amazon. They are molded yet flexible and soft. Some are meant to funnel into a bottle of your choice. Some have a small bag with a magic substance that will convert liquid to gel.

Haha, thanks, I was thinking of getting one of those, but it's been decades since I've gone outdoors, LOL.  These are strange times, though, so I might consider doing that if I have to.

17 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

And has anyone else been out clothes shopping?  Of course the dressing rooms are all closed, making it a challenge in the first place, but I am kind of floored how sparse the selection is right now.  If you need a bra, or a bathing suit, or shorts (or all three 😒), you're really out of luck, at least where I am.  In a way it's kind of refreshing because I am going to just make do with what I have and save money in the meantime.  I think it's just the constant reminder that every time I do venture out for groceries or clothes, I know for a fact that I am not going to get everything on my list - another part of the "new normal."

I've been out there and my local Macy's has tons of bathing suits out but still have an entire coat department packed with stuff looking like it's mid February, not June.  Plus it looks like they never changed over to the warm weather clothes and just left the stuff out that was on the rack in March when the stores first shut down around here.  I went to a different Macy's one day and they had a different strategy - They put all the Winter stuff on clearance racks but the warm weather clothes were still sparsely stocked.  They had one fitting room open on each floor.  Kohl's left all the early Spring stuff on the racks but is gradually putting new stuff out.   I ended up ordering a few things online because the stores still don't have them.  All of Kohl's fitting rooms are closed.

My friend went to Marshalls a few times and told me that the first week they had merchandise but after a while the place got cleared out and they weren't restocking.  She asked a salesperson why that was the case and she told her it's that they are having supply chain issues getting in the new merchandise.  I guess the pandemic has affected the clothing stores in a similar way as toilet paper in that when they opened everyone bought out what they had but because they're all needing new merchandise at once the suppliers are having trouble keeping up with the demand.

Target was another place stuck in time and sparsely stocked with clothing, although they had least made an attempt to spread it out appealingly to cover the fact that there was only half the usual amount of stuff out.  I didn't even give it a closer look, it was so sad.

Nordstrom looks like it's going out of business.  They had a huge 40% off sale for the first week they reopened, but now the racks are so empty it's shocking and they haven't restocked them.  My next door neighbor worked in Nordstrom customer service and said that they called her back to work along with all the older people when the store opened a few weeks ago, but put her and her entire department on the sales floor training new much younger people.  She said they worked her and the others very hard, demanded long hours and didn't respond to their safety concerns.  Plus they told them that they had to work on a regular sales/commission salary, but given that they spent all their time training the new young people they never made any commission.  She and the others were convinced that the company was trying to get them to quit, and that they were training their replacements.  I wondered if the company is thinking about bankruptcy but isn't telling anyone what they're doing.  She did end up quitting.  Another case of age discrimination if you ask me, and shocking coming from a company I once thought was so high class.

Speaking of not getting everything on my grocery list - strange things are missing like no linguine anywhere.  The pasta brands just decided to put out nothing but spaghetti, lasagna and fettuccine.  I had to buy Target brand linguine as it was the only one I have been able to find.  When I asked the stock people at my supermarket why this was the case they blamed the companies for not sending them the products and told me to complain to them.

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5 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Haha, thanks, I was thinking of getting one of those, but it's been decades since I've gone outdoors, LOL.  These are strange times, though, so I might consider doing that if I have to.


I think that's one thing I'm not quite ready for.  Since there are McDonald's at virtually every exit on a freeway I'll pick one in a very small town and stop on an off hour like between breakfast and lunch or mid afternoon.  That way I'm less likely to hit a crowd. I might by a drink or something (I hate to just run into use a restroom) but will probably pack a lunch. It's only a 9 hour drive so I should be able to get by with one stop.

51 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

My Holy Grail item - antibacterial wipes, don't care about the brand anymore.  I haven't seen them in any store since early March. 

That's mine as well.  I've looked on Amazon (where the "no price gouging" rule apparently doesn't exist) and there are off brands but they cost a bloody fortune.  Not sure how the TP manufacturers managed to pull themselves together but the wipe people have not.  If I thought that they were all going to hospitals I wouldn't mind so much.  But if that were the case I'm sure we'd be hearing about that.

Lukkily I don't need any clothes so no need to go into a department for that. Being retired and living like a hermit has its advantages - no one but the dog and the neighbor ever see me and we're in the same boat.  

I wonder what the next new shortage will be when the second wave comes along.  The growing number of cases is shocking so we'd best be prepared. I did score a 12 pack of  =big rolls of TP so that should be good for a while for me - I do get one with each of my orders and am storing them in my guest bathroom just in case.  

I dread the day we get to be like those pictures of Russia during the cold war when people stood in long lines just to get bread.

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58 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Not sure how the TP manufacturers managed to pull themselves together but the wipe people have not.

It's a chemicals issue for the disinfecting wipes.  They're having trouble getting the basic ingredients to make disinfectant liquid.  Toilet tissue was a commercial vs home issue.  The plants are machined to produce x industrial tissue and y home tissue.  You can't switch the lines back and forth.  So they ran the home lines 24 hours a day trying to get it out as fast as they could.  With people going back to work, it's easing up the need for home tissue.  My housekeeper said Costco here now always has paper towels and toilet tissue.  The wipes manufacturers are predicting a steady supply in July.

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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

I think that's one thing I'm not quite ready for.  Since there are McDonald's at virtually every exit on a freeway I'll pick one in a very small town and stop on an off hour like between breakfast and lunch or mid afternoon. 

I have digestive issues so have no choice in finding a restroom to use sometimes when I'm out.  I keep disinfecting wipes in the car and use one of those or a paper towel to touch the surfaces in the restroom and especially on the door handle going out after washing hands.  I toss that and still use hand sanitizer before opening the car door. And, of course, be sure you wear a good mask.

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