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S03.E11: The Real Housewives Of Atlanta


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Yea, I'm not feeling sorry for either Rocky or Eddie. Eddie can go somewhere with his teary eyed talking head confessional feeling sorry for cheating on his girl friend. He seems like a giant douche who needs to break up with his girlfriend regardless of him and Rocky getting busy in the laundry room. The three of them all come across as toxic individuals. Looks wise he never floated my boat but hooking up with Rocky on camera and then acting like a giant tool tells me he doesn't have much going for him personality wise either.

As an aside, I followed Rocky on Instagram and her last post was a picture of her and Leon together where she proceeds to go on and on about how great a person he is. Editing must not have been his friend because I fail to see any instance in which he came across as a kind, gentle, awesome human being.

  • Love 5

OK, so am I the only one who found the scene with Connie dressing up as a cat and drinking milk out of a bowl on the floor....totally demeaning?  Who would request that?  I could go to a number of places with this but....I think many of you get where I'm coming from.  Those guests should be ashamed of themselves.....


Yup! Any guest should be ashamed of treating any crewmember with a demeaning manner at any time. For example when last season one guest decided to use the front side of Kelly as a flotation device while sliding down the water sled. I also got tired of Emil being referred to as "South Africa". He has a name. Even if the crew were doing it, allowing it,  hustling for a bigger tip I still find demeaning and not being respectful of ones self. Good service should be rewarded and well. 


Aside from that, the guests were very easy going and full of fun. The daughter was sweet.

  • Love 4

I think Eddie is a misogynist. He gets back with his GF who cheated when he was on charter and makes it known on camera he did and how put upon and generous he is. Yet, we don't know the whole story. What compelled the woman or if he was stepping out as well. And he choose to forgive her and be with her. Yet is making this dirty laundry known on national tv and screaming at her about it holding the matter over her head.

Than the man does exactly what he is condemning her for. What a hypocrite. I guess she's a bitch and condemnable when she did it but its justifiable now cuz it's him?

Now we come to Rocky. His side piece. And she's not perfect getting a thumbs up from me since she knew he had a GF. But I'm talking about him right now. And it's really fucking shitty and sleazy when a guy acts like a girl is cool when he wants the secks. But after she gives it up he calls her a bunch of names and treats her like shit. That's skuzzy and it would be if a woman did it to a man too. It's just insincere and conniving.

Then he lies about it like a fool when it was on camera then his lying about the matter is on camera.

I liked and respected Ben for his treatment Kate and Rocky. He's far from perfect but he tries -at least tries- to be diplomatic and unbiased.


Eddie is not a misogynist. Leon is an misogynist, he demonstrated it then verbally acknowledged his behavior and relished in it.


Eddie is just a douchbag that deserves to have Rocky prepare boiled rabbit as a main course dinner for two and I don't think he is a hater of women.

  • Love 9

Couldn't Kate give it a rest with her ever-present need for conflict with someone? Now it's Ben. Repeatedly calling him an asshole on camera, just because she's a bit miffed, was uncalled for and unprofessional. Maybe she was expecting Ben to act like a boyfriend and when he didn't she was disappointed.


Claudio tried to steal the camera a couple times and the camera crew didn't bite.


I was expecting Ben to be frustrated with the request for old fashioned southern cuisine, but he handled it well (as he should).


I think that Kate and Ben's bickering is just that - they are comfortable with each other, they have a rhythm and there is no real animosity behind the name calling (FTR, I call my husband "asshole" all the time - it's almost a term of endearment at this point....).


I liked that Ben handled the change in dinner plans in his fashion - he wasn't pleased, but didn't throw a hissy fit over it, and he totally rocked the southern comfort-food cuisine.  Somehow, I think that Leon wouldn't have been able to handle the menu.  Southern comfort food done well is incredible.   Leon probably would have opened a box of Kraft mac and cheese and slathered beef cheeks with some bottled barbecue sauce.

  • Love 20

I'm wracking my head trying to figure out why she has feelings for the guy. It's quite obvious she's a rebound since he literally just broke up with his girlfriend over the phone and they're hiding in the laundry room to hook up.


I might have missed it but did Rocky say she was developing feelings for Eddie or that she was hoping for a relationship?  It's possible she, like him, was just looking for some temporary booty and is now pissed off because he's acting like such a turd when he could have just ended it like a gentleman.


But yeah, if she does have feelings for him, I'm scratching my head, too.  He's such a little boy, prone to temper tantrums.  Actually they might be perfect for each other.  They both strike me as the kind of people who need relationship drama.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 1

Yup! Any guest should be ashamed of treating any crewmember with a demeaning manner at any time. For example when last season one guest decided to use the front side of Kelly as a flotation device while sliding down the water sled. I also got tired of Emil being referred to as "South Africa". He has a name. Even if the crew were doing it, allowing it,  hustling for a bigger tip I still find demeaning and not being respectful of ones self. Good service should be rewarded and well. 


Aside from that, the guests were very easy going and full of fun. The daughter was sweet.


I agree!!  I thought that Emile handled the degrading chocolate and strawberries thing with class.  When I saw that, I was thinking of how much outcry and disgust there would be if the roles were reversed - say, all male guests, on a bachelor party, or guys' fishing trip, or something, and they wanted one of the women on the boat to dress up in a scanty French-maid outfit or something, and serve them drinks.  Total double standard, imo.  


The "South Africa" thing really bugged me too....I think it was mostly Claudia who was doing that, and she was trying her hardest to be the most "diva-ish", in my opinion.  She was the one who suggested Emile serve them the chocolate and strawberries, "in just jeans", and she was also the one who wanted to stump the staff and mentioned she wanted a kitten.  She came off looking ridiculous, and I loved that the camera guys didn't focus too much on her.  


I can't believe how much Noelle (Cynthia's daughter) has matured - she is a beautiful young lady, and seemed very normal - I was touched by her emotions at the end, and how she said that was the best trip she's ever been on and will never forget it.  

  • Love 13

With connie & rocky the truth is that after the tantrums the crew no longer respects rocky.


Captain should have fired her, moved connie to temp stew, and ran the deck crew with Dave, Eddie, and Emi.


Don't think Eddie should be trashing the girl he hooked up with and should just tell her that it is over. I don't understand the idea behind co-ed rooms and allowing employee fraternization. It seems to  be counter to good crew discipline and conduct.


Didn't really care for kate butting heads with ben. I wonder why she can't work with anybody without bitching? I also wonder what is the joke about dressing the crew up for the guest?

  • Love 1

I might have missed it but did Rocky say she was developing feelings for Eddie or that she was hoping for a relationship?  It's possible she, like him, was just looking for some temporary booty and is now pissed off because he's acting like such a turd when he could have just ended it like a gentleman.


But yeah, if she does have feelings for him, I'm scratching my head, too.  He's such a little boy, prone to temper tantrums.  Actually they might be perfect for each other.  They both strike me as the kind of people who need relationship drama.

She did say something about having feelings for him -- although it may have been in the previews for next week.


The "South Africa" thing really bugged me too....I think it was mostly Claudia who was doing that, and she was trying her hardest to be the most "diva-ish", in my opinion.



I was just coming here to write about that! I remembered how it really bugged me and was so rude, when the guy went the extra mile to act like a "fantasy man" for the ladies' amusement. Geez, at least call him by his name. Doesn't surprise me if it was Claudia as the little I saw of her on RHoA did not impress me.

  • Love 6

I might have missed it but did Rocky say she was developing feelings for Eddie or that she was hoping for a relationship?  It's possible she, like him, was just looking for some temporary booty and is now pissed off because he's acting like such a turd when he could have just ended it like a gentleman.


I'm not going to go back and rewatch it, but I think when she asked him to take the dishes down and he blew her off, they cut to her saying something like "I'm starting to have feelings for him" which is just absurd since their relationship amounts to a couple quick fucks in the laundry room.

  • Love 6

I'm not going to go back and rewatch it, but I think when she asked him to take the dishes down and he blew her off, they cut to her saying something like "I'm starting to have feelings for him" which is just absurd since their relationship amounts to a couple quick fucks in the laundry room.


I think that given Rocky's personality (or what we've witnessed, anyway), there is no "in between"....just like the ocean, I think Rocky quickly dives head first into relationships, too....with no regard for the depth or warmth.  


She seems to be an either "all in" or "all out" kind of person.  I think that because of her issues, most guys probably back off pretty quickly, and she has had more quick relationships or one night stands than long term relationships.

  • Love 4

Sometimes I'm the odd man out in my dislike for certain very popular Bravolebrities.  Holla Heather, Kyle, Eileen and now, kinda-sorta Connie (imo, there's way more than meets the eye with her) so it won't seem unusual that I'm going to give some side-eye to the Darling Deckhand Dave. 


Dave, Dave, Dave.  Former adult film actor who is engaged to be married to a current adult film actor.  He might be the nicest guy on the planet but if you participate in those kind of shenanigans and are cool with your partner continuing to do so, I'm calling it seedy.  Even though Dave doesn't do Dallas anymore, it takes a certain type of temperament to be able to handle that kind of employment.

  • Love 2

I don't blame Eddie for distancing himself from Rocky; I don't blame him for being curt and rude.  It is not like he decided to get back together with his old girlfriend and doesn't want to man up and tell Rocky that their laundry hook ups are over.  Something happened in-between there.  Sure Rocky has been kooky and loud and impulsive before but her reaction to Leon's dismissal was clearly not normal. 


She dove off a ship (that she was currently working on) and swam to another ship.  She was gone for over seven hours and then walks back in with an attitude that she's a victim somehow.  She did not acknowledge what she did to anyone.  She did not offer an apology to any of the crew.  After being back a few hours, she emerges and offers to cook the dinner (did you know she went to culinary school?), but her actions are so bizarre with the food prep that her co-workers start to wonder if she is helping in her 'kooky' way or deliberately sabotaging their efforts which is why Eddie prepared the steaks (which saved the meal).


There are consequences to actions.  She acted like an inconsiderate lunatic and everyone has taken a step back and away from her.  She is not respectful to anyone or considerate of their feelings (looking at you Emile).  I don't think Rocky is due common courtesies from others based on her own actions.  When you do something outrageous and people back away or say snide things, it is something that you have brought on yourself.

  • Love 16


Sometimes I'm the odd man out in my dislike for certain very popular Bravolebrities.  Holla Heather, Kyle, Eileen and now, kinda-sorta Connie (imo, there's way more than meets the eye with her)

Ryebread, I'm curious--what do you think lies beneath as concerns Connie??  I am not sure how I feel about her either, so I'm interested to see what you think.

I don't blame Eddie for distancing himself from Rocky; I don't blame him for being curt and rude.  It is not like he decided to get back together with his old girlfriend and doesn't want to man up and tell Rocky that their laundry hook ups are over.  Something happened in-between there.  Sure Rocky has been kooky and loud and impulsive before but her reaction to Leon's dismissal was clearly not normal. 


She dove off a ship (that she was currently working on) and swam to another ship.  She was gone for over seven hours and then walks back in with an attitude that she's a victim somehow.  She did not acknowledge what she did to anyone.  She did not offer an apology to any of the crew.  After being back a few hours, she emerges and offers to cook the dinner (did you know she went to culinary school?), but her actions are so bizarre with the food prep that her co-workers start to wonder if she is helping in her 'kooky' way or deliberately sabotaging their efforts which is why Eddie prepared the steaks (which saved the meal).


There are consequences to actions.  She acted like an inconsiderate lunatic and everyone has taken a step back and away from her.  She is not respectful to anyone or considerate of their feelings (looking at you Emile).  I don't think Rocky is due common courtesies from others based on her own actions.  When you do something outrageous and people back away or say snide things, it is something that you have brought on yourself.


Yes, yes, yes!


Not only all of the above. I bet if Eddie did try and break it off with her in a normal way we would have seen her worst melt down to date on the show. Look how she reacted to Kate and Amy calling her on her slack ass behavior. She was a wackjob bawling and crying on the floor, pounding her fists, calling Daddy to stop her from going over the edge. Then spaced out beyond belief when she got back to the boat and was talking with Eddie and I think Amy. God only knows how deep is the bottom of her personal black hole and what she is capable of once she gets there. She is impulsive, psycho, and bat shit crazy.


Eddie is a dumb ass for ever hooking up with that loon. Hope he has nightmares about her.

  • Love 9

I can appreciate Ben being slightly diplomatic in feeling a little bad about Leon leaving, I think if I were in his situation I would probably take what was being said about Leon with a grain of salt in that when you hear a story the truth is usually somewhere in the middle of the 2 stories, but based on what we saw of Leon I really haven't heard anything said that wasn't true.

I'm somewhere in the middle on Eddie/Rocky, mostly because we don't know a lot of the detail, all we know is they were hooking up, but I don't know if Eddie framed it as just sex, or if he lead her to believe there might be more there. In my experiences and with my friends and whatnot, if someone is sleeping with you with the condition of strict secrecy it probably is not gong to lead anywhere. I don't feel too bad for Eddie because he made his bed, he knew hooking up with the crew was trouble and he did it anyway.

  • Love 4

I don't blame Eddie for distancing himself from Rocky; I don't blame him for being curt and rude.  It is not like he decided to get back together with his old girlfriend and doesn't want to man up and tell Rocky that their laundry hook ups are over.  Something happened in-between there.  Sure Rocky has been kooky and loud and impulsive before but her reaction to Leon's dismissal was clearly not normal. 



Of course, we are only privy to how it was edited, but they did have a TH with Eddie where he said after she jumped ship and left everyone in a lurch while the charter was still happening, he lost all respect for her.  I still blame Eddie for being so dumb as to hook up with her in the first place, though....  I'm sure they will cover it all in the reunion!

  • Love 6

I can appreciate Ben being slightly diplomatic in feeling a little bad about Leon leaving, I think if I were in his situation I would probably take what was being said about Leon with a grain of salt in that when you hear a story the truth is usually somewhere in the middle of the 2 stories, but based on what we saw of Leon I really haven't heard anything said that wasn't true.

I thought it was good that he apologized to Rocky because his reaction was over-the-top but weird that he brought Leon up at all much less implying he got even a little bit of a raw deal given that he saw the state of the kitchen and was bitching about its cleanliness and old product in the fridge. I did laugh that one of the items Ben and Connie returned to the storage area was the dehydrator sans the box that Leon had insisted on keeping!

  • Love 6

I've had the feeling from the start of the whole Eddie/Rocky thing that it was all bogus and created for interest. I also think that the 'feelings' for Eddie were phony and the great friendship with Leon was staged too. There was just didn't seem to be any basis for such a friendship between those two. I think they put Rocky in this season just to give people someone to dislike and laugh at when she does her mermaid shtick. I believe I may vomit the next episode because I see that she pulls that stupid mermaid tail out AGAIN.  Lordie help me.


Oh yeah, and I forgot to add that watching Connie do her milk-lapping on the floor thing with the extensions left by the previous charter guest on her ass grossed me out. All my mind saw was her wearing that same hair piece under her bikini underwear covering her vagina.  Ew, just ew

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 4

The fact that Eddie met her in the laundry room and then they 'hooked' up pretty much sums up Eddie's feelings for Rocky.  Sorry Rock but if that's what you're going to do, don't expect anything more.  And I think that's the way Eddie felt about it.  With that said, Eddie just distancing  himself from her without explanation wasn't the most mature thing to do since they were together 24/7.  He should have said something to her.   Note to Rocky - if you're just gonna give it up, don't 'expect' anything.  Not saying she's wrong to hook up (that's her choice) but she's got to understand that when you do that don't 'expect' anything afterwards.  It is was it is.


I don't think Eddie is a total jerk because of this.  It's just the immaturity factor coming in plus the fact that his girlfriend cheated on him.  Stupid, yes...

  • Love 5

I've had the feeling from the start of the whole Eddie/Rocky thing that it was all bogus and created for interest. I also think that the 'feelings' for Eddie were phony and the great friendship with Leon was staged too. There was just didn't seem to be any basis for such a friendship between those two. I think they put Rocky in this season just to give people someone to dislike and laugh at when she does her mermaid shtick. I believe I may vomit the next episode because I see that she pulls that stupid mermaid tail out AGAIN.  Lordie help me.



Are you saying that nothing ever happened between Eddie and Rocky and they are just saying that they hooked up to further a story line?  That never occurred to me.  Diabolical.  Perhaps that would explain why Eddie thought he could tell Dave and Eddie's girlfriend that he never cheated with a crew member?  I want to know what that washer has seen!


I was not impressed when Rocky forlornly cried out "Now I have no one!" after Leon's dismissal.  It shows that Emil means nothing to her so much so that she doesn't even think of him as an ally.

  • Love 2

Andy needs to bring to the reunion the people on the boat that Rocky swam to and spent 7 hours on.  I really wanna know what she did there for 7 hours.  I wanna know what they thought of her crazy ass.  I wanna know why they called the Captain to tell him they had one of his employees.  Did they have enough of her and were they trying to get rid of her?  Would she have stayed on that boat longer had they not called the Captain?  Maybe they don't need to be physically at the reunion but a Skype call would answer a lot of my questions.  

  • Love 12

The fact that Eddie met her in the laundry room and then they 'hooked' up pretty much sums up Eddie's feelings for Rocky.  Sorry Rock but if that's what you're going to do, don't expect anything more.  And I think that's the way Eddie felt about it.  With that said, Eddie just distancing  himself from her without explanation wasn't the most mature thing to do since they were together 24/7.  He should have said something to her.   Note to Rocky - if you're just gonna give it up, don't 'expect' anything.  Not saying she's wrong to hook up (that's her choice) but she's got to understand that when you do that don't 'expect' anything afterwards.  It is was it is.


I don't think Eddie is a total jerk because of this.  It's just the immaturity factor coming in plus the fact that his girlfriend cheated on him.  Stupid, yes...


Yeah, in my experience if your sex life consists of hooking up in laundry rooms marriage is probably not in the cards.

  • Love 5

Ryebread, I'm curious--what do you think lies beneath as concerns Connie??  I am not sure how I feel about her either, so I'm interested to see what you think.


Truth be told, I give every reality 'star' a side-eye.  I think it takes a certain kind of stupid to risk your reputation, business, relationships and family.  Sometimes it turns out okay for them but that's the exception rather than the rule.  Not to say I don't LOOVE watching them make jackasses out of themselves for our viewing pleasure, though. 


When it comes to Connie, imo, what she says and does doesn't add up to the sweet, competent person she seems to be.  The peanut butter, the hair extensions as pubes, the loud and show-offy behind-the-back beatdown of Rocky.  Even the kitten act. I know she's a good sport but dude, have some dignity. The hair ext thing made me laugh, and something that a bunch of my girlfriends would do while horsing around...but like I said, it takes a certain type of...personality...to put it all out there on TV. 


Don't throw me overboard, but I get Brandi vibes from her. [[[Ducks and runs.]]]   It's not so much her behavior as it is that she seems to be everyone's darling right now.  However once she really starts flying her freak flag, the tides will turn.  Just like Brandi.  Kind of sweet looking on the outside (season 1 Brandi) with a funny, brash, ribald side.  But who knows what's lurking on the inside.  I'm waiting for a demonstration of her toothless party tricks because you know she's got 'em.


I'm okay with Connie, thus far.  She's young and having fun.  I just think there's much more there than meets the eye. And I hope she doesn't lose all filter by her second season like Brandi did.

  • Love 1

Are you saying that nothing ever happened between Eddie and Rocky and they are just saying that they hooked up to further a story line? That never occurred to me. Diabolical. Perhaps that would explain why Eddie thought he could tell Dave and Eddie's girlfriend that he never cheated with a crew member? I want to know what that washer has seen!

I was not impressed when Rocky forlornly cried out "Now I have no one!" after Leon's dismissal. It shows that Emil means nothing to her so much so that she doesn't even think of him as an ally.

Exactly. As far as Eddie and Ding a Ling having or not having sex I guess it comes down to what one's definition of sex is. Defining what sex consisted of was explored during the Clinton Administration.

Rocky plays with men and their feelings and desires like they are her personal toys then when she's burned calls herself wronged. Shut up, it cuts both ways Snowflake.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 10

Andy needs to bring to the reunion the people on the boat that Rocky swam to and spent 7 hours on.  I really wanna know what she did there for 7 hours.  I wanna know what they thought of her crazy ass.  


I'd like to know if she swam up to the boat and while treading water, asked for "Permission to come aboard. Cap'n".  And then what they thought once they had her on the boat in her soaking wet underwear. LOL

  • Love 4

to me Connie seems a responsible party girl. She parties hard but she gets up in the morning cleans up the mess and goes to work. she understands she has responsibilities and that there is a specific time and place for goofing off.


I don't get a Brandi vibe from her. Brandi is cut from the gut mean then plays the blame game or victim. She has nor respect for anyone. Even through editing in the early days I remember seeing glimpses of who she turned out to be.


I haven't seen Connie be mean because she wants to be, or place blame or play victim. I haven't seen her do that and no one has mentioned that even in passing.  All Connie has said that we have seen is that she has had enough of Crazy and she is tired of her.  From the way she said it at the dinner table it sounded as if she has been keeping her mouth shut a long time because others at the table looked like they were hearing it for the first time, even Emil and Eddie.

  • Love 9

I think Eddie's an asshole.  I'm not into blaming the woman because the man's a dog.  It's a shame that Rocky got involved with such a douchebag.

This. So much this. Any flaws Rocky has don't make her less human and Eddy is a douche for being cruel and dismissive. Rocky hasn't shown any tendency toward violence, so he doesn't need to be afraid of bunny boiling. He just needs to tell her it's not going to work out, not be rude and distant. I thought Kelley Johnson was the lowest of the low in his treatment of Jennice, but Eddie has beaten him by a mile.


I also don't see any parallels in this situation and Rocky/Emile. Rocky was tickled to be asked on a date and seemed open to a relationship with Emile, until he showed his ass and his inability to handle liquor. Then she shut down any idea of sex. That he heard "No, I don't want to go to your bunk, in fact, I'll just sleep up here on the deck" as "I love you, come meet my family" is not her fault. The letter was a bad response to Emile's obtuseness, but she wasn't playing with his feelings then and she's not doing that now. When she wanted him at first and then when didn't, she was honest about it.


Eddie, on the other hand, started with what was purely a late night booty call. When he'd gotten enough that he could think with his big head again, he realized he'd done a bad thing by hooking up with a co-worker and used Rocky's behavior as the excuse to end things. Had he hooked up with one of the other women he would have done the same thing, he just would have had to work harder to come up with an excuse for being a cad.


I was surprised at Connie and I agree with those who said it seemed out of character, especially as she was doing the same things she was criticizing in Rocky.


I suspect that Emile isn't the player he wants us to believe he is. Some of the things he's said, like "I don't date, I mate" (said when he was actually out on a date) and crude references to his sexual prowess, aren't the stuff of sophisticated seduction. Sex is like money; those who really have it don't talk about it. Emile talks about it.

  • Love 6

I think Eddie's an asshole.  I'm not into blaming the woman because the man's a dog.  It's a shame that Rocky got involved with such a douchebag.


On the other hand, Rocky is a grown woman, and can always say "No thanks".  I can't imagine that she didn't know about his situation back home, so she also was just as much at fault.  He opened the door and she walked in (I guess that could be taken literally, as well, as in the door to the laundry room.).


I think she's just as much to blame as he is.  She also could have said to him that she may be interested, but not until he gets his at home situation straightened out.


Yeah, Eddie acted like an asshole in this, but Rocky isn't an innocent bystander.  I mentioned previously that I think he is not being a man, by just blowing her off, and not telling her he's over her, but he's not the only one to blame, imo.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 7

From the way she said it at the dinner table it sounded as if she has been keeping her mouth shut a long time because others at the table looked like they were hearing it for the first time, even Emil and Eddie.


No, I get it.  I looked at her the same way Emil and Eddie did. Only I saw it more as, "Whoa. That's the first time I've ever heard Connie be so nasty."  I thought that's what E and E were thinking, too.  Like they were surprised that was coming out of Connie.  And even as she said it, it seemed so..fake, or something.  It was unlike her.  Or maybe it's totally like her.  That's just the first time we, and Emil and Eddie, had seen it.


  I dunno.  I'll have to wait and see what happens. 

  • Love 1

This. So much this. Any flaws Rocky has don't make her less human and Eddy is a douche for being cruel and dismissive. Rocky hasn't shown any tendency toward violence, so he doesn't need to be afraid of bunny boiling. He just needs to tell her it's not going to work out, not be rude and distant. I thought Kelley Johnson was the lowest of the low in his treatment of Jennice, but Eddie has beaten him by a mile.


I also don't see any parallels in this situation and Rocky/Emile. Rocky was tickled to be asked on a date and seemed open to a relationship with Emile, until he showed his ass and his inability to handle liquor. Then she shut down any idea of sex. That he heard "No, I don't want to go to your bunk, in fact, I'll just sleep up here on the deck" as "I love you, come meet my family" is not her fault. The letter was a bad response to Emile's obtuseness, but she wasn't playing with his feelings then and she's not doing that now. When she wanted him at first and then when didn't, she was honest about it.


Eddie, on the other hand, started with what was purely a late night booty call. When he'd gotten enough that he could think with his big head again, he realized he'd done a bad thing by hooking up with a co-worker and used Rocky's behavior as the excuse to end things. Had he hooked up with one of the other women he would have done the same thing, he just would have had to work harder to come up with an excuse for being a cad.


I was surprised at Connie and I agree with those who said it seemed out of character, especially as she was doing the same things she was criticizing in Rocky.


I suspect that Emile isn't the player he wants us to believe he is. Some of the things he's said, like "I don't date, I mate" (said when he was actually out on a date) and crude references to his sexual prowess, aren't the stuff of sophisticated seduction. Sex is like money; those who really have it don't talk about it. Emile talks about it.


Yours is the perfect post to describe what I think about all of them.  I would only add Gisele's bit about 2 dogs sniffing each other's butt.  I think there's equal shame but I think Eddie is slightly more to blame. 

I'd like to know if she swam up to the boat and while treading water, asked for "Permission to come aboard. Cap'n".  And then what they thought once they had her on the boat in her soaking wet underwear. LOL

I would have placed my foot gently on the top of her wet head and gave it a great shove back under the water.

  • Love 7
Yeah, Eddie acted like an asshole in this, but Rocky isn't an innocent bystander.  I mentioned previously that I think he is not being a man, by just blowing her off, and not telling her he's over her, but he's not the only one to blame, imo.



I agree, except I'm focusing on Eddy's behavior post hookup. For me, it's not the relationship itself that's an issue and I don't think it is for Rocky, either. He asked, she said yes and it looks like she's accepted responsibility for that. It may not have turned out the way she wanted, but that's not her gripe. What she has a problem with is how he's ending it. The mature, classy way to end things would have been to straight out tell her. Instead, Eddy is being cold, rude and insulting, yet never actually saying it's over. I don't think Eddy is a dog for starting the relationship or even for ending it. I think he's a dog for the way he's ending it.

  • Love 5

If Eddie was still in his relationship and Rocky knew that but still participated in laundy room lovin', the're both dogs. But yeah, I totally agree that he's ending it like an asshat.


If it was just two, single people boning each other and then said, "That was fun. See ya!"  "Yup. See ya!' - no harm, no foul.  But there was a girlfriend and now Eddie's acting like a putz by not putting an end to the booty calls like a man.

  • Love 1

Eddie is gross and I am not going to applaud him for how he treated Rocky.  Eddie wanted to fuck someone, he fucked Rocky, and now he acts like she's garbage. This dude is supposed to be a catch? Gross. He's an immature asshole - nothing stopped him from telling Rocky directly that he no longer wanted anything to do with her. I don't get how the Rocky/Emile situation is comparable to the Rocky/Eddie situation at all.


I thought Connie's rant was odd and random. I agree with whoever said it was very unlike her based on what we've seen of her so far. I couldn't tell if she was just trying to show off in front of Ben or what. It didn't win her points in my book.


It made me uncomfortable when the ladies were seductively eating the strawberries Emile served them in front of Noelle, Cynthia's daughter. I don't even think she's in high school yet, is she? I thought the ladies needed to bring it back a bit.

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