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S31: Ponderosa


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I'll never forget the mysteriously sour cast of Cagayan, who sat sullenly at the bar while each person arrived.  It was a real bummer of a Ponderosa, and for no apparent reason.


That was so weird. At least in Gabon it made sense. I mean it didn't because adults shouldn't act that way, but we knew that those people were awful and that they were gonna be bitter assholes. With Cagayan it felt like it came outta nowhere.

  • Love 5

With, Cagayan it was Morgan & Sarah who were hating on Kass when she arrived. Granted, first season Kass was hard a character to like the first time around. I always hate when someone makes Ponderosa uncomfortable. If you are over 21 you are an adult and should act like one. It makes you wonder what the earlier seasons were like before they started airing the jury at Ponderosa. I will say I think that Gabon was the worst. That was an awful jury with awful people with Corrine leading the charge.

  • Love 2

With, Cagayan it was Morgan & Sarah who were hating on Kass when she arrived. Granted, first season Kass was hard a character to like the first time around. I always hate when someone makes Ponderosa uncomfortable. If you are over 21 you are an adult and should act like one. It makes you wonder what the earlier seasons were like before they started airing the jury at Ponderosa. I will say I think that Gabon was the worst. That was an awful jury with awful people with Corrine leading the charge.

I will always feel robbed of footage of Kelly and Brandon getting drunk and making t-shirts and sarongs to wear to TC. I bet they were a hoot.

With, Cagayan it was Morgan & Sarah who were hating on Kass when she arrived. Granted, first season Kass was hard a character to like the first time around. I always hate when someone makes Ponderosa uncomfortable. If you are over 21 you are an adult and should act like one. It makes you wonder what the earlier seasons were like before they started airing the jury at Ponderosa. I will say I think that Gabon was the worst. That was an awful jury with awful people with Corrine leading the charge.

Wait, what, what, what, I must have completely missed Ponderosa that season, and I love Ponderosa. How, what, why?? The mind boggles... 

  • Love 1

I'll point out (once again) that Kelly is a yoga teacher.  That means that even if she is reserved by nature, she is not too shy that she cannot walk into a room full of people, probably a mix of familiar and strangers, and instantly take leadership of the room, make everyone feel comfortable and engaged, and lead them through an experience.  Most yoga teachers I know have a bit of the performer in them, even the soft-spoken ones.

So, yeah, to me, it was a snub.

  • Love 3

I found the syllable Andrew left out of triumvirate. He put it in the word "breakfasts" in Ciera's ponderosa video, somehow making it a 3-syllable word.


Ha, "breakfastes" made me laugh out loud. I hope this trend keeps up, It can be like a feature of the week, "spot Andrew's mispronounced/misused word." 


Although I am glad he's out of the game.   I don't think he has social or strategic skills to win this thing.  I also don't think he is able to adapt quickly - which is essential - and probably one of the biggest requirements for sucess.



Agreed on this point (although he did a decent job of making it through the Angkor death camp twist, I think Tasha deserves much of the credit for that with her Abi-wrangling). Andrew seems to form strong opinions of people and hang on to them  even when all of the evidence to the contrary is there (see: big buff Osten who quit in every way long before he left the game, but Savage remained convinced they needed his "strength.") 


And based on Wigles' surly "you voted me out before my birthday" to Ciera, Wigles wasn't being shy. She was being intentionally rude. Just like Andrew (and quite possibly ringled by Andrew--I have no problems believing Andrew encouraged a lot of Wigles' bad behavior because it's more consistent with him than with Wigles...


I have a feeling that even if Kelly didn't know Ciera that well, she was viewing her through the lens of Kimmi's "3 witches" moniker. There were at least 2/3 votes (so about 6/9 days out of a 39-day game) where Ciera, Abi, and Wentworth were public enemy number 1. 


Add in that Savage hates Ciera (and vice versa, it appears) and it makes a little more sense that they were both standoffish. Not that it's not a bit immature, but I can't say I would have reacted much differently in the heat of the moment. Especially with a million dollars on the line, I might take a bit of time to get over being mad at whoever I felt was responsible for ending my shot at the win. 


As for Stephen, I definitely enjoy him much more out of the game. He was so incredibly awkward all season with his nervous nelly routine, but I like his self-deprecating sense of humor when he is relaxed. His "thank you to the fans for allowing me the chance to do worse and be emotionally scarred..." made me laugh. 


If Kelly's too shy to say hello to Ciera, she shouldn't be on reality tv, much less attempting to host shows of her own.  I think you'd have to be socially paralyzed, not just shy.  We know she has basic social skills.    Heck, they voted her out partly due to her social skills.


Technically, Kelly did greet Ciera, it just wasn't particularly effusive. Ciera half hugged her and Kelly patted her arm and said hello. She started in with the "you voted me off day before my b-day" stuff only after Ciera persisted in drawing them out. 

Edited by ljenkins782
  • Love 2

True.  And Kelly does seem a bit awkward, and the video suggests maybe it was past their usual bedtime out there and they didn't appreciate Ciera's "let's party" attitude.  


I don't know how party-ready I'd be stuck out there with Andrew.  He just seems like a giant wet blanket.  And that Ponderosa looks pretty primitive.  I have a feeling I'd be totally over Cambodia, the cast and the cameras long before then. 

Technically, Kelly did greet Ciera, it just wasn't particularly effusive.
I think it's more accurate to say Ciera greeted Kelly. Kelly and Savage both stayed seated (and I don't think even called out a hello) when Ciera arrived.


I'll point out (once again) that Kelly is a yoga teacher.
She was also a rafting guide. So Kelly has plenty of experience in social pleasantries with strangers.
  • Love 3

Joe's tone in his Ponderosa was quite different from his first season (at least in the first 4 minutes).  He lost 22 lbs (in comparison he lost 18 lbs last season-and I think he had more food rewards this time, too). I thought Andrew would actually be happier, but I think the Ponderosa crowd was looking for the next boat home.  He talked about his family visit (his dad was one of 15 siblings?!)  


He was upset in the beginning and thought they should have given him a little something considering that he passed out in a challenge from giving it his all.  I almost think it was a blessing in disguise because he does not look well.  I love the he really loves this game; if only he wasn't such a nice guy who could pull some solid strategy together to avoid the target!  If he returns for a 3rd season, he needs to seriously ask Jeremy how the heck he came so far and has yet to be targeted, despite his name being thrown around as running things and being an obvious physical threat.  However, I believe Joe helped sink his own game this time.  He and Andrew (who never would have went for it, most likely) should have turned on Jeremy at the Kass vote, or at least at the Wentworth idol blindside.  Hindsight is 20/20 and obviously we see things they don't that could change their decision.  But he might have been able to possibly secure a more stable alliance had he gotten rid of Jeremy and Stephen early on.


I think making the family visit put him more at peace with the game this time compared to last season.  But he really wants to make it to the end.  Hopefully 3rd time will be the charm (if there is a 3rd time).

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 3

Joe's Ponderosa looked beautiful and he'll have all the memories on his GoPro. Luckily, we didn't have to hear from Savage (and, his beanie) how great Joe is and that he's one of the cool kids. It looks like everyone is settling in for their vacation. It's a pretty nice gig when you are voted out. You get fed, sleep and it's pretty much a party. It seems the only one no one wants to see is Abi. I think she might get a chilly reception.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 2

I'm starting to wonder if Andrew is sporting that ridiculous hat because his roots are coming in.  


It was nice to see Joe go from feeling physically awful and emotionally drained back to health and at peace.  It was a pleasure to see his artwork too.  He is deeper than I expected.  I think he's a nice guy and talented, but I don't think he'll ever win Survivor.  Time to move on in life, imo.

  • Love 1

Joe's Go Pro footage was the sort of stuff I expect from someone in college or just out of college. People sticking out tongues, people scratching their butts, belly shots, dunking in water shots all that type of stuff. He is a young guy who celebrates being a young guy. That is cool but it was kind of predictable. Some of the shots from the older Jurors on the Go Pro were classic "Dude, grow up." Andrew had a few along those lines.


I do think that Ciera and Joe have a very different vibe to them then Andrew, Kass and Stephen. Kelly is probably in between the two groups.


The tone of this Jury isn't all that surprising. We have a far older group of players this season with very different backgrounds. We don't have the normal 80% of the cast is younger with a few 30 and 40 year olds tossed in. So Ponderosa is less of a party and more of a chill out and wait mode.


Joe's initial comments bothered me a bit. Dude, Survivor is not there to reward people who can Survive and who are challenge beasts. That is not the name of the game. You would be happy to play with Colby, Coach, Andrew, Terry, and Ozzy's of the world. You are competing for one million dollars. You are dominating challenges. You are going home when you lose a challenge. That is the freaking game and you knew that. So stop the whining. Seriously, just stop it. I get it, you love being out there and playing and all that Survivor is but it is a game for ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Please drop this whole "The strong should make it to the end" crap because that has never been the game and I really don't want to put you into the same category as an Andrew or Terry or Coach or Ozzy.

  • Love 2

Wasn't a fan of Joe's Ponderosa. The whining over everyone not respecting him and letting him win because he's good at challenges was annoying. But what really bothered me was his, "Some of my friends don't want me taking videos of them but too bad I do it anyway!" Gross. I hate that shit. And for someone who was just whining about respect, hmmm, maybe you should respect your friends Joe.


Is Ceara married? Joe zoomed in on her abdomen and her butt. Maybe he's just a big flirt. 


I was thinking this too. Joe's GoPro footage has me thinking he's got a bit of a crush on Ciera.

  • Love 1

Ah, that was nice.  


Joe looked like a different person in the 'next day' shots.  That night he was pale and drawn with red eyes and looked just shaky and disoriented and spent.  


Video-ing Ciera scratching her ass doesn't seem like a very effective flirt.  It seems more like a 'tease your sister' type move.  

Edited by Guest

Wasn't a fan of Joe's Ponderosa. The whining over everyone not respecting him and letting him win because he's good at challenges was annoying. But what really bothered me was his, "Some of my friends don't want me taking videos of them but too bad I do it anyway!" Gross. I hate that shit. And for someone who was just whining about respect, hmmm, maybe you should respect your friends Joe.

I give him a pass on that, I (and pretty much everyone around at the time) used to always have that reaction when my sister would pull out the video camera at every occasion, but now that years have passed and lots of the  people in those videos are gone, I really appreciate having that footage and wish there was more. 


As for the Ponderosa videos, I'm always fascinated at the weigh-ins. Ciera looks like she weighs about 80 lbs, so the 110-ish weigh-in surprised me, but most shocking was Stephen weighing in (originally) at like 186?!?? How tall is he? He looks so skinny and small-framed. 


Joe's Ponderosa intro seemed like a combination of being ill and frustrated, but I do appreciate that he always seems to pull himself together when he has to deal with other people (besides the cameramen filming the THs), like the medics and the other jurors. He has great manners.

  • Love 4

I don't know, that was his main selling point for voting out Abi. Only people who are playing hard and are deserving should make it to the finals. I understand that point of view. It makes sense if you are a strong, athletically gifted, excellent at balancing stuff person but there are many ways to play the game. Winning challenging is not the end all and be all. Normally the people who make that argument have failed in another element of the game.

  • Love 1

I read Joe's Walk-Of-Shame exit interview not as whining, but as simple frustration - the frustration of a competitor who just lost it all, game-wise. Even if you know it's coming, it still has to suck mightily. I expect almost every player who has done the WoS feels exactly the same way; some (most, maybe) are simply better at faking it in front of the cameras than Joe.

Joe's lack of fakeness was in truth probably his second-greatest liability in the game - right behind his inability to raise his strategic game to the same level as his physical and social games.

P. S.: let's also not forget - Joe was doing his WoS just a few hours after passing out from hypoglycemia. Even if Medical had hung a D5W bag on Joe in the interim, I expect his blood sugar was still floating around the 50s-60s - which is still going to display as a degree of altered mental and physical state.

ETA: originally said "banana bag" when I meant D5W.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 11

And, I think Savage is wearing the beanie because his hair isn't as dark when he started the game. You can tell that it's sort of orange/blonde and had been dyed. He looks like he's trying to be so young wearing the beanie and also cover up the change in his hair color. It seems like Joe was having fun with the GoPro and he defiantly lives the California life. He seems to be a jack of all trades but does he have an actual job? Does he make a living strictly as a yoga instructor? Just curious. Joe, Vytas & Wiggles should open a studio. I'm sure the clientele would pick up dramatically.

  • Love 2

And, I think Savage is wearing the beanie because his hair isn't as dark when he started the game. You can tell that it's sort of orange/blonde and had been dyed. He looks like he's trying to be so young wearing the beanie and also cover up the change in his hair color. It seems like Joe was having fun with the GoPro and he defiantly lives the California life. He seems to be a jack of all trades but does he have an actual job? Does he make a living strictly as a yoga instructor? Just curious. Joe, Vytas & Wiggles should open a studio. I'm sure the clientele would pick up dramatically.


As of the start of this season he did not have a job.  In a couple of interviews he mentioned he was testing for different fire departments in the Phoenix area.  I think he does odd jobs when needed.  Though going into the yoga business may not be a bad idea.


And all this talk about the reason behind Andrew's beanie makes me think of an I Love Lucy episode, where Ricky cut Lucy off and she couldn't get her hair dyed, so she constantly was wearing a scarf to prevent her roots from showing.  So that's probably it .  Although Joe went to visit him a few weeks ago, and from a photo on his IG, Savage was still sporting the beanie and Joe was wearing one, too.  


I have to say, I'm not really enjoying the Ponderosa vids compared to last season.  Not sure if it is the format or the people (maybe it was having Hali/Joe/Jenn set the tone last season), or just the way they are edited, but I don't know, something is missing.  I did enjoy Joe's though.  It seemed like he was enjoying himself.  I'm glad he was voted off and not medically removed, and I worry that if he pushed himself again he'd be in the same boat, and they would have to remove him.

I have to say, I'm not really enjoying the Ponderosa vids compared to last season.  Not sure if it is the format or the people...


I find the over-produced feel of them off-putting.  I mean, the first 30 seconds or so of a 7-minute video is a title sequence of sand running through fingers, waves crashing ashore, etc.   Come on!  And while I enjoyed Joe's, the heroic music on his was a bit much. 


They used to feel like a peek behind the scenes into people's "real," outside-of-show personalities (whether they were or not).  Now they feel like just more producer manipulation.


Also:  they used to DO stuff.  Go to town, go fishing, etc.  Excursions.  So you got to see them interacting with local people, which was fun.

  • Love 8

I read Joe's Walk-Of-Shame exit interview not as whining, but as simple frustration - the frustration of a competitor who just lost it all, game-wise. Even if you know it's coming, it still has to suck mightily.


Yes and I didn't think he was necessarily saying he thought he should have won the game,  just that he had hoped for a little show of respect as he went out.  I know I expected a nice round of applause for someone who has won that many challenges, and maybe a few "Great job, Joe!"s.

  • Love 7

Yes and I didn't think he was necessarily saying he thought he should have won the game,  just that he had hoped for a little show of respect as he went out.  I know I expected a nice round of applause for someone who has won that many challenges, and maybe a few "Great job, Joe!"s.

I totally agree; unfortunately, that would require a certain measure of grace from the other players - a quality which (with only an exception or two) appears to be conspicuously absent among the remaining contestants.

  • Love 6

I don't know, it's just a tagline, the jury can vote for whoever they want, for whatever reason they want.


To illustrate:

If Joe had gone on another IC tear which took him all the way to F2, there's a perfectly valid argument which could be made that going all the way to F2 with no dependence whatsoever upon alliance support, to be a strategy in and of itself; it simply happened to be a strategy that nobody except Joe Anglim was in a position to implement. You could even give it a name - Ironman Survivor strategy, for example. :)

My point (and I do have one) being this: such a strategy would be almost 100% based upon Outplay and Outlast, with the barest smidgen of Outwit - none, in fact, other than the conscious choice to adopt the strategy. But that doesn't matter. Nothing matters, in fact, except one thing - on that ONE day, convincing the Jury that your strategy was the soundest and/or most worthy of reward. And you only have to convince them of it for as long as it takes them to write your name on a piece of paper. Ten minutes later they may be regretting their decision, but their tears won't wash your name off that million-dollar check. :)

  • Love 7

And, I think Savage is wearing the beanie because his hair isn't as dark when he started the game. You can tell that it's sort of orange/blonde and had been dyed. He looks like he's trying to be so young wearing the beanie and also cover up the change in his hair color. It seems like Joe was having fun with the GoPro and he defiantly lives the California life. He seems to be a jack of all trades but does he have an actual job? Does he make a living strictly as a yoga instructor? Just curious. Joe, Vytas & Wiggles should open a studio. I'm sure the clientele would pick up dramatically.



Yes, his hair was clearly dyed and when that wears off you see the what the effects of the bleach (mixed with dye) does.   You have to mix dye with bleach to empty the hair shaft to accept the new color.  His hat hides the Clarabell effect.  Or if you are younger, Ronald McDonald. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

Yes, his hair was clearly dyed and when that wears off you see the what the effects of the bleach (mixed with dye) does.   You have to mix dye with bleach to empty the hair shaft to accept the new color.  His hat hides the Clarabell effect.  Or if you are younger, Ronald McDonald. 



Quoting myself.  AND he had no clue to bring some color with him!  I do not feel proud that I find this delightful.  But I do. So much, I do.  

  • Love 3

P. S.: let's also not forget - Joe was doing his WoS just a few hours after passing out from hypoglycemia. Even if Medical had hung a D5W bag on Joe in the interim, I expect his blood sugar was still floating around the 50s-60s - which is still going to display as a degree of altered mental and physical state.

ETA: originally said "banana bag" when I meant D5W.


It doesn't seem they gave him anything substantive.  It makes me wonder if it would be considered an unfair advantage.  My opinion - if you can't correct the problem, the survivor has to be pulled.  They could have given him oral glucose gel and brought his sugar back to normal, and then he exerted himself enough getting back to camp to drop it again.  Plus, living primarily off of rice is going to yo-yo the blood sugar of someone sensitive to hypoglycemia.


I agree that Joe's statement may have been influenced by low blood sugar.  I used to occasionally experience hypoglycemia when I worked the night shift.  It should have been obvious, but instead I would get irritable, a little confused, then too nauseated to even eat my dinner.  Once a fellow nurse had to actually wrestle with me to test my blood sugar.

  • Love 5


To illustrate:

If Joe had gone on another IC tear which took him all the way to F2, there's a perfectly valid argument which could be made that going all the way to F2 with no dependence whatsoever upon alliance support, to be a strategy in and of itself; it simply happened to be a strategy that nobody except Joe Anglim was in a position to implement. You could even give it a name - Ironman Survivor strategy, for example. :)

My point (and I do have one) being this: such a strategy would be almost 100% based upon Outplay and Outlast, with the barest smidgen of Outwit - none, in fact, other than the conscious choice to adopt the strategy.



  • Love 3
If Joe had gone on another IC tear which took him all the way to F2, there's a perfectly valid argument which could be made that going all the way to F2 with no dependence whatsoever upon alliance support, to be a strategy in and of itself;
That's what Mike did last season. And it's fine. Mike won. But I also think there are juries who wouldn't reward that, and that's also fine. There have been plenty of examples of challenge monsters getting to the end and losing to the person considered the strategist and examples of people immunity running to the end and winning.


I do think it's a poor strategy, though, because no one knows what the challenges will be, what health problems may come, and because pretty much every player has weak points. It is a strategy that is very unlikely to succeed. I think Joe entered merge with the relationships set up to be a key member of an alliance, but for whatever reason, he chose to go with the votes where he was just a number. So of course, he was going to get voted out when he started losing immunity challenges because no one left needed him for their path to FTC, which means he's a dangerous obstacle. 

  • Love 3
There have been plenty of examples of challenge monsters getting to the end and losing to the person considered the strategist and examples of people immunity running to the end and winning.

This is why my biggest anticipation was for the Yul/Ozzy/Becky FTC. I knew the first two had very good chances of winning, I wasn't sure who would win and I would have been happy with either winning. [sorry for being OT]

  • Love 2

Quoting myself.  AND he had no clue to bring some color with him!  I do not feel proud that I find this delightful.  But I do. So much, I do.  


I am sure he was sure he would make it to the final tribal and he would not be able to use the product so why bring it?

That's what Mike did last season. And it's fine. Mike won. But I also think there are juries who wouldn't reward that, and that's also fine. There have been plenty of examples of challenge monsters getting to the end and losing to the person considered the strategist and examples of people immunity running to the end and winning.



Mike had built in votes on the Jury. Shirin, Joe, Hali and Jenn were pretty much guaranteed to vote for Mike. The three person format pretty much meant he was going to win with the four jury votes.


I think we are seeing a very different Jury because of the age of the Jury. We are dealing with an older group of folks who are all in a very different place in their lives then the normal Jury members. Ciera was the first person to arrive who would be more likely to want to stay up late and party. I am guessing that she and Joe are hanging out a lot because they are the only ones who are interested in staying up past 10 PM.


Hell, Kass flat out told Ciera that it was an older Jury after Andrew said that they were already up late the night she was voted out.

Regarding Joe's painting of the sailboat...if I were a member of that Ponderosa, I would certainly ask him if he'd paint something for me to take back home and frame, as a personal souvenir of our time on Survivor.  I have little artistic talent, and seeing him paint that picture with nothing but what looked like a watercolor set you might find in a child's art kit was pretty cool.


To me, Joe seems to be an interesting combination of old soul and laid-back, fun-loving California kid.  I really hope he makes his way back to Survivor one more time.  I know some feel he has a bland personality, but you can't deny the passion he has for this game.  As a fan of the show since Season One, I love watching players like Joe.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 14

Quoting myself.  AND he had no clue to bring some color with him!  I do not feel proud that I find this delightful.  But I do. So much, I do.  

I would bet he gets it done in a salon and would never dream of doing it himself.  Plus it'd confirm to the other players and the world he does color it whereas the beanie makes it up in the air.  


Though I'm laughing at the picture of Kass walking in on him with dye on his head or Andrew trying to rinse out dark dye in that little shower/toilet stall.  I'd pay for footage of one of the women helping him dye his hair out there, like he's just one of the girls.  



Regarding Joe's painting of the sailboat...if I were a member of that Ponderosa, I would certainly ask him if he'd paint something for me to take back home and frame, as a personal souvenir of our time on Survivor.  I have little artistic talent, and seeing him paint that picture with nothing but what looked like a watercolor set you might find in a child's art kit was pretty cool.


To me, Joe seems to be an interesting combination of old soul and laid-back, fun-loving California kid.  I really hope he makes his way back to Survivor one more time.  I know some feel he has a bland personality, but you can't deny the passion he has for this game.  As a fan of the show since Season One, I love watching players like Joe.

And the Orkun flag he said he painted himself?  Wow.



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