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S31: Ponderosa


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I could be completely off, but given the fact that she lives off the grid, doesn't do a whole lot of press, etc, that she is just a socially awkward person. I get that.


I think she lives in North Carolina again, though she did live in Mexico.  She did do a few tv show hosting gigs after Survivor, too.  She has an IMDB page that shows them.  

I think she lives in North Carolina again, though she did live in Mexico. She did do a few tv show hosting gigs after Survivor, too. She has an IMDB page that shows them.

I am assuming those appearances were after the first season? I am guessing as she has gotten older after all that transpired after her first season, she might have developed more of a desire for extreme privacy. Especially if she was reserved to start with...I haven't seen Borneo in awhile, but I don't recall her being a gregarious individual then either.

Of course, I may be completely off-base!

Oh geeze, I've responded to some of your stuff about Ciera with my opinion, which is mostly favorable to her, I hope you're not taking anything I said as trying to tell you not to criticize her, in fact, your posts are some of my favorites, you can be very witty. Anybody can say whatever they want as far as I'm concerned, I just also give my opinion. I think Savage is a douchebag, not because he's old (and I don't even think of him as old), but because I think he acts like a conceited jerk, But he can also be charming, so I can also get people liking him. 

No, no, no,  not anyone in particular here or even just this section, I see it in The Bachelor/ette, too.  it's not even a particular  Savage vs Ciera thing, although that does sound like a good horror movie.  No, I just sometimes take a dislike to a young pretty girl, added to all my dislikes for the Dans and Dawns  of the world, and I do seem to feel more of a  "now you've kicked a kitten,"  response.  Maybe it's my imagination.

And I'm having fun calling it a snood.  Which to me means either Orthodox lady or school cafeteria lady.  Not the associations he is trying for, I assume.  :)



And to me it conjures up a Victorian woman, perhaps having the vapors, which he seems to do like clockwork every 3 days when a new arrival comes, and they have to cosset him and draw him out of his curmudgeonry.

Re Kelly, I understand introversion, I understand not being connected to someone as much, I understand being a little frustrated with Ciera's play and even personality, but her whiny "you voted me out the day before my birthday!" was just too much.  You want your birthday celebrated exactly as you wish, stay home.  

I don't watch Game of Thrones, but I was amused when Kass was suggesting roles of various sorts for Stephen to be in relation to her Queen of Ponderosa position, and she suggested a few, then started throwing out GoT analogies, and he so happily piped up:  "Yes!  I'll be the eunuch!"  It also apparently amused Kass!

Savage has done more to generate negative comments than Ciera. I really don't think age, gender, or looks are a factor…at least not for me. I don't consider Ciera pretty like a model (she's not ugly but normal attractiveness) and I can't see what she did that was so horrible. I don't think she is adorable so I guess she failed at executing adorableness but that's nothing to hate on. She is proud of herself for doing as well as she did and meeting her goals of not being afraid. I don't see that as arrogant. Whereas Savage's high school mentality and clique like exclusion of those he deems as not up to his standard piss me off. He could be old or young, pretty or ugly, rich or poor, etc and it would still piss me off. Combine that with his hypocrisy (burn in hell you lied to me attitude when he just lied to someone) and his inability to separate the game from real life annoys me (maybe even enrages me).

I like Keith and he is old, not pretty and not even strategic. I'm not Joe's biggest fan (I don't dislike or like him…neutral) and he is young, pretty and not strategic. I like Spencer who is young, pretty and strategic. I'm not Tasha's biggest fan (neutral) and she is young, not pretty (not ugly but no model) and strategic.

I do probably expect someone "older" to have learned the basic social skills and manners well enough to greet someone and be polite. I expect that of the young as well. Wigles and Savage disappointed me with their rudeness. Wigles had no problem greeting Stephen who did vote her out.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 8

Savage has done more to generate negative comments than Ciera. I really don't think age, gender, or looks are a factor…at least not for me. I don't consider Ciera pretty like a model (she's not ugly but normal attractiveness) and I can't see what she did that was so horrible. I don't think she is adorable so I guess she failed at executing adorableness but that's nothing to hate on. She is proud of herself for doing as well as she did and meeting her goals of not being afraid. I don't see that as arrogant. Whereas Savage's high school mentality and clique like exclusion of those he deems as not up to his standard piss me off. He could be old or young, pretty or ugly, rich or poor, etc and it would still piss me off. Combine that with his hypocrisy (burn in hell you lied to me attitude when he just lied to someone) and his inability to separate the game from real life annoys me (maybe even enrages me).

I like Keith and he is old, not pretty and not even strategic. I'm not Joe's biggest fan (I don't dislike or like him…neutral) and he is young, pretty and not strategic. I like Spencer who is young, pretty and strategic. I'm not Tasha's biggest fan (neutral) and she is young, not pretty (not ugly but no model) and strategic.

I do probably expect someone "older" to have learned the basic social skills and manners well enough to greet someone and be polite. I expect that of the young as well. Wigles and Savage disappointed me with their rudeness. Wigles had no problem greeting Stephen who did vote her out.

I am 34, not old, but not young (by Survivor standards) and my personality has not changed with age. I am still reserved, still introspective and I do try but sometimes I think I come off as unfriendly. Personality is pretty static, regardless of age.

This is not even taking the Survivor part into account when you are forced to greet the person who organized your ousting. Just like Kass was able to give Savage a day to decompress, perhaps even if Kelly thought she was "over" it, maybe coming face to face with that person, she needed time. Kass is older and understood that, but I suspect Ciera did not.

Also, in terms of Stephen, Kelly has said that she had developed a close relationship with him within the game, so she had that going in. She had not developed such a relationship with Ciera so I suspect for her faking that may have been hard.

Not to say that she should or could have done better, she absolutely could have. I am going to give her a pass now and chalk it up to everything I mentioned. Now if she continues to act like that then that's different. We shall see.

Edited by Sarahsmile416
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Re Kelly, I understand introversion, I understand not being connected to someone as much, I understand being a little frustrated with Ciera's play and even personality, but her whiny "you voted me out the day before my birthday!" was just too much.  You want your birthday celebrated exactly as you wish, stay home.


Yea exactly. The "You voted me out the day before my birthday wahhhh!" was just awful. Also, I understand not hugging someone, I'm not a hugger myself, but refusing to even stand up to greet them seems rude to me, no matter how introverted you are.


This is not even taking the Survivor part into account when you are forced to greet the person who organized your ousting. Just like Kass was able to give Savage a day to decompress, perhaps even if Kelly thought she was "over" it, maybe coming face to face with that person, she needed time. Kass is older and understood that, but I suspect Ciera did not.


Ciera didn't organize Kelly's outser, Stephen did, and Kelly had no problem greeting him cordially. I suspect Andrew's weirdly OTT hatred towards Ciera might've rubbed off a bit on Kelly because Kelly really seems to have no actual personal reason to treat Ciera badly.


But at least they both seemed to get over it quickly. Andrew seems to have developed it again though now, after the whole thing is over. He's actually quite a fickle man.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Yea exactly. The "You voted me out the day before my birthday wahhhh!" was just awful. Also, I understand not hugging someone, I'm not a hugger myself, but refusing to even stand up to greet them seems rude to me, no matter how introverted you are.

Ciera didn't organize Kelly's outser, Stephen did, and Kelly had no problem greeting him cordially. I suspect Andrew's weirdly OTT hatred towards Ciera might've rubbed off a bit on Kelly because Kelly really seems to have no actual personal reason to treat Ciera badly.

But at least they both seemed to get over it quickly. Andrew seems to have developed it again though now, after the whole thing is over. He's actually quite a fickle man.

Organize was the wrong word, but she was certainly a part of it. And to be fair, Kelly is not going on the information we are going on. She did not know who organized it and given that she had an existing friendly relationship with Stephen already it may have been easier for her to believe that Ciera orchestrated it instead of Stephen.

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Organize was the wrong word, but she was certainly a part of it. And to be fair, Kelly is not going on the information we are going on. She did not know who organized it and given that she had an existing friendly relationship with Stephen already it may have been easier for her to believe that Ciera orchestrated it instead of Stephen.


Good point. Perhaps that is why she seemed to get over the Ciera tension quickly. Although considering how kindly she greeted Stephen after most likely knowing he was the one behind her outser actually makes her being so rude to Ciera even worse to me.

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Good point. Perhaps that is why she seemed to get over the Ciera tension quickly. Although considering how kindly she greeted Stephen after most likely knowing he was the one behind her outser actually makes her being so rude to Ciera even worse to me.

Though again, she had a preexisting relationship with him...and we are also assuming that she had that conversation with Ciera which we don't know one way or another that they did or not. She may not have wanted to have that conversation yet, or at all.

I think she lives in North Carolina again, though she did live in Mexico.  She did do a few tv show hosting gigs after Survivor, too.  She has an IMDB page that shows them.

I thought she was in Mexico when Rob interviewed her. I know there was no skyping because she doesn't have WiFi and that she has not been watching the season.

Also, in terms of Stephen, Kelly has said that she had developed a close relationship with him within the game, so she had that going in. She had not developed such a relationship with Ciera so I suspect for her faking that may have been hard.


I don't buy this. Wigles and Savage are adults. It is not hard to understand and do the very minimal basics of social politeness. If Wigles and Savage aren't comfortable hugging Ciera, fine, don't hug Ciera. Shake her hand, say "Welcome to Ponderosa," and something like "come get some food." No one's asking her to have a lengthy conversation with Ciera bonding over their kids or anything like that... just the very basics of being a decent, adult human being. 


And for whatever reason (*cough* his XY chromosome *cough*), Wigles and Savage were able to suck up their emotions and be pleasant to Stephen. They should have been able to do it with Ciera, too. 


We also know that there was an attitude going around the Brolliance that Ciera, Abi, and Kelley didn't deserve to be voted into Survivor and didn't deserve to be playing. This was always ridiculous, but I think Savage and Wigles were particularly salty that someone they had judged not worthy had actually outplayed them. Ciera was supposed to be a waste of space--not someone who could successfully engineer plays and rebuild bridges with people.

  • Love 10

I don't buy this. Wigles and Savage are adults. It is not hard to understand and do the very minimal basics of social politeness. If Wigles and Savage aren't comfortable hugging Ciera, fine, don't hug Ciera. Shake her hand, say "Welcome to Ponderosa," and something like "come get some food." No one's asking her to have a lengthy conversation with Ciera bonding over their kids or anything like that... just the very basics of being a decent, adult human being.

And for whatever reason (*cough* his XY chromosome *cough*), Wigles and Savage were able to suck up their emotions and be pleasant to Stephen. They should have been able to do it with Ciera, too.

We also know that there was an attitude going around the Brolliance that Ciera, Abi, and Kelley didn't deserve to be voted into Survivor and didn't deserve to be playing. This was always ridiculous, but I think Savage and Wigles were particularly salty that someone they had judged not worthy had actually outplayed them. Ciera was supposed to be a waste of space--not someone who could successfully engineer plays and rebuild bridges with people.

Well, I guess you might see me as a horribly mean person, but as a shy, introspective person, that would be very hard for me to do. It is literally something I have to force myself to do. Especially if someone comes in and I know that's what I have to do, I find it even harder. However, if someone comes in and I'm alone, it might be easier for me. Obviously I should never play Survivor because everyone would think I was a bitch lol

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A totally shy and introverted person would not be on a reality tv show at least not someone too shy to stand up and say hello. How did she manage to greet people in her tribe on day one. It was only Kass, Andrew and Ciera there at Ponderosa and she knew two of them. I think there maybe some projection going on.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 4

A totally shy and introverted person would not be on a reality tv show at least not someone too shy to stand up and say hello. How did she manage to greet people in her tribe on day one. It was only Kass, Andrew and Ciera there at Ponderosa and she knew two of them. I think there maybe some projection going on.

There have been a good amount of shy and introverted people on reality shows. Edna from Coach's and Brandon's season for one. She pretty much developed a relationship with Coach and Coach alone. It certainly is not impossible.

As I said, I suspect from what I have seen and heard about Kelly that it is not in her norm to be open and gregarious. I agree that she should have, but if she had no relationship with Ciera within the game and she thought (without the information we have) that Ciera was responsible for voting her out, that maybe it would have been harder for her.

You do not know me, please do not accuse me of projecting. All I said was that as someone who is naturally shy, I get it. That's all.

  • Love 1

We've seen two seasons worth of Kelly Wiglesworth, and I haven't seen anything that suggest she's so shy that she can't walk up from a table, shake Ciera's hand, and say welcome to someone she's known for multiple days. (and then what's Andrew's excuse? Surely, no one's going to argue that Andrew is so shy)


And based on Wigles' surly "you voted me out before my birthday" to Ciera, Wigles wasn't being shy. She was being intentionally rude. Just like Andrew (and quite possibly ringled by Andrew--I have no problems believing Andrew encouraged a lot of Wigles' bad behavior because it's more consistent with him than with Wigles... OTOH, Wigles is the same person who used a stolen credit card in her early 20s, so just because she has a quiet voice and loves yoga doesn't mean she's an empathetic, nice person.)

  • Love 6

There have been a good amount of shy and introverted people on reality shows. Edna from Coach's and Brandon's season for one. She pretty much developed a relationship with Coach and Coach alone. It certainly is not impossible.

As I said, I suspect from what I have seen and heard about Kelly that it is not in her norm to be open and gregarious. I agree that she should have, but if she had no relationship with Ciera within the game and she thought (without the information we have) that Ciera was responsible for voting her out, that maybe it would have been harder for her.

You do not know me, please do not accuse me of projecting. All I said was that as someone who is naturally shy, I get it. That's all.



You ignored what I said (see bold): "A totally shy and introverted person would not be on a reality tv show at least not someone too shy to stand up and say hello. How did she manage to greet people in her tribe on day one."

I did just NOT say "shy and introverted people"  but included the qualifier "at least not someone too shy to stand up and say hello" so you took me out of context. Really, if someone is too shy to greet someone (isn't that what you are saying?) then how did she greet her tribe.


Where did I say you were projecting? I said never said "you". I may think that but I never said "you are projecting". I do recall someone saying they were shy and introverted and that same person attributing those traits to Wiglesworth and then defending her ad nauseam for not greeting Ciera. If the defense is that she is too shy to stand up and say "hello, welcome to Ponderosa" then see the preceding paragraph. I can't see the logic and maybe I am blind to it…but if someone is that shy then….never mind, I done trying to explain it.

Of course we don't know who will ultimately be on the jury, but looking at who's left, who does everybody think will be a bitter jury member?  I obviously think Savage will.  Abi too, she's a bitter player.  I can't get a read on Kimmi. Everybody else I think will vote based on game play.  Even if I don't care for the outcome, I think the majority of jury members will put a lot of thought into their choice. 

  • Love 2

Of course we don't know who will ultimately be on the jury, but looking at who's left, who does everybody think will be a bitter jury member?  I obviously think Savage will.  Abi too, she's a bitter player.  I can't get a read on Kimmi. Everybody else I think will vote based on game play.  Even if I don't care for the outcome, I think the majority of jury members will put a lot of thought into their choice. 


I agree that Savage and Abi will likely be bitter but I hope not. I worry that Tasha could be bitter since she didn't vote for Tony her year (IIRC).

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For the most part, I think we have to know who is in the final three to understand who will be bitter, although I can agree that Abi seems the best bet.


A related, but slightly different question is who is planning on putting on a show with their jury questions.  I think Kass definitely will, regardless of who the final three are.  I think Stephen will try to have the "know-it-all" questions.  Even here, I think who the final three are matters.

  • Love 2

For the most part, I think we have to know who is in the final three to understand who will be bitter, although I can agree that Abi seems the best bet.


A related, but slightly different question is who is planning on putting on a show with their jury questions.  I think Kass definitely will, regardless of who the final three are.  I think Stephen will try to have the "know-it-all" questions.  Even here, I think who the final three are matters.

This is true.  I find myself rooting for different people than I otherwise might by the end, depending on who's left.  Sometimes it becomes the lesser of the evils.  I disliked Mike (I think it was) from Worlds Apart, but was rooting for him in the finals because of who he was seated with.  (I don't remember who that was either).

  • Love 1

I don't watch Game of Thrones, but I was amused when Kass was suggesting roles of various sorts for Stephen to be in relation to her Queen of Ponderosa position, and she suggested a few, then started throwing out GoT analogies, and he so happily piped up:  "Yes!  I'll be the eunuch!"  It also apparently amused Kass!


It amused me too; I laughed like hell.  I mean - who volunteers to be a eunuch!?!?  :D



I don't buy this. Wigles and Savage are adults. It is not hard to understand and do the very minimal basics of social politeness. If Wigles and Savage aren't comfortable hugging Ciera, fine, don't hug Ciera. Shake her hand, say "Welcome to Ponderosa," and something like "come get some food." No one's asking her to have a lengthy conversation with Ciera bonding over their kids or anything like that... just the very basics of being a decent, adult human being. 


And for whatever reason (*cough* his XY chromosome *cough*), Wigles and Savage were able to suck up their emotions and be pleasant to Stephen. They should have been able to do it with Ciera, too. 


Age bias aside (which DEFINITELY exists in Survivor), age does not necessarily translate into maturity.  We've already seen this in some of Savage's Ponderosa THs, where a 51-year-old man still insists on framing and describing life using a high school clique frame of reference.  Savage is not unique in this respect.  You especially see this a lot in folks whose lives peaked in high school/college; hanging onto their "glory days" references apparently helps keep those memories alive. 

I base this observation primarily upon a couple of decades of high school reunions.  :)


That being said:

  1. As they get older, many folks simply have less tolerance for fakeness, and playing nice with people they don't really like.  They consider it a waste of their (dwindling) remaining time.
  2. Rudeness is by no means a gender-specific trait.  :)

Of course we don't know who will ultimately be on the jury, but looking at who's left, who does everybody think will be a bitter jury member?  I obviously think Savage will.  Abi too, she's a bitter player.


Abi, definitely.  Savage, though...? 

I think Savage's immediate reactions are based on bitterness, but his long-term consideration is that of image. 

Savage will base his vote on who he thinks he will look better supporting.

  • Love 3

I thought she was in Mexico when Rob interviewed her. I know there was no skyping because she doesn't have WiFi and that she has not been watching the season.

Maybe she maintains a home in both places, I don't know.  Some sources say she lives in NC.  


You couldn't pay me to raise a kid in Mexico in their current environment.  



It bugs me that she doesn't watch the show.  If she dislikes it so much, why stoop to playing?  


She just doesn't act like a long-time student of yoga.  The plastic surgery, the rudeness, the 'healthy cocktails' business, claiming to not watch the show but taking on hosting gigs for wanna-be shows.  I get a hipster opportunist vibe from her.  

But she says she leaves the room when her mother watches it.  And even if she chooses not to own a tv, she could buy the DVDs for her own past season and watch it on a laptop or someone else's hardware.  And go somewhere with tv or internet to watch her current season.  I think she said she's never watched any seasons. It's just weird to me.  And a little hypocritical.  

It amused me too; I laughed like hell.  I mean - who volunteers to be a eunuch

Well Varys is the most clever character on Game of Thrones. He's a spymaster and fan favorite. I'm sure that's why Stephen chose that character. I think throwing eunuch in there was meant to be funny and self-deprecating. I actually expected him to compare himself to Tyrion.

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Is it a social rule that when you haven't seen someone for a few days, you must stand up and hug them?  The people I know don't do that. 


Ciera walked into Ponderosa.  Savage looked up and said, "Hi, Ciera."  Kass, who happened to be close to her, gave her a hug.


Savage wasn't as friendly as he could have been, but he didn't refuse to speak or tell her to go to Hell, he just said, "Hi, Ciera."   it may not have been the party Ciera was expecting, but I don't see the horrific social failure.

  • Love 3

Is it a social rule that when you haven't seen someone for a few days, you must stand up and hug them?  The people I know don't do that. 

I don't think hugs are the norm but if you went through an experience like that with a small group of people and then were stuck sitting around Ponderosa with very little to do and almost no one to talk to, wouldn't you at least stand and say hello every third day when a new castmate arrived?  

Last season Joe and Jenn set the tone and made sure everyone got a hug and a hat when they showed up, before that, I'm not sure everybody got a warm greeting. I remember when Penner showed up, and RC was the only one that greeted him initially. I think with Ciera, Kass told her that Savage and Kelly were unhappy with her, and that's why she was proactive about trying to mend fences immediately.

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I really would have loved to have seen the final 3 last season show up at ponderosa. Shirin seemed to be the one with the issues with certain people; she tried hijacking Tyler's video (I remember Joe saying it was mixed feelings seeing him) and it looked like Hali ignored Dan. But I think it helped having Joe/Jenn/Hali at Ponderosa first. They were friends in the game, the outsiders, and it was cool getting people that were cool with each other at first. Apparently there's some music video they made while they were there-I wish that had made the cut!

Last season Joe and Jenn set the tone and made sure everyone got a hug and a hat when they showed up, before that, I'm not sure everybody got a warm greeting.
The first arrivals typically set the tone. People usually get polite-to-friendly greetings, but there have been cold shoulders before. Kass got the cold shoulder in her first season, which is probably part of why she's working so hard to keep Ponderosa friendly. 
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Charming. As was pointed out to me so fervently and so very repeatedly in the Ciera thread, this is just your opinion, just your perspective, and not a fact.

I'm with ya.  I get it.


I work hard at not using strong words like "hate" and not passing global judgments (as if my observations/interpretations are definitive).  All we have in our pockets are our perceptions - which are necessarily different because we look at the same thing from different vantage points. 


As to Andrew, I don't have a problem with him in the least. I do think he is being a pouty whiny thing, but I chalk it up to other things that have nothing to do with whether or not he is narcissist, etc. I get what people are saying, but he just doesn't bother me much.  Although I am glad he's out of the game.   I don't think he has social or strategic skills to win this thing.  I also don't think he is able to adapt quickly - which is essential - and probably one of the biggest requirements for sucess.

Edited by Jextella
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If history is any guide, then Abi will transform into a nice and totally chill person as soon as her torch is snuffed.  I think it's a total mistake to think she'll be a bitter juror.  I could however see her being an unrepentant, aggressively goatish finalist if she's in the final 3 (2? I never know how people can tell which it will be), like Phillip was.


I expect "here's why you should vote for the person I like best" speeches from Stephen (and Spencer, should he be voted out), which I'm pretty tired of personally; a long-winded "my question is you suck" from Savage (and a short-winded one from Kimmi, should she be on the jury); possibly a mysterious explosion of jerkiness from Wigelsworth (I wouldn't have thought that, until the Ciera Ponderosa video); some slightly irritating self-importance from Kass; but I think the majority of people will be pretty good.  I hope so, anyway.

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