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S01.E06: God

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The NATs learn surveillance by putting it into practice with Miranda and her troubled son, Charlie. Shelby tries to keep Caleb at a distance, but Raina opens the door to a closer relationship with Simon. In the future, Alex is helped when she tries to hack into an FBI computer.

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You know it's sweeps periods when they throw out the reveals like it's confetti; Alex knows about Ryan!  Simon knows about the twins!  Everyone knows about Miranda's son!  Too bad it barely budged much in the present other than the twins may be the ones behind it.  And Shelby's hooking up with Caleb's dad is a big meh. 

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I reiterate my statement last week:  Caleb is too whiny, and not attractive enough, to be credible as the no-strings-attached fling that Shelby was claiming he was.  Sure, he's incredibly unappealing on a personality level, but generally those sorts of arrangements presume a high degree of physical attractiveness to offset the lack of personal compatibility.


The music director clearly got the new Florence + the Machine album just before this episode entered production, since we both opened and closed with songs from it.  Granted, I'm not complaining.

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I have questions.


Why do all these characters have their supposed-to-be-secret conversations in clear view and within hearing distance of multiple people?


Why are the Shelby/Caleb and Alex/Booth love scenes so damn boring?


Shelby went to Argentina with Caleb's dad? Somewhere in there is a joke about hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Interesting ending with Nimah, Raina and Simon.


And Shelby's hooking up with Caleb's dad is a big meh.

This is the type of reveal that should be scandalous fun, but because this show takes itself so damn seriously, it just fell flat.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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Oh yay, more random people...

Reguardless of what Miranda's trying to do with her son now I'm pretty sure she's a terrible parent, but her hair looked really nice.

I like Caleb.

Really Alex, after you being all righteously indignant about them blaming the brown girl a few days later you're blaming the brown girl. So every week they'lI be trying to find someone else. I promise this show is like an episode of Dora the Explorer... Hey maybe that's the brown girl that did it...I didn't really mean that, Dora is sooo much better than this show.

I still only care about Simon and the twins.

Edited by miracole
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Looks like Raina and Nimah are next on the list of red herrings.  I wonder if they'll spend a fruitless episode suspecting Vasquez as well, despite her not even being in the opening episode (not that the characters know that of course, but we the audience know she's not even an option).  Seriously, we are running out of people to be suspects.


Shelby with Caleb's father is super gross.  But obviously she has terrible taste in men.  Also, wow, that's how Caleb treats a girl he likes?  You want to be boyfriend material, how about you act like it?  I'm so done with his whining.


I don't care about Alex and Booth, but I have difficulty imagining him in a relationship with Vasquez.


Everybody is way too obvious about talking with/visiting Alex when she's supposed to be in hiding.


Raina removing her hijab with Simon was way hotter than any of the sex scenes this show has done.  Please give me more of this, show.

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Really Alex, after you being all rightrighteously indignant about them blaming the brown girl a few days later you're blaming the brown girl. So every week they'lI be trying to find someone else.


And the really frustrating thing is that whenever a new piece of evidence comes to light, Alex definitively proclaims, "It's definitely (insert person's name)" After a few times of this happening, wouldn't it dawn on Alex that she can't be entirely sure who the culprit is?

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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Really Alex, after you being all righteously indignant about them blaming the brown girl a few days later you're blaming the brown girl. So every week they'lI be trying to find someone else. I promise this show is like an episode of Dora the Explorer... Hey maybe that's the brown girl that did it...I didn't really mean that, Dora is sooo much better than this show.


And the really frustrating thing is that whenever a new piece of evidence comes to light, Alex definitively proclaims, "It's definitely (insert person's name)" After a few times of this happening, wouldn't it dawn on Alex that she can't be entirely sure who the culprit is?


Yup, each episode is her going after a suspect, then flashbacks of them learning a lesson only to have that be messed up during the manhunt scenes.


So if Booth's cover is blown with regard to surveillance on Alex, why is he still in FBI school? Hasn't he already done this?


To be the designated LI?  Otherwise, no idea.


Looks like Raina and Nimah are next on the list of red herrings.  I wonder if they'll spend a fruitless episode suspecting Vasquez as well, despite her not even being in the opening episode (not that the characters know that of course, but we the audience know she's not even an option).  Seriously, we are running out of people to be suspects.


Until the last suspect, I guess.

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Wow, what a boring episode.


Of course Mark Pellegrino gets stuck as Caleb's dad. At least Shelby moved up in that department, but still, what a cliche. I still dislike Caleb and I really want to know if we're supposed to.


Woohoo, Alex knows about Booth lying to her. Again, am I supposed to care? It's only episode six. 


Simon knowing about the twins and freaking out about it was interesting enough, but I'm surprised he didn't suspect it or figure it out before.


The flashforwards still suck, especially now with Caleb in them.


I didn't care about Miranda, Liam or their children.


So, who's not going to be suspected? I guess technically, Caleb's dad is still in the clear. Plus, Mark Pellegrino. Also, an alibi for Caleb's dad for being with Shelby.


The only relevance of the episode title is my thoughts: "God, When Is This Episode Going To Be Over?" 

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The only relevance of the episode title is my thoughts: "God, When Is This Episode Going To Be Over?"

My first thought was 'God, who wrote this shit?'  The clunky dialogue was extra clunky this week - one more talk about people's feelings and how betrayed they feel and I'll swear I'm watching the summer camp version of Seattle Grace.  I simply amazed at how little I care about any of these idiots.  Alex finds out Booth was tailing her all along in the stupidest way possible (and calls herself 'a hot piece of ass'), Caleb finds out he's eskimo brothers with his dad and his problem is that he was so sure his hate-fuck buddy thought he was a special snowflake, Agent Cougartown tries to cheer up 'kid' from a broken home that he broke - all rich ground for amusement.  Yet I just couldn't be bothered.  Man this show sucks.


I will say 'Everyone thought I was gay so I just went with it' - a new low in logic of character.  You didn't just go with it dude, you made it the cornerstone of your persona.  Why would anyone do that?

Edited by henripootel
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The only relevance of the episode title is my thoughts: "God, When Is This Episode Going To Be Over?"


It got worse when it focused on Caleb and Miranda's son subplot.

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So maybe Agent Cougartown is really everyone's Dad (except Caleb's)? And Alex and half-brother can bond over being falsely accused?


I reiterate my statement last week:  Caleb is too whiny, and not attractive enough, to be credible as the no-strings-attached fling that Shelby was claiming he was.  Sure, he's incredibly unappealing on a personality level, but generally those sorts of arrangements presume a high degree of physical attractiveness to offset the lack of personal compatibility.

ITA! It just serves to make Shelby less interesting as a character to me, as I cannot see her being even momentarily sidetracked by the shiny gem that Caleb is not.

The last scene with Simon and the twins was so poorly done! And Simon is supposed to have prior training that he keeps showing in all their courses, and then he gets knocked down by the most inept trainees ever? Just no. And, again, Simon explains that he's not gay, but gives no valid reason why he ever adopted the identity in the first place! I buy that it was easy as a protective measure once in place, but even then you 'd think he's be better at it! I wonder if he killed Elias, or had him brought up on harassment charges?

 So Vasquez was seeing the kid from Glee? And then she picked up Booth, because sharing a bathroom leads to that? Maybe the Glee kid was so overcome with jealousy that he planed the bomb? No one else has a motive.

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Why do all these characters have their supposed-to-be-secret conversations in clear view and within hearing distance of multiple people?

It doesn't matter, that's why. Apparently the FBI can't find out a secret even if someone talks about right near their agents.


How convoluted is this show going to get? Every person can't have some secret that makes them look guilty, & how long are they going to drag it out?



Shit, you mean we have four more months of this crap before we stop getting shagfests and red herrings?

According to IMDB, there are 19 episodes total, & episode 11 on are listed for 2016, so it sounds like we'll only have a few more episodes this year. I don't know if I'll be back for the rest.

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I liked the actor playing Miranda's son - J. Mallory McCree. It's just a shame I couldn't make myself care about any of that subplot.


I also liked Simon and Raina's scene where she removed her hijab and they kissed (at least I think it was Raina). 


Liam and Ryan are still boring boring boring to me. So is Caleb. Even making one of them the bomber wouldn't make them interesting to me.

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I liked the actor playing Miranda's son - J. Mallory McCree. It's just a shame I couldn't make myself care about any of that subplot.


They didn't give us much to care about, other than some random mother son issues that's suddenly dropped in.

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I liked the Miranda/son subplot. I wonder if he's going to have some links to the bomber.

I still think it's Caleb. He just so whiny he's just the type to get involved with terrorists because Daddy doesn't love him.

Vasquez is so one note, how has she managed to date two hot guys? And going straight to Liam instead of confronting Booth. It looks like her relationship with him is about beating Alex, not actual feelings for Booth.

Did Alex say at the end 'it was them' implying she knows about the twins.

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Simon knowing about the twins and freaking out about it was interesting enough, but I'm surprised he didn't suspect it or figure it out before.

He had mentioned in the pilot on how Raina (?) was wearing her scarf tied to the left instead of the right one morning and commented something being two different people.  Which is why it was strange he was so freaked out on it; I was expecting a little more of an "I KNEW IT!" moment.

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Well, this episode was really only about 16 minutes long, seeing as ⅝s of it was a shagfest that had to be Fast»Forwarded past.  In those remaining 16 minutes, we have all the would-be agents ignoring their studies to discuss, arrange and facilitate more shagfest.  And also:


  1. Teenage boy smart-mouthing his mom in her own house, and not getting a slap in the face.
  2. Assigned DITU operator searching the video files for his girlfriend instead of the new Bin Laden.
  3. Edward & Donna deposit some money in the bank, so they must be crooks.
  4. Former FBI trainee walks into Investigation Central and suborns key computer in seconds.
  5. Jewish non-gay and Muslim virgin stand very, very close, and... Uh-oh!  That's Ritual Stoning territory, that is!
  6. The cheesy blonde is found to be shagging the creepy dad of the creepy boyfriend.
  7. Super Secret Double-Identity Twins leave the door unlocked when expecting visitors.
  8. Ex-IDF soldier and FBI trainee thwarted by closet door.
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Why was it so hard for Simon to wrap his head around the fact that there were twins? Has he never heard of twins? I mean, I get being shocked, since they were pretending to be one, but he seemed terrified by the concept, like, horror show, one of them must be a zombie or a Zygon (form stealing aliens from Doctor Who's most recent ep) and was going to eat his brains or steal his soul. And then, rather than talking to him about it whichever twin that was locks him in the closet/bathroom? WTF?


Shelby sleeping with Dad is a slight upgrade from sleeping with that moron Caleb but still, she really should have gone with that hot guy who appeared out of no where and is suddenly part of the class because they needed a hot guy to make Caleb jealous.


I think the biggest problem I have with the show is that the only character we're supposed to know if innocent of the bombing is the character I like the least, Alex. I don't care if they shoot to kill. Go for it. she's useless and annoying anyway. And it all seems more about her than about the presumably hundreds of people who died in the bombing or whatever. Did people die? Do I care? Who knows.


Not sure why I'm still watching. Not sure I will now that I know we still have a long way to go. Pity, cause I really wanted to like this one. Pretty cast, cool spy stuff, but all it seems to be is sad, unsexy hookups (which, given how hot most of them are, the total lack of chemistry is really impressive) and lots and lots of finger pointing.


Miranda did look really good this ep. And Alex actually looks better with her hair up. And Shelby's hair extensions at Quantico are terrible. That is all I got this ep.

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I swear the acting and writing on this show gets worse by the episode. These people don't have conversations, they yell plot points at each other. I guess that's what happens when everyone has some deep dark secret to hide.


I mean, why did Agent Blonde start talking to Agent Asshole about having sex in the MIDDLE OF CLASS???


Why did Alex not thinking that Agent Blonde was hiding something when she kept insisting that they stop watching the tapes? It was just so obvious.


Also I'm sick of the music videos, stop telling me how to feel! Stop it with the weird editing to compensate for a stupid plot!

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I mean, why did Agent Blonde start talking to Agent Asshole about having sex in the MIDDLE OF CLASS???



That class was killing me. They were supposed to be spying on that couple, catching clues in what they see and hear so what does this crack class of future FBI agents do? Take off their head phones and look away from their monitors to flirt with their designated love interest. Yikes! If this show were accurate I'd fear for my life as an American. These people would get us all killed.

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I think I lost some more respect for Shelby. Family hopping is fucking gross. Caleb is no prize but I wouldn't be surprised that his dad is a piece of shit who probably fucked Shelby WHILE she was with Caleb. That's not a step up that's a downgrade.

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LOL, the kid from Glee!!!  I Googled both Quantico and Glee and I have figured it out!  It's the hot mixed looking guy.  Okay thank you for that, that is kind of cool it's the same guy.  They answered our criticisms and added some minority males.  One who (maybe) (almost) blew up a school, and the hot Glee kid.


http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4498664/ My god, he's so young.  (Said born 1992 on Wikipedia.)

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Okay. so


Agent: Spy on Alex and Miranda had an affair. Did we know this? (I did not know this).
Agent Spy on Alex some how fell in love with Alex? (this was dropped by Miranda about why he was pushing this so hard)... so we know this shoe is going to drop.

Agent Spy on Alex sees Booth and freaks out... not .....noticing the fact he has a ear piece on, so someone would be listening in if not Alex, and he keeps freaking

out anyway. Agent Spy on Alex is dumb.


Simon's freak out about the twins was dumb. it's like he never saw a twin before (hey maybe he didn't. OR he just finished watching Doctor Who or Star Trek and saw some tech tech and thought this was a tech tech. or a clone) - locking him in the closet - not so dumb. (because i think Twin A went to go get Miranda and they could ALL figure it out... but dude. this is why we knock.(or did the twin say "come on in" or something?)

Why do i feel that Natalie's ratting out booth had more to do that she's jealous vs. putting Alex away?

Shelby: ew. ew. ew. EW. that is all. boyfriend's daddies are off limits.

So Alex is brown-girl shaming... after she was all like "I was brown girl shamed ya'll." (also. So tired of Alex. soooooooooooo. tired of her).


i have no idea why i haven't quit this show yet.

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So if Booth's cover is blown with regard to surveillance on Alex, why is he still in FBI school? Hasn't he already done this?

Didn't Agent Cougar Town pull some kind of fuckery with Booth's agent status so that he has to "retrain"? Something to do with some shady mission he and Booth were on in the past. Now Booth is forced to finish FBI school again to remain an agent. And also, continue his real mission: contrived love drama with Alex.


I'm surprised they didn't recruit Caleb to Team Alex this episode. Shelby switched over to Team Alex so fast it gave me whiplash. One second she was snarking on Alex and her guilt as her hostage and now they're besties talking about her complicated love triangle with (EWWW!) the Haas father and son? Huh? Considering Alex's amazing talent in convincing people believe she's innocent, it would be so much fun if the show decided to make her the real terrorist mastermind who manipulated all her classmates.

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I still think it's Caleb. He just so whiny he's just the type to get involved with terrorists because Daddy doesn't love him.

Did Alex say at the end 'it was them' implying she knows about the twins.


About the Miranda thing, I probably should have considered her son having a role in it earlier. I guess it's possible. Also, I now think it could be Caleb too. They never actually 'cleared' him from being the bomber. All that happened was Caleb erasing him talking to his dad, and him finding out about his dad and Shelby. But he's not out of the realm of being the bomber. Actually, have they actually cleared anyone of being the bomber? 


Oh, so it seems they all know about the twins by the time of the flashfoward. Because nobody on this show is actually that good at keeping secrets. 


Why was it so hard for Simon to wrap his head around the fact that there were twins? Has he never heard of twins? I mean, I get being shocked, since they were pretending to be one, but he seemed terrified by the concept, like, horror show, one of them must be a zombie or a Zygon (form stealing aliens from Doctor Who's most recent ep) and was going to eat his brains or steal his soul. And then, rather than talking to him about it whichever twin that was locks him in the closet/bathroom? WTF?


Shelby sleeping with Dad is a slight upgrade from sleeping with that moron Caleb but still, she really should have gone with that hot guy who appeared out of no where and is suddenly part of the class because they needed a hot guy to make Caleb jealous.


I think the biggest problem I have with the show is that the only character we're supposed to know if innocent of the bombing is the character I like the least, Alex. I don't care if they shoot to kill. Go for it. she's useless and annoying anyway. And it all seems more about her than about the presumably hundreds of people who died in the bombing or whatever. Did people die? Do I care? Who knows.


Not sure why I'm still watching. Not sure I will now that I know we still have a long way to go. Pity, cause I really wanted to like this one. Pretty cast, cool spy stuff, but all it seems to be is sad, unsexy hookups (which, given how hot most of them are, the total lack of chemistry is really impressive) and lots and lots of finger pointing.



Yeah, I actually thought it was a major overreaction to the twins. Being shocked, sure. Being so freaked out that you revolt at the slightest touch and knock yourself out? Kind of laughable and ridiculous. I like the idea of Simon freaking out, but there was quite of bit of overexaggeration.


New Glee Guy needs more lines. I think they said his name is Brandon? Well, they finally started to get a little diversity in the males. But watch him being part of the bombing, even if he's not the direct bomber. I don't see why he's dating Vasquez, and I could have totally dealt with him and Shelby being a thing. 


At this point, I'm only watching because I genuinely like Shelby (her cliche affair be damned), I like Simon to a point, I like the twins to a point, and I somehow like Shady Liam. Also, I like to hate-watch Caleb and his one-note acting. I just want to shake Caleb and say 'dude, you guys have been sleeping with each other for less than a week. Don't act like a jealous boyfriend and shut the hell up'. He's acting like she's been sleeping with him for weeks or months and now he's getting fed up with it. I don't see him asking Shelby out on an actual date. Then again, I tune out whenever he starts talking.

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That class was killing me. They were supposed to be spying on that couple, catching clues in what they see and hear so what does this crack class of future FBI agents do? Take off their head phones and look away from their monitors to flirt with their designated love interest. Yikes! If this show were accurate I'd fear for my life as an American. These people would get us all killed.


The way this show tries to portray Quantico is laughable and you don't need to be experienced to know it's wrong.

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I never felt like the show was akin to a teen drama, but this episode definitely felt that way.


The biggest thing I'm confused about is that these people are FBI and yet they act so unprofessional. The lying and secrets are one thing, but none of them do their job and they all bring their personal life into their work. Caleb searching for his dad when there's a terrorist out on the loose is stupid. Miranda getting the class to spy on her son, whether warranted or not, is stupid. The students talking about having sex in class is unprofessional. Nimah twins saying they should fail the assignment so they can spend some time with Simon, when they know that Miranda is trigger happy in getting rid of them if they mess up, is stupid.


I'm starting to understand why Alex is having such an easy time hiding behind clear windows.


I was kind of hoping that Miranda's son was framed and the person who framed him is now framing Alex. That would have been more interesting and would make Miranda's switcharoo in the first episode make a lot more sense.

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The show definitely is getting worse. I can no longer tolerate Alex. She's terrible. I really loved the super-shiny-sexiness and fun soap opera dramatics it had going for it in the first couple of episodes, but now, I'm starting to get tired of all the things that make no sense at all. I have a sad.

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Can't believe how incredibly promising that pilot was and now it's this.  Just sex all the time.  I don't complain about the sex scenes in a prudish way.  I didn't mind them on Gossip Girl, far from it.  Rather I complain about them here in a baffled way I have no idea why or how all of these sex scenes are relevant to this show that is supposed to be about FBI agents and a secret terrorist who has committed an attack on NYC.

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Can't believe how incredibly promising that pilot was and now it's this.




I have no idea why or how all of these sex scenes are relevant to this show that is supposed to be about FBI agents and a secret terrorist who has committed an attack on NYC.


I don't understand how while working their way through the toughest training in the world (Didn't Miranda say that?) they are so interested in getting laid they ignore the course work.  And then, after the terrorist attack, they aren't looking for the terrorist, they are stealing their rival's boyfriend or using FBI resources to see what their girlfriend is up to.


I mean, is it supposed to be like porno?  "Oh, the postman just rang the doorbell!" (Panties hit the floor...)  "The teenage kid from next door is swimming in our pool!" (Boobies pop right out...)  I'm not prudish either, but when it's like ⅔ of the episode, the shagging is getting in the way of the plot!  Or maybe, there is no plot, and the shagging is supposed to distract us from the fact...

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So Alex is brown-girl shaming... after she was all like "I was brown girl shamed ya'll." (also. So tired of Alex. soooooooooooo. tired of her).


I don't get this line of thought. Literally the only people in the class left to suspect are brown, so to speak - Twins, Vasquez or Brandon. 

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Can someone refresh my memory on why they know it is one of them? I honestly can't remember how that came to be. Like why that particular class? Why not the next set of recruits or the last set? Was their a note that said "I graduated from Quantico, Class of 2015?"


And I still can't figure out why Agent CougarTown was spying on Alex from before she even stepped foot on campus but really, whatever. More than anything I think it's because she's secretly CougarTown's kid because that is just the kind of show this ended up being.

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Can't believe how incredibly promising that pilot was and now it's this.  Just sex all the time.  I don't complain about the sex scenes in a prudish way.  I didn't mind them on Gossip Girl, far from it.  Rather I complain about them here in a baffled way I have no idea why or how all of these sex scenes are relevant to this show that is supposed to be about FBI agents and a secret terrorist who has committed an attack on NYC.


It's worn thin fast, both the premise and the show itself.

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Can someone refresh my memory on why they know it is one of them? I honestly can't remember how that came to be. Like why that particular class? Why not the next set of recruits or the last set? Was their a note that said "I graduated from Quantico, Class of 2015?"


And I still can't figure out why Agent CougarTown was spying on Alex from before she even stepped foot on campus but really, whatever. More than anything I think it's because she's secretly CougarTown's kid because that is just the kind of show this ended up being.

I don't think we've ever been told why the FBI think it's definitely someone from that training class. I think Alex suspects it's someone because of the thumbprint that was planted

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I don't get this line of thought. Literally the only people in the class left to suspect are brown, so to speak - Twins, Vasquez or Brandon. 



is that the entire class? it seems bigger than that . 

and I just mean, her whole thing was "they went after me because I'm the brown girl who lives far away." next week it's "It's the twins ." well why jump to that conclusion, maybe it's not. maybe I'm wrong, it's just the timing of what she said (and what she said) to where it's "Oh, hey."

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is that the entire class? it seems bigger than that . 

and I just mean, her whole thing was "they went after me because I'm the brown girl who lives far away." next week it's "It's the twins ." well why jump to that conclusion, maybe it's not. maybe I'm wrong, it's just the timing of what she said (and what she said) to where it's "Oh, hey."


The class is bigger when you factor in the no named, background extras.

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Well at least Caleb showed us why the FBI's rule about family members working a case together is in place.  And I'm sorry, but the actor who plays Caleb is just terrible.  The storyline is bad to begin with, but it doesn't help that you have an actor who can't emote. 


On the positive side, I thought Nimah's head scarf at the end was pretty, and appreciate Alex's miraculous hair. 

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The only thing that gets my sisters and I to pay attention during an episode of the show is telling apart The Twins. We always bet on which is the one onscreen at that moment and I keep losing badly. 


Is there a way to tell them apart without them saying their name?

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