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S03.E05: Arioch Cain


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This show may not be the best written or even the best acted but it may be one of my favorites because it is just so much fun. 


I mean really trolling for ships.   What are Red and Lizzie anyway?  Father/Daughter,  May/December or a little of both?  


For that kind of money I am half tempted to kill Agent Keen myself.


Dembe to the rescue....that was a hell yeah moment if I ever saw one....Bye Peewee  nice knowing ya.


Ahh kids they grow up so fast.  One  day they are playing in the park and the next day they are setting up hits on suspected terrorists.


I am really enjoying Red and Lizzie on the run and hope it continues for the whole season.   Hell I hope it continues longer then that.  The show has never been better.

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Finally! Red admitting there's someone better than him. It was great to watch him trying to keep up for once. I love me some Red but it gets hard to sympathize with a character who's invulnerable all the time. This week he was on the backfoot and it was great watching him, having to come up with plans on the fly to protect Liz. And he dropped that guy cold! It's always nice to remember how utterly ruthless he is.


 Dembe doesn't need anybody to save him. He saves everybody. Red's relationship with Dembe is one of the best things about Red.


And Ressler! You don't do anything by half-measures, do you? Everybody and their mother has been wondering which side he is on and he does in front of a Presidential Commission with the whole world watching. But then it came back to bite him in the ass. Now he has to deal with the Director one on one.


And his confession to Aram about how he scared he is of losing Liz. It was so sweet. So now we have three men who are in love with our Lizzie. This is not going to end well. Revan(not sure of the spelling) catching them in a hug - one of the funniest moments in the show for me.


And NA meetings! Good for you! But I'm guessing this is how the Cabal figured out his weakness - the one Connelly used to threaten Liz with.


David Strathairn finally had something to do and he was fantastic. If I didn't know any better, I'd have believed him. But how the hell did he maneuver himself into being the thorn in Ressler's side. The NSA is in cahoots with him, isn't she?


Solomon was finally not all talk. But it was convenient that he was the one that got away.


Finally all the taskforce members had something to do. Aram was great. Samar didn't have as much but still an improvement on last week's episode.


All in all it was a better episode than last week, more balanced. I didn't even mind that Liz had the least amount to do.

Edited by norask
  • Love 6

Dembe walking into the airplane hanger like a wounded tiger and just laying waste to the cabal's flunkies may just be my favourite "hell yeah!" moment of the series. Damn, that was good. And I loved how Red wasted no time on tormenting Paul Reuban's character, even though he betrayed Red, just a quick bullet to the head so Red could get over to Dembe right away. Their relationship is the best.

  • Love 8

I knew Lizzie wasn't really dead, but it was a good look on her.

Last season I would absolutely have agreed with you but I have to say "on the run with Red" Lizzy is working for me. This season so far has been miles better than season 2. I was almost done but flipping the setup of the show has worked a treat.

I'm also super super glad Dembe is going to be ok. I love how much Red loves him.

  • Love 5

That must have been Red's highest bodycount so far, no? Wendigo, the gunmaker and Peewee Herman, all in the same episode.

I'm confused though, about how exactly an emo teen girl gets to set up a bounty hunt on the dark web (nice to see that old TV trope about opening an unplugged laptop and the web page is right there lives on...)

  • Love 4

Dembe walking into the airplane hanger like a wounded tiger and just laying waste to the cabal's flunkies may just be my favourite "hell yeah!" moment of the series. Damn, that was good. And I loved how Red wasted no time on tormenting Paul Reuban's character, even though he betrayed Red, just a quick bullet to the head so Red could get over to Dembe right away. Their relationship is the best.


After what he's been through, it's the least they could do.

  • Love 1
Also, for the love of GOD please find a different disguise. I grow increasingly weary of the "hood tossed loosely over the head" look she has taken to adopting in public. With all of Red's resources surely he could come up with something better than a box of hair colour from Walgreens and a hoodie...


This. It reminded me of Prison Break, when the boys put on sunglasses as disguises as they walked all around crowded downtown areas. It bugs me to no end that Lizzie's long blond hair is sticking out everywhere from under the hoodie. If she isn't doing to cut it off and put on a short red wig, at least put it in a ponytail and tuck it down your collar so it isn't flashing in the sun for everyone to see.


I really couldn't with the chase after the gun maker. Both he and Liz were shooting at each other, then she chases him out the window and neither of them have a gun? Maybe that explains why he didn't shoot her head off as she climbed up the side of the building that he was standing on top of. It would have been an easy peasy prairie dog shot.


Yeay, the cleaner woman showed up. Too funny, she was calling for more supplies to get rid of Dembe's mess.


I REALLY do not understand the story line with Disguise Tom and the rich bachelor guy. Why is Tom hooked with him? Why is Tom now his bodyguard? Can't figure that out. Help.


Aram was the best this episode. I'll let him join the cast of my Red/Ressler/Dembe show.

  • Love 2

If I'm not mistaken,the rich guy is connected to the Russians who are harboring Karakurt. He double-crossed them when he won an underground boxing match that he should have thrown and they are after him. How Tom is going to get from protecting him to Karakurt is anyone's guess.


Man, reading the comments here I must be like the last poster here who doesn't hate Liz or wants her of the show. I feel like I'm in the OUAT thread listening to all the hate for my fave Regina.


And that "ship tease" is proof to me that the writes still haven't decided what the "connection" between Liz and Red is.

  • Love 4

If I'm not mistaken,the rich guy is connected to the Russians who are harboring Karakurt. He double-crossed them when he won an underground boxing match that he should have thrown and they are after him. How Tom is going to get from protecting him to Karakurt is anyone's guess.


Seriously though, are we expected to believe that Richie Rich is some sort of bare knuckle psycho in the ring? I mean just look at him - he looks like a mild breeze could put him on the mat, let alone some half-crazed Russian...



  • Love 4

I guess that's not any harder to believe than Lizzie being a kick-ass agent who can all of a sudden speak Russian and parkour over an ultra-high steel-bar embassy fence. But I see your point!

Or drive at breakneck speed through the streets of Washington while lying on the passenger seat with only a rearview mirror to guide her...

  • Love 8

Also, for the love of GOD please find a different disguise. I grow increasingly weary of the "hood tossed loosely over the head" look she has taken to adopting in public. With all of Red's resources surely he could come up with something better than a box of hair colour from Walgreens and a hoodie...

Apparently they think like the writers of "Quantico" they use the same half-assed hoodie disguise on Priyanka. At least wiggly changed her hair color.

Loved Aram hugging Ressler, then Ressler telling him never to hug him again.

Can I marry Dembe please, he is the man. The hug between him and Red had me all verklempt! And we got to see Mr. Kaplan doing her thing, good times.

  • Love 11

No surprise, Dembe is the man and is able to struggle off the gun shot wound for a few hours (?), in order to heroically save the day like the badass he is.  I just wish he got to finish off Paul Reubens character himself, but I guess Red being the one to do it, is a close second.  But I really do think the Red/Dembe relationship is one of the best things about this show.


When he isn't doing his evil sadistic things, I see that Mr. Solomon apparently spends his free time on message boards and Tumbler, trying to decided if he's on Team Father/Daughter or Team Romance for Red and Lizzie.  For the sake of keeping myself from throwing up, I certainly hope it's more father and daughter.  Really don't want any Red/Lizzie hook-ups.


The Tom stuff is fun, but it does feel like it's in it's own little world, and I"m waiting for it to get connected to the main plot soon.


David Strathairn's Director worming his way into the FBI is intriguing, and might finally let him shine more (I mean, he's good here, but he is way more capable then the material he has been given.)  Obviously, Ressler isn't liking this, and I suspect neither will Samar or Aram.  Actually, I'm worried for the latter because if The Director finds out Aram has been in contact with them, I don't want to know what he'll probably try and do.

  • Love 3

Apparently they think like the writers of "Quantico" they use the same half-assed hoodie disguise on Priyanka. At least wiggly changed her hair color.

Twice now, wasn't it? She started with pretty standard monotone platinum blonde and at this point - even though she has at least a month of roots showing - she's developed caramel lowlights. Which I have to say, her beige moonface desperately needed, but it wasn't clear to me that Red's network included The Colorist.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 2

Twice now, wasn't it? She started with pretty standard monotone platinum blonde and at this point - even though she has at least a month of roots showing - she's developed caramel lowlights. Which I have to say, her beige moonface desperately needed, but it wasn't clear to me that Red's network included The Colorist.

I guess even though you are trying be captured, killed and a fugitive she thinks having her roots touched up is something you have to make time for


Man, reading the comments here I must be like the last poster here who doesn't hate Liz or wants her of the show. I feel like I'm in the OUAT thread listening to all the hate for my fave Regina.


And that "ship tease" is proof to me that the writes still haven't decided what the "connection" between Liz and Red is.



You can sit next to me on both accounts.  I actually really like Liz (and for that matter Regina).  I don't think the show would work at all without her.   I am not sure where all the hate for the character (or actress) comes from but everyone has the right to their opinion and mine is that I think Season 3 Elizabeth is awesome and I like that the show is taking her down a very dark path that she might not be able to come back from even if Red and the others are able to clear her name of the bombing there is plenty she is guilty of regardless.


As for the ship tease.  I found it hilarious because I saw it as less a tease and more a reaction to the two sides of the argument.  What are Red and Elizabeth to reach other?  There is a large fandom who insists they are a pseudo or even legit Father/Daughter pairing  there is an even larger one that says they have a May/December romance going.  Could the answer actually be a little of both?

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 2

I give credit, BIG credit, to Red for just shooting PeeWee without launching into some long and drawn-out soliloquy first. I do like a man of definite action. If Solomon had practiced that when he was going to torture Lizzie, the ending to this group meeting would have been a bit different. People have to learn to just shut up. (Although I guess that's on the writers, giving them some sort of convention for explanation. But remember writers, we watch these shows as if they are real!)


I thought we were long past the "Is Red Lizzie's father" trope of S1. Thanks a lot, Solomon, for dragging that old dead horse back for people to beat some more.

David Strathairn's Director worming his way into the FBI is intriguing, and might finally let him shine more


Gosh, Strathairn just SITS there and commands the scene. Kudos to that actor.

  • Love 1

IDK, I think that "Liz, I am your father" ship has sailed a long time ago. He either thinks he ruined her life somehow and feels duty bound, or was in love with her mother, or something like that. If he was her dad, we would have gotten the answer by now. And he was supper pissed at Tom for weaseling his way into her life and marrying her. I think he still resents him for it - big time. What that means in the long run, a "May-September" thing or not, is anyone guess.


Strathairn is a great actor, but I'm getting nothing from his performance here. It could have been anyone else and I wouldn't have noticed. He is coming of rather one-note to me. I hope we get more quality from him.

I think if Tom had a show where he'd go around hunting bad guys I'd watch every week. Ryan Eggold is just a treat to watch, because he can convey so much with so little- he can go from charming and personable to menacing and threatening without having to really change the tone of his voice or his demeanour. He's the ultimate con man, and it's a ton of fun.


Can we just spin off Tom and forget this merry band of losers once and for all?


Well, okay...the merry band had a decent go of it tonight. Ressler was finally caught having to admit that he believes Lizzie is innocent, and that's all the World Government (that's what I'm going to call The Cabal now...because "The Cabal" is a stupid name) needs to back him into a corner. He knows the World is going to double-cross him and use the information to continue framing Liz...so how he'll finagle himself out this one will be interesting.


I also quite enjoyed Red being on the back foot, even if none of it was really well explored. He didn't sense that Vargas was compromised. Wendigo shot his transport team. He blabbered and begged to Matias Solomon like a baby. The Dembe Ex Machina needed to come in and save him and Liz. This was probably the weakest Red has been since "Anslo Garrick", and boy was that fun.


The Wendigo storyline was pretty good too. I didn't see the weaponmaker- David Fierro, the second Gotham actor used by the show after J.W. Cortes' appearance last season- sabotaging Wendigo for his own gain. I also didn't see the kid from the beginning of the episode being the real mastermind behind Arioch Cain. How old was she? 14 maybe? In any case, she's at least the youngest Blacklister since Ivan. In any case, Olivia Boreham-Wing was pretty engaging tonight- this won't be the last you'll hear from her, I'm sure of it.


I also wonder if the other names on the Arioch Cain site will mean anything. There was Charles Jeffreys, Antonio Thompson, Rachel Jaros and Casey Madigan. Something tells me I've been made aware of Madigan and Jeffreys before, although that could just be my mind playing tricks on me. I also notice that Thompson is Canadian- which brings strong allusions to real life NBA players Anthony Bennett (Cavaliers) and Tristan Thompson (Raptors). So maybe Arioch Cain is also Steve Nash...hmmmnnnn.


Only real negatives I can say is that I'm still souring on Solomon- as much fun as Edi Kathegi is having playing him, it's a bore knowing he's one-dimensional. Give me some angle- if he's not there for Reddington (which is still possible), make him there for Ressler. I'm tired of one-dimensional baddies. Which brings me to the World Government- it's boring knowing they're just "in it for evil", because no one's like that. I also really wondered how Peter Kotsiopolos had any idea that Lizzie had claimed she was "Masha Rostova" at the Embassy- he wasn't there, and that kind of proclamation wouldn't be on an official report, would it? Especially considering Ressler's been hiding things from him.


Not bad tonight. Not a bellwether either but strong.

  • Love 4

I think if Tom had a show where he'd go around hunting bad guys I'd watch every week. Ryan Eggold is just a treat to watch, because he can convey so much with so little- he can go from charming and personable to menacing and threatening without having to really change the tone of his voice or his demeanor. He's the ultimate con man, and it's a ton of fun.


Can we just spin off Tom and forget this merry band of losers once and for all?


I agree with this!  RE is mesmerizing--watching Tom slip into his new Matt persona was rather awesome and I'd watch the hell out of his doing this every episode.  


I also like that Ressler's admitted to being TeamLiz and that he wants her to get a fair trial which is pretty much what all of Liz's friends want--good man :)

  • Love 3

Only real negatives I can say is that I'm still souring on Solomon- as much fun as Edi Kathegi is having playing him, it's a bore knowing he's one-dimensional. Give me some angle- if he's not there for Reddington (which is still possible), make him there for Ressler. I'm tired of one-dimensional baddies. Which brings me to the World Government- it's boring knowing they're just "in it for evil", because no one's like that. I also really wondered how Peter Kotsiopolos had any idea that Lizzie had claimed she was "Masha Rostova" at the Embassy- he wasn't there, and that kind of proclamation wouldn't be on an official report, would it? Especially considering Ressler's been hiding things from him.




Ressler already has to deal with the Director on on one. I am looking forward to that. If Solomon too joins in, it has the potential to be very compelling, putting Ressler at the forefront of the war in a way that was never done before.


Director already had spies in the russian embassy - the one who were going to kill Liz in air. They must have mentioned it to him.

Edited by norask

I agree with this!  RE is mesmerizing--watching Tom slip into his new Matt persona was rather awesome and I'd watch the hell out of his doing this every episode.  


I also like that Ressler's admitted to being TeamLiz and that he wants her to get a fair trial which is pretty much what all of Liz's friends want--good man :)


I don't agree. Tom is totally unconvincing as the thug. He's creepy and weirdy and serial killer-ish, but the in your face thug? He's as menacing as Asher Sutton at a ballroom dance off (well maybe Asher slays the competition with his saucy samba and rumba, who knows). The whole Tom/Matt/Jacob/Thing is TIRED. It doesn't work and it doesn't work because they're keeping a character when there is no real need for him to be kept. As for Ressler being Team Liz? No, Team Liz doesn't want a fair trial. Or a any trial. Team Liz wants her to be exonerated totally. So unless the Attorney General was wearing bullet proofs x 2 and/or it was his lookee-likee taking the bullet (which wouldn't surprise me, you'd get more plot sense in a Mexican soap opera), that can never happen. She point blank shot him against Cooper's warning. David Strathairn's bad guy is the only bad guy we need. Mr Solomon is now just a spare part. Shame.

Dembe walking into the airplane hanger like a wounded tiger and just laying waste to the cabal's flunkies may just be my favourite "hell yeah!" moment of the series. Damn, that was good. And I loved how Red wasted no time on tormenting Paul Reuban's character, even though he betrayed Red, just a quick bullet to the head so Red could get over to Dembe right away. Their relationship is the best.


Hell yeah!  


I second that emotion


Also, for the love of GOD please find a different disguise. I grow increasingly weary of the "hood tossed loosely over the head" look she has taken to adopting in public. With all of Red's resources surely he could come up with something better than a box of hair colour from Walgreens and a hoodie...


A box of hair color she somehow found in some random bachelors house!?!!!!  Why did a rich dude who wasn't even home have a box of lady hair color in his bathroom?  Are rich people really using "Nice n'Easy?"

If I'm not mistaken,the rich guy is connected to the Russians who are harboring Karakurt. He double-crossed them when he won an underground boxing match that he should have thrown and they are after him. How Tom is going to get from protecting him to Karakurt is anyone's guess.


Man, reading the comments here I must be like the last poster here who doesn't hate Liz or wants her of the show. I feel like I'm in the OUAT thread listening to all the hate for my fave Regina.


And that "ship tease" is proof to me that the writes still haven't decided what the "connection" between Liz and Red is.

When I was watching that show I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Regina.  She was my all time favorite and I felt she almost always got treated shitty.




When he isn't doing his evil sadistic things, I see that Mr. Solomon apparently spends his free time on message boards and Tumbler, trying to decided if he's on Team Father/Daughter or Team Romance for Red and Lizzie.  For the sake of keeping myself from throwing up, I certainly hope it's more father and daughter.  Really don't want any Red/Lizzie hook-ups.

That seemed like such a shout out "everyone wants to know...." 'ya damn right you psycho, everyone wants to know already!

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