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S07.E04: I Carry Your Heart With Me

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Just as Damon thinks he's gained the upper hand in his fight against Lily, an unexpected turn of events leaves him scrambling for a plan B. Elsewhere, when the fallout of Damon's actions gains the unwanted attention of Mary Louise and Nora, Stefan and Caroline are forced to spend the night distracting the girls at Whitmore College's Heaven & Hell ball. Finally, after suspecting that she's up to something, Enzo sets off on a mission to find out what Valerie is hiding, while a plan set by Alaric and Bonnie leaves their worlds turned upside down.




Good episode. The heretics were less so, but I wasn't too annoyed by them. Valerie still sucks, though. Her and Enzo teaming up sounds boring.


Stefan and Caroline's plan was cool--I always like a reminder these part-time idiots can be clever.


I barely blinked when a bus full of tourists got slaughtered, that's how used to innocent people dying on this show I am.


I really need Damon, Bonnie, and Alaric to get a spin-off. When Oscar sobers up, he can co-star.


Hi, Tyler! Bye, Tyler!

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This show is really pulling out all the stops to try and make Damon likeable! Honestly, it's working (on me). I like him better now than I have since maybe S1.


Maybe I just like it when he's pathological. Because Lily is correct that dragging around Elena's coffin and obsessing over protecting her comatose body isn't normal. Klaus used to do that with his entire family (drag their lifeless bodies around in coffins, I mean, and freak out when he didn't have them in his possession), and look how that turned out.


Honestly, I enjoyed that whole conversation between Lily and Damon. His crack about her loving her Ripper kids the best was pretty funny, especially because it seemed like he meant it. In general, I like watching Lily and Damon together. The actors have a lot of chemistry with each other imo. It's weird, but I can completely believe them as family.


I don't care about the Heretics. Apparently, they're just Rebekkah Mikaelson knock-offs, right down to Valerie being Stefan's long-lost love who he doesn't seem to remember at all. I like Rebekkah, but I don't need fake-me-out, nonsensical versions of her. Especially since, instead of being part of an actual family, they're part of some vampitch menagerie whose relationships to each other make zero sense to me.


Bonnie bringing Jo back from the dead was pretty cool. Can't wait to see what she's hungry for.


I hope that the Gemini coven comes with her. Never thought I'd say that, but Kai was really fun, and the Gemini coven was a lot creepier than the Heretics are.


Do you guys feel like Stefan and Caroline are working as a couple? Because I'm just not feeling it. I really like Stefan, but they need to give him something non-romantic to do. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but imo, Caroline is kind of played out.


Matt continues to be endearing. I wish fucking Vicki would come back. Wouldn't THAT be a trip.

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Heretics. Yawn.

Lily. Yawn.

Bonnie, Damon, Stefan. Awesome. Except for stupid Valerie storyline and the fact they aren't questioning what is coming back to inhabit the reanimated bodies if souls have been released. Oscar having no memories and waking up screaming is not a good sign for Jo. But I blame that on Alaric.

Caroline and Alaric. Annoying. My patience is exhausted.

Matt. Pointless.

I wonder how far back Oscar's amnesia goes and if it's permanent. He was in Myrtle Beach for a few months and he doesn't remember ever being there (which means he has also conveniently forgotten where Julian is). Depending on how far back the amnesia goes, Jo might remember anything about her relationship with Alaric. I wonder if the severity of the amnesia or the amount of time it lasts is proportional to how long the person was dead. Jo was dead a lot longer than Oscar so she might have forgotten years. I hope that Oscar eventually comes back to his old personality because ravenously hungry Oscar is not nearly as fun as last week's Oscar.


I am curious to see if there are any other repercussions of coming back to life aside from the hunger. Jo wasn't a vampire so will she be super hungry for regular food? Or doing witchy things?


Whenever there's a raising the dead storyline on any supernatural show, I always think about the Buffy episode where Dawn resurrects Joyce and Joel Grey warns her that she won't be exactly as she was.


It's only the fourth episode of the season and I'm already so bored of the heretics. It feels like they've been here forever. I'm really not interested in Nora and Mary Louise's relationship drama. The one heretic related thing I found interesting this week was Lily finally have an honest and sincere conversation with Damon. Even if she doesn't love him the way she loves her heretic children, she seemed very genuine in her advice/warning.


Lily is correct that dragging around Elena's coffin and obsessing over protecting her comatose body isn't normal. Klaus used to do that with his entire family (drag their lifeless bodies around in coffins, I mean, and freak out when he didn't have them in his possession), and look how that turned out.

While I agree that it's not healthy for Damon to drag Elena's coffin around, in his defense he wasn't carrying it around like Linus and his blanket. He locked it in the crypt to keep her safe until Bonnie dies and then Lily stole Elena. He was just trying to get her back so that he could put her somewhere safe (and so she didn't wake up in 60 years and not know where the hell she was). That's not quite the same thing to me as Klaus daggering his various family members for petty reasons and then moving them around with him wherever he went. It's not like Damon was loading up Elena's coffin and taking it with him to go grocery shopping or road trips, unlike Klaus who kept them in the house and shoved them into moving vans whenever he decided it was time to terrorize another town.

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The heretics are a pest. None of them can act worth shit (well, apart from guy-who-died-and-came-back-to-life-in-standard-vampire-diaries-fashion) and only the brown-haired lesbian is any cute. They seem to be peddling the HBTQ agenda a bit by giving the gay girl drama some screentime but unfortunately the only way they know to do it is to make them a dysfunctional mess just as all the rest of the couples on the show. I just wish the gang would stake their asses already. Why not just kill off those two girls when they're already down and out, and conveniently forget to revive Oscar... For such "omnipotent creatures" they sure seem easy to take out.

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I was so glad to see Oscar back and not dead (or rather, still undead).  I laughed when the foolish tour guide got attacked and the people on the bus cheered because they all thought it was part of the tour.  I freaked out a bit when Oscar then ate everyone on the bus!  Damon was right, Mama Salvatore always love her ripper sons the best.


Stefan and Caroline had me cheering and laughing when they managed to trick the hot lesbian heretics into undoing the spell they cast on Caroline.  And then when Caroline and Stefan jumped into each others' arms and kissed like two young horny teenagers I totally fell out laughing!  Yeah, Stefan and Caroline in the past seemed so powerless against the vampwitches but when it comes to sex, they definitely found a way to beat the two witches!  The memory of Stefan and Caroline in bed together afterwards will always make me smile.  The Steroline in me was very, very happy last night.


I think Ian Somerhalder is doing a great job portraying Damon this season.  He's like on fire this season.  Damon's a lot more fun without Elena around, ain't he?


So, is Jodie Lynn O'Keefe back on VD this season?  I like that idea very much.


Alaric's future kids are cute.  Is their mother around also?

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What if the heretics get too interesting to defeat?


In that case, we have nothing to worry about: they are toast. Hooray.


I yelled at Stefan and Caroline to kill the ones they had subdued. We could have had two more down already. Stefan can probably lure the dull one to her death also since she is obsessed with him. So. close.


The flashforwards are getting seriously annoying at this point. Apparently we have a future where everyone hates each other and character relationships are fractured but no context for anything. It`s like getting spoilers that only tell you everything will suck in the future. You won`t even get to see how and why. 


Are those a done deal or can the future be changed, I wonder? 

Edited by Aeryn13

I'm still peeved that Stefan did not take out Nora and Mary Louise when he had both unconscious. Pluck out their hearts and be done with it already! It was bad enough we were subjected to their relationship drama for most of an episode but to just leave them on the floor and let them wake up to no doubt kill more innocents?? Argh!!

Damon and Stefan doing Weekend at Bernie's with Oscar did make me smile. :-)

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  On 10/30/2015 at 4:04 PM, gazebo said:



So, is Jodie Lynn O'Keefe back on VD this season?  I like that idea very much.


Alaric's future kids are cute.  Is their mother around also?

I'm wondering now if she is back.  Why the heck did they even kill her.  Poor Alaric's love interests are always getting killed.  Someone give this guy a break!

  On 11/2/2015 at 2:22 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Damon said the wine he had was from 1950 and that he waited 65 years to drink it. When did it become 2015 in TVD world? Isn't it still 2013 (which would make the "three years from now" jump be set in 2016)?


On top of that, Stefan said he and Caroline had known each other for five years. Methinks someone didn't bother checking the timeline before shooting, not so much that it was deliberate.

Finally got around to watching this episode. Ugh, Stefan/Caroline is really dragging this show down for me. Caroline's insecurity is typical, but beyond annoying at this point. Team Valerie! And even though it means more screen time for Bonnie, Alaric's raising the dead storyline can get outta here as well. I couldn't stand Alaric/Jo and was seriously happy that Kai killed her off so I'm not pleased that she's back in any capacity. 


Bright spots: Bonnie/Damon/Alaric! 100% over this crap Matt. Tyler rolling off with Elena's casket. 

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I didn't hate this episode, well not all of it anyway.

I can't for life of me understand why the lions share of the screen time is being devoted to the stories that are just not very interesting.

The Steroline crap is just that.............crap!

The lesbian heretic couple are just so boring, and childish. ugh!

I don't want to see Jo resurrected, but the scenes with Alaric, Bonnie and Damon are by far the most interesting, but are given comparably much less focus than they deserve.

I didn't like the flash forward this week. Is this show going to ruin every dynamic that resembles the original TVD?

Damon letting Elenas' coffin go was beautiful, and really sad, but necessary for now. Ian always sells Damons pain and misery with gut wrenching authenticity, and this was no exception, but his character needs to move on, at least for a while.

The tour bus massacre was classic TVD, but again, moments like this are too few and far between.

Lily can just leave now, I hate her Stefan like preachy, hypocritical attitude.

Hmm Lily, Damon is chasing the coffin that you stole from him, the coffin that was safe in the crypt while he was in Europe without it. He's hardly trying to keep it close at all times, is he now?

I hate those kind of judgey speeches that just make no sense in the context of what has been shown on screen. It's just stupid writing.

It was the same with Stefans speech to Damon earlier in the episode, about Damon making bad decisions because of Elena. It makes no sense, considering it was the Heretics running around campus killing humans to GET OSCAR BACK.

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  On 11/2/2015 at 9:59 PM, miss-vanilla said:
Hmm Lily, Damon is chasing the coffin that you stole from him, the coffin that was safe in the crypt while he was in Europe without it. He's hardly trying to keep it close at all times, is he now?


I hate those kind of judgey speeches that just make no sense in the context of what has been shown on screen. It's just stupid writing.

It was the same with Stefans speech to Damon earlier in the episode, about Damon making bad decisions because of Elena. It makes no sense, considering it was the Heretics running around campus killing humans to GET OSCAR BACK.



  On 11/3/2015 at 4:54 AM, doram said:

And the whole war with the heretics started because Stefan, Caroline and Matt sent them a freaking bomb! What the heretic girls did to those teens is nothing compared to all the 'animal attacks' that the Salvatores and their friends/foes had caused over the years, and didn't require such drastic action. I'm not a fan of Damon blowing into town and just breaking the truce without any consideration of the fall out, but it's rich of Stefan to in anyway blame this entirely on Damon, considering that he started the war in the first place. 

All of the above is due to the fact that the default for most of the characters on the show is to either blame Damon for whatever is going wrong or to accuse him of ruining things. Look, I know that Damon has done LOTS of bad things and nothing will ever change the past, but the way that they twist the events to make it seem like Damon is the irrational one who is responsible for all the bad things that happen is ridiculous. Stefan, Caroline, and Matt tried to blow up the heretics but somehow it's Damon's fault that Lily & co are mad at the Scooby gang. Damon left Elena safe and sound, magically sealed in the Salvatore mausoleum while he tried to help Alaric drink away his sorrows about Jo's death all over Europe all summer. It wasn't until Lily stole Elena that Damon had to try to get it back, yet Lily accused him of not being able to keep a box safe and then in the same breath told him that he was making a mistake by needing to keep Elena physically close to him. No, lady, he just tried to get her back from wherever you hid her which is not the same thing.

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Then I did kind of remember correctly, they had a truce which Damon went and messed up. HOWEVER, in his defense, I don't think he was aware of the truce, and even if he were, I can't say I would have done anything different if I were in his place. Kind of like while Kai did lose it after Bonnie put him in the prison world, I don't blame her for doing it...yeah Kai said he changed, but I believe he previously told Bonnie he changed then proceeded to stab her.

  On 11/7/2015 at 4:32 PM, DigitalCount said:

A bit late to the party, but I just could not stop laughing at Damon's actual physical pain every time the Heretic Mean Girls broke another priceless artifact or spilled something on the ground in their living area. The most enduring of his character traits is being a great house-husband and I love it.

Ah well, you can take the man out of the 1860s but you can't the 1860s out of the man!

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