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Small Talk: No Pun Intended

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How about a link to the relevant parts?  Or a link to where it states Will and Zoey are registered workers?


Don't get me wrong - Will and Zoey are working - but you are stating Will and Zoey are registered workers and its publically accessible and I will admit I checked Google etc and don't find any *registry* of texas child workers so I am curious about your claims.


eta - with respect your claim is that this is easily accessible information - where can we all see that Will and Zoey are registered workers?

Edited by ZoloftBlob
  • Love 6

I was just watching an older episode from season 7 I believe when Will first came home and they were going to a dog fair before traveling to meet Bill's family in Florida. It was weird because I have this hang up on Jen going out with the kids alone and why they never show or admit that she needs help and can't possibly do it on her own. One particular scene, she and Will wander off and Will decides to have a little tantrum because he wants to wander into the garage where the cars are located and she can't really stop him. She does her usual tugging at his collar and nearly knocking them both down in the process. She had not a clue what she was doing and how to manage a 32lb muscle to her 50lb thin frame. The thing that irritated me the most was seeing Jen's father in the corner of the camera shots on 2 occasions and in both instances he hopped out of sight very quickly. I don't understand why they have to prove that they don't need help, do they think asking for help or admitting they need help is a weakness. It is so upsetting to me because I am looking at this show for all of these years and following them and falling in love with their story and they can't even admit they need help. This is not a sign of weakness it is a sign of being realistic and knowing what your limits are and making sure your children are safe at all times. Be honest because at the end of the day it's really not s big deal, just own it.

  • Love 2

A new show our little family is premiering in February. I wonder what all the fascination is with little people now. The journey with Bill and Jen has been interesting but, they have so much at their disposal as far as $ for travel to doctors, surrogacy, adoptions, travel to 2 countries within a year to get their kids. Even though they have had a rough road as kids it seems they are reaping the benefits now. It will be interesting to see other little people not so lucky in the financial realm of their lives navigate issues that my arise with not only themselves but the kids too. For most of us It's not realistic to travel to Delaware every 3 months for a doctors appointment or travel to New York for a appt for back problems and then return to have major back surgery. For the typical family you get referred to the best doctor in your city by your PCP and hope for the best. It will also be interesting to compare Will and Zoey entering school and these children are starting school as well. Can't wait!!!

Not sure if I mentioned this before but I was notified that a question that I submitted may be featured on an upcoming episode of the little couple, I think I already posted this but I'll keep going. I am kind of excited. For those of you who read my posts know I am a little obsessed with how Jen navigates with the kids by herself and so of course that was my question. Not sure when it will air but I am thinking whenever the mid season starts.

  • Love 3

I was just watching an older episode from season 7 I believe when Will first came home and they were going to a dog fair before traveling to meet Bill's family in Florida. It was weird because I have this hang up on Jen going out with the kids alone and why they never show or admit that she needs help and can't possibly do it on her own. One particular scene, she and Will wander off and Will decides to have a little tantrum because he wants to wander into the garage where the cars are located and she can't really stop him. She does her usual tugging at his collar and nearly knocking them both down in the process. She had not a clue what she was doing and how to manage a 32lb muscle to her 50lb thin frame. The thing that irritated me the most was seeing Jen's father in the corner of the camera shots on 2 occasions and in both instances he hopped out of sight very quickly. I don't understand why they have to prove that they don't need help, do they think asking for help or admitting they need help is a weakness. It is so upsetting to me because I am looking at this show for all of these years and following them and falling in love with their story and they can't even admit they need help. This is not a sign of weakness it is a sign of being realistic and knowing what your limits are and making sure your children are safe at all times. Be honest because at the end of the day it's really not s big deal, just own it.

I can imagine them "admitting they need help" and then people jumping all over them because they admitted they need help! I really don't care if they need a nanny, friend, or relative around 24/7. I'm sure they do. But it doesn't affect my affection for this particular family, unless we found out some unethical or illegal activities regarding the employment of the nanny.

There's no doubt that Jen's cancer was real, that Bill's surgery really happened, or even that they live at some specific address. I think they have given us plenty of reality so I don't mind them holding back on the behind other scenes stuff.

  • Love 7

I googled Texas Child Labor Laws and found this overview put out by the state of Texas


In that document I found this: 

One of the principal exemptions in the statute allows the Texas Workforce Commission (Commission) to adopt rules which authorize the employment of children under 14 years of age as performers in a motion picture or a theatrical, radio, or television production.

And under special provisions for child actors I found this. 

§ 817.31. Child Actor Authorization
(a) A child under 14 years of age may be employed in Texas as a child actor only by compliance with the provisions of this Subchapter.
(b) Everypersonapplyingforchildactorauthorizationmustsubmit:
(1) an application for authorization on a form provided by the Commission and signed by a parent, guardian, or person having custody of the child;
(2) proofofage;and
(3) aphotographthatcomplieswith§817.5ofthistitle(relatingtoCertificateofAge).
© An authorization is effective when issued and expires when the child reaches 14 years of age, unless the Commission establishes a shorter time period. Lost authorization certificates may be reissued upon new application.
The provisions of this § 817.31 adopted to be effective January 12, 1998, as published in the Texas Register, January 2, 1998, 23 TexReg 150.
§ 817.32. Application Exceptions
(a) Special authorization for child actors to be employed as extras is granted without the need for filing an application if the employer or its agent:
(1) communicateswiththeCommissionpriortotheactualworkbeingperformed,identifyingthe employer, the project, the approximate number of extras intended to be employed on the particular project, and the anticipated dates of employment;
(2) prior to employment, uses reasonable efforts to establish that each prospective child actor extra is under 14 years of age;
(3) securesthewrittenconsentofaparent,guardian,orpersonhavingcustodyofthechildtohis or her employment as an extra on the particular project;
(4) notifies all affected school principals of the intent to employ their students as extras, furnishing such details concerning the nature and duration of the work as to give school authorities reasonable information concerning the proposed use of their students in the particular project; and
(5) submits a written post-production report to the Commission, within 10 days following the last day extras are employed, identifying the name, social security number, date of birth, and inclusive dates of employment for each child actor so employed, certifying compliance with Texas Labor Code, Chapter 51 and this Chapter 817 (relating to Child Labor).

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 1

Having thought about it, the statement (and I'm paraphrasing, obviously), "If Zoey and Will ever find any nasty comments about themselves online, it's all Bill and Jen's fault for putting them on TV" is one with which I disagree.  It serves as a way to absolve people from personal responsibility in choosing the words they use towards other people and that's a slippery slope.  Where's the end of that?  "It's Bill and Jen's fault that the kids were taunted when they brought them outside?"  Yes, the parents are responsible for putting the children on television but they are not responsible for the actions or reactions of other people.  This site (and others) aren't just about praise - they are also about snark and I engage in my share, I'm sure.  But we all have to set our own limits for how low we're willing to go and take responsibility for any fallout that comes from what we say.  If you're nasty and someone is harmed as a result, even if you weren't the only nasty one, you've played a part in doing harm.

  • Love 9

The internet is a rough place. I'm sure youtube is brutal. I've checked and reddit is also very rough on the kids. PTV is a place to discuss episodic television not broadly chat, so we can have a more thoughtful approach with how we talk about the kids. We come together to share impressions, we hold opinions, but the focus of our chat isn't our opinions. Its the content we're shown. I'm not sure this is better or worse than a free for all but its the path we're on. The good news is the opinion based chats can be easily found.


But we all have to set our own limits for how low we're willing to go and take responsibility for any fallout that comes from what we say.  If you're nasty and someone is harmed as a result, even if you weren't the only nasty one, you've played a part in doing harm.


This always fascinated me.  The online groups say and print some of the most vile things I've ever seen.  They justify it by saying 'you shouldn't put them on tv'.  In this day and age kids put themselves on social media as well and when children bully and harass them in ways and language, which is tame to the things adults say, everyone one is punish those horrible kids.  Well, why?  We don't punish adults for doing the same thing.  

  • Love 1

Yes we do. Its just considered acceptable to say, call a reality show whore a whore because the reality show whore signed their name on the dotted line and is an adult and knows - in theory - what they are signing on for. Adults just dont get sympathy. I assure you, people say terrible hurtful things about the adults on these shows - its just understood that a)they knew what they were getting a check for and b)adults are expected to handle name calling etc

  • Love 2

Critiquing a TV show is not bullying.  People say "They're on TV." because that has meaning.  It makes the performers on the shows public figures.  There are different legal standards that apply to public figures.  Discussing a TV show, even making negative comments in a forum such as this, does not anywhere near approach the standard for bullying.  

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 3

I can imagine them "admitting they need help" and then people jumping all over them because they admitted they need help! I really don't care if they need a nanny, friend, or relative around 24/7. I'm sure they do. But it doesn't affect my affection for this particular family, unless we found out some unethical or illegal activities regarding the employment of the nanny.

There's no doubt that Jen's cancer was real, that Bill's surgery really happened, or even that they live at some specific address. I think they have given us plenty of reality so I don't mind them holding back on the behind other scenes stuff.

I hear you and my mom tells me the same thing what difference does it make. For me, I am hung up on the word reality in these shows and they do have a choice to show what they want and withhold what they want. But, with all of the activity that revolves around this family Jen is bound to go out alone with the kids and I would like to see it. That is it. We have seen Bill go out with each child separately and together. I am truly curious. It also stems from statements that Bill has made over the seasons that they pride themselves on being independent and not needing help for anything. Another point was that they now have this massive suv and before they got Zoey they were looking at the possibility of getting a device that could raise Jen with the double stroller into the back of he vehicle and safety put each child in their car seats. I don't think I'm asking to much. They have shown everything else, why not this?
  • Love 1

I don't either with a big but. Jenn had to have the whole kitchen made lower when I'll bet it gets the most use by average sized people or Bill. Maybe its my practical side coupled with thoughts of resale value that I though a better solution would have been a more standard kitchen along the walls and a modified island. I guess it was just highlighted for me because a friend just did a really lovely but expensive kitchen remodel so she could cook and she doesn't cook...


Agree. If they ever want or need to move, they're going to face some real issues with that house. Unless they get really lucky and sell to another little family, they may need to re-do the kitchen and baths to average measurements pre-sale, or they may have to offer it at a lower-than-normal price to offset the renovations a new family will need to make.

Edited by Wellfleet

Agree. If they ever want or need to move, they're going to face some real issues with that house. Unless they get really lucky and sell to another little family, they may need to re-do the kitchen and baths to average measurements pre-sale, or they may have to offer it at a lower-than-normal price to offset the renovations a new family will need to make.


So true and yet after spending all that money on a custom kitchen Jen was still filmed getting on top of the counter to retrieve dinner plates.  Her shoes were on a counter where food gets prepared!?!  I thought custom was to make every day tasks accessible and easy and of course safe.     

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

Building codes are still going to make the counters a certain height.


Here is a link to their customized house description of the kitchen and pics.  The counter height is Bill's waist height so @2ft then.  It is of course 8in higher on Jen's body which is just below nipple height.  In that video they show her taking dinner plates from a drawer which makes much better sense than reaching overhead.  It was the night she had brought in Chinese food when she set up the tent she was shown teetering on the counter pulling down dinner plates and I remember thinking why would you do a custom kitchen and still put yourself at risk.  


Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

I hear you and my mom tells me the same thing what difference does it make. For me, I am hung up on the word reality in these shows and they do have a choice to show what they want and withhold what they want. But, with all of the activity that revolves around this family Jen is bound to go out alone with the kids and I would like to see it. That is it. We have seen Bill go out with each child separately and together. I am truly curious. It also stems from statements that Bill has made over the seasons that they pride themselves on being independent and not needing help for anything. Another point was that they now have this massive suv and before they got Zoey they were looking at the possibility of getting a device that could raise Jen with the double stroller into the back of he vehicle and safety put each child in their car seats. I don't think I'm asking to much. They have shown everything else, why not this?


I've watched this show from episode 1 and don't recall Bill or Jen making any "we're-completely-independent" statements. I don't doubt that you heard them. I just don't recall it. However, if it's true that this has been said, I agree with you. It really looks poor. There is nothing wrong with needing help. They need a nanny to help care for the kids during the day so Jen can leave the house for her work, and Bill can get something done at home for his. Personally I think they'd have a nanny if Bill left every day and Jen was a SAHM. Jen would absolutely need average-statured help with the kids - Will at least for now - if she was alone with them all day. Just as other moms with other issues [broken leg, etc] might need. I'm guessing that Judy and/or David are at the house on the nanny's days off. Isn't that the reason they up and left Florida for Houston? Because Bill and Jen were planning to have a family and were going to need reliable help? I'm thinking one or both come over every evening, or at least a couple of times a week, for baths and bedtimes. That would be a difficult [or impossible] job for Jen alone, and now with his back, Bill shouldn't be doing it either. And that's fine. I'm not sure why they would be reticent to admit this, if indeed they are. It's not like they used to be average-height and are adjusting to the fact that they need help now for certain things. They've grown up as short-statured people and are accustomed to adapting. They certainly don't have to show how they get additional help, but at the same time should not be saying "we do it all ourselves." Unless that's true.

So are there counters not customized?  I remember the episode when Jen was in the kitchen and told the builder counter height was her standing on the floor being able to reach something from the back of the counter so to me the counter height is much lower and not as deep.   


If they're not custom, they sure look as though they are...

It was the night she had brought in Chinese food when she set up the tent she was shown teetering on the counter pulling down dinner plates and I remember thinking why would you do a custom kitchen and still put yourself at risk.


I am not arguing with you that the house isn't perfectly customized. I'm not a moron, I understand that even though the kitchen is customized for someone of short stature that you're arguing there is some sort of fault to be found in the kitchen not being perfectly customized for *jen's exact height*.


My point is that to customize the kitchen entirely for Jen may not have been allowed due to building code enforcement. The house legally has to be built to a certain usable standard and a certain safety standard. Jen is so small, to build everything perfectly customized for *her* means that no one else including Bill, Will, and possibly Zoey could comfortably or safely use the kitchen. And even though it is a private home, they may sell it, or have guests, and the home has to be safe for all users. The Roloffs on LPBW had a similar problem with shorter than normal railings, that had to be a certain height in order to accommodate average height users. If they used a reputable builder, they have to follow the local building codes even if they are little people.


  • Love 4

I am not arguing with you that the house isn't perfectly customized. I'm not a moron, I understand that even though the kitchen is customized for someone of short stature that you're arguing there is some sort of fault to be found in the kitchen not being perfectly customized for *jen's exact height*.



Thanks for explaining what you originally meant as it wasn't clear to me and I know you are not a moron!!!  LOL  


After I saw the video of Bill and Jen in the kitchen getting ready to eat I saw Jen then pull a waist height drawer open and remove their dinner plates which was what I expected would have happened when they had the Chinese food that night.  I thought why are you climbing on top of a counter to reach everyday items.  It wasn't the counter height but where everyday items got moved to and I wonder why.  Maybe they eat more take out than we thought.....  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

At the beginning she maybe thought she could, especially since the kids were smaller.  We've seen her pick up Zoey.  They also probably didn't expect for Will to be as delayed as he seems to be.  My cousin adopted a kid that has to be about the same age as Will but he seems much older than Will, even not speaking any english. 

So maybe it's not that they stopped pretending, maybe they tried and realized it didn't quite work for them as expected.  No harm in that.  If they weren't lucky enough to have the money for extra help or the family members around, I'm sure they'd do just fine, as other people in their situation have done. 

  • Love 1

Again with the food obsession topic that permeates every thread; the obsession is in the eyes of the beholders, methinks.  I am fervently hoping for new episodes so I have something new to comment about. 


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I am still aging and trying to make it through every day with yet another injury/disability - this time my f'ing foot which is sending me into conniptions!  I am down to being a one-legged wonder (what with the arms & all - just call me Skip) and am tired of doing a Walter Brennan impression.  POINTS for anyone who catches THAT reference - congrats - You're old like me!  :-)

  • Love 6

Ya, right - just keep telling yourselves that!  I am a proud (and too often LOUD) child of the 50s.  And I truly DO have the Walter Brennan limp - f'ed up my foot on New Year's Day, and am STILL wishing I broke it!!!  The good news is that I made it through a (very) brief grocery shop sans old-lady-cripple scooter the other day, so I am on the road to mending. :-)

  • Love 5

The Universe (and apparently, the goodness of people I've met right here on PTV) is Infinite.  I just feel humbled and ever-so-whiney talking about an allegedly sprained foot (NO WAY do I believe it could hurt so much and cripple me for this long!) when the Universe deals such a bad hand (pardon the pun) to so many.  Sometimes I talk shite for comic relief, and then the real world brings me back to seriosity. 


My Grandma was an infamous re-gifter long before it was a "thing", so I am just carrying on a long dead family tradition here when I try to steer the good juju towards those who really do need it (and, quite possibly, are much more deserving!!!). 


On a completely unrelated note: if you're ever feeling low down & dirty and need a quick pick-me-up, try watching a NatGeoWild show "Unlikely Animal Friends".  (Season 2 starts Friday).  It's like that new Android commercial (i.e. my crack).  :-)

  • Love 4

I hear you and my mom tells me the same thing what difference does it make. For me, I am hung up on the word reality in these shows and they do have a choice to show what they want and withhold what they want. But, with all of the activity that revolves around this family Jen is bound to go out alone with the kids and I would like to see it. That is it. We have seen Bill go out with each child separately and together. I am truly curious. It also stems from statements that Bill has made over the seasons that they pride themselves on being independent and not needing help for anything. Another point was that they now have this massive suv and before they got Zoey they were looking at the possibility of getting a device that could raise Jen with the double stroller into the back of he vehicle and safety put each child in their car seats. I don't think I'm asking to much. They have shown everything else, why not this?


Late to the party but just read this and wanted to say, we have watched Jen with Zoey alone. When Bill was with Will fishing and working on the vow renewal, Jen had Zoey at the beach with her and then they looked at the beach house that was for sale.

Thanks, Bizz.  Fucking cancer really puts a crippled foot into perspective for me, though, so please send all those mending thoughts to people who really need them, 'Kay?   That's what I'm doing right now, for whatever it's worth.  :-)

I might agree with you about trivialities, but a hurt or aching leg or foot can be very debilitating, since it makes movement very difficult, and is so disruptive to one's life. I had some pain in my knees last year, and was diagnosed with advanced arthritis in both - at the young age of 65. It was more than embarrassing to be limping everywhere, it made me feel old and sick. Fortunately a few months of physical therapy really made the difference, and since I "graduated" (actually Medicare was limiting my visits) a few months ago I haven't had any more pain. 


My mom had unexplained pain in her wrist when she was just about bedridden (by her own choice, there was nothing physically wrong with her) which turned out to be a strain from using the TV remote all the time. 


If there is some kind of PT you can take, consider doing that. And I have a very pretty cane that I'm not using anymore, so don't hesitate to "lean on me."

  • Love 4

Again with the food obsession topic that permeates every thread; the obsession is in the eyes of the beholders, methinks.  I am fervently hoping for new episodes so I have something new to comment about. 


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I am still aging and trying to make it through every day with yet another injury/disability - this time my f'ing foot which is sending me into conniptions!  I am down to being a one-legged wonder (what with the arms & all - just call me Skip) and am tired of doing a Walter Brennan impression.  POINTS for anyone who catches THAT reference - congrats - You're old like me!  :-)



Actually I am old enough to go with a Chester from Gunsmoke reference.

  • Love 5

Thanks for the offer of the cane, Cousin Amy.  I actually have a cane, crutches and my Mum's walker, but bad wrists, elbows and shoulders make them about as useless as my bad foot!  Although I was using the walker as a kind of backwards wheelchair for the first couple of weeks to get to the bathroom and kitchen ..   and to feed the cats - it really freaked them out.  :-)


Lillybee - Chester on Gunsmoke was my favorite!  I also watched Rawhide, Wagon Train, Have Gun Will Travel ... and a bunch of other moldy oldies I'll remember later.   I'd probably go to the doctor if he looked like Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare !   ;-)

  • Love 2

Thanks for the offer of the cane, Cousin Amy.  I actually have a cane, crutches and my Mum's walker, but bad wrists, elbows and shoulders make them about as useless as my bad foot!  Although I was using the walker as a kind of backwards wheelchair for the first couple of weeks to get to the bathroom and kitchen ..   and to feed the cats - it really freaked them out.  :-)


Lillybee - Chester on Gunsmoke was my favorite!  I also watched Rawhide, Wagon Train, Have Gun Will Travel ... and a bunch of other moldy oldies I'll remember later.   I'd probably go to the doctor if he looked like Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare !   ;-)



It looks like we are members of the same generation, lol.

  • Love 4

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