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S06.E03: Thank You


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I completely agree. My SO actually said (as Glenn and Nicholas were climbing on the Dumpster): "So what kind of deus ex machina can we expect at this point?" Then, when Glenn apparently died, we were both like, "Really? Whoa."


I think for Glenn to get out of that scenario would be an insult to viewers' intelligence. Scott Gimple - you wrote that big check, so you really need to cash it.


I didn't stop to think about it, until now, but the only way Glenn (and/or Nicholas) could have had any chance of surviving that was if they had of found a way into that dumpster.  (Was it a dumpster, or something similar, and was there a way for them to drop in it and re-cover the top??)


But since they played it how they did, there's no believable way out of it.  The bed was made, and now it has to be slept in.

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There are now photos popping up comparing Rick and the tank from the first season to the final shot at the dumpsters with Glenn.

They look so intentionally similar. But this time, no one is around to save Glenn. I wish I could post it...

Edit: Ack! I hate posting on my iPad, so many mistakes...

I'm glad they wasted so much time blathering and promising that they wouldn't leave any stupid Alexandrians behind, but then Michonne and the two other guys just leave Glenn behind with no comment.

  • Love 3

No good deed ever goes unpunished, eh?


*keeps calm until confirmation before going into rage mode, accordingly*


Not happy about the Morgan episode next week (and having to wait for two weeks for confirmation). A little of Morgan goes a long way for me, let alone 90 minutes (if what I hear is right). Pass.


Michonne dressing down Heath the Ass was a thing of beauty. I cheered at every word. Like a boss, yeah!

Michonne's badass awesomess aside, the newlywed's speech about meeting his wife after the ZA really seemed to resonate with her. I saw a kind of little lightbulb moment while he was basically telling her how Betsy brought him back. (Oh, come on. I need a tiny-tiny ray of sunshine, because Glenn is NOT dead.)


I didn't have the feeling that the people in Woodbury or at the prison were half whiny, half useless or had half their heads up their asses as the Alexandrians. Heath seems to have learned his lesson. My money is on him and Spencer becoming moderately useful.


I'm not mad at Daryl. He wanted to go and help, he was torn between two ways of protecting his family. It served to create more suspense for a minute or two, but I don't think it meshed well with the general pacing and  plotting of the episode -especially since we knew already that he didn't make it to Alexandria during the attack.


Rick finding the baby food was heart-breaking, especially after he fought those Wolves like a boss. He already thought he had lost Judith once, and he goes through this anguish again.

Hopefully, the reunion scene of the family (including Glenn) will be worth it.

Edited by Happy Harpy
  • Love 3

- If Glen is dead it sucked that he died that way. No character is safe. Yeah, I get that. But those of who have been with the series since the very beginning and have real feelings for these characters feel like someone just tore our insides out in front of us.


This is my biggest reason for not believing Glenn is dead.  Because the idea that no character is safe is a convenient fiction that they like to put out there but really isn't true on this show.  The show does a pretty good job of getting a large portion of the audience to dislike the main characters or make them too stupid or dangerous to live before whacking them (Shane, Lori, Andrea, Tyreese).  Every once in a while they do a fake out death that makes us believe stakes are higher than they really are (Judith).  I think Glenn is in the fake out category.  But mostly because I think I'm less attached to him than most.  I think that he is mostly outside the Michonne/Darryl/Rick/Carol inner circle and that puts him in the expendable category. Which is the only reason I have 1% belief he might actually be dead.


So I'd say characters are safe until they manage to craft a storyline that make them unsafe in a way that viewers won't completely revolt if they die or become idiots.

Denial it may be, but I don't believe Glen is dead.  If there were space underneath (I don't recall if that was the case), Glenn may have gotten under that structure on which he and Nicholas were standing.  He helped Rick escape similarly from under that tank in Season 1. And, as others have stated, it was probably Nicholas' body being torn apart.  It is an oft-repeated trope the cliff-hanger of the hero's seeming demise or the trope of the hero- ina moment of extreme stress or disorientation- sees him/herself in the place of the real unfortunate victim.  I think this latter situation might have been telegraphed by that interlude conveying silence/sense of time dilation (or time standing still).  Glenn may be really and most sincerely dead...undead..er..nevermind...but..


It iwound be the height of stooid on the part of the showrunner/writers to have a beloved and courageous character possessing so much heart and soul die in such a manner and in such a way that suggests his fate might never be known and his remains may never be found.  Many who love him would put themselves in danger-Maggie, especially; recall her determination on the way to Terminus- as they set out to search for Glenn.


Also, I think stretching out the audience grief and uncertainty for 2 weeks is a manipulation ploy, which will exact profound relief if revealed that Glenn escaped, albeit unscathed. Which leads to the next speculation.


While it is likely the case that Michonne was wiping away the note she wrote on her arm and was not being bitten, it appeared that Rick might have sustained some kind of pucture injury when he dispatched one of those walkers on the road.  I am wondering if the core group, given the extent/duraton of their intimte and bloody exposures (Walker bodily fluids in the eyes, face, mouth, open sores) has developed an immunity to a degree that they  may never sicken-die-turn.  Is this a major plot turn of this and future seasons?  Does this become a source of hope for the future?  Glenn escapes but not without a bite or two, Rick has a deep wound but neither sickens in the expected amount of time. And what would Carol do?

  • Love 4

I hope that Nicholas was the one being eaten, and not Glenn... although I don't know how he could get out of that. :( I was hoping with the callbacks to the first season, that the guts of (hopefully) somebody else, would cover up his scent. Ugh - I hate this. 

And a quiet little episode about Morgan, after that??? No. I might record it and save it for another time, depending on how I'm feeling next Sunday. 

I don't know what I would do without you guys. 

First of all, I can't wait the live show and some mother f*cker on my FB posted, "whyyyy nooooonoooo glenn!" -- maybe it was MY fault for forgetting what I was doing and getting on social media. No, you know what - no. That's 'blaming the victim' mentality. WHY can't people wait longer than 4 minutes after an episode airs to post things like that? WHY do people do it?! I was so upset - I told my friend that I'm hoping she's not caught up on GoT and I'll spoiler her for that. 


So I watched the episode and I'm so upset. Glenn... why?! WHY?! There are seriously 6 characters that I don't want to die - Rick, Michonne, Carol, Carl, Glenn, and Daryl. That's all I ask for. 

I actually wasn't hopeful until I got on here and saw all this optimism about it being Nick's guts and not Glenn's. But even if it is, how would Glenn get out of there?! Plus, I'M not optimistic that they'd give us a fairy tale ending like that - show what looks like Glenn being eaten and then have us come back and he's alive. I'm just going to live my life like they (TPTB) MURDERED Glenn with their storytelling and if he IS alive, I'll be happily surprised. 

Edited by rachel is awesome
  • Love 4

No, I get why Morgan gets the flashback episode next week. Yes, it heightens the tension on the aftermath of Glenn's death and Rick's fate, but it also is important to inform the reasons behind Morgan now refusing to kill because we've seen an immediate repercussion of it and we're probably about to see another testing of that resolve when it comes to light that this community has nearly been obliterated and there are very few people of skill with weapons left.

To do him and his journey justice we need to see just how he flipped on his decision rather than just hear the story; there won't be time later to give it its due and understand Morgan's headspace because the herd is coming, Alexandria is in shambles, the number of able bodied people has been culled considerably and the fight.is.on.



Very much this.


As others have said, Morgan is not the only one who has made bad decisions that have cost others their lives (Carol anyone?...and, to be clear, I love Carol).


I will be surprised if this is how we lose Glen. I believe that we will lose him sometime in the future...just not yet.


I really need to watch this one again (I haven't had to say that in quite some time). Well done show.

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Watched it again.  The only way Glenn can survive is if they are eating Nickolas and he can slide backwards to get under the dumpster.  Because otherwise they are just going to keep eating until they reach Glenn.


I am not going to do an internet search to see if they have dumpsters on feet/wheels that a person could hide under.  I refuse.

Missed the first run, am watching for the first time right now. I've been bored for most of the episode, which was annoying because that many zombies should be entertaining, and then suddenly Glenn is being eaten and it's pissing me off like nothing else. This fucking show, man. I knew it was going to happen eventually, but couldn't they have given him a better episode to go out in? Ugh, I'm so mad right now.

  • Love 2

I just watched again. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment. Wasn't Glenn wearing the grey shirt? I watched without clutching my face and it did not look like Nicholas was on top of Glenn. Glenn wasn't screaming in quite the agony others being eaten have but it looked like he laid back in defea. So I'm abandoning hope. Now, I wanna know why Scott didn't do Glenn better than that. So many feels. Little sad, lotta wtf.

ETA...just saw a post that it looked like Glenn was trying to crawl under the dumpster. I couldn't see anything like that and can't rewind. Dammit. I hope he did. What are everyone's thoughts on that after rematch get? If ya could and I get it if you chose not to.

Edited by leisawoo

Tears for Glenn, here and my husband says if they kill Rick he's not watching anymore.

I wouldn't either. For me, I'm rooting for Rick - even if he's crazy, when he looks like the bad guy, when he's talking to an imaginary Lori - I'm all Rick. I'm all in. So yeah, if they ever kill Rick, seriously, I'd be gone. I don't leave shows very often (I've been through a lot of BAD TV because I can't just leave shows) but I would have to if they killed Rick. 

I'm so upset about Glenn. I'm not, "I'm DONE with this show!" upset but I can understand if people were. I love Glenn. 

  • Love 9

I fully stand by my view of what happened:  Glenn (& Nicholas' body) is completely surrounded - completely.


I don't and won't believe that there is any way he survived that situation.  I just won't.  If it turns out the other way, I'll be happy that Glenn isn't dead, but I will be quite unhappy with how they unbelievably made it possible for him to still be alive.  With that many walkers, being surrounded like he was, there's just no way.


Not only that, but if it was Nicholas' body being torn apart, why was he doing all that screaming when Glenn knows that the only way to avoid being walker food is either killing them first, evading them, or 'playing dead'.  He was both incapable nor doing any of those things in his 'death scene'.


As of right now, its 1000% inconceivable to me that Glenn isn't dead after that.

  • Love 9

I wouldn't either. For me, I'm rooting for Rick - even if he's crazy, when he looks like the bad guy, when he's talking to an imaginary Lori - I'm all Rick. I'm all in. So yeah, if they ever kill Rick, seriously, I'd be gone. I don't leave shows very often (I've been through a lot of BAD TV because I can't just leave shows) but I would have to if they killed Rick. 

I'm so upset about Glenn. I'm not, "I'm DONE with this show!" upset but I can understand if people were. I love Glenn. 

Yeah if Rick dies i'll have to put this show behind me.

  • Love 6
Andy Lincoln played that scene to perfection. Nominate him, already!


Hell yes. Andrew Lincoln is a ridiculously good actor. Why he has no Emmy...bcause there is no justice. But then, the talented ones rarely get the kudos and awards they absolutely deserve.


I'm jumping on the Guts Save Glenn bandwagon. In a beautiful callback to his first appearances, Nicholas' guts cover Glenn and save him. He needs to be saved. Smart saavy brave people should not have to die due to the cowardly stupidity of other people.


The body count was insanely high this episode. Almost every Alexandrian is gone. Heath can stay, I like him (and he's nice to look to - Hey! we need some levity).


The Walkers body presence was insanely and scarily high.


Michonne is the best, hands down.


I love how half of the posts in this thread is the sentence, "Fuck You, Show!"

  • Love 16

Glen not dead. 

* No 'In Memoriam'

* Nicholas fell on top of him

* Glen wasn't crying out in pain, but anguish

* "Please don't let it be true" not once, but THREE times on TTD

* Hardwick would've been a lot more shaken up had Glen died

* Nobody would ever find him

* Steven Yeun is gonna be on the couch next TTD


Oh, and Yvette thinks Enid is a wolf and I believe that and think she took Judith.

  • Love 5

This was a very intense episode and I loved how much I was sitting on the edge of my couch. There were just so many walkers, I couldn't figure out how any of them could have survived. I actually started crying when I saw Glen fall and I can't help but think he is dead (ambiguous stuff on TD besides). He doesn't deserve to die alone, but in a real ZA this could happen. I was also very worried about Michonne and Rick throughout.


They really don't know what to do with Daryl. I'm not a huge fan personally but they need to find a place for him. Riding around in a motorcycle just doesn't make a lot of sense. And I hope Rick is not going to lose his hand. I really don't want to watch a one handed Rick for the rest of the series. 


Cliff hanger shows have been around forever (like Batman when I was a kid). The problem is this show has the follow up TD as well as tons of spoiler sites and media coverage, so this stuff is very hard to do. Since we are still wondering though I guess they did a good job. I really don't see anyway Glen could have crawled under the dumpster without the horde descending on him, but I want him to be alive so I will accept it if it happens.


In a weird way, this makes me feel that being an Alexandrian may be the way to go. They are unprepared and won't live long but they have food, booze, clean beds, showers and entertainment while their waiting to die. 

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 1

Totally enjoyed this episode since it was so action packed. However...

Why does some female always twist their ankle running through the woods? Maybe the ASZers aren't getting enough calcium and even the young gals have osteoporosis.   OR conversely...Dammit, Annie!  I told you not to wear those stiletto heels during the run.  I commented right after seeing her fall,  "So, Jason Vorehees should be showing up any second now."  


Again with the stealth walkers starting with the one that snuck up on the "redshirt that bitched about Rick".  These walkers are so sneaky!  Then another ninjas up and munches on Dave's shoulder!  Are we sure the walkers haven't achieved the ability to teleport?  I know we had to have some ASZ fatalities, (and some jump scares) but c'mon show, let's at least occasionally try to make these zombie attacks a bit less improbable.


The reality was, the injured people WERE a detriment to the safety of the group and should have been given a fighting chance by letting them hunker down in the pet store.  Dave was a goner.  While he was writing his last will and testament on that roll of toilet paper (or cash register reciept paper) I thought he was going to turn and start munching on the group.  Dave could have easily been a decoy to route the horde away.  Heath is thinking he's seen it all and should be a honorary CDB member - Just because he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express on one of his runs.  It was nice to see Michonne put him in his place.


Yes, that wolf that attacked Rick was one of the guys that Morgan let go - the others may or may not have been part of that kung fu circle around Morgan as well.  It was hard to tell.


I think the show is trying to psyche us out by making us think Glenn is dead.  I don't see how he stayed conscious while all that organ munching was going on.  He also didn't get a big enough build up or send off - yet - to be truly dead DEAD.  Maybe he's injured, pre-zombified... I guess we'll see.  Please don't let Maggie be preggers - we don't need any more ZA babies.  What I DO think is that if they follow up next week with Morgan's character development story, that is going to TOTALLY kill the momentum of the show IMO. 

  • Love 8

I fully stand by my view of what happened:  Glenn (& Nicholas' body) is completely surrounded - completely.


Not true  There is a dumpster to his back.  If its not flush to the ground its an opportunity to escape.  Whether they use it or not.  TBD



Everyone applauding Glenn's humanity but its what got him killed.


Or if he didn't get killed, its his humanity that saved him.

Not true  There is a dumpster to his back.  If its not flush to the ground its an opportunity to escape.  Whether they use it or not.  TBD


I guess a rewatch is needed then, for me, because I was sure that while he & Nicholas' body fell near the dumpster, it wasn't right against it, so there was still walkers between them and the dumpster, thus my 'he was completely surrounded by them' take.

I think Glen is dead. The way they fell Nicholas and Glen's heads were. In the same direction. If he had landed on Glen as a shield, we should have seen his head. We did not. The only conclusion I could draw (along with the agony on Glen's face) is that he was literally being torn apart.

I don't see the way he died as a cout. I felt it was very true to character. He went out on a mission in which he was trying to save others with the guy he gave a second chance. Brave, noble, and eternally optimistic in the humanity of others. That's Glen.

  • Love 3

Well, that happened. Moments before my viewing partner had said, "they better not kill Glenn."


Oddly, as much as that hurt, I'm sorta glad that he's dead. I've always thought he was the next major cast member that they'd kill off, and the agony of waiting was getting to me. It was a horrible way to go, and damnit I hate that Nickolas has managed to take out two of the Group through sheer incompetence. At least now,

I won't be waiting and scared of all the bats #comicreference


Edited by David T. Cole
Added spoiler taggage in comic ref.
  • Love 6

I also think it will be hard for them to carry off a death with no witnesses after a half season of Maggie and Glenn searching for each other on the road to Terminus.  If there were witnesses or a more likely scenario for a Glenn zombie to get up and walk around then I'd be more conviced of his death.


In this scenario they would have to contrive on Rick or Maggie seeing Hershel's watch in a pile of gore somehow.

Edited by ParadoxLost

I don't think that Glenn is dead. Why?

Because of the odd camera angle used to show "his" guts being ripped out. Since when does this show hold back on gruesome visuals of deaths?

Also because of the non confirmation of his death on TD. They almost went out of their way to tell you that his death wasn't confirmed.

And finally because he would be the first major character to die without anyone knowing his fate. There were no witnesses to his death. We will not see Walker Glenn. No one will come upon the remains of his body. While such a death is possible in the ZA, it would be an unforgivable choice by the writers to kill off a major - and beloved - character without closure for the other characters and the audience. Is everyone going to meet back in Alexandria and say, "Well, Glenn never made it back. Guess he is gone?"

Having said all of that, the chances that Glenn survived are slim. As has been mentioned up thread, his only option was to roll under the dumpster and lie there until the zombies move on. And, if so, what was the point? Why tease us with the possibility of Glenn's death?

I hate being manipulated like that...almost as much as I hate the idea of 90 minutes devoted to Morgan.

  • Love 6

No matter what, if Glenn isn't dead, I think its a major cop-out and BS move to put us through this.


There's NO REASON to have a Mt Everest-height type of cliffhanger for the 3rd episode of a season - putting the fate of a major character in total peril like that - there just isn't.  F U to Gimple/Nicotero, etc, if that's all this turns out being.  That would be a mid-season or season finale cliffhanger, not an episode that's leading into what may be nothing more than just a 'backstory filler hour' next week.


Even Rick's situation wasn't that horrible.  Sure it was bad, but not in a "I'm not sure there's any way he could have survived that!" way.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 5

That was heartbreaking.  And awesome tense storytelling.  Not only do they apparently kill off a long time character but it's not even the last scene of the episode.  The hero still has to deal with the fallout of a bad action made by another character back at home base.  What was with the walker with the butcher knife plunged through it's shoulder, that Rick cuts his hand on when he pushed it back?  The overhead shot of the RV at the end shows a house right off the road where it's stuck at.  I'm wondering if Rick can find temporary shelter in that building.  When he pulled out that baby food jar it really shook him that even when trying to keep everyone safe he can't actually be everywhere.  He still has no idea what actually has happened back in Alexandria and after all the gunfire he's probably imagining the worst, knowing who was left behind to "defend" the walls.


Once again it's made obvious that it's not necessarily the dead that are the threat but the living.  Specifically the fallout of personal choices made by individuals for their own reasons that come back to bite (pun intended) others in the ass.  Over 5 seasons so far, how many incidents can be pointed out where a character does or doesn't do something they probably shouldn't or should have and then others deal with the threat it becomes later?  Morgan and Nicholas are only the latest ones.  I even add in Rick's idea to head the quarry walkers away that has now added a bunch of uncontrollable walker attacks that are killing people.  Although from new characters this season, there were a lot on names on Talking Dead's tribute reel tonight, beyond random walkers.


Lots of character development for Michonne and good interaction with Heath, who seems to be another character who does understand what the danger really is outside Alexandria, at least from the walkers.  I liked how Michonne really drove home what it's like to be on the outside for a long time and what it takes to survive with a group.  She needs to repeat that monologue to Morgan.


I'm OK with getting Morgan's story next week to give us the reasons for his current state of mind in the present.  We've gotten to see of the overall effect his choices are having, but no one in that world has any idea and Morgan is only now getting a clue.  Until he confesses he had that encounter with the Wolves no one else has any idea that he made the disastrous choice to let them live even before he let that guy run off with the gun.

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I think Glenn would have understood Morgan's stand against killing people.  It's a shame they didn't get a chance to talk. But Glenn was too busy being pushed into the background.


I can't help wondering if Glenn was given such a low-key death because Steven had asked to be killed off.  He's probably gone as far as he can go as far as TWD goes.  They were never going to make Glenn a front burner character.  Steven is young, very talented and cute as hell.  He has a good future ahead of him.

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