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S05.E01: The Grimm Identity

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I'm sick of the writers.  I'm done with this show if they don't properly establish somethings:


-WTF are the royals?  Are they human, wesen, royal grimms?

-the other 11 royal house holds, one of which is Japanese but all of them participated in all the crusades

-the powerful coins that Kelly had which she needed to drop in a volcano and didn't

-stupid keys

-why is Diana special when her and Renard are basically the same


It's been 5 seasons, instead of adding more antagonists, how about explaining some of the ones that have already been brought up in the show.  Like freaking Adalind the serial rapist.  She's raped two people and we're suppose to feel some sort of sympathy towards her because she brought a rape baby to term?  She still raped Nick and Hank....wtf.


This is what I mean when I say that the writers have had a lack of vision. They clearly never had a solid overarching story which one of them kind of admitted in an interview in season one when Grimm was a surprising hit for NBC. Instead of sitting down and figuring where they wanted to take the show and characters, they stumbled along starting and dropping stories without a thought. Well, they made money and stayed employed so they have taken the approach that they do not have to make the effort to do good work.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 4

I'm sick of the writers.  I'm done with this show if they don't properly establish somethings:


-WTF are the royals?  Are they human, wesen, royal grimms?

-the other 11 royal house holds, one of which is Japanese but all of them participated in all the crusades

-the powerful coins that Kelly had which she needed to drop in a volcano and didn't

-stupid keys

-why is Diana special when her and Renard are basically the same


It's been 5 seasons, instead of adding more antagonists, how about explaining some of the ones that have already been brought up in the show.  Like freaking Adalind the serial rapist.  She's raped two people and we're suppose to feel some sort of sympathy towards her because she brought a rape baby to term?  She still raped Nick and Hank....wtf.


If Juliette is brought back as some sort of science experiment/super hexenbeist, I'm just going to lost my shit.  Hey show runners, she's freaking boring and I'm not going to sit through another season of this.  If she's still alive she's going to keep going after Nick/Adalind and the rape baby because she's a boring character.


Replying in the writing thread....

I'm sick of the writers.  I'm done with this show if they don't properly establish somethings:


-WTF are the royals?  Are they human, wesen, royal grimms?

-the other 11 royal house holds, one of which is Japanese but all of them participated in all the crusades

-the powerful coins that Kelly had which she needed to drop in a volcano and didn't

-stupid keys

-why is Diana special when her and Renard are basically the same


It's been 5 seasons, instead of adding more antagonists, how about explaining some of the ones that have already been brought up in the show.  Like freaking Adalind the serial rapist.  She's raped two people and we're suppose to feel some sort of sympathy towards her because she brought a rape baby to term?  She still raped Nick and Hank....wtf.


If Juliette is brought back as some sort of science experiment/super hexenbeist, I'm just going to lost my shit.  Hey show runners, she's freaking boring and I'm not going to sit through another season of this.  If she's still alive she's going to keep going after Nick/Adalind and the rape baby because she's a boring character.

I love you. Please have my rape baby. I'll bring the puke cookies if you bring the hat bong.

Edited by Lii
  • Love 9
I think I recall her full name is Theresa Rubel.   But, of course, the angsty teen introduced herself as "They call me Trouble."    I really wish they would drop that nickname.   It was 1) cliched to hell and back and 2) not what she is anymore.

Fwiw, the captions spell it T. Rubel. So I guess that's supposed to be clever, i.e. she's "trouble" but it's also her initial/surname combo. I wish they'd drop it, too. But it doesn't seem likely at this point. I used to stubbornly call her Teresa, but now that the show has doubled down on every other sentence being "Where's Trubel? Have you seen Trubel? Trubel is at Bud's house! Trubel killed Juliette!" I have decided there's no hope and for clarity's sake I need to call her by the stupid nickname, too.


I'll bring the puke cookies

I might like the show better if they'd had Adalind need to puke in order to cast some of her spells. It would make it much more unpleasant for her, and clarify that the show also finds the spells to be disgusting/acts of horror and not as romantic gestures or oopsie little pranks.

  • Love 3

I might like the show better if they'd had Adalind need to puke in order to cast some of her spells. It would make it much more unpleasant for her, and clarify that the show also finds the spells to be disgusting/acts of horror and not as romantic gestures or oopsie little pranks.


Truth. Even her hexenface is less icky now than it used to be.

Fwiw, the captions spell it T. Rubel. So I guess that's supposed to be clever, i.e. she's "trouble" but it's also her initial/surname combo. I wish they'd drop it, too. But it doesn't seem likely at this point. I used to stubbornly call her Teresa, but now that the show has doubled down on every other sentence being "Where's Trubel? Have you seen Trubel? Trubel is at Bud's house! Trubel killed Juliette!" I have decided there's no hope and for clarity's sake I need to call her by the stupid nickname, too.


Her nickname is what really is bothersome, for me and I do wish that the characters stop calling her that. It seems so corney that her nickname would a) be a combination of her fist and last name, b) be a pun on the word "trouble" and c) annoying to here. 

  • Love 4

Her nickname is what really is bothersome, for me and I do wish that the characters stop calling her that. It seems so corney that her nickname would a) be a combination of her fist and last name, b) be a pun on the word "trouble" and c) annoying to here. 




I know she has an actual name--Theresa Rubel--but Trubel sounds too much like she's a one-name person and this show already has one of those....

  • Love 1



I know she has an actual name--Theresa Rubel--but Trubel sounds too much like she's a one-name person and this show already has one of those....


I personally think that it would be better if they stop calling her "Trubel" since that was what she saw herself before she learned that she was a Grimm, but now she knows what she is and it would be, IMO, a good character growth for her to tell them to stop calling her that. Only because before she thought that a) she was trouble, b) couldn't fit into anywhere, and c) thought that she was insane before she learned the truth about her. 



Let's just call it now that the person going crazy in the cage is Juliette. She's coming back. I'm trying to decide if I should just be thankful for the Juliette-less episodes and try to continue watching when they bring her back, and the whole show revolves around the speshulest snowflake again. Or if I should bail when they bring her back.


If they bring her back as a villain and not Nick's love interest, it would be a little better, but watching her smirk and use the word bitch in the place of being an actual bad-ass, might be just as painful.

Part of me was worried that we would end up with Juliette's vengeful Hexenbeist ghost/spirit haunting Nick's house when I heard the whispers. But once we were shown the cage I was thinking that she could be there unless they are touring/transforming Trubel into something else?

It's totally Room 314, and they're totally creating JuliAdam in there, so she can come back EVEN MORE BADASS, and it will give them an excuse to keep her offscreen until the "srsly I'm quitting if she's not for reals dead" tweets die down some. Which, they're complete idiots to think that will help AT ALL, but they're complete idiots, so, there you go.

  • Love 3

It's totally Room 314, and they're totally creating JuliAdam in there, so she can come back EVEN MORE BADASS, and it will give them an excuse to keep her offscreen until the "srsly I'm quitting if she's not for reals dead" tweets die down some. Which, they're complete idiots to think that will help AT ALL, but they're complete idiots, so, there you go.


If they follow this storyline, it'll mark a new low even for this series.

  • Love 3

If they bring her back as a villain and not Nick's love interest, it would be a little better, but watching her smirk and use the word bitch in the place of being an actual bad-ass, might be just as painful.


I really hope they don't bring Juliette back.  She has gone too far with what she did for Nick ever to forgive her.  Like what was said in the episode....it wasn't her fault she became a hexenbeast but she embraced it.  That said....Adeline is beyond that point too....to make her a serene mother and any kind of love interest for Nick would alienate the viewers.  No baby could/should bridge that gap for that to be possible. 

  • Love 2
If they needed a Grimm, they could've informed her on what is going on; unless these Wessens are, so scared of Grimms, they would rather kidnapped and force them to work together. Although, I do wonder what is coming to Portland? Is it Wolverine/Sabertooth?


The writers already tried with the Mauvais Dentes, which is scarier than the Verrat and can wipe out entire villages.  Nick and Kelly managed to kill it.  Seems anticlimatic to bring Mauvais Dentes 2.0 to Portland.


I'm still not convinced that Kelly is dead either.


It's assumed that Juliette's coming back.  Sebastian's body wasn't found, and discussion on this board says that he's coming back.  If I have to tolerate Juliette coming back to save Portland, than I want Kelly to return too.


Shirtless Reynard at every opportunity whether it serves the plot or not.

And a new rule: Make Reynard walk next to short cops every episode.


Have you followed Sasha Roiz on Instagram?  Wow, he's all torso.  In the first year of Grimm, he and Giuntoli did the Portland Naked Bike Ride.  But they wore pants.  Boo!


I believe Juliette is dead because I don't see how she can be redeemed, Burning down the trailer and killing Kelly are unforgivable acts. I hate what the writers are doing to Nick. He had little angst in Season one now he's filled with angst.


I hate Nick's angst, which is due to his messy love life and involvement with Adalind.  He should focus on being a Grimm and hanging out with his friends.  He does seem relaxed when he's having dinner with Hank, Rosalee, and Monroe.


If Juliette comes back, she's irredeemable.  She could be a villain or a good guy, but she's irredeemable.  At this point, there's really nowhere left to develop the character. 


If Juliette's irredeemable, so is Adalind.  What she has done to Nick, Hank, and the hexencrone who she killed was indefensible too.  Same with Diana because Adalind has forgotten that she had another child.  She's been a bumbling villain, and now, the show wants to change her into a good guy (or a neutered character).  Nothing is really working for her.  There's really nowhere left to develop this character as well. 


Juliette and Adalind are albatrosses for Grimm. 


If Juliette is brought back as some sort of science experiment/super hexenbeist, I'm just going to lost my shit.  Hey show runners, she's freaking boring and I'm not going to sit through another season of this.  If she's still alive she's going to keep going after Nick/Adalind and the rape baby because she's a boring character.


I loathe Juliette, who is a bland piece of wood.  At this point, there's nothing else for the Juliette and Adalind characters except to bring drama into Nick's life.  No love triangles.  No returning Juliette to a good character because of tru luv.  No redeeming Adalind for a Nick-Adalind relationship.  Add Meisner and Renard, and it's a messy five lane intersection.


I hate when a show deteriorates into a show about angst-y relationships.  The Big Bang Theory is unwatchable because it's all about relationships.  Now, Grimm is going in that direction.


I also have to admit that I am more and more intrigued by Meisner.  Is he a Grimm?  Is he KSK?  Is he Wesen?  How did he come to be in Portland?  How did he know where Diana was?  When will he take his shirt off?  These are things that I need to know.


I wouldn't be surprised if this show doesn't develop the Meisner character.  Does he have Diana at this point?  At the very least, there should be a pose off between him and Renard.


Re: Renard.  I just don't get this.  I mean, why couldn't he be a villain, or at least gray.  He was so, so much more interesting in season 1 up until he drank the magic milkshake than he ever was at any point after that.


And, you know what?  Villains, when done well, are cool.  When they are done well, they can be more effective than the hero.



Renard got his fan club when he was a BAMF and did his shirtless rage.  Now, he's a neutered character who sits in his office.  He's very interesting as a bad guy.  He made Adalind more interesting when he was mindfucking her.

  • Love 2

Hey, let's get back to discussing the topic; we still have the Juliette topic where you can go voice your opinion about the possible future of the character, but this thread has slid dangerously off topic this weekend. Time to course correct and get back to the actual episode, and NOT the season as the whole or what you would like to see happen (which goes here).


Posts that are not mostly about the episode may go poof.




Monroe agrees.


It's assumed that Juliette's coming back.  Sebastian's body wasn't found, and discussion on this board says that he's coming back.  If I have to tolerate Juliette coming back to save Portland, than I want Kelly to return too.


I have a feeling that, if Limitless doesn't work out (I haven't watched it or paid attention to the ratings and reviews, so I don't know), we *might* see MEM back on Grimm.  The fan demand is there, and the creators will do almost anything to make sure they're liked (not a good thing, by the way), so I can see them trying to find a way to bring Kelly back if MEM is available and interested.



Have you followed Sasha Roiz on Instagram?  Wow, he's all torso.  In the first year of Grimm, he and Giuntoli did the Portland Naked Bike Ride.  But they wore pants.  Boo!


While it does sort of violate the spirit of the naked bike ride, I think pants are probably a prudent idea!  



I loathe Juliette, who is a bland piece of wood.  At this point, there's nothing else for the Juliette and Adalind characters except to bring drama into Nick's life.  No love triangles.  No returning Juliette to a good character because of tru luv.  No redeeming Adalind for a Nick-Adalind relationship.  Add Meisner and Renard, and it's a messy five lane intersection.


While I wish they would have kept Juliette dead, I'm not quite ready to say that she's beyond some sort of--redemption is the wrong word, but it is the only one that is coming to my mind right now.  Basically, I'm reserving judgment on that until I see where they are going.  If they try to reform her (reformation!  That's the word), they have to cut Renard out of the relationship completely.  They already have too much to deal with in that mess.


But Adalind?  Yeah...WAY past any possible redemption in my book.  I mean, I could stand her if it meant more Meisner, but that's about it.



I wouldn't be surprised if this show doesn't develop the Meisner character.  Does he have Diana at this point?  At the very least, there should be a pose off between him and Renard.


Frankly, Meisner is the only character with any real possibility to be a game changer.  What do we know about him?  He was part of a group that allied with the resistance, he had contact and at least a working relationship with Renard (who has said that he hadn't heard from Meisner since Meisner went underground after dropping Adalind off), he has AMAZING chemistry with Adalind, he has ample midwifery skills, he has (or at least had) Diana, he's involved in some way with the same movement Chavez was, and he has some knowledge of Juliette and what her status is. 


But is he a hero?  Is he a villain?  Or maybe somewhere in between?  Since they've basically neutered Renard, Meisner the only one with any sort of intrigue at the moment.


Edited: Okay, posted this before Monroe got on my case!  Sorry!

Edited by OtterMommy
  • Love 2

While I wish they would have kept Juliette dead, I'm not quite ready to say that she's beyond some sort of--redemption is the wrong word, but it is the only one that is coming to my mind right now.  Basically, I'm reserving judgment on that until I see where they are going.  If they try to reform her (reformation!  That's the word), they have to cut Renard out of the relationship completely.  They already have too much to deal with in that mess.


With these writers, I don't trust them to handle any reformation or redemption of any kind with the way they tanked her character and it wasn't even a high bar to begin with.  The last season was just bafflingly awful at this even given some of its past story arcs.


Speaking of Monroe, does anyone else think his facial hair looked particularly icky this episode?  Jeez, man, shave or grow the full beard.


I thought both Monroe and Rosalee looked a little disheveled or something.


Another thing I thought of is Diana wasn't mentioned at all, was she?  Renard answered one of his cops about not caring to communicate with Austrians about Kenneth's body.  You'd think he would talk to somebody in the gang about the whereabouts and well-being of his daughter.

  • Love 2

Speaking of Monroe, does anyone else think his facial hair looked particularly icky this episode?  Jeez, man, shave or grow the full beard.


I did think he looked...unMonroe-ish.  Then I realized that this was filmed in mid-July, and his run in "3 days of rain" ended not long before that. He did have to, well, un-Monroe himself a bit for that role, so I think he just hadn't yet had the chance to grow the Blutbad back.  I'm sure he'll be back looking like Monroe soon (at about the time he upgrades his car...)


But, for the beard, well...when was the last time we saw a clean shaven Nick?  Maybe it is just hero worship?

I thought both Monroe and Rosalee looked a little disheveled or something.


Another thing I thought of is Diana wasn't mentioned at all, was she?  Renard answered one of his cops about not caring to communicate with Austrians about Kenneth's body.  You'd think he would talk to somebody in the gang about the whereabouts and well-being of his daughter.


No she wasn't, which means either the writers have something planned OR they never expected people watching the show to go, "Hey...isn't that they guy who has Diana?" when they saw Meisner.  I'd like to think it was the former but, who are we kidding?, it was probably the latter.

  • Love 2

I like Claire Coffee and she has thrown herself into whatever the writers have come up with next.  Maybe she can be Adalind's twin sister who is a normal human being.



The most interesting aspect of the episode to me was seeing if Tulloch's name was still in the credits, and it is. So that answers that, ya know?


These credits can be easily edited for each show (as opposed to those that show the character in the credits like Sleepy Hollow or Brooklyn 9-9).  So they can easily add or remove Tulloch's name depending on whether she's in an episode (like this one) or not (the rest of the season, I hope).

I did a sort-of rewatch of this ep while doing dishes this morning.  By sort of, I mean I FF'd through anything having to do with Adalind (and there are 2 reasons for that), and I noticed a few other odd things:


1 - Since when does Renard have a secretary/receptionist to answer his phone for him?  I mean, with all the time that guy spends on the phone WE WOULD HAVE NOTICED IT BY NOW!  It could have been that Chavez called the main switchboard...except she's FBI, she would have called him directly.

2 - Why does Rosalee still have an old manual cash register in her spice shop but secure WiFi in her basement?

3 - Am I bad person because I laughed when Chavez died?  Seriously, that was just really, really cheesy.


Now, why Adalind got the FF treatment.  It's no secret that I cannot stand her character--I'd probably really like her if she were an actual villian but well, you know...  But I like Rosalee and, if I watch those scenes in the hospital one more time, I will hate her.  And I don't want to hate her.


Rosalee, please explain why Nick needs to be there for Adalind?  Don't give me the "The baby is innocent" line because Nick CAN be there for the baby and not for Adalind.  What exactly did Nick do to get into this situation?  Nothing!  What did Adalind do?  Stole Juliette's identity, raped Nick, and then manipulated him to help her.  Now Rosalee is basically telling Nick that HE needs to man up over this?


As I said, I want to continue to like Rosalee, so I'm hoping that scenes like that are...minimal...going forward.

  • Love 2

These credits can be easily edited for each show (as opposed to those that show the character in the credits like Sleepy Hollow or Brooklyn 9-9).  So they can easily add or remove Tulloch's name depending on whether she's in an episode (like this one) or not (the rest of the season, I hope).


Oh, no doubt they can mix it in and out (they have done so with Claire Coffee a lot), but she's still credited as part of the regular cast (just like Coffee, as well, when she wasn't appearing in every episode). I've only seen one other show write someone out and then keep their name in the regular cast listing when they made special appearances (Hill Street Blues did it with a bunch of the characters they wrote out when Milch took over the show). Most other shows would list her as a "special guest star" if she was actually written out. That she had her normal place in the credits suggest that she is going to be back (for better or for worse). 

So, when the credits showed "Bitsie Tulloch" - I groaned...then it showed "Damien Puckler" - and it was HURRAY!

The only thing I have to add to the wonderful discussion here: when Chavez said "they're coming", it totally took me back to season 1 and the Mellifers when Queen Bee said the exact same thing. And I remember that we never found out who "they" was back then..did we? I assume it may phage been the Royals? So..who are "they" now? And if the cheesy claw at the end was any indication, I guess we're talking about some Velociraptor Wesen?

BTW, had Nick listened to Queen Bee in S1 and sided with her against Adalind,,maybe we wouldn't have had almost foor seasons of baby drama. May have been a totally different show.....

  • Love 6

I find it odd that Adelind would want to name her baby after the woman who killed her mother. I know they didn't get along or that she really cared all that much that she was dead, but it is still kind of strange.


Also, I don't know why she would want to do something that nice for Nick. Is Adelind starting to turn good or does she have some future manipulative plan that will get foiled? Adelind is currently the most hapless villain on TV. She has failed miserably in all her plots - except her ability to rape people and get pregnant by two of her victims. Although I'm not sure if baby Kelly is really hers. 

  • Love 1

True..and I could go along with that if Adalind wasn't so set on going after Kelly herself when she working with the Royals.  It was only in the last few minutes of season 4 that she showed any feeling for Kelly.


I am thinking that Adalind was just naming her kid after Kelly, to manipulate Nick into accepting he is the father and will do his share of the parenting?

  • Love 5

I am thinking that Adalind was just naming her kid after Kelly, to manipulate Nick into accepting he is the father and will do his share of the parenting?


I don't think Adalind does anything that doesn't serve Adalind, so this is probably right on....


Edited to fix that nasty triple negative I had going there..

Edited by OtterMommy
  • Love 1

I find it odd that Adelind would want to name her baby after the woman who killed her mother. I know they didn't get along or that she really cared all that much that she was dead, but it is still kind of strange.

Also, I don't know why she would want to do something that nice for Nick. Is Adelind starting to turn good or does she have some future manipulative plan that will get foiled? Adelind is currently the most hapless villain on TV. She has failed miserably in all her plots - except her ability to rape people and get pregnant by two of her victims. Although I'm not sure if baby Kelly is really hers.


I guess part of her 'redemption', having babies, losing her power/regaining it and then lose it once again, naming her baby, etc.

I think Meisner is just a human and not a Wesen.


Why would a human be part of the resistance? I guess he could be a hired gun but most humans don't even know Wesen exist. Then again they seem to have moved away from the idea of "the resistance" and onto some new shadow organization to which Chavez belonged so . . . who the hell knows?

Why would a human be part of the resistance? I guess he could be a hired gun but most humans don't even know Wesen exist. Then again they seem to have moved away from the idea of "the resistance" and onto some new shadow organization to which Chavez belonged so . . . who the hell knows?


Meisner is not a hired gun, so to speak.  He is the head of some movement in Europe (or at least it was some vague European movement in the 2nd season).  He and Renard allied themselves and brought in some other movements--or maybe an existing movement?--to create "the resistance."  


As to whether or not he's human...I honestly don't think the writers gave it much thought.  I don't think he was ever supposed to be a major player--or even a player at all--after he dropped Adalind off with Kelly.  I vaguely remember Renard saying something that Meisner had gone underground, but he didn't even know if he was alive.  As for his humanity...I think we'll probably find out soon enough.  If I had to put money somewhere, I'd put it on him being a Grimm, but I'm not convinced of that.


But then I don't think the creators and writers realized how popular he would be (because most of them are male!) and once they realized that a certain segment of their viewers (the ones who like hot guys...) really wanted him back, the figured out how to bring him back.  And, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think that might have been a smart move on their part.  Frankly, Meisner is the one variable in this puzzle right now.  Why is he in Portland?  Is Renard involved or even aware?  Does he harbor feelings for Adalind (lord, I hope so...)? But, beyond that...there is this:


Meisner is the one piece of the puzzle regarding Juliette.  He was in the helicopter when the King and Diana got into and had to have noticed that there was another woman at least here at the helicopter, even if she didn't get in.  Less than 24 hours later, he's guarding a cell that we think has that same woman in it (I know that's still up for debate but, personally, I can't see how it would be anyone else) and, from the conversation he had with Chavez, it sounds like he's been there a while.  So, we'll have to see how all that turns out.


But, with all my complaining about this episode and the direction of the series, I have to admit that I'm all about Meisner being part of it.

Edited by OtterMommy

I don't think Adalind does anything that doesn't serve Adalind, so this is probably right on....


Edited to fix that nasty triple negative I had going there..


Yeah, that ^^^ basically describes Adalind to a tee. Although, I really do hope that they put the Nick/Adalind "relationship" in the background for now and just focus on what the hell is going on. First we have Truble (and I so hate that nickname, btw), Kelly's head is gone and so is her body, and Juliette is missing. Plus, Nick was drugged and someone must've cleaned up when he was out because his living room looked like nothing happened at all and now Wolverine/Sabertooth/Velociraptors Wesens are coming to Portland, and for what?

  • Love 1

I am in the camp that really disliked Juliette from day one, so I sincerely hoped the death would stick and they'd reboot to some degree. I was even willing to take an Adalind redemption arc because I think the actress is so much better. The baby can go though. Babies ruin everything.

I'll be the umpteenth person to note that lighting and sound drove me nuts. Too dark and whispery so I lost track of what was happening. They've already made the whole story so confusing. I need to be able to see what's happening to try and keep up.

I'm disappointed overall. I loved this show when it was Law and Order: Grimm, watching them learn new lore each week, the really great friendship they created between Nick and Monroe, etc. Now they just have a 73-layer epic myth to write their way out of and I have serious doubts.

  • Love 5

For about half a minute, I really thought "oh good, they realized over the summer this baby thing was a terrible, horrible, no good very bad plot and will kill him off right away", and then proceed with dead-baby-angst rather than co-parenting-angst. The terrible pacing, and terrible balance between the two plots in the episode had me going for a moment, and I do blame the editing there, since no, of course not, baby's totally fine as soon as Nick gets back. No real peril to be found here.

They did Rosalie a disservice with her exposition fairying this one. I mean, she gets forced into that corner a lot, but it still annoys me because they've taunted us before with her relative kick-assery. So when she spends the hour "Nick, of course you Must Go to the Hospital"..."Nick, of course you Must Leave the Hospital". No matter who or what's on the other end, Nick gets a phone call, she tells him to go wherever the call came from. Trying to get info out of Chavez but something baby happens? Baby's more important. Trying to deal with baby situation but something Chavez happens? Chavez more important. I'm like, did the director even watch this cut and how mirrored those scenes were? Because if they were going for some kind of dramatic juxtaposition they failed excellently and the whole thing just read wishy washy.

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They clearly never had a solid overarching story which one of them kind of admitted in an interview in season one when Grimm was a surprising hit for NBC.



They do have a few basic rules, however, and one of them seems to be that in each episode, a character has to act like an idiot. Since Juliette is (probably temporarily) gone, this episode it was Nick. Dude, you are a trained cop and a Grimm. You know what has happened and you have friends to back you up. Settle down, think out a plan and execute. Don't threaten an FBI agent in her office, or stalk her at home. BTW, what time did she get home, 3 p.m.? Awfully light out. Your tax dollars at work.


Also? Most anytime someone expresses sympathy for Juliette it takes me out of the story, because with every fiber of my DNA I don't get why anyone wants her around. Adalind has done awful things, however, it seems like if she views you as being on the same side, she's a pretty good ally, and a lot of crap that she has done has been tied to others forcing her to do it. Lame and annoying is just who Juliette is.

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I'm disappointed overall. I loved this show when it was Law and Order: Grimm, watching them learn new lore each week, the really great friendship they created between Nick and Monroe, etc. Now they just have a 73-layer epic myth to write their way out of and I have serious doubts.

Yes, exactly.  Law & Order: Grimm was the part I liked, too.  Mermaids and minotaurs, Nick, Hank, Wu, Monroe and Rosalie.  Junior Grimm T. Rubel was a nice addition.


Now I'm in seriously befuddled because I've never paid attention to any of the Royals/Resistance storyline.  I don't even know who "Meisner" is and it sounds like he's going to significant.


By the time I fast-forward Claire Coffey and the mythology, there isn't much left.

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