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Unpopular Opinions: "The Post-Lotto Episodes Were the Best!"

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  On 3/25/2018 at 4:01 AM, the-grey-lady said:

That's a fair point, but wasn't Becky nearly done with her senior year before she found out about her nonexistent college fund? That time span wouldn't have left her with a lot of time to pursue other options, especially if she'd been led to believe there was money for her.


She could have went to the college financial aid office and explained the situation to them. If she really wanted to, she could have find a way to get to college even if she had to stay at home to attend a community college for the first two years to save money. Darlene went to college, and she was barely staying in high school with lousy grades with all of a sudden great writing skills and a scholarship. If Darlene can make a go of it, so can Becky.

Honestly, it is a bit hard for me to feel sorry for Becky regarding her college fund. Realistically, even if there was one, how much did she really think her parents could've saved for her? $5,000 to $10,000 maybe, which is pretty damn generous for two working class people with bills and two other kids to support. And $5,000-10,000 would've only maybe bought her a few semesters at he local community college, assuming Becky would've even deigned to go to a community college.

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  On 3/25/2018 at 4:28 PM, HeySandyStrange said:

Honestly, it is a bit hard for me to feel sorry for Becky regarding her college fund. Realistically, even if there was one, how much did she really think her parents could've saved for her? $5,000 to $10,000 maybe, which is pretty damn generous for two working class people with bills and two other kids to support. And $5,000-10,000 would've only maybe bought her a few semesters at he local community college, assuming Becky would've even deigned to go to a community college.


Back then in early 1990's, $5000.00 to $10,000 could have gotten a lot more than a few semesters of community college especially if she was still living at home. In today's world, a student would be lucky to make it through two semesters with $10,000 at a community college.

  On 3/25/2018 at 4:44 PM, bigskygirl said:

Back then in early 1990's, $5000.00 to $10,000 could have gotten a lot more than a few semesters of community college especially if she was still living at home. In today's world, a student would be lucky to make it through two semesters with $10,000 at a community college.


That's probably true, I was a kid back then so I wouldn't know. Still, I would guess that it still wouldn't have funded her entire education, and at some point Becky would've had to go to a four year college if she wanted a Bachelor's degree, and I am assuming that that would've costed significantly more then CC, as it does now.  One would think someone as ambitious and frankly, uppity, as Becky would've thought to ask her parents about the mythical college fund a long time before her senior year.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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The community college where I live is run by the state. Before it became a state run community college, it was a vocational technical school ran by the local school board. The tuition was cheap back along with the cost of books and supplies. It is ironic now because people are saying it is better to get a two year degree or a good vocational technical certificate in something like office work, nursing, medical, mechanical work etc. etc. than it is to get an expensive four year education because more jobs are opening up for people with a one or two year college education. I would love to have seen Becky end up in the medical field as an EMT/Paramedic or even as a medical secretary/office assistant/manager.

The thing that annoyed me the most about Becky's college storyline is that several years later (in S7 or S8, I think) we found out she'd been accepted into the University of Illinois. That's a very good school, and a great achievement for Becky considering her parents did nothing to push her academically or prepare her for college - no SAT prep courses, no mention of AP classes or extracurriculars, nothing. U of I is a state school, and in-state tuition in the 90s, while not cheap, didn't cost an arm and a leg yet. She could have worked something out, taken out loans and worked part-time in the first year if she missed the deadline for financial aid, or asked Bev for help, who I'm sure would have been happy to. It just boggles my mind that she got so far and then fell at the last hurdle.

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Maybe Becky -- without thinking much about it -- thought of college less as a goal and more as a reward. The prize for having beaten all the competition she had ever known, and known all her life. A kind of four-year gap year: a furlough between the 12-year grind of standard schooling and a lifetime of work. 

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  On 3/25/2018 at 2:30 AM, Stacey1014 said:

That entire episode was embarrassing to watch.  The whole inheritance story along with the dinner at the restaurant. I couldn’t believe they were behaving like that at a restaurant. 


One of the things that did come out of the restaurant episode was later Becky was shocked that Darlene was the one that was doing well. From childhood, she had been the Conner kid who was marked for success, with Darlene being the troublemaker who might stay out of jail, and DJ being so weird.

  On 3/25/2018 at 3:32 AM, the-grey-lady said:

I'm sure I'm alone in this opinion, but I always feel really bad for Becky when she finds out she no longer has a college fund.

I'm not saying she isn't bratty to her parents in that scene, because she is, but from her point of view, she's been working her butt off for good grades under the reasonable assumption that her parents have some money set aside for her, and she only finds out that the money is gone because she asks. Who knows if Dan and Roseanne would've said anything otherwise? I totally understand that Dan and Roseanne have had a really hard year financially, but in my opinion, Becky has a right to be upset to find out that she, a high-school senior, won't have any of the money she'd been promised.



  On 3/25/2018 at 3:55 AM, bigskygirl said:

I can understand being upset, but she could have applied for financial aid. She also could have gotten scholarships, grants, and got a job in order to pay for college. I also had a hard time believing Darlene who was barely passing high school suddenly became a great writer and was able to attend college on a scholarship. I think Roseanne was trying to turn Darlene into a younger version of herself.


It is too bad that they screwed the pooch with the adult Beck storyline so hard. It would have been fascinating for Becky not to have given up so easily.  It also did not make sense, we all saw that Mark was supportive of Becky's education until she wanted to become to become a doctor (which was still a pipe dream when she brought it up).

The fact that Becky just never even tried was such a character change from the hard-working student we saw as a kid, who never wanted to have her mother's life. She and the family blame Mark for this, but truthfully he was very supportive in the beginning and actually happy to pay for her schooling.

I remember when Mark flunked out of trade school and Becky could not believe that she was with a guy like that...I was like well at least Mark was trying to better himself.

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Sad though it was to watch I think Becky making a mess of her life was pretty believable.  Maybe if things had been different and she really had had that college fund (although one has to ask how smart was this girl to see her parents struggle financially all their lives and yet think thousands of dollars were sitting in a bank account earmarked for her?) Becky would have been different too but I really don't think so.  She was impulsive and she made bad choices (well mainly Mark) and she was one of those kids IMO who hit university and fail because suddenly they're surrounded by kids who are as smart, if not smarter than they are, and they can't handle it.  

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  On 3/26/2018 at 1:06 PM, CherryAmes said:

Sad though it was to watch I think Becky making a mess of her life was pretty believable.  Maybe if things had been different and she really had had that college fund (although one has to ask how smart was this girl to see her parents struggle financially all their lives and yet think thousands of dollars were sitting in a bank account earmarked for her?) Becky would have been different too but I really don't think so.  She was impulsive and she made bad choices (well mainly Mark) and she was one of those kids IMO who hit university and fail because suddenly they're surrounded by kids who are as smart, if not smarter than they are, and they can't handle it.  


I hated that scene when Becky threw a tantrum because she didn't have a college fund.  I agree with you, how could she be so intelligent and not have understood her family's dire finances?  I grew up knowing my family was poor and knowing that I would not be getting any financial assistance from my mom.  I went to college anyway due to a combination of scholarships and loans.  I don't see how Becky couldn't have done the same thing if she really wanted to go to college.

Becky was smart but she had a weakness when it comes to boys.  As she got further along in high school, she was no longer interested in the "Chip" of the world and more into bad boys, like Johnny Swanko and Mark.

I'm surprised that the kids were not holding part time jobs during high school (outside Becky working at the grocery store towards the end).  I starting working at 14 and whatever money I made was used to pay for my own expenses (clothing, books...etc).  My mom kinda cut me off financially once I started working. 

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  On 3/25/2018 at 4:07 PM, bigskygirl said:

True, but Darlene is living at home with her two kids divorced and without a job. So much for her great success in the real world.


Darlene never did well in the real world.  She was never stupid even in the early days.  School  just bored hey and she  had no patience for bordom and then puberty hit her HARD and so did depression or whatever you want to call what she had.  David and her artistic talent pulled her out of it but she still never had much use for what passed as reality.  I can see her hitting a brick wall with life and marriage.  Not being able to adapt to either.  She is not one to compromise.   Even David will eventually have enough.  

FYI I am hoping for a joke about a blonde bimbo David is seeing in San Francisco named Quarter.  “That’s not her name.”  “that’s what she charges”.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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  On 3/26/2018 at 2:02 PM, DkNNy79 said:

Becky was smart but she had a weakness when it comes to boys.  As she got further along in high school, she was no longer interested in the "Chip" of the world and more into bad boys, like Johnny Swanko and Mark.


I was glad that at least they had Becky run off with Mark because she wanted to get away from home not because she was pregnant.  I knew girls who were like Becky back in high school but who ended up pregnant and married while their less book smart friends went off to college and jobs.  

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  On 3/26/2018 at 2:21 PM, Chaos Theory said:

Darlene never did well in the real world.  She was never stupid even in the early days.  School  just bored hey and she  had no patience for bordom and then puberty hit her HARD and so did depression or whatever you want to call what she had.  David and her artistic talent pulled her out of it but she still never had much use for what passed as reality.  I can see her hitting a brick wall with life and marriage.  Not being able to adapt to either.  She is not one to compromise.   Even David will eventually have enough.  

FYI I am hoping for a joke about a blonde bimbo David is seeing in San Francisco named Quarter.  “That’s not her name.”  “that’s what she charges”.  


 I don't think we saw enough of Darlene in the real world to say one way or the other. The last we saw her she was just finishing college, and was dealing with her pregnancy and marriage. And she seem to have a solid plan in place for them including health insurance and a job that actually paid bills while using her creative talent. Until I see the episode, I'm going to reserve judgment on why she has moved back home. It could simply be a combination of her parents needing help, her marriage ending and losing her job all at once. Particularly in the economy of the previous decade it is not uncommon at all for people to be moving back in with family members.

 There could also be her depression at play here. It has been very clearly established that it's something she's been struggling with since puberty. Depression is insidious and can come and go.

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I think Darlene moving back in with her parents with two kids after a divorce and losing her job is just another story line on a television show. They usually have one or more kid on a show move back in with their parents for various reasons. She could be using Dan and Roseanne as an excuse to move back home.

  On 3/26/2018 at 2:51 PM, BlossomCulp said:

I was glad that at least they had Becky run off with Mark because she wanted to get away from home not because she was pregnant.  I knew girls who were like Becky back in high school but who ended up pregnant and married while their less book smart friends went off to college and jobs.  


Me too. Having her get married in a shotgun wedding would have been WAY too easy and obvious, but they averted that and I was glad. 

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  On 3/26/2018 at 4:15 PM, bigskygirl said:

I think Darlene moving back in with her parents with two kids after a divorce and losing her job is just another story line on a television show. They usually have one or more kid on a show move back in with their parents for various reasons. She could be using Dan and Roseanne as an excuse to move back home.


Sara Gilbert is responsible for getting the revival going so I don't think they'd have her living in Chicago and pre tape a few telephone scenes like they did with Lecy in season 5.

You are right, they just need her at home so the show can exist lol.

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  On 3/27/2018 at 12:45 PM, UYI said:

Me too. Having her get married in a shotgun wedding would have been WAY too easy and obvious, but they averted that and I was glad. 


I remembered when she got married Jackie was saying all the women in the family got married because they got pregnant. Roseanne and Becky were not pregnant when they got married.

  On 3/27/2018 at 12:45 PM, UYI said:

Me too. Having her get married in a shotgun wedding would have been WAY too easy and obvious, but they averted that and I was glad. 


And this is why I hated Darlene and David getting married. That is exactly what this was. It was way too easy, obvious and I don't feel went with Darlene's character at all.


The whole "Oh nooooo's, we're pregnant so let's get married!" thing was too forced.

Edited by AM1418
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  On 3/24/2018 at 2:02 AM, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

I do like this episode but I wanted to slap Becky and Darlene after the way they acted. (Which actually made them very believable as teenagers). 


Regarding the "Don't Make Me Over" episode - because this show has been on for so long in real time and in re-runs, this episode stands out to me.  When I first watched it, I was just out of college and the brattiness of the girls didn't really have much of an effect on me.  But now that I have my own teenage daughter, whenever I catch this episode in reruns it totally speaks to me because as a mother, I know the special kind of hurt that can come from a teenager to her mom.  It also makes me think about what I brat I was to my own mom, too.  That's why I am so happy this show is back for awhile - over the years, you can have different reactions to certain themes as you age along with the characters.

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  On 3/28/2018 at 3:05 PM, laurakaye said:

Regarding the "Don't Make Me Over" episode - because this show has been on for so long in real time and in re-runs, this episode stands out to me.  When I first watched it, I was just out of college and the brattiness of the girls didn't really have much of an effect on me.  But now that I have my own teenage daughter, whenever I catch this episode in reruns it totally speaks to me because as a mother, I know the special kind of hurt that can come from a teenager to her mom.  It also makes me think about what I brat I was to my own mom, too.  That's why I am so happy this show is back for awhile - over the years, you can have different reactions to certain themes as you age along with the characters.


I totally get it. I’m around the same age as Becky and Darlene (41). It’s strange watching the original show where Dan and Roseanne are the same age as I am. I liked David when the show aired, but watching as a 40-something, he grated on my last nerve. 

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  On 3/26/2018 at 1:06 PM, CherryAmes said:

Sad though it was to watch I think Becky making a mess of her life was pretty believable.  Maybe if things had been different and she really had had that college fund (although one has to ask how smart was this girl to see her parents struggle financially all their lives and yet think thousands of dollars were sitting in a bank account earmarked for her?) Becky would have been different too but I really don't think so.  She was impulsive and she made bad choices (well mainly Mark) and she was one of those kids IMO who hit university and fail because suddenly they're surrounded by kids who are as smart, if not smarter than they are, and they can't handle it.  


It almost felt like when Becky realized there was no college fund she stopped trying. I really do not know how someone, as driven as Becky, would fail to even get her GED, let alone an Associate or Bachelor degree.

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  On 3/28/2018 at 5:21 PM, Chas411 said:

UO is I prefer Sarah Chalke's Becky to Lecy Goranson and although I think it's great the reboot has stayed loyal to the original Becky, I wish she was played by a stronger actress. 


I’ve never disliked Lecy’s Becky. However, once she resumed the role, I had a hard time watching her. I think I had become used to Sarah and her Becky seemed a bit more mature once she settled into the role and she played married Becky a bit better than Lecy.  The constant switching out of the two actresses towards the end didn’t make it any better. 

If they wanted to include Sarah in the reboot, they should have written her as a long lost half sister of Jackie and Roseanne from when her father had the affair. 

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  On 3/28/2018 at 5:28 PM, Stacey1014 said:

The constant switching out of the two actresses towards the end didn’t make it any better. 


But I did laugh at how the show's opening credits did the morphing between Lecy and Sarah! My memory is fuzzy, but Sarah's Becky wasn't as obnoxious or mean as Lecy's and so for me, felt like a third child of Roseanne's.

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  On 1/6/2018 at 8:38 PM, qtpye said:

The irony is that Tom Arnold and Roseanne actually did open up a loose meat sandwich store in a depressed Midwestern town in real life and it went under pretty quickly after their marriage dissolved

Here is an article about the diner and the town.



Somehow I had never heard about this! Here’s some more info on that diner, why the picked that location (they built an estate there, which is near where Tom grew up), the inspiration for it all and info on their abandoned house: http://abandonedexplorers.com/abandoned-places/roseanne-house/

  On 3/28/2018 at 3:05 PM, laurakaye said:

Regarding the "Don't Make Me Over" episode - because this show has been on for so long in real time and in re-runs, this episode stands out to me.  When I first watched it, I was just out of college and the brattiness of the girls didn't really have much of an effect on me.  But now that I have my own teenage daughter, whenever I catch this episode in reruns it totally speaks to me because as a mother, I know the special kind of hurt that can come from a teenager to her mom.  It also makes me think about what I brat I was to my own mom, too.  


17 year old Sara Gilbert actually wrote this episode. I’m not sure if she did the entire thing or “only” helped but I think having an actual teen girl writing it is what really made it (painfully) realistic.

Edited by Rebecca
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  On 3/28/2018 at 5:45 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

My memory is fuzzy, but Sarah's Becky wasn't as obnoxious or mean as Lecy's and so for me, felt like a third child of Roseanne's.


I'm the opposite - Lecy's Becky felt like a Conner, while Sarah's felt like some stereotypical dumb blonde who'd gotten lost and wandered into the wrong family.

  On 3/28/2018 at 6:11 PM, Rebecca said:

17 year old Sara Gilbert actually wrote this episode. I’m not sure if she did the entire thing or “only” helped but I think having an actual teen girl writing it is what really made it (painfully) realistic.


She didn't write it, but the story was her concept - she gets the "story by" credit and the writers get the "teleplay by" credit.

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  On 3/28/2018 at 7:51 PM, Bastet said:

I'm the opposite - Lecy's Becky felt like a Conner, while Sarah's felt like some stereotypical dumb blonde who'd gotten lost and wandered into the wrong family.


I think that's what I said? that Lecy's Becky was obnoxious, etc., meaning, she felt like a Conner, and Sarah's Becky was the total opposite. That's why I said she felt like a third child of theirs. Oh, wait. I see what you mean. That Sarah's Becky didn't even resemble a Conner. That's what I meant and should have made more clear!

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Am I the only who thinks that besides the blonde hair and blue eyes Lecy and Sarah Chalke don't look much alike? The "it's like looking into a mirror" jokes fell completely flat for me. And I agree Sarah Chalke never looked like she belonged into the Conner family. She looks too "high-end" for that. Her look does suit the Andrea role though.

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I thought the it's like looking in a mirror jokes were moreso an in joke at them both being Becky. 

Looks wise I think Chalke is high end looking now but it's partially how they have her dressed etc. If she was back as Becky they could have dressed her down. I thought they looked similar enough in season 7.

i also didn't think she was that dumb. She wasn't as mean or ambitious school wise but she wasn't a complete airhead. I kind of thought Darlene moved into the role of early seasons Becky from seasonn five onwards.

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  On 3/28/2018 at 7:59 PM, chocolatine said:

Am I the only who thinks that besides the blonde hair and blue eyes Lecy and Sarah Chalke don't look much alike? The "it's like looking into a mirror" jokes fell completely flat for me. And I agree Sarah Chalke never looked like she belonged into the Conner family. She looks too "high-end" for that. Her look does suit the Andrea role though.


I’ve never thought they looked alike at all, other than being female, around the same build, blonde and white. I did laugh at the “before I put on my makeup” joke, though.

  On 3/28/2018 at 7:51 PM, Bastet said:

She didn't write it, but the story was her concept - she gets the "story by" credit and the writers get the "teleplay by" credit.


Ah, ok. I just remembered she was involved in the creation of that episode.

Edited by Rebecca
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  On 3/28/2018 at 8:09 PM, Chas411 said:

i also didn't think she was that dumb. She wasn't as mean or ambitious school wise but she wasn't a complete airhead. I kind of thought Darlene moved into the role of early seasons Becky from seasonn five onwards.


And the irony is that Sarah went on to play a doctor on Scrubs, so she could have handled a storyline of Becky going to community college or trade school, if Roseanne had let her.

  On 3/28/2018 at 8:09 PM, Chas411 said:

Looks wise I think Chalke is high end looking now but it's partially how they have her dressed etc.


It's not just the clothes, it's the way she carries herself so effortlessly, light as air. Lecy was believable as someone whose life didn't work out the way she wanted, Sarah not so much. 

Edited by chocolatine
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  On 3/28/2018 at 8:31 PM, chocolatine said:

It's not just the clothes, it's the way she carries herself so effortlessly, light as air. Lecy was believable as someone whose life didn't work out the way she wanted, Sarah not so much. 


That i do agree. Lecy totally fits the part in that respect. I think my issue is that I just don't think she's that great an actress and I would have preferred Chalke to stay in the role. I liked her version of Becky and I don't think she was the one note airhead some viewers write her off as. 

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  On 3/28/2018 at 8:31 PM, chocolatine said:

And the irony is that Sarah went on to play a doctor on Scrubs, so she could have handled a storyline of Becky going to community college or trade school, if Roseanne had let her.

It's not just the clothes, it's the way she carries herself so effortlessly, light as air. Lecy was believable as someone whose life didn't work out the way she wanted, Sarah not so much. 


Sarah has the look of someone who was raised by educated , successful parents. She's obviously had dental care, good nutrition and training in good manners and social graces. Lecy looks like someone raised by Roseanne. I think that's why I never bought Sarah as Becky. YMMV

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  On 3/28/2018 at 7:51 PM, Bastet said:

I'm the opposite - Lecy's Becky felt like a Conner, while Sarah's felt like some stereotypical dumb blonde who'd gotten lost and wandered into the wrong family.

She didn't write it, but the story was her concept - she gets the "story by" credit and the writers get the "teleplay by" credit.


I think Sarah Chalke is a decent actress and did the best she could with bad material, but she's way too refined to be a Connor kid. She would've been better suited to play the daughter of Cathy Bowman, not the offspring of a drywaller and factory worker. Hopefully that doesn't come off as too offensive, but that's how she reads to me.

Edited by BitterApple
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  On 3/28/2018 at 9:03 PM, BitterApple said:

I think Sarah Chalke is a decent actress and did the best she could with bad material, but she's way too refined to be a Connor kid. She would've been better suited to play the daughter of Cathy Bowman, not the offspring of a drywaller and factory worker. Hopefully that doesn't come off as too offensive, but that's how she reads to me.


These are basically my thoughts too. Sarah Chalke is a good actress but she's just not Becky. By the time she joined the show, I think the writers really didn't know what to do with the character so I think she played Becky as well as she could. To be honest, I don't think they really knew what to do with the character of Becky after she and Mark got together. Her story lines in season 4 just kind of stagnated. Lecy, to me, is just Becky.

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  On 3/28/2018 at 8:39 PM, Chas411 said:

I think my issue is that I just don't think she's that great an actress and I would have preferred Chalke to stay in the role. I liked her version of Becky and I don't think she was the one note airhead some viewers write her off as. 


I agree that Chalke was definitely the better actress, and since she went on in her acting career while Lecy didn't (for the most part) I think we're not wrong in observing this :) but that said I definitely preferred Becky as played by Lecy than Becky played by Chalke!  

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I think the issue for me is that Lecy half wanted off the show after and to accommodate the lightened filming schedule and back and forth recasting they ended up retooling Becky and Darlene in that Darlene took Beckys more ambitious traits so when they decided to properly bring Becky back full time with Chalke they had no defining trait to write with anymore and it just became all about her relationship with Mark. 

I do think had the original Becky stayed or had Chalke just taken on the role permanently instead of switching back and forth Becky could have ended up different. 

Edited by Chas411
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I guess for me the casting of Chalke coincided with me losing interest in the show and from that point on I watched very intermittently - it was the way they changed Becky that bothered me but they also turned Jackie into a complete goof.  The abuse storyline aside later seasons Jackie irritated the hell out of me!

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  On 3/28/2018 at 9:35 PM, BlossomCulp said:

I guess for me the casting of Chalke coincided with me losing interest in the show and from that point on I watched very intermittently - it was the way they changed Becky that bothered me but they also turned Jackie into a complete goof.  The abuse storyline aside later seasons Jackie irritated the hell out of me!


I totally get that. I didn't start watching Roseanne til near the end when they were rotating and then did a rewatch of the show so that's probably why I'm not as attached to the original. 

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