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Dallas - General Discussion

Tara Ariano

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I planned on watching the new show, PURELY to snark on it, because the Original was SO MUCH better.

Color me surprised that I sort of enjoyed it. At first. I tuned in purely for Larry Hagman and Patrick Duffy and Linda Gray. But the rest? The retcons? The entire Ramos family? Yuck, Yuck, Ptoeey. And each season keeps getting worse.

The youngins just don't have the gravitas that the veterans do. And Cidre just plain sucks as a show runner. The production values suck and make the show look cheap, and the Ewings upper middle class instead of like one of the wealthiest and powerful families in Texas. And like I said in the general thread, Henderson may be okay, but he's no Larry Hagman and John Ross is NO J.R. Ewing.

I could watch this show forever, if they got a new show runner, and just used the vets from the old shows. And I also want a horsie.

And she still needs to eat a sandwich. I love this show, but I am pretty disappointed in the plot involving Sue Ellen's drinking again and from the looks of the scenes from next week John Ross pulls a JR on his mother. I mean really show? After all these years we have to go down that road again? That's just laziness on the part of the writers I think. I will say one thing about Judith Light, she sure does crazy justice.

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Bobby is not meant to be in a "spy van" that was just wrong.

Christopher is too stupid for words and I don't care about him and "farm hand Jane"(I don't know her real name)

Please give Pamela some fangs back soon. John Ross should know not to mess with her.

John Ross needs to start using his brain a little more to be like JR. JR didn't let little JR rule his head this much. John Ross is too cocky(pun intended) right now.

And after all the crap JR, Jr. is pulling, isn't he screaming at Sue Ellen in the previews, "I AM NOT MY FATHERR!!"?  Child you need to take a seat and shut up. 

And yet, for all his whining that he is not his "faaaaaatherrrr!" this petulant punk is trying so very hard to be JR, act like JR, when he is NOT, nor ever will be or reach the awesomeness that was the original Magnificent Bastard J.R. Ewing. He lacks the gravitas, charm, cunning, scheming of his sire.

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This episode needed more Pamela in it. John Ross needs to be knocked down because he is doing way to much. He has forgotten who gave him all that power. If not for his wife and mother backing him John Ross would be nowhere. Loved that Sue Ellen and Bobby stopped him . I cannot wait for Pamela to find out and really deal with John Ross. I want Pamela with her claws and fangs back. Would love more calls between Pamela and Cliff.

Edited by maraleia
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I have to say, the throw down between John Ross and Sue Ellen - where for a tiny flickering, teensy moment it was about their relationship and not about the failed IPO - exceeded my expectations. John Henderson was vulnerable and layered. I get that's not the John Ross character but seeing how well he handled that scene made me kind of roll his eyes during the whole Emma "on your knees"/typical d-bag parts of the show. 

Not that I want to soften him up but the added dimension was almost a relief - made the performance slightly less cartoony to me.

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I hate that Sue Ellen is back to being a stumbling drunk and I hate that JohnRoss had Sue Ellen forcibly sent to a rehab facility.  That said, I am really loving Josh Henderson's work as John Ross. IMO that fight between John Ross and Sue Ellen was heartbreaking. I thought Henderson really portrayed the inner conflict John Ross has over wanting to be like his Dad and not wanting to be anything like his Dad especially those sides that remind Sue Ellen of JR.  I think John Ross does love Sue Ellen and I do believe that he partly does want her to stop drinking and be okay, but that manipulative side that he gets from JR is still driving him, along with everyone saying he's just like his father.  

Also, did I hear them right that it's only 2 more episodes for this season? 

Edited by catrox14

Dallas has to step it up with Pamela’s storylines . These next 2 episodes need to have more Pamela in them. Dallas hasn't been giving us the real Pamela for awhile now. It's hurt the show and hurt Pamela.Pushing Emma on us is not a good move by the writers. Let Pamela be herself for the love of Dallas. Un-cage Pamela Rebecca Barnes Ewing.  It's past time to let her out.

Edited by maraleia

So MUCH hate for this episode. Like I said before, this is 2014, NOT 1979!!!! Sue Ellen is a successful businesswoman in her own right. And sure, it's so believable that cops come over to take her away for a psych exam, and are totes okay with it, because she's drunk. In her own damn house! Not causing problems for anyone.

At least in the original, when JR committed Sue Ellen, there was a pattern of  behavior and witnesses to back it up. But oh noooo...just one blackmailed judge, with no proof can issue the order.

John Ross should fired Candace's skanky ass, but nope. Just says no thank you, git along now, little doggie...I"ll sees ya at work tommora!

And Elena can just STFU. One would think that she was aware that John Ross does nothing but cheat and is a cheater!cheater!cheater!

Yeah? Then why did you saddle up with him for two years, you dumb bint?

And the Ewings "took everything from you"? STFU Joaquim! So now it's gone from JR stole from her papi, to the Ewings stole EVERYTHING from Elena. Whatthefuckever.

Did I miss something, or did the scene of Sue Ellen telling Emma about Kristen floating face down in the Ewing pool get cut? That is THE ONLY scene I'm looking forward to. Seems just like GH, I'm not allowed to have nice things on this show.

I'm hoping Bobby can pull some favors and get Sue Ellen out.

And it bears repeating: John Ross, you ain't no JR Ewin', just a little boy trying to play Daddy.

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I'm not always good in the episode only threads b/c I tend to discuss overarching issues there. So I thought we should have a thread just to discuss the series in general and thoughts on how things might go or could/should go.

No actual spoilers though please just speculation


What have they done to Pamela this season? She was by far my favorite and she should have more teeth than this. I still say having her marry John Ross instead of being the other woman is ruining her.

Emma is a little girl trying to play at being bad, she shouldn't be the winner of anything. John Ross is letting little JR cloud his thinking too much.


I'm truely disappointed in Christorpher's role too. His story doesn't seem to mesh with everyone elses well anymore. I want to like him but his is too stupid for words. In the beginning he was supposed to be the brains and now what happened to them?

Edited by Cattitude
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Elena's revenge - like I'm struggling with this (and not just because she's so awful). How did the Ewings ruin her life? Because JR may have taken land from Papi? I just don't get how she can be so self righteous in this whole thing.


Her brother nearly killed them all, he killed Chris and Pamela's babies. She lied and covered for him (which is illegal as he was a fugitive). Chris understandably dumped her which she barely even reacted to but other then that they all seem to have forgiven her and let her back into the company. Now she's trying to steal the company out from under them because decades and decades ago JR stole land from Papi (this isn't even confirmed, just Cliff's say so). I'm sorry but how does they mean they stole everything from her?


I mean she's never even suffered compared to the rest of the characters. Literally nothing ever happens to her. She just blandly stands by while everyone fawns all over her. She's caused more damage to the family then they've ever caused her. All of the above doesn't even consider how she's dicked around both cousins. Yet she takes no responsibility for this. She just stands idly in her (ridiculous) assumption that she's been wronged and that they owe her.


Fuck off Elena.


I'm so over Emma. I'm all for that character in a show that we love to hate but I hate when the character is completely hateful and never gets a comeuppance. Episode after episode is just Emma getting one over on John Ross/Pamela with that smug smirk on her face. Have we been given a reason of why she's so spiteful towards Pamela who's only nice to her? I suppose what can we expect with how she treats Anne.


Meanwhile Pamela, the only rootable character in the damn show gets two tiny scenes per episode where she smiles obliviously while both Elena/Emma take advantage of her. After the last season I think the writers would have had a fair idea that Pamela/John Ross were favourites yet this is how they've done this season? I'd say they've alienated nearly everyone at this stage.


They were showing such promise last season and then this season happened...

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Overall I'd say the episodes this season have been 'meh'. There's nothing else on at the time so I'll continue to watch.

I wish Pamela was a stronger character this season and she had more to do.

I like the back and forth between Bobby and John Ross (prairie chicken , railroad commissioner spot, etc.). Doesn't John Ross know who he's dealing with?

The story with Christopher and what's her name with the kid and the angry ex - so cliche.

I still don't understand what Nicolas' motivation is in helping Elena. We saw his wife in Dallas saying she was going to be around, so where is she?

What happened to Harris and his undercover gig? Right now that only seemed like a way to get him out of jail and create enough concern to keep Emma at Southfork.

Love Mama Ryland but as others have said I wish they made her Harris' older sister instead of mother.

Edited by Cobb Salad
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Elena is an idiot, for real. The Ewings didn't do shit to her. J.R. is the one that screwed over Poor Dead Papi and he's DEAD. She wants Bobby, John Ross and Christopher to pay, when none of them had anything to do with it? John Ross and Christopher would have been kids at the time and Bobby is the Most Decent Man on Earth. Hell, I'm not even sure J.R. is guilty. Not that the old scoundrel (I say that with love) was above that sort of thing, but c'mon, taking Cliff's word for it? He could have faked all that so-called proof. It's not as if he has a decades-spanning feud with the Ewings or anything. C'mon, Elena, think!

None of this would really be a problem if the show would go ahead and make Elena a villain. But that's not going to happen. Poor Elena, she's been lied to, manipulated and used. Maybe she's a little misguided, but she would never do anything really bad! Even covering for her bombmaker, baby-murdering brother was all about family loyalty, which those evil, evil Ewings wouldn't understand, what with them trying to prosecute her for covering for a fugitive and firing her mother and holding a grudge...oh, wait.

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Okay so now even Elena knows John Ross is cheating on Pamela with Emma and still Pamela doesn't know....ugh I hate this show!


Christopher and farmhand Jane are just so boring and extranious. What 3 y/o kid just spends the day with some strange man like it was nothing...sorry not buying it.


Bobby being unethical and such a hypocrite...Boo this isn NOT my Bobby, John Ross was spot on calling him out at the first of the show.

Only great thing about this eppy was Sue Ellen and John Ross, those scenes were awesome. Real great emotion from both.

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Bobby being unethical and such a hypocrite...Boo this isn NOT my Bobby, John Ross was spot on calling him out at the first of the show.


But Bobby isn't perfect. He's been known to get his hands dirty. Check out the original show when he and JR were competing for control of Ewing Oil. He stooped to blackmail...setting up someone (some kind of commissioner, I think) by hiring some high end prostitutes from his days of when he was the company's pimp. Yeah. a lot of folks forget that before he married Pammy, Bobby was the one to show the good ole' boys a good time. And knew where and who to go to, to provide the women.

And now I'll put on my hypocrite hat and say I don't care--Bobby is doing what he's doing for a good reason and not selfish ones.

If I've had an exceptionally hard day and decide I'm going home to pull one off?  The first thing I would do is get out of my business attire and STILETTOS.  I would not answer my door either.  Maybe I am odd, but if my phone rings and I don't want to answer it? I let it go to voice mail.  If someone rings my door bell and I don't want company?  I don't answer it.  Peepholes in doors on tv are useless.  No one ever uses them.  They just throw open the door and get shot, dragged off, arrested, etc.  And that is exactly what they deserve!  ;)

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And now I'll put on my hypocrite hat and say I don't care--Bobby is doing what he's doing for a good reason and not selfish ones.

I must start by saying I've always adored Bobby, and I get the occasional scheme ie being involved in framing Cliff for killing JR, but it seems Bobby suddenly does all these unethical things all the time and why?

I'm sorry but I don't think he is doing it for a "good" reason, that is what chaps me the the most. His family are wealthy FROM oil and you don't think they've done enviornmental damage all over the dang place getting wealthy from it...just NOT on southfork. To me his reasoning is horrible he'd rather lose his company than let them get oil off of southfork WTH? that makes no sense. It is like he is foiling John Ross b/c he is John Ross, I have to say I agree with John Ross Bobby would cut off his nose to spite his face on this one.

I just don't see why they can't get the oil off their own property when it is there and their wealth is FROM oil. Totally stupid.


They can't get the oil off Southfork because Miss Ellie and her father before her set things up to preserve the land and that there was never to be any drilling on Southfork and Bobby wilI see to it that their wishes are upheld. I thought that Josh Henderson and Linda Grey were so good even though I am not thrilled with basically the same storyline from the original Dallas. Yes, I am waiting to see Rebecca kick some major ass. It is only two more shows, but then the new episodes start back up on August 18th, which doesn't seem as long as the last hiatus.

Edited by missbonnie
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I loved the part when Joaquim told Elena that the key to getting to the Ewings would be through Pamela and that she could be recruited to help Cliff. Good effing luck with that. Cliff had Elena's real brother set off the explosion that killed Pamela's babies. And speaking of Cliff, it's nice that Ken Kercheval is getting work and all, but he's almost 80. Nothing against octogenarians, but I'm not tuning in to see him hook up with anybody. Everyone ends up in the sack on Dallas sooner or later.

If I hear anything else about John Ross following in his daddy's footsteps, I think I'll gag. it's not about whether or not John Ross is capable of that, but STFU about it. We get it. JR is as dead as Jock. If the writers have to rely so heavily on the constant reminders of the old Dallas, they're doing something wrong. After three seasons, this show should be standing on its own.

If the writers can't do better than having Sue Ellen put in a sanitarium, then this show should be canceled. It's been done, guys

More Mitch Pileggi, please. More Judith Light, too. I heart her after she snorted a line with the drug dealers. I hope the reason that we aren't seeing more of Carlos Bernard is because he is going to be on 24: Live Another Day.

I wish this show focused more on the Ewings and less on Elana, et al.

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 Even the original could put too much focus on interlopers, so I could have lived a Ramos season but making them a main part of the show is too much.  The retcons bug me more.  They are minor details...they're major events that couldn't have happened based on what we saw.  I could live with Cally, James and the rest of the final few seasons being retconned out of existence, because just UGH but then they go and acknowledge Cally's existence at JRs funeral because they can get the actress to show up for a few hours.  I also hate the way they use Lucy and Ray.  They were never my favorite characters, but they're Ewings.  Either use they as part of some family-based plot (even if most of their participation takes place off screen) or leave them completely off the canvas.  It's annoying they're the only family to show up at parties, never with any of their own family in tow.   Cidre is proud she never watched the original show, but I don't understand why TNT wouldn't want someone with at least familiarity and appreciation of the old show running it so as not to piss off the fans.  I don't expect or want every plot and character of the decade plus run of the original referenced but I would like to not have to put up with the grown up street urchin Cliff supposedly adopted when he was running around thinking he was John Ross' dad.

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