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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It's everything else that I am talking about, it's Patrick realizing the truth just now, Anna realizing the truth just now, literally in minutes months of what could have been come spilling out and then here comes the calvery with guns drawn, I'm just over it.

That foursome makes up four of the best actors this show has left, imho, and this is what they get. I'm just...no. Just no.

Oh, I agree with this, we're on the same page. I do think we'll get more fallout from Patrick and Anna's stupidity, though. I don't think it's just Anna's "I can't believe I just believed Robin's story" and the end.

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I assume OFF-SCREEN Frisco - who's allegedly running the WSB these days - would help Robert and Anna with anything they asked.


Naturally.  And since I was on the barge ever since AJ was murdered, was there a line somehwere that said Frisco managed to get his job back as head of WSB after Victor died? Or was this also done off-screen as all the good stuff is?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Oh, I agree with this, we're on the same page. I do think we'll get more fallout from Patrick and Anna's stupidity, though. I don't think it's just Anna's "I can't believe I just believed Robin's story" and the end.



In the hands of these writers, I just can't get excited, which is also something I find unacceptable. But I just have no hope left for this show at this point getting better, or utilizing the actors and characters the way they should.

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He is with the WSB still. He shouted "WSB!" before he busted open the door. I don't think WSB knew Robin was there all this time; he put in a call to them, and they pin pointed where on the island Robin was.

Okay. It was confusing because Robert said something about how the WSB had been monitoring the island and Robin was there before they pin pointed her location so I thought they knew. Edited by Evie
Best line of the show: Robert: "Let's go get our Daughter."


My Scorpio-loving heart did a somersault when Robert appeared and said that. Best scene of the year.


If only the men in Liz's life could see how she treats other women. 


On a superficial note... Alexis' nails are too white (it's distracting), and Molly's nails are too pointy. 

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Wow. I mean...wow. These writers ain't shit. First Jason finds out his identity on the side of the motherfucking road and now this. Seven months of bullshit and this is the payoff. I knew that rabies infested dog wouldn't lose her job, lose her kids, or be locked up somewhere, but I did expect someone to beat her raggedy ass. Instead, I get to see that psychotic banshee bitch rant at Sam and Sam just stands there and takes it. Ok, I can appreciate Sam not wanting to beat her ass in the middle of the hospital but she should have followed that hyena to her car and beat her ass in the parking lot. Is Monica going to slash her face tomorrow? No? This is disgusting. 


Also, why does Franco gives a single fuck about Liez? Is he going to be the next man to sniff around her cooch?

  • Love 14

Okay. It was confusing because Robert said something about how the WSB had been monitoring the island and Robin was there.


Maybe it's because I was just so happeeeee to see MY Robert, but once he arrived and stopped Patrick from going half-cocked to look for Robin, since doing that last time, ended up with he and Anna locked in the lab, and that they had to plan a strategy to find her...and he probably called the agency during the scenes of other people I don't give a flying fuck about, they were able to monitor and then discover where Robin was.


That's my fanwank. AND it's logical.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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The Jerry stuff is so dumb.


Jerry: I said kill her!


(through the door) Did you kill her?


(knocks) Is she dead yet?


(opens the door a crack) Why haven't you done it yet! For that matter, I'm unarmed and you clearly like Robin and are 20 years younger than me! Why don't you just punch me in the face and kill me? Now when I come back from the bathroom, you'd better have killed Robin even there's no reason I can't do it myself and I could have done it like 5 times already!

It's like a Monty Python skit!


Ulkis, , you know if I had one GH-related wish it would be the romantic reunion of Robert and Anna.


But if I had a second GH-related wish? You would be GH's head and dialogue writer and have complete artistic control and could even veto Frank and say "No, I got this!" to the network.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 10

Wow. I mean...wow. These writers ain't shit. First Jason finds out his identity on the side of the motherfucking road and now this. Seven months of bullshit and this is the payoff. I knew that rabies infested dog wouldn't lose her job, lose her kids, or be locked up somewhere, but I did expect someone to beat her raggedy ass. Instead, I get to see that psychotic banshee bitch rant at Sam and Sam just stands there and takes it. Ok, I can appreciate Sam not wanting to beat her ass in the middle of the hospital but she should have followed that hyena to her car and beat her ass in the parking lot. Is Monica going to slash her face tomorrow? No? This is disgusting.

Also, why does Franco gives a single fuck about Liez? Is he going to be the next man to sniff around her cooch?

Am I the only one frustrated with Jason? Why is he not trying to get to know his wife at all?! Why isn't he asking Carly about HER? I just...

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RobertFuckingScorpio!!!! I had a big goofy grin on my face. So, happy he was on from the beginning of the show. Robert taking charge, Squeee!!!

I can't wait until he has a chance to smile! TR's smile is magic.

Anna and Patrick can take several seats with their new found concern and instant desperation to find Robin. I'm trying to enjoy Robin and Patrick on my screen. Lol, I'll be a blubbering mess one KMc, JT and FH start crying.

Why couldn't offscreen Mac go to Paris offscreen To Baby Sit Emma?

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I don't understand why Sam is whining about Patrick taking a leave of absence and missing their first Christmas together. Doesn't she remember that they broke up?


Re: missing their first Christmas together, she was ruminating to Alexis that it was supposed to have been their first Christmas together.  She was basically commenting on this abrupt transition in her life, that all the plans she was making with Patrick came to an abrupt halt, even if it was the right call to split up.

  • Love 7

I hope Jason NEVER remembers Sam.

Sam deserves better than Jason.

Most women do. But she loves him. And I'm getting really tired of the writers not allowing him to ask questions or know about his past relationships. Even today Carly is like, "Welp, you gotta figure it out." Jason still hasn't had a real convo with Michael. It's so odd.

Lol, I'll be a blubbering mess one KMc, JT and FH start crying.

Already got my box of tissues ready for tomorrow.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Besides the show's DESPERATE attempts to make Franco happen, I don't understand why he gives one iota of a shit about Liz.  Why is he going out of his way to support her?


Is Franco collecting an island of misfit women? Nina, Kiki and now Liz. I guess Liz is so needy that even having a three-letter name doesn't hold her back. 


Ya'll know I don't hate Liz but Liz needs to hurry up and have a fucking breakdown. I need a break from her crazy and I need a break from Carly's smug even more. Time for nice vacation at Shadybrook.


Tony Geary didn't like the gorgeousness that is Greg Vaughan? I've been done with him for years but now I'm sad that I've been done with him for 20 years because I want to be done with him for this. 

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Except that's not really how this is playing out right now. Sam realized Liz lied, told Jason and Liz finally admitted it and Sam was pretty much left out of that whole aftermath for days. Then she showed up to the hospital looking for Patrick and the nutjob came after her and started attacking her. Since the day Sam told Jason to ask Liz the truth, she hasn't had any interaction with him. If anything, the writers seem determined to limit their interactions as much as possible.


And Sam's anger justifiably is the fact that Elizabeth let her continue to grieve for a man she knew was alive, then later get engaged to another man while she was still technically married, not to mention having her son continue to be without his father. It doesn't have to be about Jason or being with him. What Elizabeth did was fucked up but in her nutty ass mind, she seems to think Sam is the bad guy and wronged her.


eta: I will say that as frustrating as the scene was, in hindsight, I kind of liked Sam's tiny eyeroll when Elizabeth walked away and just sort of this, "okay bitch is crazy, whatever..." Honestly, she reacted to Liz almost like Diane did. It's like it's clear she's delusional and pathetic so it's not even worth getting into a screaming match over or acknowledging her nuttiness.


I love this post so much I want to marry it, let our best friend be a surrogate only to find out she is carrying her own child not ours, find out our embryo was implanted in someone else, get our son, have a few fights about stupid shit, and then you cheat on me with my cousin because you THOUGHT I was cheating on you without any proof or verification.


Right now I'm just praying I don't have to see a scene of Robin thanking Sam. That's my one and only request from this show.


Sam, Carly, Sonny, Michael, Monica, and JASON should all line up to thank ROBIN.  Not the other way around.  I wonder if we will even get a Robin/Sam scene....


Okay, it's been a while since I've watched, but Victor Cassadine was the head of the WSB last I watched.  Did that just change with no explanation?


Already answered, but I quoted it and now I can't get it to delete without messing up my other quotes.


Most women do. But she loves him. And I'm getting really tired of the writers not allowing him to ask questions or know about his past relationships. Even today Carly is like, "Welp, you gotta figure it out." Jason still hasn't had a real convo with Michael. It's so odd.



Conidering he has only had *1 real conversation with his WIFE as well....that's not surprising.


*I classify it as their only real alone/deep conversation since the whole reveal took place.  ONE.  The one a few weeks ago was all.about.Liz.  So yes.....Husband and wife have had ONE (did I mention it was only 1?) conversation about their situation.  I don't count the doorway divorce conversation that lasted 20 seconds.  It's INSANE.




I need them to sign TR like NOW.  God I adore him and Anna together, I have since I was a little girl.  I still have their funeral on VHS somewhere.  *sigh* 


I forgot one other thing....The Liz/Franco spoilers are playing out MUCH better than I thought they would.  The spoilers made it sound like they were suddenly besties, and it made me go WTF?  The way BH is playing it is much better.  Even if I still think it's stupid she would give the man who kidnapped her kid the time of day. (But this is the same show that just had Monica thank CARLY today...at least it wasn't Sonny...I guess??)

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 11

Oh, I wish Liz would never speak to Franco, don't get me wrong. He shouldn't even be on this show anymore. However, Liz wasn't desperate to not go by herself, unless I missed a scene. She wasn't even going to go, but Franco convinced her to, to get back into the swing of things. They aren't even there together. His date is Nina.



To me it screams of crazy desperation for someone to allow their child's kidnapper to interact with them period.


I never said he was her date, I said what Liz said to him, that he offered to escort her there, which he did do when they both met up outside; he escorted her inside. But the very fact she took him up on the offer...that she would willingly talk to him and let him give her a "pep talk"...? The fuckary of it all is astounding.


It makes no sense whatsoever to me when his victims treat him in this way. I don't care how this show tries to spin Franco's "recovery" or how he's a changed man. To me Liz dealing with Franco is no different than Carly suddenly considering him her "one and only". It's stupid that these women this man victimized, whose children he hurt and stole away from them would even spit on him if he were ablaze.


It's disgusting that a SERIAL KILLER continues to be touted out and about as everybody's good buddy, like he's Norm from "Cheers".

  • Love 10

The Jerry stuff is so dumb.


Jerry: I said kill her!


(through the door) Did you kill her?


(knocks) Is she dead yet?


(opens the door a crack) Why haven't you done it yet! For that matter, I'm unarmed and you clearly like Robin and are 20 years younger than me! Why don't you just punch me in the face and kill me? Now when I come back from the bathroom, you'd better have killed Robin even there's no reason I can't do it myself and I could have done it like 5 times already!



Heeeeee...now why didn't I see this on my screen? I could have had a good laugh for all the right reasons.


I swear there should have been a moment where Jerry kept shushing Robin whenever she tried to speak, telling her, "Be quiet, you're supposed to be dead and dead people can't talk".


Robin: Jerry if you'd just -


Jerry: Did you hear something...? Of course not, because dead lady doctors can't talk!


Opera Man: But she isn't dead yet...




Robin: Seriously, I just need to buy more time for my family to get here after a year and rescue me!


Jerry: Lalalala! I can't hear you! You're dead!

  • Love 5

*I classify it as their only real alone/deep conversation since the whole reveal took place.  ONE.  The one a few weeks ago was all.about.Liz.  So yes.....Husband and wife have had ONE (did I mention it was only 1?) conversation about their situation.  I don't count the doorway divorce conversation that lasted 20 seconds.  It's INSANE.



This entire story has been about Liez and her increasing mental instability. It's shocking how little POV Sam and especially Jason have been given. 

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Why is Liz such a smug bitch all the time. And why hasnt Sam slapped the shit out of her yet. Elizabeth feels no remorse and blames everyone else. 


Sam being so passive with Liz today was annoying as hell.


The payoff for this crappy story sucks.



I think that's the biggest problem with this story, there hasn't really been any kind of payoff. It's basically been, Jason finds out the truth...and reasons.


Jason doesn't seem to really give two shits and a shingle about anything, Liz is basically playing the part of a cartoon villain, Sam has nothing better to do than stand around and look half annoyed/half sleepy, Carly is Carly, Sonny is Sonny, and a partridge in a pear tree.


I think Billy rolled his eyes in one scene today and I don't think it was in character. I'm surprised my own haven't become stuck in my head at this point.

  • Love 7

I think Billy rolled his eyes in one scene today and I don't think it was in character. I'm surprised my own haven't become stuck in my head at this point.


It is okay that he rolled his eyes at something his character did today. I have been rolling my eyes and sometimes falling asleep whenever he comes onscreen. God! He is still bland af! I wish this Daytime Emmy winner BM would show up or something! There is just soo much LW, KM, and BH can do to cover for this guy. This  Jason reveal has happened and so far there is not even one performance I can point and say that was really great work by BM. 


However, both Jason and Sam have been playing supporting characters during this whole storyline but KM takes advantage of the moments that need to shine. BM on the other hand...nothing! Just saying...

  • Love 3

Is Franco collecting an island of misfit women? Nina, Kiki and now Liz. I guess Liz is so needy that even having a three-letter name doesn't hold her back.

Ya'll know I don't hate Liz but Liz needs to hurry up and have a fucking breakdown. I need a break from her crazy and I need a break from Carly's smug even more. Time for nice vacation at Shadybrook.

Tony Geary didn't like the gorgeousness that is Greg Vaughan? I've been done with him for years but now I'm sad that I've been done with him for 20 years because I want to be done with him for this.

He liked the man himself, but resented him Lucky being recast and TG pretty much gave zero effort in his scenes with him.

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Best line of the show: Robert: "Let's go get our Daughter."


Man, I thought Robert was gonna deck Patrick. 


What? Even though Patrick is back, he still deserves to get decked for his behavior this past year.


And I love, love LOVE that Robert has been on the trail for Robin all this time. NO one will convince me otherwise.


Really, Robin should have prepared a syringe and stuck it to Jerry when Manrico was taking her away.


As for Liz? That wasn't her being a "no holds barred bitch." That was totally a Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs Loony Tunes Crazy. Especially her line about hoping that Patrick and Robin reunite. She's totally lost it, the way she said it. I'm just ready for her to be taken away and treated for the crazy.


And STFU, show. Jason wasn't the love of Liz's life. That was Lucky. Yeah, yeah, teenage, cheating, affair, blah, blah, but I'm not buying the shit these writers hacks are peddling.


I couldn't hit fastforward fast enough when Monica fucking THANKED Cujo for bringing Jason to the gala. AJ, who?


Can I say: ROBERT!!!!!!!





PREACH IT!  It was like when you're so thirsty on a hot day and you gulp that first sip of water.  

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I haven't watched today, but the posts are making me look forward to it, in a possibly perverse way. tallyrand can come sit by me, because I agree. If Liz is giving Sam attitude instead of getting reamed out by her or acting remorseful for letting Sam "continue to grieve" (remorse none of us would buy anyway; she may feel bad, but not for that reason), I'll probably enjoy the scene.


Also, Deputy Deputy CoS is exactly right; at least the writers are showing awareness of Liz's character history. It was an anti-fan complaint about her when she was still in high school that she acts differently with men versus women. I remember rabid Carly/Sonny fans having an aneurysm about the "meal ticket" scene, and more broadly about how Sonny only seemed to walk in on scenes showing Carly at her worst to Liz, never at moments where Liz was giving as good as she got. Same with Gia (Nikolas and Lucky) and all the female enemies who followed. 


Re: "love of [one's] life," I know it's a thing on soaps, but I never play that game. I think you can have equally strong feelings for more than one person at different times in your life. On these shows, writing staffs turn over, characters are recast, and people can try to keep selling a relationship and it just doesn't work (hello, Jacob Young's Lucky!). Liason had/has a huge fan base for a reason. Liric does too, I know, but the two characters I believe could plausibly be the "loves of Liz's life" are Jason and Lucky, and it's mostly due to Becky's work with Burton and Jackson, respectively.

  • Love 2

The writing for the Robin Rescue sucks. However, Finola, Tristan & Kimberly are acting the hell out it. Which I appreciate. Still on the fence with Jason T. The one part I yelled out loud to was when Anna was agonizing over Robin being held captive the entire time and Patrick just interrupting her saying, "None of that matters now we need to find Robin". Yeah it...( meaning she sacrificed her freedom for the lives of her family) does matter! And we better get more than that after Robin is rescued. F**king writers!  Also, they have Patrick wanting to save Robin for Emma and that's kind of how Jason T. is playing it.  Just hoping after he finally sees Robin he will say he needs Robin, too. I do love that KMc even has chemistry with the day player guard.

On a shallow note....I love KMc. And I hate saying this because she is a very pretty lady. But do the hair & makeup ppl hate her? I know she is a prisoner in a lab with no windows. But if she can cure the dead, can't she create some lip gloss and a comb? Just sayin.

Edited by rags
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I remember how badly and matronly she was dressed on her last return. The lab coat and scrubs were an improvement.

I'll take anything but the lab coat at this point.

Just hoping after he finally sees Robin he will say he needs Robin, too.

He will. I think he's still processing it all at this point. I wasn't expecting him to go into a monologue today about their love. That's why I wasn't bothered when he told Anna that they can't be concerned with why they were so dumb. Right now it's just about finding and rescuing her until it's too late. Edited by HeatLifer
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The show is obviously trying to fix Anna killing Carlos in cold blood by having the character back on the show, so IDGAF that Liz is NOT being dragged by everyone in town for that stupid lie written by RC in the first place!


Rebecca Herbst is the driving force in the popularity of original LnL2, Liason/Lake and LiRic.  She also has Electric (Liz/Patrick), Niz (gross), Make (Matt/Liz) and SaLiz (Sam/Liz,,gross) fans.


BH was happy to share scenes with RoHo who by the way should have been cast as Dr. Steven Lars Webber!

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Say whaaa?  Felicia flew to Paris OFF-SCREEN to watch Emma OFF-SCREEN on the day Maxie and Dillon are remembering Georgie?!?!


That was incredibly disappointing.  Maxie should have been reminiscing about Georgie with Felicia & Mac.  


I think KSt did great work, but RW was flat, I think partly because he never shared scenes with LL and partly because I can't see this version of Dillon being involved with or even remotely interested in LL's George.  

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Where exactly on Cassadine Island are Robert, Anna, and Patrick chilling and sipping coffee? LOL.


The Liz/Franco scenes were wrong on every possible level.


Hair didn't put much effort into the gala. The women looked very lackluster.


Dillon's rubbing of Georgie's headstone was so terrible. Did someone's kid do it?

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