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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I agree. Alexis makes my skin crawl. always has. She is every bit as disgusting as Sonny. . Alexis is the female Sonny. 

Alexis has her flaws for sure, but she does not plot to kill/order hits on people on a regular basis. She has never shot an unarmed person at point-blank range in the chest. She has never threatened to end the life of Julian, Sonny or Ric. She also does not fling barware or use degrading language on a regular basis when speaking about men or women. The closest we have to a female Sonny on this show is Ava.

  • Love 8

Alexis has her flaws for sure, but she does not plot to kill/order hits on people on a regular basis. She has never shot an unarmed person at point-blank range in the chest. She has never threatened to end the life of Julian, Sonny or Ric. She also does not fling barware or use degrading language on a regular basis when speaking about men or women. The closest we have to a female Sonny on this show is Ava.


No, but you wouldn't want to be on a balcony/parapet with her. 


Alexis isn't on par with Sonny in terms of violence. She's in his zipcode when it comes to hypocrisy, tho.

  • Love 7

Alexis has her flaws for sure, but she does not plot to kill/order hits on people on a regular basis. She has never shot an unarmed person at point-blank range in the chest. She has never threatened to end the life of Julian, Sonny or Ric. She also does not fling barware or use degrading language on a regular basis when speaking about men or women. The closest we have to a female Sonny on this show is Ava.

Alexis filed coerced papers knowingly to steal a child from his father to give him to a mobster. Plus she aimed a automobile at a boy standing in the road. That's the same as a gun. She also was in cahoots to kill kathrine. off the parafit. She has kept a murdering mobster out of jail. She has made herself judge and jury, numerous times. Just like Sonny. This is just the times I was watching. I have been on the barge a lot , so I could have missed some.
  • Love 4

If I was Sonny and Carly (which, thankfully I am not), I would point to Kiki when arguing against Ava's fitness as a parent


Sonny/Carly: Your honor, look how the last daughter she raised turned out.


Judge: Oh my...case closed!

I don't think they had better do that. Michael is a murderer, a jailbird, who because of Sonny lived with mobsters. morgan is brain dead. .Dante is a dirty cop who Took money from his mob father, and lied on the stand that he shot himself. ? That baby needs to live with anybody else. Kiki has done what ? she is a mooch ? So is Carley. Plus both families need to have the baby torn from their arms.

  • Love 5

Alexis filed coerced papers knowingly to steal a child from his father to give him to a mobster. Plus she aimed a automobile at a boy standing in the road. That's the same as a gun. She also was in cahoots to kill kathrine. off the parafit. She has kept a murdering mobster out of jail. She has made herself judge and jury, numerous times. Just like Sonny. This is just the times I was watching. I have been on the barge a lot , so I could have missed some.

I'm hardly down with Alexis these days (ever since she got with Julian she's been deadtome), but running over Keifer was a complete accident.

Everything else is right on the money, though.

She has never shot an unarmed person at point-blank range in the chest.


I was going to quip such a low bar that is.


And then I realized that my favorite character, and one of GH's most famous heroines,* did just that, dammit!


*No, really, see, http://40.media.tumblr.com/ed8e7f223a49ed4fe2e0f1d4d65f09f5/tumblr_n4y6tijfcK1ttqo17o1_1280.jpg.

Edited by Francie
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 Plus she aimed a automobile at a boy standing in the road. That's the same as a gun. She also was in cahoots to kill kathrine. off the parafit. She has kept a murdering mobster out of jail. She has made herself judge and jury, numerous times. Just like Sonny. This is just the times I was watching. I have been on the barge a lot , so I could have missed some.

Kiefer was standing in the middle of the road when Alexis was rushing Kristina to the hospital. She did not seek him out and "aim an automobile at a boy." It was not pre-meditated murder, as Sonny did by calling Dante to his house for an assignment, and then shooting him himself instead of having employees kill him because Dante confronted him about his intentions.  I can't comment on her actions re: little Michael, AJ and Sonny because I wasn't watching at that time. I know she conspired with Luke at one time, and there have been situations where she wasn't Miss Innocent, but my point is she doesn't have a job that involves deciding to inflict violence/kill people on a regular basis. She does judge others, but at least some of the times I've seen she was absolutely in the right. She issued a smackdown of Carly at the lakehouse (right after Jax's plane went down) and everything she said was dead-on accurate. She had a right to want to take Sonny's head off when he was thoughtless and reckless with having the bomb planted in Johnny's car that could have killed their daughter. 

  • Love 5

 Alexis is an annoying, pointless harpy and NLG is probably the most overrated actress GH has.

BUT-she's not worse than Sonny. She's close, though. Not by virtue of being murderous-but as someone else said, by virtue of hypocrisy.

Ava, OTOH, is exactly the female version of Sonny. I'm not saying they are exactly alike-I'm saying if GH ever had a gender switch fantasy episode, there's no doubt who MW would play, and who MB would play. Here's the biggest similarity between them: neither one of them have ONE single redeemable attribute. I can't even say I truly believe they love their kids, because I don't think they do. You don't generally have sex with your daughter's boyfriend if you profess to love your daughter.

And while I've made peace with the fact that this show will NEVER be rid of MB or Sonny, I think Ava should still go, and I don't get why she's still here. She isn't needed, she doesn't serve  a purpose another already established character can't serve. And I really resent that this woman is on ALL THE TIME(pardon the shouting) while other actresses who have paid their dues with GH, can't get solid stories, airtime, and focus.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 2

I am at the point where only a Lewis Black rant could accurately detail the rage and anger this show makes me feel now.


I will give a tip of the hat to Ava, who knew she'd be the least annoying person on today, for taking shots at that pitiful loser Michael about going back to being a "Corinthos" suddenly and standing in for "Daddy". Her "bring your kid to work day" comment was quite brilliant as well.


I really need pretty much everyone mocking that little shit and calling him out on his disgusting turnaround and hypocrisy and general asshole behaviour.


So Anna is back to vowing "vengeance": for Duke's murder. The same man who was working for the mob, was trying to kill Julian just as much as Julian was trying to kill him and if he had his way he would have taken Julian down first in fact, and openly ordered a hit on a woman, and mother, who was an undercover agent for the sole reason that she had "betrayed" the organization and of course his man crush, Sonny.


My it's just so nice to see her back to being written terribly and Finola's talents utterly wasted.


 The Sonny worship hour continues at break neck speed but unfortunately his neck has yet to be broken. Someone do something about that, please and thanks. 


Everything to do with the Jake/Jason and Sam scenes at the restaurant with blind granny and goateed grandson was so...agonizingly and painfully idiotic I am at a lost for words. Honestly it looked like Billy was as well, because I am not sure what his face was going for during the ceremony but it wasn't...good?


And they really are intending to drag this foul fuckary out until November...?


If this show doesn't end up cancelled by the end of this year I will be thoroughly shocked and surprised and horrified.

  • Love 8

In case anybody was on the fence, today SLS actually channeled dear old dad....and not the one that was murdered. The one that did the murdering. He actually had the fucking nerve to tell Ava she couldn't run a mob and raise Avery because she was a MOTHER. Opposed to sonny being a big strong man father. So shut up Ava and go cook something. Fuck you michael, fuck you so much.

  • Love 12

aaaw Dante/Anna hug. That made me smile.


Ava: I can parent and run the organization at the same time. Sonny does it.

Michael: Well, Sonny's not a mother.


what in the heeeell. That's right up there with Luke's "a man knows his sons bone deep, not so much the daughters because ~~women are a mystery~~" line from a couple years ago. I don't know why I'm defending Ava's ability to parent and be able to kill and thieve at the same time, but here we are, this is what GH does to you.


Although, at least, then, are they admitting then that Sonny sucks shit as a parent?


lol at Liz and Patrick freezing up when Carly said they could be witnesses.


Why would marrying Earth Mother Carly cause Sonny stress? What is with Patrick's hair.


Usually I'm zen about all the Robin-shaped holes in Patrick's scenes, but this line was ridiculous:


Patrick: I almost wish Jason was around so I could show her I'm the better match.


Really? REALLY??? That's how bad he wants to make it work with SAM??? Not friggin ROBIN?? He wants the guy who he sees as having caused all the problems in his relationship to Robin back???? What???


lol at Sonny's hernia. And it continues tomorrow! Between that and the preview of Sloane monotone-yelling at Nikolas I sense some quality UCG.


Shut it, grandma! Someone needs to tell her to mind her own business.

  • Love 4
No, but you wouldn't want to be on a balcony/parapet with her.


That's the Cassadine way.


That Five Families meeting was so stupid. A bunch of dumb posturing by everyone, though I enjoyed Ava's snark.


I don't get why Sam and Jakeson went through with the blessing. "I don't know how to say no to that." You say no! You tell her it makes you uncomfortable to renew vows with a guy who isn't your husband (as far as you know). FFS. I know this is all a giant plot point, but why is it so impossible for people to take an active role in their own lives?


LOL that marrying Carly is the thing that flatlined Sonny. That sounds right.


Ugh, Sloane tomorrow. Hopefully it's his last day.

  • Love 5
Ava: I can parent and run the organization at the same time. Sonny does it.

Michael: Well, Sonny's not a mother.


Michael seems to have forgotten that he was basically a single parent when took Avery away from Sonny. So dads can use nannies, but if a woman does, it's terrible? Ugh. Ava pointed out the double standard, but it needed more than that.

  • Love 10

Patrick: I almost wish Jason was around so I could show her I'm the better match.


Really? REALLY??? That's how bad he wants to make it work with SAM??? Not friggin ROBIN?? He wants the guy who he sees as having caused all the problems in his relationship to Robin back???? What???

Um, yeah, THIS. Robin left to save Jason for Sam and Danny and Patrick now wants him alive so HE can be with SAM. The Samtrick love story gets more beautiful by the day.

And is it really just hitman vs. neurosurgeon in Patrick's mind? Like, yay, you don't kill so-called other bad guys/mobsters. No, you want to off teenage boys with earrings. You're awesome!

  • Love 3

In case anybody was on the fence, today SLS actually channeled dear old dad....and not the one that was murdered. The one that did the murdering. He actually had the fucking nerve to tell Ava she couldn't run a mob and raise Avery because she was a MOTHER. Opposed to sonny being a big strong man father. So shut up Ava and go cook something. Fuck you michael, fuck you so much.


"Oh Ava, if only you had a penis like me! Then you too could be a 22 year old CEO with no experience and be amazing at it too!"


Michael seems to have forgotten that he was basically a single parent when took Avery away from Sonny. So dads can use nannies, but if a woman does, it's terrible? Ugh. Ava pointed out the double standard, but it needed more than that.


A kick in the groin? 

Ugh, Sloane's on tomorrow?  When is he just gonna go away?


When Paul or Anna or Nikolas or whoever kills him, supposedly. They need to hurry up on doing the Lord's work

  • Love 7

As much as I like Anna, I have to admit that I enjoyed Julian calling her out on her hypocrisy about Duke. I'm also a little ticked off that nobody in PC has ever acknowledged that the Jerome family CALLED OFF THE FEUD when Duke fake died before. At the very least, Anna should remember it, since she testified about it in court. Maybe, just maybe, if she'd told Duke about it when he first came to town some of the mess created later could have been avoided. (Although I do also acknowledge that Duke's I Can't Be a Man If I Can't Kill People and You're The Police Commissioner Thwarting Me speech kind of negates that idea.) I'm getting tired of the whole bunch of them and will turn in my Anna fan card if she doesn't just let part of this go. 


So the restaurant that Sonny gave to Michael a couple years ago (that who's been running in the meantime?) that was absolutely clean and devoid of any mob connections is the place where the Five Family reps met? 


Apparently the CO poisoning was still affecting Sam at the restaurant, since she looked like she was sleeping though her JasonJasonJason scenes with Billy Miller. She did perk up a little when she had to stand up, though. 

  • Love 3

Apparently the CO poisoning was still affecting Sam at the restaurant, since she looked like she was sleeping though her JasonJasonJason scenes with Billy Miller. She did perk up a little when she had to stand up, though. 


Usually I rag Kelly on her sleepy delivery, but I think if I were sitting on a dark set, blathering about how Jason was invincible and special and awesome, I too would struggle to stay awake.


The Anna/Julian/Alexis scenes struck me as pure filler, and maybe also to remind us, just in case we forgot, Anna shot Carlos.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 4

Perfect timing Sonny. It's just a shame he'll recover. I still don't understand how marrying Carly is going to prevent Ava from getting custody of Avery? Ava is the child's mother. Carly being married to the baby's father doesn't trump that. And I don't *think* she can adopt avery without Ava's consent, can she?


Michael, STFU with your sexist views.


Loved Billy Miller's facial expressions. Sure we all know Jake is Jason, but he clearly thinks the old woman is crazy and is not comfortable with the idea of 'renewing' vows he doesn't think he ever took.

  • Love 3
A kick in the groin?




How about a bullet to the nut sack?


That way it'd take care of so many current and potential issues, such as that annoying little shit reproducing more annoying little shits in the future.


And the whole Michael "staring off into the distance" of that crappy restaurant with his tiny mouth seething with "rage" after Ava sauntered off would almost have been funny if I hadn't wished so for someone to just pop up and punch him right in the kisser. Especially whenever he utters those damn words "my father".

  • Love 1

So Anna is back to vowing "vengeance": for Duke's murder. The same man who was working for the mob, was trying to kill Julian just as much as Julian was trying to kill him and if he had his way he would have taken Julian down first in fact, and openly ordered a hit on a woman, and mother, who was an undercover agent for the sole reason that she had "betrayed" the organization and of course his man crush, Sonny.




This is why I never understood the labeling of Anna and Duke as a "super couple" and all the hype around them, anyway. Anna looked  like a fool being with him, and has ALWAYS looked like  a fool being with him. People diss how GH portrays Sonny as a hero, but the "nice" mobster garbage, seeing them as heroes or romantic interests, started with Duke.

Yeah, I know Duke spent much of his time trying to escape the mob the first time around. But far too little attention was spent on the kind of person he had to be at heart, to ever remain or want to be in that kind of life in the first place.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I may not like Michael Corinthos, but I do like how he looks in his all-black slacks and shirt, tiny mouth and all. /shallow

Oy, so much was terrible. I'm going to take the nap KeMo clearly needed because y'all covered it all.


Yeah, I agree, he was pretty good looking. And as annoying as I found the "well Sonny's not a mom" line, I did think this was funny:


Ava: I'm not an idiot.

Michael: That's debatable. 

  • Love 1

Magic monkey dick?  I got nothin'.


I'm kind of glad I was only half-watching this episode, though...almost entirely because I saw a promo on ABC's website about how the nearly-blind Noodle Buddha yenta thought Jake was Jason and it just pissed me the hell off.  Infinite troll level achieved, show.  And since I was only half-watching, I completely missed


Patrick: I almost wish Jason was around so I could show her I'm the better match.


and was saved from another rage blackout.  I mean, we know the show's in Samtrick Deconstruction/Annihilation Mode, and I can almost see where Patrick in-show might feel like he's competing with Jason's memory--and, to be fair, he is.  But for him to actually say that does him no favors.  Then again, as with everything about this story, nothing does Patrick any favors.


Ava blaming Sonny's shooting on Carlos and Julian and Anna in each other's faces about him reminds me to ask: exactly who knows for certain that (a) Carlos is dead, and (b) that Anna killed him?


As for Sonny and Carly's aborted bedside wedding, all I'm going to say is: come oooon, paralysis!

  • Love 1

Wait, Carlos wasn't armed? For sure?

Don't think he was. That's why Anna's actions are such a big deal and she and SLoane were concealing them. It's also why I can't take her seriously in her efforts to "bring down" anyone ever again.

Had he been obviously armed- and with his weapon drawn-Anna probably would have just told the truth. BUT- there's lots of spec out there that Carlos IS alive, after all. I think he is-and he, or JVP playing a doppelganger (twin brother, maybe?) will come back to mess with Ava, Paul, and Anna.

But then, JVP is sexy, greasy hair and all, so maybe that's just me wanting something to happen that i can get happy about.


ETA that it still doesn't change Anna's actions, even if Carlos is alive. She still intended to kill him, so. They'll have to do something else if they want to redeem her.

Edited by IWantCandy71
I can almost see where Patrick in-show might feel like he's competing with Jason's memory--and, to be fair, he is.  But for him to actually say that does him no favors.


All Sam talks about is Jason, Jason, Jason. Does Patrick honestly think he would be an option if Jason were alive? (You know what I mean.) He's barely an option with Jason dead. (You know what I mean.) That is some Liz-level delusion right there.

  • Love 7

All Sam talks about is Jason, Jason, Jason. Does Patrick honestly think he would be an option if Jason were alive? (You know what I mean.) He's barely an option with Jason dead. (You know what I mean.) That is some Liz-level delusion right there.



That they haven't had Patrick and Liz team up already to keep Jason's true identity under wraps actually surprises me. At least Liz is running her crazy ass all over the place to keep the truth hidden, Patrick is just being a blind moron to the truth without even knowing Jason is still alive. 


The way he envisioned Sam during Sonny and Carly's cardiac endangering nuptials was so pathetic.

  • Love 1

That they haven't had Patrick and Liz team up already to keep Jason's true identity under wraps actually surprises me. At least Liz is running her crazy ass all over the place to keep the truth hidden, Patrick is just being a blind moron to the truth without even knowing Jason is still alive.

The way he envisioned Sam during Sonny and Carly's cardiac endangering nuptials was so pathetic.

Because Patrick is the perfect guy who deserves to be happy!!!

Or so they say.

That they haven't had Patrick and Liz team up already to keep Jason's true identity under wraps actually surprises me. At least Liz is running her crazy ass all over the place to keep the truth hidden, Patrick is just being a blind moron to the truth without even knowing Jason is still alive. 


The way he envisioned Sam during Sonny and Carly's cardiac endangering nuptials was so pathetic.


WHAT. He did it too???? COME ON. They really should just call Patrick by another name each episode he's on, just to emphasize how much this is not Patrick. 

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