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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I just watched Friday's show and I have to say the "drama" really fell flat for me. I didn't really care about Baby Shammy nor did I care much about Rafe, other than it's sad when kids die and I am not a heartless monster but I didn't see Patrick or anyone other than Sobby really invested in that baby. Except for when he was dying/dead.

Rafe had more story but still not much, he was for the most part a huge douche and I never saw any real connection to guilty, grieving Sigh-less. So they're dead. To me, so what? Patrick and Silas are so bent out of shape because they didn't give two shits about these kids until they were dead and feel really guilty about it. Which could be good story if played that way but not like  this.  I'd much rather see the guilt of Patrick saying he never wanted Shamwow  because that would strike me as honest. Silas say regretfully how he had ignored Rafe after the way he got him, for Sam, then Nina and feeling that weight. But I get nothing from ME as Silas even though I liked McBain.  

I was so un-invested that all I could think about when ME and MSt were in the room with brain dead Rafe is that I was glad Rafe was on the ventilator because of the combined power of the huge and flared nostrils of them was sucking all the O2 out of that room.


I believe Patrick story, sure he's a selfish cheating man-child but if he had really wanted Rafe dead he could have simply refused to operate. BFD if Dr O fired him.  He has been a lot of things but I don't think a liar is one of them.


Maxie can sure connect the dots to blame Nathan for ratting out Levi but she could not figure out Levi ratting Nathan out to the judge when he was the only other person who knew Nathan lied? She deserves Levi.

  • Love 3


Maxie can sure connect the dots to blame Nathan for ratting out Levi but she could not figure out Levi ratting Nathan out to the judge when he was the only other person who knew Nathan lied? She deserves Levi.


This is why plot-point writing doesn't work.  Maxie should know that Levi is the one who outed the lie to the judge.  I hope Dante & Maxie have a scene where he tells her he ratted Levi out to the ICE, & then we'll see if Maxie bothers apologizing to Nathan.  Probably not, though.

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I hope Dante & Maxie have a scene where he tells her he ratted Levi out to the ICE



I am one who thinks Levi probably ratted on himself, hoping that even if Nathan denies calling immigration Maxie won't believe him because who else would dare, or want Levi gone so badly.


But then again I am wondering if this is all apart of a "twist" where someone from Levi's past exposed his lack of a Visa so Ron can further whatever the hell plan he has in mind for this Dunkledoofus of a character.

  • Love 4

But then again I am wondering if this is all apart of a "twist" where someone from Levi's past exposed his lack of a Visa


We'll find out he's related to someone already on the canvas, most likely. Ron can't stand to have anyone unconnected on the show, which is yet another of his big problems, IMO.

Edited by dubbel zout
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do feel he did cause Rafe to die by negligence so I don't let him off the hook and I hope Silas sues his ass.

I didn't care for Sam's converstation b/c she as someone who cares about Rafe should have been slightly pissed he admitted he actually did consider it. Um come again you pompous ass. Patrick could not forgive Rafe a scared injured child who asked TWICE for forgiveness yet it is supposed to be romantic that Sam forgave Patrick b/c she understood. Silas very much should be pissed at her for disloyalty to Rafe. If Patrick holds a grudge against a brain dead child even now, he sure doesn't deserve Sam to be so decent to him



Get outta my head, will ya?  Patrick did kill Rafe, but he won't admit it to himself, let alone Sam.  And really, Sam--do you HONESTLY think Patrick would admit to killing him?  So lame.


Maxie can sure connect the dots to blame Nathan for ratting out Levi but she could not figure out Levi ratting Nathan out to the judge when he was the only other person who knew Nathan lied? She deserves Levi.




Please, NO ONE deserves him. I can't believe she can kiss him without gagging.

I think someone else in the Dept. called immigration.


I wonder--has Ron been made aware of how immensely unpopular this guy is?  What does the Twitterverse say about him?

Edited by onemoretime
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We'll find out he's related to someone already on the canvas, most likely. Ron can't stand to have anyone unconnected on the show, which is yet another of his big problems, IMO.



Just thinking about that makes me regret some that I disliked Ethan so much when he was on and how they connected him to the Spencer/Scorpio clans. He wasn't the greatest new insert by far but compared to Levi he may as well been the Aussie version of Spencer Tracy come to town.

Edited by CPP83
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OK people I have a nasty sick feeling in my soul that Dunkledoufus *love the name* is Sly Eckert.If Re-Ron can only write every one is connected who else would he be. Mac on his worse day could never be related to him.  Maxie was always this dumb. She married Matt to keep him out if prison. She was with spinmouth ,How long. She was up Jasons butt helping the mob, while her  father-uncle Mac was the police commissioner ? No respect for the job. She gets pregnant, and lies through her teeth forever. Sure this was an accident but she did hurt her best friend. Kirsten I like ,  the actress is fine, but the character is a ditz and that's a compliment.She's too stupid to come out of the rain. Nathan didn't tell, either Levi or I guess it could have been Dante .We all know what a wonderful , honest cop true to the vows he made to become a cop. very good with a gun also. Would never lie , and is above reproach.????? not    If you believe this, I have a bridge to sell you. Right outside of San Francisco

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Maxie lying too keep Matt out of Jail for killing Lisa is one of the only good thing she has done since being stuck with Spin suck(who was the one who went & opened his mouth in the name of playing captain save a ho to get Maxie). Esp given she set this all in motion when she reopened the case knowing Matt killed Lisa(which was a rewrite since Lisa was dead & Matt was passed out drunk when she got on the boat) all in the name of being a half assed martyr. No one deserved to go to jail for killing Lisa.

I hate folks trying to compare the 2 since there is no comparison. M&M had an actual genuine relationship compared to troll & Maxie for whateva they have an it no relationship but more of a joke.

I don't care who ratted Levi out they deserve a medal

  • Love 2

 Re Rafe, while I usually don't care about him, when he opened his eyes after Nina told him to die as a favor to her, I loved it. That was the first and last time I have ever found Rafe useful. It's about time someone put the fear of God in Nina and if it's Rafe, then so be it. IMO, besides (possibly) Patrick Silas, Sam and Rafe himself, Nina is the person most responsible for Rafe's fate. Nina knew about Rafe's drug problem, but instead of telling Silas, she kept her big, psycho mouth shut for the wrong reasons. Had Nina told Silas the truth about Rafe, he probably wouldn't have believed her, but her conscience, or whatever passes for one, would be clearer than it is now.




I'm actually wondering if Patrick's outrage at the person (now Rafe) who "killed my son" has more to do with lots of guilt than loss.


  it has to do with him wanting to look good to others in Port Charles and make them believe he gave two shit s about "that baby," and that's about it. Patrick only cares about himself, he's Sonny with a stethoscope.


  I totally disagree. Patrick's no saint by a long shot, but at least he hasn't called women names, thrown barware at them or shot either of his baby mamas in the head during labor. The definition of a sociopath is someone who's utterly incapable of human feeling whatsoever for anyone but themselves and IMO that's not Patrick. I don't blame Patrick for his attitude towards Rafe. Gabriel is dead because of Rafe. To me, it doesn't matter how long that Patrick loved Gabriel; it matters that he did. I don't blame Patrick for what happened to Rafe on the operating table; I blame Dr. O. She not only knew damn well Patrick's operating on Rafe was a huge conflict of interest, Patrick and Silas told her so, but she didn't listen. Dr. O's so busy getting off on being in charge that she doesn't see the big picture. She talk good games about "efficiency,"  "team work" and "putting patients first," but only when it's convenient for her. As if Patrick hasn't/isn't suffering enough already because of Dr. O., I think he's was forced to operate on Rafe as another way to punish him and his family, especially Anna. By making Patrick operate on Rafe, Dr. O not only made yet another mistake, she's exposed the hospital to a potential malpractice suit, which should be grounds for dismissal. That Dr. O's a Franco fan is another strike against her. It would serve Dr. O right if Victor learned the truth about Nathan being his son and her keeping it from him all Nathan's life, making him so disgusted with her that he never helps her again.  

Edited by DollEyes
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I think we can still spin this around to blame Sonny.

Rafe was drinking a lot of Corinthos Koffee and wanted a bigger high. No one paid attention to him because Silas was hooking up with Sam, whom he'd met because he'd saved Danny's life. Well Sam wouldn't be single had Jasus not gone to the docks to protect Sonny's stupid coffee gummy bear mafia. And Rafe and Allison may never have come to Port Charles. She'd be a little coo coo in the cocoa puffs, but alive and with fabulous nails. And were it not for Sonny's dumb presence in town, AJ may have not gotten drunk, crashed a car, and created Borg.

So really this is all Sonny and Jason's fault.

  • Love 7

Wow, scanning through the thread, sounds like I missed a whole lot of nothing on Friday.  Yay for me!


Not that I'm advocating Lucas/Felix in any way because...no...but if they had to write them, I still think an "opposites attract" kind of story would have been much more interesting.  For example, maybe write it that Lucas had (GASP) never seen "The Golden Girls" before, but Felix loves the show so Lucas agrees to watch with him and cue the banter.  And then, do the reverse, have Felix watch a football game or something with Lucas.  


Having them both be, "OMG, Golden Girls!" is lazy and lame, just like making Brad and Lucas' back stories mirrors of each other ("My biological father is a mob boss!  Mine too!") was.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I was quite delighted seeing Lucas walk away from Felix and Brad.  I thought they both came off pathetic acting like they were prizes behind door #1 for Lucas to win.  I think Lucas will discuss his love life with daddy Julian this week, and I'm hoping daddy Julian tells him to steer clear of them both.  This would be the perfect time to write Lucas as a character without focusing on his love life.  

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Hey, he made them both gay, that's, apparently, all that's required for them to be attracted to/screw each other.


Felix is gay?  Are you sure?  I wish we could return to the era when soap operas tackled important social issues of the day so that Ron could use Felix to explore the compelling issue of asexuality.  Because I've yet to see anything--man, woman, child, or inanimate object--that the dude playing Felix has given a credible portrayal of sexual interest in.

  • Love 1

My flight is delayed and I was thinking of some other characters thread titles:


Dante Falconeri: Lasagna + Shoe Polish = Cop


Lulu Spencer: Ask her about her abortion


Kiki Jerome: She Has Frrrrriiiiiieeeennds


Morgan Corinthos: Twentysomthing Wolf


Luke Spencer: Drunk.  Baby Killer.  Rapist.


Kannie Falconeri: Yes She D.I.D.


Rafe Clay: Bedazzled Baby Killing Cokehead


Sabrina Santiago: She's Been Through So Much


Dr. Robin Scorpio: She Had Three Hots and a Cot

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 10
Felix is gay?  Are you sure?  I wish we could return to the era when soap operas tackled important social issues of the day so that Ron could use Felix to explore the compelling issue of asexuality.  Because I've yet to see anything--man, woman, child, or inanimate object--that the dude playing Felix has given a credible portrayal of sexual interest in.



Well he can quote from both "The Golden Girls" and "Murder She Wrote" so in Ron's world what else could he be?


But I agree, Felix is...a dead fish when it comes to chemistry. Brad calling him out for his lack of passion was spot on, he lacks it all really. There's no spark, no fire, no life, no heat, no anything. It's as if he's a eunuch, that just seems to stick in my mind when I think about him, and his whole purpose serving at the altar of Sabrina as her gay "bestie" really just cemented that role for him to me.

  • Love 3

Felix is gay? Are you sure? I wish we could return to the era when soap operas tackled important social issues of the day so that Ron could use Felix to explore the compelling issue of asexuality. Because I've yet to see anything--man, woman, child, or inanimate object--that the dude playing Felix has given a credible portrayal of sexual interest in.

This is spot on. MS/Felix is a complete chemistry void. MS has had two on air kisses with as much heat as a wet match in the North Pole. CPP83, Felix the Eunuch is right. A Ken doll has more sexuality. I've seen more chemistry & sex appeal in animated Disney movies.

Tiger, hilarious thread titles. Isn't it amazing how much space this show takes up in your head.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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This would be the perfect time to write Lucas as a character without focusing on his love life.


I understand the sentiment, but I think the show would then be criticized for not giving one of their few gay characters a love life out of fear of backlash or something.


Is it asking too much of the writers that there be some kind of balance?  Lucas shouldn't just exist to ping-pong between Felix and Brad every few weeks when they managed to stumble on-screen.  I mean, what does he DO all day?  That the show skipped the no-brainer beat of Lucas being a doctor at the hospital, giving him even more organic opportunities to interact with his love interests, continues to baffle.  


And they do nothing with his familial ties unless it's a plot point.  Hey, Lucas and Julian became super close off-screen, just in time for Lucas to be shot and push a whole bunch of nonsense forward!  Hey, Lucas is talking to Lulu, but it's just to slap a Band-Aid on Brad and push his love triangle ahead!  And he still hasn't had a scene with Maxie yet, right?  That's ridiculous.

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I liked the natural friendship chemistry between Felix and Lucas. I would take Felix how he's portrayed now, away from Sabrina, over Brad. He is pathetic going after Felix while he's in the shower, and blaming Felix for Brad stalking him in the shower.

I just can't with Tracy. At least everyone else was disgusted by her behavior.

JT gave another amazing performance. Guy is an amazing crier.

Levi probably turned himself in to ICE so he can guilt Maxie into marrying him. Maybe he can sing "Rude" to Mac when he objects.

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I just can't with Tracy. At least everyone else was disgusted by her behavior.



I just can't with what they're doing to Tracy. They're putting her in a position where those pimple faced twerps, Michael, Morgan, and Kiki, get to turn up their noses at her behavior. Honey child please, the Tracy of old would have had their little smug asses for breakfast if they had so much as looked at her cross-eyed. I just...Ron has no respect for Jane or Tracy it seems like, just none.


She's being made into the ultimate fool for notLuke's benefit, she's having to deal with the teen squad of dumb asses, and all for what? Why can't Jane just go ahead and start going on her own three/four month long vacations, having Tracy off screen would be a relief. I just can't take watching such a classic character dismantled and humiliated like this, and knowing that in the end it'll all mean nothing, absolutely nothing. Disgusting and disgraceful. 

  • Love 4

CPP83 I'm sending you not one but two bullets of love.  The Tracy we love has disappeared.


Jane deserves better....hell, we deserve better



Aww, I'll go to work brain damaged but loved, I feel so special.


Honestly it's getting to the point where I'm not even surprised at how low they're having Tracy sink, I mean why wouldn't they? She's a legacy character, a true Q, a woman, an older woman at that, and a good actress, she checks off all the boxes that Ron seems to feel he can't do anything with. He probably thinks he's doing her a favour, he hasn't regulated her to the Q closet where he's been stashing Monica.


Really I think I'd rather find out that this Tracy was the fake over notLuke, so much more would make sense if that were true.


Tracy was snatched back during the time that Luke was trapped in the mental hospital, and she was replaced by an imposter playing notLuke at his own game with their own nefarious plan being put in motion. In fact Tracy and AJ both could have been victims of this Q snatcher, wanting to get their hands on the company and needing the two who wanted it most out of the way, leaving Eeyore Michael in charge knowing how much easier it'd be to take him down before he ever knew what hit him unless the message was written on Kiki's bra. Then Tracy and AJ could begin to plot an escape together, because those two working together just needed to happen from the get-go, making it out just in time to expose notLuke and notTracy, and who better to be playing notTracy than Heather...


I also would like a unicorn.

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I liked crazy Nina today b/c she was so calmly psycho.


See I hated that because she could truly be a viable character and not a cartoon. I found it a wasted cause you know,shes pschyo and all that.



I don't care who ratted Levi out they deserve a medal


Yes! He can't leave fast enough for my tastes.



Lucas shouldn't just exist to ping-pong between Felix and Brad every few weeks when they managed to stumble on-screen.


Now come on, this would mean RC would have to write something other than his usual trope which is triangles, car accidents and gun wielding lunatics. What a shame I like Lucas I can see a lot of depth there but no writing to support it.


After all is said and done still want SamTrick and think they'd be a good couple till miss Robin returns of course

After all is said and done still want SamTrick and think they'd be a good couple till miss Robin returns of course

I'm a Robin fangirl & I don't need Scrubs to reunite. I just need Patrick to talk to Robin, so they can end their marriage before he sleeps with someone else. Robin can get joint custody of Emma & move back to Paris. Robin deserves a better guy to love her that PatPrick. I love JT but Patrick can be a prick at times.

I see I'm not the only thinking Lucas needs to be working at the hospital. I made him a Physical Therapist & gave him the job title of Director of Physical Therapy Services on the fanfic thread. All these people have brain surgery, heart surgery & gun shot wounds but not physical, occupational or speech therapy.

I'd like to see Lucas get his own place at least. It'd be nice if Sam would offer him the penthouse across from hers, maybe they could actually chat together on random elevators rides since finding a new, long lost sibling and actually making the effort to spend time with them is hardly important.


Maybe he and Julian could be roommates, now that might actually make for some entertaining TV. Julian coming face to face, literally, with Lucas' world and having to deal with it and begin to grow as a person. Heck, if Lucas would just drop by the park to help Julian with landscaping from time to time would be nice, I'm sure he'd pay him well.


Hey, if Franco can weasel his way onto the hospital's staff list because he can colour it shouldn't even matter if Lucas has a medical degree or not. If he's ever put a band-aid on a cut he's as qualified as half the staff really.

  • Love 2

  Re Silas, he's not the most child-friendly person in the world and he did try to help Rafe. The problem is that he just didn't try hard enough. Silas put Sam, her family, his job and Nina above Rafe, with tragic consequences. Silas didn't mean to neglect Rafe, but he did anyway and he feels guilty about it, as he should, hence his anger at Patrick.



I feel sorry for a boy, having to actually witness his father killing his mother. Being set down in a town where he only knows one person. Rafe tried to do the right thing while trying to tell the cops the truth, he gets called a snitch and the only friend he had doesn't like him. TJ is wrong in this. He called Rafe's father a serial killer, while having the foster father who kills for a living. He also knows what Shawn does for a living and lied to the cops. Rafe had no reason to care about himself....Sure he hit Patrick's car. We don't know who forced him to do it.


I totally disagree. TJ's no saint, but he's not a stalker, a cokehead or a baby killer either. Having a hit man for a guardian is bad, but a serial killer who killed for pleasure is worse. Rafe didn't snitch to the cops out of the goodness of his heart-he just wanted TJ out of the way so that he could have another shot at Molly, which backfired, big time. Rafe was a scared, confused boy, but he was a teenager, not a toddler. Rafe knew better than to do drugs and get involved with someone who would order him to run innocent people off the road. Silas and/or Sam could have helped Rafe before it was too late and Rafe should have let them. There are plenty of people have had it just as bad or worse than Rafe who don't fuck up their own lives or the lives of others as much as Rafe has.


  On the Q front, when RC deems to let Leslie Charleston come out and play once in a while, magic happens, especially when Jane Elliot's involved. Love Snarky Morgan more than ever, especially when Tracy is the target. It seems like RC has no more respect for JE than he does for Sean Kanan, if PodTracy is any indication. Given Tracy's current willingness to betray her family's legacy, if not destroy it altogether because of Fluke, she deserves all the snark she gets. Tracy's intended method of asking Silas for Rafe's heart was morbid, at best. Fortunately, Kiki stepped in, like Rafe, proving to be useful for the first and possibly last time, which still makes her more useful than Dunkledick. I wouldn't call Levi a piece of shit because shit's more valuable than Levi. Maxie is just a puppet to Levi-a brainless toy that's easily manipulated.  Because of Levi, Maxie has changed her look, her personality and her life and not for the better. Ever since she met Levi, Maxie hasn't just taken leave of her senses, she's abandoned them altogether, hence her willingness to marry him. As for Nathan Vs. Levi, I'm Team Nathan all day, every day and twice on Sunday. That Levi would assume that Maxie cheated on him with Nathan says much worse about Levi than Maxie while Maxie's choosing Levi over Nathan says much worse about her than Nathan- a guy who has a real job, pays his own way and has real friends, unlike Levi. As for who looks better at least half naked, Nathan, by a landslide. Bodies like Nathan's/RP's are the reason nudity exists; otoh, when it comes to Levi, I would say "the more clothes, the better, " but all the clothes in the world couldn't help him. Levi is to sex appeal what Kimye is to class-absolutely nothing. ITA with those who think that neither Nathan nor Dante dropped a dime on Levi because he did it himself in order to make himself look good and Nathan look bad. Then again, that's typical of someone who had the nerve to compare themselves to Gandhi,  Nelson Mandela and Dr. Martin Luther King during the brownstone sit-in. If Maxie had any semblance of a brain left, she would ask herself, after losing as badly in court as she did a few weeks ago, why Nathan would deliberately do something that would cost her even more time with Georgie-like, say, getting busted at an illegal protest? Little by little, Levi has taken over Maxie's life, taking her away from her family, her friends and now, with this green-card marriage, he's taking her freedom, too. As stupid as Maxie's been lately, at this point she and Levi deserve each other, as far as I'm concerned.


  Re Sonny/Ava/Delia, Delia not only looks like Roxy Balsam, she thinks like her, too. Ava's clearly not the brightest bulb herself if she thought that sending Delia to Sonny's office to steal the flash drive would work. Speaking of not working, there's Shawn and Jordan. Jordan is smart and capable; Shawn, otoh, is neither. About Lucas/Felix/Brad, Fecas the morning after was even more cringe-worthy than I expected. Nathan and Dante have more chemistry than Fecas, with or without shirts. Golden Girls marathons? Seriously? Stereotype much, Ron?  They couldn't have watched Game Of Thrones or The Walking Dead instead? At least it wasn't Sex and the City. While I'm glad that Lucas ended things with both Felix and Brad, he's not exactly innocent himself. He slept with one guy, despite still having feelings for another. I believe that Lucas should concentrate on spending more time on his career and with his family, for the time being, anyway.

Edited by DollEyes

I think Rafe developing a drug addiction makes sense, but we never saw it happen. Suddenly he pops up onscreen one day sporting stupid earrings and a powdered nose. How am I supposed to feel sorry for him when the senses of isolation and desperation were never developed? It's as bad as Patrick's two-day pill addiction.


Ron and his stupid attachment to plot-point writing ruins whatever decent idea he might have for a story.


Maxie has changed her look


Has she? Her clothes are more casual, definitely, but she also doesn't have a job. I think KSt being a new mother IRL has more to do with it than Levi changing Maxie.

  • Love 1

When Fake Luke is exposed I'm wondering if anyone is going to acknowledge that Tracy is the latest rape victim in town.

Ron doesn't consider that rape, sadly. He's a sick puppy. You'd think he'd learn after being called out for that shit on OLTL, but, instead, I'm sure he writes the same shit again to thumb his nose at those of us disgusted by it.

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 6

I think Rafe developing a drug addiction makes sense, but we never saw it happen. Suddenly he pops up onscreen one day sporting stupid earrings and a powdered nose. How am I supposed to feel sorry for him when the senses of isolation and desperation were never developed? It's as bad as Patrick's two-day pill addiction.


Agree with everything you said and I'll also add that it remains ridiculous that the only on-screen reason given for Rafe turning to drugs is Molly rejecting him and it, quote, ruining his life.

  • Love 3

The hell was the point of those Nina/Rafe/Franco scenes?  Are we supposed to think Nina isn't a completely heartless sociopath because she feels bad about Rafe?  Were we supposed to enjoy Ghost!Rafe getting one over on Nina for a minute?  Were we supposed to marvel at what a helpful, empathetic soul Franco the former SERIAL KILLER is and how good he is at his new job?  OMG, just an endless pit of DON'T CARE, show.


Lulu and Dante are so boring, all they do is talk about babies and recap current storylines.  And really, Olivia, you want them to pop out that embryo sooner than later (nevermind the baby grandchild currently in your lap, poor Rocco) because you need a distraction from Sonny?  Ick.

My flight is delayed and I was thinking of some other characters thread titles:


Dante Falconeri: Lasagna + Shoe Polish = Cop


Lulu Spencer: Ask her about her abortion


Kiki Jerome: She Has Frrrrriiiiiieeeennds


Morgan Corinthos: Twentysomthing Wolf


Luke Spencer: Drunk.  Baby Killer.  Rapist.


Kannie Falconeri: Yes She D.I.D.


Rafe Clay: Bedazzled Baby Killing Cokehead


Sabrina Santiago: She's Been Through So Much


Dr. Robin Scorpio: She Had Three Hots and a Cot


I really like Kiki's. I must protest Dante's, as he uses no shoe polish on either his shoes or his hair :)

Ron doesn't consider that rape, sadly. He's a sick puppy. You'd think he'd learn after being called out for that shit on OLTL, but, instead, I'm sure he writes the same shit again to thumb his nose at those of us disgusted by it.



A sick puppy is just the tip of the ice-berg when it comes to that quack of a hack, imo. I think that's why he inserts lines about how much Tracy has "enjoyed" being in bed with notLuke, as if that covers it all up nicely. She enjoyed it, she thought he was really Luke at the time, that isn't "real rape", he didn't hold her down and force himself on her so stop making such a big deal about it.


I thought Guza and Jill were capable of some fairly disgusting writing and story lines, but Ron and Frank have taken their "legacy" and just run to hell and beyond with it, it's revolting, sickening stuff, it really is.


I thought Michael did a good job today with how he played Silas dealing with Rafe becoming a donor for Alice, calm but quiet and sad, it seemed fairly realistic to me.


The Nina scenes with hallucination Rafe were so very painful. And then to top that off with having Franco come by and offer some "help"...can he get anymore pointless and Mary Sue like?


Carly and Sonny need to perish in a house fire, please, at least burned beyond recognition and left to spend the rest of their miserable existences in a coma. 


I had a feeling they were going to render Rafe's heart useless anyway, great so then Levi can still be struck and killed and his heart can go to Alice.


Ben is such a cute little chubby buddy, that's all I got out those scenes with his parents and Olivia because it was all about Sonny and Ava and Olivia still having feeling for Sonny and I really just wanted her to choke on a rib.


Maxie has just nose dived big time since she's been back, the character seems like even more of a bimbo which I didn't even think possible. The Dunkledoofus and Nathan squaring off was so boring, by god just shoot him already.


Yay for Julian and Lucas scenes tomorrow, I've already been teased but can't wait to watch the full exchange, at least he can sit down with one of his kids.

At least with Rafe's heart being too damaged to use for Alice, we'll be spared any "I remember Mr. Rafe every day" scenes with Alice touching her heart while Kiki nods empathically.



Oh god I never even thought about that...I wouldn't know what might be worse, the thought of Alice actually calling that prat "Mr. Rafe" or the fact that it would always come back to his connection with Kiki.


And speaking of Miss. Kiki, the overacting reactions to Silas being willing to donate Rafe's heart were so laughably bad I thought. I mean the whole hands on head, mouth agape before carrying on with the "oh my god I can't believe I just asked you that!", because emphasizing random words just makes it all that much more dramatic and "real" I suppose.

  • Love 1

Maxie drives me nuts. Dante and Mac are not obliged to keep her insufferable boyfriend's secrets.


Technically, Morgan fist bumped Rafe's death lol.


Poor Rocco, why did he inherit Sonny's smile?



I bet when they need to make Luke look like a cuddly grampa next they're gonna say Rocco looks exactly like Luke when they both blink or something.


All the children adore Franco. Oh, okay, now I like him. Why didn't Carlivati drop in that tidbit before? I would have liked Franco so much sooner, so much more!*



  • Love 5

As a doctor, Silas should be willing to agree to donate Rafe's organs. It doesn't make the emotional anguish any less, but any moral qualms/squeamishness should be moot.


Not so obvious in Ron's world though. Dr. Drake should WANT to save someone's life as a surgeon no matter who it is, apparently he needs lots of moral support to be  a moral physician. So Silas doing the right thing really isn't that obvious.

Edited by Cattitude
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