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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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another Nina soliquary.

I don't understand MSt's acting choices.  With Franco or the catatonic woman, she's weird and hyper and repeating lines and just downright annoying.  But with Madeline, she's calm and cool.  I liked her in that scene, because it meant she was using what little brain she has.  Than she reverts to the weird tics and I scratch my head and wonder why I'm being forced to see that.  



If they are going to give Sabrina a Michael baby they need to hurry up.

Are they doing a Sabrichael baby?  Seems a bit much seeing as he's got the fight with Nik over ELQ plus the AJ clinic on his plate.  Maybe they'll just have TeCa hide behind plants until she needs to take her mat leave and they'll say Sabrina's busy getting the clinic off the ground.  


Or she'll have a two month Olivia pregnancy where you announce it, get ginormously large the next day, then deliver the day after that.  

  • Love 2
I just watched four episodes in a row. Someone hold me.



Surely some kind of FDA warning exists that advises against that sort of viewing? 


Would Carly notice or care?  She's all about Avery these days.  I'm surprised she knew that JOss was in Australia with Jax.



I was half waiting for Joss to walk into the room five minutes later, and when Carly said "wait, you're supposed to be with your father," she responds "that was a month ago, Mom!  You saw me sitting in the living room watching TV when you came home yesterday to pick up more clothes to stay at Sonny's house.  We talked!  I asked if I could go to the mall, and you said 'ask the nanny to drive you.' Remember?" 

  • Love 11

I can't decide if post-pregnancy hormones totally zapped Olivia's brain power and memory, or if she's just as flat-out delusional as Sonny is for plot point purposes. Sonny declaring that Carly is Avery's mother cancels out any connection to Ava is about on par with Liz's thinking these days....which makes me so sad a a Liz fan.

Sabrina and Michael do NOT need a baby

It really doesn't appear that a baby will be written in for them. Also, that dress she's wearing in today's ep seems like a decent pregnancy cover-up (at least at the time the scenes were done).

  • Love 2

Re: soap babies.


My biggest issue with the babies being born on this show is that they are not between two people who love each other and whose journey as a couple we saw, and their baby (whether they are together at the moment or not) a payoff for years of investment. All of Ron's babies are between one night stands or relationships not meant to last or too new in development to care about. Patrick & Sabrina, Sonny & Ava, Julian & Olivia, etc. These children have no emotional impact on the story -- they are just there. So for the love of god, please hide TeCa behind some big purses and large tables.

Edited by admiralrodcocker
  • Love 12
All of Ron's babies are between one night stands or relationships not meant to last or too new in development to care about.


That definitely makes it hard to care about the babies.


Denise's attitude in court was ridiculous: "Mr. Fancy Pants," "that hulk server," talking to Franco, the defendant. Ugh.


The way Avery was looking at the ceiling and then looked at MB was adorable. She's one of Sonny's best pairings, LOL. I also loved her little yellow bloomers and red sneakers. Wardrobe is killing it with Avery.

  • Love 1

Re: soap babies.


My biggest issue with the babies being born on this show is that they are not between two people who love each other and whose journey as a couple we saw, and their baby (whether they are together at the moment or not) a payoff for years of investment. All of Ron's babies are between one night stands or relationships not meant to last or too new in development to care about. Patrick & Sabrina, Sonny & Ava, Julian & Olivia, etc. So for the love of god, please hide TeCa behind some big purses and large tables.


Well, there was Rocco. I dunno if Georgie counts (for Spin and Maxie).

Sonny declaring that Carly is Avery's mother cancels out any connection to Ava is about on par with Liz's thinking these days....which makes me so sad a a Liz fan.



At least their thinking isn't new.  They decided that AJ didn't deserve to be Michael's father, did everything to sever any and all ties and decided because of that there is zero connection between the two.

  • Love 2

I see Sonny propping is back in full force.  "It's not Sonny's fault he killed AJ, Michael.  He's bipolar, the poor guy!" - Sabrina.  "It is so wonderful that Avery has her good mobster father in her life.  Now are you sure Julian is out?  Because he is a BAD mobster and can't be in my baby's  life" -Olivia. 


I think this fall will be the St. Sonny, St. Jasus, and St.  Sam show. Ugh I almost feel the need to defend Julian day, and that makes me sick

  • Love 10

STFU, Sabrina! Sonny didn't kill AJ because he's bipolar, he killed AJ because Sonny is a whiny punk who couldn't take his adopted son wanting to have a relationship with his bio dad. Sonny never likes it when his possessions not only think for themselves but disagree with his sainted opinion.

And STFU, Olivia. Here you stand in Sonny's house not FIVE.FUCKING.FEET from where he shot YOUR SON in the chest…but JULIAN'S the dangerous and evil mobster? FOAD. I hope Julian finds out Leo is alive and pays a judge to bar you from your kid for the next twenty years.

  • Love 21

Nina committed herself to Shady Brooke; I'm pretty sure that meant she also accepted financial responsibility. She has plenty of money. The business about her getting transferred to Ferncliff is ridiculous. FFS, this show can't think through anything properly.


STFU, Olivia. And stop constantly bouncing Avery. She doesn't need it, and it's distracting.


Sabrina is giving Sonny a pass on shooting AJ because he's bipolar? Go away. NOW. Before I start smelling toast.


Having Carly and Madeline bonding over mentally ill children is gross. It still makes no sense for Sonny to be so adamant that Morgan might be bipolar. I get Sonny doesn't like it, but he knows how badly he struggled with it. He wants Morgan to go through that? What an asshole.


LOL at Morgan's face when Scott said Denise was Ava. "Wha? Huh?"

  • Love 4

So they are going to retcon it where Sonny isn't responsible - his disease made him do it? 


Unbelievable.  Its amazing how AJ's disease was used to never give him a break and yet Sonny's is a get out of jail free card.

Sonny is going to be the hero again. I will not watch it. We know AJ was a drunk, and he was part of a bad family. Sonny kills for a living , steals and is slime. But he is the good guy. If that's the way it is, doesn't say much about the rest of the town. Keep telling me what's going on so I can never turn it back on. Even Anna the last character I liked is now a cold blooded murderer ? Are TIIC trying to get this show cancelled ????

  • Love 6

Sounds like we're all on the same page...Michael saying that he was holding on to his hate for Sonny because of AJ's death at his hands, everybody else talking about Morgan possibly being bipolar, GIANT FRIGGING ANVIL FLYING OUT OF SCREEN IN 3D.  Next to that, even Sabrina and Liv playing casual Sonny apologists came off as halfway sane and well thought out.


The whole thing with Nina and Nathan...yeah, I tuned that mostly out.


And goofy as it was, at least Ava's commitment to the Denise persona during this insta-trial was consistent.  That said, the DNA test thing puzzles me; was this pulled out of RC's departing ass, or was there more than one test done on her way back whenever?

Nina committed herself to Shady Brooke; I'm pretty sure that meant she also accepted financial responsibility. She has plenty of money. The business about her getting transferred to Ferncliff is ridiculous. FFS, this show can't think through anything properly.


STFU, Olivia. And stop constantly bouncing Avery. She doesn't need it, and it's distracting.


Sabrina is giving Sonny a pass on shooting AJ because he's bipolar? Go away. NOW. Before I start smelling toast.


Having Carly and Madeline bonding over mentally ill children is gross. It still makes no sense for Sonny to be so adamant that Morgan might be bipolar. I get Sonny doesn't like it, but he knows how badly he struggled with it. He wants Morgan to go through that? What an asshole.


LOL at Morgan's face when Scott said Denise was Ava. "Wha? Huh?"

If Bi-Polar means you can kill, guess the secret of who killed Silas is out. Is Sabrina really a nurse? Guess she skipped psychology 101. I never hated Sobby, but if I was watching now, I would .The stupid it burns. Guess Rons still writing this mess.

  • Love 2
For the love of pancakes ...

I love this phrase! I hope you don't mind, HeatLifer, if I start using it.


Man, this return to Sonny has kinda tapped me out, snark-wise.  Maybe this belongs in the unpopular thread, maybe not, but one thing I might miss about Ron: He really knew how to send me into a double zout black out rage.™ I mean, I wasn't watching his show at the end, but at least there was something to talk about.


Apathy really is the worst.

  • Love 3

Due to the truncated summer hours where I work, I only "get" to watch about the last 15 minutes or so every Friday.  Other than Fluke's big goodbye (which actually commenced on the following Monday, if I understand correctly), I haven't actually watched any part of this show for many years.  (Possibly as far back as the 2nd Bush administration.)  And, if I'm being perfectly honest, I don't really read/lurk on this board a whole lot anymore because the storylines and character [assassination] y'all talk about downright depresses me.  I used to literally run home from the school bus stop to be sure I caught the opening scene, which typically took place at the HOSPITAL or in the Webber's living room or perhaps Scotty's disco.  (Yes, I'm old.)


So, why the hell am I here now?  Because you folks taking one for the proverbial team by watching this dreck and sharing your beautiful snark does bring a smile to my face.  You are all far better at cohesive storytelling about characters we actually know than any of the poo-flinging monkeys in that writing room.  So, thank you dear posters of PTV for bringing me the only joy left associated with this show.


ps - Does anyone know who killed John McSilas?  (I just found out he was out.  Always the last to know.)

  • Love 6
On the plus side, Sabrina defending Sonny makes it far less likely that we're getting a retcon where she's ClinkBoom baby.  All "surprise" soap offspring start off hating their soon to be revealed bio parent, not kissing their ass.


You'd think, but this is the show that has Jakeson and Sam being pals and working together. I give this show no credit for anything.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Okay I'm only 20 minutes in and I nearly put my foot through my TV. Just when I was starting to not mind Sabrina, she goes and makes excuses for Scummy. She's now back on my dead list and can die any time. I don't even care how, just as long as she does. And soon. And before Michael makes nice to Sonny and apologizes for being so mean.

And Ron's shit can't end soon enough either. All these damn flashbacks are driving me to drink!

  • Love 5

Baby H. Christ on a cracker. Olivia needs to just never interact with Sonny again. And what was with all the goddamn "mwahs" "mwah". HEY EVERYONE OLIVIA HAS COMPLETELY FORGIVEN SONNY FOR EVERYTHING EVER LOOK SHE'S GIVING HIM WET KISSES.


Scott got the town brain for the day. That's nice for him. Of course, it's all service of saving fucking Franco. boo.


Sabrina is very very pretty. That's all I got there.


Kiki. Camera number 5. I know the pain of having thin hair. It sucks. You can't do anything with it. Now give up having it so long and cut it 3 inches please. Also please leave the show, thanks, and show off your nice haircut somewhere else.

  • Love 3

I love this phrase! I hope you don't mind, HeatLifer, if I start using it.


Man, this return to Sonny has kinda tapped me out, snark-wise.  Maybe this belongs in the unpopular thread, maybe not, but one thing I might miss about Ron: He really knew how to send me into a double zout black out rage.™ I mean, I wasn't watching his show at the end, but at least there was something to talk about.


Apathy really is the worst.


Oh, I think this is all Ron's still. I think this was his (and Frank's) Hail Mary pass. "I'll feature Sonny and that way I can still feature Franco and Nina!" No.


And STFU, Olivia. Here you stand in Sonny's house not FIVE.FUCKING.FEET from where he shot YOUR SON in the chest…but JULIAN'S the dangerous and evil mobster? FOAD. I hope Julian finds out Leo is alive and pays a judge to bar you from your kid for the next twenty years.


There was not one word out of Olivia's mouth today that wasn't rage worthy. Talking about how Avery will grow up safe and loved with Sonny. I'm just going to assume she doesn't give a shit about Avery. Talking about how Michael will come to his sense. Blah blah. Maybe we can just be happy Michael doesn't spit in his face whenever they see each other?


And when she was bouncing the baby like she was drunk, all I could think of was this:


pvy3f.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Maker


Maybe Julian does have a good case for custody. "Well judge, I faked my baby's death because I regret sleeping with a supposed mobster. It's not as psychotic as it sounds!"


And Sonny doesn't exactly sound loving when he talks about Carly being her mother (what) cancelling out all of Avery's Jerome blood. I mean I don't even know where to start with that. 


Is Morgan's bi-polar responsible for him calling Michael Mikey? Can we stop that now?

  • Love 7

I'm so disgusted with the Sonny worship.  It's a shame Sabrina was designated the official Sonny Propper, since for a while there I was starting to like her character.  Now she can jump off the pier along with that mobster trash.  So can Olivia and TJ while they're at it.  The scene can end with Ghost AJ toasting a non-alcoholic drink.

  • Love 8

Am I supposed to feel sorry for that stupid bitch who whined about all of the problems she had dealing with a mentally ill kid? Maybe Nina wouldn't be so unstable if you weren't a horrific piece of shit mother. Shut your worthless ass up and die. 


I'm glad Ava's stupid scheme is finally being exposed. I'm slightly curious to see what bullshit Ron came up with to keep Party City Wig out of prison. 

  • Love 4

Am I supposed to feel sorry for that stupid bitch who whined about all of the problems she had dealing with a mentally ill kid? Maybe Nina wouldn't be so unstable if you weren't a horrific piece of shit mother. Shut your worthless ass up and die. 


I'm glad Ava's stupid scheme is finally being exposed. I'm slightly curious to see what bullshit Ron came up with to keep Party City Wig out of prison.

Leisl probably snuck into the D.A.'s office while the assistant was testifying and stole the recording. Or Julian (while not in the mob, still has some favors owed) had someone steal it. And Ava, not knowing she's "safe", can show the picture of Nina in court and screw over Franco (for not stopping Daddy's questioning) and Nina (payback for womb-ripping and baby stealing).

Sabrina is ruining the one thing that continues to make Michael interesting for me.  I will have zero reasons to watch his scenes if he forgives Sonny.  AJ may not have wanted Michael to walk around with a ton of anger but he sure as hell wouldn't want Michael to cozy back up to Sonny - Sabrina doesn't know what the fuck she is talking about.*


And I can't believe we had scenes with Sabrina and Michael talking about how Sonny murdered AJ in cold blood and how he should be forgiven for it interspersed with scenes of Sonny and Olivia talking about how awful it was that Ava only died and didn't live her life in prison for the cold blooded murder of Connie.  Was that supposed to be ironic?  I just found it rage-inducing because I am fucking sick and tired of how Sonny is goodness and light and not ever responsible for any of the bad shit he does.


* I did take a moment out of my re-growing hatred of Sabrina to notice that she looked really pretty today.  I liked her dress and thought he hair looked great.   

  • Love 11
Oh, I think this is all Ron's still. I think this was his (and Frank's) Hail Mary pass. "I'll feature Sonny and that way I can still feature Franco and Nina!" No.


I agree; Ron never propped Sonny to such a degree before. And of course he just can't quit Nina and Franco.


Maybe Nina wouldn't be so unstable if you weren't a horrific piece of shit mother.


I know. I don't think Nina had the greatest childhood to begin with, but Madeline punted the crazy way down the field with the drugging and current manipulations.


I did take a moment out of my re-growing hatred of Sabrina to notice that she looked really pretty today.  I liked her dress and thought he hair looked great.


TeCa did look especially pretty today. Everything worked together really well. I also liked Carly's dress. LW looks really good in sheaths when they're tailored properly. (Sometimes she looks a little bottom heavy.)

  • Love 1

If Bi-Polar means you can kill, guess the secret of who killed Silas is out. Is Sabrina really a nurse? Guess she skipped psychology 101. I never hated Sobby, but if I was watching now, I would .The stupid it burns. Guess Rons still writing this mess.

Yeah, here's the thing - and what I hate most about these "bi-polar" storylines on daytime - bi-polar disease does NOT make you violent in general. You have episodes of depression and episodes of mania or hypomania depending whether you are bi-polar I or 2. None of these episodes are associated with violence against others. There are extremely rare cases of people with Bi-polar I (which neither of these characters believably have because the manic and depressive episodes cycle very quickly) whose manic state is so severe that it triggers a psychotic break. There is the possibility that that person might become violent, but the possibility is extremely low. And if they were violent, they would not be together enough to be able to cover up what they'd done. I HATE characters' actions being blamed on mental illness, but I especially hate it when they pick bi-polar out of the air, since its symptoms are nothing like what is portrayed. [The one and only time I've seen a realistic portrayal of a bi-polar personality and manic episode was with Andre on Empire. They did a very good job with that; and the disease was not used as either an excuse nor a horrible black mark on the character; nor did it make him EVUL.] Not to mention that the mentally ill are exponentially more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators; so if they want to do a "mental illness" storyline, maybe they can try and focus on that.

  • Love 15


There was not one word out of Olivia's mouth today that wasn't rage worthy.


I am at the point where I don't know if I can continue to watch. She was really, really, really gross. I bet she's going to be thrilled that Ava's alive so she can be sent to prison. I'm sorry, but if anyone in my family was murdered, I'd be glad they died. Oh sure, Liv. Baby Leo needs to be kept from Julian, but the man who SHOT YOUR SON is totes fine with raising Avery. And I know I'm not objective, but cancelling out the blood of Ava? Fuck off, you stuttering greaseball. Just NO.


Again, all of his crimes are just handwaved away no matter what. Pardon, bi polar disease, whatever.


I wish he had never come on this show.

  • Love 7

I am at the point where I don't know if I can continue to watch. She was really, really, really gross. I bet she's going to be thrilled that Ava's alive so she can be sent to prison. I'm sorry, but if anyone in my family was murdered, I'd be glad they died. Oh sure, Liv. Baby Leo needs to be kept from Julian, but the man who SHOT YOUR SON is totes fine with raising Avery. And I know I'm not objective, but cancelling out the blood of Ava? Fuck off, you stuttering greaseball. Just NO.


Again, all of his crimes are just handwaved away no matter what. Pardon, bi polar disease, whatever.


I wish he had never come on this show.


I was afraid for your health tvgoddess during these scenes. If I got pissed off I can only imagine the rage you felt. Like seriously Olivia? Now even death is too good for Ava? 

  • Love 4

I was afraid for your health tvgoddess during these scenes. If I got pissed off I can only imagine the rage you felt. Like seriously Olivia? Now even death is too good for Ava? 


I mean, she was actually indignant, it was crazy. Yeah, how dare Ava fall off the bridge and die? She should be mad at Sonny then, he could have saved her. But better chance of me becoming President than of Olivia ever getting mad at Sonny again.


As for my health, I quote Ross Gellar.


Edited by tvgoddess
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