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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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...I don't even know what to say about this. Insert sarcastic remark here.

Add me to the, I don't get it list. Also, why do they keep promoting these newbies and randoms vs core characters. Hell, I may hate the past 20+ years of Sonny's mob but at least mob crap has been part og Gh going back to Frank Smith.

There is more to Kiki than the show is saying in this story.   The show is spending an abnormal amount of attention on her anguish and for a week solid they had every character mention Kiki was in the Hamptons.  It was said again and again for no reason.   The only answer I can think of as to why they did that is because she wasn't actually in The Hamptons.   She is on my radar as a suspect.

  • Love 7

There is more to Kiki than the show is saying in this story.   The show is spending an abnormal amount of attention on her anguish and for a week solid they had every character mention Kiki was in the Hamptons.  It was said again and again for no reason.   The only answer I can think of as to why they did that is because she wasn't actually in The Hamptons.   She is on my radar as a suspect.


That would be awesome.

  • Love 5

Gawd, shut up Sonny and Carly! This is reason a billion and one why they don't know deserve Michael. They could have put aside their animosity quietly encouraged TJ to make amends with Jordan and live with her or move to Kellys (is that a thing anymore?), but no, they had to do their bullshit posturing and wave around their dubious superiority just to stick it to her, even though they both know that TJ could very well hurt or killed just by being near Sonny. Can't have Carly have an ounce of empathy for Jordan after everything that happen between her and Michael, not when Jordan is "judging" them by bring that time Michael got shot in the head because Sonny is a mobster.

"Next time you decide to open your mouth about someone else's family, take a look at your own, or what left of it."

Hey you stupid bitch, had you not been paying attention? That is exactly what she is trying to do. The entire reason she brought it up was to convince her son to at the very least, get the heck away from Sonny. 

  • Love 12

It was NOT Liz that took Jake to camp.  Jake/Jason took his son to camp and notified Liz, afterwards!


And I really don't understand why the writers have to shift kids around like that.  If they have no potential for a storyline, ok, but when Jake came back and had those scary eyes and calm demeanor...I was expecting major behavioral problems, or at least something like playing with lighters...otherwise, why even have the actor play it so creepily?  It's almost as if the writers have attention problems.

So Carly actually said to Jordan that she's always been straight with her kids?  Really?  REALLY!?!


Yup, that AJ's murder thing where she was totally honest with Michael about who shot AJ, understood his anger towards Sonny, and helped him process his grief ... Oh wait. That didn't happen that way, did it?


Having GH rage blackouts is the new normal.

Edited by amaranta
  • Love 19

Gawd, shut up Sonny and Carly! This is reason a billion and one why they don't know deserve Michael. They could have put aside their animosity quietly encouraged TJ to make amends with Jordan and live with her or move to Kellys (is that a thing anymore?), but no, they had to do their bullshit posturing and wave around their dubious superiority just to stick it to her, even though they both know that TJ could very well hurt or killed just by being near Sonny. Can't have Carly have an ounce of empathy for Jordan after everything that happen between her and Michael, not when Jordan is "judging" them by bring that time Michael got shot in the head because Sonny is a mobster.

"Next time you decide to open your mouth about someone else's family, take a look at your own, or what left of it."

Hey you stupid bitch, had you not been paying attention? That is exactly what she is trying to do. The entire reason she brought it up was to convince her son to at the very least, get the heck away from Sonny. 


Really agree with you about Sonny and Snarly, for the most part.


But I have a problem with how they're writing Jordan now.  Besides her weird new (so it seems) alliance with the corrupt mayor, and her inappropriate relationship with her employee (really none of her business what Valerie does or doesn't do with her lovelife, as it never seemed to affect hers or Dante's job performances), now she's treating her son like he's 5 and calling him "baby"?  And declaring she's taking him home, as if he has no mind of his own?  She didn't even have the guts to stand up for her son when he was arrested, she was more interested in saving her job.  She has no business getting on her high horse with anyone, not even those 2 morons.


I used to like Jordan.  I have no idea why the writers are having her character act like such a...fool.  Unless they just think all women in positions of power act like idiots.  Those 3 - Jordan, Valerie, and the mayor - well, it's almost as if the writers are thinking, "Oh, 3 women in power.  Let's make them all BFFs!"  



  • Love 3

Really agree with you about Sonny and Snarly, for the most part.


But I have a problem with how they're writing Jordan now.  Besides her weird new (so it seems) alliance with the corrupt mayor, and her inappropriate relationship with her employee (really none of her business what Valerie does or doesn't do with her lovelife, as it never seemed to affect hers or Dante's job performances), now she's treating her son like he's 5 and calling him "baby"?  And declaring she's taking him home, as if he has no mind of his own?  She didn't even have the guts to stand up for her son when he was arrested, she was more interested in saving her job.  She has no business getting on her high horse with anyone, not even those 2 morons.


I used to like Jordan.  I have no idea why the writers are having her character act like such a...fool.  Unless they just think all women in positions of power act like idiots.  Those 3 - Jordan, Valerie, and the mayor - well, it's almost as if the writers are thinking, "Oh, 3 women in power.  Let's make them all BFFs!"  



It isn't like TJ decided to shake up with Molly and Jordan was being a prude about it, TJ is living with someone that can get him killed, and just was pardon for murdering someone. 


While I have less use for Jordan than most, in this instance I was on Jordan's side. I think it is common enough that mothers call their grown children "baby", since for some that is what they will always be. While I won't comment on how Jordan is handling Dante/Valerie, in  this instance I don't mind that Jordan was trying to haul TJ out of Sonny's, considering Sonny invited her there and did his little "I am still a mobster" dance for her to get rid of Julian. In light of what happened to all of the other boys he took under his wing (Stone, Jason, Michael), attempting to overstep with TJ was warranted.Sonny's and Carly's smugness set me on edge far more than Jordan bossing around her son, since neither of them seemed to give a shit about the real possibility that Sonny could get TJ killed.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 9

Oh, I SO wanted to see an episode where a working class black mother reaches out AGAIN to her black son, trying to point out the dangerous person he is living with only to have rich white woman chastise said mother in front of said son on her lack of parenting skills while the son stays magically silent as his mother is dressed down in front of him by white woman.


Then black mother retreats and white woman becomes kind and sweet and mothers black son (in a way his own mother fails to do) and oozes white empathy all over the scene to show everyone "see? Best. Mother. EVAH."


It's all about extremes with this show. 


It's either a Very! Important! Episode! where the good guys are colorblind and the bad guys are RACISSSS and we get all the carefully measured steps to post racial ending doled out at a braying, cringe worthy tone.




There's ZERO insight or awareness of what they're writing and putting on screen for viewing.


But they had TJ get targeted, off screen, by a racist security guard at Wyndham's. It was so topical! What more social issue exploration would one ever want?  And it all resolved itself neatly in a bow when Maxie refused to shop there.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 12

The Wayans should sue this show.


Can you imagine if everyone Ron* and company ripped off sued this show? There would be more lawsuits than there are characters.

Oh, and he'd have to sue himself too.


It's kind of disturbing and pretty pathetic that someone at GH intentionally took the time to make a clip for The Soup instead of, oh, I don't know, doing something to make TFGH better, or at least trying.


*ETA: I'm assuming Ron's shows are still being shown and the new writers stuff haven't aired yet.

Edited by tveyeonyou
  • Love 1

FF'd though S&C to prevent rage, but from reading here, it looks like Show wants to be "Empire", but Sonny and Carly want to be Lucious and Cookie.

Um, no. Taraji Henson would make Sonny wet himself than beat him down with a broom stick. Carly would pass out just being in her presence.

30 years and I've always said GH was the worst soap at diversity, IMO. They are horrible at developing the character, integrating them and giving them stories with their on POV. It would be laughable if it weren't sad and pathetic in 2015.

So is TJ the next person to be killed?

  • Love 6

I am *loving* deadSilas, but could the show please kill off Kiki and Ava/Denise? AND Morgan?


I am presently fast-forwarding 90% of the show, which saddens me.


I want to see Morgan get killed, just so we can see how long it takes Carly and Sonny to notice. Because, really, if he dies after Kiki and Ava are gone, and the killer hides the body well enough that nobody stumbles across it and alerts the authorities, those two would never know.  For all we know, little Jake could have already offed Joss.  If someone told Carly "your daughter's dead," she'd say "no, Avery is right here." 

  • Love 10

Um, no. Taraji Henson would make Sonny wet himself than beat him down with a broom stick. Carly would pass out just being in her presence.

30 years and I've always said GH was the worst soap at diversity, IMO. They are horrible at developing the character, integrating them and giving them stories with their on POV. It would be laughable if it weren't sad and pathetic in 2015.

So is TJ the next person to be killed?


I predict it will be Jordan's fault somehow for not trusting Sonny!

  • Love 6

Those 3 - Jordan, Valerie, and the mayor - well, it's almost as if the writers are thinking, "Oh, 3 women in power.  Let's make them all BFFs!"  




That's not the commonality they're thinking of.


That being said, I have always found Jordan pretty meh. She only came alive for me when she was actively scheming with Ava and Julian as one of their people - Jordan the strait-laced cop just isn't plausible to me, and her as the Commish, a position she is in no way qualified for, is terrible, especially when they have her doing the same old ineffectual PCPD stuff (which Anna Devane does much better) and acting like she's the boss. I do sympathize with her about T.J. but that's about it. The actress has never thrilled me, but I'm sure she could with better writing. She deserves better, most performers on this show do.

  • Love 3

 While Jordan's never been one of my favorite characters on the show, Sonny & Carly's treatment of her gave me rage blackouts. I don't know which offended me more-Sonny & Carly's questioning Jordan's parenting skills, their smugness or their hypocrisy. Neither Sonny nor Carly have any right to judge Jordan, especially where raising kids is concerned. Sonny and/or Carly's choices have endangered their kids way more than Jordan's ever have. If TJ gets hurt or killed on Sonny & Carly's watch, that's their fault, not Jordan's. As for TJ, after the way he disrespected Jordan & his letting Sonny & Carly get away with doing the same,  he can go fuck himself with a white-hot poker for all I care.


  Make room on the Ghost!Silas Love Train for me! I hope he sticks around much longer than Ghost!AJ. His taunting DenAva is everything. My theory that if Nina didn't kill Silas, then either Ava did it or she knows who did, which means it was probably Morgan. Given the way Ava treated Silas after he saved her life when he so didn't have to,  as far as I'm concerned, she not only deserves the Hell she's catching, if he mentions AJ, Kannie & Avery, that's even better.

  • Love 5

Can't have Carly have an ounce of empathy for Jordan after everything that happen between her and Michael, not when Jordan is "judging" them by bring that time Michael got shot in the head because Sonny is a mobster.

She did.  I'm no fan of Carly, but she did tell T.J. she knew how Jordan felt to have a child hating her.  She probably meant the time Michael was estranged from her over A.J.

to be fair (I'm going to assume Valerie cried or something, I haven't seen the show yet) it must be hard to a crying scene in one take. I don't remember the last time I saw a crying scene on this show and thought, "wow, great job!" 

Maxie dropped by the station to tweak Val about how much Maxie owes Lulu and therefore she is super touchy about Dante and Lulu's love life, Val faced it off right up until Dante wandered in covered with some blood and Val did a little girl squeal that her Dante may be hurt and rushed over just short of flinging into his arms. The viewers already knew it wasn't his blood. Brytni's skill level in the scene was slightly worse than community theatre.

Edited by Happyshooter
  • Love 1

Maxie dropped by the station to tweak Val about how much Maxie owes Lulu and therefore she is super touchy about Dante and Lulu's love life, Val faced it off right up until Dante wandered in covered with some blood and Val did a little girl squeal that her Dante may be hurt and rushed over just short of flinging into his arms. The viewers already knew it wasn't his blood. Brytni's skill level in the scene was slightly worse than community theatre.

It was the way Dante just waltzed in that made it truly hilarious.

  • Love 2


Can't Maxie just get a staph infection or something?

In MAxie's defence, she was coming to apologize to Valeire about calling her a homewrecking ho.  At which point, the homewrecking ho was all, "apology accepted but I'm totally over Dante.  Who's Dante".  Then Dante walked in covered in a perp's blood and she went all "Oh my God no NO NO NO" and threw herself at him before realizing that would be a tad inapropriate and was all "wow, don't know why I reacted like that.  my bad".  



Even I know about the cloud.

What annoyed me is that Ava said then was all, oh right, you don't know about technology since you've been comatosed for 20 years.  But Nina's been out of her coma for more than a year, so would know about technology like the rest of us.  I get so tired of people talking about that damn coma like Nina came out of it yesterday.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 4

Valerie: I don't enjoy being called a homewrecker.


lol please this chick. I'm sure if Dante dumped Lulu for her she would have been all "I don't care what people say about me! It's us against the world Dante!" Anyway, I thought her Cry of Distress for Ye Olde Secret Lover was underplayed (I thought it was gonna be overplayed, like Red Shirt's) but I guess it's possible BS was playing it like Valerie was trying to keep herself calm.


I really liked Valerie's dress though. And lol at her cleaning the chair after Franco sat in it.


Also, ew Dante, tell her you can find your own paper towels. Although actually, no one has a spare shirt they could lend him? The heck. I am going to enjoy watching Dante obviously hating Dillon using the boat but knowing he can't say a damn thing. Or at least, that's what should happen.


Maxie's hair color is killing me.


Sonny & Carly: muted.


Muted red shirt's groaning. That's some embarrassing shit.


Lulu: if me and Dante have another baby we could use the extra income. 


baby anvil? For Valerie, of course, Lulu is almost as infertile as Pat is dead.

In MAxie's defence, she was coming to apologize to Valeire about calling her a homewrecking ho.  At which point, the homewrecking ho was all, "apology accepted but I'm totally over Dante.  Who's Dante".  Then Dante walked in covered in a perp's blood and she went all "Oh my God no NO NO NO" and threw herself at him before realizing that would be a tad inapropriate and was all "wow, don't know why I reacted like that.  my bad".


Let me tweak Valerie's response juuuust a little.:


Valerie: Well, I don't like being called a homewrecker. You'd think I would have thought about how much I disliked it before sleeping with someone's husband, but who would have thought it would be unpleasant! apology accepted but I'm totally over Dante. Who's Dante?

I may just have to check out this scene now.  I


Does anyone have any idea how far into the show, roughly speaking, it is (if you don't mind sharing)?  I can't even bear ff-ing anymore. 


I'll look it up for you later. That was hilarious, and then the look on his face afterwards. He went extra bugged eyed, like "what in the what now?"

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

Just a thought:  could Kiki have killed her father when he told her about Ava/Denise and Morgan?  Maybe she totally blanked it out.  It's not like Kiki comes from sane stock on both sides of the family.  Silas's brother thought he was a vampire and whether her mother is Ava or Nina, neither is the picture of mental health. 

  • Love 3


Just a thought:  could Kiki have killed her father when he told her about Ava/Denise and Morgan?  Maybe she totally blanked it out.

I could see them doing this if they were getting rid of the actress, but what a cop out that would be.  Several characters are possible suspects but they'll make the killer someone who would have no reason whatsoever to kill Silas.  If anything, she'd have motive to kill Ava and Morgan but not her father.  



Let me tweak Valerie's response juuuust a little.:

It was almost as interesting as Lulu's response to Dillon dating Valerie:

"Oh, you're dating Valerie?  That's great.  I have no problem with you dating Valerie.  No problem.  Nope.  not one.  Zero.  Zilch.  Have I mentioned that I have no problem with you dating Valerie?"

  • Love 2

Valerie gives me rage blackouts.

The weird thing is I was never a huge fan of Lulu's, especially after the recast, but for some reason I get all Maxie-protective when Valerie is sniffing around Dante. I'm not sure if I made it up in my head or if she really said she "wouldn't know what to do" (or words to that effect) if something happened to Dante.


My hate level is rising so high I was annoyed when she* wiped the chair down after Franco sat in it and I can't stand the character Franco. (I do like the actor, but I've despised Franco since Franco played Franco. Fuck you GH, if you think that last sentence didn't make sense then imagine how we feel having to watch it.)


I miss Original Recipe Dillon.


Is it just me or was Dante giving Valerie puppy-dog eyes?


*I would have been amused if someone else did it, I just hate Valerie that much, and the idea that I'm sticking up for anything Franco-related pisses me off even more.

  • Love 3

Thursday episode for those who haven't, can't or wont' see it:  And yes, I'm paraphrasing just a wee bit:


Jordan:  You're behind this

Julian:  No I'm not

Jordan:  You better tell me if you are

Julian:  I'm not

JOrdan:  I'm almost positive that you are

Julian:  Am not


Dante:  Gotta bring in these suspects....oopsie one of them's dead and got a boat load of blood all over me before he died


Franco:  I have no motive

Scott:  My assistant heard you have a loud fight with Silas hours before he was murdered and Nina's name was mentioned.  

Franco:  Oh yeah, that.  


Nina:  You're Ava

Ava:  Am not

Nina:  You're exactly like my mother...MY MOTHER (I dont' even know what she meant by that exactly)

Ava:  I have a picture, neener neener neener

NIna:  I deleted it

Ava:  It's never deleted

Nina:  Oh yeah.  Well, you're rubber and I'm glue so there.  I'm going to tell the police about stuff.


Maxie:  Sorry I called you a homewrecking ho

Val:  I'm not, I'm not, I;m not.  I totally respect the boundaries of Lulu and that guy she's married to.....OH EM GEE man of my dreams that I love more than life itself but cannot have because of that bitchy cousin of mine wasn't really cheating, are you dying with all that blood on your shirt. .  Ooopsie, I mean, hey man that I work with, who sauntered in here and is clearly not injured let me get you some paper towels for that bloody shirt.  


Maxie:  What was up with that?



Carly:  I want a pretty dress for my eleventy eleven wedding to you

Sonny:  I prefer you naked

Carly:  Oh silly you.  Why are we on today's episode again?


Lulu:  Dante and I doing it again

Dillon:  TMI.  Also, Val and I are so totally dating.

Lulu:  Love it.  have no problem with it.  No problemo.  

Dillon:  wanna work together

Lulu:  Sure my hubby has not problems with me working with my exes and I haven't learned my lesson from Vancouver.  

  • Love 17

Valerie gives me rage blackouts.

The weird thing is I was never a huge fan of Lulu's, especially after the recast, but for some reason I get all Maxie-protective when Valerie is sniffing around Dante. I'm not sure if I made it up in my head or if she really said she "wouldn't know what to do" (or words to that effect) if something happened to Dante.


She did. To be fair to her, I too have no idea what she would do if something happened to Dante.


Actually, Nathan was kind of annoying. He KNOWS Valerie has feelings for Dante - instead of making Maxie feel like an idiot (or, you know, pointing out she is one, depending on your POV) he could say something like, she does, but she's trying to get over it.


I don't think Dante was giving Valerie puppy-dog eyes (well, aside from their natural puppy dog eyed state . . . ) but he should have shrugged her elbow off and told her he could go by himself. But then I guess if that happened Maxie could not have watched them suspiciously as they walked away. oh, plot points.



It was almost as interesting as Lulu's response to Dillon dating Valerie:

"Oh, you're dating Valerie?  That's great.  I have no problem with you dating Valerie.  No problem.  Nope.  not one.  Zero.  Zilch.  Have I mentioned that I have no problem with you dating Valerie?"


They're family!


I zoned out absolutely everything Dillon and Lulu said today.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

She did.  I'm no fan of Carly, but she did tell T.J. she knew how Jordan felt to have a child hating her.  She probably meant the time Michael was estranged from her over A.J.

Then Carly should have kept her own big mouth shut then if she was aware of this, because she knew the only reason Jordan was bring up Michael was because she was worried about TJ and made the mistake of trying to talk to Carly and Sonny as if they were mature adults. Carly was acting like Jordan was only passing judgement on her and Sonny's parenting style, since that is her M.O, instead arguing why TJ should not be living with them. She undermined Jordan's role as TJ's mother in front of TJ.

  • Love 2

She did. To be fair to her, I too have no idea what she would do if something happened to Dante.


This caused me to spit a mouthful of Gatorade out of my mouth. In a good way :)



Thursday episode for those who haven't, can't or wont' see it:  And yes, I'm paraphrasing just a wee bit:


Jordan:  You're behind this

Julian:  No I'm not

Jordan:  You better tell me if you are

Julian:  I'm not

JOrdan:  I'm almost positive that you are

Julian:  Am not


Dante:  Gotta bring in these suspects....oopsie one of them's dead and got a boat load of blood all over me before he died


Franco:  I have no motive

Scott:  My assistant heard you have a loud fight with Silas hours before he was murdered and Nina's name was mentioned.  

Franco:  Oh yeah, that.  


Nina:  You're Ava

Ava:  Am not

Nina:  You're exactly like my mother...MY MOTHER (I dont' even know what she meant by that exactly)

Ava:  I have a picture, neener neener neener

NIna:  I deleted it

Ava:  It's never deleted

Nina:  Oh yeah.  Well, you're rubber and I'm glue so there.  I'm going to tell the police about stuff.


Maxie:  Sorry I called you a homewrecking ho

Val:  I'm not, I'm not, I;m not.  I totally respect the boundaries of Lulu and that guy she's married to.....OH EM GEE man of my dreams that I love more than life itself but cannot have because of that bitchy cousin of mine wasn't really cheating, are you dying with all that blood on your shirt. .  Ooopsie, I mean, hey man that I work with, who sauntered in here and is clearly not injured let me get you some paper towels for that bloody shirt.  


Maxie:  What was up with that?



Carly:  I want a pretty dress for my eleventy eleven wedding to you

Sonny:  I prefer you naked

Carly:  Oh silly you.  Why are we on today's episode again?


Lulu:  Dante and I doing it again

Dillon:  TMI.  Also, Val and I are so totally dating.

Lulu:  Love it.  have no problem with it.  No problemo.  

Dillon:  wanna work together

Lulu:  Sure my hubby has not problems with me working with my exes and I haven't learned my lesson from Vancouver.  


And this? Pretty much on the money, only better.

  • Love 4
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