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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Carly going on and on and on about the magnificence of Jason makes me laugh that Ron tried to make it plausible that she would have gone to bat for Todd stealing Jason's son and giving it to Tea.


At least he got this part of her character right again. Carly may marry Sonny until the stars turn cold but she lives and breathes Jason and nothing and no one will ever change that.


It's funny how she's talked about missing Jason 1,000 times more lately (well, since BM showed up) than she did three years ago when he actually "died."  Back then, it was almost like she barely noticed -- Ron was too concerned about making her and Todd a couple (retch), and he turned her into a pod person in order to do it.  There's no WAY she ever would have put Todd (or anyone else) over Jason.  She would have thrown herself into the harbor in a wetsuit and searched for his watery grave if Ron had written her at all in character back then.

  • Love 8

One would think Port Charles has some kind of hotline to help in these BFTD situations.


"To have your BFTD loved one's grave removed from the local cemetery, press one."


If there was a life insurance policy payout on any of these back from the dead people ... do they have to now give the money back?    


Did Robert / Anna / Duke / Holly ever figure out who was legally married to whom after they all came back from the dead?  Shouldn't they have pooled their resources to hire a family lawyer to figure it out?  


Did they ever figure out who BurntNotRobin was??  


Who was Joss' kidney donor?  


Wouldn't undead Frank Smith and Helena be like a 100 now??  


So many questions that I'm sure will never be answered ...

  • Love 6
So Josslyn being used in some sick Helena plot through her new kidney isn't something Carly shouldn't necessarily brush off


I agree, and I'm glad it was mentioned. Helena historically hasn't cared about Carly, so I think Joss is probably safe. Helena probably feels being connected to that peasant Sonny Corinthos is better torture than anything she could devise. Heh.

  • Love 6

Everybody was always acting like it was normal or cute that he'd inherited Jason Morgan's temperament- which was the result of brain damage - and now they're just ignoring the fact that he's terrifyingly dead-eyed and has probably been brainwashed

Who besides Carly thinks that? (Of course she would think Jason's bio son must be exactly. like. him.) NuJakeson doesn't *remember* little Jake at the moment, so nothing he says is valid. Lucky said he's the same Jake after talking to the kid for a few minutes. He really has no idea if Jake was truly okay when he left again. The Lucky this audience knows would be present while insisting the kid has brain/body scans, and would not just leave them all again because of feeling "darkness inside." It's also absurd that Elizabeth and Lucky wouldn't be concerned that little Jake doesn't remember them. He was almost 4 when Luke hit him, he wasn't an infant. At that age, the actor smiled and chattered to SBu's Jason, had at least one cute play scene with Braden's Cam, and interacted nicely with Becky and JJ.  Now, the only times he's smiled were when Jakeson talks to him about a motorcycle, or when Laura was being sweet/grandmotherly. Other than that, he is dead-eyed. Since Show won't acknowledge any residual brain trauma on little Jake so as to completely absolve Luke's crime, I think he was probably brainwashed, too. 

  • Love 1

What I learned from today's show......That little alien stalking around town with Elizabeth is a spitting image for one of the implant kids from Children of the Damned.  God only knows what he learned at the feet of Grandma Helena.  But do NOT get this kid a chemistry set, or let him help in the kitchen.  Spenthaw bettaw nawot caww him a twownie, of he won't be humming tunes from Phanthom of the Opera, but he might want to learn lines from the LIttle Shop of Horrors.



Everybody was always acting like it was normal or cute that he'd inherited Jason Morgan's temperament- which was the result of brain damage - and now they're just ignoring the fact that he's terrifyingly dead-eyed and has probably been brainwashed


This kid is so Jason's son.  Maybe Helena threw him off a motorcycle time and time again until she got it right.  Playing Bouncy, Bouncy with the kid till she got his head just like his dad's.  Cuz ths kid ain't right.


Carly going on and on and on about the magnificence of Jason makes me laugh that Ron tried to make it plausible that she would have gone to bat for Todd stealing Jason's son and giving it to Tea.


Jason was wonderful.  Jason was giving.  Jason was caring.  Even when his child had been killed, he thought of Carly's kid FIRST because Jason was a SAINT.  Not because he was such a soulless moronic psychopath that he bascially didn't give a shit, so everyone was free to take whatever left over parts there were.  

And Jake Doe aka Jason is also brain dead if he can bare to listen ONE MORE TIME to Carly and Liz sing a freakin' hymn to glory of a guy who supposedly is dead and gone.

I'm hoping that when Jake finally realizes who he is, even HE will be sick of hearing about himself.  Hopefully, Tracy will still have enough snark to keep me from hitting the tv when that happens.


Oh yeah, the kidney....whose is it, WHAT is it?  Since Ron C. is anything but subtle, I predict Joss' kidney is a can of Green Giant Corn Niblets.  


Richard Burgi can make pancakes for me anytime. Rowr. 


Let's make that a DOUBLE helping!  He is a definite step up for Tracy.  And we just know Laura's going to be in the mix on this one.


It's such a shame that Dante has gone on a long vacation.  He hasn't, you say?  Well he might as well have because I won't watch a second this Valerie dreck.  


Let me end my post, though, by remembering the MOST important thing we learned today - again.  And again.

Jason was a SAINT.  


(If he was a saint, then WHY couldn't they have thrown him to the lions???)

Edited by boes
  • Love 5

It's also possible the kid playing Jake has no talent, but Ron can't resist using him. History!


In the GH in my head, the kid is really a talented actor, but he's pissed as hell about being playing an undead on GH and he's letting it show.


He was spending his spare time with some other folks who used to live in PC that he really likes -- Blackie Parrish and Frisco Jones, two guys who liked motorcycles.

Edited by rur
  • Love 2

I enjoyed Tony & Emme today. Nice conversations without guns blazing. I read Geary's interview with Michael Logan. I was struck by several things. He's really not a fan of RC. Who knew? LOL!! Has never spoke with RC. Shocking!! And, didn't like the exit storyline and having Jake be alive along with Frank Smith. Obviously, he's indifferent to the L&L history and as well as his (often rocky) relationship with Genie Francis. He's BFF with Jane Elliott and Skypes with her all the time.

  • Love 1

As much fun as I'm having making my professional personal shopper jokes about Maxie...is Ron planning on giving her a story anytime soon?  I feel like she's gonna spend the rest of the year finger snapping while Lulu goes off on Valerie.

Be careful what you wish for!


Spoilers say

that Madeline thinks Maxie isn't good enough for Nathan and schemes to break them up.

As much fun as I'm having making my professional personal shopper jokes about Maxie...is Ron planning on giving her a story anytime soon? I feel like she's gonna spend the rest of the year finger snapping while Lulu goes off on Valerie.

Probably. I imagine maybe around October she (and Nathan) will get some story again. I'll reply in the spoiler thread.

Maxie, Nathan and

Donna Mills

together is honestly one of my personal hells.


This has to be the biggest waste of Donna Mills. Ever. Why couldn't Ron put her in some scenes with Monica? She & Leslie Charlston played sisters way back on the soap "Love is a Many Splendored Thing"! Would have loved to have seen them act together again!!

(And yes I'm that old. lol)

  • Love 2

Why is it that within days or weeks of Genie's returns, Frank always dresses her in shifts or giant blouses that don't suit her? She's not a damn matron, I had enough of this in the '90s when both Genie and Laura were popping out babies and she was dressed like a Stevie Nicks parade float. Give her a better top. They dig out these ancient things the older ladies used to wear on OLTL, or dating back to JFP's GH in 2001.


Richard Burgi is still great with Jane and Dollar Tree Dillon, who improves a lot with his family and the Q crew. He's still so un-Dillon, though - pretty as he is, every time he pops up in his tank tops and workout clothes or simply towels, I think of Sally Field's hunky, dim onscreen husband from Soapdish - "I was at the gym doing leglifts when Father Corey told me about you and Luke, Mom!" Decent actor, so not the character. Predictably, their scenes were too brief and plot-oriented. You could've made a real meal out of extended time with the Hornsbys-Quartermaines. You could also tell an actual, brief action story about where the hell Joss got that kidney - black market organs, whatever - but they won't.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

It's occurred to me, as bad as the show's been these past two months or so, what's going to happen in August, when Tony is finally gone?  The clown car of characters from the past has been poorly done, but at least it was something. There was something to talk about and critique.  Something to react to.


August, as far as I can tell, is going to be a big bunch of nothing.  More Jakeson non-reveal, more Nina/Franco/Ric/Madeline, more of the Valerie/Date "angst," more of [shudder] Denise [/shudder].  The only new things in the mix seem to be

Hayden waking up, Tracy and Paul, and Madeline interfering with Nathan and Maxie.

.  We may just look back on this month with some envy.  Crazy thought!

Edited by Francie
  • Love 1

Richard Burgi can make pancakes for me anytime. Rowr. 


I'd even eat gluten free, fat free sugar free pancakes with him. JE is lucky. She should use her clout to order tons of kissing scenes. 


Especially since she JUST, like a few months ago, had a brainwashed minion in Jake(son).  Who's to say she hasn't programmed Little Jake to put arsenic in Liz's morning coffee, just for fun?


That'd be the nicest thing Helena has ever done for me. 

  • Love 1
Wasn't Johnny Zacahara involved with some organ selling scheme around/nearish the time of Jake's not death/Joss's kidney transplant? That might actually be a decent story if it's all kinda connected and Brandon Barash would do a recurring run. I remember Stephen Lars being involved in the organ thing.


What, and have this story make any sense whatsoever? It's much more fun to have Helena and reasons involved.

  • Love 2


The thing is, it stands to reason that Lulu would 'come after' Val either way. My husband jumped to the wrong conclusion about me but you were absolutely willing to jump into bed with him, cousin. I would have words with you. OR Before I could sit down and tell him that this wasn't working and we could amicably split because there's a child in the question, you happily jumped into bed with him. I take issue with that.


The fact is, Valerie is in the wrong here as well. She's been drooling over her cousin's husband from jump so she's definitely not innocent and she was happy to be his 'way to get over Lulu' in a situation that wasn't any of her business in the first place. She (and Dante) can say 'but we thought Lulu was being unfaithful' all they want. That means absolutely nothing. What's that saying? Oh yeah, two wrongs don't make a right.


Valerie interfered in the marriage. Period. There is no 'get out of jail free' card with this and she's earned anything Lulu wants to fire at her for it.



Am I the only one who mostly FF any and all Val, and Dante, But Lulu left town , after getting rid of Valerie because she acted like she wanted in Dante's pants. Val then snuck around, and saw something she decided was ? she went to Dante ,she told tales. She got what she wanted a roll in the hay with Dante. Then lo and behold she was wrong and now she is the victim. No NO no. Val went after Lulu's husband. she had sex with Dante in Lulu's bed. She is not the victim, neither is Dante. The person who was wronged was Lulu! Dante certainly is his sperm donors son. Guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

And yes.

This is the thing that pisses me off the most (I mean, it would, if I bothered to care when it comes to this garbage).

Valerie has been sniffing around Dante (you know, her cousin's husband) since she met him. As you said, she's the one who went running to Dante to tell him his wife was having an affair. I really wish Lulu would haul off and punch her in her stupid quivering weepy face.

Oh and Valerie, stop referring to you and Dante as "we". Just stop it. And while you're stopping it, get the fuck out of town.

Also, who in the world would tell their boss they had sex with their married co-worker?

  • Love 7

As you said, she's [Valerie] the one who went running to Dante to tell him his wife was having an affair.


Did she actually say affair?  I thought she just said she thought Lulu and Dillon were keeping a secret from him and Dante was the one who leapt to affair, after he spied on them.


I dunno.  Obviously, she wanted Dante, but I don't think she was actively scheming to get him to that point, if that makes sense.

  • Love 4
Someone please explain to me like I'm Morgan:
This is my new favorite saying. I will use it into the ground.


I think it would be fantastic if:

When Jason gets his memory back, it's of Jason Quartermain and not Jason Morgan. He just completely loses that dead personality of the hitman. He hates Sonny, Carly and everything mob. He puts on his superhero hair and avenges AJ's murder...violently and swiftly. He treats Sam like the trash she is, takes their child and moves into the Q Mansion. He tells Liz to go DIAF and takes her kids, too. After which, he gives the appropriate ones to their respective father(s). 


I'll think on this more and get back to you. Nothing I come up with could be worse than the crap we're watching right now.

  • Love 4

Did she actually say affair?  I thought she just said she thought Lulu and Dillon were keeping a secret from him and Dante was the one who leapt to affair, after he spied on them.


I dunno.  Obviously, she wanted Dante, but I don't think she was actively scheming to get him to that point, if that makes sense.


no, but what else did she think the implication could be when she told him about their secret, why else look so dismayed? What did she think, or what did she think dante was going to think Dillon and Lulu were doing? Hiding a dead body?


I don't think Valerie was necessarily scheming at that point (or at this point either) though. (No really, I don't, stop laughing! :p That would require her being an actual character, not a giant plot point.)


He treats Sam like the trash she is, takes their child and moves into the Q Mansion. He tells Liz to go DIAF and takes her kids, too. After which, he gives the appropriate ones to their respective father(s).



I'm all for Jason avenging AJ's murder, but I'm not for him taking Sam or Liz' children. GH already has too many men dictating the lives of women. Plus Sam especially since Jason's death has done nothing to deserve losing the custody of her son.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 14

Did she actually say affair?  I thought she just said she thought Lulu and Dillon were keeping a secret from him and Dante was the one who leapt to affair, after he spied on them.


I dunno.  Obviously, she wanted Dante, but I don't think she was actively scheming to get him to that point, if that makes sense.


It appears Val has never heard the old saying "Mind your own damn business." She barely knows these people and she knows Lulu even less. There was no reason for her to immediately assume Lulu was being shady. Maybe Lulu was planning a surprise birthday/anniversary celebration for Dante. But, if she just insisted on getting involved she could have been upfront with Lulu and asked her what she was up to, you know, given her a chance to respond to the allegations, instead of immediately running to Dante. 

He treats Sam like the trash she is, takes their child and moves into the Q Mansion.



Not sure why Sam is considered trash or deserves to have her child taken from her. Jason is brain damaged several times over and spent years murdering people and committing all sorts of other crimes for money. If Sam doesn't deserve to have Danny then Jason for damn sure doesn't. 

  • Love 7

Did Valerie even know that Lulu and Dillon had a romantic history at that point?


I almost wish Valerie was actively scheming, at least she'd have some agency then.

She was scheming . She played the poor little me. My mother died. I will cook for you. When she had something she ran to Dante. She wanted her cousins husband and she kept coming to his house when he returned. She came back until she got what she wanted . a roll in the hay, Dante didn't chase her, she chased him then went running to their boss to rub it in. I would love to see Lulu deck her, and then go to her brother and get the Itch thrown out . She has a job, do what others do. Live over Kellys. Most people stay out of other peoples marriage. When this all blows up, and it will. Hope Dante realizes how he was played. Lulu should make sure he knows. Guess you can't really expect much he is Sonny's son. Plus his mother is running around telling everyone Ned is the father of her dead baby.re-Ron can certainly ruin characters.

  • Love 3

But her mom DID die and Dante was the only one who was nice to her/offered her any sympathy.  I agree that she clearly developed a thing for Dante and didn't hesitate when he made a move, but was she actively thinking, "I'll cook for him, that'll get him in my knickers!"?  No.


I still think the show made a huge mistake bumping off Pat so quick.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9


I'm all for Jason avenging AJ's murder, but I'm not for him taking Sam or Liz' children. GH already has too many men dictating the lives of women. Plus Sam especially since Jason's death has done nothing to deserve losing the custody of her son.

Agreed. Sam's most terrible moments (in my opinion) were due to her obsession with Jason. Since SBu left the show, she's been involved with two doctors, not Mobsters. The one time Danny could have been hurt was because her father was a target; you can't pick your parents. Neither she nor Liz deserve for Jason to take their boys. Zander is dead and Cam never knew him - Lucky is his dad. Lucky has now run away twice from being a parent, so he doesn't get to have Jason hand him any kid (including bio son Aiden). Jason himself acknowledged his life was too ingrained in the Mob for it to be safe for a child, so he walked away from Jake. Plus Lucky just flat-out told little Jake "I'm your father." Sam and Liz have been doing the work of raising their sons without the boys' fathers - with help from grandparents/great grandparents, sibs, etc. 

  • Love 6

But her mom DID die and Dante was the only one who was nice to her/offered her any sympathy.  I agree that she clearly developed a thing for Dante and didn't hesitate when he made a move, but was she actively thinking, "I'll cook for him, that'll get him in my knickers!"?  No.


But she did actively interfere with his marriage. She did actively insert herself into a situation that was none of her business. And she actively had sex with him.

  • Love 6

But she did actively interfere with his marriage. She did actively insert herself into a situation that was none of her business. And she actively had sex with him.


I'm talking more about the early stuff - accepting his sympathy about her mom, cooking a meal for him and Rocco while Lulu was out mopping up Fluke's tears, etc.  That wasn't all designed to get Dante into her bed.

  • Love 4

But her mom DID die and Dante was the only one who was nice to her/offered her any sympathy. I agree that she clearly developed a thing for Dante and didn't hesitate when he made a move, but was she actively thinking, "I'll cook for him, that'll get him in my knickers!"? No.

I still think the show made a huge mistake bumping off Pat so quick.

I really wish Lulu had been genuinely interested in getting to know her cousin.

  • Love 7

Valerie is starting to creep me out with the way she's talking to herself after every conversation she has with Dante now.  "He wants to be with his wife. Get over it."  I'd normally think this was Ron's "batshit Glenn Close" setup, but part of me thinks that it could just be that Frank and Ron are too cheap to put anyone else in scenes with her so she has someone to talk to, hence she talks to herself by default.

  • Love 2

I think the nuance here is that Valerie didn't set out to seduce Dante. When Dante decided to cheat, she didn't discourage him. But she wasn't pulling a Carly, rolling into town with the express purpose of sleeping with her mother's husband.


Maybe it's more along the lines of, she didn't roll into town intending to sleep with Dante but she latched onto him pretty damn quick. She's the one who told him that Lulu was lying to him... that is a very active move to involve herself in his marriage, to damage it, and make herself available to him. Dante didn't decide to cheat one day and Val was the lucky gal who was within reach. She was there 'sympathizing' with him and then as soon as they fucked she went and blabbed it to her boss saying that she and Dante had a future!


She basically sprang, fully formed, from Ron's head as "obstacle for Lulu/partner for Dante." Fully formed is, admittedly, being generous since all she is is a place for Dante to stick it while he's under the impression that Lulu is doing him wrong. Impressions that started because Val decided to tattle on Lulu rather than confront her.


She didn't appear in Port Charles, take one look at Dante and say out loud: He will be mine. Oh yes, he will be mine. 


But her presence, thus far, has been clearly earmarked as 'where Dante strays.'

  • Love 3

Maybe it's more along the lines of, she didn't roll into town intending to sleep with Dante but she latched onto him pretty damn quick. She's the one who told him that Lulu was lying to him... that is a very active move to involve herself in his marriage, to damage it, and make herself available to him.


I know we've been having fun with her whining about her mom now, but her mom did die and Dante was the only person that was nice to her and offer her any sympathy.  Horrible writing by Ron by immediately cutting Val off from the other Spencers?  Yes.  But in that scenario, I don't find her imprinting on Dante that outrageous.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

I know we've been having fun with her whining about her mom now, but her mom did die and Dante was the only person that was nice to her and offer her any sympathy.  Horrible writing by Ron by immediately cutting Val off from the other Spencers?  Yes.  But in that scenario, I don't find her imprinting on Dante that outrageous.


I can't even get into the nitty gritty of the writing because there's just no way Bobbie would not have been there, helping her out. They could have at least mentioned them bonding on Off Screen GH.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 14
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