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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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When I say Dante respects Valerie, I mean in the sense that he was all about how she was feeling when he should have gotten the fuck out of there and went to find his wife. Or grabbed his child from a mobster's home.


gotya. I can see why though he didn't exactly want to run right off and find his wife and say, "hey, I've just come freshly fucked by another woman in our bed!" And he just dropped money for a flight and he has to go to work. I wouldn't want to see him jump on another plane in some Maxie-Nathan "we just have tons of money to spend on back-and-forth plane trips" farce, either.


He needs to call his baby-sitter to pick Rocco up already though.

I'll tell you this much - I am not looking forward to Sonny and especially Carly sticking their oars into this mess.


I think Sonny will mind his own business. Carly, on the other hand . . . . I think more than a few of us will be having rage blackouts. Even those of us that aren't gonna watch, we might get rage blackouts telepathically beamed into our heads!

  • Love 3

gotya. I can see why though he didn't exactly want to run right off and find his wife and say, "hey, I've just come freshly fucked by another woman in our bed!" And he just dropped money for a flight and he has to go to work. I wouldn't want to see him jump on another plane in some Maxie-Nathan "we just have tons of money to spend on back-and-forth plane trips" farce, either.

He needs to call his baby-sitter to pick Rocco up already though.

I just don't sympathize at all with Dante here. At all. Like is the show really going with the angle of "How dare Lulu, trusting Dillon!!! Clearly Dante had every right to fuck Valerie!!" ??

And the music in the background of the Dante/Valerie scene and her crying and Dante kissing her again. Just...wow. I think Ron was trying to show me that someone can be worse than Patrick.

  • Love 4

Does Dante even understand that he cheated on his wife out of revenge because he assumed she was cheating on him first, based on very little evidence? Circumstantial evidence at that? Like, does he understand that? It doesn't seem like he does. And stupid ass Valerie talking about she isn't sorry for what they did. Shut your stupid ass up you fuckbag.  You people are trash. 

  • Love 12

I just don't sympathize at all with Dante here. At all. Like is the show really going with the angle of "How dare Lulu, trusting Dillon!!! Clearly Dante had every right to fuck Valerie!!" ??


Oh, I didn't say I sympathized, heh. I just get that part.


I don't think that's the angle they're going for at all. I think they're trying to make everyone relatively innocent, and instead they're making everyone look dumb and/or irritating.


Valerie: It was my fault! :stare: I should go! :stare:


Lulu: I feel soooooooooooooo bad lying to Dante. So let's chat some more!


Dante: let me talk about how I damned my wife on completely circumstantial evidence!


Dillon: radio static

  • Love 19

Lol @ Patrick trying to claim him and Sam have been through a lot. I'm sorry, no, you've been through nothing together unless he's counting talking about Jason after they have sex. That's probably taken a toll on him.

And OMG with his "both of our marriages ended in the worst possible way." Please elaborate, Patrick. Why did your marriage end again?

  • Love 11

You know, when you don't give a shit about the whole Lante/Val mess, the insults are vastly entertaining as hell. So I thank all of you for the fun. Still, on an objective level, it does seem like Ron has made Dante an even more epic douche of a cheater than Patrick was. That takes balls.

Lol @ Patrick trying to claim him and Sam have been through a lot. I'm sorry, no, you've been through nothing together


Jesus, it really is Purina Part 2, with Patrick playing Sabrina. Which tells me if/when he and Sam try to get hitched...well, we know what happened before. Ron doesn't even try anymore, does he?

  • Love 7

You know, when you don't give a shit about the whole Lante/Val mess, the insults are vastly entertaining as hell. So I thank all of you for the fun. Still, on an objective level, it does seem like Ron has made Dante an even more epic douche of a cheater than Patrick was. That takes balls.

Jesus, it really is Purina Part 2, with Patrick playing Sabrina. Which tells me if/when he and Sam try to get hitched...well, we know what happened before. Ron doesn't even try anymore, does he?

I seriously didn't think it could get worse than Patrick. Then Dante happened today.

I just want to see Patrick cry. So I'm all for a huge wedding where Jason remembers all and Danny and Jake scream "Daddy!!!!!" at the same time.

  • Love 3

Wait, Patrick and Sam are in love? I thought they were just doing it.


Dante and Val are making me miserable mainly because they look miserable. When Dante and Lulu were falling in love -- even when Lulu was trying not to fall in love with Dante -- their happiness practically leapt off the screen. With Dante and Valerie, it's several iterations of Dante making a bug-eyed angry face, followed by Val awkwardly reaching for his hand with an "I really have to go number two" face, and ending with a completely unconvincing kiss. Like, sure, both of you tear apart your family for this bullshit. Though it did make me laugh when he gave her the "I don't want to lose you as a friend" speech, or at least it would have if I didn't know we're in for a few more months of this dumb affair.


Nathan: "uh, why is Dillon here?" That, sir, is the question.

  • Love 15


You know, when you don't give a shit about the whole Lante/Val mess, the insults are vastly entertaining as hell. So I thank all of you for the fun. Still, on an objective level, it does seem like Ron has made Dante an even more epic douche of a cheater than Patrick was. That takes balls.


I think Patrick was worse. He slept with Lisa because he was mad with Robin for having the nerve to do AIDS work out of town and other reasons. Other reason being that Lisa kept pumping up his ego and reminiscing about his wild (not really) times in college. 

  • Love 6

I think Patrick was worse. He slept with Lisa because he was mad with Robin for having the nerve to do AIDS work out of town and other reasons. Other reason being that Lisa kept pumping up his ego and reminiscing about his wild (not really) times in college. 


I don't know. That was douchey, but - and I know it wasn't the case but I sorta kinda got it - Patrick associated the AIDS stuff not with the deed per se but with the Stone part attached to all of Robin's wanting to help. So I see what, I think, Guza was TRYING to go for, to give Patrick a reason. Even if it failed miserably.


Dante? He has no proof that Lulu has done shit in terms of cheating, just his own warped conclusions so he can feel justified in finding his little Dante a new "home" AND slept with Lulu's own cousin (even if it is a new-found one).


The douchebaggery seems even to me here.

  • Love 3

it's several iterations of Dante making a bug-eyed angry face, followed by Val awkwardly reaching for his hand with an "I really have to go number two" face


When she turned away, sad-faced, cause he said he had the dumbest possible reaction, it was ridiculous. She's the one who kept telling him what an amazing father and husband he was! What did she think he was gonna say? Yeah, that was awesome, no regrets?


I think Patrick was worse. He slept with Lisa because he was mad with Robin for having the nerve to do AIDS work out of town and other reasons. Other reason being that Lisa kept pumping up his ego and reminiscing about his wild (not really) times in college. 


It's six of one, half dozen of the other. Patrick had a much flimsier reason for sleeping with Lisa but he seemed to instantly regret it, Dante seems more ambiguous.

I think Patrick was worse. He slept with Lisa because he was mad with Robin for having the nerve to do AIDS work out of town and other reasons. Other reason being that Lisa kept pumping up his ego and reminiscing about his wild (not really) times in college.

I think Dante is worse in the aftermath, though. Patrick was disgusted the second he and Lisa were finished, ran out and was completely devastated. Dante wants more.


Dante? He has no proof that Lulu has done shit in terms of cheating, just his own warped conclusions so he can feel justified in finding his little Dante a new "home" AND slept with Lulu's own cousin (even if it is a new-found one).


The douchebaggery seems even to me here.


It is even, but much like Guza was trying to go for the Stone/AIDS connection and he kinda got it across but not quite, Ron did the same thing with Dante and the whole "I think she's cheating thing!" She actually came to him, twice. He was wallowing in the loft, ignoring all his calls, when she came over to ask why he wasn't answering and wanted to know what happened in Canada. (You don't watch, right, Wendy? I just want to make sure I'm not doing any unnecessary recapping.)

Edited by ulkis

It is even, but much like Guza was trying to go for the Stone/AIDS connection and he kinda got it across but not quite, Ron did the same thing with Dante and the whole "I think she's cheating thing!" She actually came to him, twice. He was wallowing in the loft, ignoring all his calls, when she came over to ask why he wasn't answering and wanted to know what happened in Canada. (You don't watch, right, Wendy? I just want to make sure I'm not doing any unnecessary recapping.)


Ulkis, do I watch? Not really, unless the occasional YT clip or two to stay up to date and current (so I know what the hell I'm talking about!) counts.  :-)  But I'd say 95% no here. So no worries!


And this is why I'm on the barge right now, with my fingers stuck in my ears, chanting NAH NAH NAH until this Dante crap is over, finished, and NO MORE.


So until RC is fired or the show gets cancelled then?

  • Love 4

I don't know. That was douchey, but - and I know it wasn't the case but I sorta kinda got it - Patrick associated the AIDS stuff not with the deed per se but with the Stone part attached to all of Robin's wanting to help. So I see what, I think, Guza was TRYING to go for, to give Patrick a reason. Even if it failed miserably.

Then Patrick shouldn't have bought the tickets where they all would go to Africa, or was it that he bought the ticket for her to go, and URGED her to go, after he had his hissy fit over it. Then, after all that, starts fucking whining about Robin choosing (hey, there's that word again-damn Robin, choosing something over Patrick!) to go instead of staying and genuflecting on the Greatness that was Patrick.


I look at the whole picture, kind of like a totality of everything, and when I look through that prism, Patrick comes off worse.


It's six of one, half dozen of the other. Patrick had a much flimsier reason for sleeping with Lisa but he seemed to instantly regret it, Dante seems more ambiguous.

Plot point? So we I could, 'there there' him and feel sorry for that lying, cheating Sonofabitch for having the guilts?

Hmm...I thought I had resolved my feelings about that story line. Apparently not.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 4
I look at the whole picture, kind of like a totality of everything, and when I look through that prism, Patrick comes off worse.


Cool.  :-)  But in the end, like someone else did say, Patrick was at least disgusted with himself after screwing Lisa. Dante seems ready for more. So in the end - to me - Dante is actually looking like a bigger ass than Patrick. Which is amazing.


But Ron won't be satisfied 'til everyone is down in the muck.

  • Love 3

Cool.  :-)  But in the end, like someone else did say, Patrick was at least disgusted with himself after screwing Lisa. Dante seems ready for more. So in the end - to me - Dante is actually looking like a bigger ass than Patrick. Which is amazing.


But Ron won't be satisfied 'til everyone is down in the muck.


When your leading men are mobsters, (presumed) drunk-driving kiddie flatteners and SERIAL KILLERS, you've got to put everyone on the same dubious moral playing field so every character looks equally bad.

Edited by magnolia11
  • Love 7

Show has ruined all the characters, Dante, Liz, Nik and Patrick, that I once cared for. But why, reasons.


This reminds me of what Guza did to Holly when she made one of her returns about 10 years ago, the virus in the water supply - and now with running scams with Ethan.  Holly, born into a con artist family and the perfect hostess.  Come on.  She should have been left alone and in tact.  She mothered Robin when Anna and Robert were faux killed.  The character had a good heart and good nature.   I'm of the school that characters rarely do things out of character unless the dopey writer can't think of anything else or they want to kill them off.   Case in point, Dr. Tony Jones.  What Guza did to him, I can't even put it into words.


Edited by TessHarding2
  • Love 8

Where are Lucky and Laura? I swear they were in the previews for today yesterday.

As far as I'm concerned, the real Patrick and the real Dante are both locked away in a Turkish prison by [insert random Legion of Doom member here] and these douche canoe's running around Port Charles are either clones, other people in masks, evil twins, aliens in disguise, take your pick. Unless this is contradicted on screen or on Twitter this is official canon as far as I'm concerned.

  • Love 8

As far as I'm concerned, the real Patrick and the real Dante are both locked away in a Turkish prison by [insert random Legion of Doom member here] and these douche canoe's


My problem with Patrick isn't that he's acting like a douche. Is that he's acting too perfect, heh: "Of course I want to hear all about Jason, Sam! Nevermind that I wished him as dead as Valerie's dead, dead mom and said he didn't deserve to live!" How are they dating again without having hashed out that conversation?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

My problem with Patrick isn't that he's acting like a douche. Is that he's acting too perfect, heh: "Of course I want to hear all about Jason, Sam! Nevermind that I wished him as dead as Valerie's dead, dead mom and said he didn't deserve to live!" How are they dating again without having hashed out that conversation?

He's acting like a douche about and to Robin.

ETA: I can see where Patrick would angry with and want to divorce Robin, but the real Patrick would never accept Robin voluntarily abandoning her child especially after what Faison said about Paris.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 4

Lol @ Patrick trying to claim him and Sam have been through a lot. I'm sorry, no, you've been through nothing together unless he's counting talking about Jason after they have sex. That's probably taken a toll on him.

And OMG with his "both of our marriages ended in the worst possible way." Please elaborate, Patrick. Why did your marriage end again?


Because Robin deserted him, haven't you heard? [/sarcasm]

He's acting like a douche about and to Robin.

ETA: I can see where Patrick would angry with and want to divorce Robin, but the real Patrick would never accept Robin voluntarily abandoning her child especially after what Faison said about Paris.

Patrick's not even angry, though. And that's where my issue is at. He's been absolutely lukewarm about her, their marriage, their family, etc. He doesn't care AT ALL. Doesn't care to contact her, doesn't care about his child's mother. Doesn't care that she said she was broken and basically said goodbye forever!

And the fact is that HE divorced Robin for 1) Leaving to save Jason, 2) Wasn't there for Blanket when Queen Samantha was, 3) Because she wanted more "time" for her work. So sick of him walking around like she divorced him randomly.

  • Love 4

Bwah! He's been completely useless since he returned. He sure wasn't needed to push Dante into having an affair.


Where can I watch today's show? YouTube seems to have gone through one of its periodic copyright-infringement cleanouts, so none of the usual sources are there



Hulu has it up now.

Edited by Lillybee

Where are Lucky and Laura? I swear they were in the previews for today yesterday.


They weren't, and they're not in the previews for tomorrow either.  Some pacing, Ron.  Ugh, we're gonna come back to them like three days later and Laura'll be all, "So tell us again how Jake isn't dead.".

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

They weren't, and they're not in the previews for tomorrow either.  Some pacing, Ron.  Ugh, we're gonna come back to them like three days later and Laura'll be all, "So tell us again how Jake isn't dead."


Knowing Ron, it will be more like that conversation happened off screen and we never get a whiff of it until he has to tell someone on Twitter that Lucky told Luke and Laura off screen. 

  • Love 5

I think Dante is worse in the aftermath, though. Patrick was disgusted the second he and Lisa were finished, ran out and was completely devastated. Dante wants more.

Weirdly, going back to what I said yesterday about who I think we've been shown Dante is, him thinking he wants more sort of makes sense to me. He's the kind of guy who, if he cheated, might really want to believe it was for "something" instead of it just being some drunken angry hookup. If he and Valerie have actual feelings for each other then maybe he's not such a terrible guy, in hoe eyes. That said, I really would have expected Dante to be overcome with remorse, say goodbye to Valerie as gently yet quickly as he could, and then strip the sheets and erase all evidence of her ever having been there. Not in a duplicitous way, just in a "it never happened, what have I done, don't want to ever think about it so I can just pretend it didn't happen" sort of way. What I don't think Dante would do is what we saw today.

  • Love 7


Knowing Ron, it will be more like that conversation happened off screen and we never get a whiff of it until he has to tell someone on Twitter that Lucky told Luke and Laura off screen.


I imagine Lucky shows up to see Liz and that recounts his conversation with his parents and we get the flashback to the day Lucky told them that Jake is alive.

  • Love 2

Knowing Ron, it will be more like that conversation happened off screen and we never get a whiff of it until he has to tell someone on Twitter that Lucky told Luke and Laura off screen. 



I imagine Lucky shows up to see Liz and that recounts his conversation with his parents and we get the flashback to the day Lucky told them that Jake is alive.


How long was the scene with Laura, Lucky and Luke yesterday? Was these the scenes that Genie said that was emotional and gave her chills when she saw them? 


Bwah! He's been completely useless since he returned. He sure wasn't needed to push Dante into having an affair.


Where can I watch today's show? YouTube seems to have gone through one of its periodic copyright-infringement cleanouts, so none of the usual sources are there.

it's maddening. the only video up there is one from ABC. As IF I would pay even the charge of $1.99 for this show (and certainly not a day). I think the ABC site has it up for free but the catch is that you will be a week behind. >shrug< #hatethemodernworld

I imagine Lucky shows up to see Liz and that recounts his conversation with his parents and we get the flashback to the day Lucky told them that Jake is alive.


they actually went there? jake is alive? what, was he being kept down the hall from Duke and Robin? seriously, Ron STOP IT!!!!!!!


on another note, one of the sites that writes about the Jake reveal claims that Jake died "four years ago".. so uhm he returns and he gets injected into the loathsome kiddie quad... as if it's not awful enough.


I think Ron and Frank have done more harm to this show in the last three and a half years than Guza or Frons ever did in the decade they seemed to be actively trying to wreck it. Who ever knew that I would miss Bob Guza???

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 3

it's maddening. the only video up there is one from ABC. As IF I would pay even the charge of $1.99 for this show (and certainly not a day). I think the ABC site has it up for free but the catch is that you will be a week behind. >shrug< #hatethemodernworld

they actually went there? jake is alive? what, was he being kept down the hall from Duke and Robin? seriously, Ron STOP IT!!!!!!!

Last time I checked they show current episodes.


Hey Liz, you know why Jason would run back to Sam?   BECAUSE SHE IS HIS FUCKING WIFE!   They didn't divorce, they didn't fall out of love...HE DIED. My god, she really is a delusional piece of work.  I don't care how "guilty and sorry" you SAY you feel....it means nothing every second you keep this shit to yourself.   Her and Nikolas really deserve each other.  They really are both vile. 


And have we really just spent 2 shows having Jake and Sam discuss keeping this lame ass secret from Patrick and Liz?  Sam, you're a damn PI, I am sure you don't share ALL your cases with Patrick, just like he doesn't discuss all his patients with you.   Is this "lie" supposed to be even with what Niz are doing?  Because it isn't.  At all.  


I haven't watched the entire show yet, just what I could find on YouTube.  But since Lucky wasn't on again, I guess I don't really need to search.  I don't give a flying fig about Dante/Valerie/Maxie/Nathan et all.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 14

Did Nik say that Sam knows that Liz should be with Jason or did I hear that wrong?


I'm pretty sure I heard him say that. Their entire conversation was an exercise in WTF, you people?! Just really gross. I hope she feels bad. I hope it eats at her until she explodes (literally). Nik of course has never felt bad about a thing in his whole life.


I ended up watching, took me two tries because Sam started talking about Jason and I......... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


The only thing that saved it was Lucas' hotness. All the rest you could flush down the toilet. So yeah, don't even waste your time trying to watch it, because it was a complete waste of time. It was a good procrastination tactic for me though.

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