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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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did it seem like Nik was setting up his new bedmate while talking to Liz? "Who cares if Hayden tells the truth and we become pariahs, Liz? My penis will comfort you in your time of need."




I did laugh the other day when Liz said Jason's "old patterns" were coming to the forefront by trying to protect her. Be honest, Liz: "I can tell he's going back to his old patterns because he's still trying to dump me."

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And did it seem like Nik was setting up his new bedmate while talking to Liz? "Who cares if Hayden tells the truth and we become pariahs, Liz? My penis will comfort you in your time of need."


Nik does that like breathing.


It was funny when Liz was going on about how they would be pariahs. Liz dear, Nikolas lives on an island with the most awful child ever, people are already avoiding him like the plague. Not to mention the fact that the first 16 years of his life he lived with his uncle and some horses, I don't think he's too threatened by being a pariah.

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And did it seem like Nik was setting up his new bedmate while talking to Liz? "Who cares if Hayden tells the truth and we become pariahs, Liz? My penis will comfort you in your time of need."


You know the Prince of Douchey Tides' ego took a hit having to listen to Liz go on and on and ON about how Jason's peen was worth shredding her morals, but not Nik's.


I still think it's weird Nik's being portrayed as the reluctant accomplice when this all started with him. 

Edited by TeeVee329
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Nathan Varni was on twitter begging ABC News not to interrupt.


Bwah! It really sucks for the actors, but they got the 2 p.m. show uninterrupted, at least.


I wonder when they shot the Nik/Liz scenes that aired yesterday, because today's live scenes were a continuation of that.


I loved the (mis-)cut from the garage to Sonny's bar cart, and you can see Mo shaking his hands trying to keep himself jazzed. Hee. Also, that poor bar cart.


I LOVED Carrrlos's death scene.


Lily Melgar's eyes are kind of crazy. Were they always that way, or has she jacked them?

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I loved the (mis-)cut from the garage to Sonny's bar cart, and you can see Mo shaking his hands trying to keep himself jazzed. Hee. Also, that poor bar cart.


If we can GIF that or cap it, I will make it my new avatar. It was great. That was a Dark Shadows-style blooper.

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So from what I'm reading the 2pm show was the tighter less mistakes episode.

Which is why I want to see the 3:00 airing!


Melgar flipped the cue cards, and when she got to the last one there was a bomb behind it.  Mo ran out and saved her.

Just more evidence to throw on the stockpile to prove that this show is now a freakin’ cartoon.


Oh yeah, and Ron? If I was meant to be left with bated breath wondering just who the secret "fiance" is for the Nina over the weekend? You failed, you smug ass. Failed good and hard.

So much word that I had to quote it rather than just 'like' it.  We. don’t. care.

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And now stupid Sloane will probably cover it up while we're expected to swoon.  Puh-lease.


I have no doubt that that is exactly how it will play out.  Though I'm hoping Carlos isn't dead.  Even though I think this cast is way too huge, I always hate to call for a culling because they always get rid of characters I like or think still have potential, i.e. Duke and Carlos, and not the ones I hate or think they can well do without, i.e. Nina, Franco, Sloane, Shawn.


Speaking of Sloane, when did he become Anna's closest friend?  I thought one of the reasons he came to town was to take down Anna for... reasons.  Her losing the commissioner's job, a thankless job at best, was the extent of his revenge, justice, what have you?


I hadn't realized that Carlos attended law school in between shooting Duke and tying up Sabrina, but he was talking about the evidence and hearsay rules as though he had. Good for him. He's not great at dying quickly and efficiently, though. 


Seriously.  He might want to inform Anna, too, that it's a good idea to have the evidence in hand before actually making the arrest.


I know right?  Please.  Duke chose his path when he started working for Sonny.  He was NOT some poor innocent bystander.    I do not buy that Anna would compromise her integrity like this over Carlos when she didn't do it to the man that has ruined half of her life.  The man that kidnapped her daughter and made her think she was dead. 


Maybe after taking the relative high road and only illegally incarcerating Faison didn't work, with him out now, loose and living large, Anna decided to take more definitive action with Carlos.  But, it still begs the question of how in character either action is for Anna.


I cannot believe Sonny had the nerve to accuse Julian of never taking the blame for anything.  Oh, wait, yes, I sadly can.


I cannot believe Shawn said "consider it handled."


Hayden better take cover.


I just noticed KM's slip and did think the camera work a bit dodgy in spots.  Wasn't sure if all that talking over each other between Julian and Sonny was intentional or not, and why did Shawn refer to Carly as Sonny's "wife?"  She might as well be, but... isn't.  Really thought the end bit with Dead!Lily was random and pointless, and GMcC is just as bad live as on tape, but, overall, I think they did pretty well with the live show.

Edited by Fellaway
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THis show is in terrible shape nobody is root worthy.You do need moral and good characters on soaps and I say this as someone who liked old school Heather and Lucy.Everyone these days is too dark.Nobody works they could have rebuilt the hospital with a recast Jeff webber or Tom Hardy but instead we have Dr.O who is CEO who tried to kill Robert scorpio.Instead of building the PCPD up they make it about more mob.


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Performance-wise, I thought Rebecca Herbst, Tyler Christopher, Rebecca Budig, and Billy Miller were great. Maurice was way better than I expected (like, maybe they should live-tape his scenes in regular episodes). Kelly and Teresa seemed a little nervous but were okay. Vinessa Antoine (Jordan) seemed awkward as did Sean Blakemore and Jeffrey Vincent Parise. Grayson McCouch was so bad, he made everyone else look great in comparison. Roger Howarth was wonderful. Michelle Stafford seemed like she was playing to outer, undiscovered as of yet, galaxies, so just a normal day on the job, then. 

I wish they would do something to Rebecca Budig's hair and wardrobe. She's an attractive woman, but the show isn't doing right by her looks.

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Wow. that was.... that was something 

The only mistake I caught was the KeMo "Order/Oil" slip up. (poor Kelly, but she caught it like a pro. I just flashed back to my middle school play where I was the Christmas Angel announcing the Birth of Jesus, blanked out, looked at the audience, and then cracked up for a good 15 minutes, and everytime I caught my breathe, wheezed out a giggle again. not good). 


on the actual show itself? I don't know who Michelle Stafford and Robert Howarth are supposed to be...- was Michelle supposed to be drunk? Michelle Stafford looked like she couldn't even stand straight. 


I am v. impressed that Mo didn't stutter. (not even a slam, it is just Sonny generally stutters, and I am not sure if this is a "Mo" thing or a "Sonny" thing, so no stutter = good). Carly & Sonny got married? Again...again... again.. again... again? (this would be the 5th time right? 4 Carly's = 4 marriages + this one?)

Sabrina = don't like her. she's boring and almost everytime she's on screen she's either crying, or being boring, so she's kinda useless to me. 


This Sloane/Jordan thing? For someone who is supposed to be undercover - you are with Sloane a lot. Maybe you shouldn't be around him so much and your cover would be blown. also. "CARRLLOOSSSS RIIVVEERRAAAA" Doesn't need to be shouted that much. 


Let me just save you some time Jakeson. just tell everyone. there was no gun shot residue on my person, therefore I did not shoot anyone. That would fly a lot better than telling everyone you are undercover. defeating the point of you know - being undercover. 



Anna blowing  Carlos away? meh. that's one less person for the Monkey Virus 2015. And Anna does have some dark vibes to her, so why not. Kill my man, I'll kill you. (can we aim you at Sonny next, Anna?) 


Ah. Liz.  freaking out because you will not be considered the angelic mother of two. and you can't handle being a pariah. Should have thought of it before deciding to be all Liar McLiarson. though that was quite a massive about face Nik made. and it really wasn't feuled by anything more than Greenlee breaking his favourite vase. 

Vase >>> Liz. 

Edited by Daisy
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BH did a good job, too, I thought. I'm liking this Liz-unhinged thing that's going on. As long as they don't have be the usual "wimmins going crazy because of the menz" crap, it can continue.


I hope Monday's show has something going on that makes it worth being live. If all they're doing is shooting in the studio, that's not much different from regular taping. And given the actors don't often get more than one take anyway, the gimmick isn't even very gimmicky.

Edited by dubbel zout
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The Franco/Nina shit is so random and pointless. Now she's crazy, now she's in love, now she's in mad, now she's in a wedding dress! Who is her mystery husband?? I can't believe it's still going on, or that they thought giving them more Wacky Hijinks would be a great showcase for them or for the live episodes. I'm sure they think this shit will give those two the extra push with the audience. It won't.

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Hayden is really such a useless, badly written character. We still know nothing about her except that she loves having sex with Nik. She took advantage of Jason for money, but is now on some moral high horse because she "didn't know him." And recently, Ron has this character insulting Liz as if she's known her for decades.

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To be fair, it kind of did. She never graduated high school, she got her GED onscreen after the Alexis is her mother reveal. I know that's not what you meant, but had to throw it out there. And telling a 10 year old they look pretty, even for a funeral, isn't that far fetched imo. She was trying to cheer her up a little. Ymmv.

Don't know Sam's back story.  Don't think that's why she told Emma she looks pretty while getting ready for her step-grandfather/uncle Duke's funeral.  I think she's emotionally stunted and being written by misogynists who think all little girls should worry about are their looks and fashion.  She's setting her up to be a Maxie instead of a Robin.  Just mo.

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Hayden is really such a useless, badly written character. We still know nothing about her except that she loves having sex with Nik. She took advantage of Jason for money, but is now on some moral high horse because she "didn't know him." And recently, Ron has this character insulting Liz as if she's known her for decades.


Seriously. "Pale porcelain nurse webber" is not an insult you'd lobby to someone who you've known a month.



Ah. Liz.  freaking out because you will not be considered the angelic mother of two. and you can't handle being a pariah. Should have thought of it before deciding to be all Liar McLiarson. though that was quite a massive about face Nik made. and it really wasn't feuled by anything more than Greenlee breaking his favourite vase. 

Vase >>> Liz. 


Not gonna lie, I thought he was gonna say something about it being his uncle Stefan's favorite vase. That's my fanwank, baby.


Stefan would not have stood for that shit so I'm glad Nik said it wasn't worth it anymore. Of course Stefan would never have let Hayden in the door in the first place, so. But whatever, I'll take it.

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Don't know Sam's back story. Don't think that's why she told Emma she looks pretty while getting ready for her step-grandfather/uncle Duke's funeral. I think she's emotionally stunted and being written by misogynists who think all little girls should worry about are their looks and fashion. She's setting her up to be a Maxie instead of a Robin. Just mo.

I dunno, they did have Sam give Emma that speech about death before she commented on how she looks, so I just took it as a throwaway scene to show more of their ~bonding~

As far as Sam's past, she's more "street smart" than "book smart." I really wouldn't want the show to turn her into a Robin-type, especially now. It would just be too creepy considering she's already living in Robin's home, with her ex, and playing house with her daughter.

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Dammmit, it wasn't nearly as bad as I hoped it'd be! The 3 pm show sounds like it was funner, so I hope it gets put on youtube.

Did Stafford do this shit with the water bottles before? Because I feel like her crazy ass might be going rogue.

Yea, she picked the water bottles up and pretended they were a bouquet in the 2 pm show.

Maurice was way better than I expected (like, maybe they should live-tape his scenes in regular episodes).

I was thinking the same thing. Honestly MB was one of the best performers today. So strange. And such a letdown!


VA was so bad. Maybe it's because she had to do it with GM who was just abysmal.


BM came alive in this ep. I really liked the Jason/Sam scenes. They have chem that I find much more interesting than the chem between BM and BH. I loved when she hit him the second time and he was like "You need to stop hitting people." It felt ad-libbed, which I liked.


I've honestly been enjoying Hayden since her first day but she was absolutely amazing in this ep. I love anyone who shades Liz!


I didn't realize the woman at the end was Lily. That actually makes the whole thing weirder than it already was. MB was really cute there though. "You're good. You're alive." LOL!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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BM came alive in this ep. I really liked the Jason/Sam scenes. They have chem that I find much more interesting than the chem between BM and BH. I loved when she hit him the second time and he was like "You need to stop hitting people." It felt ad-libbed, which I liked.

They are so much more interesting to watch than the couples they're currently in. There's passion and yelling and fighting and you need that with soap pairings.

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While Jason/Jake and Sam were yelling at each in the garage they accidentally cut over to Sonny's house set and you could see Mo's hands and the drink tray behind him. It only lasted like 3-4 seconds and then they cut back to the garage set. Also, WdV totally laughed when he shouldn't have as Mo was shoving him up against the drink tray and the glasses were breaking underneath him. 

In the 3pm airing, after Julian straightened up the bar cart, did someone toss it again?   When they cut back to the den, it was across the way on its side.


Doesn't Nik have any henchmen on staff?  I'd think he'd arrange to have another passenger on the lift when Hayden was heading back to town who would nudge her overboard.  She can go looking for anything else that fell out of Jason's pockets when he was pushed off the docks.


Why wasn't Carlos' phone being traced?  Seems he's still using the same one.  Cell phone tower pings could help out.  I didn't mind Anna shooting him.  She's had enough.  Will not like Sloane coming to her rescue though.  Not at all.   Carlos as usual, is crying.  Cries a lot for a hit man.


At this point, I wouldn't mind Julian getting whacked too.  I like the actor so he can come back as his brother cousin who is a doctor.  That would work for me.


Sending Shawn to do a hit?  The bullet is going to hit the motorcycle and ricochet and get Hayden.  Then Jordan has to shoot Shawn.  Just because.


If we're lucky one of those bullets gets Franco and Nina.  Who were the worst imo today.  Franco kept looking off camera for the cue cards.  And Nina was all jazz handy Nina.  Who I guess is marrying her horse.

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Carrrrlos' final scene was a little light on the histrionics.


No worries, because GMc and Sloane well made up for it. What the hell is WITH him? The way he says Rivera, his "Damn it!", just everything so OTT. It was bad, really really really bad.



So from what I'm reading the 2pm show was the tighter less mistakes episode.


Boo! I got the 2pm episode. Except for KeMo's line and a bunch of offscreen noise and bad camera angles, it was pretty mistake-free I thought. The whole thing just looked cheap IMO. God, I beg Frank to cough up just a few bucks to make things look better.


Loved Sam and her slapping Jake. I agree with peachmangosteen, they do have an interesting chemistry.


Franco/Nina, BAH. Make it stop.


Whatever, Shawn.

Edited by tvgoddess
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Seriously. "Pale porcelain nurse webber" is not an insult you'd lobby to someone who you've known a month.




Not gonna lie, I thought he was gonna say something about it being his uncle Stefan's favorite vase. That's my fanwank, baby.


Stefan would not have stood for that shit so I'm glad Nik said it wasn't worth it anymore. Of course Stefan would never have let Hayden in the door in the first place, so. But whatever, I'll take it.



that would have been awesome! 


someone said today looked "cheap" and i agreed. it just looked "unedited"  other live television didn't look so unpolished

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I liked it! Actually, I thought it was one of the best episodes we've had lately. Of course, I don't hate Franco as much as a lot of you do, so I didn't have to overcome those scenes.

In the first Nik/ Liz scene, I'm pretty sure that when they first cut to them, TC was looking directly at the camera and rolled his eyes a bit as he turned toward Liz. May not have been on purpose, but I laughed.

I laughed in a completely different way, and rolled *my* eyes, at Shawn's outburst. He was not good.

But overall, yeah, I liked it. Nik, Lz, and Hayden was soapy fun, with Liz clearly losing her damn mind. Sam and Jake were interesting and had some chemistry. And I even got a couple of chilled out of Franco and Nina, although I could have done without Egg Salad. I didn't like the clip at the end, but I didn't mind it too much because they were just having some fun with it.

I really hope Hayden is able to squeeze out "Jake is Jason" before she dies from Shawn's errant bullet, although I don't especially want her to die. I like her and she brings some real energy to the show. And I hope Sloan or Jordan shoot Shawn. And I hope Shawn screams "Sonny told me to!"

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In the 2:00pm showing, in the opening scene, when Nina put her feet up on the table and it broke, did you see her talking to someone offscreen? I think it that was a faked flub, not a real flub (I don't know why, it just struck me as such), which sort of ticked me off. As if all the mentions of "live live live" weren't enough, I think the show faked a flub in the opening scene, just to drive home the point.  Am I crazy? (I mean, I know I'm not Nina levels of crazy, but am I imagining things.)


VA was so bad. Maybe it's because she had to do it with GM who was just abysmal.

GM was so bad, that I thought VA looked like a pro in comparison until I rewatched and focused on her performance. I think she was way nervous, and in the 2:00PM showing (which is all I've seen) she had a weird silence before they cut to commercial or another scene. I kind of felt like maybe GM forgot to shout some more words.


Doesn't Nik have any henchmen on staff?  I'd think he'd arrange to have another passenger on the lift when Hayden was heading back to town who would nudge her overboard.  She can go looking for anything else that fell out of Jason's pockets when he was pushed off the docks.




At this point, I wouldn't mind Julian getting whacked too.  I like the actor so he can come back as his brother cousin who is a doctor.  That would work for me.

Nik can't even get Alfred to answer the door, or his driver to take Spencer directly to school.

I would love if Julian got whacked and DeVry came back as someone respectable. I could totally hand wave that. 

I would be so fine with Shawn being killed off. I'd like to keep Jordan though, and let her be a real cop and a real mom to TJ, for a while. 

I think Sloane, besides all his live shouting, really spray tans too much, and it takes away from his otherwise good looks. It makes him look greasy, and I suspect the actor is too fair for the color tan he gets. I still don't want him near Anna, but it's so clear that's where this is going. My last hope is that he's wearing a bad latex mask, and they'll rip it off to reveal Robert Effing Scorpio.

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In the 2:00pm showing, in the opening scene, when Nina put her feet up on the table and it broke, did you see her talking to someone offscreen? I think it that was a faked flub, not a real flub (I don't know why, it just struck me as such), which sort of ticked me off. 


Yea, that was 100% fake.


I forgot to mention that in addition to being terrible at acting, GMc looked really rough today. He looked ill. I'm starting to feel sorry for him. He wasn't this bad on ATWT. I swear this show just kills people's souls or something.

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Buuut buuut but, Ron doesn't remember Live Week on OLTL! #eyeroll


After blatantly copying the dead characters presenting the closing credits for their live shows today (Get it? Actually, it was pretty clever in 2002), if Ron claims he doesn't remember OLTL's Live Week in 2002, then I claim to be Taylor Swift. FUCK OFF you transparent ASSHOLE!


I know Frank could have made that closing credits decision himself, but it seems like something Ron would want to do, too.


I wasn't able to watch the  2 or 3PM shows live, but since I have DirecTV, I was able to watch the rebroadcast on LA's ABC affiliate. Did they show the 2PM show or 3PM show? I'm leaning toward the latter, because a lot of the flubs mentioned for that broadcast--the shot to Sonny's bar, the weird camera angle when Anna left the apartment, the lingering shot on Anna after she shot Carlos--sounded like the one I watched. I guess the two shows could have been combined. Overall, though, I thought they did fine. I was very happy that nothing OTT happened on OLTL when they did Live Week, and I'm happy that the same can be said here. Not that it can't be fun, but I don't think I could handle watching too many mistakes or intentionally OTT stunts. I wish it could have been a little more interesting, but it wasn't too painful to watch (except for Franco and Nina. THAT was painful.).


Also, KABC cut away from Mo and Lilly Melgar just as Mo entered the screen. WTF? Not to mention that LM, out of nowhere, just stopped flipping the cards, fliped back to another card, stopped and stared at the camera, and let out an awkward cheer. THAT, more than anything, was the most painful thing about today's show, along with the fact that they cut away so fast.

I am curious which dead character will present the credits on Monday, though. Dare I say Michael Sutton? (Stone) It's as good as a guess as any! 

And yes, the constant dropping of the word "live" made my brain ache. 

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Unless Hayden is actually able to tell Jason and Sam about Jason's identity and that Liz and Nik knew - and Monday's episode involves Sam rowing over to Nik's castle and burning that shit down? I just don't see what the point was making these episodes live

Anna killing a disposable mobster* just isn't that interesting



Although I loved Carrrrrlos and still believe that he was a better addition to the cast than RP ever will be - he was disposable 

Edited by Oracle42
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Someone from SAG needs to drive to Prospect Studios first thing Monday morning and take Grayson & Michelle's cards from them.

My affiliate was running a scroll on the bottom of the screen that said "this originally aired live at 2pm". I don't know why they just didn't carry the 3pm transmission.

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The Franco/Nina shit is so random and pointless. Now she's crazy, now she's in love, now she's in mad, now she's in a wedding dress! Who is her mystery husband?? I can't believe it's still going on, or that they thought giving them more Wacky Hijinks would be a great showcase for them or for the live episodes. I'm sure they think this shit will give those two the extra push with the audience. It won't.


Michelle Stafford was all braggy and jazzed in an interview about the live episodes I read this morning so I pettily took some schadenfreude in the awfulness that was her performance and story.


I dread to think who the mystery husband is.  Yet another new character, a Y&R steal they managed to keep quiet?  Or someone super random already on canvas (Ric?  TJ?  Fake!Jake?  The ghost of Duke?)?

Edited by TeeVee329
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I do wonder what happened after the cut away to breaking news from Lilly Melgar, MB and Billy at the end of the 3 PM. She clearly wasn't doing the same thing and had fucked up. At least they didn't abandon her alone onstage laughing like the end of the 2 PM. The whole thing felt slapdash and scared in a way the OLTL live episodes did not - that definitely never happened with their end credits people, who just grinned and flipped the cards.

Edited by jsbt
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So much word that I had to quote it rather than just 'like' it.  We. don’t. care.



I've been waiting to use this for awhile, and this (the Franco/Nina cliffhanger) is the perfect time to do it:




Also, the 2PM bomb gag, while a nod to Lily's character history, was in poor taste given the Boston bomber's sentencing was today (and wound up interrupting the 3PM show). 

Edited by UYI
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I don't know but she looked positively psychotic to me on the 3pm airing.  I didn't know Lily so to me, it was some random person who maybe was a 'dancer' --- I dunno.  It was really weird.

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I do wonder what happened after the cut away to breaking news from Lilly Melgar, MB and Billy at the end of the 3 PM. She clearly wasn't doing the same thing and had fucked up. At least they didn't abandon her alone onstage laughing like the end of the 2 PM. The whole thing felt slapdash and scared in a way the OLTL live episodes did not - that definitely never happened with their end credits people, who just grinned and flipped the cards.


The West Coast rebroadcast didn't even get to Billy; it just cut off right after Mo showed on screen with LM. Very weird. 


And because I forgot to mention him--GMcC, dear God. Franco and Nina were one thing. Sloane's yelling was PAINFUL. 

Edited by UYI
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BH did a good job, too, I thought. I'm liking this Liz-unhinged thing that's going on. As long as they don't have be the usual "wimmins going crazy because of the menz" crap, it can continue.


I hope Monday's show has something going on that makes it worth being live. If all they're doing is shooting in the studio, that's not much different from regular taping. And given the actors don't often get more than one take anyway, the gimmick isn't even very gimmicky.


Agreed. I don't know what the taping schedule was like for OLTL in 2002, but I imagine that even by then they had more rehearsal time than they do at GH now (so in other words, they actually HAD rehearsal time of some sort!), so the challenge was greater back then.

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I think OLTL had their theme music playing with the cards. GH was just clunky along Melgar who was just, um, weird! Bernard was 100% better. Normally, he stutters & stammers. He didn't do it at all live. So, this begs to question. Is he being lazy when they normally tape the show? Does he do it on purpose to sound like The Godfather? Very strange that he was perfectly normal doing the show live. Grayson McCouch is sure taking a beating here. Even from me. I don't know what his problem is because he was sooooo much better on AW & ATWT (although, he drove me nuts with his screaming on ATWT at) but he is horrible here. I think he looks okay but I'm not looking forward for him and Anna to hook up. Now, that HF is leaving for 3 months I doubt it will happen anyway. I think he'll hook up with Jordan which McCouch would prefer much better.

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The West Coast rebroadcast didn't even get to Billy; it just cut off right after Mo showed on screen with LM. Very weird. 


And because I forgot to mention him--GMcC, dear God. Franco and Nina were one thing. Sloane's yelling was PAINFUL.

My affiliate didn't even show the Lily Melger thing. I guess they decided the cut the credits in favor of an extra :30 seconds of local news, which they do pretty regularly, yet randomly, anyway.

Anyhow, I've only ever seen Grayson on this show, Gotham, and ATWT, and he was good, and coincidently not orange, on the latter two so I don't know what is going on here.

Has Peyton List worked since TheCW cancelled The Tomorrow People? Maybe he'd be Bette opposite her again?

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Who the heck was that woman at the end with the credits? was she drunk...........


Why does MS say the word fiance so damn weird. 


I thought KeMo was good in her scenes with Billy. He actually looked somewhat awake. 


Liz is so crazy. She is one step away from the crazy house. I loved Hayden's Wtf looks at the crazy coming out of her mouth. 

 That women was Lili. She was married to Sonny, having his baby. She went to start Sonny's car, boom blew up. So that was the * oh a bomb. * her father wanted to kill Sonny he was another mob don, Sonny cheated on Lili with Brenda. So sainted Sonny who you know never does anything wrong went to the guys house, told him what happened and left him a gun. You heard a shot and assumed he killed himself because he killed his daughter.  He returned a few years later .Someone else will have to tell you about that I was on the barge ,for a very long time. Sonny learned his lesson ,sure he also put a bomb in Johnny's car and almost blew up his own daughter. Johnny got wise and saved Kristina.  What a show kill the wife and kid and make a joke out of it ????

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I think OLTL had their theme music playing with the cards. 


The only problem I remember during the closing credits that week was when Roy Thinnes (Sloan Carpenter) held the cards that Tuesday. Compared to everyone else that week, he went slower. 


I DESPISED Luna on OLTL, but Susan Batten, who did it first that Monday, was probably the best. That said, Jessica Tuck (Megan) had fun with it that Thursday! 

Edited by UYI
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That women was Lili. She was married to Sonny, having his baby. She went to start Sonny's car, boom blew up. So that was the * oh a bomb. * her father wanted to kill Sonny he was another mob don, Sonny cheated on Lili with Brenda. So sainted Sonny who you know never does anything wrong went to the guys house, told him what happened and left him a gun. You heard a shot and assumed he killed himself because he killed his daughter.  He returned a few years later .Someone else will have to tell you about that I was on the barge ,for a very long time. Sonny learned his lesson ,sure he also put a bomb in Johnny's car and almost blew up his own daughter. Johnny got wise and saved Kristina.  What a show kill the wife and kid and make a joke out of it ????

I still think Scarface!Lily is going to turn up alive and involved in the Legion of Doom, and that Sabrina is the Sonny/Lily baby. Nothing will ever convince me that that's not where the show was headed in the summer & fall of 2013.

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I still think Scarface!Lily is going to turn up alive and involved in the Legion of Doom, and that Sabrina is the Sonny/Lily baby. Nothing will ever convince me that that's not where the show was headed in the summer & fall of 2013.


The only thing is, Carlos is also a Rivera. I know that there have been distant relatives who have been together before on soaps--Larry & Karen Wolek on OLTL were second cousins who married, Jason Q and AJ were both distantly related to Keesha--but still, ew.


Unless Carlos and Sabrina being a couple is a cover of some sort? Were there ever any scenes of them actually kissing? I don't remember. 

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Were Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos and Lily actually related, though?  I thought Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos made that up to stop Sonny from killing him and it was never brought up again.

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The only thing is, Carlos is also a Rivera. I know that there have been distant relatives who have been together before on soaps--Larry & Karen Wolek on OLTL were second cousins who married, Jason Q and AJ were both distantly related to Keesha--but still, ew.

Unless Carlos and Sabrina being a couple is a cover of some sort? Were there ever any scenes of them actually kissing? I don't remember.

I'm pretty sure Shawn went to Puerto Rico and found out Carlos was not related to Lily.

I could have sworn the show went out of its way to make sure we know they weren't related, at least biologically. At one point didn't Carlos tell someone that Vector had taken him in? Or have I already had too much wine?

Edited by Tiger
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^^^^He did, that's true. There are couples with the same last name who aren't related to each other, so I guess that could work, assuming Sabrina actually could be the ClinkBoom!Baby. 

Edited by UYI
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I'm pretty sure Shawn went to Puerto Rico and found out Carlos was not related to Lily.


The incompetent boob Shawn was the one doing the investigating, so the jury could still potentially be out on that one.

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Soaps In Depth already bitched for them on Twitter.  Something about how disrespectful it was to FrankenRon to cut in.  I was dismayed at how many people jumped right in and agreed, but encouraged that a few people, at least, pointed out that it was pretty disrespectful to the victims and their families to piss and moan over the verdict being important enough to interrupt a TV show.




On Sept 13, 2001 a family member began bitching and moaning about ABC's continuous WTC coverage, she missed her daily fix of All My Children.......


Sloan?  He's greasy and creepy, he overacts and yells.  He can exit, stage left.


Good bye CCCAAARRRLLLOOOS, I'll miss your man-pain, but I'll always have that gray towel to remember you.


I thought Mo did a really good job,  and the guy who plays  Julian seemed like he wanted to laugh out loud at certain points.


Can Liez be any more demented?  I'm starting to think she is a worse mother than Snarly.

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^^^^He did, that's true. There are couples with the same last name who aren't related to each other, so I guess that could work, assuming Sabrina actually could be the ClinkBoom!Baby.

And the non-bio kid that Sonny raised hooking up with the bio kid that he didn't is very Ron.

I can't believe I'm relying on something Shawn said. If he said they weren't related, that probably means they are identical twins!

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