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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Well, Wally had the nerve to sign with a show that was willing to move him up from recurring to contract status, so I'm figuring anything Ned does now is a result of his departure. {begin sarcasm font} Because there was  probably a big storyline planned for him, but they'll have to wrap it up quickly and messily because he decided to leave. {end font}

Which is another reason why I don't like newbies.  The vets don't get contracts, and so when they are lured away like Robert Scorpio or mistreated like Sean Kannan or not even asked back like Ingo (even though he's desperately needed) and when we hear Kevin being talked about but never see him and NOW Wally, it irks me when they keep letting the vets go and signing on the new comers.  I don't watch for the newbies. 


Yeah, a bus is probably coming for Wally for exactly what you stated.  Ugh.


Kiki: You have a weakness for her tricks


Yeah, because that's something that would come out of a dumb 22 year old's mouth


Olivia: Sonny is going out of his mind about Avery


No, he's not! I can see him right there having a nice chat with Luke! What in the heck.

LOL!, That's funny, and so true.  God, Michael reacted more like Avery's father yesterday than Sonny.  Hell he had a more emotional reaction to Avery being missing than Sonny, Morgan, and Kiki combined. 

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I loved seeing three Q's at the Q's, interacting and acting like Q's. I want Michael to marry Sabrina and Ned to be recast and marry Olivia so they can move in and be Q's too. I also want that baby to be retconned to really be Ned's.

MW was really good, as always.

I literally couldn't give two floating or sinking shits about everything else that happened today.

But I do have one question: why does WdV shave/wax his arms?

Edited by Tiger
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If Nina kills Dr. O and Franco I'll never say anything bad about her again.


I'm actually rooting for Dr. O to gut Nina tomorrow.


I loved seeing three Q's at the Q's, interacting and acting like Q's.


Since we're losing Ned, can we tap in Skye?  She could show up looking to get her shares back - while spinning by Luke's hospital bed to scream at him - and I would love to see her and Michael bond, given Skye was always the closest to AJ.

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Today. 5:09 pm


OK, so I missed part of today's episode ... but the image of Franco slithering  into the Q home makes me wonder if I want to watch more.


What's sad is Roger H does well in scenes w/schemer/banter characters like the Qs and Alexis, but Franco doesn't fit anywhere.  I'm hoping they change his paternity one more time and he's really a Cassadine--Alexis' younger brother or something. 


I don't want anyone to think Michael's a drunk, but is he nuts going back to the Metrocourt?  As Alexis said, don't return to the scene of the crime.  I wonder if he's looking for the bartender/waitress in his state?  And, why didn't Sabrina advise him to stop taking the faux allergy meds if Felix was going to test one of them?  It's that last one that drives me nuts about soaps in general and this current writing regime.

Edited by sunflower
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"I'm gonna go check on the baby I stole." LOL. Michael slays me. I just adore him. Never change, Michael!


It was really hard to not hate Ned today since he gave Franco his ELQ shares. Like, Ned, STFU you dumbass. Tracy was OK until the shit about Michael being an alcoholic just like his father. Sigh.


And, why didn't Sabrina advise him to stop taking the faux allergy meds if Felix was going to test one of them?


Ugh really. I guess she didn't want to tip him off, but like what if you're right and he takes more pills and then hurts himself or someone else, Sabrina. Idiot. Everyone is so dumb, dammit!


I think I must have fast forwarded everything else because I only remember the Michael stuff. Oh, wait, I also remember Dr. O trying to do poor Nathan's job for him.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I was nauseated today by what I saw of Luke apologizing to Sonny.  Seriously?  And, Tracy on her way out had the golden opportunity to throw some shade about AJ, the elder.  Instead, of AJ, the younger is such a sweetie. 


I hate how the Qs, what's left of them, are all over Michael.  Of course, he's really starting to lose it now.  It's a vicious cycle beginning w/Sonny and Carly and ending with Michael likely injured.  Did Morgan and Keeks really think this was a one and done situation?  Oh he'll just look drunk one day to our advantage.  I wonder, even before he starting drinking after taking more allergy meds, Alexis and Ned were like, what's wrong with him?  Are the drugs having an effect even without the alcohol and the alcohol just makes it fucking worse?  Yikes x 90.

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DollEyes: Aw, I'm touched. So much on this show is awful that I think our own interpretations of scenes, and scenes we create in our own minds, help us feel so much better. Makes me LOL to see that so many like my imaginary Michael/Kiki/Morgan scene. I suppose it's way too much to ask that we see a version of that scenario on-screen in the next week or so. 


Oh, you're feeling guilty Kiki? Choke on it. Until you stop breathing. Please. Silas and Morgan can plan a half-assed funeral that takes place off-screen. As for acknowledging to yourself and your uncle that Michael was right, too little, too late. 


I get that Show wants us to think that maybe Nina took baby AJ and her PsychoAunt has hah! caught her. Pretty sure Silas took baby AJ to save Nina's life, judging by his very careful choice of words, Ava asking about his phone call, and his very calm demeanor. I know this is Silas, but if he was worried about the baby's safety he would seem at least a bit edgy. 


I also liked Michael tearing up the paper in front of Ned, Alexis and Tracy. Tracy mentioning Ned's backstabbing made me roll my eyes.  Wish someone had brought up her loyalty to Luke - the husband who's repeatedly stolen her $ and abandoned her - and being willing to turn over pieces of ELQ to her own brother's killer. Or the fact that Luke the drunk killed her brother and sister-in-law's toddler grandson. So her being all 'Michael has a drinking problem just like his father' and can't handle ELQ is pretty rich.

Does anyone think,  MAYBE, AVA'S MOTHER TOOK HER ? Delia Ryan ,Ryan Coleridge etc etc etc.

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This story just keeps pissing me off as a viewer. Morgan and Kiki are letting Michael take drugs they have no idea what they are, what the side effects are or if they'd have long term consequences (or even death!). I don't feel any sympathy for Kiki and her guilty conscience. I have a feeling after everything is revealed there will be no repercussions for Morgan or Kiki, Sonny will somehow be the hero and Michael made to still seem petty for daring to be angry about his fathers murder. For all I know this could be leading to MIchael forgiving Sonny since the entire town genuflects to him.

  • Love 13

For all I know this could be leading to MIchael forgiving Sonny since the entire town genuflects to him.


Oh, it definitely is. Honestly, that's probably the reason they had Morgan do this shit. All so fucking Sonny will be forgiven and heralded as usual. Although, I will say, I expected Michael to forgive Sonny by now, so I'm glad it at least hasn't happened yet.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I am going back to the barge. Came to see Ellie, sorry they have to put her on camera with Spinelli. The old one I couldn't stand to listen to. Soon Michael will be up sonny's ass with the rest of the show. What a shame FrankenRon do something right then.BOOM back to the same old same old. I will swim out to the barge if necessary. No one pays for their sins on this show. They never have. Delia has the baby.

Of course Sonny didn't knock before he barged into Luke's room. Luke bemoaning that he was jealous of Sonny taking over Frank Smith's territory is a load of crap. 


I totally understand Michael's frame of mind, but sucking down whiskey isn't helping his situation.


Karma sucks, doesn't it, Lauren? I hope she chokes on it.


LOL that the hospital Ava is in is also the PCPD with a few different posters slapped on the wall.


Why do they keep putting Anna in situations where Sloan isn't wearing clothes? It's so gross.

  • Love 6

Does anyone think,  MAYBE, AVA'S MOTHER TOOK HER ? Delia Ryan ,Ryan Coleridge etc etc etc.

The person who took baby AJ either knew the details of what was going on with the baby in that time frame, or had really luck timing. Also, the camera as the kidnapper's POV clearly showed someone trying to be stealthy/not be seen by Kiki and Morgan. I doubt Delia was getting hour-by-hour updates from Kiki about the baby. Delia doesn't strike me as stealthy, and we've already seen that she knows and feels affection for Kiki and the baby - so I really don't think she would sneak in and take her right from under Kiki's nose. I can believe Silas would briefly kidnap that baby/have a doctor or nurse (not necessarily a GH staffer) he paid off kidnap the baby with the justification in mind that "the ends justify the means" because he thinks he'll be able to save Ava's life. Him telling baby AJ he wished he could be her doctor, too must have some significance. Also, he spoke of helping Ava and taking away her pain, not about letting her die on her terms. It could be a red herring, of course, but I figure some sample from baby AJ is going to be used to save Ava. They've already done this with the Luke-kidnapped-for-antidote-for-Jerry Jax-poisoning, but hey GH loves to recycle stories.  

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Is everyone else watching something different than I am? Did Jake regain all Jason memories and he's fully Jason? Man! ;)


It's not just memories. Jason should have decades of habits, gestures - things that aren't wholly reliant on memory. The only thing that's remotely Jasus-like is the leather jackets and the way other people relate to him.

They should have watched the intro of Walker!Todd on OLTL and taken notes on character behavior/physicality and story pacing

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5

I don't want anyone to think Michael's a drunk, but is he nuts going back to the Metrocourt?  As Alexis said, don't return to the scene of the crime.  I wonder if he's looking for the bartender/waitress in his state?  And, why didn't Sabrina advise him to stop taking the faux allergy meds if Felix was going to test one of them?  It's that last one that drives me nuts about soaps in general and this current writing regime.

I agree.  Why is Sabrina letting him take the meds if she has suspicions?  I'm wondering if the medication is making Michael drink because he has not been a big drinker at all until he started taking those pills.  The more pills he takes, the more he drinks.  I really hope that RC is not going to AJ Michael.



This had me laughing for at least two minutes because it was EXACTLY my reaction.  LOL!


Is everyone else watching something different than I am? Did Jake regain all Jason memories and he's fully Jason? Man! ;)

So what does this mean?  He can't show ANY morsel of Jason Morgan until he gets his memory back?  Since when?  Jason has lost his memory before, and he was still Jason Morgan not some pod person that looks like he's afraid of his own shadow.   Jake is perfectly able to remember his "skills" and have flashes of memory, but he can't remember to have a personality?  I'm a Jason Morgan (and SBu fan), and it's times like this when I miss SBu tremendously.  I see nothing at all with Jake.  He's very blah.  I don't see it getting any better when he gets his memory back either.  He's been dullsville for over six months.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 1

It's not just memories. Jason should have decades of habits, gestures - things that aren't wholly reliant on memory. The only thing that's remotely Jasus-like is the leather jackets and the way other people relate to him.

They should have watched the intro of Walker!Todd on OLTL and taken notes on character behavior/physicality and story pacing

And that's on the writers and the directors. It's not some failure on Billy Miller's part. Just MO.

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TSJ never watched a single episode of OLTL before joining as Walker/Frodd. He was on record as saying that he never watched RH and never would, that he didn't care how the character was played before, and he had his own 'vision.' Which turned out to be so NOT Todd that many of us started cailing him Frodd long before RH returned and it was revealed that Frodd really wasn't Todd after all. So IMO that's the worst possible example to use as a comparison.

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Olivia: Sonny is going out of his mind about Avery


No, he's not! I can see him right there having a nice chat with Luke! What in the heck.

Good to see some of you were all as I touched as I was that Sonny's so worried about Avery's safety that he .... barged into a hospital room to visit his mentally and physically unwell old friend Luke and have his ass kissed. Yup, I totally felt Sonny's fear for that baby as he and Luke talked about their abused child selves, their history of mob activity and bromance. 


Meanwhile, Michael has been emotional and blaming himself for something that happened when Avery was not in his care, and Morgan wants to blame Michael for her disappearance because he's pissed that Mommy and Daddy aren't all "you're our #1 son. Michael is SUCH a tool  - he's still not over us murdering his other loser dad and covering it up.Come into our embrace to feel the love you've always deserved, Morgan."

  • Love 7

It's not just memories. Jason should have decades of habits, gestures - things that aren't wholly reliant on memory. The only thing that's remotely Jasus-like is the leather jackets and the way other people relate to him.

They should have watched the intro of Walker!Todd on OLTL and taken notes on character behavior/physicality and story pacing

Ron didn't write that OLTL story, so it never happened. If ya'll really want Billy Miller to do what Steve Burton did, then send him all your favorite robot movies. Pick one.

And actually he's pulling off Jason Quartermaine, Jason with Robin Jason..... but we only see Carly's POV "Ur mah frieeeennnnd!" We see Liz's POV "You're a wounded bird, I am a nurse. I'll save you!" We see Sam's POV "I want to be with Patrick because it makes sense and he's my friend, but I miss Jason. I'm not over him. Jake.... has hmm something that is new. Intriguing, but familiar." We see Hayden's POV "I want money and I want honey."

I just don't trust Ron. I've seen that man's work. I'm expecting everything to be a big clusterfuck. Like... why.... why did he water down Faison? I trust nothing Ron.

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I started calling him Frodd when the writing for the character became so completely out of character that he was unrecognizable as Todd. That began for me around the time of the execution but I thought he was a very good recast for several years.

The pacing on that intro story was still very good and it was well structured which is not something that I'm seeing with any of the stories GH has going right now

Back on topic. I agree, Heatlifer that this is primarily a writing issue.

I don't think SBu was a special snowflake of an actor and I actually really like BM. Hell, I think GH traded up - but this story? is not good.

Edited by Oracle42
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Now, you guys know I enjoy me some Dr. O (or, more accurately, some Kathleen Gati), but I had to chuckle at her stern mention today that Nina has a documented history of baby napping.  Girl, you've napped a baby or two yourself.


But ugh, Nina sucks.  I can't believe we just had two days in a row of her whining about being accused of a crime she recently committed and it looks like tomorrow will make it three.

Edited by TeeVee329
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But ugh, Nina sucks.  I can't believe we just had two days in a row of her whining about being accused of a crime she recently committed and it looks like tomorrow will make it three.


I did appreciate it that both Crazy Nina and Serious, yet Drugged Michael made similar sarcastic remarks about having to take care of the baby they kidnapped. 

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TeeVee, you posted a gif from my fav. Different World episode!!! I wish they still showed reruns on TV :(

It plays on TV1 at 7am central during the weekday.

so from you all are saying, Sonny's daughter is missing yet he goes to go see Luke vs spending all his time, energy and vast resources as the *leader of the East Coast crime empire.

*sarcasm intended.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I hate how Franco the SERIAL KILLER is being pumped up with importance and getting more screen time by blackmailing Olivia and extorting shares of ELQ from Ned. If Ned becomes CEO and caves in to Franco, giving away all his shares, Tracy will have to be kowtowing to Franco--of all people. But she will have earned her misery by backstabbing Michael. I can't stand Franco's demands and crowing pride in his evil, like an echo of Fluke's nastiness.


Nina's turning on Franco when he asked her if she had stolen baby AJ was in character--even predictable. She's a sullen entitled brat who demands unquestioning obedience from her friends and boyfriend. Nina and Franco, two brats who deserve each other, like Morgan and Kiki. Furthermore, none of them has a job.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I was so moved by the way Luke apologized to Sonny that I think I'll just stay up all night and write out the many things i need to apologize about to Sonny too.


And I suggest you all do the same.  And when you're done start a list about what we need to apologize to Franco about too.


Because Show tells us so.


I hate Show.


Vodka time now.

  • Love 16

What the fuck did I just watch? TG's poorly written and poorly acted vanity project apparently wasn't torture enough - we also have to endure him tongue-batheing Sonny?


I was so moved by the way Luke apologized to Sonny that I think I'll just stay up all night and write out the many things i need to apologize about to Sonny too.

And I suggest you all do the same.  And when you're done start a list about what we need to apologize to Franco about too.


Y'all will feel better if you just drink the Kool-Aid...no? OK have one of my freshly silk-screened T-shirts:


"I've tongue-bathed Sonny and apologized." It will protect you in Port Charles.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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I disagree greatly; I see so much of Jason in his performance.  There are little moments, little tics.  Especially in the Carly scenes... Billy Miller is REALLY selling it.  He plays those moments, the conversations with her exactly as Steve Burton did.  It feels totally like Jason.  Right now that's the only area where it feels that way, though, because that's the only similar relationship he has right now.  Jason and Elizabeth were friends, not in this "star-crossed" lovers state.  Jason and Sam were husband and wife.  Jason and Sonny were soulmates.   Etc.   But Jason and Carly were very similar to what Jake and Carly are so Miller is playing Jake's actions and attitudes with her very similarly to Jason and he's doing an outstanding job in my opinion.

Hey..... I didn't see an extension cord and battery pack in Billy Miller's scenes, so ge hasn't quite mastered "The Steve". He blinked and openly laughed at Carly. Major trade up.

I like to think of Jake as this outsider who's kinda like wtf about all of this and these people. He's the Beecheresque guy from Oz, the new guy who is seeing this crazy world of dangerous crazies for the first time only to find out "Fuck I might actually know these people". And he can't leave because of criminal, law type reasons. I see (and I don't know if this is acting or literally wtf is this dialogue) Jake being incredulous at his surroundings, but kinda rolling with the punches. That's very Jason. And I didn't like Jason. It's not the male cast's fault that Ron refuses to write a male POV unless they're getting bussed over.

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