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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I've accepted that RC only cares about sweeps but the script writers could've built up these relationships at least a little during the daily episodes.

The daily scripts are terrible too. They're boring and they rarely move story forward in a useful way


I think they have, sometimes. The main problem is there are too many freaking characters. There are about 4 given characters at any given time who get any in depth scenes, and usually two of those four are Sam and Sonny. That's one reason why poor Patrick is a pod now, and it's not just because Ron doesn't care about him. When is the last time we saw (not that I necessarily care about all of these people): Nathan, Maxie, Spinelli, Ava, Silas, Anna, Sloane, Jordan, TJ, Molly, Brad. And before today, Michael, Morgan, and Kiki were gone for two weeks. 


Duke is a decent start but there need to more. More!


Patrick stopped being his own character the moment that lab blew up in 2012. IMO Ron and Frank have zero investment in his character without Robin and her ongoing, endless offscreen story of torment and intrigue. And he's far from the only character in that kind of a predicament. Most characters on this show are now like that. Patrick's role without Robin is to run around the racetrack with several different random women.


I'm not saying this to blame Robin or Kimberly or put the onus on her. I love her and I think what they've done with her is awful. I think both Patrick and Robin are suffering in very different ways in the hands of the writers, but Patrick is at a slight disadvantage - a random male partner will never come first in the eyes of RC, while at the same time Ron will also never compromise on Robin, who he considers a crown jewel of story. So she will suffer and remain kidnapped and tortured for years until he can have her story done his way.

Edited by jsbt
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I got the impression Dante was the one who said it first, but we'll see I guess.


She was already annoying me with her "Goodness no, he's much too fragile!" response.  Nobody seems to have any sympathy for Valerie, just the man who spent the last year trying to kill them.


Duke is a decent start but there need to more. More!


Speaking of Duke, wasn't he all set to march off to mob war, like, three weeks ago?  The pacing is just terrible.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Patrick stopped being his own character the moment that lab blew up in 2012.


I understand that thought. But the Patrick who was hallucinating his "dead" wife on the day of her funeral, that tie scene, it still "felt" like Patrick to me. Not just because of Robin, although she was the impetus, but because we saw his feelings, his pain. We saw him again dealing with loss and were seeing it eat him up. He could have come through the other side - had this regime let him still have Matt around - as a more well-rounded solo character, slowly starting to live and maybe find love.


But he went from that loss...to off screen for a while, if I recall. Then, BAM! Hi, Sabrina!


The whole frame work was built on sand, and it showed. I recall rumors that Sabrina was supposed to actually date Spin. If they were true, that plan should have remained.

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The whole frame work was built on sand, and it showed. I recall rumors that Sabrina was supposed to actually date Spin. If they were true, that plan should have remained.


That might have made sense. When they introduced both Ellie and Sabrina in rapid succession I was baffled, because initially there was almost no delineating between the two characters. And I thought introducing Britt and Sabrina on the same day in the same way, both obsessed with Patrick out of nowhere, was shockingly amateurish and very unlike RC even at his worst. It's still not how he usually operates.


The other thing is how JT came in one day and was randomly told as the cameras rolled, BTW, you're a drug addict now, take it away! That's what I mean about how he's really just there to run laps in pointless filler story.

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Patrick stopped being his own character the minute she showed up. It hasn't been much better with Sam, but I argue that the Patrick as awesome/perfect boyfriend instead of multi-faceted horndog with abandonment issues that was originally established, did him no favors and just stripped the character to stock chess piece.


And it's why I cannot, will not, and won't ever boohoo about Sabrina getting shit upon, because, to me, Patrick got buried under the shitpile to service her useless self, and the character - while always a jackass, but with some empathy and awareness under Guza and Company - has never recovered from that mess and it has pigeon-holed him.



Patrick stopped being his own character the moment that lab blew up in 2012. IMO Ron and Frank have zero investment in his character without Robin and her ongoing, endless offscreen story of torment and intrigue. And he's far from the only character in that kind of a predicament. Most characters on this show are now like that. Patrick's role without Robin is to run around the racetrack with several different random women.


I think it's more what jsbt said, that Patrick without Robin isn't relevant. He's not relevant to me, at any rate. They could pair him with Liz or Maxie or even Lulu, and he'd still be exactly what he is now, a character with no purpose. Granted, you could say the same about eighty percent of the cast, but it's particularly egregious in Patrick's case IMO because it's supposedly this way because KMc won't work on Ron's terms.

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Given that the new Twin Peaks isn't happening, IB might stick around.


I'll bet you money on that one happening (and with David Lynch)*, but no, it's not up to IB.


*(That being said, Ian is currently out in front with the current effort by the TP cast and crew to pressure Showtime on social media and Twitter. While I mock Duke relentlessly I do love Ian Buchanan, and hope to see him on the new show if/when it airs.)

Edited by jsbt

I actually don't think Patrick isn't relevant without Robin. It's the fact that they don't completely cut the cord that's the problem. Patrick may not give a shit about the character on-screen, but the fact remains that she's a hostage and he doesn't know. So Robin is still in the background lingering. They need to end this story, end Robin/Patrick cleanly, and then see what the character of Patrick is able to do.

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I still think Ron drained all the potential drama out of the eventual reveal.  Jake(son) should be pursuing a life completely different from his old one, which would make for dramatic stakes when he realized who he really was.  But he's working for the mob, besties with Carly, hot for Sam and Liz, etc.  So.  Boring.


He's also treating Rebecca Budig pretty shitty, which...we know she's a con, but he doesn't, you know?

It's his Jasonic instincts, he just knows Green-lite is lying.

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I actually don't think Patrick isn't relevant without Robin. It's the fact that they don't completely cut the cord that's the problem. Patrick may not give a shit about the character on-screen, but the fact remains that she's a hostage and he doesn't know. 


They're both hostages in different ways, I think. The problem is the show has absolutely no interest in building a future for Patrick as a standalone character without this always lingering in the background. But you can also say that for many, many other characters and their stories.

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I fast forwarded through all the Morgan/Kiki/Michael/Drugged stuff.. was there anything that wasn't cringeworthy? Because even fast forwarding I could tell that it was nothing worth watching. UGH.


Greenlee/Nik scenes didn't disappoint but they're taking an awful long time to get them in bed. One whole episode has passed and they still have their clothes on. What's up, Ron?

  • Love 3

They're both hostages in different ways, I think. The problem is the show has absolutely no interest in building a future for Patrick as a standalone character without this always lingering in the background. But you can also say that for many, many other characters and their stories.

True. But it's on a whole other level for Patrick. Most characters aren't dealing with an off-screen character that's been chained up for a year.

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Ah yes. I remember that feeling of numbness and horror and dread and fascination and thinking, "are they really going there? Are they REALLY going there?" lasting for months!


I had a very bad feeling about it from the moment she moved in with Sonny. Or rather, from the moment she began hanging out there all the time caring for his sons.

Edited by jsbt
They need to end this story, end Robin/Patrick cleanly, and then see what the character of Patrick is able to do.



Patrick told Emma that he and Robin are divorced.  So she's been tortured for the past three years.  Ron enterred GH right after Robin was in the laboratory explosion.  Pretty nifty timing.  Nothing to see here.

I had a very bad feeling about it from the moment she moved in with Sonny. Or rather, from the moment she began hanging out there all the time caring for his sons.

My stomach gets queasy just thinking about that time period. I hated that story from the moment I predicted it would happen and I was in denial the whole time they were together. It was revolting!

The Luke stuff is just garbage. I just can.not with his bullshit case of the sadz.

I don't care anymore. I don't care about his reasons or his trauma from 50 years ago or his idiot family members and their determination to shield him from consequences



Ron C and TG finally got the message that we are fed up with Luke's hammy scenery-chewing, shouting, and abuse, and are revealing the tremendous breadth of his acting range as he whispers remorse and insight--of course without the help of a qualified psychiatrist. Luke is his own shrink, naturally! And pouty princess Lulu is shaming the Bad People in the audience who ever doubted.


Is it just me, or does Lulu with her improbable hair extensions resemble Edvard Munch's famous painting, "The Scream"?

He's taking a nap.


He's not allowed to drive after dark.


Someone put out some catnip and he got distracted.


Guys, can someone check Sonny's dryer?  I think he might have crawled in to lie on some warm towels and gotten trapped inside.

What?! It's been only six months?! It feels like six years.


Six years?  To me, it feels like it's been [cue .... oh you know what's coming] 84 years.


Yes, I am shameless. 

Edited by Francie
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And he doesn't care, because he's just trying to get to May, or September, or November.


THIS. Always this is where it ends up, and even stories/couples that could have grown organically come off looking rushed, forced or stupid. RC will never stop writing with his "big" stories in mind, and it doesn't matter what it takes to get to that point, as long as they get there.



I did watch the previews. lol at Michael flipping out, he sounds hilarious.


He looked ridiculous. Michael has every right to be angry, but CD just looks laughable to me here. Michael does get some points for telling Morgan to quit calling him Mikey. That's been too long in coming.


I don't want to say it, but I think I could get into Dante/Valerie. I completely understand the thought that we should keep at least one couple happy and non-cheating, but this version of Lante bore me. And I've warmed to ER a lot since she first started, but it's just not the same kind of chemistry he had with Julie.


And speaking of chemistry, Ron, NO. Just because you say it and put it into the script in a meta way doesn't make it true. Morgan and Kiki's chemistry was NEVER "off the charts".  Not with KA, and certainly not with this non-emoting thing they have onscreen now. Morgan's making me hate him, which might be good since we're not sure if BC will be sticking around.


Heh, Avery started crying when Sonny got close to her. Best acting ever.


So Nik is stupid, no surprise there. And I guess Hayden's going to blackmail him into sex (because she's just that thirsty? Sweetie, there are plenty of apparatus out there for that), but I do think it's funny that he's just going to sleep with her right away. And if he's being blackmailed, will he enjoy it? Or just not pretend to? Well, just get to it already. I can't remember the last time a couple had sex that I actually wanted to see. I guess probably Lucas and Brad.


Samtrick, it just doesn't work anymore, for many reasons. I don't think it's JT's fault or KeMo's fault. I blame this one strictly on the writing. But I've gotten so I really dread their scenes together. Today's close-up on the ring? The first of ten trillion. We should play a drinking game every time we see it.

  • Love 7

I don't want to say it, but I think I could get into Dante/Valerie. I completely understand the thought that we should keep at least one couple happy and non-cheating, but this version of Lante bore me. And I've warmed to ER a lot since she first started, but it's just not the same kind of chemistry he had with Julie.


You don't have to be afraid of me, at least. I'm not gonna come after anyone. At least, not too much. I'll restrain myself to 3 posts a day on the subject ;)


I did watch the previews. lol at Michael flipping out, he sounds hilarious.
He looked ridiculous. Michael has every right to be angry, but CD just looks laughable to me here.



Sabrina and Sonny actually cracked me up. They were all, uh, "what's going on with you there? Awkward."

Edited by ulkis
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I can't imagine Micheal ever having even looked at this Kiki. Maybe he gave her a few bucks to get a sandwich or something. She looks like a homeless beggar. I don't buy her as Micheal's ex. Definitely The Captain's type, though. And I lol'd so hard when someone- yay Micheal - finally told Morgan that he has no education , no job....

It felt like Festivus.

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So much time, so little show.  


The only people on Show today making any sense were Valerie - and, I hate to say, Sabrina.  Sabrina for telling Michael that it was only 2 o'clock and dial back the booze, and then Valerie, for, well, reading Luke for the worthless trash that he is.  Otherwise, Show looked like a day outing from the State Hospital.  Except with less charm and fashion sense.

So it turns out that Luke has a bad day every year or so, and then indulges in some bad behavior and company?  And this explains his decade-long feud with Helena - how, exactly?  Not to mention so many others.

But worse, Tracy and Lulu pat his hand and tell him its all okay, they just wuv him cuz he's a bunnykins inside and everybody else will know he's got a gooey chocolate center too!  Except for that mean Valerie who is pissed off just because he killed her mom and terrorized her.  GAWD, does that woman have NO FEELING?  

Tracy has gone from dumb to smart and back to dumb again.  For Lulu, it was a much shorter trip.


Thank God Dante is staying out of it as much as he can.  


I can't imagine Micheal ever having even looked at this Kiki. Maybe he gave her a few bucks to get a sandwich or something. She looks like a homeless beggar. I don't buy her as Micheal's ex. Definitely The Captain's type, though. And I lol'd so hard when someone- yay Micheal - finally told Morgan that he has no education , no job....

It felt like Festivus.


And finally, also for the rest of us.  Seeing those two getting all schmookums at their table was pretty gross.  Especially with Morgan's tendency to drool, and Kiki's flatulence problem.  I'm surprised Michael didn't have a celebratory bottle of Febreze delivered to their table.


I fast forwarded through all the Morgan/Kiki/Michael/Drugged stuff.. was there anything that wasn't cringeworthy? Because even fast forwarding I could tell that it was nothing worth watching. UGH.


Greenlee/Nik scenes didn't disappoint but they're taking an awful long time to get them in bed. One whole episode has passed and they still have their clothes on. What's up, Ron?


I'm not going to watch any of the drugging Michael bullshit.  Just can't.  Mostly because I can't tolerate Morgan or Kiki, and a little because MIchael does "drunk" so badly.  When I saw that Sonny was there too it was more than I could bear to watch.  


So it seems that Dickolas is every bit the moron Helena thinks he is!  Maybe the shoe polish he's been using to cover up his bald spot has soaked into his brain.  If he gets in bed with Green Butterfly, then I'll know for sure he's brain damaged.  

I have nothing against a female having a healthy sex drive, but I do think GreenHaydenLee should stick to her own species.  

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Just when it seemed like Morgan/Kiki couldn't sink any lower re Michael, they not only do so in record time, they're actually proud of it, just like the brain-dead pieces of shit they are. It would be karmic justice if a stoned Michael accidentally killed them. It wouldn't be much of a loss anyway.




Even the she-beast, when she did the same thing to AJ, felt some little remorse about it and apologized and explained her reasoning to his unconscious self as she poured alcohol all over him.  

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Didn't JB's Carly stab or try to stab Emily after catching Soily?

I posted that scene in the Carly thread sometime ago, and was going to post it again before you found it! Carly actually dropped it before stabbing Emily, Emily wound up falling on it like a dumbass and stabbing herself while orgasming, I mean moaning in pain. Good times. 

Edited by UYI
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I really hated the show today, and not in the way that gets me all fired up. It was boring hate, which I think is the worst kind of hate possible.

Hey, show? Having Luke, at this point, give a big ol' exposition apparently meant to explain away the huge holes in this interminable story (meeting up with Jerry, Faison, Jeromes, etc. during his disappearances) doesn't fix anything, and sure doesn't make up for the last twelve months of nonsensical BS story and crappy acting you've thrown at us.

This is off-topic, but apparently my affiliate stealthily dropped "The Chew" because I turned my tv on a few minutes before 3 and "Hot Bench" was airing instead.

This may be the weirdest thing I've ever said on this board, but the thing I hate most about watching this show is the last couple seconds of The Chew "song" or whatever that my Tivo always catches. It makes me so angry.

Michael is just the best! Drunk/drugged Michael on a truthy spree is entirely delightful

Until he fell down. Twice. Edited by Turtle
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I keep waiting for Tony Geary to ad-lib a few lines about how Luke really needs to drink a lot and if he drinks a lot everything will be better and the only reason he went bad was because he didn't have anything to drink.

Seriously though, the Luke story is a classic example of what has killed soaps.


Loathsome men do loathsome things, and it is always, always, always about how much they have suffered and how sad they are. And they always have a tankful of people to back them up.

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