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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Didn't GH have a story about drugs being stolen from the hospital several years ago? Shouldn't they have new protocols about securing drugs?


Maxie stole Oxy from the hospital to give to Lucky. Patrick stole drugs for his 5-minute addiction. Sabrina merely conned a doctor into giving her a new scrip for the wrong medication, which she then sent over to Ava to induce premature labor/cause her to miscarry.

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It's interesting that Kiki is expressing doubts and concerns, while Morgan is going full-steam ahead recklessly drugging his brother. It's Morgan, not Kiki, that is being written as a straight-up villain. And not in the same vein that Franco is a villain yet the show wants us to feel sorry for him; Morgan is a villain in the traditional sense.

The problem is that he doesn't really have anything to lose when the truth comes out. He doesn't have a job, no love interest, Kiki is his only friend, his parents barely even notice him, and I'm not sure if he still has that job at the Haunted Star. When the truth comes out, what consequence is Morgan going to pay? Heck, Carly is too far up Jake's ass to even give her youngest son a proper verbal evisceration.


his parents possibly giving him a dressing down? And I think whatever happens I think - I hope - he's gonna go "holy shit what have I done" but I'm not too sure about that.


Didn't GH have a story about drugs being stolen from the hospital several years ago? Shouldn't they have new protocols about securing drugs?


It was something to do with Liz or Maxie . . . and yeah, not the 2006 story with Lucky but something else in 2011. I forget what happened now, I just remember them arguing about it.

Don't stockholders have to give notice to the company and the SEC when they sell it, especially people who own larges amounts of stock? I don't understand how the damn CEO of a publicly traded company can't keep track of who owns outstanding stock. Does ELQ not have a CFO? And there's also the fact that Michael hired that lying scheming worthless Rosalie to be his assistant. So much incompetence at this company. I'm shocked that he's managed to keep the company afloat this long.

This post is funnier than the one yesterday where you called Liz a "dick hungry hyena".

Admittedly I ff through a lot of episodes (if I even do that with some episodes) but can someone tell me if they explained why Skye would give her shares to someone other than the son of her brother that she loved?  And why she would do that without picking up the phone and telling Michael?

The same reason as every other plot contrivance on this show: because, of course!

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I noted that yesterday too.  That kind of writing for Kiki would have surprised me less with Kristen Alderson still in the role, but now, why not just make Kiki a full-on scheming bitch?


And again, Morgan doesn't know that Kiki wants custody for herself, right?  He doesn't know she's gone to Julian for help?

She told Morgan that she has went to Julian. It was the same episode they started coming up with this vile plan

Also, did MB have the fewest lines ever on the show?


You ask that like it's a bad thing. If this is how MB has to meet his minimums, I'm all for it. I like Sonny in a supporting role. 


Even if she had a few more months, it's not like she thinks she'll get to see Avery.


If Silas thought things were truly dire, I can't imagine he wouldn't arrange for Ava to see Avery somehow. Which will probably happen regardless, as Ava being alive has to be revealed somehow, and Lauren is dumb enough not to keep her mouth shut.


Don't stockholders have to give notice to the company and the SEC when they sell it, especially people who own larges amounts of stock?


Given that all of this is supposed to be done nefariously, I can hand wave it. I'm glad we're finally getting a story that doesn't involve shipping lanes and the like.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Admittedly I ff through a lot of episodes (if I even do that with some episodes) but can someone tell me if they explained why Skye would give her shares to someone other than the son of her brother that she loved?  And why she would do that without picking up the phone and telling Michael?


I hated how stupid they made off-screen Skye look.  I mean, yeah, she has history with Luke so he might have been able to convince her to give him the shares.  But to not give any of the Q's a heads-up?  I don't think so.


Also, now that the whole world knows Luke is crazy/evil/mentally ill, wouldn't any business transaction he made be null and void?

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The difference is that Patrick knowing all the facts about his life chooses to be with Sam. Jake on the other hand comes across as a guy who can't make any decisions.

"Jake, you should come live with me." "Okay." "Jake, you should see a therapist." "Jake" "Okay." "Jake, you should ask Sam to let her father hire you." Agree with the decision. 


Honestly, I have yet to see him take initiative in anything. 



I was thinking about this earlier, and it kind of makes sense.  Jake has no idea who he is, and presumably that includes not knowing what he believes in or what his morals and values are, and that he has no life experiences to pull from when trying to decide what to do.  I think it would be really difficult to made decisions or to trust your decisions in that circumstance.  It's probably a lot less stressful to do what other people suggest, because he has no idea what's best.  As he lives through more experiences and is exposed to more things, he should start feeling more confidant in making decisions.  *Should*.  


Previews...Rebecca Budig (sorry, I won't be calling her Hayden) talking to her off-screen accomplice...is the show really expecting us to be surprised when it's revealed to be Ric?



Guys, don't talk about who her accomplice is! Ron will be pissed that we guessed his "secret" and then change the story to something unpredictable, and predictably awful.  Remember what happened when we all figured out that fake Luke was Bill?  Don't jinx us again!!

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I loved [Maxie] a whole lot before she succumbed to [spinelli's] passive aggressive bullying


  That's exactly what it is! And it's not limited to Maxie. That's how Spinelli got Nathan to fight.


  "Passive-aggressive bullying" is the perfect term for Spinelli's current behavior. Spinelli, being the annoying cockroach that he is, couldn't play fair re Maxie, so he took potshots at Nathan's masculinity, which made him, not Nathan, look bad.




Nathan still could have said no to the fight.



Who are Nathan and Spinelli to decide who Maxie dates? Who are Nathan and Spinelli to make any decisions for Maxie at all?


  Nathan initially did refuse to fight and even told Spinelli that Maxie wasn't some prize to be won, but Spinelli being Spinelli, he wouldn't listen.


  Kudos to Nathan for showing the maturity that Spinelli completely lacks when it comes to Maxie-and shame on her for not seeing it nor through Spinelli. Nathan has not only told Maxie that he loves her, he has risked everything, including his job and his life, to prove it, but Maxie doesn't have the sense to appreciate it nor him. Like Nathan said, if Maxie really loved him, she would have believed him when he told her that the fight was Spinelli's idea. That Maxie took Sonny's word instead of his spoke volumes about Maxie and none of it good. At least Nathan walked away with his dignity, if not his heart, intact. If Maxie's neither smart enough nor woman enough for Nathan, then he deserves someone who is. As for Spinelli, where's Dr. O & a perapet  when we need them?


  RP's gun & tighty-whities photo is questionable, but luckily there are plenty of other shots that make up for them.


 Because it can never, ever be said enough, fuck you Morgan and Kiki, preferably with a chainsaw.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 9

I hated how stupid they made off-screen Skye look.  I mean, yeah, she has history with Luke so he might have been able to convince her to give him the shares.  But to not give any of the Q's a heads-up?  I don't think so.


She has history with Luke but Luke is married to Tracy so why would Skye trust him over Michael who AJ was trying to run the company with?  To have Skye choose Luke just seems like an FU from Skye to AJ.


This ELQ story is beyond stupid or half assed might be the better word.

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She has history with Luke but Luke is married to Tracy so why would Skye trust him over Michael who AJ was trying to run the company with?  To have Skye choose Luke just seems like an FU from Skye to AJ.


This ELQ story is beyond stupid or half assed might be the better word.


The problem is, we don't know what kind of story Luke spun for Skye because it all happened off-screen, UGH.

  • Love 2

"Passive-aggressive bullying" is the perfect term for Spinelli's current behavior. Spinelli, being the annoying cockroach that he is, couldn't play fair re Maxie, so he took potshots at Nathan's masculinity, which made him, not Nathan, look bad.

Nathan initially did refuse to fight and even told Spinelli that Maxie wasn't some prize to be won, but Spinelli being Spinelli, he wouldn't listen.

Kudos to Nathan for showing the maturity that Spinelli completely lacks when it comes to Maxie-and shame on her for not seeing it nor through Spinelli. Nathan has not only told Maxie that he loves her, he has risked everything, including his job and his life, to prove it, but Maxie doesn't have the sense to appreciate it nor him. Like Nathan said, if Maxie really loved him, she would have believed him when he told her that the fight was Spinelli's idea. That Maxie took Sonny's word instead of his spoke volumes about Maxie and none of it good. At least Nathan walked away with his dignity, if not his heart, intact. If Maxie's neither smart enough nor woman enough for Nathan, then he deserves someone who is. As for Spinelli, where's Dr. O & a perapet when we need them?

And now Maxie will play the victim. "Why didn't Nathan just wait for me to take months to make up my mind? I planned to pick him, I was just enjoying the attention from Spinelli!" Meanwhile, Spinelli will walk around like he won a prize and Maxie will just say, "Oh Spinelli!" in the squeakiest voice this side of Minnie Mouse.

Ron does his best work off screen lol!

Whoa, let's not be too complimentary of his off-screen work, remember his Twitter is "off-screen".
  • Love 7

I shouldn't have said mockery, bad choice of words. Distorting the facts of assisted suicide is more like it. We want it for people with NO options, people in the end stages of their illness that want their last minutes to be peaceful. Not people that are giving up when there is still hope. It's a very slippery slope and I am just upset over how it's being handled here. I think her reactions are realistic, I just wish they didn't use the words assisted suicide and even quote legalities and such. Ok I am stepping off my soapbox now, promise.


Don't think that you need to on my account. I'm glad you gave your perspective. :)


Why would Julian think that Olivia would let him feel her belly? I mean, at least he asked, but even under the best circumstances it's just plain weird. Yet I kind of felt myself rooting for it anyway, if only because I really liked Julian and Olivia's little NYE interlude. She and Ned are sweet, but I think they'll get stale for me after a while. And don't get me started on Julexis. Sex, fight about mob, make up, have more sex. Lather, rinse, repeat.

  • Love 2

I think Maxie is in love with Spinelli but she's just not attracted to him. 

I think Maxie is a child who wants everything and gets sad when she cannot have it.  After all this time that she would ever for a moment consider Spinelli her "real love" is a sign that her year of discovery was absolutely useless.  It also proves that Ron does not want anyone to be really happy on this show. UGH. 

  • Love 4

Why would Julian think that Olivia would let him feel her belly? I mean, at least he asked, but even under the best circumstances it's just plain weird. Yet I kind of felt myself rooting for it anyway, if only because I really liked Julian and Olivia's little NYE interlude.

I understood why he asked, but what Olivia said is so true. When I was pregnant, complete strangers think nothing of touching my belly without permission like it was my job to let them feel my child growing. So many people almost died because of the death glares I'd give them.

  • Love 6

For the same reason Jake has been totally uninterested in figuring out who he is: plot points.


You're not wrong, but I already hate Liz enough for the plot points she gets to really get to me. Also, I personally have to blame BH a bit for it because she just always naturally goes to that bitch face and smug voice. She is probably being directed that way though

  • Love 1

And now Maxie will play the victim. "Why didn't Nathan just wait for me to take months to make up my mind? I planned to pick him, I was just enjoying the attention from Spinelli!" Meanwhile, Spinelli will walk around like he won a prize and Maxie will just say, "Oh Spinelli!" in the squeakiest voice this side of Minnie Mouse..


You're so right and you've said it so well.  Maxie and Spinelli are such permanent residents of Mouse House, and Det. Kitty deserves so much better.  I've always had a low tolerance for Maxie and her charms have largely eluded me.  Spinelli, on the other hand, has always had my attention, mainly because of the visceral and primitive "pummel him to death with Mentos" or "bury him alive between Moobs and Carly while they're mating" response he brings out in me.  

My dog always disembowels her toys to pull out the squeaker.......  I'd like Spinelli to have play date with my dog....


Hmmmm.....I don't think Show is exactly GOOD for my mental health....

Edited by boes
  • Love 10

I think Maxie is in love with Spinelli but she's just not attracted to him. 


I think she loves him, but, if he hadn't spent years basically shaming her for not being attracted to him, she would have been perfectly comfortable slotting him in as "friend" long ago.  Spinelli has always made it a point to make it sound like it's some flaw of Maxie's character to not be attracted to him, and then he started that whole withholding his friendship if she won't be romantically involved with him thing.  Now he's back and pulling more passive-aggressive bullshit on her.  He clearly has a whole assload of issues over his physical appearance.  But, yet again, it is somehow some flaw in both Maxie and Nathan that they are conventionally attractive people, and they should feel shamed, because, apparently, since he's not attractive, he's somehow on the moral high ground.  And they're just shallow pretty people who aren't as deep as him, or some such shit.  I so wish Maxie would grab a spine with him and recognize his manipulative bullshit.  

  • Love 15
Because it can never, ever be said enough, fuck you Morgan and Kiki, preferably with a chainsaw.​


Ouch.  But I'm not against it.


I don't think Show is exactly GOOD for my mental health


Here's hoping we can get a bulk discount on all these t-shirts.


I hate that Maxie is able to be manipulated by Spinelli's bullshit, and I wish that over the last year or two and not having him constantly in her orbit would have helped her to see who he is more clearly.  But sadly, I think Maxie has this underlying lack of self esteem, because she does have a habit of screwing shit up acting impulsively and then having it all blow up in her face, and so when someone starts telling her there's something wrong with her, it hits her in the soft underbelly and she believes what they say.  So when Spinelli called her shallow, she believed it.  When Spinelli tells her that she loves him because they have this "connection" and that it's wrong to be with Nathan, she starts to accept it as true.  It's sickening, and I wish she would get therapy or at least have Lulu or Mac or someone sit her down and point it out to her.  


Why in the hell has Dante been nice to Spinelli?  He disliked him almost as much as Sonny did.  Come on, show, stop trying to make Spinelli happen.

  • Love 6

Why would Julian think that Olivia would let him feel her belly? I mean, at least he asked, but even under the best circumstances it's just plain weird. Yet I kind of felt myself rooting for it anyway


Same here. I liked that he was kind of embarrassed but excited and thrilled and shy all at the same time. WdV played that really, really well. I have no problems with Olivia turning him down, but she didn't have to go on a rant about it. She's right that people are astonishingly rude and presumptuous with pregnant women, but that wasn't Julian at all. And he isn't some random dude asking to put hands on her belly. They did sleep together, and he is the baby daddy (even if he doesn't know it for sure yet).

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

Liz's suspicions about Rebecca Budig might make a lick more sense if she was worried Rebecca Budig was working for Helena.  But just thinking she's a lonely, crazy lady who saw him in the paper and decided they had an instant connection?  That call's coming from inside the house, Liz.


The rest was honestly pretty boring, though I felt bad for Valerie, being subjected to Luke's grossness.

  • Love 11

Sam was the one to think about Emma and Robin. Samantha. No words. None.



He even freely admitted she is the first and last thing on his mind when he gets up in the morning and goes to sleep at night. Not his daughter. Not the one person he is supposed to live for every single second of the day and sacrifice all else and all others for.


Patrick is a vile shitbag, imo. He is everything I find revolting, off-putting, deplorable and unattractive in a male.


He didn't even have the decency to avert his eyes when Alexis was scrambling to get her shirt back on. He just had to stand and smirk like it was all for his own amusement. I cannot stand his punk ass.


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Again, they're writing every character as if they have an IQ of 70 in order to move their stories along and it's so frustrating to watch. Why does everyone have to be a dunderhead?

I didn't watch a lot during RC's writing on OLTL but that's how people say he writes. He dumbs down characters for the plot and than makes them smart when the plot demands it. He's a hack.

  • Love 4

I didn't watch a lot during RC's writing on OLTL but that's how people say he writes. He dumbs down characters for the plot and than makes them smart when the plot demands it. He's a hack.


I mean, look at Tracy.  She didn't suspect anything was wrong with Luke for MONTHS, but now, she immediately twigged that Valerie was lying and hustled them out of the apartment.

  • Love 2

He even freely admitted she is the first and last thing on his mind when he gets up in the morning and goes to sleep at night. Not his daughter. Not the one person he is supposed to live for every single second of the day and sacrifice all else and all others for.

Patrick is a vile shitbag, imo. He is everything I find revolting, off-putting, deplorable and unattractive in a male.

He is disgusting. I really have no other words for it. How is he rootable!? I'm supposed to think he's all cute and awesome? Not giving a single fuck about how his daughter feels about another woman moving in? Not giving a single fuck that his home is actually the home ROBIN wanted and picked out? It's gross. Glad to know Sam is the image he thinks about in the morning and at night. Hope he let's Robin know that when she's out of those chains.

  • Love 6

Did I just hear correctly - Patrick asking Sam about living together?!?! I just...UGH. 


Jakeson saying "this isn't how it's supposed to be" makes me roll my eyes. Dude, you don't know how things are supposed to be because you don't know who you are!!!!


This is so going to backfire on Ric.


I missed why Valerie didn't signal Lulu and Tracy for help and trap Luke in a closet or something. 


Ned and Olivia are sweet together. And...Julian thinks he's awesome in bed. We get it, show.  

  • Love 3

Between the devil goatee and red hair (what is up with that) Ric looks not good. 


I know I know, plot point, but it's way too soon for Patrick to move in Sam for Emma's sake, between Sabrina and Robin coming and going.


Sigh. Lulu thought there was really a cat? But on the flip side at least she recognized how intrusive they were.


Someone needs to have a come to Jesus talk with Geary, he is awful at playing a psycho. I liked Tracy's "say hello to Gunner for me" line.


Hayden just knows that Jason always follows through on a commitment? okay-dokey. Lord.


Alexis looked nice today. I liked that Julian pointed out Patrick is a doctor and doesn't give a crap if he saw her nipples.


I wanted to see Michael and Morgan and of course no follow through. No doubt Michael will probably be popping those pills like candy next time we see him. 

Again, they're writing every character as if they have an IQ of 70 in order to move their stories along and it's so frustrating to watch. Why does everyone have to be a dunderhead?


Everyone should fall down the stairs and get knocked out with a crowbar at the beginning of each episode. At least then it would kind of explain it.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

seriously Julexis? You're 50 something years old and you decide it would be a grand idea to get naked in your daughter's living room? With her toddler upstairs? Alexis, you do have a bedroom, right?


Patrick, before you invite Sam and her son to move in with you, maybe you should discuss it with your daughter? You remember her, don't you?


Valerie, just crack your uncle Luke over the head and run. Then leave town, change your name and never have anything to do with your crazy family again. You'll thank me for it later. Seriously, WTF was with Geary's now-Southern accent?


Color me shocked, SHOCKED! that Ric was Hayden's co-conspirator. I never saw that coming <sarc>

  • Love 7
I wanted to see Michael and Morgan and of course no follow through. No doubt Michael will probably be popping those pills like candy next time we see him.

I hope Ron gave CD a head's up that Michael is getting his meds messed with. Heh.


If Liz and Jake had a brain between them, they would hire either Spin or Sam to go to Beecher's Corners with a picture of the new wife and find out the dirt about her. I really doubt that she is from there.


Or they could call the Whitakers, whose farm Luke and Laura stayed at while they were on the run from Frank Smith, and ask them if they know Hayden.

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