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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I think the writers made it all about Jason - which was incredibly gross. Franco hurt Jason's wife to torture him. The story was gross and Jason was awful but I think it was the first time in a long time his reaction was realistic instead of saintly. Plus, I love it when Sam is angry with Jason - she gets pull no punches vicious and generally Drunk!Sam makes an appearance. 


But I do think an inability to imagine (seriously, how does his brain damage work again?) would work against him when trying to navigate not hating Franco's son for being a constant reminder of the fact that his wife was hurt just to hurt him. That's a lot of guilt, rage, and helplessness for somebody without brain damage.

Details of how his brain damage works re: that situation were never addressed. He did have guilt and rage, but I remember a scene of him telling ...Elizabeth, I think?... that he thought when he looked at this child, all he would see was Franco. (The reminder of Sam being hurt to hurt him factored into it too.) I can't recall if it was the same conversation, but I remember Liz telling him the baby was also Sam's, and reminded him how easily he loved Michael when he knew Michael was NOT his child. That's why all this plot point crap about Danny being drawn to 'Jake' is absurd. Jason saved Danny from psycho Heather, then decided he wanted to be a family with Sam and baby Danny just a few hours/a day? before he got shot in the back on the docks. This is not a guy who bonded with Danny in womb.  Their marriage had deteriorated so much that she wasn't even living with him when she gave birth to Danny. 

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Why is Uncle Frank decorating Wyndemere with furniture from Rooms-2-Go?

ETA: that kid's insta handle is "nickyisboss"? Seriously?!?


Well, it's his. I'm sure his mom picked it out. But yeah I get your point.

Edited by ulkis
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Why can't Jordan tell Duke that she's not an enforcer?

I imagine the 'other duties as assigned' in the mob employee handbook includes a very wide range of possibilities. 


Also, I think everyone on Sonny's payroll knows that Shawn can't hit the side of a barn.

And, as other posters have pointed out, Carlos shows such enthusiasm for his work, everyone is jockeying for 'mob employee of the month' just so he doesn't win it again.

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What I don't get about this Jordan thing is that if she announces that she's a fed and breaks her cover, wouldn't it be awfully difficult for Sonny or Julian to kill her?   And if they really think that they would kill her, wouldn't she just go into witness protection until things were safer.  The whole idea of leaving her undercover, in order to keep her alive (this is what Anna was implying) doesn't make much sense, and I am pretty sure Nathan got to point that out, so if can figure it out the rest of them should too.  Maybe Dante should have a chat with Jordan and point out that since she is not a spawn of Sonny, she is putting her life on the line.  And he could remind Anna too.


I actually want Jordan to work as  a fed or a cop, and leave the idiot mob, because I think she could have some great storylines there, and it would give her and TJ a chance to develop a relationship.

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sounds more like his mom is projecting her feelings thought. ick!


If you look at it from a certain perspective, the kid might be the real breadwinner in the family. I don't know what his parents do for a living, but I would imagine that being an actor pays more. Particularly with as much as Spencer is given to do on the show, stuff that I don't think he's entirely able to handle. Kind of like a jacked-up Dance Moms thing.

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Watching this BS it angers me that every Goddamn time Micheal drop truth bombs on these hypocritical assholes they act like he's crazy Fuck you RC. Michael is in the right Kaka Carly Morgan Duke Sonny are the assholes.

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Ron really isn't going to bother to try and pretend he isn't just regurgitating GH history.


He is going to have Kiki 2.0 and Morgan targeting Michael to portray him as an unfit guardian by making him out to be a drunk just like what happened with A.J.


It was bad enough the first time around, but Ron is not only a hack he's a lazy hack so his "new take" on this shit is a thousand times worse.


Ron has officially made Guza the lesser of two evils in my mind.

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Had to laugh at Duke's "Huh? What??" face when Michael mentioned he got shot in the head as a kid. And Michael being all sorry Lucy, can't say it's nice to see you when you're with Duke. Good for Michael! Great that Michael remembers his father AJ was the first one to give Duke a job/take a chance on him, and Duke's gross loyalty to Sonny when Sonny murdered AJ. Duke telling Lucy he tried to take the high road with Michael makes me hope Carlos succeeds in his mission. 


So now Morgan wants to set up Michael with 'you're a danger to the baby because you're a drunk, just like your father and grandparents'? Seriously? He's definitely Carly's child. It's in character that Kiki thinks Michael could only sleep with Rosalie because of being drunk. The grinning at Morgan's plotting, ugh. Michael sitting at the bar is such a plot point. 


Had to tune out at Carly telling Sonny she would never betray him.

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Are we actually supposed to be cheering when Morgan douchily declares, with Kiki looking on adoringly, that he's going to make Michael look like a bigger drunk than AJ?  It's seriously disgusting.

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Kiki's smile at the end makes me sick. These two piece of shit morons are acting like Micheal is despicable and are gonna try to make him look like a drunk like Micheals piece of shit parents did to bio dad. why why why was Kaka recast? I want her to Die in a hailstorm of bullets

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Are we actually supposed to be cheering when Morgan douchily declares, with Kiki looking on adoringly, that he's going to make Michael look like a bigger drunk than AJ?  It's seriously disgusting.

Very disgusting Morgan and Kaka are officially horrible disgusting Morons

Oh Kiki was totally turned on, nothing gets her hotter than pitting Michael and Morgan against each other.

Haha haha so very true. I'm ready for this Bitch to pumped full of lead

To answer your question Teevee. Sadly I think we are

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Sonny shot Dante knowing full well that he was a cop, so I doubt knowing that Jordan is a fed would stop him from killing her, or at least trying. Sonny is always threatening to or trying to kill someone, but he fails almost as often.

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Welp, I'm done watching. Morgan & Kiki repeating what Carly did to AJ is my breaking point. I can't however quit you magnificent bastards and the grade A choice snark. I gave it 3 years, and I liked about the first six months. Now I just feel like I'm being insulted by MoRon and Frankie V. And all I have to do to prove that is continue to watch the amazingly soapy Empire & pray at the altar of Cookie.

Lee & Danny don't think I'm stupid, and I like that about them.

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Kiki's " Of course Micheal was drunk out of his mind it's the only way to explain him sleeping with Rosalie" was laughable. BITCH you covered up and lied to him who you claimed to love about AJ's Death. Not to mention you're a moron and a Hypocrite

Welp, I'm done watching. Morgan & Kiki repeating what Carly did to AJ is my breaking point. I can't however quit you magnificent bastards and the grade A choice snark. I gave it 3 years, and I liked about the first six months. Now I just feel like I'm being insulted by MoRon and Frankie V. And all I have to do to prove that is continue to watch the amazingly soapy Empire & pray at the altar of Cookie.

Lee & Danny don't think I'm stupid, and I like that about them.

I really hope their plan doesn't go that far

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I'm glad to see that others were also kind of disgusted by Morgan and Kiki's plotting against Michael. But, we knew it was coming: MichaelWOP telling off Duke today   was probably the swan song for the character we'd started to love. There's no one else in town that he hasn't truth-told to, so the fall must begin. {insert frowny face here}


And, calling it now: the cluster that is now mob life in PC will come to a head during the Nurses' Ball. Someone's gonna get shot. 

Edited by rur
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I'm glad to see that others were also kind of disgusted by Morgan and Kiki's plotting against Michael. But, we knew it was coming: MichaelWOP telling off Duke today   was probably the swan song for the character we'd started to love. There's no one else in town that he hasn't truth-told to, so the fall must begin. {insert frowny face here}


And, calling it now: the cluster that is now mob life in PC will come to a head during the Nurses' Ball. Someone's gonna get shot.

The way I feel I hope Kaka is in the crossfire

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Kiki's " Of course Micheal was drunk out of his mind it's the only way to explain him sleeping with Rosalie" was laughable. BITCH you covered up and lied to him who you claimed to love about AJ's Death. Not to mention you're a moron and a Hypocrite


Plus you had a potato head at the time.

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This might be going a bit off topic, but Josh Hutcherson (Peeta, Hunger Games) he told a story about when he was a kid, he was living in an apartment complex near some other child actors and he was once cornered by some of their mothers because he was booking work and they weren't  and they wanted to know how he was getting casted in things. The way he described it, didn't sound vicious, they wanted to know his tactics.  It seems a lot of families uproot their entire existence in the hopes of their kids making it. 



There is an apartment complex mini-industry dedicated to out-of-town families trying to get their child to break into show business:




And back on topic:


Shut up Duke!

Edited by Francie
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Plus you had a potato head at the time.

Lol sadly I think my prediction of her Ava coming out was true. I can't believe this fucking Bitch SHE is the reason her and Micheal broke up now this disgusting plan with Moron Morgan I really really really hope it blows up in their face

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Don't Morgan and Kiki realize that at worst Sabrina is no more dangerous than a freaking murderous gangster? Does. Not. Compute. Why can't we just let Michael have Avery for a while, instead of this drama at break-neck speed? At their plan is stupid (shocker).

Ha- Sonny almost forgot Lucky's name. Idiot. And nice cover there, Sonny, running around town announcing that it's still your business; no one will ever know that you're not really out of the mob.

My dream: Carlos kills Duke, Sonny orders Shawn to shoot Julian but Shawn somehow kills himself instead, Julian kills Sonny and gets away with it (what can I say, I'm biased!), and Jake remembers his whole history and is horrified by his actions as Jason Morgan and then moves in to the Q mansion and helps Michael raise Avery (so long as nobody reads a book about Africa). That's how I want this mob war to end. Oh yeah- Nathan, Dante, and Anna finally have that threesome we all know they've each thought about countless times.

And of course, go Michael!

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so I guess duke and lucys realtionship has taken place offscreen.THat said if lucy starts a realtionship with duke are we really supposed to believe that kevin and scott wouldn't be worrie about their kids?


Glad michael told duke off.Can't believe how much they've ruined duke.

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Are we actually supposed to be cheering when Morgan douchily declares, with Kiki looking on adoringly, that he's going to make Michael look like a bigger drunk than AJ?  It's seriously disgusting.


Yes. Yes, we are. All that we need to do is divest of our brains, decency, and good taste to get there. It's the RC/FV way, yo.

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Are we actually supposed to be cheering when Morgan douchily declares, with Kiki looking on adoringly, that he's going to make Michael look like a bigger drunk than AJ?  It's seriously disgusting.


I don't think we are. Especially since Sonny told him to stay out of it.


Anyway. I totally think Morgan had this in him and I always have. But. My problem is, he's doing it for such an unworthy cause. For Sonny to get property item #5 back? Really Morgan? REALLY? GET A LIFE MORGAN. It's spring! Go play outside on the swing set!


ETA: But it looks like Michael might be drinking too much anyway going from the recaps??? oy. Well, I'm gonna try not to pre-judge it. I'll let you all do that for me :)

Edited by ulkis
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so I guess duke and lucys realtionship has taken place offscreen.THat said if lucy starts a realtionship with duke are we really supposed to believe that kevin and scott wouldn't be worrie about their kids?


Hold up.  Was there really an insinuation or implication that Duke and Lucy had been hitting the sheets recently?


And by sheets, I obviously mean the freshly laundered towels in the laundry basket that Duke has appropriated for his bed.

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Hold up.  Was there really an insinuation or implication that Duke and Lucy had been hitting the sheets recently?


I think we're supposed to infer (and again, we have to infer because it all happened off-screen) that they've been spending time together, but haven't really progressed to dating, but today both said they're open to it.   So lazy and lame.

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Congrats Hayley Erin you inherited a disgusting character

That's really bothering me. I don't think the old Kiki would ever had agreed to try to ruin Michael's life. Her relationship with both brothers (a long-time soap staple!) is complicated, but she still cared for Michael. I just don't see her targeting him so maliciously, Sabrina or not. Maybe she'd try to set Sabrina up, though.

Speaking of? Are Morgan and Kiki sleeping together? Casually dating? Just friends? Feeling more like siblings? I honestly cannot figure it out, and the show sure hasn't been consistent with any signals they're sending.

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I don't even know how we're suppose to be responding to this Morgan/Kiki plan or to Duke or to anything really. My brain tells me there's no way we're supposed to be rooting for Sonny and co. but history tells me otherwise. It's all very confusing.

Lucy can go. Please. I can't do it anymore. MAKE IT STOP!

I'm so over Jordan. Sad.

I don't even remember anything else. This episode was a real snooze.

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If they're redoing the Sonny/Carly/AJ story as it appears they are, and Michael ends up driving drunk with Morgan in the car, will anyone even notice when Morgan has brain damage after the accident?

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Speaking of? Are Morgan and Kiki sleeping together? Casually dating? Just friends? Feeling more like siblings? I honestly cannot figure it out, and the show sure hasn't been consistent with any signals they're sending.


Ten bucks right says we'll see Morgan and Kiki hungrily make out over Michael's drugged body after they pour booze on him.


A la Ford and Tess on OLTL making out after ASSAULTING A NUN.

Edited by TeeVee329
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No, I think Ron wants it both ways. He often does, and he never commits to a specific POV until he goes for the laziest one and then calls that playing all the angles first. I think he wants Morgan's actions to be pitched as 'rash,' but also good, because according to the writing, in the end Morgan, Kiki, Sonny have everyone's best interests at heart and Michael is just a priggish meanie too enamored of a fat guy they fired. They will let Michael have his say for a while to get buzz among fans, but they will ultimately crush it and him. That's how Ron works now.

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LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Michael truth-telling to Duke today. I never did like that he turned on AJ - the only person who would give him a legitimate job. Duke is dead to me. 


Kiki and Morgan - STFU! You are both stupid, hypocritical fools. And the new actress is far worse than the last.

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Welp, I'm done watching. Morgan & Kiki repeating what Carly did to AJ is my breaking point. I can't however quit you magnificent bastards and the grade A choice snark. I gave it 3 years, and I liked about the first six months. Now I just feel like I'm being insulted by MoRon and Frankie V. And all I have to do to prove that is continue to watch the amazingly soapy Empire & pray at the altar of Cookie.

Lee & Danny don't think I'm stupid, and I like that about them.

Thank you! Even Lucious, the biggest douche has redeeming qualities because he loves his family under the greed. And feuding brothers Jamal and Hakeem may disagree, but they'd never ever do some messed up shit like that.

I'm so sick of Ron, Guza, MAB insulting my intelligence. There's no way in hell Micheal and Morgan would let some random ass girl from college come between them, and no way would Morgan pull some evil ass shit like that with the Quartermaines. Last summer he was a freaking honorary Q. Who's boathouse were you lame ass moochers living in? And Carly may love Sonny, but she'd never ever let her kids fight like these, especially over stupid ass Kiki. Hell no.

Morgan you're dead to me.

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Ten bucks right says we'll see Morgan and Kiki hungrily make out over Michael's drugged body after they pour booze on him.


A la Ford and Tess on OLTL making out after ASSAULTING A NUN.

Oh god that's disgusting. It's a Goddamn shame that Micheal actually has good intentions for Avery and then listening to his disgusting brother and ex. I really really really hoped they aren't making Kiki and Morgan disgusting human beings but it doesn't look good

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I think we're supposed to infer (and again, we have to infer because it all happened off-screen) that they've been spending time together, but haven't really progressed to dating, but today both said they're open to it.   So lazy and lame.

Got it, thanks TeeVee329!


Lazy, lame, and clearly leading to a dead end.  From what I've seen of many, if not most, of RC's couples, he keeps them separated for their entire run, and then re-connects them at the very last minute hurriedly and without any satisfying progression or build up.  All because of the notion that happy couples are boring couples. 


You know what else is boring?  Watching a bunch of mismatched, and often chemistry-less couples engage in a painfully obvious  predestined failure of a coupledom. 

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Did Maurice say "I've known Lucky MY whole life" not "his"? Whoops!

In fairness to Duke, Michael, between senior moments and needing to find Sonny's towels its entirely possible he's forgotten AJ helping him.

Hey Morgan look at your own bloodline before judging the Q's. Wasn't he developing a gambling problem when he came on with Kiki?

Carly may stand around listening to Sonny threatening Michael but I will call BS if she gets wind of this and doesn't shut Morgan down.

I can't believe I actually want Jason to get his memory back because may just knock sense into Sonny and Morgan (because I will call BS if he's suddenly not Michael First.)

And feuding brothers Jamal and Hakeem may disagree, but they'd never ever do some messed up shit like that

Lola brought out adorableness with Hakeem and Jamal. Avery so far can only create one MWOP. I'll take the floor pee-er Hakeem over Morgan any day for a brother. That's how much Morgan sucks (or how you correctly give a character dimensions re Hakeem.)

Edited by Gigi43
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If they're redoing the Sonny/Carly/AJ story as it appears they are, and Michael ends up driving drunk with Morgan in the car, will anyone even notice when Morgan has brain damage after the accident?


But...wouldn't Morgan need a brain to become damaged first?

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That's really bothering me. I don't think the old Kiki would ever had agreed to try to ruin Michael's life. Her relationship with both brothers (a long-time soap staple!) is complicated, but she still cared for Michael. I just don't see her targeting him so maliciously, Sabrina or not. Maybe she'd try to set Sabrina up, though.


I don't think she would do it either, but that's just simply because she was Kristen Alderson, not because of any inherit trait she possesses. Who knows what the hell Kiki is gonna do? She's not a character.


And yeah, Kiki and Morgan really need to clear up the state of their relationship. Off screen. And just tell me the conclusion by scrolling in words on the bottom of the screen, they don't actually have to waste screentime on it.

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But...wouldn't Morgan need a brain to become damaged first?


Ron should somehow tie the whole Carly-getting-shot-in-the-head-while-giving-birth thing into Morgan's lack of mental capacity.  It really would explain a lot.

Edited by magnolia11
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