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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Duh, you know who I'd always pick....my det Special Kitty one of the few truly good people in PC. So A.


Silas' motivations are questionable at best, and Sonny isn't virtuous. He can still be popular but not virtuous.

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The ratings are going up because the show has been freaking great lately!  People tune in and see fabulous soap!  The custody trial is wonderful.  Using actual, legitimate history in such a compelling way and showing all sides of the story... allowing Sonny fans to see his side, and yet also allow the non-Sonny fans to see the dark, not-so pretty side of his actions as well.  Show Carly as the not-so-great mother she truly is who will ALWAYS put Sonny first... until Jason is revealed to be alive.  Then just watch her push Sonny outta the way so fast your head will spin.  


Franco and Nina (RoHo and MS) have fantastic chemistry and play off of each other beautifully.  Both are popular actors who have been misused and misplaced pretty consistently since joining the cast, but together they mesh perfect and right now, they're story is fun to watch, with moments of depth and a surprisingly sweet love story is developing here.   Throwing Luke--and whatever darkness is going on with him--into the mix adds a dark tenor to that story and a mystery that draws more people into it so that they aren't isolated. …



… Everything is so well done, so well-written, it's not even remotely surprising that ratings are on the rise.  GH is a great soap opera again.


I'll agree with your assessment of the trial, ICGS, and while there are definitely parts of the show that I'm enjoying right now, I don't think GH has yet regained greatness. And part of my reasons for that are Franco and Nina. I think you're probably right about them being misplaced and misused, but that's the reason a number of people (including me) have no interest in them.


I've watched RoHo's antics for the last year and have reached the point that I no longer know if what he's saying onscreen is what's been scripted for the Franco character, if he's ad libbing because he thinks he's more clever than the writers, or if he's playing Todd. Since he doesn't appear to care too much about investing in his character, I don't see a reason for me to care either. He could be lifted out today and no plots would go wanting. The same thing has happened to Nina. If she disappeared forever in her upcoming escape with Luke, I don't think a lot of people would miss her. The fact that these two accomplished, long-time schemers/manipulators would immediately ally themselves with Luke strains one's credulity a bit, too. 


Of course, I understand that YMMV. This is just my $0.02. I guess this puts me on the side of those wanting to see more hospital in GH and less love between criminals and more love in the afternoon. 

Edited by rur
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I've watched RoHo's antics for the last year and have reached the point that I no longer know if what he's saying onscreen is what's been scripted for the Franco character, if he's ad libbing because he thinks he's more clever than the writers, or if he's playing Todd. Since he doesn't appear to care too much about investing in his character, I don't see a reason for me to care either. He could be lifted out today and no plots would go wanting. The same thing has happened to Nina. If she disappeared forever in her upcoming escape with Luke, I don't think a lot of people would miss her. The fact that these two accomplished, long-time schemers/manipulators would immediately ally themselves with Luke strains one's credulity a bit, too.

THIS!  As a long time Luke/TG fan I never thought I would reach the point where I would want him gone. The same for RoHo, whose Todd was a seminal character on daytime. But it is time for Luke and Franckentodd to ride off into the sunset, I feel like I am watching a great ball player who has played past his prime and who now is a shadow of his former self. I wish Geary had been more Derek Jeter and Less Wade Boggs.

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I remember reading that Roger Howarth actually was directed by Frank that this was how to play Franco, so no, beyond the few things, like the popcorn thing during the reveal or maybe a few things with KA's last scenes, I doubt he's adlibbing. From what I've heard about MSt, she's cool and all, but um might not respond well to adlibbing. So my guess is no adlibbing like he used to. Dude is doing whay he's told and probably going to leave imo.

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the character, overall, is a mess though.




He has the depth of a empty matchbox, another one of Ron's creations that he doesn't bother to actually finish.


Sloane has a name and job and that's about it, there is nothing given to make him matter really, imo, either to the characters around him or the audience at home. He knows Anna, well a lot of people know Anna and a good number are actual vets with history that matters to this show. 


It's as if Ron won't bother to actually use all the real GH history on hand and yet at the same time he doesn't fully develop or flesh out the "new history" he seems so determined to craft. 

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Ava having cancer as a plot point to push her and Silas together is just as contrived as Danny having cancer as a plot point to push him and Sam together was.  Can't Silas pick up a woman without the aura of cancer in the air?


Nathan mentioned having a "Spinelli" in his past.  Let the countdown to another pointless character connected to a newbie begin.


Michael instructing the officer to arrest Carly too made me swoon so hard, you guys.


Shut up, nuKiki.

Edited by TeeVee329
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That baby totally wanted to go with Michael. I love that Michael was throwing Carly in jail with Sonny, he was right she was his accomplice. Kiki is a moron, instead of lying for Sonny she should be siding with Michael. She talks of honoring her mother, but takes Sonny's side? What does she know about the baby needing love and comfort, that will love her unconditionally, she thinks that someone is Sonny? LOL I really doubt Kristina will agree. 


Team Michael! I love him listing off everything that being Sonny's child has done to them. Morgan's pathetic for kissing Sonny's ass. He's the one who slept with the woman you claimed to love Morgan. How quick he forgets. Michael take the baby and run back to the Q's. 


Michael naming her AJ, and getting rid of the Corinthos is all types of awesome.


Carly had no business bringing Jason into this either. He had admitted he was wrong about the Q's and even told Robin she was right to tell AJ the truth.


It's obvious Pat's house won't have Pat but have a descendant of her that will be a relative of Lulu's. I'm guessing it's Rebecca Budig and since they're tying Spinelli/Maxie into this, Rebecca Budig will the ex-love of Nathan that Maxie asked him about having and put Lulu in the middle of her BFF and her cousin.


They're not even hiding the fact they're copying the Alexis/Sonny/Ned hiding the baby plot. In that scenario Sonny had to be told to get his bone marrow.  Ava's going to need bone marrow and that's obviously going to come from Olivia's baby.  

Edited by Artsda
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Enjoyed the social worker's response to Carly: "That's not how this works."


Michael's response to Carly begging : "I didn't do this; Sonny did." And of course the whisper threat. You heard correctly, Carly: Your great love basically just said he's willing to kill your son to keep Avery. And Michael knows it too, 


LOVED Michael telling the police to arrest Carly, too. Good for him for pointing out that most of the Qs are dead now (re: Jason's history of rejecting the house of 'misery') LOVED Michael telling the police Sonny has sent Avery to a private island in Puerto Rico. Of course  I am a little surprised about Kiki doing the right thing. Morgan continues to be a ginormous asshole to Michael and so very pathetic in his desperation to be a loved son. His apology to Sonny for not kidnapping Avery ... no words. I didn't think Sonny could be any scummier - but today with threatening Michael and telling him he deserved grief proves the Moobster can hit rock bottom and keep going.   


I'm truly disappointed in Nathan for not getting that he's way too good for Maxie. Spinelli deserved to walk in on Nathan and Maxie making out. 


Hilarious line of the day goes to Tracy's dead-pan: "Imagine that" - without looking up. Tracy's way of getting rid of Spinelli  was hilarious. He's such an idiot. But her being desperate to "get Luke back" makes her look pathetic. 


Kiki's out of her mind, or just dumb, it she thinks the person she's describing for Avery is Sonny. Girl has no clue how Michael and Morgan grew up. She just blows off Michael volunteering to show his scar. His deepening disgust for Carly and Sonny is a thing of beauty. 


LOVED Michael telling the baby, Kiki, Morgan, Carly and Sonny that he'll call her A.J - keeping Jerome in her name but "Corinthos isn't needed anymore." Those looks = PRICELESS. I actually laughed and clapped.


Preview: Of course Sonny is saying he'll break Michael. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Carly had no business bringing Jason into this either. He had admitted he was wrong about the Q's and even told Robin she was right to tell AJ the truth.


And he initially walked away from the Quartermaines and towards the mob because of brain damage.  Not exactly a slam dunk argument there, Carls.

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Go, Team Michael, Go! 


Everything about Michael today was beyond awesome, most of all how he was ready to have Carly thrown in jail as an accomplice to kidnapping. Or maybe how he's calling the baby A.J. It was all good!


Michael Q. is my new hero!

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Ava having cancer as a plot point to push her and Silas together




I think the point of all this is to keep Ava around, and Silas is the only guy he can pair her with that he either hasn't already or she isn't related to and Ron always has to have some kind of romance going, not that it ever matters in the end.


I think the cancer angle is to "save" Ava, just like making the Nina "crazy" was her out of all the shit she did and to try and make her a sympathetic figure.


Ava is getting a sympathy edit, imho, and since Ron already gave the Nina the "crazy" hand wave pass, Ava gets the "cancer" hand wave pass.

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If Jason saw how Carly and Sonny and Morgan were speaking to and treating Michael, he would implode.




Which would be great because then hopefully the blast would wipe them all out as well and PC would be purged of the whole group once and for all. A dream come true for me.

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Stop it show.  I'm on Michael's side.  Also, whatever mistakes Alan and Monica made, they were never the despicable, horrible monsters Sonny and Carly are.  Michael rules.


Die Sonny Die. Die Carly, Ava, Luke, Franco, and woman whose name I can't remember that has hooked up with Franco.

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Michael calling Avery "AJ" was like, the most amazing thing ever.


That, and the way the camera lingered on his face when he was done speaking was pure soapy goodness. I approve. I'll even say it was great.

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Did...did Michael actually bring up that all the so called "miserable" Qs Jason was so determined to avoid are mostly now dead...?


Alan is one of those Qs. Alan...they dared group him as a "miserable human being"...? Edward is up for debate but Alan...?


I don't know whether to curse or have a rage blackout but I think I may just do both.


And this is a Michael to root for as being the next generation for the Quartermaine family? A kid who doesn't even know his own family history well enough to actually rebuff Carly when she is clearly just talking shit, and bringing up Jason to boot, because that is just what she does? It's what she always does. GTFO with that.


I am so sick of these people, every single last one of them. Avery should be in a loving foster home.


Dear lord though that gorgeous baby just can't get any more adorable or my heart may just melt away.

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A kid who doesn't even know his own family history well enough to actually rebuff Carly when she is clearly just talking shit


Michael doesn't know what kind of a man Alan was BECAUSE of Carly.

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Damn, Show. There's no going back for Micheal Quartermaine now. I'm in love with the MWOP now. It was like amazing. Sonny could save his life 8 times, and Micheal would still be like "Look at this scar on my head." Or "You murdered my father." He just stole Sonny's kid to bring to Monica and renamed it the name of the child Sonny killed. Damn. Micheal Quartermaine is ice cold. And I love it. I hope Sonny and Carly bought some cream for that massive burn because it's just going to get worse.

I'm not even talking about the rest of the ridiculousness that happened around Micheal Quartermaine burning Sonny and Carly like the sun in the Sahara desert.

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Michael doesn't know what kind of a man Alan was BECAUSE of Carly.



Which is precisely my whole point. Michael goes around proclaiming he's a Q now, he changed his name, he hates his parents, blah blah bullshit and yet he doesn't know a thing about his family really when it boils down to it.


He is the son Carly and Sonny made him and as far as I am concerned he's staying that way. I don't see a Quartermaine when I look at him, I see their kid ruling the roost just like when he was their little "golden boy prince". Michael is spoiled and entitled and always has been and his last name may change but his behaviour was engrained by those two slaggards and he acts just like them.

Edited by CPP83
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Michael doesn't know what kind of a man Alan was BECAUSE of Carly.


You know who tried to get Jason to get to know the Q's? Who tried to get him to bring Michael around? Robin, Emily...Carly is the reason Michael thought Sonny and herself were the good guys. Michael ain't to blame here.

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Will Ava's cancer lead to the reveal that Avery is not a Sonny spawn.

If she is AJ's, that burn will be nuclear. If it's Morgan's, then we are looking at the funniest custody battle ever.

Judge Moesha: State your occupation, sir.

Morgan : None

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Maxie: I love it when you speak French to me.


This is what I hear: "You have other attributes besides just looking good! Well, at least one! So there!"



Morgan is such a shit.

This isn't being said enough.


I thought Bryan Craig looked good today, and I like him better as a performer than Chad Duell. But the writing for him is so bad. Maybe I could buy his siding with his Sonny/not judge him so harshly for it if I didn't think that as soon as Sonny and Michael reach some detente he's gonna throw a hissy fit about it. imo he loves that Sonny and Michael are fighting and he's riding a high horse and pretending he's not.


That camera angle up Nina's not-exactly-normal-sized nostrils was really killing whatever sexiness that scene was supposed to have. RoHo's greasy hair hanging over to one side didn't help either.


lol is Spin gonna be the evil little sprite to Nathan and Maxie's true love?


Luke outrunning everyone at shadybrook is one of the more unbelievable things on this show, and that's saying something. It would have been more believable if Luke had a jetpack hidden under his shirt and just flew straight out of there. Come on, as soon as Luke rounded the corner he probably fell down!


Tracy trying to cut through Spinelli's babble is always fun.

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Kiki is an idiot. She thinks that the man who tried to kill her mother is the best choice for raising Avery. Girl, get off the Sonny propping train.

It's so dumb and gross.

And, oh, Morgan, your FATHER had SEX with the woman you claimed to love, you crappy ass character.

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Did...did Michael actually bring up that all the so called "miserable" Qs Jason was so determined to avoid are mostly now dead...?


Alan is one of those Qs. Alan...they dared group him as a "miserable human being"...? Edward is up for debate but Alan...?




And this is a Michael to root for as being the next generation for the Quartermaine family? A kid who doesn't even know his own family history well enough to actually rebuff Carly when she is clearly just talking shit, 


No, Carly said misery - I think generally referring to Monica, Alan, Edward, AJ and probably Tracy. Michael knows defending anyone to Carly - or really just speaking to Carly period - is a waste of one's breath/pointless - so he ignored her protestations except to point out that the Qs are mostly dead now. 

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Will Ava's cancer lead to the reveal that Avery is not a Sonny spawn.


I think maybe Olivia's baby will be able to save her, and that's how that secret will be exposed.

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Michael ain't to blame here




Michael isn't a kid anymore, if he had time to change his opinion about everyone else, Alan would be in that group.


No, to me this is just more of Ron taking cheap shots at the Qs. I'm sick and tired of it.


He can have Michael running around acting as if he's the second coming of the Qs but he knows nothing about his grandfather? He hasn't heard or been told enough good things about Alan to refute anything Carly would have to say? I'm not buying that, not a bit. It's just more of Ron giving lip service and not much else to these characters.



No, Carly said misery



And Michael said it back when he responded with that line all the supposed "miserable" Qs were now dead.


Because being reminded that the majority of that family is dead and gone just can't be pointed out enough apparently for Ron's liking. Especially since he killed off one of the few remaining heirs.


Ron likes dressing down the Qs every chance he gets, they either get insulted in conversation, played for fools, or they're just never around. It's inexcusable to me.

Edited by CPP83
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It's so dumb and gross.

And, oh, Morgan, your FATHER had SEX with the woman you claimed to love, you crappy ass character.


I think I would be more sympathetic if they showed a scene where they showed that Morgan is so hard core asskisser because he's desperate to be number 1 with Sonny and Carly. Or even just shows a *smidgen* of sympathy while still being on Sonny's side. But they don't and he just comes across like a ginormous ass/moron.


I forgot about Kiki getting all bitchy with Michael. You don't even go to school here Kiki, go away.

Edited by ulkis
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I think I would be more sympathetic if they showed a scene where they showed that Morgan is so hard core asskisser because he's desperate to be number 1 with Sonny and Carly. Or even just shows a *smidgen* of sympathy while still being on Sonny's side. But they don't and he just comes across like a ginormous ass/moron.

I forgot about Kiki getting all bitchy with Michael. You don't even go to school here Kiki, go away.

I just think there's so much OOC-ness going on. Morgan is a human, right? Like, he understands Sonny KILLED Michael's real dad, right?

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I'll still despise Sonny forever and always. But can he please use his evil for a worthy cause and fucking kill Spinelli already? If he does, I'll be kind to him for 15 whole minutes!


I didn't miss him in his absence and wish he had never returned.


And if it can be discovered that ghost sperm of Coop's was used for Georgie, I'd accept it. ANYONE but Spinelli (or Sonny) as that kid's father! I can't believe an idiot like Spinelli knows how reproducing works.

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But they don't and he just comes across like a ginormous ass/moron




Defending Sonny will do that to a person. But then again pretty much everyone in town is doing it so he's certainly not alone.


I've even seen many applauding Morgan for being the "good son" Sonny deserves and standing up to Michael for him so...

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Shut up, Keeks. You're such a dumb ass.


She's a moron.  Again, if she was this concerned about honoring Ava's wishes and how Avery was going to be raised, maybe she should have put her (non-existent because she has no job) money where her (stupid, annoying) mouth is and sued for custody herself.

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But the writing pretty clearly wants us to see him as a paragon of virtue. Which is equally hilarious and rage-inducing.


I think the writing shows that a good portion of the characters are messed in the head. I don't think we're supposed to buy that Sonny should be absolved for all his crimes or that his wanting to be a good parent makes him one. He took a near exploding bomb from his son's grasp--the same son that was just as willing to save everyone's lives and sacrifice his own in that moment--that's minimal parental responsibility, really. And he did it in the midst of ESCAPING PRISON.

Edited by TheGourmez
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Judge Moesha: State your occupation, sir.


Morgan : None




Well it isn't as if he can just go on the payroll for being "Daddy's Official Ass Kisser", what's a guy to do?

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