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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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PC law at its finest. Sonny slaps his name on Avery, so she must be his. 


Now I'm picturing Sonny running around town with a label maker. *slap* "It says Corinthos! It's mine!" *slap* "That says Corinthos, too! It belongs to me!" *slap slap* "That says Corinthos twice! It's extra mine!"

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Billy Miller is not Jason. And this is coming from a huge ANTI fan. I LOATHE Jason. I was thrilled when he was made into fish food. But the person BM is playing bears no resemblance to Jason. Sure, one can say he isn't a Borg and has emotions. In any other character? Hey, great! But Jason WAS a Borg and he is a criminal who, like Sonny, deserves no happiness and deserves jail or death.


His cold demeanor at least fit with his lifestyle and changing it so it can be Billy Abbott playing a Q is just...no.


As I've said, maybe he could have pulled off Lucky (especially since he is chained to Liz) or Dillon. But as Jason, I think he is a huge failure. Half him, half shitastic writing.

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And there it is: Sonny threatens his "beloved" son in front of two attorneys and his son's worthless mother. Gotta love Michael's neither confirm nor deny, "prove it" and saying it's more Sonny's style to hang Judge Walters from a meat hook. Both of his "loving parents" look like they want to choke him. Sonny shouldn't even have had the chance to get in Michael's face after Walters made his decision. Saying "the hell with this" to all of them should have immediately gotten him into trouble for contempt of court. Of course he lies about Avery's whereabouts. I guess he figures Morgan will just do his bidding? He's now looking at Michael the way he used to look at AJ. 


Of course Lulu basically says Scott brought her dad biting his ear off on himself. When even Tracy feels bad for Scott, Lulu, you must know you're being awful.


Loved the Judge calling out Ric on his own conflicts of interest, and pointing out Alexis has kids by both brothers. Ha ha ha. 


Spinelli is so awful. Hope Nathan dumps Maxie for kissing Spinelli. You're caught, Maxie. Can't lie that it never happened. 


Yay Dante, glad he's not with Lulu on the whole 'oh, poor Luke' crap. 


Ava really figured she, Silas and Avery could just disappear into the night. Yeah, okay. I think she lost more brain cells when she fell off that bridge into the icy water.







Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Watch out Micheal! There's a bullet and a meathook coming your way!

Wtf did Luke say with the mask on? That he ate a liver with some fava beans?

I didn't mind the end. I prefer Roger Howarth in killer mode, and someone had to put this fucking story out of it's misery. Better it be Todd Manning. Though he's missing a flannel and a hat.

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I loved Michael today, and he completely outmaneuvered Sonny and Ric.  You gotta love the hypocrisy from Carly and Sonny about how Michael is so wrong for being underhanded.  Sonny HATES that he lost, and not so much that he lost his daughter.  There's a difference.  I am enjoying this Michael v. Sonny storyline because Sonny and Carly still have no remorse for their actions.  Also, Michael IS trying to keep Avery safe.  He's going to bring her home to a quiet, safe house while Sonny is just waiting to get what's "his" so he can plot with Shawn about how to take on Julian Jerome.  Let's face it, once he has Avery, he's going to hand her off to Carly or a nanny, take back his organization from Duke, and then go after the Jeromes.  Sonny loves Avery as much as he loves any of his children, but he has no interest in BEING with her - just that she is his, in his home with the rest of his possessions.

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Has't Sonny bought off tons of judges? The hypocrisy that is Sonny & Carly. They taught him well, they have nobody to blame but themselves. And Carly blaming the Q's for Michael's move? No, bribing a judge is pure Sonny.


Team Michael. I loved the judge schooling Ric on the incest of the family connections. 


Franco Baldwin? Since when does he have a last name. (A lot of people must be shocked because Franco Baldwin is trending on US twitter.)

Edited by Artsda
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Oh my God. The stupid pop culture references with Franco aren't funny. Just saying "Jennifer Lawrence!" isn't funny. It's lazy and stupid. And am I supposed to buy that Franco is actually indignant that Luke hurt Scotty? 


Sometimes it's the little things that really bug. Dante would never let Spinelli stay in their apartment.


I'm sympathetic to Lulu and Tracy, but their being indignant about Scott possibly pressing charges is a little much.


The Luke stuff is almost as bad as the Franco stuff. And he's (Geary) going to get an Emmy. ugh.


Spin is such a smarmy bastard who seems to not wash his hair. Dante and Lulu need to fumigate the place after he leaves.


Maxie's hair looked great though.


Poor Scott will never be able to unfeel Luke's mouth on his ear. Ick.


Good god Carly, go worry about your own daughter already! Sonny can fight his own battles. And lightning should strike him when he says stuff like "you won't get away with this" to the son of the man he killed. 


"You've gone down a slippery slope Michael and I just hope you can climb back up." Shut up Alexis! This is hardly the worst thing Michael's done, first of all. Second of all, why the hell did she take the case if she thinks it's so underhanded?

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Now I'm picturing Sonny running around town with a label maker. *slap* "It says Corinthos! It's mine!" *slap* "That says Corinthos, too! It belongs to me!" *slap slap* "That says Corinthos twice! It's extra mine!"


And hopefully he's borrowed George Costanza's label maker, and they all fall right off.

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Watch out Micheal! There's a bullet and a meathook coming your way!


The look on Carly's face, and her eyes turning red at Sonny's rage face/ 'not handing Avery off to Michael' line indicate that this is exactly what she fears Sonny is going to do to Michael. I really, really hope Sonny never gets his hands on that beautiful baby girl again.

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Billy Miller is not Jason. And this is coming from a huge ANTI fan. I LOATHE Jason. I was thrilled when he was made into fish food. But the person BM is playing bears no resemblance to Jason. Sure, one can say he isn't a Borg and has emotions. In any other character? Hey, great! But Jason WAS a Borg and he is a criminal who, like Sonny, deserves no happiness and deserves jail or death.


His cold demeanor at least fit with his lifestyle and changing it so it can be Billy Abbott playing a Q is just...no.


As I've said, maybe he could have pulled off Lucky (especially since he is chained to Liz) or Dillon. But as Jason, I think he is a huge failure. Half him, half shitastic writing.


Amen. I don't even think he's playing Jason Quartermaine. Honestly, he's playing Lucky. A sarcastic self-deprecating guy. In his mid 30s. Which Jason was not, last we saw him. 

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Maxie, who is watching Georgie.


Never fear, Emma referred Georgie to her old tree.


Franco Baldwin? Since when does he have a last name.


Trouble is, Franco is the last name. At least under RoHo's version, it was said his name was Robert Frank. So the whole name makes no sense, anyway. And poor Scotty. No one deserves that freak as a spawn.

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"You've gone down a slippery slope Michael and I just hope you can climb back up." Shut up Alexis! This is hardly the worst thing Michael's done, first of all. Second of all, why the hell did she take the case if she thinks it's so underhanded?


Y'know, I usually really like Alexis, but I must second the "Shut up." For fuck's sake, woman, you tried to keep Sonny away from your daughter for how long? As to why she took the case, maybe she was hoping Michael would lose. Like every other fart-brain in Port Chuck.

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Amen. I don't even think he's playing Jason Quartermaine. Honestly, he's playing Lucky. A sarcastic self-deprecating guy. In his mid 30s. Which Jason was not, last we saw him. 


I get the impression BM isn't getting much guidance as to what the hell he's even supposed to play (I remember reading an interview recently where he seemed to infer as much).  Ron probably hasn't even decided yet.

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I get the impression BM isn't getting much guidance as to what the hell he's even supposed to play (I remember reading an interview recently where he seemed to infer as much).  Ron probably hasn't even decided yet.


I mean, yeah. I'm not really impressed with BM but it's definitely not his fault.

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I'm not trying to nitpick, but Billy Miller isn't playing Jason Morgan. He's not playing Jason Quartermaine either. Or anyone else by the name of Jason. He's playing Jake. A random dude who has no idea who he is or what he's about. So how can we honestly judge what's happening until the character has full memories and IS Jason? Like, wouldn't that be the time to be like, "He's not Jason!"

Also, I may be in the minority in this, but Jason was absolutely not always the "Borg." That happened in the early '00s.

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Well, I see Sonny is still Sonny.  He couldn't even get out of the courtroom before lying to the judge and planning his next crime.  He's like a petulant, impulsive child, only far more dangerous because he can't control his anger, his criminal instincts, or his violent tendencies.  So much for being a different kind of father for Avery.


Maybe we should start a drinking game for all the pop culture ripoffs per episode.  How many were there today?  Glory.

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Does Carly not remember, when she thought Morgan might still be Avery's dad, tearfully wishing that Michael could be the one raising her cause he was just so mature? Why is so so appalled at the thought now?


I'm not trying to nitpick, but Billy Miller isn't playing Jason Morgan. He's not playing Jason Quartermaine either. Or anyone else by the name of Jason. He's playing Jake. A random dude who has no idea who he is or what he's about. So how can we honestly judge what's happening until the character has full memories and IS Jason? Like, wouldn't that be the time to be like, "He's not Jason!"

Also, I may be in the minority in this, but Jason was absolutely not always the "Borg." That happened in the early '00s.


True, but I think that's what people are criticizing. At least, I am. The fact that he's still this random amnesiac character.


I don't think SBu was the Borg either. I think he could act, although I feel like the last time he really, truly gave it all his effort were those scenes with Courtney in the rain.

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Can Franco and Spin get locked up in a room at Shadybrook together?  That way we could limit the odd pop culture and Spin speak to each other and it would make the ff easier.

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Billy Miller is not Jason. And this is coming from a huge ANTI fan. I LOATHE Jason. I was thrilled when he was made into fish food. But the person BM is playing bears no resemblance to Jason. Sure, one can say he isn't a Borg and has emotions. In any other character? Hey, great! But Jason WAS a Borg and he is a criminal who, like Sonny, deserves no happiness and deserves jail or death.


His cold demeanor at least fit with his lifestyle and changing it so it can be Billy Abbott playing a Q is just...no.


As I've said, maybe he could have pulled off Lucky (especially since he is chained to Liz) or Dillon. But as Jason, I think he is a huge failure. Half him, half shitastic writing.

I agree with all of this.  BM is not playing Jason Morgan at all, and I really don't want him to assume the name of Jason Morgan at any point in the future.  Keep the name Jake Doe.  Heck, I'd even settle for Jake Quartermaine, but NOT Jason Morgan.  He's not Jason.


Oh my God. The stupid pop culture references with Franco aren't funny. Just saying "Jennifer Lawrence!" isn't funny. It's lazy and stupid. And am I supposed to buy that Franco is actually indignant that Luke hurt Scotty? 

Franco is a boil on the butt of General Hospital.  He's nothing but a cartoon on this show.  His character has no layers, no depth, no storyline, no nothing.  


Good god Carly, go worry about your own daughter already! Sonny can fight his own battles. And lightning should strike him when he says stuff like "you won't get away with this" to the son of the man he killed.


Sonny is behaving the way Sonny always behaves when one of his possessions is taken from him.  MINE, MINE, MINE.  Carly is such an enabler, and she has chosen the men in her life over her son too many times (at least under RC) for me to care about what she has to say.  Like it or not, Avery has a better shot at a happy, normal life with Michael than the dysfunction that awaits her with Sonny and Carly.


"You've gone down a slippery slope Michael and I just hope you can climb back up." Shut up Alexis! This is hardly the worst thing Michael's done, first of all. Second of all, why the hell did she take the case if she thinks it's so underhanded?



I third that "STFU Alexis."  So how many Sonny apologists does that make now?  Michael = 0.  Sonny = 32?

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True, but I think that's what people are criticizing. At least, I am. The fact that he's still this random amnesiac character.

I mean, that's a writing and story issue. But this continuous "Billy Miller isn't acting like Jason" makes absolutely no sense to me. He's not Jason because...he's not Jason at the moment.

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I just had the oddest thought that the only "rational" way to keep Helena coming back is to clone her at the Sekrit laboratories.  That way we get a young beautiful Helena that can be constantly replaced as necessary.  And...job security for Robin, who has already cured death!  Should be a walk in the park for her.


Just kidding!


Although I think Show should just embrace the batshit crazy because spinning crap like it's gold is a total yawn.  I don't require quality entertainment at all times in my soap, but I do require it to make occasional sense and at least to amuse me.

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I mean, that's a writing and story issue. But this continuous "Billy Miller isn't acting like Jason" makes absolutely no sense to me. He's not Jason because...he's not Jason at the moment.


Okay, but even with no memory, a person would have certain...ingrained behaviors inherent to themselves even so. At least that's how I see it. He may not know he is Jason, but traits or whatnot would still come through subconsciously.


I just see a void.


But tomato, tomahto, live and let live.  :-)

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I only got to watch today because of a snow day, and haven't watched the show in a few months, but Michael Quartermaine is everything I've ever wanted and more. I hope he stays with us forever. 

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Can Franco and Spin get locked up in a room at Shadybrook together?  That way we could limit the odd pop culture and Spin speak to each other and it would make the ff easier.

Well, we got our wishes of Micheal Quartermaine, Micheal vs. Sonny, Return of Judge Moesha, and now it looks like Roger Howarth is straight up murdering bad stories with the Silence of The Luke..... so it could happen.

Spencer hasn't been on in about a week too. Did someone actually send Ron a wine basket????

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True, but I think that's what people are criticizing. At least, I am. The fact that he's still this random amnesiac character.


This is where I am, too. It's fine that he's not Jason, but he's a passive character who lets other characters arrange his life for him. That was okay for a while, but he needs to start carving out a personality. As Jake, as Jason, as someone. He might as well be a day player for all the individuality he's shown so far.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I'm not trying to nitpick, but Billy Miller isn't playing Jason Morgan. He's not playing Jason Quartermaine either. Or anyone else by the name of Jason. He's playing Jake. A random dude who has no idea who he is or what he's about. So how can we honestly judge what's happening until the character has full memories and IS Jason? Like, wouldn't that be the time to be like, "He's not Jason!"

No, because there should still be SOME remnants of Jason's personality in there.  Jason would never - not ever - reenact a scene from Titanic nor would he even know about the scene in that movie.  Even when Jason lost his memory the last time around with SBu, he was still Jason.  His mind didn't warp into a completely different person that is so opposite of Jason Morgan.  Even when Lulu didn't remember who she was, I could still recognize her as Lulu.  Same with Nikolas.  This guy?  I've never seen him before.  


Also, I may be in the minority in this, but Jason was absolutely not always the "Borg." That happened in the early '00s.



SBu can act and was very good as Jason Morgan when given the material, and that includes after the early '00s.  Later on under Guza, after killing off legacy characters, he just wanted Jason to be the tough, silent muscle and his whole world became Sonny and Carly.  Carly was always talking for him and Jason would just stand there.  It drove me nuts.  I still would prefer that Jason over this new Jakeson guy.

Edited by Bishop
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Okay, but even with no memory, a person would have certain...ingrained behaviors inherent to themselves even so. At least that's how I see it. He may not know he is Jason, but traits or whatnot would still come through subconsciously.

I just see a void.

But tomato, tomahto, live and let live. :-)

I get what you're saying, but that's something the writers and producers should make clear. Billy Miller isn't just going to randomly act in whatever way unless it's in the script.

I guess I'm just going to wait for him to fully be that character before I decide whether he's good in the role.

No, because there should still be SOME remnants of Jason's personality in there. Jason would never - not ever - reenact a scene from Titanic nor would he even know about the scene in that movie. Even when Jason lost his memory the last time around with SBu, he was still Jason. His mind didn't warp into a completely different person that is so opposite of Jason Morgan. Even when Lulu didn't remember who she was, I could still recognize her as Lulu. Same with Nikolas. This guy? I've never seen him before.

For me, those are examples of shoddy writing and not whether Billy Miller is right/wrong for the part or should have been Lucky, etc.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I like Billy Miller.

He fills in a void left since Ron decided Sean Kanan was fat and AJ Quartermaine was useless, so he just had to fish Jasus from the swamp. But you know, I'm making the best of it. Micheal is a Quartermaine, he's wearing suits, hating Sonny. I have that. I'm hopeful that Billy Miller will wear suits and join in on the Sonny hate, maybe punch Sonny in the face. He did put Patrick in a choke hold kind of thing. That day was great. And some days Roger Howarth and Micheal Easton look like they're going off script. Plus, no Patrick nor Spencer in days. Two Tracy days.

I'm very sad the first season of Empire is almost over. I need a Cookie vs Sonny fan fic where she beats his ass. And I'm pissed about that stealth juror on the Jodi Arias jury.

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IK and MW were good today.

Was that the E.T. woman with Franco & Nina watching the news? If so, I think she is Patricia.

Edited by Tiger
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"You've gone down a slippery slope Michael and I just hope you can climb back up." Shut up Alexis! This is hardly the worst thing Michael's done, first of all. Second of all, why the hell did she take the case if she thinks it's so underhanded?

She's sleeping with Julian who she knows ordered a hit on Michael and who is the reason she's homeless and attacking Michael over his choices? If Sonny's house gets blown up like hers while that baby is with Michael, Michael did the right thing. 


Not to mention she was just as awful in Maxie's case, she did nothing to help her over Judge Walters. She sucks as a custody lawyer.

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I third that "STFU Alexis."  So how many Sonny apologists does that make now?  Michael = 0.  Sonny = 32?


I'm just glad that Dante and Olivia are too busy with their own crap to weigh in. (Given that both of them yesterday were like "God no!" when Dante asked if her child was Sonny's, both of them should have mixed feelings, but then everyone on this show should have mixed feelings about Sonny having custody. I'm surprised Robin hasn't sent Michael a text saying "oh gosh Michael I never thought you would do this when we were living in Brenda's cottage together".)

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Fuck Tony Geary, fuck Ron, and fuck me for still watching this shit show.


I was seeing the tweets from 2-3p and thought the better of watching the episode when it came on here. I think I made the right choice. 

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Fuck Tony Geary, fuck Ron, and fuck me for still watching this shit show.

Thank you for saying so succinctly exactly what I think about this stupid show. Hate. Hate. Hate.

I know it's bad when I don't care about the news interrupting.

There was an exact moment when I realized just how embarrassing this show is and that was when I heard these words (or words very close to these) from Scotty Baldwin: 

"I can't hear you Bobbie because your brother bit off my ear."


Can we just take a moment to reflect on the official death of a once-beloved show?


Nevermind. It's so beyond repair it's nowhere near what it once was.

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Was that the E.T. woman with Franco & Nina watching the news? If so, I think she is Patricia.



Who's E.T.?  I missed the beginning of the episode due to 10 hours not being quite enough time to devote to coverage of FOUR inches of snow.   They cut back in when Nina was holding a pillow and barking at that woman.


Can we just take a moment to reflect on the official death of a once-beloved show?



When the only place to put three daytime star actors is in an insane asylum, it pretty much has passed the point of not return.

Edited by sunnyface
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Has anyone seen the tweet from Michael Saucedo about "baby news?"  If RH is pregnant, congratulations to her, but PLEASE don't let Elizabeth have another baby.  We don't even see Aiden anymore?  He is still alive right?

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Has anyone seen the tweet from Michael Saucedo about "baby news?"  If RH is pregnant, congratulations to her, but PLEASE don't let Elizabeth have another baby.  We don't even see Aiden anymore?  He is still alive right?

Oh Lord, the pregnancy/baby storylines will NEVER end! I wonder who the WTD will be between this time if a) BH is pregnant and, b) if Ron writes in her pregnancy (who am I kidding? Of course he will!).

And isn't all this quoting dialogue and ripping off storylines from better writers/shows/films some sort of copyright infringement? I'm no lawyer, but I bet I can fake it better than Ron and well enough to convict him of something.

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It may be that Michael Saucedo is talking about a business deal and not an actual baby after reading a few tweets.  Let's hope it's a business deal and not because I have anything against a baby, but we know RC will write it into the GH storyline, and the LAST thing Elizabeth needs is another baby or WTD storyline.


So I'm going to go with it being about business news, perhaps something he and Rebecca are working on as a project.  

Edited by Bishop
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I like Billy Miller.

He fills in a void left since Ron decided Sean Kanan was fat and AJ Quartermaine was useless, so he just had to fish Jasus from the swamp. But you know, I'm making the best of it. Micheal is a Quartermaine, he's wearing suits, hating Sonny. I have that. I'm hopeful that Billy Miller will wear suits and join in on the Sonny hate, maybe punch Sonny in the face. He did put Patrick in a choke hold kind of thing. That day was great. And some days Roger Howarth and Micheal Easton look like they're going off script. Plus, no Patrick nor Spencer in days. Two Tracy days.

I'm very sad the first season of Empire is almost over. I need a Cookie vs Sonny fan fic where she beats his ass. And I'm pissed about that stealth juror on the Jodi Arias jury.

All of this^^^^^^^^^

Especially the part about RH and ME going off script. It's little moments like that where I can find joy in this show.


And ((hugs)) to you from me, and from both of us to the Alexander Family. Stealth juror first time, stealth juror this time. I am going to do my best to never say that murdering skank's name again and pray she gets hers in prison. I hear there are quite a few women waiting for her, and not for her to be their bitch. Real victims of DV are inside and they don't appreciate people using that excuse to literally get away with murder. (Sorry for going off topic Mods, but we are grieving for Travis Alexander and his Family. The Justice system in real life is just as messed up as it is on soaps)

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Yeah, I don't think she's pregnant either. He tweeted "is it okay to talk about the baby news" to her. You don't ask that question in public if you're not sure it's okay to announce it.


And if she were already pregnant I think it would have been showing on screen already, but I dunno.

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I get the impression BM isn't getting much guidance as to what the hell he's even supposed to play (I remember reading an interview recently where he seemed to infer as much).  Ron probably hasn't even decided yet.


After the accident with AJ, Jason was NOT the Jason Quartermaine they'd known.

 After the recent accident and trauma to his head, why might he not be again different from what he was like before the latest head trauma?

Having him so dumb as to agree to secretly work as an undercover person for a threatening, pugnacious commissioner would indicate new Jason is none too bright though.  He indicated to Elizabeth that he's aware that he's, AGAIN, under someone else's control, so this is a really bad and tired plotline when they could have chosen a storyline that had him showing some basic smarts.

Instead, they'd rather bore us with a passive, easily-used Jason.

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Random day player at Shadybrooke seems to be too good to be a random day player. Could she be more than than?

Allegedly Dee Wallace, who played played mom on "E.T." was going to be on this week. I and others have speculated that she is playing Patricia.

From her twitter pictures, that woman may have been her, but I am not sure. Either way, it was interesting that she was out of the scene before Luke entered it.

ETA: I swear Morgan must have programmed the auto-"correct" on my phone.

Edited by Tiger
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No, because there should still be SOME remnants of Jason's personality in there.  Jason would never - not ever - reenact a scene from Titanic nor would he even know about the scene in that movie.  Even when Jason lost his memory the last time around with SBu, he was still Jason.  His mind didn't warp into a completely different person that is so opposite of Jason Morgan.  Even when Lulu didn't remember who she was, I could still recognize her as Lulu.  Same with Nikolas.  This guy?  I've never seen him before.  


FWIW, I recognized Lulu as Lulu MORE when she had amnesia.  When she got her memory back and perky Lu came on the scene, I wanted to go back to amnesiac Lulu (minus Milo).   So I'm really curious to see what happens when "Jake" gets his Jake memories back.  

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Not to mention she was just as awful in Maxie's case, she did nothing to help her over Judge Walters. She sucks as a custody lawyer.


Alexis wasn't Maxie's lawyer in that custody case. She was Lulu and Dante's.


Sonny is such a petulant ass. This is really the first time he's lost in a custody case and he's showing how much of a sore loser he is. What the hell does he think Michael is going to do to Avery? Eat her? It would be one thing if this was Ava or something or a sworn enemy, but he knows Michael wouldn't do anything to hurt her. So listen to your lawyer, hand her over, and wait for the appeal. But, no, Sonny refuses to be outmaneuvered by anyone.


I loved Michael standing his ground and bringing up the meat hook, which of course neither Sonny or Carly had a response for.


I really wish Ryan Paevey was a better actor. I'll admit he's gotten better since he started, then again I think it would be hard pressed for him to get worse, but yikes he is still not good with anything remotely dramatic.I think he was supposed to be heartbroken there at the end, but it just looked like he was disappointed because he remembered he forgot to DVR The Simpsons.



No, because there should still be SOME remnants of Jason's personality in there.  Jason would never - not ever - reenact a scene from Titanic nor would he even know about the scene in that movie.  Even when Jason lost his memory the last time around with SBu, he was still Jason.  His mind didn't warp into a completely different person that is so opposite of Jason Morgan.  Even when Lulu didn't remember who she was, I could still recognize her as Lulu.  Same with Nikolas.  This guy?  I've never seen him before.


I don't think Jason was still Jason the last time he lost his memory. When Jason Q became Jason Morgan he was a completely different person. So why wouldn't this new brain damage result in a third incarnation. Plus, Jake can still be a smug douche at times, so there definitely still is some remnants of Jason Morgan in there.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
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