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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I am a wee bit confused.  It sounds like Nina woke up some time ago, because she told Silas that when he went to see her and her room was empty, that she had woken up and been moved to some other place where she was rehabbing her muscles etc.  Maddie would have known where she was, because how could she have arranged that otherwise.  So before Maddie is outed as the criminal she is, she has moved Nina to some place to recuperate.  Then suddenly Maddie would have been gone, to PC, and then really gone, to jail.  Nina wouldn't have seen her for weeks or mos.  Let's say Nina told her to get lost--that would be odd because she didn't yet know that Maddie was totes e-vul.  But let's say she did.  Then we have to assume that Nina never once looked at the new fangled internets to check up on her family's life while she was gone, or even read her own life story.  Also, none of Nina's caregivers or hospital staff read the papers or the internets either, or they did, but they are so professional they don't gossip and they certainly don't mention a thing to her.  Suddenly, she announces she wants to travel to PC to find Silas (no concern for her long lost bro though).  Her caregivers say, sure, let's go!  That means somehow some lawyer or someone must have visited her to give her access to her financial resources, but didn't tell her about her murderous mother. 


Doesn't make any sense to me.


I'm glad that Puke is having to "put up" with Tracy so much on their honeymoon, which annoys him. But it sounds like she is completely oblivious and on a romantic high about him, still apparently discounting everything Ned has alleged about Puke.


Other than being annoyed about Tracy, Puke has apparently not had to pay or suffer at all for his heinous acts and plans. Now he might be planning to have Sam harmed, and the demise of Patrina's baby and all their misery may be laid at his doorstep too. Lucas is barely recovering from his wounds in the hospital, and TJ is furious at his mother.


Thus, several families are suffering because of Puke's direct actions.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
Did they really just have Not!Luke threaten NotReallyRapedFrancoJustMadeHerThinkSheWas!Sam with rape?




They have thrown rape at Sam so many times over the years. I actually watched an old clip recently from when she tried to protect Mike from thugs at Kelly's - man I miss Mike... - and they turned on her, it was a rather intense scene too, and it was only Emily, still mental from her own attack, holding Mike's shotgun on them that got them to back off. I remember how they painted huge bruises on Kelly's torso and back to show how she'd been manhandled so brutally. Of course her dearly devoted Jason displayed his favourite "what's that smell" face of pain over it...


I won't even get into what she went through with Manny, especially since that actor was in a way too good at playing such a soulless demon. Their scenes were almost too realistic and shocking for me to watch.


I really can't think of any other actress in recent memory who, in the past decade, has had her character face attempted sexual assault as much as Kelly has. It's like they have this really sick obsession with victimizing Sam that way.


Really I think it's total hogwash that Julian could listen to notLuke make such obvious and disgusting threats about Sam and he merely goes about doing the rat's bidding like a whipped puppy dog. It is infuriating to me.


Julian is being made to just "accept" that this bastard nearly killed his son, he's threatened his daughter directly, and yet Julian is just says "okey dokey boss man, whatever you say". And it's all just to push this godawful mess along so Ron can get his way as usual.



No ty. No offense but there are cougars and then there is just nasty. bleck Morgan just seems like a little boy to me. Plus all the incest of father son mother daughter is just almost beyond gross to me.

I'd almost rather watch Morgan with Olivia




We may just end up finding out exactly how stomach turning a Olivia and Morgan hookup could be if Morgan's idiocy and "everybody I love has hurt me, oh woe is me" act continues, and since he is the son of Sonny and Carly that train-wreck isn't going to derail possibly ever.


What I always found so ridiculous about Morgan and Ava's "relationship" is that they make her so insecure and pathetic that she's clinging to a child as the "love of her life", a kid who hasn't even gone to college, who apparently has never had a job, has never once actually taken care of himself in any capacity. He leans on mummy and daddy and big brother Mikey, or whoever else has a credit card he can bum off of, even Kiki was basically his sugar mama when they were dating, but not once since his arrival, and aging, has Morgan shown a smidgen of maturity or an ounce of self awareness to me.


Instead he has been and remains a little boy who everyone either takes care of or puts up with. He has his little tantrums, where he hates everybody, he's been so betrayed, so hurt, until he isn't and then he is again.


It's like watching a five year old with facial hair, a grown up Spencer, spoiled rotten, no concept of true human emotions and healthy relationships, demanding and possessive and controlling because he doesn't know how to really love, it's unnerving and disturbing and not, to me, at all attractive. He nothing but a little kid and yet that's Ava's ideal man, the one who is supposed to be strong enough to save her with his love, which actually does make sense in a sick way since she, herself, seems to have never fully grownup either.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 5
To be fair, look at his parents and it's not so great a leap that he turned out this way.





No, I agree, that's why I said what I did about him being a train-wreck that probably won't derail anytime soon, because he is their kid, that's the highly dysfunctional legacy they passed onto him, and it's one of the main reasons I cannot stand him. Michael actually is worse to me of the two boys "raised" by those slaggards, and if I had to pick I'd punt him over the cliff ahead of Morgan, not by much though.


I have just come to hate all things Sonny and Carly and whoever came from their poisoned loins. They and their kids are like diseases without a cure, roaming around PC and infecting all who come into contact with them. If Sonny isn't having sex with every vagina in town, apparently he'll die otherwise, his sons soon follow suit, and Carly is just a never ending revolving door, and while Joss is still innocent for now, god help them all once she hits puberty.


That whole Corinthos/Carly bunch need to be wiped out as far as I'm concerned. Dante can stay, he isn't technically one, but the rest can burn.

  • Love 5
spoiled rotten, no concept of true human emotions and healthy relationships, demanding and possessive and controlling because he doesn't know how to really love



He seems to be supportive of Michael well enough, now that he's gotten over Michael's whole "stealing Kiki" thing. And after he left Michael to drown and all, heh. And he hasn't called Ava a whore yet (or did he when he saw them in the crypt? I forget), which, quite frankly, given the circumstances I wouldn't've blamed him if he threw that out there once or twice, so he's already doing way better than Sonny or Carly.


I just don't see the "no concept of true human emotions" aspect. He supported Kiki and instantly believed her when she told him about FakeLuke hitting on her, he's been supportive of Michael, he was freaking out when Carly was missing; he regretted ratting out Ava and stopped Julian from killing her, he was at the hospital to visit Lucas; he's callow, but he's not a monster.

I think I actually liked the second sex scene better, especially beause the hotness was juxtaposed with Michael and Kiki's extremely tepid "tru wuv foreva!" lovemaking, which Kiki deemed "nice" lol.


Hee! I would have, but I forgot the date.

  • Love 2
I just don't see the "no concept of true human emotions" aspect




The point I was making wasn't to paint him as some kind of emotionless monster, but I was saying that Morgan is shit at reading people and has no grasp on human emotions to keep from getting played time and time again. He is so gullible it'd be funny if it wasn't so beyond dumb-ass on his part. That is why I also included "healthy relationship" with that statement because that tied into it.


He can't read people, he keeps turning to the very same people who wrecked him as if all he has to do is just give them one more chance and something is going to change. He was furious, rightly so, at Ava, but after a ten minute chat with Kiki he went off to tell Sonny that he was ready to be a daddy and take care of Ava and the kid, that just...I still can't with that. That isn't showing love, that's showing such a depth of ignorance to me it's beyond belief.


Morgan has no foundation for what makes a healthy, loving relationship, certainly not one with a parent or partner, sibling is a bit of a stretch, considering he has a brother who stole his wife away from him, but overall the kid just has really crappy people around him who treat him as such and in turn he displays back what he knows, all he knows, which is a user mentality that keeps him tied to people who keep using him up and spitting him back out and will only continue to do so, imo.


To be frank I'd feel sorry for how screwed up he is if he wasn't so annoying on top of it. He reminds me of JR from AMC, and by god I always wanted that kid to die in a fiery car crash since his conception, so now Morgan has taken up his spot on my "soap kids I wish had died in child birth" list.

  • Love 2

I don't know how Nathan got the nickname Det Plywood, b/c I think RP acting is decent. He shows emotions and interacts with people.


I agree, I have actually never thought RP was terrible and at this point in time I honestly believe he's a better actor than like at least 10 others in most scenes. But then I loved GV as Lucky too and he apparently sucked. RP is very earnest and I appreciate that. He has a sweetness and warmth to him.


Thanks, Ulkis, I don't ever get tired of watching them screw each other. 


Same! Now ulkis, find us that second sex scene so we can relive that as well! I need to go down a Morgan/Ava youtube spiral.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2


What I always found so ridiculous about Morgan and Ava's "relationship" is that they make her so insecure and pathetic that she's clinging to a child as the "love of her life", a kid who hasn't even gone to college, who apparently has never had a job, has never once actually taken care of himself in any capacity.


I still can't believe part of the reason why nasty crypt sex happened was because Ava was jealous of HER OWN DAUGHTER. So much pathetic. 



To be fair, look at his parents and it's not so great a leap that he turned out this way.


I feel like blaming Carly and Sonny for the way Morgan has turned out is giving him a free pass he doesn't deserve. Lots of people have childhoods way worse than his and they still manage to turn out OK. Look at Michael, he killed someone and got raped in prison yet he somehow manages to be less annoying than him. He has his own problems but at least he's not constantly whining all the damn time. And besides, Morgan himself has said Jax was more of a father to him than Sonny, and Carly wasn't that bad of a parent while she was with Jax, so Morgan has even less of a reason to be such a dumbass bastard. 

  • Love 1

I'm meh, on Morgan & Ava apart but together they sizzle. IMO, those two play off of each other very well. I love watching their relationship in the beginning before Ron decided to get involved, muck things up & stop them from having hot sex.

I remember laughing at the dual sex scenes between Morgan/Ava & Micheal/Kaka. Mi-Kaka came off like awkward inexperienced teenagers playing at being sexy while Ava/Morgan were simply hot. I remember thinking, " I bet they want me to think Ava/Morgan" , are nasty vile people but their steamy chemistry took over & I just didn't care. I wanted more of that not awkard chemistryless sex.

Morgan hanging around KaKa so much is making me itch.

ETA: I don't by this version of Micheal. I've lived thru chuckyMicheal, MyKill, AngryMicheal & the stupid little shit versions. Panda faced sensitive Micheal doesn't work for me. For me, part of it is CD's face & acting.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 4

Morgan hanging around KaKa so much is making me itch.


Me too. I actually sorta kinda like Morgan/Kiki as friends, but I'm getting real scared about where this is going. When they hugged on Friday I felt actual fear inside me. Just say no, show! You have already ruined Morgan/Ava, don't make the huge mistake of going back to Morgan/Kiki. But, it a real perverse way, I am kinda interested in seeing them do a sex scene, because of the CD factor.

  • Love 1
Puke has apparently not had to pay or suffer at all for his heinous acts and plans.

That's because nobody knows he's the one behind things. Here's hoping we don't have to wait through the summer for this story to end. It's so BORING. Julian is totally wimping out, and Ned, the only other person who's wondering what's up with Luke, is AWOL. With my luck, it'll be Lauren who figures it all out, because she suddenly knows all in PC. 


What I always found so ridiculous about Morgan and Ava's "relationship" is that they make her so insecure and pathetic that she's clinging to a child as the "love of her life",


Same here. I don't mind the age difference at all, but if bozo Morgan is Ava's true love, show me (or, given this show, tell me) why. I'm seeing nothing. If it's just a bunch of hot sex, I'm fine with that, too, but show (or tell) me that's what it is. As it stands, I haven't the faintest idea what's going on with these two except there's a baby involved and no one is sure whose it is.

  • Love 2

Why do I have the feeling we will see Nina rise from her chair and walk around when she's alone?  That she' using the chair to garner sympathy?  And when did she have the time to get highlights in her hair?


Nina got the highlights in her hair from Donna Mills, her blond Mom. I totally buy that.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1


I found the Anna/Jordan scenes disappointing, too, because it was basically Anna telling Jordan how being undercover messed up the PCPD. It sounded so whiny. Oh, Anna, that train sailed way before Jordan got there.



We know that Jordan is staying in town, so it's not as though she is going on to use her undercover identity elsewhere to pursue another case. Even so, the points made by Anna were stupid on so many levels. Jordan and the DEA spent years constructing an elaborate second life and now she's going to drop it after one arrest, before it even produces a case ready for trial, rather than continue to exploit her identity as a supposed criminal? And we are supposed to beieve there would be absolutely no risk to her or her son when she is revealed as undercover? I'm not buying the idea that Jordan would be on board for this beyond the idea that TJ really needs to be let in on the truth and moved anywhere other than under the roof of a mob flunkey who has repeatedly demonstrated that TJ's welfare comes second to his criminal ambitions, but that could be done without publicly revealing her real job. I completely agree that Anna's complaint about Jordan's release making her department look bad was whiny, especially if we consider how bad it is for the image of that same department to have the police commissioner keeping company with a man who has long established and current ties to organized crime.

I like Morgan/Ava and Nathan.  RP sure is purty.


Speaking of pretty....I showed Mr. Songbird Jordan from yesterday and he said "Damn!  That woman is fine!"  Yessir, yessir.  I would kill to look like that.


I need another scene of Julian in his briefs.  He fine, too.  Jordan/Julian sex would melt my TV.  But I'm willing to take the chance.


Whatever became of the Tracy I love?  I swear she's been lobotomized.  Real Tracy Q  would see thru FakeLuke in an instant.


Fuckin' Ron.



  • Love 3

Okay, did the actress playing Britt somehow get on the makeup team's shit list because what the ever loving hell was up with her hair today?!


I couldn't believe it - it was as if one side in the front was getting ready for a beauty pageant, while the other side hung limp and lonely, and then you had the back where sections, actual sections of hair were sticking straight out as if they'd gotten a "There's Something about Mary" treatment. I was just actually stunned to see that someone let her go out and film with that mess on her head and they kept it in.


Britt's mean girl act is so trivial, and it makes her look like a loser, well more of a loser than usual.


I got a good chuckle out of Brad's booty comment, I bet Lucas knew what he was working with all too well... *sighs* Damn you, Ron, damn you to heck for taking apart that hot couple.


Duke needs to be drowned in two inches of water. He got mad at Anna for following the law and doing her job and she just stood there and took it. What I wouldn't give for Vincent as David to show up out of the blue and just start to pummel Duke into the ground until all that's left is Irish pulp.


Though I will say that Anna's eyebrows did seem rather pissed at something, I'm not sure what since she didn't slap Duke's ass two ways around the world for spewing his bs at her.


Sonny your "fancy meeting you here" line only works if you aren't the one paying the other person a very intentional visit, you festering ass pimple. Can someone take some shards of broken barware and jab it into his jugular vein?


Rick was very animated today, maybe Carrrrrrlos coached him a little bit. I can't get this scene of Ric and Carlos chatting out of my head, where Carlos teaches him how to properly implore the woman he loves to believe in him.


"It's like this - Sabrrrrrrrrinnaaaa! See what I did there? The rolling "r"s? That's the key, you gotta work that tongue, bro."


"Okay, okay so-right, working the tongue but-I mean her name is Elizabeth, I don't have any "r"s to roll."


"Dang - she got any nicknames?"




"That's worse man, too bad her name isn't 'Isabella' you know, Spanish for Elizabeth, you could at least get after the 'a' on the end. Like, Isabellllaaaaaaaa!"




"No, man, aaaaaaaaaa!"


"Right, aaaaaaaaa!"


"More feeling, I want to feel it, aaaaaaa!"




"Don't forget the crazy eyes!"


Don't mind me having my little weekly psychotic break over here.


Julian needs to go back to being a bad ass pronto, does he even carry his gun around anymore? I hate this, all of it, it's so pointless and Alexis is going to be very upset and Sam is probably going to pull back from him and he'll be right back to square 1 and I will be very, very unhappy. Thanks Ron, you festering ass pimple.


And lastly the Nik and Alexis' scenes where, yet again, nephew has only auntie to whine about his stupid non-love life to, boring, just very boring.


It's only Tuesday...I am not going to make it...

  • Love 2

Re: the Elizabeth-Britt scenes - Britt really is just a 16-year-old girl in a woman's body. I wish Monica had happened to hear Britt's AJ bash and issued a smackdown as she was going at Elizabeth. 


Good to see Diane!! Really good Diane-Elizabeth. Diane was mostly right, although she was a little wrong because Liz hasn't "fallen for" Ric. Nice of Ron to have a character acknowledge this is a repeat of the AJ downfall.


Super sweet/well done Molly-Ric scenes. That's the first time I've believed Ric loves his daughter. Great job by Hearst.


Nikolas looks great. I'm so amused at his jab at Britt and Brad. Love that Alexis-Nikolas relationship, I like that she called him out.  Also, Brad really is just an immature teenager at heart as well. Ugh.  


Re Previews: Don't tease Samtrick, show. It's not nice.


So Sonny's in pain, and the only person left in town that he can belittle in order to make himself feel better is Ric, who is conveniently behind bars so he can't fight back. What a guy. There was no other reason for him to visit him today.

Except for that plot point that really would have served better as a flashback.

Oh, and so the town crimelord and former crimelord could meet and discuss crimelord-related business in the middle of the police department. 'Cause that doesn't strain credulity at all.

Edited by rur
  • Love 4

"Little Anna"? Isn't she an adult at this point?


Oh, Britt. Liz and Nik will implode all on their own. You just need to stand back and watch. Also, Nik is so not worth the effort anyway.


LOL that Sonny yells about Ric denying his guilt. When does Sonny ever take responsibility for anything?


The Ric/Molly scenes were really nice. RH and HP have a lovely vibe. 


Don't Ric and Diane know each other? Why is Liz the one hiring her?


Color me shocked that Jordan told Anna that Ric was set up so soon after learning about it. I thought Ron would drag this part of the story out.


Of course Lulu might not have a busted uterus. FFS. Anything having to do with her and that stupid embryo sends me into a rage blackout. It's all so aggravating and stupid.

  • Love 3

Molly...Molly...Molly...shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!! I have said before, and I still maintain that she's not wrong to believe in her dad, and in this instance--because the audience knows the truth--she's right to do so.  But she HAS GOT TO STOP talking shit to and about her mother and the reasons why Alexis believes Julian over Ric.  It's so one-sided and smacks of white-washing Ric's past crimes purely for sympathy.  Molly, honey, you believe your father because you love him and trust him, right?  And he's not given you a reason, other than being absent for most of your life, not to trust him, right?  Well, that's the EXACT situtation your mother is in.  See, she loves and trusts Julian, and doesn't know of any reason why she shouldn't believe and trust him.  Not trusting you father?  Well, there's a truckload of reasons for that!


And FU Ric Lansing!  The worst thing you ever did was leave Molly?  To be raised in a stable and loving home.  That's the WORST thing you've ever done?  Not framing your daughter's sister and uncle for crimes neither committed, or for putting a hit out on your daughter's sister?  Not screwing your daughter's sister while married to her mother?  Not having your daughter's mother jailed while she was suffering from cancer?  Sorry, pal, that last one take the cake, and if you had any self-awarness at all, you'd see the karmic justice in your current plight.  If there was just a little bit of reflection, or even a slight defense of Molly's mother when that entitled little brat is spewing garbage about her mother, I might care that you're wrongfully accused, but until then..sorry, no dice.


Seriously...all it would take is the following comment, "Hey, Molly, ease off your mom.  She has her reasons, very good reasons, for not believing in me."

Edited by Partygirl
  • Love 6


The worst thing you ever did was leave Molly?

The worst thing any father does is leave his child.  I think that Ric/RH is playing this as a Father (and he and Haley clearly have a Father/Daughter vibe going in real life as well, you can see it on twitter). And in his "father mind" leaving Molly was the worst thing he did. I can not only believe that he thinks this way I can understand it and he conveys his fatherly concern far better then Sonny/MB who needs every one else telling him that he is a good father. Ric here is at least owning his bad parenting, which is a great start for becoming a good one.


I never liked the Ric Character before, he was far to tied to Sonny, but I am liking this run and would hope that Ron has the common sense to keep Ric and Liz together and let them settle down into a mature happy couple who others can turn to. 


It would be great to see Lucky return and thank Ric for being there for Cam and Aidan.  You know like mature fully developed people would act.

  • Love 4
That's the key, you gotta work that tongue, bro."


I like to think that neither Ric, nor Carlos need instruction on working their tongues. 


Today was super dull. Julian is all mopey, Sonny is all whatever Sonny is, Anna is getting shittier at her job by the minute, and Duke? It was Julian's fucking sister, not Julian himself that caused the  elevator accident. Look it up on youtube dude. 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
  • Love 4
Molly...Molly...Molly...shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!! I have said before, and I still maintain that she's not wrong to believe in her dad, and in this instance--because the audience knows the truth--she's right to do so.  But she HAS GOT TO STOP talking shit to and about her mother and the reasons why Alexis believes Julian over Ric.  It's so one-sided and smacks of white-washing Ric's past crimes purely for sympathy.  Molly, honey, you believe your father because you love him and trust him, right?  And he's not given you a reason, other than being absent for most of your life, not to trust him, right?  Well, that's the EXACT situtation your mother is in.  See, she loves and trusts Julian, and doesn't know of any reason why she shouldn't believe and trust him.  Not trusting you father?  Well, there's a truckload of reasons for that!



Except Ric is Molly's dad and someone she's known her whole life. Alexis had a one night stand with Julian 30 years ago and has been reacquainted with the man for less than a year. Molly has much better reasons to trust Ric than Alexis does Julian.


"Little Anna"? Isn't she an adult at this point?



I guess to Duke she's still a kid though, especially since he still kinda has that whole 20 year gap due to prison.


Of course Lulu might not have a busted uterus. FFS. Anything having to do with her and that stupid embryo sends me into a rage blackout. It's all so aggravating and stupid.



I expected this right when Lulu got diagnosed. They made a point of her refusing to get a second opinion. that said, I'm sure it's still dangerous for her and I'm sure she's not gonna have another baby anytime soon.

  • Love 4

I realize the reason I mostly liked today was I'm interested in 10 characters out of about 14 who appeared - all of whom are true GHers. Some mentioned relevant GH character history, recent and not-so-recent. And the majority are portrayed by actors who know their lines and have talent. Most of the characters we complain about currently weren't on today, so yay.  

  • Love 3

 Nah, I think Alexis is dicknotized on Julian. I think they have chemistry and all, but she only just got involved with yet another crime boss. He immediately iced her ex-husband who, while Ric is far, far, far from a saint, has no apparent ties to this. She knows Ric, she knows who and what he is, she knows he, to his credit, has shown virtually no interest in Sonny or his old troubles since returning to town. For all her infatuation, she barely knows Julian. I think she's being an idiot and I think Molly is right to call attention to the elephant in the room - you don't know the father of your first child that well.


I never thought I'd root for Ric again and I think his sudden face turn towards becoming a better man is totally plot-driven with not much background in dialogue, but I think Rick Hearst is selling it and this forced "I am the romantic obstacle" shit with Liz for all it's worth. I know Ron has no interest in him or the couple, or virtually any character, beyond cheap plot blockage for his latest plot diagram triangle with Nikolas and Liz. I was never a fan of Ric and Liz in the past but I'm into it now, when there is zero investment from the writers. I would like to see them win the day, but I know they won't.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

 Sonny, or as he is known in the Moving home, Fredo Corleone is the whiniest, whiner who has ever whined.  He spreads his whine around Port Charles like a virus.  Look at what he has done to Duke and now Anna.  Duke was vulnerable after all he spent 20 years in a Turkish prison,  but Anna F*cking Devane, international superspy, this is just too much for me.  She is not only a whiney mess, she is a dumbed down whiney mess.

  • Love 2


Britt's mean girl act is so trivial, and it makes her look like a loser, well more of a loser than usual.



Britt really is just a 16-year-old girl in a woman's body.

Also, Brad really is just an immature teenager at heart as well. Ugh.


I enjoy Britt and Brad separately and together, but I never have and never will enjoy or be especially amused by their juvenlie scheming. It's just puerile and dull-witted, not at all compelling to watch coming from two supposedly smart characters even if it's a given that they are both well behind the curve in terms of emotional maturity. It has the potential to be comedic with a writer with a better flair for comedy than was in evidence today, but even so it regresses the arc we've been shown with both characters trying not to be such spiteful jerks in their dealings with others. It negates what little effort went into making them seem more dimensional and less like the flat, cartoonish plot-point villains they started out as being.


I don't entirely understand why TPTB are spending time on them staring at their latest bullying target, whispering in corners and generally acting like sociopathic middle-schoolers. If you like the characters it's quite possibly going to seem annoying and a waste of time, if you can't stand the characters it's quite possibly going to seem annoying and a waste of time. Where is the gain in that? Is it all good because we'll be united in a common cause of being annoyed and feeling like our time has been wasted?

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 1

Ok, does Nina know that Detective Bedroom Eyes is not her brother but her cousin and that she has another girl cousin in Britt?  Since the "Britch" is obstensibly back, I'd like to see Nina help Britt get Nik back and make Liz's life miserable just for fun.  And Britt can return the favor by helping her make Silas' life a living hell because damn him sucking the sexy out of KeMo. 


Sam can go play detective with Patrick and "comfort" him whilst doing it and then I want Suckbrina to walk in on them and immediately slit her wrists.

  • Love 7


Sonny, or as he is known in the Moving home, Fredo Corleone is the whiniest, whiner

Oh my God, perish the thought. I  agree that Sonny is more Fredo that Michael but I thought I was going to put my foot through my TV when I re-watched the Godfather movies recently and realized how much MoBe's gestures and verbal tics are things he has borrowed from them with none of the depth that better actors give to a character's mannerisms. John Cazale was an amazing actor, MoBe barely deserves to share the same job title.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 1
What I always found so ridiculous about Morgan and Ava's "relationship" is that they make her so insecure and pathetic that she's clinging to a child as the "love of her life", a kid who hasn't even gone to college, who apparently has never had a job, has never once actually taken care of himself in any capacity. He leans on mummy and daddy and big brother Mikey, or whoever else has a credit card he can bum off of, even Kiki was basically his sugar mama when they were dating, but not once since his arrival, and aging, has Morgan shown a smidgen of maturity or an ounce of self awareness to me.



Wasn't Morgan in college when he got involved with the gamblers that Ava got him entangled with?


Speaking of pretty....I showed Mr. Songbird Jordan from yesterday and he said "Damn!  That woman is fine!"  Yessir, yessir.  I would kill to look like that.


I'll second that.  A nice looking lady.

  • Love 1

Ok, does Nina know that Detective Bedroom Eyes is not her brother but her cousin and that she has another girl cousin in Britt? Since the "Britch" is obstensibly back, I'd like to see Nina help Britt get Nik back and make Liz's life miserable just for fun. And Britt can return the favor by helping her make Silas' life a living hell

Lulu123, how many people would I have to pay to make this happen? This actually involves characters doing something kind of interesting!

Edited by rur

I expected this right when Lulu got diagnosed. They made a point of her refusing to get a second opinion. that said, I'm sure it's still dangerous for her and I'm sure she's not gonna have another baby anytime soon.


Yeah, at the time Lulu basically said there was no point in getting a second opinion, which means the first diagnosis will be proven totally wrong. It's really annoying to me that the writers can think of nothing better to do with Lulu than embroil her in baby issues. That's literally all she thinks and talks about.


It has the potential to be comedic with a writer with a better flair for comedy than was in evidence today, but even so it regresses the arc we've been shown with both characters trying not to be such spiteful jerks in their dealings with others.


I agree. If Britt and Brad's conniving was being shown as wacky high jinks, it could be sort of enjoyable. Their plans could backfire and they'd be the only ones affected. But I have a feeling Britt is going to enlist Spencer in her plan, and I don't need to see more of that brat. And talk about backsliding—using an 8-year-old to get his father back? Ugh.


Ok, does Nina know that Detective Bedroom Eyes is not her brother but her cousin and that she has another girl cousin in Britt?


Nina knows that Nathan isn't her brother—though they're going to ignore the technicality, which works for me; at this point, it doesn't make a difference in their relationship—but she doesn't know about Britt yet. At least that we've seen onscreen.

Edited by dubbel zout
Yeah, at the time Lulu basically said there was no point in getting a second opinion, which means the first diagnosis will be proven totally wrong. It's really annoying to me that the writers can think of nothing better to do with Lulu than embroil her in baby issues. That's literally all she thinks and talks about.



I wish she and Maxie would re-start Crimson. Both she and Maxie could use that boost.


I shuddered to hear "the Britch" nickname come back. Argh.


I really liked Molly and Ric. I wish Ric prioritized her more though. I also liked the Alexis/Nik scenes. I've always enjoyed their vibe.

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 Sonny, or as he is known in the Moving home, Fredo Corleone is the whiniest, whiner who has ever whined.  He spreads his whine around Port Charles like a virus.  Look at what he has done to Duke and now Anna.  Duke was vulnerable after all he spent 20 years in a Turkish prison,  but Anna F*cking Devane, international superspy, this is just too much for me.  She is not only a whiney mess, she is a dumbed down whiney mess.


I was going to make my own comment on this comparison to Cazale, but yuggapukka said it already.  And, as a fan of "The Godfather", please cease from any further parallels between that amazing film trilogy and this tripe.  Hell, I'm being generous so no comparisons to "The Sopranos" either.


How does Britt still have a job? How many times has she been caught in criminal activity at that hospital?


You're really asking this?  How many times has her MOTHER been caught in criminal acts and be able to still be running the whole hospital?  This is wht drive me up the wall with crime and this show.


I'm glad that Puke is having to "put up" with Tracy so much on their honeymoon, which annoys him. But it sounds like she is completely oblivious and on a romantic high about him, still apparently discounting everything Ned has alleged about Puke.

Other than being annoyed about Tracy, Puke has apparently not had to pay or suffer at all for his heinous acts and plans. Now he might be planning to have Sam harmed, and the demise of Patrina's baby and all their misery may be laid at his doorstep too. Lucas is barely recovering from his wounds in the hospital, and TJ is furious at his mother.

Thus, several families are suffering because of Puke's direct actions.


I would just like to know when Fake Luke is going to get about his purported business of hurting Sonny where he lives, since he "needs to be punished" and all, for... whatever.  I agree, Sonny needs to be punished for a multitude of things  ::please have Michael find out he murdered A.J.:: but at this rate, it looks like Fake Luke is going to be about as successful as the law in PC in doing anything to punish Sonny.  He's going after everyone but Sonny.

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I'd like to see Nina help Britt get Nik back and make Liz's life miserable just for fun.  And Britt can return the favor by helping her make Silas' life a living hell because damn him sucking the sexy out of KeMo.



I want Nick and Britt to get back together.  I'm totally Team Britt.

I watched half of today's epi and turned it off because I was bored. Did Caaraarrrrlllos make a late entry? I just my have to go back and finish it.  {still looking for his "interpretive" dance! :)}.


You're really asking this?  How many times has her MOTHER been caught in criminal acts and be able to still be running the whole hospital?  This is wht drive me up the wall with crime and this show.


Obrecht has leverage with Victor and the WSB; what does Britt have? AFAIK Obrecht only covered her ass one time thus far.

Edited by jsbt

I liked today's ep. Like I legitimately enjoyed most of it. I did ffwd the Anna/Duke scenes though because I just can't with Duke anymore.


I continue to love the Britt/Brad friendship. I don't mind that they're childish. Although I do wish Brad had just let Britt give up on Nik. That's so tiresome. Also, I really wish Britt and Liz would realize Nik sucks and have hate sex. They have great chem IMO.


I have never ever enjoyed Molly, but I like her a lot currently. The Ric/Molly father/daughter bond is really great and I just love that Molly is defending him so fiercely. HP and RH have a great rapport.


I still want a Jordan/Julian fling. He put his arm around her! And she looked annoyed! Fuck already!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Ron, has destroyed Duke for me. He is unbelievably stupid & pathetic. IB/Duke can leave anytime now. Free Anna, from this shit. They should have put TR on contract.

HP & RHe have excellent father/daughter chemistry. I wish they would do more with that dynamic but done expect it because Ron can't do relationships of any kind well.

HP is definitely coming into her own. She can out act a large number of the adults.

Yeah, the Britt/Brad scenes came off childless but remember the maturity level of the ones who are writing the show. I still enjoy the Britt/Brad friendship. I enjoy the way those two play off each other. Plus, I'm determined to enjoy PS's scenes without MS/Felix or Fecas as a couple.

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Maxie couldn't run a lemonade stand right now. She has a lot more growing up to do. Lulu, well, they'd have to really sell it after years of baby crap.


Even running a lemonade stand would be something, at least. I agree that it would be a hard sell for both of them, but I'd gladly handwave it.


Ron, has destroyed Duke for me. He is unbelievably stupid & pathetic. IB/Duke can leave anytime now. Free Anna, from this shit. They should have put TR on contract.



I forgot how much he irked me today. I don't know why Ian Buchanan is so off, but he's not helping.

Edited by ulkis
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